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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. Below is a fascinating interview with a woman who knows Tibet and all the rivers, glaciers, forests in the whole area occupied by China. I found the interview with her very informative right to the end. She is frustrated because the west pleases China and does not publish anything about the use of water and destruction of forests by China - actua;;y they protect China. https://www.theepochtimes.com/maura-moynihan-how-communist-china-weaponized-the-waters-of-asia_3492006.html?__sta=vhg.uosvmhkxvustsjnsbs|QUB&__stm_medium=email&__stm_source=smartech
  2. No prob. I do not like reading hate-OCD contributions. I like to learn new things or learn new perspectives.... not the same old, same old.
  3. Question: Is it really about MORALITY or are they going after all christian religions? .....to create a false impression of morality and the false impression they are trying to hold some people accountable. This question is valid since we are aware that the largest child sex trafficking rings have high up government officials, lawyers, judges, child services and other social services involved in the trafficking - even top charity foundations. And this is only the tip of the iceberg because the world is under Satan's control. Sweet deals are given to top government officials (or rich people) of which Epstein and prince Andrew have become the only two faces. Ms Maxwell is awaiting trial but it seems that the previous immunity given her by the sweet deal done in 2007 may hold up in court - or she may also be suicided - so that the other high up officials are not exposed. Time will tell. Ordinary people are desperate to see some justice done.... even though they do not realize the entire justice system in the world is now rotten and compromised. Top officials tell low down honest cops to leave cases alone! I follow court cases and see the results of people being harassed by law (they lose all their money in order to fight manufactured charges) .....and others (with the right connections) who get scot-free after having perpetrated heinous deeds...... It reminds me of the justice in Israel before Jehovah allowed them to go into exile. Listened to a guy yesterday who spoke out about Epstein's money schemes - he worked for secret services. His own charges were also "disappeared" because he was implicated in Epstein's schemes .......and was let off. One can do heinous things if you are a security asset. Hollywood and media is rotten with it too! A few ex-child stars have spoken out. But money and power speaks and protects..... it is also WHO you know that is busy with the same despicable deeds in secret who can cover up for you. BBC itself was racked with scandals which are only now seeing the light and the perpetrators got away with it because they are well-known faces. This will only be sorted out completely when Jehovah brings all things which were done in secret into the open when he is the judge. UK police ignore the Muslim gangs raping children but prosecute Christians. In UK there is a big public controversy at present in the public domain because the Muslims want a BBC documentary banned. It has only aired once. The BBC documentary (took 11 months of under cover work and interviews) was aired last week which exposed the Muslim Clerics marrying 9 - 16 year old girls for a few hours to old men (pleasure marriages where the father receives money for pimping his daughter - and which is common practice in Shia Islam). Clerics give legal marriage documents for only a few hours, days or months and when the contract is over the girl goes back to her father....... he literally acts as a pimp. The man can treat her any way he likes. If he sodomizes her and does not break her virginity then the price is less. I studied with a woman who told me that young girls do fall pregnant and the babies are aborted. Another thing going on is prostitution. When a Muslim man in anger cries out divorce three times - the wife is divorced. She can only go back to her husband ( according to sharia law) AFTER she has slept with someone else...... (This happened because the prophet changed the law after sleeping with his adopted son's wife.... and sent her back to his son.) So married women have to pay another man a lot of money to sleep with her, or have the service provided by a cleric.....and most of the women are forced into this - they do not want to do it. Why is this not exposed more? That sounds very moral to you I am sure! I wonder why you do not use your energies to go after the real crimes but pick on the easy ones to humiliate. I am not apologizing for the Catholics but I clearly see that jewish priests and imams are not prosecuted because they are a protected minority. They CANNOT be seen as predators or racist..... no they are innocent little lambs according to the new worldly way of thinking. if one speaks against these things in UK you can get a 6 year prison sentence. Only the Christian sexual crimes are highlighted. Do you not think that Satan is behind the hate for all Christians? ... even if they are false Christians? Jesus did not fix all the problems while on earth. He kept Jehovah's laws perfectly and by his integrity proved that Jehovah's way of ruling is righteous. Similarly - JWs try to live lives of integrity. The odd person perpetrates a very wicked crime which cannot always be proven.... but there is a promise that |Jehovah will expose every hidden thing.
  4. here is another one for you - but I guess this is also American propaganda: According to Amnesty International, victims of the Iranian regime's systematic torture include children as young as 10 years old. "[V]ictims were frequently hooded... punched, kicked and flogged; beaten with sticks, rubber hosepipes, knives,... suspended or forced into holding painful stress positions for prolonged periods; deprived of sufficient food and potable water..." (Image source: iStock. Image is illustrative and does not represent any person in the article.) The Iranian regime has significantly ratcheted up its human rights violations. The United Nations and the European Union, which preach about human rights, completely turn a blind eye to the regime's abuses." ......So we must ignore amnesty international because it is propaganda - depending on the news outlet which takes the time to report on it. 'Tabloid press' does not take the time report on such things.... and with tabloid press I mean most of the media that belongs to one oligarch.....
  5. The WHOLE world is in the power of Satan - and all the governments are part of the beast. This is why it is important to look at the world as if one is analyzing trends - in order not to take sides. Trends can tell us where things are leading to - so as to see where it looks possible for bible prophecy to go into fulfillment and one can stand aside and look on. I do like to know what is going on..... but very careful not to get involved in the sides. One cannot take sides between parties or countries because they all are the beast. BUT it does not mean one is taking sides when one points to realities going on in countries or areas where people do not have access to much information. A lot of bad information is deliberately covered up in this world - such as child trafficking; human rights abuses; killing in the name of religion; corruption in justice systems; abuses perpetrated by science corporations etc. These are carefully covered up and compromised leaders are all given a pass s - even if their hands have been involved in dirty deals and they are financially compromised. It seems as if the top echelons of society all know each other and cover for each other. They even get sweet deals when they have been criminal. This thugocracy is going on in most countries. I cannot think of a country or major organization where top people have not invested in the corporations that are advising governments; or are supposed to give oversight and are compromised financially - which actually is a form of fascism (corporatism with government together in the same bed).
  6. https://www.theepochtimes.com/china-has-disappeared-tens-of-thousands-under-system-of-state-sanctioned-kidnapping-report_3490558.html?ref=brief_News&utm_source=morningbriefnoe&utm_medium=email This is an article based on a report by a human rights group called Safeguard Defenders. Every day I see REPORTS like this (not written by Americans who have a propaganda motive) but according to some people on the forum, all these atrocities are for the 'benefit' of the Chinese people..... How blind can a person be! Please NOTE: this is a REPORT from a human rights group. Journalists, lawyers etc are the kind of people who are being disappeared. This following article on YouTube explains agenda 21 and agenda 2030 very superficially but has some good points. It indicates that we should not take sides with China or the West - why? They are all part of the future science technocracy which will take over the hegemony of the world. Most of the governments of the world signed up for this in 1992......(176 out of 190 countries). Everything will be monitored - use of food, waste, use of water, electricity, fuel etc etc. They are doing this under the guise of climate change (climate change is real but they want to secure the future of the earth - for those who are worthy. They are also using health-security as a reason to monitor everyone and use DNA etc to manipulate humans. The synthetic DNA will change us. This reminds me of the mixing of DNA before the flood and how Jehovah stepped in because hybrids cannot produce children. This has been their dream for a long time but it is now with the advent of mega-databases that this has become possible. Watch until the end to get a full understanding. She just touches on the education system and the 4th industrial revolution...... but it is this 4th industrial revolution which is scary and crazy ... if you want to do more research on this..... and yes it is people who do not believe in god and believe in science for the future. Most of the oligarchs and mega-rich technocrats are involved with this and moving things along the way they want it - as planned. Using their charity foundations to support mega-corporations, military and pharmaceutical industrial complex to get this completed. it is a Dutch website but the content is in English: No - the people on the defensive is the CCP state apparatus. I feel sorry for the Chinese people under the oppressive regime. I do not mind if a regime is oppressive - as long as they allow freedom of religion in your own home. But this is no longer a choice allowed the Chinese people.... which makes them an ally of the King of the North. another news item from Hong Kong: Police said that 289 people had been arrested, mostly under suspicion of unlawful assembly. One woman was arrested in the Kowloon district of Yau Ma Tei on charges of assault and spreading pro-independence slogans, the police department said on its Facebook page. It said such slogans are illegal under a newly enacted national security law.
  7. So he is your "leader" or teacher? Who says he is right in his assumptions? Is it because you tend to go against anything written by the GB that you agree with his assumptions? While he does try very hard to sound "open minded" and "politically correct", it does not mean he is correct in what he writes. I have seen long unrelated searches for past information that has nothing to do with the present. Long writings which prove that he only accepts what sounds right to his own mind.....and sometimes the 'past' falls into that category and the present is not considered. Long quotes from the past publications to criticize the GB...... or....quotes which come across as criticism of the GB - all in the name of trying to look 'open minded'. I have have seen more than enough evidence to prove totally the opposite of what he says - you are going after your own desires and not really looking what the bible has to say? I am done with wasting my valuable time to answer these non-substantial challenges or trolling episodes.... Witnesses believe in 1914 and those who do not, must look to themselves to ask why do they think their own opinions are more important...... are they smarter ..... do they have more holy spirit....than the rest of us..... are they sitting on the fence.... or are they just plain stubborn in their own wisdom ...... or.....are they just plainly unreasonable in the application of scriptures. Here on this forum I have seen application of scriptures which are all thrown together to come to a certain conclusion.......... Not really meticulous research. A mumbo-jumbo of unrelated scriptures used together. No need to apologize to open the subject again. From my side consider it done and over. I am not here to sound nice or please trolls.... Of course you will be answered - by those who love their own opinions......and you are welcome to down vote me.... lol... You have provided irresistible bait for Witness.
  8. Good line to remember It will have the same old, same old hate-OCD - the embedded modus operandi.... You troll - you do not pick up on anything. But you have a right to do so.....
  9. Remember: I said I do not agree with all he said regarding the subversion but I watch for TRENDS! Communistic philosophies and subversion tactics are being used to destroy the current system globally (clay humanism) so everyone will want 'peace and security' out of chaos. The UN is behind much of it supported by billionaire technocrats and corporations. China is already using digital algorithms and surveillance, DNA and medical technology to suppress their people and they are doing this with the help of Google and large western corporations.... who are present everywhere. Billionaire charities (which are not really charities - but front organizations gifting money to tech corporations and buying up health organizations, most patents of DNA-altered seeds, DNA-altering medicines, as well as synthetic viruses etc.... ; also gifts to front organizations which further this extreme subversion and chaos) will get many countries to be part of the new world order --- which will be a technocracy. UN supports this - part of the plan to save the earth - and control every bit of what people use in terns of energy. Once everyone is on a digital grid and face recognition you will face rations of food, water, waste allowed, electricity, cars and plane travel will be only for the privileged, etc etc. Every one will be checked for the energy units they use as a person. Police will not really be needed because all movements will be tracked, all payments and withdrawals monitored by digital surveillance. Most of the population will become like fodder because AI, algorithm and automated tech will be able to do labor. People will become units of energy users. technocrats already speak of us as energy-using units. Science and tech is the new God of this system and I suspect a future science dictatorship will take over which includes digital tracking of everyone and a few more other frighting technologies. As before the flood, I think they will mess with our DNA because there are ample indications of it already. How far this will go I cannot say - all I know that this is the dreams of a lot of the new leaders and the sick youth of today that already make science a God. The communistic subversion is part of the plan to create chaos to bring a much tighter control on everyone. We are already moving in this direction with Corona measures and the destruction of most small businesses - so people lose their independence and become dependent. Health controls are just part of the DNA-control with databases and other things which are in store for the earth. The subversion is clear and china atrocities are on-going and a blind eye is turned because this is the mindset of the new leaders to be...... time will show up what is in store. Even the journalists of today are not trained as in the days I was young. Their moral values and research capacity is diminished. There are very few good investigative journalists out there. I am sure - if Jehovah does not step in - no life will be saved. Jehovah will have proved beyond reasonable doubt that at the apex of human development we are a threat to ourselves. We cannot rule ourselves successfully. I think of Daniel 11. The god of the fortresses........ everyone will be locked into this highly secure digital system and you will have to obey or be locked out. If you are in the system you will be protected but only if you comply with the system and its religion. If you choose a different religion or do not cooperate ...... you will not be able to buy or sell ... or eat. It sounds like science fiction - watch programs about high tech and you will start to realize things are moving very fast in a direction we never thought possible. I see headlines like this every day - how come you do not see them? A journalist for the Los Angeles Times was detained and expelled from China’s Inner Mongolia while covering a controversial policy aimed at reducing the use of the Mongolian language in education, the outlet reported Friday. The Los Angeles Times reporter, who was covering a controversial policy aiming to replace Mongolian with Mandarin in the region’s schools, was interrogated, grabbed by the throat and forced into a cell for over four hours before being forced from the region, the LA Times reported.
  10. I am not a 'us versus them' kind of person because I do not take sides. I watch only for trends..... You inadvertently are taking sides because you do not understand subversion..... that I can see in your contributions. Here is an Indian man seeing exactly the same things in India which are going on in USA. I do not think you watch anything I put out on here or read anything I suggest but other people here may be interested to watch this very old video made by an ex-KGB officer. The tactics of subversion are discussed. Why fight a war when one can do it better with subversion of culture, identity, morality etc etc. . America has been subverted and most people do not have clear lines of MORALITY of right and wrong any more. Many of their leaders and organizations are so morally compromised but no one asks the questions and longer. They are politically correct and do not ask the right questions - this is why I say USA have been sleeping for 20 years. I do not agree with all that he says ... but if you watch long enough (closer to the end) you will start to understand - you will see everything happening with ANTIFA, and general moral breakdown, family breakdown, religious breakdown, media subversion - all this going on in USA right now. ... all the subversion tactics. With foreign money flowing into subversive organizations and churches taken over by immorality and doubt. NGOs operating independent of government with foreign money etc. This is why we are leading to Armageddon - no more morality and values in the western countries. Commies such as Russia is using religion for nationalism and china is outright atheist with no morality. Their citizens are fodder which clandestinely can be killed
  11. The cult was too popular and thousands were joining. This made the communist party uneasy and they outlawed it and started terrible propaganda against them.... part of which was spread in the west. I have seen umpteen videos of people and human rights lawyers talking about China's organ harvesting and the victims. There is a book - I mentioned it above- which has been updated. The author is a Canadian lawyer who worked with many cases of these victims of different religions - not just falun gong victims- in China. he has no bias towards any religion and just wanted to get the facts out because no-one else was doing so. I watched an very good interview with him wherein he said that the military was making a lot of money from tourism transplants. In china prisoners were executed for small crimes. It came in very handy when the prisons were suddenly crowded with falum gong members - healthy body parts and could be matched very well. The body parts brought in large sums of foreign money to the military. Most of those who have done research into this can speak the language or pretended to be foreign doctors booking surgeries for patients. They also could get statistics from various sources. I do not really care if JW Insider does not believe this. He will quote hundreds of pieces written by the far-left because they do not believe that China is doing this and most of them have closed their eyes to these atrocities because they made a lot of corrupt money in China during the boom. The aggressive policies of Xi ping is coming to roost because he has purged many of this rivals and I hope it will be his turn... but I doubt it ... because the history of other communist dictators .... apparently there are many shifts going on in CCP. CCP is a closed book to the west because of extreme secrecy of communism. But the above lawyer knows exactly how the entire political system works in China. CCP only allow journalists to see what they want one to see and they will invite you if you are pro-CCP. Then there is also the saving of "FACE" which is a legacy of the past. If one criticizes Xi ping you will find yourself in jail very quickly today. Since 2013 things have started to change drastically. Time will tell - but I see a drastic change to import of totalitarianism in the world- everywhere. And under such systems such as in China there is not really accountability for the human rights violations. CCP purge opposition by saying there was corruption...... this is the main reason for deposing someone - not Human rights.
  12. UN is now accusing China....of Corona. lol. I guess this doctor in the link below is also lying.... or the reporter is twisting facts. Remember: dead people cannot speak - only those who have position with enough contacts and money to leave, only they can tell the stories. Also remember: Stories were leaking out of Germany but it was only when the soldiers went into Poland and Germany and saw the camps and the dead bodies piled up that anything could be confirmed. China knows this. They are actively hiding facts with a reign of fear. Their citizens live in fear to be caught speaking about anything related to inhumane treatments. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/v7g8m8/forced-abortions-and-removing-wombs-a-uighur-doctors-chilling-account-of-whats-happening-in-china-xinjiang?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=curated_vice_daily_1496188 Remember: when I told you they were doing abortions on Chinese women during the one child policy? Well this is merely an extension of it...
  13. Well look above what wikipedia says about them about ten years earlier than that... there were accusations after they were declared illegal in the country. Did you know that all mention of Teniaman Square is removed from all websites in china and it has been erased everywhere? (1984 - speech control) Is this normal and justified behaviour to you? if it is - then you are a totalitarian at heart and did not even know it....
  14. So if you report anything negative it is making up stuff....up . lol. Yes that sounds very totalitarian to me. "It is the official party view or nothing else." Deny, deny, deny.... one gets away with it because you cover up and deny. Why did they not allow UN to investigate Corona? UN was not allowed to go to the facility where is was "alleged " to have started... were they affriad they would make stuff up? Do you guys "listen" to your self talking when you apologize for these murderers? and the secrecy? Satan is a deceiver and loves secrets. Evil flourishes where things are kept a secret.... do you understand this? They lived there for 15 years..... they speak the language fluently and understand all the nuances. You are also pushing the truth in your statement. I am not a fan of them but watched one of their videos which spoke of their fear and why they left China. You know what - I am done - Read some books which tell the truth - not commie propaganda. this comes from Wikipedia: a leftie publication: Falun Gong[edit] See also: History of Falun Gong Falun Gong is a spiritual discipline that combines meditation and exercises with a moral philosophy, emerged in China in the 1990s; by 1999 the number of practitioners was estimated in the tens of millions.[17][18] (that tranlated into a threat to CCP) In July 1999, following a large-scale demonstration to request official recognition, Chinese authorities initiated a nationwide campaign to suppress the group, and created the 610 Office to oversee and coordinate the elimination of Falun Gong.[19][20][21] The suppression that followed was accompanied by what Amnesty International called a "massive propaganda campaign",[22] (lies against falon gong) as well as the detention and imprisonment of tens of thousands of Falun Gong adherents.[23][24] Former detainees reported that in some labour camps, Falun Gong practitioners comprised the majority population, and were singled out for abuse.[25][26][27] Under order from Beijing, practitioners are subject to coercive “reeducation” and torture, sometimes resulting in deaths.[28][29][30] Due to limited access to victims and labour camp facilities, however, many specific reports of abuses are difficult to independently corroborate.[21] Organ transplantation in China[edit] Main article: Organ transplantation in China China has had an organ transplantation programme since the 1960s. It is one of the largest organ transplant programmes in the world, peaking at over 13,000 transplants a year in 2004.[31] Involuntary organ harvesting is illegal under Chinese law, although under a 1984 regulation it became legal to remove organs from executed criminals with the prior consent of the criminal or permission of relatives. By the 1990s, growing concerns about possible ethical abuses arising from coerced consent and corruption led medical groups and human rights organizations to start condemning the practice.[32] These concerns resurfaced in 2001, when The Washington Post reported claims by a Chinese asylum-seeking doctor that he had taken part in organ extraction operations. By 2005 the World Medical Association had specifically demanded that China cease using prisoners as organ donors.[33]In December of that year, China's Deputy Health Minister acknowledged that the practice of removing organs from executed prisoners for transplant was widespread – as many as 95% of all organ transplants in China derived from executions,[34] and he promised steps to prevent abuse.[5][35] it has not stopped......
  15. They harvest young peoples organs. Heart and lung transplants - i cannot imagine that they survive after this.
  16. You know the story of painter Van Gogh is the same. He was a clergyman and preached to the potato planters who were so poor. He drew them, shared his meager meals with them and looked just as bad they did - working in the fields with them. Then came a guy who did an inspection on him - he was fired. He lost all faith in religion and hoared and painted for the rest of his life. His syphilis made him cut off his ear in a mad spell. Sad life.... religion has a lot to answer for.
  17. So - if people are odd - it gives us the right to get rid of them and put them in custody? JWs are odd to the rest of the world.... so it is excellent justification to imprison them when they are odd? As far as I know falun gong swear to speak the truth and too many people were joining them. CCP is extremely paranoid about any group becoming so popular. As I said before - Sweden has violent Muslims putting down bombs, rioting and burning - even telling swedes to leave the country if they do not like to adjust to arabs; Holland has Muslims killing people; France has rioting Muslims... but I do not hear of any of these countries putting them in prison for their ethnicity. Only those who have committed crimes are in prison. Is it not strange to you all that soooo many religious groups, who managed to get out of China, are sponsoring media outlets to try to get the heavily suppressed/guarded news out of China? If it was just falun Gong one could say there is not a problem.... but it is muslims and house-christians who are targeted as well - all groups.... CCP is pananoid. They are now ordering people to put photos of Xi ping in their homes..... Are we going to get NBC to say these people are far-right as well? These atrocities have been hidden way too long and china has gotten away with horrors while the west was sleeping. Busch, clinton, obama - all of them said nothing because their administrations were cashing in on the boom. Remember - dead people cannot talk for themselves. They are dead victims. So it is only those family members who are alive who can tell their stories - or those people who were in prison themselves, were tortured and by sheer luck of circumstance got away. This is what is happening now. Can you blame them for trying to expose the horror? or has the world become so desensitized that they do not see something which does not add up here? I do not understand the reasoning? So 'oddness' ( Falon gong was so popular that CCP became afraid - they then used terror tactics and torture to make people renounce this faith and if they did not they were viewed as fodder ) Does this justify the many inhuman actions? No matter how odd one may be - a person has a god-given right to your own thoughts and prayers in private..... Any group that is seen as anti communist or anti-muslin are called far-right in the west. So where is the justification to call people who believe in speaking the truth (falun gong) to be far-right? Even if they are laughable in your opinion .... they still have a right to choose their own religion and not to be harassed by the government for practicing it in their own house. They are persecuted for doing the exercises in their own home. House Christians are persecuted for having an unedited bible. There is NO justification for killing them and hiding the evidence. while I do listen to far-left news outlets - I am always aware they are far-left - similar to those labelled far right .... I am always aware they have a certain outlook. Does this mean I do not listen to news? No - I filter out the propaganda. NBC is not unbiased. We all know that these news outlets are bias and owned by billionaires with far-left views. Have you seen their company policies for reporters? Each reporter has to adhere to the policies. This means you do not speak about taboo subjects. Your opponents are labelled. There is a book on the market - written by a Canadian human rights lawyer who is totally a-political. He took many cases of Falun Gong family members and other religions (prisoners of conscience) who are and have been persecuted in china. He talks about the heart and lung transplant tourism in china which was booming. This was funding the military. The military first used organs of prisoners. He says it is hundreds of thousands of people... so if you refuse to do military service - you may end up on one of these tables..... .They have organs available on a specific date.... you could book a transplant a month or two weeks before it is done. They confirm that a matching organ will be available. He said he did research to write this book because he knew that no-one else would do this research..... after having spoken to so many people seeking his help. "Bloody Harvest" - it was first published in 2007 and has been updated. David Matas and David Kilgour I also listened to another interview where they phone hospitals and pretend to be doctors making arrangements for patients..... same thing. ... organs available.... guaranteed to match the tissue of patient.
  18. That is an understatement. I watched a debate today with Chinese government officials. It was held at oxford university - where several scholars ( including a German one - their research is thorough) and people who know what is going on in China as well as Chinese citizens, who asked questions about family members still in detention. These officials are so smooth.... In this debate it was revealed again how Chinese secret police follow all visitors around. Since 2013, after Xi ping became the party leader, there has been a drastic change ..... towards more aggressive policies. He has 'purged' most of his opposition in the CCP. It also came out in this debate that in the Muslim provinces there are road blocks every few hundred meters where peoples papers are inspected. This corroborates other accounts I have listened to. it is not slander. There are also problems with their old room-mate Russia. They are becoming too aggressive for Russia. I recently listened to the story of the South African and his American friend who "fled" to USA after living in China for 15 years i (Yes that racist! who loved China but was being harassed by secret police where ever he went.... and his wife was threatened at work - who was a doctor at a clinic in China. He spoke Chinese and the secret police did not know that he could understand what they were saying... ) He loved china and its people but he narrowly escaped the regime because the regime was becoming too paranoid about him making films in the countryside. He used to ride around on his motorbike and make films about the little villages and the countryside. He was not allowed to talk to anyone. I listened to the account of an ex-Chinese woman: she was talking about her husband who was a surgeon. She used to catch him in a state of staring at the ceiling - almost in a stupor. Eventually he confessed to her that he was harvesting corneas from young healthy children... for the government..... she eventually fled china and left him. You have to please explain to me why all western media and western newspapers are purged in China (unless cleaned up) because they are too western. Certain words are not longer being used - like in the novel of 1984. You also have to explain to me why all foreign students (students who studied abroad were now taken into custody in Hong Kong) or are followed by secret police to ensure they have not been infected by western ideas of freedom or religion. Please explain why google and other media cannot operate without agreements for the CCP to block all unwanted content. Does that sound like a healthy "free" situation to you ? . What will they do if they catch a JWs with literature? All house Christians are now being arrested and neighbors are encouraged to snitch on neighbors who are suspiciously religious. So according to you, if this happens to a witness it will be slander of the government..... not reality. I think you are living in la la land - not the real planet ..... you remind me of lord Chamberlain who came back from Hitler with a valueless "peace agreement". I met a 60 year old Chinese woman in field service who fled to one of the ex- soviet states and has spent her time there. She is desperately trying to remain in one of these countries and not go back to china. she is not religious but just wants to get out from under the extreme control. Unfortunately most of these countries only give Chinese 3 months tourist visa. So by your condemnation of a Chinese-owned newspaper in USA, which tries to expose what is going on ..., it is clear to me that you do not like the idea that people who practice a house religion in private and are persecuted by a government just for this fact....... if they go to another country and try to make people aware of their persecution and the "killing" of their members by horrendous live removal of organs..... by publishing real experiences in newspapers..... that the problem lies with them .... and not with the authoritarian government? Is that logical thinking? So you would be against witnesses telling of their horrendous experiences of family members disappearing ..... and if the government denies this..... it means the witnesses are lying? What financial gain would a poor person get by exposing the fact that they cannot track their family members and just want justice? They want nothing else - just justice! In France they have BIG problems with Muslims but I have not read any article that they are putting large numbers of Muslims in prison... Neither have I heard stories trickling out of France that their organs being used. What they are doing in china is unethical and inhumane. Yes, you are good at googling up documents that sell the CCP propaganda .....you are good at that... but that is about it.....The time that your son was there was during the BOOM. Westerners were courted for their value....especially if you were a professor or someone connected to the USA government. Many of our government officials had their children sit on Chinese boards and raked in millions. Biden himself has indicated that his son has now stepped down because it is making his presidential bid very uncomfortable. Remember Jehovah has given us the right to CHOOSE our god and our own religion... the bible indicates that this is the only time we disobey authorities - when they prescribe our religion for us. China is doing just that. Yes - a doctor defected and I listened to his testimony. ...... and more and more stories are leaking out of the horrendous treatment of those with a religion. (Doctors involved are also talking). I watched a documentary of a Chinese doctor who defected and was researching if the organ harvesting is still going on. The United nations told China to stop after they were first caught out. CCP just got smarter and closed all venues for news to leak out ...... but it has not stopped. No religion is allowed unless approved by government. ... and all religious books are 'changed' to reflect the cult of worship of state. People who have come out of those uighur religious re-training centers and managed to flee tell how they are forced to sing the anthem and write tests on government propaganda which is rammed down their throats day and night. Their family members are rounded up after they have fled to stop them speaking out. It is tyranny! The doctors who spoke out were not Falun Gong..... but surgeons that were forced into doing inhumane things! Their consciences bothered them even though not religious. I read this about an US doctor who spoke out and said that hydroxy-chloroquinine works. The US press destroyed his reputation by claiming all kinds of far-right things. If this is not "cancelling " a persons reputation by associating them with these organizations. You are drinking the cup of propaganda. I am surprised they include racist in there. I watched an interview again yesterday on abc australia... I think it was.... and doctors are citing the newest studies which PROVE that hydroxy-chloroquine works. Unfortunately - in USA - the press would immediately brand such as person a Trump supporter, racist, Q-anon supporter, an anti-vaxer etc..... the propaganda is ludicrous and this is what is leading everyone to the new totalitarian state where every word will be controlled !!!!! All the clues of totalitarianism is already here! Once such as situation is installed there will be no way to turn it back. This is why I believe the worst tribulation will be here..... and we will not be able to buy and sell because you will be forced into proving loyalty to the state. Hopefully Jah steps in before this goes too far! The popular way to put CCP opposition in prison is to claim that they were corrupt..... that is the way to put a clean face on things when you purge opposition. Their phones are tapped, everywhere they go is facial recognition... everyone is afraid to say anything too loud because if it reeks of any anti-government or freedom sentiments and it gets out - you are done for. Then the 'reality' is racist. By the way- you cannot get citizenship.......... you are not Chinese. in USA anyone could become a citizen......if you enter legally. Not in China.
  19. Communism when it becomes constrictive is the same everywhere and so is corruption ... and the same tactics of starvation which is used against citizens in Africa is an old communistic tactic. Most African leaders were trained in Libya's universities ( Ghadafi ), Cuban schools or in Russia. Millions on a database is bad... and I do not know of any country which has several immediate matches of tissue available- within a day. It is not that Western systems are inefficient - one has to get permission to use organs and one needs family members to sign for their use. In CCP china - they take them out while you are alive against your will! Have you seen news lately? Many programs done by Germany, Australia and other countries - surprisingly even human rights organizations... give proof of what is going on. There are so many things happening which prove my case. China is aggressive in Asian sea - ramming fishing boats, not allowing other countries to fish in their own waters. On India's border they are putting up missiles etc and controlling water etc. If this is neighborly behavior to you - that is fine with me. You have a right to your own opinion no matter how warped it may be. I know USA is a dragon but so is China - and you are making apologetics for China's human rights violations......... organ harvesting and imprisonment of ethnic groups.... while conscientious objector are facing the same fate - organ harvesting...... So, why you are doing this, I would not know... all I know is that this is a repetition of history.... I watched an interview of a journalist who was invited to one of the 'show-re-education camps' - or shall I say the good 'propaganda camps....'. These are the ONLY places a foreigner is allowed to visit. Police follow all foreign journalists and visitors are watched. His comments confirmed the narrative. When stories were trickling out of Germany of concentration camps and killings of prisoners - I guess it was so horrific that some naive leaders could just not believe it. The same is happening now. That is why I do not argue with your arrogant attitude - speaking down at me as if I am ignoramus. You quote selected books that were written by people who would like to believe their own importance and ignore what is going on in reality. A repetition of history in time of Hitler..... many people tried to make peace with Hitler and did not want to go to war ... but it did not help them..... the inevitable came. I read today that 500 billionaires and many of the CCP members have sent money out of the country a long time ago and their family members have already left china - they have bought golden passports in small countries like Cyprus. A collapse of something is eminent. To save face, the CCP is becoming aggressive under Xi Ping and may even go to a minor war to show their strength ... or to give the country a feeling of unified nationalistic pride...... There are many Chinese who love his aggressive attitude.... The suppression of outside news and only nationalistic propaganda works well. My interest in China is NOT POLITICAL. I see her as part of the King of the North which has been pushing the south ECONOMICALLY and it may become more that just an economic pushing. (like two rams who want the treasure and push for supremacy). Russia is doing exactly the same..... meddling in neighbors affairs and taking over bit by bit. A little 'piece' here and a little piece there - which also reminds me of the Hitler era. I may be wrong - but the more I see the more I think things are heating up.....the signs are here - but oh - I forgot .... you do not believe in signs..... so this is just a little glitch - western propaganda to make China lose face. .. and then all will be well again..... just like before..... I am not interested in the past history - I am only evaluating what is happening in 21st century - at present. USA is also heading for wide-spread radical left anarchy. Like the Bolsheviks - a small criminal group that is not satisfied with less than anything than a revolution will seed anarchy and develop a taste for it - they will burn and go on destroying. Nothing will satisfy these cultural mao-ists - everything must be destroyed to build a new order from scratch. Similar to the Bolshevik revolution, the rich that were anti-monarchy funded these small radical organizations and thought they could control them.... to their detriment. What lies ahead I do not know ..... but I see a radical element which is communist active everywhere (even in UN) and this will lead to the one world government which will be very totalitarian - whoever the 'ten countries' will be who give their autonomy over to it. I have been watching what is going on in China since 2006 when they were caught the first time with organ harvesting. To quote these naive authors is ludicrous. Since when has china followed any agreements they have with other countries? ... or even in their own? Chinese governors go on taking properties, destroying peoples lives....... the only restriction is this: do not be caught. When it becomes public knowledge then the CCP will come down on the perpetrator with full force if CCP loses face. Otherwise you can get the job done any way you like. CCP make agreements and then break their side of the bargain time and again. They are NOT trustworthy... and if you want to believe their propaganda you are welcome! Fentanol - killing many Americans - raw materials are shipped from China... subversive and evil. The West uses money laundering, except when it is the banking syndicate. Most of the money that went to Ukraine was laundered back to US leader's pockets through charity organizations as the AIDS slush fund and anti-corruption organizations (lol). World bank and most central banks serve the bankers and yes - they are getting rich from creating fiat money and illicit banking practices. Most weak countries has lent money from central banks to get through the Corona crisis and the agreements have strong strings attached. I think I will really be happy when these people cry over the money they have lost after they have turned against religion. Their bunkers and their money will be no protection for them. The level of nepotism and corruption is staggering. But as we know - the whole world is in the hands of Satan and individuals with morals and integrity are less and less in number. The tsunami of wickedness is really taking over the planet and most governments. They are not called military bases - that is why you will not read about them. They are called bases for cultural exchange! I read the some South African police are learning Chinese as part of the cultural exchange! And Chinese military equipment is stored on their properties. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/27/africa/zimbabwe-mine-shooting-intl/index.html This is NOT an isolated incident.... Last year, Chinese firm Tsignchan signed a $2 billion deal with the Zimbabwean Ministry of Mines to extract chrome, iron ore, nickel and coal, vital resources for China. Copper in Zaire etc. 'China’s biggest cobalt producer is to stop buying from individuals in the Democratic Republic of Congo, bowing to pressure from customers and rights groups concerned about child labour in the country’s informal mining sector. ' This I saw in 2010 : Police in Zambia have charged two Chinese mine managers with attempted murder after they allegedly opened fire on a group of miners. At least 11 workers were injured in the incident at the Collum coal mine in the southern town of Sinazongwe. The owners were reported to have felt threatened by the miners during a protest about their pay and conditions. The case has brought an angry reaction in Zambia, where Chinese businesses have invested heavily. My comment: frankly - the Chinese will have to take these kind of measures because they do not know Africa - they are very naive regarding Africa.... on the other hand - they are just as ready to use violence than the Africans.... China is taking over all kinds of mines all over the world because they want to control all rare metals.
  20. We are still living in the real world you know. We use money like everyone else for our needs. Manna not yet falling from heaven again - only spiritual food. And one needs a computer and a roof over your head for that too!
  21. Croatia is catholic. Since some buildings are very old and may have historic value, I guess they receive funds to maintain this. JW's do not buy buildings for their value. We do not take income from the properties for tourism etc. We do not open health care clinics etc. as shown below in the Article.
  22. If I remember correctly Money is taken off your pay and it includes tax for this.
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