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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. These 12th century texts they are quoting comes AFTER the Hebrew copies made by the Hebrew scribes - the Masoretic Codexis and manuscripts of which Nehemia Gorden has already gone to inspect almost 2000 of them - to see if the pointer system (vowels) is in the same ink as the original text. He has confirmed that the pronunciation of the name is Yehovah in the original Hebrew. And names such a Yehoram, Yehoshua, etc confirm this.
  2. Except the pronunciation given today is not that of ancient Egyptian. The Rosetta Stone is not older then 300 BCE ....consequently all old documents are translated in the Egyptian of 3rd century.... which was deciphered with this Rosetta Stone. So the inscription you are referring to is 1500 to 1200 BCE - really ancient Egyptian (and please be reminded there were at least 20 different dialects because Egypt was divided in 20 Nodes). The Language that existed about 1200 years before the pronunciation we understand today. Ancient Egyptian is not understood by any scholar. So this pronunciation is not absolutely accurate either.
  3. This is early English. Ie was pronounced as Ye.... or Je.
  4. @Patiently waiting for TruthI would not quote a second rate English newspaper from 1970 or a French person as a scholar on the Hebrew language.......or as an authority. My maiden name was De Villiers (French Huguenot stock) from South Africa. I think that says it all. Especially, since there are early churches in South Africa and Europe which has the name Jehovah engraved on it. Only Dutch churches in South Africa were allowed as it was a Dutch colony and they wanted the French to integrate. They had to go to the Dutch church. It sounds like some wild theory.
  5. You are not going to draw me in any more. Go look for an argument somewhere else.
  6. None of us is in the trash yet. There is hope for us all until we die or Armageddon comes. (You are coming across a bit abusive like someone who has been on here before....) but to each his own......
  7. That is true from the comments on this thread! And you are right as well ! That people are bad examples by their own choice!
  8. I bet his millions he made on his recordings and on the royalties cannot support his BIG house.
  9. If that is not an accusation then I do not know what to call it. It seems I have offended you in some way...... maybe by turning the reasoning around. So, I suggest we leave the discussion as it is without further accusations or insults or negative tones.
  10. I said what I thought since I work with young people and know how they feel. I received veiled insults such as being jealous etc. I just went on making my point. ..... But I have learnt one lesson here. If you do not agree, people can be very vicious and turn around and take the moral high ground..... and blame you for it!
  11. These kind of attitudes can be anywhere..... but I agree with you.....
  12. As I said before - I will do nothing if such things are announced in a public place. But privately it will not carry my approval. I will ask my overseer why it was done though! I will not keep quiet if they single stars out for special attention. Would we have had any discussion this forum at all - if I did not make my comment that I do not like this personally? So what is this forum for? - for people to keep their opinions to themselves? so that we just become an eco chamber of each other? Pardon me for misunderstanding the purpose of a forum....... which according to the majority over here is: keep your mouth shut and agree with each other..... Or be afraid to put your ideas out there so you do not hurt anyone elses perceptions of correctness! ....
  13. LOL. I am 70 years old and sickly to boot - why would I not wish him good health and lots of money and fame. If you want to hang at his feet do so. I do not! that is the point! He is setting a bad example and I stand by my point!
  14. He is receiving his reward in this world. Millions of fans and some of them JWs....
  15. Before Michael Jackson made his record "Bad", he had the Truth... he chose to go ahead - to the detriment of his faith. So yes - our sincerity to Jehovah can be corrupted....
  16. Hi - it seems that we look at the posts first, as our time zones are in the east and then later the answers start pouring in.... Things are heating up in the world..... new laws installed without people knowing and so forth....

    Hope you the best dear! 

    1. Thinking


      Thank you sis…yes one never knows what is going to happen next in this world…everyday something else major is happening…let’s hope we live to see the final exciting end but if not…I don’t think we will be asleep too long….and even if we are we won’t even know it…..and we all can have concerts and I will hear you sing…I might even be able to sing myself one day lol…..look after yourself….xxxx

    2. Arauna


      I agree, we will not sleep too long.  I do think that those who do not cooperate with new world mandates may be liquidised.  Literally, they now have a patent to turn humans into liquid fertilizer. 

  17. We all know that it is only the British who speak real English - Americans speak American.... lol
  18. That is the point - many young Christians have given up the chance to pursue a career in the arts - and would absolutely love the chance to sing a Christians song. It will give them comfort and an outlet for what they love to do. Their name is not attached to it but they will have the satisfaction of having used their art for Jehovah.
  19. Now you are putting a flame to the fire. I never suggested that...... I think it is easier to work with a pro with experience...... but it is a mindset - to rather give young ones a chance. There are thousands of young people with talent, who with a little coaching, could do just as good a job - and would love to get the opportunity..... young and eager. He has a very ordinary voice - he just stuck to what he was doing and became famous. His guitar playing - that picking style - is better than his voice. I mean, most young people who love singing need a microphone like he does. He does not sing without a microphone does he? I am not heavily criticizing the man - I think I am personally getting more criticism for expressing my opinion that he should not be treated as an icon... that is all. So who is pointing fingers and treating someone as though they are an outcast for expressing a principle?
  20. You are a good example. I also have issues but do not use any pain killers. On rare occasions I will use one headache tablet if I have had a headache for days on end.
  21. Apologies. I have to mention that there are many "holier than thou" people on this planet. I do not take them seriously. If she is so easily offended and did not read through everything, ....who is the one that is not upholding the principle of love? I guess, to her, this singer is an icon because he has not committed adultery or used drugs. But there are many brothers to my mind , who are more of an example, who are not icons.
  22. Did you know that there were forests of hollow trees on the oceans before the flood? We have NO clue what the earth looked like before the flood. The bark of these trees were responsible for all the coal we see on the earth. The panda bear has claws and big teeth - and he eats mostly bamboo. So do not laugh at the Bible - it says the lion will eat straw. As far as I know the cat family is the only family that needs to eat meat at present. It could have adapted to only eat meat. Other carnivores can actually live without meat...... but that is another subject.
  23. What is left of them will not be able to do the job.
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