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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. On 8/25/2020 at 9:00 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    You can’t determine truth through religion, as Voltaire states?

    It so happens - as I said before - that there is a way to prove the bible to be absolute reality. ... which to me is the only truth there is.  Jehovah is real and his word is a record of his administration of his will/ purpose throughout the ages with a set timeline.  

  2. On 8/22/2020 at 12:10 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    o be so political and anti one country as @Arauna 

    I see through your guise.  You always try to bait me with outrageous and false blanket statements.  I am too busy at present to even go there. 

    Just for the record for everyone: I have empathy for the Chinese people and feel very sorry for them because they have been high-jacked by a small number of elite and super rich party-people who are connected to the central state (CCP) and run the state like a totalitarian thugocracy.  No freedom of press and no freedom of religion - obey the state or else.... This is the new law and order in China.  It did not always appear to be so because foreigners were a welcome cow to be milked - it was part of the long-term strategy of the leadership.....

    Similar aspects showing up in the west.   The Chinese people are living under an ideology that has already infiltrated the west and is totally anti-god.  I do not like the CCP because they are taking their people into totalitarian oppression. They have NO respect for life which is not believed by some people on here because you have drunk the pro-china cup of political correctness.... it is easier to go with the main narrative and trust the regular sources completely...... despite them knowing that China is engaged in severe measures for any news leaking out.  I see great similarities prior to the Hitler war.  People did not want to believe what was going on there.  Even the Jews themselves thought it would improve and did not leave Germany in time.

    Meanwhile the news of terrible atrocities are trickling out of China - just like in north Africa - which is totally ignored by the press and Human rights organizations which are not doing their job.  They are amplifiers of the two opposing sides with a lot of opinions and no truth. Those who could  speak out (who were oppressed by these ideologies)  are silenced because the human suffering is not allowed to be exposed.  

    Western opportunistic rich persons (which includes some of congress and senate) will just go back to making mega money in china (if sanctions are lifted) until they are no longer of value to China  (Most of the western technocrats have homes and businesses in China and have been cashing in on the growth there and even had children on boards of companies earning mega bucks).  They will be treated like kings while they have something of value - money and intellectual property - to be milked by China.  Regular or working class  foreigners are no longer welcome in china.  

    China is part of the King of the North because they side with Russia (New agreement made this week which basically replaces the BRICS agreement.  They will not use US currency and are partners...... and Iran supplies China with oil.)

    On 8/24/2020 at 6:48 AM, JW Insider said:

    Bloomberg's standards

    I used to get Bloomberg news in my inbox ..... cancelled them recently.  Not worth my time to waste on them. 

    I am not going to argue with any of you - frankly - I do not have the time....at present 

    I will say this:   I have seen how the new scholars of Islam write extensively quoting each others writings to show how Islam is not dangerous and a wonderful peaceful religion.   I call it circular scholarship.  They also just quote from the books that seem to confirm their beliefs and ignore all the other books which show the true nature of Islam. In fact many of these books which describes the true nature of Islam are now banned on Amazon and other publishers.  They will not 'touch' accredited scholars that do not preach the propaganda message.  If I did not know Islam so well I would also have fallen under the spell (propaganda) of these writers.  

    Farrakhan is quoted everywhere in the press (like a rock star) even though he is denying the terrible black slavery in Sudan and other parts of Africa going on.  He is supported by money from middle east. Christians being sold as slaves for 400 dollars every day.  Girls sold as sex slaves and all the most horrific killings - villages being wiped out.  NOTHING in the western press about Muslims selling black people as "Abeed" which is the arab word (and means a ugly N-word for black slave).   BLM  don't care about their brothers being killed or used as slaves in Africa.... If you investigate their leadership the organization is NOT about black lives at all but about another insidious ideology.  Iran also supports the slavery in China of their Sunni -brothers because it is not their brand of Shia-islam.


    I have seen the same circular reasoning when I investigated Darwinism and evolution.  Why have we come to a point in history where one is not viewed as intellectual if one believes in a creator and seen as backward in your thinking if one believes in a god?   The same scholarly  "METHOD" is applied in each of these disciplines (which is the wrong word for these subjects) because it promotes  lies and false reasoning.  Very little evidence given and a lot of theory  is accepted.  Quote upon quote in books and papers of scholars who have little touch with reality. They keep quoting and building on the bits they can use and ignore the GLARING  DISCREPANCIES regarding this modern ideology or RELIGION of evolution...... which is actually the right designation for it because it is NOT a science. 

    Similarly - quoting all the pro-China books and ignoring all the reports coming out of China is the new narrative... similar to Islam and evolution.  The UN loves China and see them as the future model for the world.  Most of the powerful super-rich  have children sitting on boards of Chinese companies and earning mega bucks for their corruption.  USA has been sold out and a new ideology is on its way.  

    I listen to real life painful stories of people who have managed to escape.  If you think you understand totalitarianism - think again.  I listened to a North-Korean woman the other day.  Her story is remarkable and true.  These low down people  are 'fodder' to these kind of regimes and they can tell you what real communism is.  She fled to China and was also sold as a slave there.  They dare not complain to Chinese authorities because China sends them back to North Korea knowing that they will be killed.  Yet china sits on the human Rights council.  Harrowing stories and yet people survive.  Listened to a Sudanese man today, while I was working, who told how he was captured as a slave at age ten and sold on the market in Libya. He saw how lives do not mean anything to these people. People are killed very quickly and treated with savagery.  

    Hitler's savagery is back in full force all over the world and has a new face...... but this time ..... one is not allowed to talk about it..... it is politically incorrect.

  3. On 8/24/2020 at 4:00 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    Anyone can edit it (I’ve never quite understood how that works—well

    Not any longer. If your story does not suit their bias. Several authors have complained that their information online was changed and they could not change their own biography so that it ireflects the truth. It seems everything is now biased  and has an angle or opinion attached to it. Activists against Islam etc have had their bios changed in unflattering terms and there is NOTHING they can do about it. WIKIPEDIA now have people who scan new info.  

    When Jeffrey Epstein was taken into prison his history exploded on internet.  His bio contained the names of his close friends and business partners.   These were immediately removed.... ...on wikipedia.... to protect the........ innocent ?

  4. On 8/22/2020 at 1:26 AM, César Chávez said:

    China has become an integral part of the international system,

    This is a reply to all who think china is still the same as 20 years ago: The UN sees China as the model to follow and  China has great  influence at the UN.  One example: the WHO leader is pro-china as Ethiopia has close links with China.  China lobbied for him to be appointed - why?   Close ties, and he is as corrupt as they can be.

    China is putting heavy taxes on all who remain in Hong Kong.  It will soon be impossible for any to live there and the call is for them to return to the mainland.... But  (it seems) by your standards, these kind of controls are not draconian .... just normal business ..... just like using body parts and imprisoning religious groups.....  to you, their internal human rights record is not so bad - you are sure the information leaking out is bogus...... you go on  ignoring all the testimonies which are CONTINUALLY leaking out.

    I watch different testimonies.....  and not all the same people as it was implied.  I just happened to put the first ones who came up recently - and one woman was sitting in both.   I have seen many of them - all heartbreaking stories and fearful. 

    They are now saying that it is not just 1 million people in camps but it may be up to 3 million.....  The typical method of communism (even capitalistic communism) is:- control the press, control all communications to a level where people are afraid to talk.  The threat of long jail sentences.......not just for the perpetrator but the entire family.  They put the entire family in jail if one person speaks out - grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts , brothers and sisters and young children.  Their eye does not feel sorry - the narrative is completely controlled by government.  This is why the information is trickling out. .....  But their are those who still speak out.  Those in USA talk of being harassed by chinese spies and chinese student bodies at universities.

    If you do not understand this way of thinking then you do not understand communism..... you have been blinded by the pro-china propaganda ....   I am not pro-USA by pointing out their atrocities.  For me there is no excuses for China's record of abuses in their own back yard. 

     If this is acceptable to UN human rights council of which China now has a influential role then this will spread to the rest of the world..... watch this space because - if you live long enough - you will see this coming to your own back yard..... if UN gets their way.......   and bible prophecy with King of North is true.  King of north will only allow the God of fortresses to be worshiped - pone god only - no religion.


  5. On 8/22/2020 at 2:23 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    which fights every claim tooth and nail.

    Yes not only that - it is not worth taking these vaccine producers to court because I think the cap is 30,000 dollars.  They are totally protected! When you need speech therapists, all kinds of therapists for these children one can use 30,000 dollars in one year for one child only.  If you have two of these kids.... well they are doomed to become little animals because you will not be able to afford the training needed for them to get them to function in society.   I worked with 2 of these children in one family....  It costs a fortune to train these kids.


  6. 15 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    Challenges Facing Japan's Marine Fisheries

    They are decimating the fish next to Mauritania (Africa)... there is concerns that it will be depleted..... but as I said above they go into other areas. ..... They are in competition with their own neighbors and have established fishing areas all around their artificial islands........ If you think they will not catch fish that is on the decline - you need a reality check.  I must admit... a good headline does wonders for their image. ...... 

  7. 40 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    China strengthens climate pledge as White House creates confusion

    If you want to believe all these empty promises in the headlines you have quoted above you are welcome.  It is in any case part of Agenda 2030 which they have started to implement.   It is all token reforms.   I know that the Chinese  are behind the killing of rare animals in Africa for their traditional medicines.  So many are on the verge of extinction!  Fair game!  I know they are decimating the forests in Kenia - exporting felled, ancient trees to china etc etc.  

     A small surprising dip in air pollution - ha-ha... when people are coughing and they have lung illnesses due to pollution....... they HAD to start to do something.. 

    45 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    China is showing the world what renewable energy dominance looks like

    At least this is true - they are manufacturing - not because they believe in responsible stewardship of the earth but because they want to out manufacture the west.  They do not care to destroy nature on other continents which are not in their own back yard...... And again.... we all know that USA is just as bad in this field but you really believe the Chinese propaganda.   They PAY for all these articles in the West and it belies the truth on the ground.  They are stealing the natural resources in South America and Africa by means of bribes..  You have really put yourself forward as a spokesperson for china and you do not even know the true nature of the CCP and its goals....... They are part of the BIBLICAL beast and they are definitely not a lamb -  a dragon is closer to the reality and in coalition with King of the North!


  8. 6 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Muslim was just removed from Twitter for simply saying that China is not mistreating Muslims in the region.

    You are soooo naive. Does she have family members back in China that could be rounded up?  Confirm that and I may believe you.   Chinese people inside America are being pressured by chinese loyalists on university campuses. Other ex-pats receive threats  - if you do not understand this then I have nothing further to say.  I do not argue with willfully blind people....... time will tell on what they are doing to Jehovah's people.  This should be the canary in the mine for you.

     I was talking about China's human rights abuses long before it became popular to demonize them......just like I was referring to the killing of Christian's in the middle east and north Africa as a matter of routine. I have also talked about UN human rights abuses and the corruption in this org.

    Another thing I would like to mention is the Chinese destruction of forests, rare animals and total lack of care for the environment since communism took over. They have pollution everywhere. They are decimating fish in the seas..... by means of predatory agreements or by encroachments in other countries waters.

    I do not go along with the popular narrative or propaganda...... and yes, you will most probably and predictably say that USA is also destructive to the environment as we all already know..... but the scale of Chinese destruction is unknown because of the secretive nature of China to lay low and take what it can. China is careless and has an insatiable drive for materialism..... enriching the CCP.  Yes, neo- communism is more capitalist than the west.  It believes it should gain all riches in the world to have successful governance of people and then clamp down on freedoms.  They believe that communism failed at first because people need first ti be uplifted....then totalitarian communism will be highly successful. ..... 

    Funny, but many in the west like the totalitarians

  9. 12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Everyone here is fond of their opinions.

    True.… but time will tell who had read the signs (and I am talking Biblical signs) and who did not.

    20 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Things 'flash up' on my Facebook and i read them, but when i go back to find them they seem to be gone. 

    Because the billion dollar Teck companies are censoring all information the UN does not want you to see. As soon as it is uploaded it is taken down.  Doctors and researchers who are going against the WHO narrative to ban the use of hydroxychloroquine and publicly say that it really works are REMOVED from all internet outlets.... and they lose their jobs.  It is blatant medical persecution. (UN Migration compact has a clause wherein journalists need to go for re-training if the do not tow the UN-line).  Member nations willingly comply. 

    This deliberate negation of common sense (which is leading to many deaths of the elderly) -  is to me a sign that we are already going the way of China where information contrary to the state narrative is removed and where respect for life no longer exists. The propaganda regarding the worship of the state and what the state (UN) only believes is 'good or bad' will be the only information you may see soon.  They are currently tabling a law in USA (under the auspices of the pharmaceutical industry) to no longer allow natural health products (certain labels) where people could make their own decisions on what medicine they allow into their body and keep themselves informed of the health industry. Independent health (medical) doctors who sell these products are under attack.  They treat us all like ignorant babies so they can make the bucks when you go to see them.  I only use natural products or nothing... but used hydroxychloroquine for Corona.

    My father was a naturopath, homeopath and osteopath - so I know quite a bit and keep abreast of things.  To me it is a great pity that these super rich corporations (the pharmaceutical industrial complex) want to control everything and just give vaccinations for everything.  New research is not done any longer.... it is easier just to throw together a vaccination for which they (by protective law) cannot be taken to court and need not provide extensive testing.  It is all a rouse these tests.  The recent court case in USA (which  received NO ATTENTION in the media) indicates that the FDA received NO conclusive testing for any of the vaccines that they have been mandating for our children for the past 20 years. There are a few states who have already brought in laws (something like 49 vaccinations before the age of 12 and a few more before the age of 18..... even if you homeschool your children.....draconian? 

    When they start playing with your blood and your DNA - this is a problem for me..... similar to the conditions before the flood when human DNA was mixed with that of angels, they are now messing with our DNA/RNA replication and there are NO laws to protect humans against medical abuse.

    Similar to China - those who do not comply  - may soon find themselves in re-education camps or something more sinister.   The world is NO LONGER NORMAL...….  

  10. I would just like to bring to your attention that so much 'good headlines' and press in the west has been paid for by the Chinese CCP. I see recently that new York times has broken off all ties. They used to put in long articles which were written by the almost 200 journalists working for the CCP - most probably the military wing... and paid for by them. Yes, CCP has a propaganda press core. They flood social media with good stories.... At least people are now waking up to the deception. Rather look at what they are doing to Jehovah's witnesses and take note. Their Human Rights are so wonderful that they deserve a high position in the UN Human Rights Council together with all the other Muslim delegates from countries who kill 'unbelievers". They vote each other in high positions and most of them have been bribed and get these positions because of corruption.

  11. An ally of the king of the North for sure! They will most probably die in detention. Just like Russia they treat them like they were armed terrorists. They force them to sing nationalistic songs and if they do not they are tortured or receive no food. The torturous way of handcuffing them is inhumane - even when they go to toilet.  

    "Several defense lawyers wrote a joint letter to the People’s Procuratorate of Korla city,  complaining that “conjoined handcuffs” "and “hug handcuffs” “were kept locked for 24 hours a day, including the time for going to toilet, eating, washing and brushing. Those who are handcuffed can only walk with their waists bent, and sometimes they have to crawl on all fours like a dog (as remarked by Xu Yanli).”

    They will be in my prayers. Jehovah loves them. Satan's old system want to break and crush their integrity.


  12. 4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    but thinking things like this must happen before the end can easily lull

    I have often said - these Agenda 2030 plans are on the table - and as we speak they are implementing their plans.  How far it will go - we do not know….. but the bible is clear...…. the image of the beast will rule for a short while (because others will give it their authority - by trickery or willingly - we do not know) and then go into oblivion.  Those people with its political mark will NOT get everlasting life... the bible is clear. Many people will be forced to have its mark because it is Satan's intention to deceive or force people to get this political mark..... they will face tests if they refuse it.

    Why am I bringing this up - because it is already under our noses and can happen very quickly...… never ever have I indicated that it is far off in any way.   Hunger is at the doorstep of the entire world with this Covid 19 bankruptcies everywhere. It is not my fanciful thinking...…. it is already here. A very high percentage of home owners in USA defaulted on their home payments last month (if I remember correctly it is 37%).  When government help stops we will see wide-spread hunger, looting and upheaval - unless the government uses stronger measures to keep people contained...….   a totalitarian type of control will ensue....

    5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    It kind of prepares us for what we can expect in future."

    If one does not foresee something it is very hard to deal with. Easier to know... at least for me personally.  There are the type of personalities that prefer to know nothing at all..... and just go unprepared into what is coming...… although I doubt one can prepare oneself for what is really coming.  However, I cannot unknow what I know.  Sometimes I do wish I had a less inquisitive nature. 

    16 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    US government has sponsored and supported much more international terrorism than Iran ever has,

    Agreed USA is a dragon and acting as a "prophet."  The CIA operations and propaganda and funds they throw around has been the same since the cold war - overthrowing many regimes.

    Regarding the terrorism, I wish to bring to your attention that Iran is an extremely aggressive regime.  It has funded most of the conflicts in the middle east  - but I am not here to talk politics but would like to mention my knowledge of islam and the battles within it. 

    My knowledge of the conflict in Yemen and the starving of children (Shia Islam inspired) and my knowledge of the problems in Lebanon with Hezbollah-funded insurgencies from Iran ….. even the conflict in Syria.   The brand of Islam that Assad follows in an offshoot of Shia - Islam.  Saddam Hussain was also pro-shia….. a minority ruling over the majority Sunni.   The conflicts in Middle east is between branches of Islam.  And ALL branches of Islam are conquerors, when the time is right, because Mohammad was waging war every two months to expand his empire...until his unexpected death...... This expansion was carried forward after his death and is called the "golden age of Islam" under the caliphates who waged the wars. The third caliph had the Quran written down 21 years after the death of  " the prophet" because so many men who learnt the verses by rote were dying in the battles According to Islam history written 200 years after his death).  They gathered all the stones etc the Quran was written on and wrote it down and burnt the rest of the writings which differed from those that seemed to be true. Caliph Uthman was also a masterful soldier and took on Persia, Afghanistan etc.  Later they took Africa and the conquest only ended when they were stopped in Tours - France, by a Frankish king. 150 years after Mohammad's death most of the present Islamic world was already been captured (except for Constantinople)  and soldiers paid with booty and slaves..  The split between Shia and Sunni came after the 3rd caliph in time of Ali.... disputes about succession.

    Iran wants 'Dabiq' which is in Saudi Arabia territory and constantly undermines it - as I explained before.  This features in their final day prophecies and they have to fight a war on this territory against the Anti-Christ which will be a battle against the one-eyed JEW and his followers...…. now you know where some of their hate against Israel comes from. They are against USA not just because they are allies of S Arabia .... but because of the eschatological prophecies.  The alliance between Israel and S Arabia makes sense.  Israel knows about Iran's plans, and know what is going on because  their intelligence is the best in the world.  In the end Armageddon will bring all these groups who hate each other to conflict - brother against brother. 

    I am not taking political sides - just saying what is driving most of these conflicts in middle east - is terrorist religion. S Arabia bombing civilians in Yemen...… a human catastrophe.  Yet we see that Iran is working with other totalitarian states such as China and Russia - even doing military maneuvers together.  Last week China provoked Taiwan by doing military maneuvers in their ocean waters.

    What does this prove?  That things are moving forward in the direction we expect it to go and it can develop into something very dangerous very quickly.  The ongoing tensions remind me of the time before both the first and second world war when no-one wanted to go to war but it was sparked by some incident.  Wilhelm 2 was aggressive and building up weapons before WW1. Same with WW2.

    We presently see a lot of posturing while people will soon be starving as crops all over the world are failing and Covid 19 has broken supply chains and decimated farming industries......

  13. 9 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    rehistoric history is the only type of history that has nothing to do with man’s politics.

    Everything can be politicized.  Who would have thought that having a baby was political or that your choice of sex would be political a few years back. If one says that a man cannot have a monthly period - you are political these days. If they gaslight you and say it IS possible - and imply: "who do you think you are to deny it with X and Y chromosome arguments"?

    I therefore try not to support any side or apologize for any side.  I just stipulate what is happening. Events are happening which are signaling a new world dispensation. Maybe I am not doing it 100% job of neutrality but I do try to bring it in context with the bible.

  14. 20 hours ago, César Chávez said:

    Keep on the watch for your own peace of mind to keep your faith alive by these signs is NOT the same as being part of this world with politics. 

    Agreed.  I like to know what is happening around me  and would like to point out  - ALL the empires are playing extreme games now  and some of our brothers are suffering under these extreme regimes.... soon to be world-wide.  It kind of prepares us for what we can expect in future. 

    To apologize for any of the empire building, subversions, predatory loans, human rights abuses etc (pretty everyone is doing them but to different degrees at present) is taking sides. US (the prophet for democracy is also violating human rights and acting like a dragon.) That is why I do not apologize for regimes - just point out what they are doing and have been doing and where I think things are leading to. I also point to extreme philosophies (such as atheism, post modern philosophy and cultural communism in the west, totalitarianism of the CCP, Iran, and Russia) as it is part of the buildup to a new world order under the UN and its allies.  When I point out what China is doing I see it in the light of Daniel 11:40 onward.....it is fulfillment of a sign - TWO sides pushing each other economically...….. we cannot take sides in this.  BOTH are pushing like rams.  Also that no-one will be able to buy or sell is a form of totalitarian economic control which is a digitally reality (face recognition - no credit cards) and is looming over all of us as we speak.

    We KNOW that they are going to act in this way and we see more and more evidence of it - UNLESS one does not believe we are close to Armageddon - which some people here do not believe because they believe that we should not be watching for signs because god is not going to give us any signs.  I believe these things which are happening together with Corona indicate that things are much closer than ever before. 

    4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Texas is always among the top two states for school shootings. But we don't typically go back and remember how this was once Mexico, and how the USA took it by force,

    China (at present) is not interested in fighting a war with bombs. But is does intimidate its neighbors.  They built 7 artificial islands and then promised USA they will not militarize it.  Next thing they have airports and ports where war ships are docked and airplanes ready to take off. …on these islands.... which may lead to problems.  They are claiming seas and fishing areas which have never belonged to them historically (for past 150 years).  If they seem like villains it is their actions which are making them so.  We all know America has been aggressive but we did not know China to be so because their moto has been similar to that of Islam: Lie low and humble and wait until you have enough power...…. China has had a policy of pretending to be no threat to their neighbors while building their strength.   They have been very secretive about their actions such as loans etc.  Even taking over ports and air ports..... not widely advertised.  However, their military wing has infiltrated most universities in the west and  most organizations which can give them positive press coverage.  They even pay for wonderful write-ups in magazines through front organizations and exert pressure on Chinese immigrants in other countries.   I believe we will be seeing much more of them in future, especially since they are identified as part of the the king of North due to their treatment of JWs.  There is some dissent in CCP because Xi ping has become more open about the aggression... showing more of their hand than before.

    20 hours ago, César Chávez said:

    and no one on this earth will be able to do anything about it.

    True -  I only watch for the signs. When I see the extreme corruption I know what is waiting for the world in future. 

    4 hours ago, JW Insider said:


    We all know that Islam gives problems.  However, it is the way the Chinese are dealing with the problem which is the give-away...... very different to Europe for example.  And yet the UN views China as a model-for the west.... this is also a give-away of what we can expect in future from the UN.

    4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    what role these evil empires will play

    There are worse threats than China or Russia.  The technocrats are thinking up evil schemes that we cannot even imagine and plan to use a future one world government for this...…… yes - Jehovah will have to step in...… otherwise no flesh will be saved.. 


  15. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    author opposed the ending of apartheid

    Apartheid means segregation. We mingled in the day and worked together but each night we went home to our own towns. There were many terrorist incidents and demonstrations in 1976 which ended in a shooting of rioters. Steve Biko was held in custody and then died - similar to events now in USA. There was police brutality against an ethnic majority (they were the majority) because they were feared....by the whites. The whites did not want to relinquish to the majority vote because they feared what is now happening. They saw what happened in the rest of Africa with communist dictators receiving help from Russia and Gaddafi. 

    There was a small group of white police criminals who did kill some black leaders in secret - as many governments do. This came out in the Reconciliation Commission which was held after apartheid.  All the sins of the white regime came out. My brother went to prison because he refused to help them with poisons. He was called up for military duty and then targeted.  He has bad eyes and was exempted for his eyes but was then recalled and badly illtreated. Most of the JW brothers who served a 3 year sentence were illtreated and still have a police record until today.

    Our government was very advanced but one had to play along or find yourself on the fringes of society.  Most whites called the JWs communists because we did not help fight on the borders.  They hated us - traitors. Instead we preached on the borders.  I knew a circuit overseer who worked at the most northern border. The communists were on all our borders and we were fighting wars against them.

    My present  husband (married him after the death of my husband) was listening in on the Russians at that time because he had security clearance. SA weaponry (and mine-proof vehicles ) were exported all over the world and also to America. I think Sadam used our long range guns in the first Iraq war. he had bought them years earlier.  We had the atom bomb but this was dismantled before the government was given over to the ANC when majority vote brought in Mandela as president. My daughter survived a full day operation for cancer at age of 9 months.  Our heart surgery etc was tops.  Infrastructure was excellent and houses (albeit smaller houses) were built for the black people in their townships.  But their population was exploding and we could not keep up with providing minimal cost housing.  Shanty towns existed and the crime rate was high there. Unfortunately - the situation is now 100 times worse because the present ANC government has stolen S Africa bare (all the money in overseas private accounts) and very little infrastructure was replaced or built and government housing was not provided. 

    Now the opposite is happening but on mega scale. Reversed racism which has godless spiritism to fire the zeal for killing. The new generation which is now 22 years old (born after apartheid) still blame apartheid or whites for everything that goes wrong even though they never lived under apartheid.  Whites still pay most of the taxes and have to give 51% percent of their business to a black owner otherwise they cannot get any contracts and by law they have to employ black people - even if they do not have the skills..... so many businesses fail due to this.

    Whites cannot get in at universities now (very hard) but a 30 percent pass rate has produced people who cannot do the job.  So university is worthless. SA qualifications are worth nothing any longer.  My one brother who has 5 degrees refused to teach at the university after he closed up his engineering business. He was afraid to sign off on jobs which BEE built because he was afraid he would go to prison for shoddy work which he was not responsible for.  He has been retired for 22 years. He was a member of the American engineering Society. he only does consulting work for free.

    Before becoming a JW, I was glad I was white because our education was very good and discipline in our schools were very high.  University standards were very high when I was there.  I was privileged due to my skin color.... just by luck of birth. Now schools are mixed and terrible rapes, corruption  etc going on.....

    JW education is needed to improve people's lives and to get them to ditch bad practices such as spiritism.  Unfortunately, this will only happen in the new system.  The brothers in south Africa are tight knit and the love in all congregations abound..... thanks to the education of Jehovah. The racial divide in USA is now getting murderous …… but not yet as bad as in the general population in SA. 

    Thought I will give you my opinion. I hope nothing in here is offensive.  It is a very racist country...….. on both sides of the divide. 

    2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    China has always thought of itself as a great nation

    In the schools they are now focusing on the history of the Opium wars - to create a hate for the west and loyalty to CCP.

  16. 5 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    China's claim that the US was interfering by inciting riots in Hong Kong

    While I agree with you - the CIA atrocities and mingling in affairs of other countries is beyond our imagination - crooked and evil. 

    BUT China are spinning the above tale to their own people.  The propaganda inside china is now in top gear.  Everything in the west is bad.... just like the propaganda in the mosques. USA is the source of all problems in the world. (while I am sure they are - their exploitive behavior was also the source of China's wealth until now - especially when making Apple computers etc for the world.)  While China's people worked like slaves in the new factories outsourced to China...… the western companies took advantage of the  low wages and non-existent  labor protections in china..... it is horrible fact- due to the little human rights in China ….other countries could exploit it..... While not condoning the exploitation -   it did bring many Chinese families out of extreme poverty. 

    There is good reason for people to riot in Hong Kong.  The law that has been changed in Hong Kong is going to bring the same rules into this city as has been in China.  Many have family members in China and KNOW first-hand what is awaiting them.  China does not tolerate any ideas of freedom of speech or freedom of religion etc.  They will send these people to -re-education camps of they could face death as spies... which some of them will be accused of.

    15 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    China was giving interest-free loans in Africa, employing a lot of local African people, and doing things that were building up friendly relations that made it difficult for us (the US) to make the same inroads in Africa, because their style is so different.

    I know of a couple of African countries who had to sign over their airports and harbors to China - so interest-free-is a myth.  In south Africa the government has been taking farms without compensation.... well know fact.   Well, it turns out that many farms that were taken away from farmers in Limpopo region, all of them lay next to the famous wild life park - the Kruger national park... well-known in the world for Rhino, elephant, lion, buffalo, cheetah. leopard and many kinds of antelope.  The threat to this park is that people can now kill these animals (seems like government does not care any longer).   The government also received bribes from China.....   the mineral rights on these farms are now in the hands of china to start mining it for themselves. They bring their own laborers because the labor laws in south Africa protect the African workers.  They whole group riots if one fires one person on the job.... even if the stole from the company.  It is impossible to fire a black person in SA.... even if they deserve it. 


    I quote from your article link:  Interest-free loans account for less than 5 percent of Africa’s rapidly mounting debt to China, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University. The announcement also came a full two months after the World BankIMF, and G-20 had begun their own emergency financing operations continent-wide.  -   

    The other 95% loans are all predatory.  it is smart to give one small free loan and then offer bribes and large predatory loans. The other banks have lent money to south Africa that will never be paid back because S Africa was on the brink of collapse before Covid 19.  Its power stations were providing 4 hours electricity a day and factories were closing. A few foreign companies that were still there are leaving in droves.  The money status is junk status.  The new UN loans come with large attachments...… and the money has already been stolen by the elite in south Africa.  I keep abreast of conditions there.  The poor always lose. UN also does predatory loans.... for their own purpose to control these nations.

    42 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    As Africa Faces COVID-19, Chinese Debt Relief is a Welcome Development.   

    This is the propaganda headlines which China gets at the beginning of each new project.  They lend the money and then come and build the port to their specifications - so they can later use it.  Some have complained about the shoddy workmanship or facilities that they cannot use - but china can and does take it over.  I read a recent article about the Greek shipping that used to dominate the world.  China made agreements about this port - they will be the one using this major port into Europe - part of the 20 year plan to dominate all shipping lanes. 

    The author of " I was a predatory hitman (conman)" indicates how much good newspaper headlines he got for his predatory loans.  China is doing the same.  China is NOT altruistic - they view themselves as superior...…. and want to dominate the world economically.  These loans do not come with austere attachments because this easy-come-easy-go contracts have an ulterior motive. Nothing China does is for free..... even the bribes.  I listened to a talk about the morality in China.  Since no religion is allowed the people in China have become very corrupt - everyone is out to make a buck and will steal if they can get away with it.  Caring for another human has gone out of collective memory.

    Corruption in China is rife and heavy handed treatments of its citizens by governors.  If CCP want to get rid of an official - because you are doing too well and are a threat - then they charge you on false corruption charges to get you out of the way. … but while you are doing their dirty work you are fine.

  17. 7 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Western leaning i

    I would say the press is more sympathetic to cultural communist ideas.  I see too much evidence of it.

    While our prisons are every inch as bad as any other due to privatization, so far the constitution still protects our right to freedom of religion - I guess not for long - because the constitution has been eroded over the past 25 years by congress with many laws which have taken away our personal liberties. Patriot Act is one of them.  They can put JWs in jail under this law without due process - just for being a perceived threat. Congress acts as if the constitution does not exist any longer which means our freedom of religion can come under threat.

    USA has been in a war and did not even know it. They have been like innocent babies and not vigilant. USA does not have long term plans as does Russia and China. In Russia, the writings of Alexander Dugin has influenced the ruling class in Russia.  Attached is an insightful document of this man and his power and ideas in Russia. : https://demokratizatsiya.pub/archives/Geopolitics.pdf

    Russia's long-term plans were influenced by this man, Dugan's geopolitics. He is a regular commentator on TV etc.

    Same with China - while USA was sleeping and helping to build the Chinese empire with its outsourcing of factories etc, to China, China had their own plan to rule the world economically and take the reigns from USA. They were quietly working towards it with long term plans. Subversion and infiltration etc.  They do it with totalitarian vigor/zeal.

    As we know, human plans all eventually fail.... but it has brought a nasty, critical situation in the world which we, at the end of time, must deal with. The world is not just in a battle between powers- it is in a battle of ideas/human ideologies.  Half the population have been convinced by now that capitalism does not bring wealth to all and enriches a few super rich people in the world to manipulate governments. The tide is changing and they are leaning towards communistic economic ideas  What they do not know is that far-right ideas in Russia itself is ruling the minds of people there.  Most people forget the word socialism in the word: national-socialism. They just focus on nationalism but in socialism the greater good of the collective is considered and individual rights disappear. The right to freedom of religion could be a casualty.

    Labor rights or even human rights are being eroded in the present world, (there never was much in totalitarian states) but now in the west as well.  Humans rights organization at UN is a shell of what it once was with corrupt people running the entire organization - chosen for their communist loyalties and not their expertise.  In my thinking -  western governments and their press are leaning more to communist ideas now with what is termed  - far-right oppositions.

  18. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    The group is more important than the individual,‘ is the Eastern mentality

    Actually it is also taught in communism.... so this social engineering into a form of collectivism is not called cultural communism for nothing. The greater good of all is more important than the individual.  So a central government can force any law on you for the greater good of society.  

    I believe in self-sacrificing love but natural law says - I must give it willingly.  Willingly give up my material stuff and willingly sacrifice myself for the greater good of all.  It must not be forced on me by someone who thinks they have a higher morality than God himself. 

    Our natural rights come from Jehovah. Just being born gives it to you.  The right to own your own body and choose what goes into it and the freedom to choose whom you will serve (spiritually) in your home. I will obey the government whatever they ask (even share my stuff) but I will not allow them to put blood or any other substance which could change my mental capacity into my body.  No-one will force me to vote or show allegiance to a political party or its symbolism.  This, I think will become an issue under UN and its allies. 

  19. 12 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    At the root of this issue,

    The root cause of everything is wickedness.  Wickedness always goes hand in hand with control, dominance.  Listened to an interview with the author of the two books " I was an economic hitman".  He worked for NSA and other organizations linked to CIA which made predatory loans to countries which had resources such as oil etc... which USA wanted the control of.  It is easier to fight an economic war with bribery than send in an army, he says.  America was doing this since the fall of the Iranian government and putting the Shah in his place. ….CIA did this everywhere....also in countries they did not have cooperative regimes. The author talks of two presidents that were assassinated, which he dealt with, because they refused to play ball.   Collateral for the building projects (which only the rich and ruling class benefit from) is the resources in the earth of the poor country..... they usually receive the help to develop the infrastructure to get the benefit of the resources but these are owned by very cooperative oligarchs who also cooperate with international decisions.

    So- predatory loans receive lot of publicity because they look so good while it is detrimental for the people because it actually impoverishes the people of the poor country. South America and Africa has been taken over by these loans with Chinese direct loans...… BUT, the people in these countries prefer to have Chinese masters because they can treat their people with oppression (no human rights) and the Chinese do not care.  It is part of the business deal.… "you leave my internal affairs alone and I do not mix in  yours "(i.e. Iran and Chinese get along fabulously  because of this kind of agreement). Also, USA used to have military bases in many countries. ….. the Chinese only want to dominate economically  (Daniel 11 - want the riches of the earth).

    I agree that USA now makes China the new boogieman because the Chinese are now much better predator than the USA predators ever were. (USA cloaked itself as a "prophet"  of democracy and human rights while acting as a dragon). USA has itself has been victim to secret predatory practices of the Chinese for the last 20 years with most of their intellectual property stolen as well as military secrets. We are in a new era where totalitarian regimes are taking over and working with each other on non-human rights basis. 

    I see here so much apologetics for the brutality of the Chinese in Hong Kong - but like all communistic states, the enemies of the state will be liquidated.  It seems like the gulags in Russia have become imaginary figments of the past. People are being gaslighted in the press to think it was not really so bad; or it really did not happen as some writers said, or the numbers of people were much less than the number of people that Hitler killed..... all these excuses do not take away the fact that the King of the North is brutal and he is on the rise...….As Christians we watch it - sit still and do nothing..... but it does not mean that we do not understand what is going on! 

    11 hours ago, César Chávez said:

    China’s government sees human rights as an existential threat.

    Exactly!.... and they are gaining more and more positions in the UN due to bribery!  (WHO leader is a good example - chosen because he is an Chinese activist not because he is a good doctor, who cares about people.  He has done what many communist leaders in Africa have done - starved the geographical area of people who do not vote for them.) 

    And according to bible prophecy - this totally corrupt organization (image of the beast with its allies) will be the eighth king.   Life is going to get a lot harder soon!

    11 hours ago, César Chávez said:

    At home, the Chinese Communist Party, worried that permitting political freedom would jeopardize its grasp on power, has constructed an Orwellian high-tech surveillance state and a sophisticated internet censorship system to monitor and suppress public criticism. Abroad, it uses its growing economic clout to silence critics and to carry out the most intense attack on the global system for enforcing human rights since that system began to emerge in the mid-20th century.

    Well said!  The CCP has taken China over completely!  While there is always infighting - they eliminate their enemies very quickly - Stalin style.… so that the atrocities do not get out into the West.  They have their own press under complete state control..... people here do not understand the concept of having the press under control.  Your life is worth nothing if you expose anything the government is doing. Hong Kong atrocities will now be silenced due to Chinese control of press.

    This press control - propaganda - is prevalent in USA.  the truth about many things are now being suppressed because those who are the owners of the press are part of the secular NWO which truly believe that the "image of the beast" can bring peace and security. 

    conclusion:  My interest in this is not to argue over which government is the worst..... they all are part of the 'beast".  Many western governments assassinate the characters of those who do not cooperate with them … even to eliminate people who are whistleblowers (such as the policeman who fled to Russia because he knew he would be killed like many other of his colleagues who tried to expose the extreme wealth and extent of child trafficking in Florida).  The west is already under control of rich gangsters (a thugocracy like Russia and China just with a veneer of freedom). Many people believe they still have human rights under a more free system but soon they will wake up to more control.  The Patriot Act can put you in prison for a long time without the help of a lawyer. 

    I watch for totalitarian inclinations in governments.  Like Rutherford, I think that the final government of the world will be totalitarian, (although he believed it will come sooner - with Germany) and pro-communist ideas and communist means of control is now infiltrating everywhere!  A 'central control' which could eliminate all religion and force a new morality of loyalty to the new state philosophy (which through UNESCO is now being put in all schools)  and those who do not comply will not be able to buy or sell.

    My friend in Sweden is a pioneer and French teacher - she is thinking of leaving the profession but will try to circumvent the new curricula..... which is installed everywhere. 

    Ps: I am learning a new language and it has sentences such as : the woman and her partner (female gender) - this is everywhere in language curricula etc.   Children are learning this as school - part of the new cultural communism or socialistic engineering - or whatever you want to call it.

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