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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. While I agree with you - the CIA atrocities and mingling in affairs of other countries is beyond our imagination - crooked and evil. BUT China are spinning the above tale to their own people. The propaganda inside china is now in top gear. Everything in the west is bad.... just like the propaganda in the mosques. USA is the source of all problems in the world. (while I am sure they are - their exploitive behavior was also the source of China's wealth until now - especially when making Apple computers etc for the world.) While China's people worked like slaves in the new factories outsourced to China...… the western companies took advantage of the low wages and non-existent labor protections in china..... it is horrible fact- due to the little human rights in China ….other countries could exploit it..... While not condoning the exploitation - it did bring many Chinese families out of extreme poverty. There is good reason for people to riot in Hong Kong. The law that has been changed in Hong Kong is going to bring the same rules into this city as has been in China. Many have family members in China and KNOW first-hand what is awaiting them. China does not tolerate any ideas of freedom of speech or freedom of religion etc. They will send these people to -re-education camps of they could face death as spies... which some of them will be accused of. I know of a couple of African countries who had to sign over their airports and harbors to China - so interest-free-is a myth. In south Africa the government has been taking farms without compensation.... well know fact. Well, it turns out that many farms that were taken away from farmers in Limpopo region, all of them lay next to the famous wild life park - the Kruger national park... well-known in the world for Rhino, elephant, lion, buffalo, cheetah. leopard and many kinds of antelope. The threat to this park is that people can now kill these animals (seems like government does not care any longer). The government also received bribes from China..... the mineral rights on these farms are now in the hands of china to start mining it for themselves. They bring their own laborers because the labor laws in south Africa protect the African workers. They whole group riots if one fires one person on the job.... even if the stole from the company. It is impossible to fire a black person in SA.... even if they deserve it. I quote from your article link: Interest-free loans account for less than 5 percent of Africa’s rapidly mounting debt to China, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University. The announcement also came a full two months after the World Bank, IMF, and G-20 had begun their own emergency financing operations continent-wide. - The other 95% loans are all predatory. it is smart to give one small free loan and then offer bribes and large predatory loans. The other banks have lent money to south Africa that will never be paid back because S Africa was on the brink of collapse before Covid 19. Its power stations were providing 4 hours electricity a day and factories were closing. A few foreign companies that were still there are leaving in droves. The money status is junk status. The new UN loans come with large attachments...… and the money has already been stolen by the elite in south Africa. I keep abreast of conditions there. The poor always lose. UN also does predatory loans.... for their own purpose to control these nations. This is the propaganda headlines which China gets at the beginning of each new project. They lend the money and then come and build the port to their specifications - so they can later use it. Some have complained about the shoddy workmanship or facilities that they cannot use - but china can and does take it over. I read a recent article about the Greek shipping that used to dominate the world. China made agreements about this port - they will be the one using this major port into Europe - part of the 20 year plan to dominate all shipping lanes. The author of " I was a predatory hitman (conman)" indicates how much good newspaper headlines he got for his predatory loans. China is doing the same. China is NOT altruistic - they view themselves as superior...…. and want to dominate the world economically. These loans do not come with austere attachments because this easy-come-easy-go contracts have an ulterior motive. Nothing China does is for free..... even the bribes. I listened to a talk about the morality in China. Since no religion is allowed the people in China have become very corrupt - everyone is out to make a buck and will steal if they can get away with it. Caring for another human has gone out of collective memory. Corruption in China is rife and heavy handed treatments of its citizens by governors. If CCP want to get rid of an official - because you are doing too well and are a threat - then they charge you on false corruption charges to get you out of the way. … but while you are doing their dirty work you are fine.
  2. I would say the press is more sympathetic to cultural communist ideas. I see too much evidence of it. While our prisons are every inch as bad as any other due to privatization, so far the constitution still protects our right to freedom of religion - I guess not for long - because the constitution has been eroded over the past 25 years by congress with many laws which have taken away our personal liberties. Patriot Act is one of them. They can put JWs in jail under this law without due process - just for being a perceived threat. Congress acts as if the constitution does not exist any longer which means our freedom of religion can come under threat. USA has been in a war and did not even know it. They have been like innocent babies and not vigilant. USA does not have long term plans as does Russia and China. In Russia, the writings of Alexander Dugin has influenced the ruling class in Russia. Attached is an insightful document of this man and his power and ideas in Russia. : https://demokratizatsiya.pub/archives/Geopolitics.pdf Russia's long-term plans were influenced by this man, Dugan's geopolitics. He is a regular commentator on TV etc. Same with China - while USA was sleeping and helping to build the Chinese empire with its outsourcing of factories etc, to China, China had their own plan to rule the world economically and take the reigns from USA. They were quietly working towards it with long term plans. Subversion and infiltration etc. They do it with totalitarian vigor/zeal. As we know, human plans all eventually fail.... but it has brought a nasty, critical situation in the world which we, at the end of time, must deal with. The world is not just in a battle between powers- it is in a battle of ideas/human ideologies. Half the population have been convinced by now that capitalism does not bring wealth to all and enriches a few super rich people in the world to manipulate governments. The tide is changing and they are leaning towards communistic economic ideas What they do not know is that far-right ideas in Russia itself is ruling the minds of people there. Most people forget the word socialism in the word: national-socialism. They just focus on nationalism but in socialism the greater good of the collective is considered and individual rights disappear. The right to freedom of religion could be a casualty. Labor rights or even human rights are being eroded in the present world, (there never was much in totalitarian states) but now in the west as well. Humans rights organization at UN is a shell of what it once was with corrupt people running the entire organization - chosen for their communist loyalties and not their expertise. In my thinking - western governments and their press are leaning more to communist ideas now with what is termed - far-right oppositions.
  3. The evidence is in. I actually do NOT believe in labels because it dehumanizes but the hate-behavior is so repetitive it actually dehumanizes the person himself.
  4. Actually it is also taught in communism.... so this social engineering into a form of collectivism is not called cultural communism for nothing. The greater good of all is more important than the individual. So a central government can force any law on you for the greater good of society. I believe in self-sacrificing love but natural law says - I must give it willingly. Willingly give up my material stuff and willingly sacrifice myself for the greater good of all. It must not be forced on me by someone who thinks they have a higher morality than God himself. Our natural rights come from Jehovah. Just being born gives it to you. The right to own your own body and choose what goes into it and the freedom to choose whom you will serve (spiritually) in your home. I will obey the government whatever they ask (even share my stuff) but I will not allow them to put blood or any other substance which could change my mental capacity into my body. No-one will force me to vote or show allegiance to a political party or its symbolism. This, I think will become an issue under UN and its allies.
  5. The root cause of everything is wickedness. Wickedness always goes hand in hand with control, dominance. Listened to an interview with the author of the two books " I was an economic hitman". He worked for NSA and other organizations linked to CIA which made predatory loans to countries which had resources such as oil etc... which USA wanted the control of. It is easier to fight an economic war with bribery than send in an army, he says. America was doing this since the fall of the Iranian government and putting the Shah in his place. ….CIA did this everywhere....also in countries they did not have cooperative regimes. The author talks of two presidents that were assassinated, which he dealt with, because they refused to play ball. Collateral for the building projects (which only the rich and ruling class benefit from) is the resources in the earth of the poor country..... they usually receive the help to develop the infrastructure to get the benefit of the resources but these are owned by very cooperative oligarchs who also cooperate with international decisions. So- predatory loans receive lot of publicity because they look so good while it is detrimental for the people because it actually impoverishes the people of the poor country. South America and Africa has been taken over by these loans with Chinese direct loans...… BUT, the people in these countries prefer to have Chinese masters because they can treat their people with oppression (no human rights) and the Chinese do not care. It is part of the business deal.… "you leave my internal affairs alone and I do not mix in yours "(i.e. Iran and Chinese get along fabulously because of this kind of agreement). Also, USA used to have military bases in many countries. ….. the Chinese only want to dominate economically (Daniel 11 - want the riches of the earth). I agree that USA now makes China the new boogieman because the Chinese are now much better predator than the USA predators ever were. (USA cloaked itself as a "prophet" of democracy and human rights while acting as a dragon). USA has itself has been victim to secret predatory practices of the Chinese for the last 20 years with most of their intellectual property stolen as well as military secrets. We are in a new era where totalitarian regimes are taking over and working with each other on non-human rights basis. I see here so much apologetics for the brutality of the Chinese in Hong Kong - but like all communistic states, the enemies of the state will be liquidated. It seems like the gulags in Russia have become imaginary figments of the past. People are being gaslighted in the press to think it was not really so bad; or it really did not happen as some writers said, or the numbers of people were much less than the number of people that Hitler killed..... all these excuses do not take away the fact that the King of the North is brutal and he is on the rise...….As Christians we watch it - sit still and do nothing..... but it does not mean that we do not understand what is going on! Exactly!.... and they are gaining more and more positions in the UN due to bribery! (WHO leader is a good example - chosen because he is an Chinese activist not because he is a good doctor, who cares about people. He has done what many communist leaders in Africa have done - starved the geographical area of people who do not vote for them.) And according to bible prophecy - this totally corrupt organization (image of the beast with its allies) will be the eighth king. Life is going to get a lot harder soon! Well said! The CCP has taken China over completely! While there is always infighting - they eliminate their enemies very quickly - Stalin style.… so that the atrocities do not get out into the West. They have their own press under complete state control..... people here do not understand the concept of having the press under control. Your life is worth nothing if you expose anything the government is doing. Hong Kong atrocities will now be silenced due to Chinese control of press. This press control - propaganda - is prevalent in USA. the truth about many things are now being suppressed because those who are the owners of the press are part of the secular NWO which truly believe that the "image of the beast" can bring peace and security. conclusion: My interest in this is not to argue over which government is the worst..... they all are part of the 'beast". Many western governments assassinate the characters of those who do not cooperate with them … even to eliminate people who are whistleblowers (such as the policeman who fled to Russia because he knew he would be killed like many other of his colleagues who tried to expose the extreme wealth and extent of child trafficking in Florida). The west is already under control of rich gangsters (a thugocracy like Russia and China just with a veneer of freedom). Many people believe they still have human rights under a more free system but soon they will wake up to more control. The Patriot Act can put you in prison for a long time without the help of a lawyer. I watch for totalitarian inclinations in governments. Like Rutherford, I think that the final government of the world will be totalitarian, (although he believed it will come sooner - with Germany) and pro-communist ideas and communist means of control is now infiltrating everywhere! A 'central control' which could eliminate all religion and force a new morality of loyalty to the new state philosophy (which through UNESCO is now being put in all schools) and those who do not comply will not be able to buy or sell. My friend in Sweden is a pioneer and French teacher - she is thinking of leaving the profession but will try to circumvent the new curricula..... which is installed everywhere. Ps: I am learning a new language and it has sentences such as : the woman and her partner (female gender) - this is everywhere in language curricula etc. Children are learning this as school - part of the new cultural communism or socialistic engineering - or whatever you want to call it.
  6. No - I am referring to all the students that were taken into custody and all the leaders of organizations standing for freedom of speech..... While the united stated states pretends to be a lamb and its CIA is involved with the overthrowing of many regimes in the world especially at present in South America, (this fact is known and is obvious by bible prophecy), China has seriously violated all the agreements made when Hong Kong was handed back to her..... and more. She has totally infiltrated the Hong Kong government and already has her strangled grip at Hong Kong's throat. Hon Kong's people will now live in the same fear as ordinary people in China. I wish the CCP was a specific group. My issue is not with the Chinese people as I have said many times here on this forum. The CCP is bringing suffering on its own people. My issue is with the King of the North (which includes the CCP) which is incarcerating humans who have a right to choose there own religion by the natural right given us by God. When any government has the right to dictate that you cannot practice religion in your own HOME and can be taken into custody and life-long jail or death as a traitor for this, they are taking away the natural law given you by god - the CHOICE of your own religion. This is why I do not condone the Central Communist Party of China - for NO other reason. I know that ALL governments are totally corrupt - especially the USA. I am in complete sympathy for the ordinary people of CHINA. You choose to be apologetic for a government (CCP) which is severely oppressing freedom of religion. This is my only beef with them. It is prophesied that king of North and its allies will push with king of south and gain control of the "riches of the world" (DANIEL 11: 36- END) Frankly I do not care who runs the world but I do care about freedom of religion and I will point out these atrocities until I drop dead. God gave us this CHOICE by our merely being born in this world. And I know that our freedom of religion will soon be curtailed. But I am not going to sit down without speaking out against it when I am taken into custody for practicing my religion. They can take away ALL my rights but this is ONE right I refuse to be apologetic about! I will not riot or demonstrate or get political about it but I do show here on this forum that the CCP is not a victim of propaganda as it is purported to be. It is a serious threat as indicated by Daniel 11, especially as I can see that the West is enamored of China's "control" over her people. It is as though the world has gone mad and have become inclined to take away this right of freedom of religion (this prophecy will come to fruition when Jehovah allows it at the right time)…… but antipathy to religion is growing. ANTIFA was burning bibles while they were rioting - it was caught on camera and received some publicity. This is where the world is going. I am merely bringing attention to this phenomenon that atheist totalitarianism is on the rise (which has its origins in cultural communism) and will soon lead to the worst tribulation the world has ever seen. Especially because the UN is working with the CCP. The CCP have important positions on the Human Rights council and veto rights in security council etc. which they use to promote predatory behavior on the globe - including predatory loans to gain territory. Open warfare is no longer the way to rule the world - predatory loans are. Not just China and Russia do this... Predatory loans is something which the world banks (UN banks) are now also busy with. The UN world banks IMF etc are lending billions to poor countries at present during Corona shutdown to carry their economies through this - but all of these loans have predatory conditions attached. These countries are now bought and paid for. They have to cooperate with UN in all matters - basically giving over their autonomy to the UN. Interesting do you not think? I watch for predatory behavior in regimes and banks... to see where we are in the stream of the time leading to Armageddon. I believe we are in this time right now. These countries will be forced to work with the UN in future or will not receive help again. I warned about China before Trump started his rhetoric. I said that USA have been sleeping for the last 20 years. I also think that USA is financially broken so this cold war between them will lead to some sort of conflict or a severe aggravation and food shortages in both countries. While China will suppress this information of getting out into the greater world. America's food shortages will be blasted out for all to see. Since you do not believe to watch for any signs for the time of the end..... I can understand your stance that you do not see anything wrong with the moral behavior of China as part of the King of the North Alliance... it is just the boogieman making propaganda about china and life will go back to normal after this - just like before. China has not acted aggressively at all? When China is putting the fear into Australia, Japan, Phillipines, Malaysia - encroaching into the seas of all the smaller countries and claiming its waters as belonging to China. Predatory loans and bribery of the leaders in Indonesia - and the list goes on. This is not propaganda. Building islands and enforcing its seas with military ports on them and stacking them with military airplanes and boats. is this the actions of a pacifist or an aggressor to say - I am ruling here! Definitely - on this I agree with you. This is a propaganda war. ….. until they start a conflict. But both sides know it will be costly (MAD) - they need support for their posturing...…. but it is too late for USA. China has already stolen everything it needs (military and digital secrets etc) to grow into a superpower. It also has great financial wows but because it has a totalitarian regime, it does not need permission of its people to take the country in a new direction. In western democracies it is different - one needs consent. In these matters totalitarianism is an advantage.
  7. Met a young guy in field service here which believed that we are in a nasty computer game. I said to him that God does not play nasty games but there are very nasty humans involved who are playing us all. Yes, they built wires into peoples heads in the 1950 and 60s already during MKULTRA experiments.... burn half of their brains without their permissions and made them into zombies. Others they controlled so they committed crimes. Behavior science is now at the point far beyond this, where they can control crowds with propaganda. Some believe we should be cyborgs and become part of the "singularity" which they are now creating with machines which are teaching themselves. Our fleshly brains have been downgraded to mere computers.... consequently there are highly educated and rich nutcases out there that believe we must all be connected to the 'singularity' to reach our top potential and "everlasting" life in a machine..... This is the crazy future that people really believe in. The world is getting nuttier and nuttier. It will be hard to distinguish fact from fiction soon. Thanks to Jehovah we can keep a measure of a reality check. Unfortunately the youth are the most vulnerable because these things together with sexual depraved habits are now taught in the curricula.
  8. Well - they just took all the student activists for democracy into custody in Hong Kong and all the leaders of organizations who want freedom of speech. Journalists etc. They face treason charges which could lead to death or very long imprisonments. How much needs to happen for you guys to realize these people are dedicated god-haters and have no morality because of this. They are officially now doing more than that which Russia is doing to JWs. I read an article where humans rights organizations are alerting to what the Chinese are now doing to JWs. If your sympathies lie with the CCP in the name of not takes sides in politics - mine does not lie with any political system - it lies with Jehovah's people. I understood long ago that these CCP Chinese are part of king of the north. I watched a Chinese propaganda cartoon-video which is circling in Iran today. Totally anti western and spreading of disinformation - something which totalitarian states are very good at - especially when combined with curbing of freedom of religion. This is the direction whereto USA is evolving and the entire west if one looks at the freedom of religion and freedom of speech markers. Yes they do - I watched a documentary about the ancient Chinese culture.. a professor talking about what is left. Very little of the true Chinese culture is left - it has been eradicated and replaced with worship of the state. So it does not surprise me that they also see the Islamic religion and different culture as a threat to state worship... only allegiance to the state is allowed. These people are suffering and you do not recognize it! This is politically correct behavior. It is similar to the people who have left islam - when they talk against Islam because they have suffered, they are totally ignored because it is no longer the political correct thing to do. It is not possible in the minds of people that someone would do this - hence the islamophobia label are put on these people who almost died when they left Islam in Islamic countries. They are the true victims of oppression but get NO acknowledgement. Same happening now in China and the same will happen in Hong Kong. It is not politically correct to speak the truth any longer - propaganda wins every time. I guess the suffering does not matter - one must be reasonable and give a totalitarian state a break. Those stories coming out of Russia about the horrible beatings of JWs - that is just the media playing on the easy sympathies of people! One must give the state the benefit of the doubt!
  9. Well lets see if these experiences were …….scripted. I have seen tons of these videos with personal experiences (there are more online than you seem to realize). This one (below) is from a another reputable news company and has a good insight into what is going on. (Since I found out who owns Wikileaks and who checks their information I go there to learn about film stars - not about history. ) These "scripted people" give their own experiences (please watch link below) - there are many of these videos online...… Some look bewildered... and the hopelessness shines through - this always touches my feelings. One doctor gave her experience in the camp - she was forced to do hand labor for 18 hours and she was away from her children - she said she does not need re-training. She has a good profession. She said she wanted to commit suicide many times. Sleep deprived and the system is brutal.... and there is beatings when you do not comply. She has a profession...This was in another video..… The labor is forced and the CCP makes money from it. They assemble two kinds of computers and the women make clothes for big western companies. The money goes into the government pocket. If anyone thinks this is ok for a government to do to anyone because they have a religion it does not like......then you are a totalitarian at heart. I do not like islam and I know their hate for "unbelievers" will come to roost at Armageddon when many will kill unbelievers. We know we will stand still and watch as these people kill each other...… but I cannot approve of this kind of treatment or even condone it. Torture is coming back big time! Mind control through drugs remind me of MKULTRA experiments in USA.... yes this world is becoming EVIL. The research that has been done in china (google and other tech companies) on mind control, merging human minds with computers etc, is frightening. I recognize the evil everywhere as Satan is getting his grip on this system. I was in a model (slightly militarized) school in south Africa. I hated it. We were a "show school and had many visits from journalists." This reminds me of the one beautiful Chinese camp that they allow journalists to see with beautiful amenities to learn art and national dancing - what if you hate both? - the other camps will not be seen by journalists. It just so happens that China was so afraid the Uighur want independence due to being different from the Han. They are now settling in Han into the region (as they have done in Tibet) The reason? This province provides many of the rare earth metals and ground resources they need for their manufacturing sector. These videos are everywhere - If one compares the different videos one sees the same incidents and stories are coming up. In this video they tortured those who refuse to sing the national songs before they get food or they skipped a meal (I would refuse to sing national songs - so I would have been tortured and died of hunger if I were there.) The children are taken away - in this video it also comes out.... I just found this video by chance this morning and put it on here. The same repetitive stories come out - just with different reasons for being interred. children are "socially engineered". I did the same with the body parts videos...…watched many videos and compared the statistics and the secret interviews. Chinese researchers (doctors) have done research on the numbers and the hospitals doing these (The Chinese government kill those who work against the government or intern them for long periods in torturous confinement so that news cannot get out ...…… true communism. Stalin killed all the people who previously worked with him so no records of evil deeds will be left - no-one to recount.... it is as if it never existed.... no one to tell tales.
  10. Yes we do that but it does not mean we must deliberately keep ourselves in the dark. Jesus himself was executed as a political prisoner because he had offended the religious rulers. All they could pin on him was the fact that he said he had a "kingdom". Similarly, we are only loyal to jehovah's kingdom. Soon we will also be hunted down as political radicals because we refuse the mark of the beast. Do you know what is the mark of the beast?
  11. It seems they have removed True Tom Hartley's last comment to another thread? Like any conversation, it does deviate a bit and then come back...to the main subject...... so What is the purpose of the strict enforcement of draconian rules?
  12. https://time.com/5467628/china-uighur-congress-torture/ You will see here in this testimony above it speaks of forced abortions. I have listened and read many over the past two years. I listened to secret interviews (translated) of husbands who testified that the government suddenly came to pick up their wives when they were just about full term - ready to give birth with a second child. They sterilized them - took their children (probably used the body parts because it is valuable) and threw the women out on the street far away from home! Most of them had severe mental issues after this happened to them - what they did to them I do not know but most of them lost their will to live... I rarely cry when I listen to these kind of testimonies - but these made me cry. The woman all could not go back to the life they had before. One husband said he is poor and his wife cannot work hard and support him and look after her living child. He said he loved her but he may have to divorce her because he needs a partner that can work. His wife was just sitting there like a zombie. He found her wandering after her forced abortion.
  13. It was for the "greater good" - a popular phrase in this kind of ideology. It reminds me of the Pharisees who said that one man must die to save many …… Yes - there are many ways one can justify deliberate murder and killing.
  14. China: King of the North together with Russia and other totalitarian states - its allies: One can use all the information from publications that whitewash China's atheist hate of religion and its atrocities that is now going on. Investigate the communist manifesto and you will know what a totalitarian state looks like and its goals. It can easy become a tool of Satan. We know that the West is part of the beast ….. but what makes this kind of system so handy to turn against all religion and be the inspiration to the UN for one world order ……. and become the King of the North? https://bitterwinter.org/persecution-against-jehovahs-witnesses-escalates-in-china/
  15. I do not trust Wikipedia or the fact checkers... follow the money trail and you know who they represent.... A lot of rewriting of history is going on..... But say it was not 40 million of their own citizens that they killed. Say it was only 10 million ……starved to death both in Russia and China. Does that make it OK? Just asking the questions that need to be asked..... I am not going to argue over the numbers though (although enough information is currently trickling out of china) because history has been rewritten over the past 2 decades. I am talking about the philosophy and the ideologies of these governments that inevitably lead to death of citizens because the life of citizens become cheap in a totalitarian society. The zeal is great - almost like a religion...…just more emotion with no logic attached to it. This is what most people do not get - they think these crazy people are just passionate about equality... For example: have a look at ANTIFA. They want police disbanded, prisons closed and all the other social justices they believe in to be implemented by a revolution and destruction. Look at the leaders who started Black Lives Matter - you will discover it has little to do with black lives but a lot to do with ideology. Their zeal for their new religion is great! They listen to no-one and not to common sense. This is the type of people who follow propaganda which leads to Armageddon... those who easily fall for propaganda because this replaces belief in a god. It gives them a reason to live, the social justice part of it. And who of us do not want social justice. We all agree that there is injustice. But these people do not think like logical people about justice...…. it is a rewriting of what is good and bad from a new secular - religious cum philosophy standpoint. In current times it is no longer the bourgeois. Bourgeois has been replaced by 'oppressors / colonizers' and all the victim groups - the different groups that have been victims of the oppression. The oppressors must be removed and social justice be brought in. UN Agenda 2030 is about collectivizing properties and equalizing all peoples - no matter what their culture - even if they HATE western culture (i.e Mu.sl.im.s - hence the Islama.pho.bia on naming the names of the killers). Yes - just as crazy as the killing of the birds and the murdering of second babies were (during one child policy) in China, there is worse to come...... taking over of property. We are heading down the rabbit hole with these new philosophies. And yet people are apologetic for this kind of system...…… where these kind of raving lunatics run countries. Russia now has a president for life, XI ping is also lifelong in office...…. Usually, where there is instability in a country, dictators rise up and take over and we know what happened to Argentina after oil was nationalized. The orthodox church in Russia is so powerful - training young people to fight with weapons so they can protect their ' families' and nation...…. it reminds me of the national socialism of Germany. Yes - the next few years will be interesting - how many there will be we do not know - but this scenario will play out so that Jehovah will have to step in to save us. That is for sure.
  16. These protesters want to throw away the constitution and everything it used to stand for in the past. All past history must be eradicated and a new start must be given through revolution and the building of a new socially equalizing society and government. Do not underestimate the power of these atheist, post modernist, cultural Marxists...… the constitution can easily be abandoned. There is much talk of it already....They want police to be abandoned at local level so that they can force a centralized police oversight in federal government.. This is similar to communism. Police was always locally appointed so the central government cannot control it. Trump is setting a dangerous precedent...but he is being forced into it by the riots which governors are refusing to address. They want anarchy.... For example, gun rights are protected and freedom of speech are protected by constitution...and property rights...… but in reality, freedom of speech is already curtailed, next, all will have to give in their guns.... and property rights are already being eroded at local level by "sustainable development NGOs" which were brought in by the Council on Foreign Relations after adoption of UN Agenda 21. The constitution is easy to change or abandon. The constitution is only regarded as untouchable mostly by conservatives. America will not be what it was before...…its constitution will not protect the individual and his rights any longer - USA will be come collectivist. How quick this will happen in future depends on the outcome of the next election. Does not matter who wins the next election - the acrimony will be worse than before the election, with disputes about vote counting, because both sides are being set up by propaganda that their side will win and both sides believe the other side is ready to steal the election. USA will still stand when Armageddon comes but not like before. An eighth king will take its place - the disgusting thing. Equality sounds wonderful - I agree it is a Christian principle. But when equality is 'forced' on all humans and administered by a central government consisting of people only loyal to a central party and these party officials are not as equal as all the rest - it always becomes oppressive and dangerous. The nature of atheism and totalitarian central government lends itself to disrespect life. (injustice is in all human systems but some kinds of governments liquidate their own population easier than others. When humans are asked to spy on their neighbors because their loyalty to the party is suspicious...… Equality, as taught by Jehovah, comes from the heart - a true personal belief that we should not view ourselves as better than others and should treat others with justice because Jehovah is watching. A true belief that we all must be self-controlling, self-sacrificing...…and just, kind, good, merciful etc. This is a true equality when all humans apply these principles from conviction. When all willingly have a self-sacrificing personality which comes from WILLING obedience to a set of standards of justice (good and bad) which comes from Jehovah. Human laws (human good and bad), enforced by humans over other humans, does not work because humans always protect their own interests and enforce laws unjustly. Satan has tried to set up counterfeit utopias, both by means of religion and philosophy. Communism promises an utopian government where all are equal. Islam promises an utopian government which is religious - where the rulers are religious and all must be loyal to the religious leaders..... similar to Zionism..... Zionism, the communist manifesto and islam have this in common …… they believe in a human government that should rule the entire world and bring in the future utopia..... but all under human rule - whether religious or secular. In all these forms of government, the person has to divide loyalty to Jehovah and give a form of state worship. As in capitalism and democracy, where money or the self is worshipped, very little worship goes to Jehovah. As you know I am NOT a fan of Islam... and I can understand why Russia had wars against the Chechnians and subdued them because they were a threat to the stability of the nation with terrorist attacks. Two girls in my congregation here in Georgia both have referred to the school that was taken over by the terrorists.... it was in the territory they lived in. Uighurs are not much different...… but my sense of right and wrong was outraged when I heard that they take children away from parents and re-train them in boarding schools where state propaganda is spoon-fed day and night. I realized that they can do this to Witnesses. This is the nature of a totalitarian regimes whether religious or secular, atheist. Most Chinese now have their phones checked when they come back from abroad - to see if any religious etc. searches were done on the phone. They do not like the ideas of freedom or rights to contaminate their citizens. This is similar to extreme Muslim countries where they also check citizen's phones when they come back from abroad. I met many of them here in Georgia because I worked a minimum of 2 hours most days just in tourism - street work. I met wonderful and sweet Chinese people.....but they are forced to comply at peril of their life or a system that can take all their social credit away in one swoop. This new social credit system is terrible and may soon come to the west... as Google and other global tech companies cooperated with the Chinese Central party to institute this system. Facial recognition will be the method of social credit system in future..... in the west as well - by 2025.
  17. Americans are, for sure, but you forget I grew up in Africa and basically am a refugee myself. Moving from country to country. I saw what the communalist way of thinking did in Africa. I do not have the American mindset and thankfully did not go to an American school. While I worked in USA, I saw the mindset of people I worked with and realized their vulnerabilities. One of them is that America is the greatest - with the result that they allowed capitalism to blindfold them. To make a dollar they allowed subversive countries into US to buy large companies, take over and originate so-called "human rights organizations" (the clay of Daniel) and did not see all the undermining philosophies coming in (through Frankfort school of thought) to break down family and true Christian morality. The result of this new phenomenon in the streets of US today with the millennials all "emotion" and no thinking ability. Yes - these philosophies started in the west and exported to the east as You clearly indicated. Yes - the new sanctions are unloving because the CCP is hard on their population. The Chinese people are sitting ducks. Once one is under a communist system you cannot get out from under it. You are powerless. The power and money lies in the hands of the few. Most of the large corporations are owned by the state or the state has a large share of its profits. Some are even owned by the military - which do not swear allegiance to the Chinese people - but to the CCP. China has taken over the south china sea. Vietnam cannot drill in its own waters.... china threatens... and so they have to pay compensation to the middle eastern company that was going to do the drilling. Philippines took china to international court because of its abuses. They have taken over all their fishing waters. China ignored the verdict in Philippines' favor. The Pilipino president says he cannot enforce the verdict because he will have to go to war and he cannot afford war against china. China is on the Indian border, there is talk that the pressure in Nepal is high - it may be the next Tibet. Tibet was full of monestaries when china took over...….. the entire spiritual way of life of the people, that went on for centuries, came to an abrupt end. I am highlighting this to show that once one has a system like this one cannot get out from under it - it is destructive and all consuming...….. just as Satan wants it. If you stand against the state and keep your religion - you are expendable…. So far, in the west a person had freedom of religion - but this will be taken away in a flash under a new world system where we are social engineered to be 'equal' in all things (including your religion) - which is now in the making. I see signs that it is coming to the west. Satan will use it to compromise the integrity of all - we will have to stand the test of our faith. Who will be able to stand?
  18. I do not have anything against communism (I know it is flawed like capitalism) ...... however, I realize its atheism and the philosophy behind it is treacherous. It is a perfect vehicle for Satan to use in time of the end because of the totalitarian nature of it. Satan can influence the wicked atheist world leaders to bring in a one world central government modelled on neo-communism (which they are planning at present) and the greatest tribulation /starvation the world has ever seen. Most people are welcoming to this system these days and do not realize the implications of it. And I am NOT taking sides - just warning of the signs I see developing..... regarding possible fulfillment of the scriptures we have. I do not take sides in US politics - I am thankfully without a country. BUT I watch philosophies and trends..... and this philosophy is humbugging everyone! The way things are going, property rights will be taken away (agenda 2030 and the green deal) … so all will be slaves - totally equal. What most people do not realize is that super capitalism and communism look the same - a few people on top and the rest are plebs. This is why one cannot take sides..... both systems lead to severe oppression when it reaches this stage..... This is why the super rich in the world - the top echelons are all working together to beget a NWO that will equalize everyone except those already on the top. Hunger will kill a lot of people.... without proper medical and other services.... True- I studied islam - I know islam inside out - its sharia laws its aspirations. I still follow the money trails and the front organizations which now are so powerful in USA and forming policies. America has been subverted, not just by Chinese but by islam….. The situation is building up everywhere for Armageddon.... of this I am sure. America has been subverted because think-tanks are bought and paid for by those who donate the money. Follow the money trail and you will find the truth. Same with this virus - they did false studies that show hydroxychloroquine to be dangerous ( these studies were withdrawn but withdrawals did not get publicly) - so no-one knows the truth. People have been using it every day for 68 years for illnesses such as arthritis and malaria prevention. Doctors who spoke the truth about it are taken off FB and YouTube etc. Why? Pharmaceutical industrial complex behind the maligning and the false studies. Can one really trust these studies and the fact checkers? I do not. I happen to have used hydroxychloroquine. It was prescribed for my arthritis.
  19. yes and it just so happens that Russia, china, Iran and some ex-soviet countries are amongst them. In Africa and middle east, Christian populations have almost disappeared..... there were large populations before. This means that they have been wide awake - but unfortunately they have been sleeping for the last 20 years. And if you think you can trust any of the sources in America - think again. We are not talking about war crimes and injustice on the battle field - you seem to confuse the two aspects. Most countries commit war terrible war crimes. I am talking about totalitarianism and how they have killed their own people - not foreigners. And the possibility for this to come to the West. I know all about these American atrocities - governments usually justify these type of atrocities against other countries..... and it is bad….- but can you imagine what will happen if USA does this to their own people? The possibility is growing for a totalitarian system to arise. The Chinese are already doing it, Russia and Iran is doing it, and several north African countries and ex-soviet countries are illtreating their people or justifying death of their own citizens. … . That is what I am talking about...… this kind of system which could be awaiting the entire world.
  20. I agree with what you said - all those things did happen. But when searching, not only for single events, but looking at the entire picture of the 19th century and 20th century mind-frames - through the lens of bible prophecy - (if one looks for steps which could lead to the final outcome of Satanist philosophies ruling the world in the time of the end which would actually advocate the destruction of all religion and totally replace the god of the bible, and its moral values with worship of state - Daniel 11), then one notices how religiosity was slowly replaced by atheism and its philosophical sisters. The development of post-religious humanism (equality, rights) which then further developed into philosophies developed for, and by atheists, which specifically pretended to care for human equality but first advocated the total destruction of previous systems of governance - to be replaced by a centralized government control system which would ensure equality for all. (French revolution killed most of the upper classes and the second wave of killing was actually worst than the first). Later new philosophies advocated the destruction of all moral values previously valued by Christian societies - something which Satan will use in the time of the end due to its extreme hate for true Christians (Gen 3:16 - hate between seeds). The new world government will force one to worship the state/ beast as Daniel 11 clearly indicates. It started before the French revolution when atheist/humanist philosophers started talking about equality, freedom and brotherhood. This would give and atheist society its values to live by. It sounds wonderful..... it could replace the government that Jehovah is planning to bring to the earth...(Satan is sly, isn't he?) ….. BUT, unfortunately this so-called equality will be forced on everyone whether they like it or not and a central government will regulate how it is managed. Every person will fall under this control (that is why I have been watching digital programs and facial recognition which could be used by all banks and control systems). Certain groups of people will be targeted because they do not adopt the centralized values. We have seen the results of these philosophies which replace the "good and bad" values of Jehovah. Communism (and atheist philosophy) has killed millions in the early 20th century. Its hate for religion is gaining traction all over the world - and professors and students have all been drinking in the post-modern philosophy and cultural Marxism - which is the old Marxism with a new facelift - to get equality for all those who were previously oppressed by colonizers. Both west and east have been primed to adopt this atheist views by the schooling system and control by government will bring in a new brand of equality. These riots to replace police, to abolish prisons, to take away the constitution and property rights is not a fad that is going to go away. These millennials have been learning these things in school and real history has not been taught. UN agenda is to have one government giving the direction of morality - and like all central governments they will get rid of any groups of people (just like in china) who are a threat or who can INFECT other people with thoughts of individual freedom. It is a different way of looking at the philosophies which are at present prevalent and leading to Armageddon. This propaganda is everywhere and the youth are the most susceptible. We know that Jehovah will have to step in to save us - we know that this philosophy will bring disaster as it did early in the 20th century - unfortunately it is now unfolding on a world-wide scale. Religion will be destroyed and then they will attack Jehovah's people. Like in time of Jesus - he was attacked at the right moment (14 Nissan) so he could die at the right time - on Passover. Jehovah will preserve his people until the right moment for attack by those who spearhead the atheist agenda for the world. Most people by this time will have compromised themselves to this worldview of equality of all humans - in place of the Government of Jehovah. When they shout " peace and security" we will know that it is going to blow up in their face. Humans cannot obtain peace and security.... no matter how wonderful the philosophy sounds. Only the principles of Jehovah and his government can achieve this. I may sound political when I talk of the commies and their ways of thinking - but actually it is the god-hating philosophies which interest me..... and how it is messing up the minds of the youth and I watch how this propaganda is leading up to Armageddon. Hope this makes sense to you guys. Do not be mislead...… china is starting to show its true colors and is all other totalitarian regimes (Iran included and Russia) and it just so happens that they all are allies. China is Iran's biggest ally and trading partner. Russia sells them weapons because the Assad government (Syria) and Iran have Shia-religion (islam) in common. All these totalitarian countries have atrocious human rights but they do business together in this basis: I will not talk about your human rights abuses and you do not talk about mine.... we help each other in the UN and we do not mix in each other's internal affairs... that is the basis of their relationships which seem on the surface to be working ……. until Armageddon? It is about Satan wanting to compromise as many people as possible to reject Jehovah and worship the state/beast: The new Marxist philosophies are the perfect vehicle together with totalitarian governments who work together. I do not take side is this. I watch for trends to see what gullible people will fall for in time of end. We are protected by Jehovah because we know that only Jehovah's government can really work to bring true equality - all of us will be equal under god. We will not fall for their philosophies of equality they spin on us ………. we already have a good a good measure of unity and equality - we do not need their philosophies. Jehovah will unite us even better in the new system. Self-sacrificing love will unite us all - and it is a love that we all will give WILLINGLY. It will not be forced on us by some powerful central government. We obey Jehovah because we know his way is best. Russia and china are showing their true colors. I know for a fact China is busy with atheist, inhuman, and devilish things. It is not the people - it is their central committee - the CCP who owns most of the factories and the economy.
  21. Your personal opinion is not important! It is the FACTs on the ground that remains important. Atrocities are being hidden unsuccessfully by the Central communist party because real journalists, who know their job, are smuggling out evidence and secretly talking to people who know what is going on. You have eaten up all the propaganda spun by some pro-communist newspapers in USA (most are now sympathetic to cultural marxism because the UNITED Nations has decided that China is the way forward for the One World Government and its agenda 2030 plans.). China pays most newspapers in USA to publish good things about them. This has been going on for years! They have infiltrated universities, media and even have spies working in US who threaten expatriates' lives if they talk negatively about China. Many of the PHD students who are at strategic departments at universities are military personnel...ready to steal new developments. America has woken up much too late! Russia and China have turned brutal in their internal affairs. They treated foreign students well before but have become openly hostile to foreigners! The propaganda on TV is hostile to foreigners and US. I know people who have left china. As allies, Russia and China are the true king of the NORTH - ready to contend and undermine America's position (the king of the south). Their allies are all the renegade countries of the world such as Iran, Turkey and many ex-soviet countries who still have totalitarian governments or are close to it with strong ties to Russia. The US Petro-dollar currency will be replaced by a new world currency … once the reset is complete. The dollar will soon no longer be the exchange currency. The capitalist facelift that both Russia and China experienced for nearly 20 years is something from the past! Both are going back to the old hardened form of communism. Stalin has once again become popular in Russia and his millions of murders of his own citizens has been whitewashed (40 million down to 20 million) and so has Mao se Tung been sanctified with his murders down to 40 million of his own citizens. Communism - because it is atheist - has no respect for life. Vietnam, Cambodia, North Korea are all examples of severe oppression of its citizens and the killing of unwanted citizens. The Russian orthodox is a hollow religions. Burning of candles and an excellent vehicle for propagandizing Putin's plans and nationalism 1 million Muslims are in forced labor camps. Their children are taken away and 're-trained' to be good communist citizens with NO religion. The Muslims make Nike, H & M and other famous brands in the forced labor factories. More than 10,000 people per year are killed for their body parts. Doctors who have defected have told about these abuses. For medical tourists they have body parts immediately available - no waiting time. There are at least 7 hospitals that do organ transplants every day of the week and their programs are full! Just to mention one of your assertions about Tibet: China has, and is using the source of all the fresh water which originate in Tibet. They want to make dams for the creation of electricity too ! (The rivers of India and china originate in these mountains). .....and yes - they are doing as all communist countries do (Russia does the same) - they move populations out, and replace them with Chinese or Russian citizens who are loyal to the regime. This is ongoing. China is famous for its predatory loans to get control of fast territories and also ports, airports etc.....Not just in all the silk road countries but in Africa and south America. Iran (their other ally - has criminal gangs in Argentina which is making life unbearable for an already suffering people. Resources such as rare earth minerals, wood, fishing waters are being stolen or taken by china. Russia is now in a proxy war in Libya to try to get access of the port to the Mediterranean sea... it already has a port in Syria. I think you underestimate both Russia and China as the leaders of the communist world! Putin has now become president for life and immediately on this announcement clamped down on journalists. He is open about his greed for power - as is China, Iran and many of their allies. Read Daniel 11: 36-40. It is not just an economic pushing - it may still turn ugly! Do not push ideas that are against JW teachings and do not push pro-Marxist propaganda on us when we all know that Russia is the King of the North! We do not take sides in the political battles BUT to try to paint China as an innocent who has been maligned - is absolutely incorrect. Neither is Russia innocent of all the atrocities - especially against Jehovah's people. China are also using body parts of 'conscientious objectors' for their transplants! and organs are removed while the patients are conscious! NO organized religion is allowed in china. China agreed with the pope that they would appoint bishops to the catholic church - and once they knew all the catholic inside business they started clamping down on them...….. not to be trusted. Personally, I do not care about China's horrific politics because we cannot do anything about it - only Jehovah can do this in future. What I do now - they are allies with Russia and absolutely wicked in how they are killing their own people. This is a good point when doing field service when atheists push their ideas. To show the history of atheist countries. How they killed millions of people in the early 20th century gives them quite a wake-up call because many do not know this history! This atheist ideology is overtaking the world because it has been taught in schools. (Part of UN UNESCO curricula). Satan will use it as a vehicle for severe oppression in future so that Jehovah will have to step in - otherwise no flesh will be saved. Many are going to die of hunger and oppression in the great tribulation due to a central world government pushed by UN. USA seems to be heading for a similar type of government with the youth now asking for social justice and a revolution. Whether a powerful central government comes in by vote or by dictator - the result is the same. There is no equality. The top echelons rule and the bottom are all equal. Only those that worship the state can rise to the top and those without a conscience.... this is awaiting the world. I believe it when the bible says that it will be the worst tribulation the world have ever seen and I know that a new form of Marxism and central government (united nations together with those who have handed over its power to them) will be calling the shots. They will turn against all religion and persecute us. Why? because they hate all religion and it is satan's plan to get every person on earth compromised so they cannot get Jehovah's approval. all will be forced to worship the state /beast.
  22. ...1000 is about ten congregations of 100 each. and congregations do not function well in large numbers. Because they were persecuted, I do not think the congregations were larger than say 30 or 40 - and even that is stretching it. So that would give three congregations per 100 people X 10 = 30 congregations per 1000. this would give 4,800 congregations within 55 years of Jesus' death. I doubt it. Also think how many dropped out due to Greek philosophies and other bad behaviors …..and persecution. The weeds were entering the congregations as well.... so by the time the weeds became prevalent I think only a third or half would have been filled. But even if it was more - that means that close to the harvest time the rest of the weeds will be separated. 1 cor 15:51 'look! I tell you a sacred secret: We will not all fall asleep in death, but we will all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the blink of an eye, during* the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised up incorruptible, and we will be changed During the last trumpet some will be changed. Paul is saying that not all would die but that right at the end there would still be anointed on earth who will be instantly changed. This event is not the same as the first resurrection.
  23. I sing opera - not every day but when I feel like it... and only half hour. I read a lot, write some and do research, do a lot of field service (less now), walk everywhere, cook, watch documentaries and read bible. I prepare well for all meetings and improving 3 languages at present. I am brushing up on two languages I already know and one is new.... to keep brain active. I used to do exercises but stopped.... and hope to start a new exercise schedule today due to the fact that I picked up a lot of weight in the first 3 months of lockdown - I could not go walking and ate too much. I love chatting with friends - this I will always keep up with.. I sew sometimes and do arty-farty things. Other things I want to do will just have to wait - not enough time in the day for all I want to do.
  24. Yes - but different aspects of his reign is highlighted - it does not just pure rulership i.e. such as ruling only over his disciples and having the authority over them, then ruling amidst his enemies as well, and then ruling over the entire earth...….. so his dominion (what he rules over) is slowly extended even though he is an appointed king with authority. Just like in any rulership when one goes out to conquer you extend your rulership. Jehovah has appointed times for everything to take place. Jesus was definitely not ruling over the entire world in this time because it is in the hands of satan and the wicked - even though he is a king. That is why Jehovah as eternal king is mentioned as " Jehovah has become king" This does not refer to Jehovah not being king before - but it refers to a new situation where he has taken over rulership once again.
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