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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. On 7/25/2020 at 1:58 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    Jesus say to Love your enemies

    Yes - if it means to correct her so she does not lose her everlasting life - then I am showing love. If I ignored her she will have had no warning... but she persists in her misleading arguments. She asked me question and I told her Jesus was in Tartarus when he preached to the demons.... she has not come back to me but taunts me with something else - abyss, hades... etc...….so she is negating the truth.  I am sad for her..... I do not even have a drop of animosity towards her.  She is digging a hole deeper for herself - I have no control over that.

    Neither do I have animosity against you -  not like the open hatred you express for JWs and the GB...…when I say you have OCD  it is merely a way to express how you always go back to the same old same old modus operandi...… always predictable. it is your default..... you go back to that when you do  not know what to say.

  2. 16 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    But it is possible that such decisions of the JW elders also happen.

    True - and they will only come to this conclusion when evidence seem to point on this direction. When a person afterwards takes them to court do you think that person had the right heart condition ? Were they sinning and then avoided the consequences of their pattern of deceit?  Not repenting for what they were involved with?

  3. 1 minute ago, Anna said:

    My point was that humans are humans wherever they are,

    Unfortunately, characteristics are not the same.  Go to Pakistan and say anything Christian and you may be falsely accused of blasphemy by someone who will lie about you.  It is taught behavior (call it indoctrination if you like). Prejudices of societies make them who they are. 

    In south Africa we did encounter racists - and I used this example before....  Speak to a racist and say that all races will be living together in future paradise.... see what answer you get. " I do not want a future with one of them!"  Question: Who closed the Kingdom for that person... The JW, by mentioning all will share the same hopes, loves aspirations etc.... or did the person's own attitude close the kingdom for him.  many people gladly adopt the prevalent attitudes of their country.  i.e. Most swedes do not believe there is a god and they are comfortable with this and do not want to talk about it. Those who indicate an interest in god are the exeptions.  Same in many countries with other religions..... the prejudices are inbuilt and most like it this way.

    I did hear that it was the poorer classes in India (the untouchables) that were coming in the truth. Those who are affected by the hateful caste system... so they also have new laws brought in my Mohdi (right-wing leader) to dissuade conversions.

    16 minutes ago, Anna said:

    I am not worried, and like you, I leave it in Jehovah's hands because he is a righteous judge and he will not destroy anyone unjustly.

    Totally agreed.  Jehovah knows his sheep. and the field service is directed by the angels. Sometimes we reach people by accident or just plain miracle... 

  4. 6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    you end up with 'mudslinging'

    She does not even understand the ransom sacrifice - this is mudslinging?  She calls herself a teacher of God's word and may mislead many other people - including some lackeys here on this forum.  I show her up for what she is.

  5. 14 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Wouldn’t it be nice if we actually got along with Russia?”

    They hate our guts..... And I think personally - living here in Georgia where Russia is stealing part of the country every night by moving the fence - that they will eventually re-occupy parts of the old soviet union to fulfill the part in Daniel speaking of the "flooding". Daniel 11: from verse 36 to end.  After a major international incident like re-occupying old territories... and China occupying areas in the south china seas...… warlike actions...… the UN and other countries will step in to provide the "peace" before all-out supersonic war breaks out...  it is easier to control populations in other ways.

    Russia has made alliances with all the renegade countries - they sell weapons to Iran, (Pakistan Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan etc) friends with Syria, economic relations with China.  They are extending their "ports" al over the world just like china has been doing.  They have a port in Syria and now are in Libya - fighting the proxy war no doubt to get access to the port to have greater access to the Mediterranean sea.

    Things are moving ahead slowly to the situation called Armageddon.

    14 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    During this lull, it was not even clear just who the king of the north was.

    Yea, both Russia and China believe that their  first revolutions would have worked better if there was enough wealth to go around for everyone. (they ignore how they murdered so many farmers and food providers). So neo-communism, as I call it, got a little facelift. Capitalism was used by the central governments (they own most of the assets) to increase individual wealth (but mind-you not too much - the state must remain the supreme power) so everyone buys into the idea that communism is a fabulous government system...…. then the clamps came down. Religion of the state.  Luckily the orthodox church has been a good vehicle for religion of the state so they are the only religions not receiving flack but in China - very little persona choices are allowed regarding religion.

    So king of the north did receive a bit of a capitalistic facelift in the hands of the central government - all powerful.  The oligarchs are working together with the digitech super-capitalists of the world to govern a new world where science will rule supreme and bring the fourth technical/industrial revolution.  NO place for God in these plans.  Putin is now president for life and so his plans are going ahead.  From their perspective the world really looks hunky-dory. They are getting all that they can wish for because USA is drastically weakening itself from within and the petro-dollar has already fallen.  Iron and clay  (the extreme humanist philosophy and part of the Roman law that is still left in society) is not mixing and acrimony is openly displayed everywhere.

  6. 10 hours ago, Witness said:

    Again, who was in the abyss when Jesus preached to them after his physical death? 

    They were NOT in the abyss - they were in TARTARUS my dear!  AND I DO NOT MEAN THE TARTARUS FROM GREEK LEGEND. YOU are the false teacher!  You do not know the basics that most JWs are taught in the first year of study.  I have known this from my first year of study. 

    That is why you do not believe that Jesus put his soul in death! - READ Isaiah 53.  this is the dreaded scripture which Jews avoid because it is a prophecy about Jehovah putting the soul of Jesus in death.  He did not just die a 'physical' death as you indicate above.  You do not even understand the ransom.  You are not fit to teach a beginner JW - they will know more than you..... And you were angry with the GB because they would not allow you to teach in the congregations!!   I should hope not!

  7. 2 hours ago, Witness said:

    It must be a surprise for JWs to find out

    It is NOT a surprise for JWs to find out that all those people (who never ever knew about Jehovah and the bible and lived in remote areas of the earth before the death of Christ -  ) will be amongst those who get a resurrection during the 1000 years and they will be taught about Jehovah and all will be tested at the end of 1000 years as perfect people.  It is not a surprise for JWs  because we READ and STUDY revelation 20.  We do not make up our own narrative as we go along. 

    This proves to me the logic of Jehovah (that the bible is true) - that jehovah absolutely thought through every aspect of his plan.  You forget I used to preach to Muslims and other people who challenged the logic of the bible. If Jehovah says that at the end of the 1000 years there will be a test - a judgment by letting satan loose (people will all know Jehovah from the new scrolls that are opened)  the test will be fair - we cannot say we do not like it.  Just as Jehovah had the right to test adam and eve he has the right to test EVERYONE as a perfect person. Jehovah is the ultimate sovereign and he decides his plan..... we obey.  We do not  REJECT the word of Jehovah and make up our own stories as we go along.


  8. 2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    like most JWs, is that you cannot understand that God is not your GB, and your GB are not God

    Like most Judas-imitators you have a severe virus of hate- OCD and are so arrogant that you think all JWs worship people and cannot think for themselves. You cannot think for yourself that God may have a world-wide organization on earth.  Please tell me where there is another world-wide organization that teaches people about Jehovah.   If you cannot answer this question - do not bother to answer me.


  9. 17 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    not only JWs being persecuted

    Well, they are coming and violently arresting JWs in the middle of the night with terrorist squads as if witnesses are terrorists..... throwing the elderly on the ground as if the are dangerous people. They know we carry no guns and refuse their military training.  it is pure theatre so the neighbors can really get the idea that these people have weapons and secretly plotting against the government or  something.

    The New world bible translation has been banned as dangerous material. 

    In China too - the only bible allowed is the state translation where all scriptures have been removed that they do not like. Conscientious objectors (we know who they are ) - their body parts are used in the thousands of transplants they do per year.

    It is easy to deny this...… this proves the bias.  Yes others are persecuted too but not in such as violent way..... but this will also ensue when ALL religion will be removed...… soon on the UN agenda. 

  10. 9 hours ago, Witness said:

    explained how Satan was "bound" in the abyss. I hope that made sense to someone.

    No - I do not think so because if Satan was bound in the abyss there would be peace on earth - the scripture in revelation says that he would not be able to mislead any of the people on earth..... .  Please give the period you think he was bound in the abyss.

  11. 12 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    and certainly NOT guided by God's Holy Spirit.

    I bet you would say the same of Jona who ran away from God and later wrote an inspired book called Jona, Aaron who made a calf, Moses who hit the stone instead of speaking to it and wrote Genesis, exodus etc.,   David who murdered and committed adultery and later wrote many of the Psalms... I can go on.  The GB live dedicated lives and their mistakes are ones that any human could make…… but your self-righteousness made you a self-appointed judge of them and in effect an opposer of Jehovah...…all your comments are only negative.  OCD-negative.  You cannot give them credit of anything they have done well...….. like managing a world-wide preaching commission. 


  12. Just now, Srecko Sostar said:

    It seems how you and elders have suspicion that she was sincere. 

    That means you are very gullible to believe this story.  They usually do not  disfellowship if someone goes to ask advice of elders in such cases and tell the truth. I do not know the details of this story but it seems she was discovered by other means and was not honest and upfront. How do you work with someone like that? ..... and then she took revenge by going to court...... she really sounds very repentant!   Lol! 

  13. 12 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Are some folks suggesting that God, through Christ, will only look at hearts of JWs?

    while the condition of the heart is important - this is the criteria: New American Standard Bible
    "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'

    One cannot fool Jehovah. Interestingly this translation uses the words "practice " of lawlessness.   Judas was a practicer of lawlessness.  When he dipped his fingers into the money the first time, he could have confessed to Jesus and received forgiveness but he hardened his heart and kept on with his practice of stealing.  It gave Satan an opportunity to enter his heart an defy Jesus and go ahead with being complicit in his death by assisting the authorities to recognize him.

    Are there any here who will assist the authorities to put Jesus' true followers in jail?

  14. On 8/27/2019 at 10:54 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

    reaction came after she said she had been sexually abused by a person outside the church.

    Consensual sex and then when you are found out you claim abuse?   ….   who ever posted this story and who believes it,  is terribly naïve.


    On 8/27/2019 at 8:23 PM, Anna said:

    If this was someone outside the congregation, you would have thought she would feel very free to go to the police

    Fishy - very fishy...… her attitude in taking them to court proves she was not  innocent  because she wants revenge.  She got it.  Now we will see if she is ever repentant.   Does not seem she is repentant of her behavior though.... 

  15. 12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    There is no question that you yourself are there, of course.

    Be kind to each other...…. … do you not 'see' the subversive attitudes here, apart from the openly hate-OCD crowd?

    I ignored Srecko's earlier reference to know if we believe we are anointed...…to be the bride in heaven. It is none of his business....   He can look at our love for Jehovah and our understanding of scripture .....just as the people in Jesus' day had Jesus' words to go by to believe if he was the son of god. …. but he is also sporadically imitating the hate-gang.  I doubt any of them here are searching for real understanding of any issues relating to the bible.  They are here to sow doubt, hate, and unbalance the weak.... and pick arguments with us to keep us from doing the more important stuff.... and get us to snap at each other.

    I come here when I have excess time... and it does help me to keep sharp.... to personally think things through..... although there is no other benefit to me personally - arguing with spiritual renegades and self-righteous, clueless Pharisees that do not know much of the bible but constantly break others down to help further the goals of their father - John 8:44. 

    I still like writing …. even though I just write like I speak here.... so that is why I meander back here.

    My loyalty to Jehovah and his word is genuine...… that is why I can see through the fakes here that constantly tell me I serve the GB and neglect Jehovah. …..  I can see their self-righteous attitudes and get the feeling of what Jesus went through went he constantly had to face enemies trying to discredit him in public.   In the end Satan won.... and the betrayal came from Judas - the inner circle

    JWs do the preaching and warning job Jehovah gave them to do.....(they have the slave Matt 24:45) but they are not perfect (unlike Jesus) and make many mistakes just like Jonah and many of the other people used by Jehovah. The fundamental teachings of JWs are spot-on... so why would I move to any other place that does not teach the truth about Jehovah's name, the true condition of death etc. 

    These guys are here to discredit the GB - and they used to be part of the JW before.   The old deceiving patterns and warnings Jehovah gave us is at work here....coming from the renegade inner circle..... and I am constantly aware of this.

    Similar to the time of Jesus, the hate-OCD people will eventually win (as the Pharisees did) and they will sit and enjoy it with glee....until Jehovah himself steps in.... 

  16. 7 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

    off the mark they are by rewriting scripture to suit their own agenda.


    13 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    They ignore the vital core teachings

    Yes - not to take sides in political battles will soon (once again) test our faith. Christians are so quick to grab their guns and they still think they can call themselves a Christian. Nationalism, patriotism, racial demonstrations and racial issues, cultural revolutions - these are all part of the iron and clay that do not mix.  We do not want to be part of that!

  17. 29 minutes ago, Witness said:

    Do you understand this?

    I do not see any signs that satan is now in the abbys -do you?  it seems like he is doing a pretty good job of ruining the earth and the humans in it..... 


    5 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    marriage celebration? When, where and how

    the bride of Christ will join the groom in heaven - this takes place before Armageddon because they will assist Jesus during Armageddon. 

  18. 7 minutes ago, Witness said:

    It helps to understand the meaning of Sheol, Hades, the abyss, the “pit”; which are all indicating the realm of spiritual darkness – the realm of “not perceiving”. 

    you clump all these concepts together as if they are one concept. they are not - so I do not agree with you.  Sheol is a state of no consciousness - common grave of mankind. …


  19. 2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    questioning what justice should look like

    I think the story of Abraham was written down for our instruction. what was the outcome?  Jehovah could find not even 5 righteous people in the city. Their destruction was justified. It teaches us to NOT expect Jehovah t ever be unrighteous and unjust. It is a deviation to question Jehovah's justice. Next step is to deny that Jehovah is just and get some excuse for the wicked. In tonight's bible  study Jehovah told job to study nature to learn more about Jehovah. 

    we can end up asking too many questions of Jehovah  before we even think of obeying - that is dangerous ground.

    2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    So perhaps the percentage of actual survivors is much lower than .1 percent from CC's perspective.

    who can stand before Jehovah - not one.  It is Jehovah's mercy and the fact that he keeps in mind that we are mere flesh (and ransom) which allows us to come before him. what does Jehovah expect from us than to be without spot from the world, merciful and just and our clothes washed clean - righteous and in peace with the "mark" of a Christian personality.

  20. 55 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    According to WTJWorg theology,

    not according to WT theology - please read those scriptures I quoted above and the check out the sequence of events....  

    Apologies - I left the footnotes in by accident ….. but I have taken them out now.

    Please go read the BIBLE again (Quoted above)  - and do not keep YOUR OWN preconceived ideas in your mind.  Your prejudices are showing - do you not accept what the bible says?   That is what the BIBLE says!

  21. On 7/20/2020 at 9:04 AM, Anna said:

    But then what about their children? Would they inherit immortality from their parents? That's doesn't sound right

    Good point to think about.

    5 hours ago, Witness said:

    I am not singling you out with this comment,

    No offence taken - I never take things personal.... 

    I do however take offence when people use the word of Jehovah and put their own twist on it:


    What about the following sequence do you not understand?  The bible is clear..... on the sequence of events and what takes place.

    Revelation 19:2   For he has executed judgment on the great prostitute who corrupted the earth with her sexual immorality,   (Babylon the Great (world empire of false religion) has fallen). 

    6. And I heard what sounded like a voice of a great crowd and like the sound of many waters and like the sound of heavy thunders. They said: “Praise Jah, because Jehovah: our God, the Almighty, has begun to rule as king!  (Only the worship of the true God is now left over and soon all earthly governments will be removed).

    9........ And he tells me, “Write: Happy are those invited to the evening meal of the Lamb’s marriage.”

    11. I saw heaven opened, and look! a white horse And the one seated on it is called Faithful and True, and he judges and carries on war in righteousness...... (Armageddon starts)

    17. Come here, be gathered together to the great evening meal of God, and the flesh of horses and of those seated on them,and the flesh of all, of freemen as well as of slaves and of small ones and great.”

    20. And the wild beast was caught, and along with it the false prophet that performed in front of it the signs with which he misled those who received the mark of the wild beast and those who worship its image. While still alive, they both were hurled into the fiery lake that burns with sulfur.

    The whole earthly system is now detroyed. So what happens AFTER destruction of satans system.

    Revelation 20:

    2.  He seized the dragon, the original serpent,...……….. And he hurled him into the abyss and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not mislead the nations anymore until the 1,000 years were ended. After this he must be released for a little while.………………. And they came to life and ruled as kings with the Christ for 1,000 years.  (The 144,000 now start to rule - the purpose of the covenant with them for a kingdom now comes into effect - gets life.7.  

    Now as soon as the 1,000 years have ended, Satan will be released from his prison,  and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth,  (The bible is clear when this will take place.)


    So if satan and his demons are bound they would no longer have influence on the earth (there will be remarkable peace do you not think so?   Do you see any peace on earth now?  So it cannot be now....... )   at the end of the 1000 years judgement day - all those resurrected and even those who lived through armageddon will be tested as perfect people.  They will literally come to 'life' (receive life) at the end of the 1000 years.  People who now already are obedient to jehovah and teach others to do the same will not fall under the spell of satan.  The bible does show that those who rebel will be destroyed forever.   The righteous ones find delight in obeying jehovah..... and are looking forward to do this forever!

    So if jehovah decides to test those on earth as perfect people at end of 1000 years - are you going to rebel against that and demonstrate with a placard ...... that is unfair etc etc. or accept the fact that Jehovah knows what he is doing.

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