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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 4 hours ago, Anna said:

    for example the catholic church did something right,

    They happen to do everything wrong at present.  There is a split in the Catholic church due to the shenanigan's of the Pope which one  just cannot make up.  He has gone all out backing the UN Agenda 21 … so much so that he brought Amazon Indians and their idols into the Vatican... had them calling up their spirits with their dancing around their idols, the authentic voo-doo woo-factor.   All the pope's meetings have included climate change and UN agenda 21 issues.  Furthermore, they were going to sign a deal with Muslims and Jewish leaders to affirm there is only one God for the entire planet (Christ written out of it) in May but due to Corona it was postponed to October. Corona slowed this down somewhat. 

    The GBs caution and respect for life  tells me they are working with Jehovah's spirit.  It reminds me of the caution Jesus had when he realized the time is nigh for him to be killed and he stayed out of reach of the Pharisees because he knew he had to die on Nisan 14. They see the signs of the end coming closer and JWs cannot get too much public attention now until the right time. We just do business as usual with a low profile (Except for the attention which apostates so tenaciously bestow upon us and countries like Russia which persecute us now with extraordinary zeal - the king from the north).

    The harlot has been riding the political beast throughout the ages but I think the Christian part of the harlot will soon expose themselves as the man of lawlessness to even a greater extent.... clear for those with righteous hearts to discern.  I am hoping that many people will open their hearts and we will have more work than ever before.  It pains me to think that so many people will suffer the terrible food shortages, premature death, as they see all the old dependable human institutions crumble.

    These riots are intended to break down all old culture and institutions (a revolution). It is all over the world and backed by super-rich money that has been flowing in from Qatar, china, and  "foundations"  such as the Open society, just to name one. 

    The UN (or organization like it) will bring in the new digital money system after the financial reset has been completed and then they will start to totally implement Agenda 21. It will have to go to the point where they can call peace and security and turn against the harlot- their bedfellow. This beast that will turn against the harlot is the red beast that is the ' image' of the seven headed beast.

    I am sure our organization will try to keep abreast of the news and make cautious decisions in a discreet way. They will do it to the best of their ability and pray to Jehovah earnestly for help to guide them. Why would Jehovah give a snake instead of a fish? ...when they have been trying to preach the word and fulfill his commission? Jehovah does not forget acts of loyalty. He will also remember that they are flesh.  Ps 103 and will not look for ways to find fault.... because there are faults.

    I am sure that all those who now die prematurely from hunger, sickness etc. will go to sheol for a possible resurrection. Those who remain until the very end stubborn like Pharoah, and oppose the incoming kingdom by finally attacking Jah's people, will fully deserve the judgment coming upon them. No bunker will save them. Which flesh will stand in the Day of Jehovah?  Those who have the mark of the Christian personality, call on the name of Jehovah and are found in peace with Jehovah.  

  2. 9 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    What will they do when those GB are no longer there ? 

    Soon the GB may not be here.... just before Armageddon. Read my last paragraph on top.  I do not need the GB to know what is right and stand up for worship of Jehovah. I am grateful for the education they give all of us now but I need to grow to maturity on my own...like most JWs. True, some do not do due diligence and drop out or succumb to immorality, etc.... but that is their own fault.  

  3. On 7/8/2020 at 2:50 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    No one is saying that the GB cannot get anything right,

    I have never seen you give them  credit - so yes, according the hate-gang members they can do nothing right.

    Always long stories on how controlling and misleading the GB are etc. 

    There is so much false news stories out there and so many hateful apostates which are deceitful with the spin they put on news, I would also warn young people to stay away from lies. When learning English - one only needs to study good English.  You will recognize bad English immediately if one has learnt good English.  One does not need to study bad English to recognize bad English.  Similarly, one need not go and find out what apostates have to say. Just study the bible and you will immediately recognize what is kind and righteous - one need not have apostates teaching you.... Like I do here on this forum.  I recognize hate and its deceptive speech the minute I see it.

    Another point: If there is a  news flash tomorrow issued by GB that JWs can now take blood,  or we can now use guns, or vote, - do you really think JWs will just blindly follow?  Or will they recognize it as a falsehood? They will immediately think someone has taken over the GB..... I would wager you that most JWs would recognize it as the work of Satan….  WHY?  because all of us have been trained in the word of Jehovah.... not the word of the GB.


  4. Hopefully those who have been laughing at JWs will now start to wake up.  Things are starting to look pretty clear about where we are in the stream of time.

    China has had devastating floods too and a big dam is about to break which has the potential to kill millions and create financial havoc downstream.

  5. 3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    over generalise

    It was not a generalization - it is true.  People lap up what scholars say..... even if they say that Moses stole the events of the new testament from the Sumerians, stole the law from Hammurabi etc etc.  (there is no substantial proof of this because the law of Moses is so different from Hammurabi's laws.... if one reads it) but yet people lap it up and believe it....

  6. While I am happy to know about this persons book,  I am fortunately not an admirer of persons - no matter how good a scholar they may be because they are just human.  Scholars are prone to all the failings other humans have and sometimes more prideful - unfortunately.  I wish him well.  Now that he needs the support of fellow witnesses, he has set himself up in a lonely way because he thought he could ride the top of the tidal wave on his scholarliness - get attention for his profession and not for Jehovah's glory..

    He will have to show humility to return....  

  7. I wonder how many people on here really believe that they are in the right organization.... they seem to be just tagging along.... for incase.... I do not think the comment above strengthened the brother and I happen to agree with him ... because I have tasted the goodness of Jehovah while associating with his people in this time. I had association with his people on line and all my spiritual food still delivered on time. We even do field service together online. OH, yee who make scholarly dogma and critical thinking your god...….a compulsion to show the opposite to be true ... just to make a critical point. Here is my silly "unscholarly" argument: My government, republic of Georgie, also had very little Covid deaths - we are now partially opened and can travel overseas to EU etc... but we may have to go into quarantine when getting back... so no-one is leaving except government officials. The GB gave instructions to quarantine self when many governments were still allowing their people to travel and move around. They did not only have concern for our lives but were discreet - not like other churches here in Georgia that said it is their right to have the bread and wine and all congregants will share the same glass as it is their tradition. They literally believe that God will protect them just like many Muslims did.... so in my thinking …. GB did a good job. Some of our Russian sisters here left in time for home before the borders closed...…their places of work closed shortly after in any case and they would have been stuck. Many of detractors here will of course find reasons to call GB all kinds of wicked names... but yes, give GB credit where it is due. It seems they are cautious...… .

  8. 11 hours ago, Witness said:

    joke is on you

    If you and your followers on here think the beast in Revelation is the 'JW elders' or the GB...… there is nothing I have to say.... I just shrug my shoulders at the sheer dissonance of it.   I think you have exposed yourself  …….!!  seriously! 

    And if your disciples are too silly to see it and still agree with all your "prophetic comments", and take your prophetic comments against the "elders" and GB as fulfillment of scriptures in Revelation  ....  I suggest they look at their themselves.  

    All your contributions indicate to me that you wanted more power because you see yourself as a privileged anointed that needed a position to teach.  You are bitter because you were denied this and accuse others of usurping what you feel belongs to you and was taken away.  Look at your Revelation explanations?  I just shake my head in disbelief...….. maybe you will come up with something more bizarre.... I don't know..... but at this point I think I will not answer you again... so go ahead with your silly accusations.

  9. On 7/5/2020 at 2:50 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    Jehovah because it was a name already known to some people.

    And the newest research proves they were right.  Since you refuse to acknowledge this....  I am not going to please your hate-OCD by engaging in a lengthy argument about Jehovah's name.  Let us just say.... time will tell.   I do not have an urge to always be right...

    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    GB cannot be seen to have God's guidance simply because they do not have God's guidance.

    A blanket statement that none of them have the spirit of God when they were anointed by spirit.... funny.....  but you seem to blessed by some spirit do have such deep insight but it does not appear to be from Jehovah -  you do not even accept the name....

  10. 3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    lots of religions are being persecuted earth wide

    Yes - this is why I asked you if you have not noticed that the world is turning against religions.  Soon Jehovah will put in their hearts to turn against ALL religion.  But as you know those who call on his name will be saved.... or have you forgotten those scriptures... there are several of them.

  11. 3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    AND you are using that word Dictators.

    Did I use the word dictator? Read it again. And I was not talking about this aspect of his control.  Many people who single out a group for attention  to receive hate - (like you bunch single us out ) think they can do a better job - like Hitler did.  He singled out a few groups did he not?  and he really thought : if everyone followed him the world would be a better place.  You single out JWs so ardently and really criticize the GB relentlessly because you really think that if you had control you would do it better job.....  but I have seen no good suggestions from you lot for improvements - just hate. 

  12. 10 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Arauna misses the point deliberately here. 

    No - I do not miss the point - I understand the motives completely.  Hitler also won over people by showing all the faults of the system....and blaming one group of people for the problems but once in power … He really thought he had all the answers and if he got the power, he could change for the world...… However,  it turns out that those who think they know how to run things are usually little dictators and love control...…. it is not about love for other humans at all. it shows in the attitude.... 

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