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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. Yes - this is why I asked you if you have not noticed that the world is turning against religions. Soon Jehovah will put in their hearts to turn against ALL religion. But as you know those who call on his name will be saved.... or have you forgotten those scriptures... there are several of them.
  2. Did I use the word dictator? Read it again. And I was not talking about this aspect of his control. Many people who single out a group for attention to receive hate - (like you bunch single us out ) think they can do a better job - like Hitler did. He singled out a few groups did he not? and he really thought : if everyone followed him the world would be a better place. You single out JWs so ardently and really criticize the GB relentlessly because you really think that if you had control you would do it better job..... but I have seen no good suggestions from you lot for improvements - just hate.
  3. No - I do not miss the point - I understand the motives completely. Hitler also won over people by showing all the faults of the system....and blaming one group of people for the problems but once in power … He really thought he had all the answers and if he got the power, he could change for the world...… However, it turns out that those who think they know how to run things are usually little dictators and love control...…. it is not about love for other humans at all. it shows in the attitude....
  4. It turns out that there may be no more place to hide even if you flee. Soon the world authorities want to tag all of us electronically... and you will not be able to hide. Prison may be a place where we will be together - like Rahab and her family were together when the walls fell around them at Jericho. Witnesses looked after each other in Nazi camps before …. so we can help and strengthen one another together. Will you be one of those who help to put us in prison and feel vindicated when we are put in prison?
  5. I welcome seeing the numbers - it is your interpretation and the circular 'spin' of the JW-haters that is continually repeated in circular fashion which is the problem...…. like the same propaganda which is leading to Armageddon. Rev 16:14-16. Your JW-view is always hateful.... so we do not trust your spin and never will. Do you understand this? I do not know why you waste your time...…. Jehovah will judge us when the time comes. You set yourself up as judge and executioner of the GB. I have seen this same reasoning in Islam. You are not saving lives...…. you are just hateful and try to prove yourself right - at cost of your own everlasting lives. Your hateful attitude tells me you are far from Christ..... because you are supposed to be kind to your enemies or be kind to us to win us...…. so what are your motives? You are not winning us.... it is clear your attitude is from you father john 8:44. Do yourselves a favor and work on the personality traits that will get you the mark of Christ - the Christian personality. This is the mark that will get each one of us survival. Only Jesus had the holy spirit with him constantly because he was perfect and also prayed constantly for it. Humans do not do this due to imperfection..... Show me any other organization on this earth that is teaching the name of Jehovah and the core teachings of the JWs, together with the signs of the final days - that there will be a nation across the earth and they will do the world-wide preaching work of the KINGDOM rule .... and I will honestly consider it.
  6. If you were there it would never have happened, I am sure you have all the answers. I am sure if you were in control and your advice were followed everything would have been absolutely 100 percent ok without any problems...…. you would have implemented all the right solutions to every problem since you have all the Spirit...….. if you were teaching and leading as you wanted to - everything would have been hunky-dory.
  7. I am sure the list of Pharisees was just as long...... and they all were highly respected by their generation. What does that prove? None of them use Jehovah's name.... so they can never be a witness of Jehovah.
  8. We are not surprised..... Jesus said a true Christian would love their enemies..... so we know they are not true Christian but false Christians.
  9. I can see you have not moved around much. In the modern world one cannot move over borders without the right paperwork. People from the middle east and Africa in the past few years received migration status due to the German Chancellors invitation - but even they are now supporting Greece to keep the borders locked. My husband is an expert of immigrations laws since we have moved around quite a bit..... but options are running out.
  10. I stand corrected on my sloppy opinion so it is maybe 1 in 100..... but this does not give these people the right to carry on as if all JW s are pedophiles or approve pedophilia. That was my point. Seems I triggered a few hate-OCD people again with my reply because they brought up all the old accusations and arguments We have been through all the arguments numerous times, so I am not going to reply because repetition is not my forte..... and. it serves no purpose.
  11. Well put. Is it not telling that a so-called Christian nation hates true Christians and spearheading a persecution? Thinking they are doing god's will in the process? As you rightly say - this "cultural revolution" across the world is slowly turning into a hate for Christians. Only their ideology matters.
  12. if that hurt then I know that my reprove hit the mark. (You called me out for cooperation/obedience, remember?). I only started calling out your -hate-OCD after seeing your repetitive behavior here on the forum as constant, repetitive and unreasonable hate. That is all. I do not reprove you every time you say some hateful or illogical things.... just on occasion, hoping to make you realize what you are doing. But is seems you are past any self-control. So I leave it at that. I do not want this to become a forum of name calling even though I have given the hate-mongers a label. The label was to make you think of your actions - that is all. I am not like those guys who put a label on someone and then send them to the gas chambers...… I care about all people while there is still time to do so. I have even commended you on occasion when you said something I could agree with. I already carry a label: an obedient Jehovah's Witness.... Soon people who hate our label will round us up and put us in modern-day concentration camps, re-education camps or start to liquidate us..... so we know what is waiting for us and proud to carry the label. We are prepared to pay the price.
  13. That is debatable because you are most probably the most self-righteous person on this forum. You are the one always justifying your hate by abuse of scripture. I just keep pointing out your hateful attitude..... and believe me..... it is like OCD. You cannot move away from this single mindset. That is all I have to say.
  14. Can you not see that Satan is getting ready to attack all religions on earth? Have you not noticed how legislation is slowly changing everywhere? … to bring in the new secular world order and the fourth industrial revolution? Who is spiritually blind? These news spinners carry on as if all JWs are pedophiles. There are media mob attacks against all Christians at present as well. Less than .0001 percent of JWs are pedophiles and in most of these cases the victims did not have enough proof in front of elders... because it is a hidden crime. After several years have passed, a mature 'adult' can now no go to court. While I am definitely for this form of justice I think the courts are shoving all responsibility onto us and all the other organizations working with children. They want these organizations to be responsible when the legal system itself would not have been able to prove it in a court of justice when the victims were too young. The court system did not favor young victims. Now only did they change the laws to favor the victims at an 'older age' and all hell breaks lose on companies working with children because the legal system is not responsible. At a late stage of pedophile history they held inquiries and changed the laws... to exonerate themselves and keep others responsible. This is not about your sense of justice for the victims - that is clear in your replies. It is just another hate - stick to beat your fellow slaves with..... Have you ever looked at your own spirituality instead of calling us ignorant? When you know the world is coming to attack you (prophesied) - I would also try to salvage what I can of the funds I have available...…until they come to destroy us. I have done the same. I know they are coming for us once they have imposed a new economic world order on us - we will not be able to buy or sell. No I have not bought gold, silver or bitcoin..... but I have moved the little funds I have to be able to survive until they take me to prison or kill me. The dollar has already fallen and most people are sitting in front of their mobiles all day.... they do not even know that an economic reset is going on. So instead of focusing on your hate - Jehovah is just and he will take these injustices into consideration when His judgment comes, I suggest you stop smirking at JWs and get serious about your humility. I think it is right that the Witnesses prefer to react to a Court of Law decision and pay compensation…… not any other kangaroo court in operation.... there will not be justice and it is unbiblical. A court of law must convict us and if their other organizations sanction us - so be it.... we will suffer the sanction. We obey the legal authority.
  15. I think Jehovah is most practical and logical. If you are spiritual and apply the wisdom of the bible, you will not be impractical, unreasonable or illogical. Something the hate-OCD-clan have in common. I do not wish to argue with you - Jehovah knows the future, I leave it in His hands. Your GB predictions remind me of Balaam.
  16. If they meet, they meet not for their own benefit unlike your suggestion that other anointed must play important roles in the congregations they are in..... And how will you know it is not an imposter anointed group trying to take over in the congregation...… ever thought of that???? I take you a bet you have not thought of this because practical matters are not your forte..
  17. Sad but inevitable. The bible warns about egotism and contentiousness -- not Christian qualities.
  18. Questioning their motives is not being rebellious. I obey carefully, especially if they want me to do something against Jehovahs law. Peter himself said we must obey God rather than men. So I think you do not understand this issue properly. Will you go to war if the government tells you to? Will you support LGBTQ and abortion if the government requires it? I am not here to teach you.... .... I suggest you read up a little more about it.
  19. What do you know about faith and do you judge another's faith? The bible does call them "discreet". So they will work with everything in the best way they know how. If they save money then you say they have no trust in God. If they leave it to chance you will call them useless slaves and bad managers....... can they ever get your approval? I doubt it. Whatever they do will be wrong in your judgmental eyes.
  20. Yes I do question ALL authority …. so I definitely do not worship the GB as you have often accused me. I have thought all aspects through carefully. I am not a natural rebel. I leave that to hotheads like … the OCD crowd. I think things through before I rebel. Judgment mmmm…..going to deep as you cannot read hearts. How silly! What universe are you living in?
  21. The headline of this article is pure spin. I would also put my money offshore if I could because the dollar has already fallen...... They are trying to save what is left. But this may also be too late because a new financial world will emerge from this covid 19. All money will be digitized with ID..... How offshore money will be dealt with I am not sure. The GB used some offshore money before when they ran out of liquidity. It is good to save money in a 'perceived' safe place. To not pay people their money awarded by court they would have to declare bankruptcy in Australia - and I have not heard this in the news yet...… so the story above is pure spin...… but of course people with no clue of how this works will find the article interesting.... or the people who just love it because the spin puts JWs in a bad light.
  22. I have noticed it on FB as well...... not a good idea especially when people see old heartbroken posts from few years back...... broken relationships can be embarrassing..... so I agree. Some things are better left alone.... buried.
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