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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. We were dealing with the court system and secular authorities - their role ; and the role of elders...… can you not even keep to the context ?
  2. Did I say that I blindly obey when I do not obey anyone blindly in life? You are so anxious to find fault that you read into any sentence that which you would like to see. Cooperation is very similar to obedience. Some people do not even cooperate with others because they feel it encroaches on their autonomy...… those usually have a problem with all types of authority. Hmmmm.
  3. Sometimes the seed is picked up by birds very quickly. Sometimes the root has not sufficiently grown and sometimes the kingdom plant is choked by the world. He was always very smart but it caught up with him in a sad way. We must not peer into the deep things of Satan. Why would one read a book by Dawkins? because he is at the top of the book charts? I like to learn about new things but I do show caution when it can lead me away from Jehovah. Especially in our times the propaganda is absolutely everywhere! When a movie which seemed ok has bad scenes I turn it off - same with these other things. I will watch but when it moves away from bible principles I cut it off.
  4. People just love to make rules about everything....it gives them a measure of control in their own lives and sometimes in other's lives. I think some people measure their obedience or righteousness to Jehovah on how acceptable they are to the group or how firmly they take it upon themselves to censure those who do not follow guidance. I am a bit like Tom in the sense that I have looked at all aspects of following GB guidance and thought about the scriptures as well as obedience to Jehovah. I obey the GB because I have chosen to do so.... not because I need acceptance from anyone or my self-righteousness depends on how I can chastise others for overstepping a perceived ' rule'. When my freedom to express myself can hurt another spiritually - that is when my self-control kicks in. It comes from concern and love. We are free but our freedom must take account of others, especially the sensitive and weak. We cannot follow our 'righteous' desires wherever it may take us. It is never our place to be the conscience of another and make decisions for them by saying - don't do this or that. We can tell them in loving way if we see that their spirituality is suffering due to certain decisions they have taken and it is openly showing in their behavior. Concern would then oblige us to speak the truth.
  5. It is not parallel system. Secular authorities look after physical matters which can be proved in court. They do not care about spiritual wellbeing. Elder's responsibility is to look after spiritual matters. James says if you are spiritually sick go see the elders.
  6. They are not equipped to stop wicked people from choosing to break Jehovah's law. Even Jehovah allows people to do what they choose.... for now. The elders can help those who repent or need help spiritually and want to serve Jehovah with an honest heart. BUT, you guys are the first to call out JWs as cruel when they do manage to get evidence together to put someone out of the congregation. This is about the only tool they have to protect Jehovah's people and you always use this as a weapon against the JWs as being cruel, unjust or dictatorial or …. the list goes on. Elders will only take this action with sufficient evidence..... if they do not have it, then caution and mercy wins. …. but you know this..... it was discussed before
  7. You make me laugh. I was a journalist back then and remember that this topic was taboo in society before 1980. In the seventies people started talking about it; only in the eighties the secular world woke up to the scale of the problem and started to bring in inadequate laws to protect children. They closed the last legal gap only in 2007 in USA when they brought in the law that children no longer needed to face the perpetrator in court and be cross examined...… but you know all of this. We have been through these discussions before. This is when an obtuse heart becomes a block to true understanding.... sorry to say.... but this is true. All aspects of this subject has been covered before in many pages and still you guys keep opening it up again and again (OCD-like) asif this is all you think about.
  8. Not a good answer..... Wait...… and you will soon see how Jehovah will vindicate his people. Yes, there are a lot of flaws.. but then..... so did Israel have flaws back in their day - and Jehovah still used them for his purpose.
  9. True, UNESCO has promoted a new curriculum in most countries of the world for the past 20 years. Poor countries see their fundi cuts if they do not comply. Under child sex education they teach children about worst forms of porneia and how to find pleasure in sex - oversexualizing them at a very young age. If you think this generation is promiscuous - wait until this generation hits young adulthood. You can already see the effects of the school education on the youth at universities right now. They have NO respect for life and the rights of others to have an opinion. The lawlessness and rioting (for whatever the reason) is beyond normal behavior.
  10. THE GOVERNMENT has the resources to interview children by qualified child psychologists and have the resources to get a court conviction with input from these government officials. So what part of this sentence do you not understand?
  11. I have an apostate in my family. The OCD symptoms of hate is the same in all hardened apostates. He left the truth after only 2 years when he read Dakins's book. He was inquisitive in all the wrong ways and too smart for his own boots. I can pick these OCD hate-mongers out just by listening to them. They are dangerous to your personal spirituality because of the deceit and hate. They will take a half-truth and embroider it so it sounds plausible and true. I associated with my brother (saw him a few times) because I was helping him financially but then cut off the relationship (I still sent the money) because I loved him so much. He was manipulating my love for him to try to get me to talk against jehovah.......every time I was in his presence the OCD started......That is when I realized the bible is right and the GB interpretation of " not to greet them" is absolutely for your own protection tion........ not because of fear. It is about obedience to jehovah for your own protection. His conscience did not bother him to use my love for him because he became an opposer of jehovah.
  12. There are very few English speakers in the country where I live. So does this mean that I will no longer get notifications from other countries?
  13. Yes the super rich think they know what is good for the world. They think their money qualifies them to decide the fate of ordinary men. They are the ones who use their charity organizations to push agendas. Giving money to subversive organizations such as Antifa and he Muslim brotherhood front organizations in USA. Muslim brotherhood is banned in Muslim countries but in USA they spread their propaganda and are protected. The propaganda leads to Armageddon.... Revelation 16:14 - 16
  14. While they may have moved extra funds to a different location, I do not trust the spin or angle the media is putting on it......... if you trust the media after all the junk that is published - you are pretty naive.
  15. The UN human rights council now has mostly Islamic countries on the council - the countries with the least human rights. They vote for each other. .... and China now has an important position. Russia now vying for a position. Al Shabaab, boko haram etc is devastating north Africa and now they are starting in southern region. The left and Islam working together in USA. They receive funding from outside sources which are subversive. America is not what it was before. It has not been vigilant and have been invaded by many foreign organizations...... actually too many to mention. Soon these rioters will be under a new master much more strict than they ever could imagine. ......
  16. Europe's problem is Islam which causes division amongst peoples. Religious supremacists who are protected by law. Similarly, progressive organizations such as antifa have been operating as subversive organizations with impunity. Already there are something like 85 areas that are no-go zones where police do not go in, in UK. Muslim thugs police these areas. When I was living in Sweden there was something like 60 areas. I wanted to go preach in a small village close to where I was living and a sister said that we cannot go in there. These facts were hidden from public view because this should have been hitting the main pages in the news every day but the press is so 'racially', or rather 'islamaphobia -correct', and the government so 'progressive', that it is not mentioned at all. Only when fires or handgranades were used it received a brief mention in the press. I went to look at a police station which had damage due to handgranade close to my home. The world is sitting on a powder-keg because of Islam, race relations........ but the biggest problem leading to Armageddon and the 'clay-iron syndrome', is that neo-communist ideology is using Islam and race relations to undermine western autonomy. Things are getting more and more ready to explode. I started watching these crazy events and the lies of the media when I studied Islam and knew what its ideology is really about. Then I saw that the CIA kicked all its advisors out as ' racially bias' and then watched as 'islamaphobia ' took hold all over the West. I knew something was seriously wrong somewhere and knew that things were moving on to Armageddon because of the lies and the cover-up of truth. Then I looked at the gender issues and how powerful these had become, I then investigated the philosophies that were pushing this. When I saw the origins of it my eyes were wide open....... I then investigated the UN, China and Russian relations and realized that Armageddon is building faster than anything -- due to propaganda. Propaganda is NOT truth....... it sidesteps the truth of what is on the ground and spins it's own story regarding the real facts. It uses only the bits it wants and leaves out significant parts. We are seeing the serious effects of the clay-iron syndrome - spot on - as predicted in the bible. We are heading towards a totalitarian type system which only jehovah can break up. The youth are attending these big get-togethers for the progressives. It may not overtake us at this moment in time but the time for a rational world and the freedom we knew in the past is absolutely running out. This movement is NOT coming from the streets........I wish it was...... it is propaganda and charity money from front organizations which has been pouring into USA and have overtaken the minds of people. We are seeing the start of the last lap of the world before a short rule by the 8th king. The next step is a digital money system for security and then the new world order for peace and security....... the atheist NWO. Anyone NOT spreading the progressive agenda is maligned in the media to the tenth degree. Can one trust the news when they are pro-Islam, pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ, pro-antifa, the pro's make a long list. This means that all reporting has a bias towards their own opinion. They will leave out the facts which do not fit the agenda and viciously malign anyone - even make up false stories about them because they have impunity together with a total lack of conscience. So be skeptical of all news and use caution.
  17. The trilionaires (the secret ones ) and the super billionaires have bunkers as well as oligarchs in the east. Thank goodness Jehovahs angels can get in anywhere!
  18. They are something else, aren't they? 2tim 3:1-5 getting more and more relevant. I saw secret undercover videos of Antifa on "veritas" channel. They were practicing to take peoples eyes out and injure them seriously. These people have no mercy - they want a revolution......
  19. It is CSA-OCD lol. Video....... empty-headed......people........... but they want chaos...... a revolution. They want no police so they can traffic children, loot and just be lawless. UNESco pushing the sexualuzation of young children in the name of sex education. Radical feminine studies and post modern philosophy has been pushed at schools and universities - this is the result.
  20. Actually, you are right not to get involved - until they want you to compromise your faith. If you remember correctly, I have been warning of a commie-style totalitarian take-over. This is part of the cultural revolution. They want to destroy businesses to remove the independence of people and have all wealth redistributed. The indoctrinated youth, in the post modern philosophy, want a total new collective system. They blame the whites and slavery for the world conditions. Here is a good video about it. I watched it earlier today..posted below. Our youth are ready for acceptance of the One World Order for peace and security ...... - which is not a conspiracy - because top world leaders have secretly been working towards this goal since 1950's. Kissenger is one of them together with the first Bush president. All the super rich, technocrats, and digital moguls are on board as well. They have been spending their money on the front organizations and in subversive ways to bring about their technocracy of the future...... which in all probability will be led by the policies of the UN......... who has been spearheading this all along. Most nations have signed on to the UN visions for the future as laid out in agenda 21 and UN agenda 2030. Worship of the state only with no religion allowed. Digital money and surveillance in the future. We will be tested as one will not be able to buy or sell if you are a thought-terrorist - one who does not agree with the state and sticks to religion. So set aside the beefs you have with Jehovahs people and start calling on him in earnest, He is the only one who can help us all. We are sitting ducks........ like Israel was with Pharoah next to the red sea. Hopefully our rescue will be as spectacular. https://youtu.be/JkfRG18ruXg This is about a short history of slavery and how far they are going to break down statues - a removal of all old culture....... which is Maoist.
  21. Commies do not care for laws. They change them as they go along. They do not even take note of Human Rights decisions against them. They are a law to themselves because judges follow instructions from higher up.
  22. The only reason the Russian orthodox is tolerated in neo-communism is because the church is hollow. They do not teach the bible and resort to icons and candle lighting, singing etc. The building of nationalism - worship of the state - is its main function. Other religions are not tolerated.
  23. Nothing makes sense because demons are performing their signs and mesmerizing the different violent groups who perceive themselves only as victims. Some atheistically have ordained themselves to bring about a revolution in Bolshevik-style and are funded by the usual subversive front organizations. Other victims do not matter...….. the looted shops, burnt buildings, lost businesses etc. The personality traits exhibited remind us of 2 Tim 3: 1-5... they are fierce and without mercy themselves. Police are being killed and hurt in the riots (I think 27 killed this year and hundreds hurt - and not much attention in the news). Police also have families they have to provide for, which makes the present police resignations and retirements so relevant...….. Yes, there is racial injustice but not all whites, and neither are all police, racist. Reasonableness has left the planet. The iron and clay in governments are acrimonious...…… and whatever happens in the next election in USA - it will not be accepted by the losing side. This is how far we have moved down the stream of time. Healing of this wound will not happen quickly - it will keep festering. People have crossed the mark of peaceful protest. They are ready to murder each other - brother kill brother....
  24. As you know full well but your dishonesty will not allow you to ACKNOWLEDGE it --- all other Christian religions read the bible and yet did not fathom out that the soul is not immortal....... and hence they do not understand the ransom sacrifice. No wonder Jehovah did not use them to preach the message in the last days to the entire world Math 24:14
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