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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 44 minutes ago, Anna said:

    Witness for example when she says that buying liquor (Morris) is a sign of not being sound in mind. I just can't be bothered to defend ridiculous statements any more....

    Yea, agree.  The level of judgment is like a nagging wife.....(I will refrain from using hate-OCD MO).

    I had a few good moments with two of her cohorts when they stepped out of their usual MO shoes yesterday and we could just decently share thoughts like human beings.... I enjoyed that. 

  2. 3 hours ago, César Chávez said:

    Keep in mind, Jesus was a Carpenter. Did that

    Vocational training is the best.  Countries which still offer this kind of training do well in manufacturing  Germany has a tradition if this kind of training and has combined it with on-the-job training while going to night school..

    In south Africa we had many renowned vocational schools which were accepted al over the world (like the German model) .  Then the UN came in with their advice and  guidelines for generic degrees..... and they closed vocational colleges.  Joblessness sky-rocketed. 

    I recall when I lived in UK, there was also a system for this kind of vocational training.  I have forgotten the name of it now.  But one could train for all kinds of vocations. My daughter studied for a specific type of buyer in supply chain management.  She works in the City of London in banking now and earns substantially more than her husband who has a master decree in chemical engineering, and a few additional diplomas such as project management.

    If one chooses a career wisely one can still have a job in difficult times. My son did not choose a career in what he loved to do. He chose an essential vocation in manufacturing which is similar to an industrial engineer.

    Later he did a degree in Packaging in which one learnt about all the different bacteria, temperatures etc in food packaging.   Last year, when he wanted to leave dangerous South Africa,  he immediately got a job in NZ (his vocational training got him in - not the degree).

    There was a waiting list of half million people...... his prospective company requested the NZ government that  they needed him urgently and he was pushed to the front of the line. He is there already for 10 months and enjoying the working conditions. Not as stressfull as SA.

    Vocational training is tops.  I can attest to that. The GB has always pushed vocational training in place of degrees...... and they are absolutely correct on this. Generic degrees are useless - just a debt-ridden piece of paper that does not guarantee a job.

    And universities are hotbeds of foreign subversive propaganda these days.

  3. 5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    recognize who is the right kind of slave. To

    Just a change of one word and one can change the meaning of the sentence. Kinda sneaky I would say.

    The question about WHO the slave is: is not a parable; it is about identifying a slave by the job that is being fulfilled........ providing food to all the rest of the slaves... it is like an identifying mark.......of this slave in the last days....

    3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    ALL scripture useful and beneficial for teaching, etc.

    So do I believe this.... but we are talking here about the slave that will be doing a specific job in the last days.... and the scripture in Luke 12 indicates that he is 'appointed' to do so by the one to whom he is accountable.  if he does not do a good job he is accountable. 

    2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    would like to ask JW members and JW parents, why they think how children of age 3,4 to 7 or from 7 to 14 or from 14-18 are not in such dangerous of "devil's" influence..... but young people from 18-24 are ??

     I feel that young children are in grave danger too! Especially with the new UN based curricula.   This is why it is imperative for parents to speak to their young children a lot and daily..... to counterbalance the sexual rubbish and other junk they are learning in school. Parents need to be very vigilant right now.  Homeschool if it is at all possible.

    33 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

    I will disagree with Brother Furuli on higher education for a spiritual life. For a secular life, there will never be a guarantee, but with a spiritual life, God guarantee’s everlasting life to loyal


    "We know we all have knowledge Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.  If anyone thinks he knows something, he does not yet know it as he should know it.  But if anyone loves God, this one is known by him." .  1 cor 8: 

    One does not need higher education to have the love Jesus showed.  In fact education is a barrier to be trusting like a child.  

  4. 3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    'We are no part of the world' remember.  Jesus wasn't interested in politics or protests of His time. We all know that only God through Christ will remove this 'world' and solve the Earth's problems. However it is a shame that so many people Earthwide are suffering in so many ways. 

    True. We do not take sides. Only government under christ can restore the earth to it's original purpose...... and it is a shame that so many people have lost their jobs and  many children will suffer....... We must therefore get ready to help teach those who have realized from this lockdown that things are not kosher. It's time for them to learn about jehovah.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    No, sorry. We need to separate education as knowledge about life and nature, and "education" as tool for..... manipulation

    Sorry, in universities there is no separation. The ideology of amorality and atheism, together with far left ideology is everywhere.  Atheism and commies are bedfellows.

    That is why there are so much bolchevists- type social revolution and anarchy going on and getting worse.


    52 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    “Who really is the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom his master will appoint over his body of attendants to keep giving them their measure of food supplies at the proper time? 43 Happy is that slave if his master on coming finds him doing so! 44 I tell you truthfully, he will appoint him over all his belongings.

    Notice - it also asks a question..... WHO is the slave...... YOU as an individual need to recognise it to be able to give the answer. 

    This slave is APPOINTED!  over his body of attendants! He has a position/job to give the others food. The scripture goes on to show who he is accountable to....... If he gets drunk or lazy or inattentive he will not be dressed with the holy clothes of righteousness. He will be caught off guard. This is the focus..... that he must remain awake because he is accountable.

  6. 1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Have a good day. Sorry this is so long

    No prob.  I prefer to talk to you when you show some  kindness - even if it is to stand up for shrecko. While you openly call GB dictators, bad insinuations can also  come out as accusations.... referring to Mr shrek. 

    If jehovah had to judge all of us on our actions in our youth or the past - none would qualify as servants.  Some people are very judgmental on others'  past or their performance ....but they themselves would have done worse if they were in their  shoes..... such as filling GB shoes.  It is so easy to judge. I always ask myself what I would do if I were in their shoes. 

    If you live in the past one can never heal...... yet people walk around with baggage forever! They cannot move forward!  They keep renewing the old baggage by referring to it and mulling it in the brain.  The brain keeps making new emotional connections which are detrimental to themselves! 

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    They have few printing facilities around the world. I believe German stayed to be one of them.

    The translation for Kurdish is done in Germany and printed.....there.  This is one example of rare language done in Germany.

    The watchtower in every language is the same..... so the source is the same for unity and uniformity.  So is the other meeting.  JWs have a similar life outlook..... jehovah comes first in our lives. 

    To me it is a miracle that we all view ourselves as one nation....... despite a world that is wracked by divisions and hate.   They shall identify us by the love amongst us. 

  7. I am almost 68 and got an immunity disorder when I was forced to take a vaccine before immigrating to USA on green card at age 55 years old.  I also ate genetically engineered soy......in US.....  almost died.

    Thereafter I did proper investigation of USA food sources and FDA..... and got the shock of my life! I thought US will keep it's people safe. 

    I was very athletic (climbed mountains) and still active but plagued by an immunity disorder. I was prescribed hydroxychloroquine but do not use any medication.  I use herbs and homeopathy...... which I make myself. 

    I would have been dead by now if I used the pharma medications prescribed me by  doctors who follow big pharma protocols. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    with the UN peeping it's head from around the corner.

    They will be happy when US fails. Their plans with China and the world will come to fruition.

  9. 2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    how higher education is from "devil" himself. 

    And it is!  You are too blind to see what is going on!  It is their duty to warn us.  But many parents still do not listen and afterward sit with children who do not go on in the truth.

    Your idea that anyone can be that slave is also useless because then we will not be held together as a nation.  Isaiah 2: 2-4 clearly indicates that the nation of jehovah (which comes out of all nations) will learn war no more and Zion (heavenly zion) will direct it.

    Jehovah used a nation in time of Israel. He used congregations under direction of apostles and elders in time of the first spread of christianity and now has a world-wide nation kept together by the same teachings.  Our teaching comes from one source to provide unity and a sense that the congregations are all part of one unity world-wide. One nation under jehovah. Our loyalty to jehovah only...... not to the governments we live under. We have the same pincipled love for all.

  10. 7 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Is this how we know that it should not be each Christian who should act as a true Christian neighbor to fellow humans? Because it is in the form of a question?

    Of course ! And there are many chapters in the bible dealing with unselfish and principled Christian love. We must be prepared to give our lives for each other - like jesus.

    But Luke 21 and Math 24 deals with the time of END of Jewish system and the greater end. It talks about preaching in the entire inhabited earth! So this slave will feed fellow believers all over the earth with proper food at right time.  For this one needs a central dispensary which is efficient and quick!  

  11. 8 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    and gets worse as the educational institutions keep trying to maximize their costs and the job market gets continually worse. You also may remember that

    The generic degrees, to just produce degreed people, is the problem. One cannot get a decent job with them. (Generic degrees pushed by UN).  Degrees are no longer value for money. Integrity of universities is lost. Many department are funded by organizations which influence the "studies" and foreign governments such as China, Qatar etc are influencing policy etc.

    8 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Witnesses believe we need to hide our past, or tell new people that something was really nothing. However, if you want me

    Lol. Since many of our teachings have changed...... why hang onto the past? Move on to the future!  The future is much more fun and gives us hope because the kingdom-government is our focus! 

    We have enough detractors or hate-OCDs to keep referring to our past..... you know....... like a nagging wife!  We need not go search out the past - the nagging wives bring it up all the time! 


  12. 2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Slave" is in singular. Is

    So the man who says the GB are dictators now wishes to interpret this word as a single person who will be giving all his fellow slaves food at proper time.  One person......... must now be identified in time of end...as a slave, and he will encourage all to preach and print books to preach and make videos to keep the faithful strong..... wow!  

  13. On 5/31/2020 at 3:32 PM, Kosonen said:

    shows finally that the beasts in Revelation 13 are not about UN

    They are not the UN. The beast in rev 13 looks like the consecutive beasts in Daniel 7 & 8 which describes the babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman empires. It is the world political system. 

    The "image " of the beast is the UN (a scarlet beast which looks exactly like the seven headed beast). It later becomes  the 8th king for short while.

    The beast heads are the world powers (political system) which ruled throughout history over gods people -  so we know where we are in the  stream of time.  Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome with its little British horn speaking big things which  later formed the next empire, AND the seventh head of beast - Anglo-American world power. 7 heads and ten horns - count them. Now the iron and clay is so acrimonius nothing is sticking together.  Daniel 2 from verse 43.

    Now the King of North will do its thing..... (Daniel 11 from verse 36) .. and  "the "image of the beast". They seem to be growing together now into a powerful combo to bring the final world saga of bad human rulership under satans control.

    The Anglo-American will still exist (but not have the power it had before) when the end comes.

    The ' image of the beast ' will rule or give orders for a short time.  It has features of all the other empires that ruled before it because those countries are members of it now. 

    An ' image"  is a reflection of all governments. This means it is an organization which reflects the decisions made by all  its members.  The UN - or an organization like it- will be giving the world instructions or policies to follow.  All members vote on its policies in so-called democracy so  it is majority rule ( the countries with more power and form voting blocks get their policies through). 

    This is why I have been watching the UN and its membership and the documents that have been endorsed by 176 (sometimes almost 200 nations). I agree it is a very dysfunctional organization (it is macabre) but it seems the world and its leaders really look up to it to lead them to peace and security.

    All the super rich have charitable foundations which do not pay tax in their own countries. They give their money to UN or charitable organizations /lobby   to put people in place in the UN and in local governments where their goals of agenda 21 are promoted.

    The super rich support it with money because the super rich combined (they work together)  have more money than most governments.  Some of the super rich work with China and Qatar. Qatar is so extreme that other Islamic countries do not like it.  All this is breaking down the autonomy of powerful countries to eventually get them to bow to the world goals of UN. (Trump is ruling by executive order  ......which can be reversed when the next lot come in  and congress/regress is now  a farcicle diversion).

    The UN loves China - despite its growing  totalitarian attitude-  which is more like Hitler's stance before WW2. Before WW2 there was also a trade "pushing" (embargoes etc) , an economic "pushing ". Yes we are in dangerous times and subversion and undermining is going on at super level. We already have threat of war as Chinese are oppressing many peoples. Tibet- like situation developing at India-border, Taiwan, Hong Kong etc.

    1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

    for Security is a MAJOR THREAT to the faithful 

    How right you are! They will turn against religion as prophesied. This is an atheist organization with totalitarian tendencies..... it believes in control. It also believes in materialism........ to take away property rights, government autonomy and individual autonomy  and to replace it with a world-wide federal government which will divide wealth and bring equality of outcome to all. The collective well-being is more important than the individual's well-being.  Analyze the impact of UN agenda 21, agenda 2030 and migrant compact 2018 and you will see. At superficial level it looks innocent enough but it has a very dark side when fully implemented.

    On 5/31/2020 at 3:32 PM, Kosonen said:

    there is a serious effort to empower G20. And

    The DAVOS, G20 all have same goals as UN...... How it will play out, no-one can tell but I doubt the G20 will be accepted by smaller countries of the world to rule because they feel they are not represented in it. It must be an organization with more equal representation...... that is why my money is still on the UN as the ' "image' of the beast........ and read revelation 17:11.  If you read carefully it looks exactly like the seven headed beast but is  an ' image ' of the beast and scarlet in color!  The "image" of the beast went into an abyss and then came out.  This fits the UN which was the League of Nations after WW1, went into the abyss at start of WW2.....and then came back out again as UN,  after WW2........ it has a spiritistic agenda but I will not go into that now ....... but it is scarlet....... Will it have the blood of many, many lives on its hands?

    When it becomes the eighth king it may have some re-organization or get a new functional name such as new world order ????  Who will know?  Time will tell. 

    2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    UN has a hand in both political parties as is with religious and educational institutions and

    Well put. UN has people in all political parties which towards world peace and security under one government. They have bought into the propaganda. Rev 16: 14 - 16 the propaganda includes kings, high officials, slaves etc.

      UN is calling shots on education and the indoctrination of our children at a young age to accept a NWO, collective responsibility, and a new morality as directed by UN policy.

    2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    for this enemy can bring quite the damnation upon an individual and or group.

    As I indicated before, this NWO will not tolerate religion of any kind, only worship of itself.  Satan wants to compromise all Christian's and all other people to not be eligible for everlasting life.  Immorality and worship of the state......... mark of the beast disqualifies one for approval by jehovah. 

    3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    That being said, as already pointed out, this is no longer about George Floyd, and the increased tension only enables the power that people to slowly formulate and take action, with the UN peeping it's head from around the corner.

    These people want revolution, cultural and equality revolution..... look to their backgrounds and you will see the influence.  They want a new world order. For this everything in current order must be destroyed. They do not believe in God, hence the new world philosophy makes sense to them and they are bolchevist in their goal.  Violence is a means to an end. I saw this in south Africa when I lived there.  They buss them into other areas to create anarchy. 

    We are living in rapidly changing times...... one can try to make sense of it by looking to the bible.  This is where our comfort lies as we already know the outcome.  When one knows the outcome, one can start to identify some if the steps leading thereto. 

  14. 37 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

    Modern Witnesses do not even follow the  Watchtower history

    So true. Only the triassic ones or those in a bubble do.  Why look back when you can look forward?  New ones look at present teachings. The only past they look at is the old history if Israel and some even find that too much.... but necessary. 

    How can one compare history and teachings from 150 years ago (when they were shooting up the wild west and people took months to go into the interior with wagons and there were slaves in the south) to present times?  Lol..... I myself read old publications but remain aware of its historical context - it is useful but still old.

    37 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

    There are NO guarantees with higher education. I know several PH'd that work as janitors.

    WARNING! Higher education is not what it was EVEN 10 years ago.  One lives in a bubble if one does not know about the violence, emotional triggers, injustices and loss of free speech on campuses....(there are just too many negatives to mention here).. It is critical times - hard to deal with. Why put your child in that hotbed of propaganda where money from countries like Qatar and China is buying the  opinions of the professors ? ....... You pay for this together with LQBTQ indoctrination and sit with large debt for the rest of your life!  


  15. On 5/25/2020 at 9:52 PM, Ann O'Maly said:

    “faithful and discreet slave” refers to any Christian who is
    faithful and on the watch when Jesus

    His opinion...... but not what the bible indicates. The question it poses indicates that each Christian must identify the slave for themself.  " Who is the faithful and discreet slave?". Even a language scholar should notice it is a question....  


    1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    If you stop to kick every dog that barks at you, you’ll never get very far.”

    Opposers always refer to pyramids....... and some are all too eager to always go back 150 years.....when I have explained the historical context of this so many times on this forum. They are deliberately obtuse - not critical thinkers. 

    So many religious organizations looked at this in the 19th century because this was so much in the news. Archeology was a new subject and the newest discoveries every week in the news. The oldest pyramid they thought was built in time of Israel so it had special significance. Hardly an inquiring religion which did not look into it....

    But it is definitely not edifying anyone today - just the opposers. ... so why witnesses keep bringing this up.... to look smart (reasonable) or what? I fail to see the motivation behind it.

  17. Jehovah never tests anyone with evil and does not predetermine someone to be evil. Jehovah is perfect and cannot do evil or produce evil.  It is therefore clear that an individual or a group of individuals could turn evil and could form part of an evil slave in the last days by opposing their brothers on earth. 

    Jehovah would never determine that some would turn evil. It is by their own choices that they become evil. So an evil slave could potentially exist - just as God foresaw that someone close to jesus could betray him. 

    However, jehovah has always looked after his people and appointed people to look after them. The bible is full of examples such as judges, prophets, apostles and a body in Jerusalem which guided the fledgling congregation.

    The scriptures are clear that there would be a slave to feed his people in the last days.

  18. 4 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    Suddenly massive riots all over USA. I

    Antifa is active there. Racial hatred is being pushed by many front organizations which receive funding from "foundations".  It is leading to anarchy...... so troops must step in to keep peace and UN may have reason to send UN troops to help....You are right the programmed masses (via propaganda) are acting according to plan and it is happening faster than anyone can imagine.

  19. 3 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    one of its heads seemed to have been fatally wounded, but its mortal wound had been healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration

    The entire world order changed after WW1. This Anglo - world power already received its heavy wound by the sword ( war)  and it was healed......(ww1) after USA joined WW1. The Anglo-American world power emerged from WW1 as the 2-horned beast  with a new role in the world. The world has been following it in admiration ever  since then. USA has been trying to institute democracy in many countries via money bribes, promises and even wars. A good example is China.  They really believed that if China tastes capitalism they would turn democratic...... but instead they have built a communist empire with capitalist features...... using money to build the CCP government into a stronger position. 






  20. 12 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number, and its number is 666."

    I was reading a chapter this week in an old JW book from  1963. It was about the 666. 

    The theme of the bible (in a nutshell) is all about rulership: Jehovahs and satan's.  HUman independence from jehovah's rule and how detrimentally it affects mankind due to human imperfection and satan's rule behind the scenes. Heavenly and earthly disobedience against jehovah and its results.

    It further tells us how jehovah will restore mankind to perfection AGAIN by means of his kingdom government under Christ  - who came to redeem us and shine light on how to live in a wicked world. It highlights the restoration of heaven and earth back to perfection under JEHOVAH'S rule.  Eph 1:9 &10

    Well, in the book "Babylon the great has fallen"  the seven worldly empires in world history, which have dominated over Jehovahs people, have blasphemous names on each  head of the beast (rebellious names, I guess, against Jehovahs perfect rule) and the entire beast has a name on it which identifies its actions..... not a name ....but a number: 666 - a man's number.

    Six hundred and sixty and six in 3 stages. The number 7 appears in Revelation 52 times and always refers to it as a symbol of perfection. Six is a man's number and falls short of 7 (six days is short of a week - another biblical pictures.ie creation week and mosaic week ). Six is therefore a symbol of fallen man's imperfections and shortcomings....... So this beast's human rulerships have brought hardship on mankind.... 

    If we multiply the six with the number of the wild beasts horns, it multiplies the imperfection and deficiency ten fold. In the bible the number 3 represents emphasis, when in successive format. Ez 21:27.  So if we raise six to the third and final degree in the wild beasts name, it emphasizes the deficiency of human political organizations - which is symbolized by the entire wild beast under satan's control.  

    Just like six is always short of seven day week.... so satan's rule can never bring us the completeness and perfection of Jehovahs rule.  Even in the scientific space age - it will fall short.

    I fear we will see the complete wickedness of mankind when they use technology not for good but extremely evil things.  They may even have very good intentions....... but Satan is behind the scenes and he is controlling the strings of those who have godless goals.

    The book also indicates that worship of the 'image' of the beast - the political state will be required. The image is the representation of the visible political system.  Since the UN is the image with the name-number on it - we know it is a human image and is bound to fail.

    Worship of this 'image' turns humankind's attention away from Jehovahs kingdom.  Those who identify with this image get a mark on their hand and forehead. They mentally consent and approve of imperfect human rulership and lend a hand to imperfect human institutions by giving active cooperation (vote and money contributions etc) to these. They are marked as being in opposition to Jehovahs rule. Babylon the great (false religion) supports the worship of the political beast and its image. 

    True christians stick to exclusive devotion of jehovah and his kingdom as the only hope for mankind. They will face pressure from this beast to worship the image/ the final king 8th king....... 

    Some believe that the ID 2020 project is Satan's mark on the hand but we know that the mark of the beast is 'worship' of the human political system to bring peace and security to humankind........ it is not a literal mark or chip (although close). Many may refuse the chip but still support the political system or rebel against some part of it instead of remaining neutral.

    The only time Jehovahs people will refuse to obey is when they compromise our moral integrity and our exclusive devotion to jehovah and our hope in his future government.


  21. 5 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    available as a pdf on this site down under the article:

    The things they are planning/ preparing  for defy all logic..... especially for the elderly who grew up in a time of reasonableness, integrity, balance and respect for privacy and human life. 

    The things that are coming sound as if it is coming from a scy-fi novel.

    The NWO will be more ugly than any person  can  imagine.   The goals of agenda 21 are impractical and will starve large populations just to name one point.


  22. 13 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    am not a fan of her OCD comments that is true.

    I do not like them either - so we agree on that!  But at least now we can chat like reasonable people.


    You said that Babylon (false religion) will be destroyed and quoted scriptures. Totally agree, it is prophesied. Satan is using false religion at present to get people blinded, to not learn the truth about jehovah and Jesus's ransom. 

    Satan already has ideas to replace false RELIGION with one world philosophy that will tolerate immorality...... promote one universal God, whom we all know, in reality is himself.

    Jehovah will allow destruction of false religion to happen at the time of His choosing....(he puts it in the ruler's  heart to turn against religion) when the showdown between Jehovah's kingdom and worldly governments  is reaching its eminent phase.  Because I think this new world order will exact exclusive devotion to the state.......  it will be as murderous as China's CCP is now on those who dissent. Satan is a murderer and his cohorts have his qualities - no respect for human life. 

    Forced worship of the state - the beast and the immorality it approves. At present we see abortion, LGBTQ, being rammed down our throats, I suspect there is more to come.... they are slowly warming us up to accept wickedness like a frog in a pot on a weak fire. Satan wants every person on the planet morally compromised

    15 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:


    Yes, I have the same thought. Electronic money can be frozen..... or just disappear from your bank account.... you will then be an outcast, a street person breaking the law when there are curfews. Then you will be rounded up and.....who knows.

    I was expecting black swan  event which would cause nations to accept monetary oversight from the UN and a digital monetary system for surveillance.  There are whispers on internet that they want it fully implemented by 2022. Is it possible?  If countries have a severe financial depression it is possible they will accept UN as the solution..... for international  cooperation.

    The "image" of the beast is the UN and its coalitions and will become the 8th king for a short while.  The "image" will set world policies - just like it is doing now with Corona.  We know the WHO is corrupt..... the leader was responsible for at least 2 million deaths in Ethiopia (covered up) and is pro-China...... yet only UN recommendations are now allowed on TV for Corona.  Many other recommendations are being removed from social media. It is a good indication of what the future will be under UN (or its equivalent org).  

    Agenda 2030 is the UN plan for the next ten years. We can see the ' signs'  of UN rulership that is here - so we know this bible prophecy will soon come into fulfillment.  176 nations signed this agreement. We see the 'sign' but we do not know the day and hour.   The disgusting thing (UN) has to be in the land of decoration (attack the true God's people) for the end to come.

    Once most of the world is on a digital money system, control will be complete together with full surveillance and behaviour accreditation (as is in china now - and computer infrastructure already has this capacity ). They can push things on us so fast that 2030 will only be a distant dream. Things can happen rapidly and suddenly.  

    Hunger, food shortage, untimely death is on its way...... (depression). How fast things will develop no person can tell..... because under a murderous regime things can turn pretty ugly real fast.  

    But, I pray that we are all ready to teach others during this time that is left because NO one will be able to find any words of jehovah when state worship is introduced. All will be banned.


  23. 10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    underhanded—for they are honorable individuals who realize that the fight must be fair. 

    Forget about it.  Wickedness has become evil, destructive.  The gloves are off - no fight is fair any longer - they stoop to any lengths and openly and blatantly lie about each other and the world situation. Critical times.

    Just like before the flood, the ordinary folk are getting used to the violence and deceit and just go on with their normal lives and put blinkers on...... and do not attempt to open up the wickedness and suffer the consequences..

    Those who try to keep a resemblance of 'fairness' and not calling evil for what it is, is also a form of hypocricy. 

  24. 10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    As for me, when I see the rot of human mismanagement, I assume that I am seeing just the tip of the iceberg.

    Yes, I think we are pretty naive about what is going on. Immorality, lies, deceit, covering up, are all tools of satan and just because world leaders look good in a suit and power dressing and speak with forked, educated, double speak, it does not mean that they have a good sense of justice and personal integrity. 

    What I see about their open money corruption indicates most are compromised..... and they all know each other. They cover up for each other.

    The things happening now in the justice system indicates a loss of judgement regarding good and evil in the highest echelons of society - emulating the wickedness in the time before jehovah sent Juda in exile.

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