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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. I was reading a chapter this week in an old JW book from 1963. It was about the 666. The theme of the bible (in a nutshell) is all about rulership: Jehovahs and satan's. HUman independence from jehovah's rule and how detrimentally it affects mankind due to human imperfection and satan's rule behind the scenes. Heavenly and earthly disobedience against jehovah and its results. It further tells us how jehovah will restore mankind to perfection AGAIN by means of his kingdom government under Christ - who came to redeem us and shine light on how to live in a wicked world. It highlights the restoration of heaven and earth back to perfection under JEHOVAH'S rule. Eph 1:9 &10 Well, in the book "Babylon the great has fallen" the seven worldly empires in world history, which have dominated over Jehovahs people, have blasphemous names on each head of the beast (rebellious names, I guess, against Jehovahs perfect rule) and the entire beast has a name on it which identifies its actions..... not a name ....but a number: 666 - a man's number. Six hundred and sixty and six in 3 stages. The number 7 appears in Revelation 52 times and always refers to it as a symbol of perfection. Six is a man's number and falls short of 7 (six days is short of a week - another biblical pictures.ie creation week and mosaic week ). Six is therefore a symbol of fallen man's imperfections and shortcomings....... So this beast's human rulerships have brought hardship on mankind.... If we multiply the six with the number of the wild beasts horns, it multiplies the imperfection and deficiency ten fold. In the bible the number 3 represents emphasis, when in successive format. Ez 21:27. So if we raise six to the third and final degree in the wild beasts name, it emphasizes the deficiency of human political organizations - which is symbolized by the entire wild beast under satan's control. Just like six is always short of seven day week.... so satan's rule can never bring us the completeness and perfection of Jehovahs rule. Even in the scientific space age - it will fall short. I fear we will see the complete wickedness of mankind when they use technology not for good but extremely evil things. They may even have very good intentions....... but Satan is behind the scenes and he is controlling the strings of those who have godless goals. The book also indicates that worship of the 'image' of the beast - the political state will be required. The image is the representation of the visible political system. Since the UN is the image with the name-number on it - we know it is a human image and is bound to fail. Worship of this 'image' turns humankind's attention away from Jehovahs kingdom. Those who identify with this image get a mark on their hand and forehead. They mentally consent and approve of imperfect human rulership and lend a hand to imperfect human institutions by giving active cooperation (vote and money contributions etc) to these. They are marked as being in opposition to Jehovahs rule. Babylon the great (false religion) supports the worship of the political beast and its image. True christians stick to exclusive devotion of jehovah and his kingdom as the only hope for mankind. They will face pressure from this beast to worship the image/ the final king 8th king....... Some believe that the ID 2020 project is Satan's mark on the hand but we know that the mark of the beast is 'worship' of the human political system to bring peace and security to humankind........ it is not a literal mark or chip (although close). Many may refuse the chip but still support the political system or rebel against some part of it instead of remaining neutral. The only time Jehovahs people will refuse to obey is when they compromise our moral integrity and our exclusive devotion to jehovah and our hope in his future government.
  2. The things they are planning/ preparing for defy all logic..... especially for the elderly who grew up in a time of reasonableness, integrity, balance and respect for privacy and human life. The things that are coming sound as if it is coming from a scy-fi novel. The NWO will be more ugly than any person can imagine. The goals of agenda 21 are impractical and will starve large populations just to name one point.
  3. I do not like them either - so we agree on that! But at least now we can chat like reasonable people. You said that Babylon (false religion) will be destroyed and quoted scriptures. Totally agree, it is prophesied. Satan is using false religion at present to get people blinded, to not learn the truth about jehovah and Jesus's ransom. Satan already has ideas to replace false RELIGION with one world philosophy that will tolerate immorality...... promote one universal God, whom we all know, in reality is himself. Jehovah will allow destruction of false religion to happen at the time of His choosing....(he puts it in the ruler's heart to turn against religion) when the showdown between Jehovah's kingdom and worldly governments is reaching its eminent phase. Because I think this new world order will exact exclusive devotion to the state....... it will be as murderous as China's CCP is now on those who dissent. Satan is a murderer and his cohorts have his qualities - no respect for human life. Forced worship of the state - the beast and the immorality it approves. At present we see abortion, LGBTQ, being rammed down our throats, I suspect there is more to come.... they are slowly warming us up to accept wickedness like a frog in a pot on a weak fire. Satan wants every person on the planet morally compromised Yes, I have the same thought. Electronic money can be frozen..... or just disappear from your bank account.... you will then be an outcast, a street person breaking the law when there are curfews. Then you will be rounded up and.....who knows. I was expecting black swan event which would cause nations to accept monetary oversight from the UN and a digital monetary system for surveillance. There are whispers on internet that they want it fully implemented by 2022. Is it possible? If countries have a severe financial depression it is possible they will accept UN as the solution..... for international cooperation. The "image" of the beast is the UN and its coalitions and will become the 8th king for a short while. The "image" will set world policies - just like it is doing now with Corona. We know the WHO is corrupt..... the leader was responsible for at least 2 million deaths in Ethiopia (covered up) and is pro-China...... yet only UN recommendations are now allowed on TV for Corona. Many other recommendations are being removed from social media. It is a good indication of what the future will be under UN (or its equivalent org). Agenda 2030 is the UN plan for the next ten years. We can see the ' signs' of UN rulership that is here - so we know this bible prophecy will soon come into fulfillment. 176 nations signed this agreement. We see the 'sign' but we do not know the day and hour. The disgusting thing (UN) has to be in the land of decoration (attack the true God's people) for the end to come. Once most of the world is on a digital money system, control will be complete together with full surveillance and behaviour accreditation (as is in china now - and computer infrastructure already has this capacity ). They can push things on us so fast that 2030 will only be a distant dream. Things can happen rapidly and suddenly. Hunger, food shortage, untimely death is on its way...... (depression). How fast things will develop no person can tell..... because under a murderous regime things can turn pretty ugly real fast. But, I pray that we are all ready to teach others during this time that is left because NO one will be able to find any words of jehovah when state worship is introduced. All will be banned.
  4. Forget about it. Wickedness has become evil, destructive. The gloves are off - no fight is fair any longer - they stoop to any lengths and openly and blatantly lie about each other and the world situation. Critical times. Just like before the flood, the ordinary folk are getting used to the violence and deceit and just go on with their normal lives and put blinkers on...... and do not attempt to open up the wickedness and suffer the consequences.. Those who try to keep a resemblance of 'fairness' and not calling evil for what it is, is also a form of hypocricy.
  5. Yes, I think we are pretty naive about what is going on. Immorality, lies, deceit, covering up, are all tools of satan and just because world leaders look good in a suit and power dressing and speak with forked, educated, double speak, it does not mean that they have a good sense of justice and personal integrity. What I see about their open money corruption indicates most are compromised..... and they all know each other. They cover up for each other. The things happening now in the justice system indicates a loss of judgement regarding good and evil in the highest echelons of society - emulating the wickedness in the time before jehovah sent Juda in exile.
  6. The sentence in the bible which says: Satan will be drawn out, has had me thinking for a long while....... satan is orchestrating this last concert and he has all the super rich, influential, technocrats and world-leaders on the same page. Bilderburg meetings, DAVOS , G 20 etc etc. Satan seems to be openly showing his colours. He is not behind the scenes any longer. He wants to force servants of jehovah to compromise.
  7. I used hydroxychloroquine with zink twice. My husband and I found a study on SARS 2.... , which is Covid 19, I think it was a Chinese study translated in English... can't remember..... but I used it because I have a compromised immunity. I was very sick and it came back two weeks later. The UN, WHO was controlling the narrative and refused to acknowledge that this protocol works. I was already using it when Trump announced it. After this this medication was not available anywhere..... even for RA patients. They laughed at people who used it......even though several doctors healed 2 to 3 thousand patients and te9stified to it. (One was an elderly Jewish doctor that went online and gave testimony to its effect.....). It is still deemed to be fake, news and removed from social media like all other conspiracy information...... So .. yes, I agree, the world is insane. Funeral parlours are saying that all deaths, regardless of the reason of death, are listed as Corona deaths. This phenomenon is really as strange as the Epstein case...... no logic at all because there are things that are being hidden. Yet......the majority of people are not questioning any of this...... maybe older ones..... but the new indoctrinated generation just accept what they are told.
  8. I was expecting a black swan event to break the economy of the world. I did not know what it would be..... but it came. Corona may have happened accidentally, and how, I am not sure.....there are many viable conspiracies out there...... but I do know that evil experimentation with nano-technology, viruses and much more has been going on for longer than we (naive ordinary folk) think. Although I do not agree with you on literally fleeing to the wilderness and your quirky vision of the bible, I agree with you on this: These words I am writing now will destroy my credibility with everyone here, but I really have a strong inclination that the wicked will use technology to take over the rulership of the world and do satan's ultimate bidding........ to put everyone in a position ( by oppression) to choose between jehovah or human rulership (the beast). We will be forced to obey their version of religion of the state which is ultimate immorality, without conscience, and worship of the state (beast). ...... This is satan's ultimate goal: to get everyone to reject jehovahs principles so he can rob you of eternal life. To compromise yourself. Satan wants everyone to lose everlasting life - like he has. He wants all and everything to be destroyed. Jehovah knew this: that is why he foresaw that he would have to step into humankind's affairs to save some loyal flesh. How far it will go, I cannot tell..... but it will be pretty bad because it will have to be proven beyond reasonable doubt that humans cannot rule themselves. The human condition at the height of human discovery will be worse than before the industrial revolution...... because our flaw (sin) brings out the worst form of domination, torture, oppression and degradation. THULM in Arabic thulaam means total darkness and injustice. I think that life will be terrible in future due to the oppression and injustice. The suppression of ALL religion will bring total darkness to peoples lives. The only religion allowed will be worship of the state and its rules. People will search for information about God but it will be suppressed. Now you know why I have been looking at the king of the north and its philosophy of atheism (spiritistic origins) and worship of the state. In Russia it is tolerating orthodoxy for now because orthodoxy is a totally hollow religion of rituals only and a religion of the state. (nationalism) The super capitalists of the world are all atheists and have been pushing NWO agenda for many years.... they believe it will bring peace and security........ They support the UN's agenda which promotes the Chinese model of oppression of religion and worship of the state. The UN knows it cannot get power if it does not follow the Chinese model....... and all the richest people in the world know this as well. They are working together. Many small businesses have been permanently broken by this Corona. This means that people's independence from the state is lost........ the UN banks may take over the world problems when the nations give over their autonomy to it......China will also have financial problems after this Corona. The future will tell........... but what I am thinking is in line with bible teachings - albeit controversial.
  9. I remember a person who openly told everyone they had AIDs and came to meetings. It is a lie that we are not accomdating to all kinds of people. We are very kind to anyone accepting Jehovahs moral standards. The problem is usually with them - they do not accept Jehovahs moral standards. Universities and tech corporations are pushing this new 'cultural revolution' which is inspired by the Marx's manifesto. This includes atheism and lack of conscience and morals.
  10. So we must now look to Ignatius? Instead of the bible? Remember, already in the time of apostle John the Greek influence and apostate ideas had already infiltrated the congregations. Jesus gave warning about the weeds. Math 19. The most insidious weeds were the Greek philosophy and oratory traditions which was literally everywhere! There were gymnasiums etc. in Palestine. Matthew 24 is about the last days of the Jewish system but it says that the preaching work will be done in the last days in " entire world" then the end will come..... so it refers to our time. It afterward talks about a slave..... so this is obviously only a feature of the last days of the entire earthly system....... and it asks a question: who is the FDS? It obviously means that it is important for each individual to recognize who this FDS is.
  11. They are registered in every country as a non-profit because it is the LAW. One cannot print books etc without registered license. You should read up about this - maybe you will stop judging and get more understanding. He has fled to the wilderness. So true! People writing them long letters with their personal spiritual views and getting no answers..... and really expecting an answer!....... then getting bitter because they thought they were more equal than others.... This happened to the catholic church in China..... new government translation of the bible...... all unwanted material removed... The Pope gave permission for CCP officials to appoint bishops..... next thing they know all church business and the members...... then soft persecution....... now getting worse. Google it. Persecution in China after Vatican-China deal.
  12. Hate-OCD - target, target , anyone you can. If targeting witnesses was a ' speech crime' he would get 6 years.
  13. Could it be a matter of politics? While there is nothing wrong with reviewing our procedures to see if it is spot on with the bible, I pose one question: are we now imitating worldly governments which have investigative committees ? Are we now supposed to institute this on our teachings? ... when we all know that there is nothing wrong with our core teachings? The GB are the spearhead of the commission from Jesus to preach but - as Chavez said - indicates they must be board members for a registered corporation. Is a possible solution this: the GB step down from anything to do with the legal corporation and give it to a few committees with overseers to run and be the board members? After all, they must prepare now for Armageddon when they get their call to the marriage of the lamb....... who will then run things through Armageddon? The GB can head up the spiritual food committees at present which will later take over when they are no longer here. Is this maybe a wakeup call for them to act and change something?
  14. Thanks for article..... but there is no balance! The investigations into child marriage led them to tabling this bill to try to stop child marriages. There are a few legislators who do care (mostly women) but the majority do not. The rape gangs in UK are still operating and still swept under the carpet. Most people who try to expose the gangs (report about it) are targeted by police and the establishment because one may not say anything about "the religion of peace" who are the major perpetrators of this crime because it is ok to rape "kufaar" (unbelievers). It is now against the law (hate-speech, even if they are perpetrators) in UK and one could face a prison sentence of up to 6 years for hate-speech (if I remember correctly - it changed from 2 to 6 years). What they do NOT say in the article you cite, is that the religion of peace does not marry in UK courts. (It is rare- because the wife has more rights under UK law and can inherit more from her husband, should he die, than under Sharia law). Sharia favours men. So they do religious marriage or take them to Pakistan to get married at young age .....and then wait until she is of age for the man to immigrate legally to Britain on marriage Visa. This was a major industry before..... I do not know which immigration laws have been changed in the past few years because I know they have been trying to curb this by immigration legislation. I have not taken the time of late to look at it. Yes, the more I learn about the top echelons of society and the sexual antics they get up to with children ( and the level of suppression), the more I realize how wicked the world has become. I have listened to a few hair raising stories of retired police who were told to "stop" investigating" in UK........ coming from higher up in the hierarchy who get pressure from even higher up in government. This was, and is happening in USA too. One investigator from Florida has fled to Russia because his life was in danger. Journalists and police have turned up dead in USA. Shot or convenient suicide. The Epstein debacle has also been covered up with his very 'convenient' suicide of which the circumstances have just been accepted by the public at large. No lingering questions asked. No-one has been brought to justice which proves the system is covering up. There is no longer justice for the poor and underpriviledged..... just like in Israel before the exile. The prosecutors who covered up for Epstein and colluded to cover up the 37 cases of child trafficking in 2007, have DA positions at present - their "clean" standing is not tarnished because the press do not write about it. Epstein turned out to be an CIA asset. The new trafficking cases were closed at his ''suicide' and the "madam" who pulled in all the young kids for his operations, is still living in luxury and free. All the porn material with high society men ( videos) which the Federal police raided from his home after his death, is in their fed possession. NO INDICTMENTS up till now. I am waiting...... most probably some lowly person will be made an example of....... but the news is not asking what has happened to the videos. My sense of justice is outraged by this but I leave it in the hands of Jehovah...... their fall will be great. One piece of good news.... it seems that some of the supply chains were broken by Corona lock down.....due to transport restrictions...... but this crime will grow even faster when a lot of people do not have work. The criminally inclined will have a ' job'. ..... and money.
  15. I am talking of hate-OCD, same behaviour over and over and same unreasonableness. No.... so far (by what I have heard) Ferulis thinking flaws are clear and it is not just all hate....
  16. Many creatures are changing sex, especially those who are sensitive to hormones. Our waters are all polluted, full of female and other hormones. Plastics also immitate female hormones. I will not go into the subject of gender dysphoria in humans which it is causing. Animals follow instinct or learn new behaviour by watching. They do what comes naturally. As the crown if Jehovah's creation we are not supposed have sex anywhere, anyhow and with anyone.... it makes us into animals with no conscience and no thought of a future - just immediate gratification with no self-control. These new corrupting teachings at schools and universities are corrupting minds so people do not have a hope to get the approval of God. Satan is turning them into fodder for destruction. Since he is the father of death - that is his ultimate goal- to destroy. And if he could use the state and its institutions to do it quicker and more thoroughly - so much the better. Dr Feruli is living in the past...... in the days when university education still meant something and could bring edification to the mind. He seems to be in a bubble as JWInsider mused.
  17. An X chromosome can never become a Y...... that is science. Do you know about the recent painful divorce case where a father had to watch his doctor wife indoctrinate the son that he is a girl and then start hormonal treatments at age seven? In Canada and UK some states they can take your child from the home if you refuse hormonal treatments - it is seen as abuse! Satan wants to break the family, all morality and conscience - this new aggressive push by the establishment is leading to a situation wherein all humans will have to make a choice between Jehovahs right and wrong and the new secular morality pushed by UN. I do not think it useful for in-depth studies either but I would not trash it....... the modern youth do not understand the older English expressions. It is for the new generation not for crusty old professors. I like his thoughts on #3. I prefer street work to house to house. I do not like standing at the cart either....... too little action for me. I like to engage people.... so I am all for the idea to do what you are good at or what you like.... That way you remain enthusiastic and on fire!
  18. Communism is alive and well and all the corruption and gag orders with it. May jehovah bless his integrity.
  19. In this world nothing is perfect because humans tend to overstep boundaries - even Moses did so. But if we are really prepared to give our life for another (spirit of christ), then reading our bible and sticking close to jehovah would be our main goal - and spreading the core teachings of the bible, such as the kingdom government. This saves lives. No other actions are worth a reward from jehovah more than these. To humbly serve others. Literal rebellion against any other human (turn the other cheek ), or earthly institution would not come up in our mind......BUT: this would not in any way mean that we tolerate any form of ' yeast'. Our conscience will help us to quickly quelch any form of wickedness or even speak up against evil, when needed, in a kind and loving way. This is possible within our small sphere of influence..... If this was the prevailing attitude (which is closer to perfection) in the entire organization, from top to bottom, everything would run better. But people are always overstepping boundaries due to imperfection. They go overboard or extend their influence. Because : if you read the quoted scriptures above (several people referred to scriptures) about humility, not being contentious, then a TRUE Christian with a genuine humble spirit will self-regulate. Granted, self-control regarding bad inclinations is the hardest part of being a Christian..... and to my thinking receives too little attention. We will do NOTHING out of egotism which can hurt our brothers or sisters and not overstep the invisible boundaries but stay in JEhovahs love. (The governing body and Feruli included). If everyone had this spirit not even elders would be necessary. But jehovah in his wisdom knew that we are dust and set a precedent in first century Jerusalem and also gave us elders and ministerial servants........ because we as humans need some form of facilitation. A world- wide organization needs some form of coordination and fiscal management as well as policy management. Neglect of management direction brought the tolerance of child molestation accusations. If they manage too much they are called dictators.... if they manage to little they are called incompetent and degenerate regarding morals.... the pharisees and self-appointed judges of our time are everywhere! Is it just a form of public rebellion? Or has he seen specific abuses of people by the GB? (Not mistakes, but abuses of trust which can be proved....) HERE IS MY OPINION: In my secular working life I have seen CEOs of global corporations move from one corporation to another. Many have good degrees and without a doubt walk around like gods ......with everyone in fear of them, pandering to them to obtain a favourable eye..... following every instruction to the letter...... or lose their jobs. When these CEOs have made many arbitrary decisions, which bring the company almost to ruin, they usually leave just in time so someone else can pick up the pieces. They do NOT navigate companies through hard financial times perfectly because their chrystal balls are usually defective. (I worked for the 4th largest logistics company in the world in 2008). Yet, these CEO's CVs read like a dream, they were CEOs of several companies, maybe a fortune 500 company, and are celebrated, get millions of dollars in bonuses, get astounding salaries, chauffeurs, trips with business air seats etc....... despite all the wrong decisions and attitudes. They are truly a mini-government, fat cats with perks that will make the Sun king blush. In contrast, simple men take a world-wide responsibility and in the process get a lot of respect (not worship). They have small personal perks which can never ever be measured up against a secular company. They cannot change jobs when they have messed up or made a mistake. THey are more accountable than CEOs because they have to fix up their own mistakes and face the music........and eager worldly criticism.... AND on top of that are accountable to Jehovah. Most people expect NO mistakes (always highlight even small mistakes) and they are always accused (by opposers) of setting themselves up as gods. People judge them so easily....... even though they are navigating us through highly critical financial times and even critical spiritual times. Did Jesus not predict that many would leave the faith and turn against brothers? I am sure there is more is to come..... when brazen opposers stand up in the congregation and betray brothers. I can only encourage brothers to not be 'swayed' by these winds that bring cross-winds and storms before the end... Steadily stay the course.... eyes humbly focussed on the promised target - everlasting life.
  20. I follow what the UN is doing. There are some counties where it has not been implemented. Which ages do you teach?
  21. I agree that there are times we step up to the plate..... when needed. I also do not like it when some brothers act as though they are the sole self-appointed guardians of the truth, always correcting others...... this again is also out of balance. This is also self-importance and ego at work.
  22. Editors get involved with a printed book and then the printing process itself gets 4 proofs which are read and re-read and corrections made. ( I worked as a publicist for many years). It is truly a blessing to have different eyes on a paper. As I said before- you throw this word around like candy. Mr Feruli himself agrees that all the core teachings are correct..... The ones I think of is the teaching of mortality of the soul, the name jehovah, jesus who really died for our sins, we are no longer under mosaic law, the kingdom government, the preaching work,..... and much more. We have an abundance of spiritual food, videos, movies, songs and videos for the young ones! Why MUST some people have a platform to prove themselves! It comes from ego and ambition! Some are never thankful and count their blessings! The glass is half empty if they cannot have a "spiritual " say...... The core teachings are there! So what can you add?
  23. Those words are the key - past tense. All new sillabuses now teach absolutely shocking things which is downright pornea. It also depends on the school board and the state. The new sex education is pushed by the UN together with atheism. In UK the Muslims were up in arms and demonstrated in front of schools. The school was cordoned off and they were not allowed near the campus. High court intervention. I have seen local school meetings in USA where parents have tried to stand up for morals...... it is getting harder and harder. Most parents are not aware because the children do these courses online. I do keep up with what is going on at universities and schools. And what is going on is shocking! No freedom of thought or speech. I would not like to be student on campus now where common sense is no longer accepted and one has to deal with militant atheists, pro-abortionists, militant LGBTQ and ANTIFA hooligans thrown in the mix. I totally agree. I was in Africa at the time and in the truth for two years. It seems some people here push one narrative and others another. It is a matter of perception and who you knew at the time.... and the tales. PLEASE ASK YOURSELF THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: It may come as a shock to you all..... but how will we keep unity in the faith (one message) if anyone can stand on the stage and add scriptures and give their own interpretations? There must be some measurng stick? At home one can speculate, or speculate with all your friends.... but in a public space .... stick to the outline.... is this not better? We have a lot of freedom..... to speak..... why must one push your own visions on stage? That is exactly how the 1975 saga ran away with itself and got extra legs! I am always chatting and speculating with friends.... but we should be aware that we can push ourselves too much! Knowledge puffs up - but love builds up. 1 cor 8:1.... Stick to the love part then one can never go wrong! If you do not agree with my question, then please give a solution and not just critisize! It is easy to critisize if you do not have a workable solution.
  24. I just watch old movies for entertainment - safer than modern stuff. They have better characterization and plots as well. These days many stories are superficial and use special effects for interest.
  25. They are sexualizing young children in school. Children go on the computer and learn about deviant sex at too young an age. Parents should know what their children are learning so as to counteract it at home. It is UNESCO which has brought in the new curriculum and pushing it world-wide. Poor countries do not get funding if they refuse to comply. It is part of population control. Teach young kids that deviant sex is ok so they do not produce children..... and most important of all make them into atheists so they have no conscience.
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