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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. But nothing will come of it. The powers that be - they have too much money and the lobby too strong. We are sitting ducks to these wicked people and only Jehovah can save us. Listened to a translation today of how communism took over china (Chinese to English) and how bad things have become under the CCP. It discusses how the doctrine of communism is satanic in its destruction of culture, morals and everything pertaining to a God. I was fascinated by the old Chinese values of morality and how they believed that there was a large flood on earth, through which the Chinese were saved, in order to bring culture and morality to the world. I saw many contemporary parallels with the West, especially the destruction of the family, culture and moral values. The Chinese writer claims that the ultimate goal of satan is to create a world power wherein worship of the state replaces all values of morality..... such as the CCP is doing. In this way the mind is so morally corrupted, that when God talks to the person they will not listen to Him and then their soul will be destroyed forever (no nirvana or reincarnation). He laments the communists who desecrate everything to do with the forefathers and their legacy (which of course forms part of their ancestor worship)..... but I found it very enlightening. I really got some insights into the Chinese culture before communism systematically dismatled it and replaced it with communistic, material versions of the old culture. (culture revolution just as in the west happening now) I can see how satan will literally be ruling the entire world soon and obligating people to worship the state/beast. There is nothing noble about human governments any longer - east or west. Corruption is everywhere and it is like a yeast which has grown throughout the earth.
  2. That is the right word. It triggers OCD. That is why I rarely reply...... the response is always the same old, same old. I like to learn from people I do not agree with...... but you always land up in a dead end.
  3. Maybe years ago one could go to university without making crippling debt and also being indoctrinated in a spiritually crippling way. Today, one has to self-censor at all universities (freedom of inquiry and freedom of speech is curtailed by political correctness) and there is no longer a guest for truth in the humanities. One sends a child into the class and they come out with LGBTQ indoctrination due to the fact that they have to select one of these courses.... no matter what they are studying. I have watched several interviews with students..... they are not learning to think any longer. It is truly better to learn a vocation.. There are some sciences that are still good but most have to follow the Darwinian dogma.
  4. The new religion is science and technology - even pseudo-science has replaced God. And science these days is without scruples or ethics. Saw a headline yesterday....... a mouse has been produced with 4 % human genes. Why? Most probably they had discovered that all lab mice were too interbred to have provided proper results in the last 25 years.. Who knows why. The research done in China labs and by the BIG tech giants is frightening and could put the future of humans in jeopardy - if they carry on with what they are doing. The developments in science are so quick at present that governments are not keeping up with proper legislation... and atheist countries do not care to place restrictions on these unscrupulous people. To them it is a race to dominate the world with a new discovery...... and in this quest there are more than enough funds available from renegade, atheist super rich capitalists and oligarchs who wish to make more money from the results. I saw a headline recently - the earlier vaccines were grown on animal material. There is talk that pharma covered up when they found retro-viruses in vaccines that were produced via monkey kidney material. Since most animals have corona virusses ..... there is talk that AIDS originated from vaccines. There was a court case filed end of Dec 2019 - here's what was copied from the headpiece of the document: Case 1:19-cv-11947 Document 1 Filed 12/31/19 Page 1 of 36. This court case results did not appear in any media. There was no settlement in this lawsuit. It was mutually dissolved by both sides (plaintiffs/defendants) but the U.S. District Judge's (Hon. Lewis J. Limon) signed a stipulation acknowledging that the defendants (The CDC) could not produce any copies of safety studies - proving that safety studies were never done on vaccines. They only produced 20 unrelated documents. So NO safety studies were ever done and yet these pharma corporations, through lobbying, obtained blanket immunity from congress just before the turn of the century. They are not being held accountable in a court of law and a cap of 30 thousand dollars is placed on litigation for people who have been injured by vaccines in court. If your child is autistic one needs thousands upon thousands for special teachers etc. This is the level of corruption going on in the system. The safety claims are fraudulent! I found it on another website but this was sent me by someone: www.youtube.com/watch To get to the meat start at 34:14. If you scroll down to around the 10th commenter, (Joe Knipp), outlines the show. At the very end circa 1:01:00 Del gives the CDC the ultimatum: Either take down the prominent declaration on their website that states Vaccines doesn't cause autism or ICAN is gonna pursue every possible legal avenue. There IS no contradiction between science and the spiritual world if scientists follow only to where the truth leads them. Unfortunately in the modern world, science has lost the ball because they follow preconceived ideas that there is no god. So anything which may suggest design or anything hinting at God in the conclusion, simply has to be discarded and replaced with a different hypothesis and outcome. Apart from this legal entity (Sanhedrin) which had already been infiltrated by Greek oratory thinking, and was the highest authority in religious and self-governing matters of the Jews, there was a group of Christian apostles and elders in Jerusalem, according to acts 15, which took the lead. They appointed 7 brothers of good repute to divide the food amongst the widows because these brothers had to keep busy with the commission Jesus gave the apostles, namely to oversee the Christian congregations and ensure that false teachings did not slip in. They were led by James at the time when Paul and Barnabas came to testify about the gentiles receiving holy spirit while not circumcised. The decision of this body (not called a GB then) was sent out to all congregations. Acts 6:1 -6 and Acts 15 "So Paul and Barnabas were appointed, along with some other believers, to go up to Jerusalem to see the apostles and elders about this question."
  5. If only half percent of JWs did a bad thing, you will focus only on the half percent with OCD attention span. You yourself know that the bible indicates that people can become wicked - why even Jesus lost one of his twelve apostles - which is actually a little over 8 percent.
  6. They usually are not strong on law....... it is more about 'feelings' to them. Laws are in place for a reason. Theft of intellectual property is a major problem. China has been stealing US patents for decades. Sometimes these people act outside the law and should learn a legal lesson or two.
  7. If one looks at the kind of 'science' in scholarship these days - where a person can now choose a gender despite a Y or X chromosome - then the state of scholarship is in chaos. The most prestigious universities get grants from certain pharma giants and then a study appears shortly after which just happens to bring more money into the pocket of the corporation. Now that is excellent scholarship! So much for scholarship....... although I must say one has to work exceedingly hard to get a PHD in an ancient language - three times harder than the social sciences - but this does not make you an expert on 'everything' pertaining to the bible. Nevertheless, Feruli's years of service and record sounds commendable and maybe qualifies him to have a negative say about the direction of GB....... but must he do it so publicly? ......So as to garner undue attention to his person and his scholarship? I would like to know the outcome of this..... An important question..... Anyone can say something " just because they think they are qualified to do so". Lol...... Thanks Ann. I guess the older I get the lazier the eyes and brain....
  8. Read the piece. Loved the connection between the Dutch and French (as happened in South Africa. ) Recognised all the Dutch and French names - except Crispell. Where is this name from? Afrikaans language is a form of old Dutch..... so I understand all related languages (Belgium, Flemish etc) but we have an unique double negative in the language which came from the French. In the early stages of the colony the French Huguenots were not as many as the Dutch but a substantial group. It was a Dutch colony and speaking French in the churches was prohibited- so the religious French protestants had to learn and use Dutch. They automatically used the double negative and it stuck in the "Afrikaans" /Dutch language permanently. Agreed.... many wars in Europe and bloody "purges' of religious groups took place all over Europe and England. The Inquisition started with Jews but soon escalated to the searching out of Christian heretics. A cruel depraved part of history....
  9. The video talks about glory....... Feruli apparently already has glory and does not need more. I do not buy this statement. Satan was the most beautiful and already had a lot to be grateful for..... but he became arrogant.
  10. True, and even if it accuses, regardless of him being a scholar, without sufficient proof it is without substance. So detractors on the forum should not be so ecstatic ...... he does apparently urge brothers not to leave....... an idea which is abhorent to them .
  11. ??? I am not American and my first language is not English so I naturally never get the acronyms.
  12. ?? Your personal opinion only......... and while you are allowed to have a personal opinion , it does not mean it is absolutely correct. Satan and his demons are also allowed by God to have a personal opinion.....
  13. My maiden name was De Villiers. My forefathers were also of Huguenot stock that went to South Africa in the 17th century and started the wine industry. There is a famous farm in Cape area called La Rochelle which was named after the area in France my forefathers came from. They fled to Holland when the Edict of Nantes was made void and persecution came overnight. They then went on to settle in the Cape. I have a book with my family history in south Africa....the genealogy was updated after my children were born. What I find interesting is that Huguenots were also in the area you come from.... and your family were part of these persecuted protestants way back then. I visited a fort built around 1650s in Florida USA. It was built by the Spanish when they had control of Florida. It looked similar to the fort in south Africa built at the same time for sea defence. I felt sad when I learnt there at this fort that a group of Huguenots which landed in Florida were massacred there by the Spanish. Seems like your family (I do not know the last name) fared better in the north of USA. My family Crest has the lamb and fleur-de-lis symbols which indicate that they also participated in the crusades..... but I did not care to investigate this - not important. What is interesting about your family history: it goes back to time of Russel. Do share some more interesting titbits
  14. Especially if you have the self-appointed 'super righteous' to police their every move. Remember how the pharisees policed jesus's every move to find fault....... and they did....... despite his perfection. How much easier with more imperfect mortals.
  15. Russia and China has growing influence in the UN. China has an important position in the human rights council and can appoint leaders to 15 agencies. Russia is running for a position... Other positions are held by totalitarian countries with "sharia law" ......None of them have human rights in their countries. This is the future of the world - where totalitarian friends vote each other onto UN organizations. (WHO) controvercies is a good example. China gets along well with Arab totalitarian states. Their agreements usually have a clause.....something to this effecf: I do not say anything about your internal affairs and abuses and you say nothing about mine. We as a clan, we do not vote against each other. This does not augur well for the future when worldly, august institutions (mountains in biblical symbols) have only superficial justice/righteousness. Integrity is a quality of the past. These countries do as they please...... a law to themselves.... which seems to be a growing trend.
  16. The term generation can also be used as a measure of time with reference to past or future ages. An age which is identified by certain features. That is why I demonstrated the above definition with the pre-flood generation / age and its impact; also the post-flood generation/ age which also consisted of a very long period.. Today they are still commemorating events of WW2 which is an event which is still part of the age starting with WW1 because it is identified by world-wars. However, those people who saw these 'massive signs' and lived in the aftermath of any of these wars may soon start dying. Many are in their sixties or older. I am a post-ww2 baby which understands the impact of the war due to listening to the many stories my grandfather and father told me (both were in the war).. Most of the young generations less than 30 years have no clue. I personally always understand history in the context of the age........ because people are ALWAYS impacted by what happens in their age. Russel was influenced by pyramids because he was living an age that was obsessed with the orient.... because of all the discoveries in the news of artifacts in the middle east. Archeology was a fledgling science and the great mysteries were continuously revealed. It even gave rise to a new religion called Mormonism. So people do get distracted by what is happening in the world and its propaganda. This is why I always caution on this forum that one cannot just Google information about an era and think you understand the mindset and full implications of the era. An era can have many features which define it. Even short periods have many features i.e. the roaring twenties was short-cut by the depression but some of its ideas still lived on in those who were part of it. The generation that was impacted by the first and second world wars are now getting on in life...... we know the stories and the oral traditions...... The millenials, frankly do not care. They are impacted by what happened in the sixties - the loss of morals and experimentation with drugs, and the new philosophies that were brewing in the Frankfort school etc.
  17. Since not all family lineages started at 1900 (not all in one generation are the same age ) it means that anyone born in the time of the 1914-generation is still part of the 1914-generation. And anyone born before 1914 and was 90 years old in 1914 were also of this 1914- generation. Anyone that is anointed in the time between 1914 and say 1992 could hence still be part of that 1914-generation because in a generation all are not the same age and they had contact with this generation. I always had a problem with the old definition of generation because I understand from history that all people living in the same generation are not the same age. Abraham was part of the "post-flood" generation. Why? He was born when Shem was still alive. Between Shem and Abraham there were 427 years. In this time 10 new generations were born and until ALL of those died off (those who were born in Shems lifetime), after Shem died, they were all still part of the post- flood Shem-generation. Why? They potentially could speak to shem and even his brothers.....and learn about the flood and post flood conditions in his area. So Abraham was of the post-flood generation. Noah died 2 years before the birth of Abraham.....he was of the Pre-flood generation. So after Noah died - all those born in his lifetime and who could contact him and could benefit from his wisdom about pre-flood generation stories, was of his generation. Noah he lived to see the beginning of 9 generations of his decendants after the flood. These were all part of his generation until they died off. Some people born were contemporaries of Noah and of Abraham..... and could then qualify for both generations. Shem lived at least until 75 years AFTER abraham entered Canaan. My numbers could be slightly off......as I did the calculations in haste but this is to illustrate what a generation means. This is the criteria for a generation. The modern idea of a generation is organized according to trends.... such as the babyboomers or millenials.... but this is not a true definition of a generation. When I speak of pastor Russel's generation, i think of the elderly born in say 1790 and were still alive when Russel printed his magazine, as well as all those people born after this until 1916 when Russel died. Those who afterwards died, after Russel died, but were born while he was alive, were still part of his generation. So a generation is not the linear line most people think of.
  18. Ok.... Hitler did not eat meat and that did not make him holy.... so what is the point? Hippies are holy ? If punks or hippies do not go to war it still does not identify them with the people who is described in Isaiah 2:4 ,,,, a people who flock to jehovah's worship out of all the nations and learn war no more....... in the time of the end. So your answer is that JWs tell lies about jah's kingdom? JWs are just about the only ones who understand the kingdom to be a real government. .... the other part of the answer given is just hate-OCD. I suffer a sample the many illogical interpretations of scripture quite regularly here on this forum. It is a good example of what 'independence' does. A freedom to follow your own desires and interpretations which make no sense. Let me make it clear: I feel deeply sorry for those who suffer from the real disease. However I call those out here who only have one MO and a brain which has only one track..... that of vicious hatefullness. This OCD I refer to here on this forum is a hate-OCD. No matter what the subject is, (the subject may be unrelated to the GB and immorality..). but the subject is twisted so the same hate for the GB and JWs comes up..... . There is no reasonableness or a willingness to even discuss....... it is a return (over and over) to the same MO and the same words and same old blanket accusations .....over and over and over ...... get my drift? If I have OCD .... it is a hate for the hate-OCD. Lol.
  19. Since not all family lineages started at 1900 (not all are the same age) it means that anyone born in the time of the 1914-generation is still part of the 1914-generation. Anyone that is anointed in the time between 1900 and say 1992 could hence still be part of that 1914-generation because in a generation all are not the same age. I always had a problem with the old definition of generation because I understand from history that all living at the same time are not the same age. Abraham was part of the "post-flood" generation. Why? He was born when Shem was still alive. Between Shem and Abraham there were 427 years. In this time 10 new generations were born and until ALL of them died off after shem died, they were still part of the post- flood generation. So Abraham was of the post-flood generation. Noah died 2 years before the birth of Abraham.....he was of the Pre-flood generation. So after Noah died - all those born in his lifetime and who could contact him and could benefit from his wisdom about pre-flood generation stories, was of his generation. Noah he lived to see the beginning of 9 generations of his decendants. These were all part of his generation until they died off after his death. Shem lived at least until 75 years AFTER abraham entered Canaan. My numbers could be slightly off......as I did it in haste but this is to illustrate what a generation means. This is the criteria for a generation. When I speak of Russel's generation, i think of the elderly in his generation born in say 1870 and all those born after until Russel died. Those who then died after Russel died and were born while he was alive is still part of his generation. A generation could also be a set time by jehovah - as before the flood -120 years.
  20. This is a very beautiful thought - then you go ahead and spoil it by indicating that those who expect to live forever on earth are second grade citizens. They are just as important to Jehovahs purpose as those who have a different job. The anointed are not superior to those who will get the earthly hope. I think the only quality they may have a little more of than the rest of us is: humility - because they have more of Jehovah's spirit! Those who are not humble will not follow these humble ones - just like the pharisees did not follow jesus because he was too humble for them.
  21. This is my personal opinion as I am not a doctor. This virus is a RNA virus - similar to AIDs - it is a retrovirus. I think it will definitely become endemic and will come back year after year as soon as a person's resistance is low. It will eventually give you a disease of the lungs or severe lung damage that you may end up with COPD or 'clots ' and die of "related" causes. Most AIDS patients, after infected, do not have a disease but eventually develop all kinds of illnesses (full-blown disease because the immunity cannot fight) before death - and die of aids-related causes. This has the same mechanism, it will keep infecting the lungs and other related organs. I think the medical establishment have been reluctant to talk about these type of implications. I saw an article which showed that one cannot become a soldier (I think it was China or USA) if you have the virus. After 40 years of aids there is still no vaccination for RNA retroviruses. Any vaccination they may develop now will not be a cure but merely ward off full blown disease. The implication of this is that nations will realize they have to work together and cannot trust their armies to be stable. Though some nations are now using this pandemic to further consolidate their power, they may soon realize they need the UN. They will then willingly let the UN decide policies (such as they are now doing with WHO). The "image of the beast" will start its rule. At present, they have started to remove all news against WHO policies (whether correct or incorrect, valid or invalid) from the internet. The "image " of the beast is a "reflection" of all other governments. It will start to implement central monetary policies to deal with the financial disaster awaiting the world, food shortages, supply chains, etc. We may be entering the final phase of the end. They will eventually work together and set the stage to call peace and security.
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