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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. You better start applying for a visa then and see how easy it is to get one.... Imagine 8 million people applying for visas all at once because like a Waco-cult they recon they have to be at a specific place together. It need not be a literal place...... but you are stuck on that idea ... because it is your own idea. Many people do not see it as a literal wilderness.
  2. He tries to come across as a reasonable person.... which you definitely are not. 1 4Jah2me reacted to this I see these OCD reactions all the time from you and view them as a medal...... I even started to react this way as well and realized that mental derangement can be contagious in some ways. ..... LOL
  3. So right! It is the same as people that call Jehovah a dictator because he desires exclusive devotion and obedience. But I can give the answer to that and Mr Kosonen will again ignore what I say and go on with his theories. So if he is really interested in the logical and the truthful answer, I want to give him a project to think about: what is needed for all people on earth to be united and live in harmony and peace! Please write down a list of things you think will be needed to bring this about...... then we can talk further. Let the philosopher or prophet in Mr Kosonen come out!
  4. Well, the bible says one must not be wise in your own eyes. Can one really take it upon oneself to criticize the translation of the lord's prayer? Jesus himself taught his followers to pray for the 'sanctification' of Jehovah's name.... so Jesus was wrong in teaching us to pray for his father's name to be sanctified? Is Jehovah God not pure and holy? Should He not be viewed as separate from everything else? Above every other human-made god and thing and above the angels and everything else in heaven? Jesus came to earth to sanctify his fathers name by setting the example of how we should live. He became the chief agent for Jehovah's purpose to be completed. He would be the ransom sacrifice and guarantor for mankind to be brough back into a perfect relationship with Jehovah. The purpose is to restore imperfect humans back into a direct relationship with Jehovah, a relationship which Adam willfully broke. The kingdom of Jesus will restore us to Jehovah - not Jesus. Jehovah is so great and so pure...... yet most people view Jesus as equal to him. This is a lie. Jesus himself taught that only his father is good. Jesus is NOT equal to god and never can be because he is a creation of God - even if he is a perfect reflection of his father. He is a mere 'reflection' of the real thing - the reality the truth. God is also Jesus' father (life-giver) "John20:17 Jesus said to her: “Stop clinging to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothersa and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Fatherb and your Father and to my Godc and your God.’” "Our father in heaven, may your name be sanctified." The book of Mathew was originally written in Hebrew - and eventually translated by Mathew himself into Greek (if I remember correctly). While JWs relied heavily on personalities for some of our teachings in our past history, do you not think that they keep doing research when they teach us the importance of the sanctification of the name of God? Do they not revise and correct some of the past teachings? So why is it that this fundamental truth is still with us? Here is a link to Hebrew scholar Nehemia Gordon going into the word "sanctification" as opposed to 'hallowed': He says that Jews can pray this prayer and goes into the fact that the Hebrew scriptures also calls Jehovah "father" many times. Why? well the word father means "life-giver" so why would you not sanctify the one who is responsible for your life and everything else? What I do not understand is this: why do people not think things through before criticizing? It is only when all people on earth let go of their false gods and their own ideas.... and all serve Jehovah in unity and truly "sanctify" him that there will ever be peace of earth. When all revere only that one name and without question follow all the wonderful qualities and principles/laws associated with that name. I read a bit of the book of revelation again this week and all the scenes in heaven show the angels and all created beings falling before Jehovah and praising him. He is worthy of all praise. .....We can only be sanctified if we are in total and perfect harmony with Jehovah, like Jesus was. Please read the entire John 17 - Jesus' prayer the night he died to Jehovah. He mentioned Jehovah's name so many times in the prayer. "john 17: Sanctify them by means of the truth;c your word is truth.d 18 Just as you sent me into the world, I also sent them into the world.e 19 And I am sanctifying myself in their behalf, so that they also may be sanctified by means of truth. Jehovah is the absolute standard for sanctification / purity and truth.
  5. Good point. Before these guys can even get an Australian work Visa, they will have to be younger than 45 to go to work there and will have to fulfill a whole lot of other criteria. With Covid 19, the new international rules for traveling may be a pass to show you have had corona or have been immunised. You will only be allowed to immigrate if you have had a vaccination..... so those are only two of the 'practical reasons' for millions of people to not being able to flee to the dry wilderness.
  6. Spot on. The MO is always the same. They cannot help themselves.
  7. You cannot be an elder. ..... so your kind of logic proves you twist the bible to your own ends.
  8. With your knowledge of what goes on in other countries, I do not think you have a clue why..... or the real reason why. You do not understand the governmental system. Your friends here on the forum call the GB a dictatorship in total ignorance....... they do not know what a true dictatorship looks like. So, all I can do is giggle at your assumptions.
  9. The definition in a dictionary does not do justice to the wickedness of this woman. The history of this woman tells you how wicked she was - not a definition of her name. She exterminated Jehovahs prophets from Israel, and acted in total lawlessness. She promoted the deprived Baal worship everywhere and the deprived rituals that were part of the fertility rights of Baal and Ashtorah. Elijah thought that he was the only worshiper of jehovah left in Israel..... and felt depressed. This was after he had seen fire come out of heaven in support from jehovah.... but her wicked influence was so great in the country. No wonder jehovah had the entire family exterminated. Her daughter, Atelijah, ruled Juda for 6 years if I remember correctly. Her husband and her own sons were killed so that she could rule. The high priest saved Josiah from being killed. He started to rule at age of 8 after she was destroyed. Today, opposers of Jehovah's worship and his nation are just as vicious, but in more subtle manner. Their only goal in life is to destroy Jehovah's people as a nation and subvert the truth. They are happy if they can break the integrity of JWs and sow doubt. Their goals are the same as that of Jezebel.
  10. I knew someone like this (not anointed) who used to talk to herself..... she had severe diabetes and depression issues. Difficult to deal with them but they also have a right to exist and be part of the organization. If they feel our love it may help them to calm down. We all judge too quickly and harshly....... we can always improve our love.
  11. I revel in downvotes - especially from OCD-trio. I must be doing something right then.
  12. That is your diagnosis or opinion - I think they have nowhere else to go. JW's teach the truth and they know it. Paul made tents while preaching. He set a good example for all of us.
  13. True. By what authority does Kosonen think he can warn that the Corona is punishment from God on JWs? It is absolutely absurd. There are no good or logical points to consider......apologies to Mr Rook. Sorry lads, I think we will see more and more of this as the love of many will cool down (one of the signs of the last of the last days). There is still time to repent.
  14. I leave Witness and her two disciples to form an echo-chamber for each other. Pat each other on the back. I have lost interest. If you have not said anything I have not heard over and over before.
  15. As individuals they are accountable not as a group. If one of them breaks Jehovahs laws they will appoint a committee.
  16. They have removed all the youTube interviews with a decorated Dr in virus studies - she is a specialist in immunity of humans - Dr Mikovits. The reason: because her interview exposed Fauchi and WHO lies regarding vaccines. This famous and decorated researcher was targeted by Fauchi and the pharma industrial complex establishment in 2011 when she wanted to publish a paper which indicated that humans now have too many viruses in their blood coming from animals. These viruses cause many of the immunity disorders which are now so prevalent. All animals have different Corona viruses. Fauchi persecuted her because her paper implied that these viruses come from the animal mediums they use to make vaccinations...... some from dogs, horses, pigs and chicken eggs. Her boss, (Rosetti) was also targeted by Fauchi many years before when his AIDs research was stolen from him by similar means. He was withheld from publishing while they secretly duplicated the research (she was his Rosettis assistant). Fauchi and big pharma used it to promote themselves because they obtained the patent. Dr Fauchi used this to get the important position he has held for 40 years. (Abuse of power- because they can review all articles before it is published. They use FBI to come to your lab without a warrant and take all your data and research. I am aware this also happened to other doctors in the field of natural medicine). Dr markovits was held because they accused her of holding onto her vials of blood and notebooks. They witheld her paper from being published, made up a trumped up charge, put her in jail for 5 days without a charge and tried to force her to issue a statement and retraction. She refused and subsequently a study to refute her was published. Their actions and harrassment caused her to lose her house, her reputation, everything and her elderly husband was also harrassed. She has written 2 books after the 5 year gag order on her speech was removed. (They eventually dropped the case but a gag order was in place while the case was pending.... this is how they harass by law and shut people up). There are rumours that they are now using aborted fetuses to make vaccinations. Bottom line - this decorated Dr Mikovits says that there are no vaccinations that can fight a RNA-virus such as AIDS or Corona..... it is a lie. They skewed her research.....BUT In future they will force 8.5 billion people to get a vaccination even if it is detrimental to their health. The Gates foundation vaccinated 33 million people in north-west India and after almost 500, 000 children got a paralysis which simulated polio..... it was stopped. In Africa (congo) the same foundation only vaccinated young women (which also brought death or complications to many) . The gates foundation charity said they were doing research. A church found it strange that they were giving this only to young women and had it analysed. It had components which would stop fertility....... These are the top people in USA government working with predatory foundations and corporations who have bought and paid for all the largest health organizations in the world. All the same people have seats on all the boards of these health organizations and the money trail also leads to the same people. Gates not only controls a large part of tech but also has the monopoly on health now. To go against their vaccination plans is to put your life in danger. They operate like charity foundations but their trust companies make billions. They also get billions from governments for their "charity" work. Not only do they control the technology but also the entire medical future of mankind - which they have decided will be vaccinations. Very little new research is being done because all the virus patents now belong to a group one can call a : pharmaceutical industrial complex. Moral of the story: even the blood particles are bad for you. BUT you will not be able to travel or move around in daily life in future if you do not get the vaccinations..... so in the end you will be forced to succumb....... We are getting closer to the time when no life will survive if jehovah does not step in.... Here is an article which explains how it works: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/05/10/is-there-a-vaccine-for-coronavirus.aspx?cid_medium=etaf&cid=share
  17. I hate all passwords and often have to reset them.... and forget them.. and reset them. Moving and changing of phone numbers does not help. And I do sometimes struggle to get into some of my important accounts..... very frustrating for an A-type personality. I guess this is the price we have to pay because we live in a society where theft, pornography, child trafficking, phishing etc is the order of the day. Yes, one of the parts on our recent mid-week meeting informed us of the consolidation of the app and our website. It is an ongoing process.
  18. You gave a quick soundbyte without thinking it through. Moses made mistakes and was punished - not condemned to gehenna. He will get his ressurrection. Same with today's slave, they make mistakes but will not be condemned to second death. If you were appointed in the place of God, I am sure all would get Gehenna! That is why you can not be a JW..... you have lost your humanity and mercy on other humans. God himself says if you hate your neighbour in this way - you have no life in you. You are a vehicle of death. Satan is the father of death..... so think through your way of thinking and repent.
  19. Exactly- that is a dictator. Absolute power - like the CCP in China or North Korea. That is why I say you have no clue what it is like to live under such regimes because your personal choice is taken away from you. Soon you will know what it means when you have no choices at all, what you eat, what you buy, what you drink, what you say, and what you do is controlled by the state.
  20. In Hitler camps, one is there AGAINST your will..... but I guess you do not see this reality - due to the OCD. I read on this forum recently how you guys pulled brother Lett apart for owning a property which could be sold and used together with his pension when older. He was wise but all you saw was avarice and a person who is materialistic..... so now you change your positions very quickly when it suits you...... like a wind blown hither and tither. No integrity. All I see in the letter above is a person who has become institutionalized and had become a free-loader which quickly turned to bitterness...... because he had stopped serving jehovah a long time ago. The comfort and security offered him (he was hoping for life) was like having a free provider - just appointed for you. He had lost his goal of why he went to serve at Bethal in the first place. The self-sacrificing spirit was maybe never there! or was lost along the way. He knew things could change at any time and he also knew he can go and serve where the need is greater. Bitterness grew because he now had to go out of his comfort zone and work and preach like other pioneers. If he was really old - he would qualify for a state pension and still go and preach where the need is greater - like I am doing. I get less pension than the average American, even less than the refugees, but it works for me. I am grateful to get it. If he really wanted to serve God he would get on with serving and trust jehovah to survive - like many other pioneers do. I know of many older ones who have to work and pioneer - like Paul did. They trust in jehovah. Technology has changed.... we no longer use books......and many of us gave up great careers and education..... but are not bitter about it. We gave it up willingly to serve where-ever we were needed, through hardship, hunger, beatings, shipwreck, adversity etc... as Paul said.
  21. As I told you before, you do not acknowledge your ignorance regarding 'dictators' because you bandy that word around as though it is ice-cream. Soon you will know what true dictators are.... the way the world is going now.... and you will long for the freedom you had before.
  22. No respect for age. Reminds me of Hitler camps.
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