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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. We do not condone these things as Islam does. So why do you just focus on JWs only when you can cast your eyes elsewhere? It is because of OCD - vendetta mentality and...... I guess that is all you know.... so I do not blame you.... your scope is really too small.... just focussed on one thing.... So I leave it at that. It is really not worth arguing with you - you dwell on one subject only..... it consumes you...... OCD. Not wasting my time to talk to you.
  2. For someone who says that we should have more common sense you surely know how to "run with your own exaggerations and accusations" asif you already know what JWs would have done in the situation. Judge and executioner........So keep looking in your kristal ball - it will get you everlasting life!
  3. Talaaq, talaaq, talaaq. Yes, super quick divorse. Husbands do not say it quickly because of this problem: The wife may not go back to her husband until she has slept with another man. In England one can see advertisements of men offering these kind of services at great prices. The women do not want to do this but are forced into it. Sometimes the Imam offers these services himself. Very conveniently. How did this come to be? Mo.ha.m.mad accidentally saw his adopted son's wife and wanted her. So his son, to please the prophet, divorced her. Some other people were shocked because it was not part of their traditions before..... So Mohammad came up with this sharia rule: his son can take her back but only after another man had had her delights. It is in chapter 33. In this chapter the prophet laments that he will wait on ' Allah ' to see if he can have this woman. The son wanted to keep his favor and divorces her. He later took her back. Beautiful religion heh? Pity no-one writes about these and the many other sexual perversions in the pagan "religion of peace" . These perversions are part of the religion and many more perversions. It also changed the rule about adopting. Islam does not adopt children so you can become the adopter's child. So this new rule cleared the wonderful prophet of taking his sons wife. Under sharia jurisprudence you may look after a child but not adopt them.
  4. Because it is a God unto itself.... it does not care about human rights. What it cannot fix with brute force, it fixes with bribery and corruption. China doing the same. All totalitarian regimes are not transparent and cannot be trusted. If they offer you something free or something that looks benevolent.... you must quickly realize there is a catch.
  5. Then why are you doubting the scripture (Matthew 19) which says that divorce is only allowed on account of adultery? If couples may not remarry after separation (without adultery) you do not accept this?. This is in line with scripture...
  6. Thanks to Jehovah you are not judge and executioner because you are often over the top in your judgments. I find it amusing that people with no experience of having other people's spiritual lives in their hands are often the biggest judges of other's actions. This is why I asked the question..... must everyone be put out of the congregation for porneia? What would be your decision. Will there be mitigating factors to take into consideration?
  7. No cry of persecution from us! - just delight and relief! Even THEY view us as no part of the noteworthy worldly system.
  8. Regarding legal separation.... I have not looked into this matter yet but one can surely draw up a legal document wherein the parties are not linked to each other economically - especially in the case of a gambler?
  9. Do you accept that Jesus was a representative of Jehovah or not, and do you accept the Gospels as true or not....... that is the question. The new philosophy teaches that the bible is patriarchal and oppressive...... you seemed to have gulped it down in spoonfuls.
  10. Said a prayer for them..... to stay strong and set an example to their prison guards They look like lovely brothers.
  11. I asked you guys first - and I pointed out that it is easy to judge. But I want to know if a person should immediately be put out of the congregation for porneia - and if one should consider degrees of porneia......since every situation usually is different i.e. was it spontaneous sin or was it planned etc.; and should these ones immediately be put out of congregation for porneia or their priviledges taken away and progress reviewed....... If one considers that it is usually the spirtually weak who get into these type of situations and get up to all kinds of 'unclean' antics which may even include some perversion we are not aware of. People go after their desires. (I take my hat off to those who have to deal with these kind of things.... I am glad I do not have to....... As someone aptly said above - jehovah knows what is done in secret and the motivations. We can only judge the facts as they come out afterwards. Sometimes there is an instigator and a follower but both as guilty of uncleanliness and or porneia ) You know - it is easy to say what another person should have done in hindsight and it is easy to judge too harshly....or too leniently........ something you guys do quite too often and quickly here on this forum. I would have thought that a bunch of old men would have more clarity - having been foolish young men yourselves at one stage of your lives.
  12. It just uses the word porneia..... and I would like to know what your punishment for it is.... and what porneia includes..... I see you all are afraid to stick your necks out because it is is not as easy at it looks. It is easy to judge in generalities but when the responsibility becomes yours..... to judge and issue the punishment then it is a bit more difficult.
  13. Yes, these one and two-room shacks do not have toilets..... and 3 to 4 people live there. The west complain about small things....... they have no clue how the really poor live.
  14. So give me a list of situations YOU think is unacceptable sexual behaviours - I want to see where YOU will draw the line? I also want you to give me a list of the offences (such as masterbation) and the 'punishment" you think it deserves. I would gladly welcome YOUR opinion..... because I want to check your tremendous insight and wisdom. I have learnt in life it is easy to judge others when you do not have good ideas yourself. You may judge other people too harshly. ...or too leniently...... so give me a decent sample of your wisdom...... ( no cartoons or jokes required).
  15. I thought as much.... ..... in the 60s was the first time the public had a sex revolution...... people did not discuss these things in private let alone publicly. I have gone into the history of sex awareness and publication of these type of articles.... before
  16. Yes, they realized this. That is why they are no longer doing this....... but detractors like you jump on the past to find things to critisize..... your MO does not change ...... fortunately they learn from the past and their's does......
  17. That is your interpretation of submissiveness which is wrong. As I said before - you have imperfect ideas about authority. I do not think like my husband in all things but I am willingly submissive because a peaceful house and cooperation is more important than my independence.
  18. I have to see this in writing....with a date on it........ do you have proof?
  19. Americans do not make distinctions between local and national - so it seems. Local newspapers, federal news, or national or country-wide lists if religions are not the same thing. This is why the reasoning is so skewed in USA. If I advertise in a small local newspaper it is not the same as a federal or nationwide newspaper.
  20. If there ever was an independent thinker who likes to explore new ideas, I am one of them. BUT - I do not teach bible students my own ideas and also not in the congregation. I will chat with others about it but not openly advocate my own teachings. The reason being that if you really have christ in your heart you will not cause divisions in the congregation over non-essential things. The essential teachings such as the name jehovah, non-divinity of christ, mortality of the soul, kingdom of christ with earthly subjects... are absolutes ...that are not a matter of opinion. Other subjects are non-essential matters for debate because peoples egos are associated with them. .... as apostle Paul mentioned. He said we must not be contentious and egotistical. James 4:1 What is the source of the wars and fights among you? Do they not originate from your fleshly desires that carry on a conflict within you?
  21. May jehovah keep them in his love. These authoritarian and unjust governments will soon meet their match from the great sovereign of the universe.. that is a comfort to me and I hope to them too! I have an overwhelming weak spot also for the christians who are being murdered in north Africa and Islamic countries. This week I read that only one girl from the 105 girls abducted by boko haram has not been returned..... and my heart went out to her suffering. She is the only one who refused to give up her Christian faith and convert to Islam. I wondered if she is a witness. If not, my heart is still with her because she may have little true knowledge and yet remains strong. Boko haram is continuously abducting girls and it is not reaching the news. The tide in the world is changing against Christian's. In Nigeria the Muslim president has openly declared war against christians. This means that they will accuse people falsely of blasphemy, get reasons to take their posessions and daughters and plainly just murder them in brutal ways (this is happening in Pakistan and Indonesia too!). My comfort lies in the fact that Jehovah will give a resurrection to those who died. In south Africa and Nigeria the military and police are enforcing draconian laws during this lockdown. Many unnecessary laws are in effect such as no cigarettes and alcohol are allowed (in SA). In many places the poor had no stores of food or water in their homes. Many do not have running water in their one or two-room shacks.They cannot leave their homes to buy food or water because the military enforce it. I suspect that more will die of hunger and lack of water than of the Covid-19.
  22. There is a difference between caring and noting a phenomenon. In this case a welcomed phenomenon.
  23. The shoe is on the other foot - if you would only admit it. I know who took yours because the OCD is a good indication.
  24. I have given bibles to people with a nice bible verse and my name...... so they can remember who gave it to them and the occasion. It seems that any normal activity which normal people do, is singled out by you to become a kind of "evil" deed. I call you out for your accusing tone..... and for constantly appointing yourself as judge. It seems you have never made a mistake in your life and afterward thought- I should not have done that. A friend gave me my bible because I left behind some books in USA. You say it is somehow wrong of her to have put her name and date in it?
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