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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. Good. It is a good thing that we are not counted "worthy" enough to be noticed. In this case - to fly under the radar is much better than in full sight. There is a time to be quiet and a time to speak.
  2. Bad argument! Their consciences are refined so they can love their enemies and not take political sides! So they can cross all political and racial barriers!
  3. Good that they do not recognise us! The image of the beast will go for all other religions - to remove them - and forget about us. Then at last they will come for us when we deliver a special message..... just before Armageddon! This will be their undoing..... to therafter attack JWs.
  4. True whistle blowers today have to run for their lives. Such as the cop who fled to Russia after investigating child trafficking in Florida. Whistleblowers who do research on viruses and vaccinations ...... the list goes on and on.
  5. Thank you for quoting it - I struggle to copy the quotes because I have arthritic fingers and my iPad too sensitive.... but you would not know I am speaking to you if i did not try to quote you. Even if the quote was not perfect, the meaning was correct .....you always expose your lust for power. ...... they did not notice that...... I do. And your accusations and OCD is just as wicked as ever.
  6. They missed that. I noticed it in all your complaints against the GB.
  7. If you stand for LGBTQ or belong to the right groups your rights are protected. If not...... you can forget to see justice. The justice system has been corrupted. I know of many scientists lives that were ruined because they were persecuted for whistleblowing on the tech and pharma industrial complex.
  8. I have a clear skin but got skin patches and even herpes simplex on the lip..... something I only had only once before in my life. I agree with the article. I do not know if it was the medication I took or not..... Those chicken pox rashes mentioned in your article above could also mimic shingles. It seems the corona virus may mimic the herpes infections you have had before in your life. I think the HIV piece of information (a herpes piece of info) on the SARS 2 (corona19) may be responsible for it (my hypothesis). Watch out! This virus latches onto the T-cells and breaks down your immune system. It could hide there (similar to any herpes virus) and wait until your immunity is weak and come out again. I got the same illness twice.... so be warned.......
  9. Says the lady who was canvassing for more power in the congregation and then turned all sour and had a massive beef with the organization because she was not afforded more honor and a teaching possition.
  10. Ask him if he realizes he is imperfect too.... and can bluff himself.
  11. Thank you dear for a positive and lovely experience. I am sure there are many more like this.
  12. Vitamin D is so important for immunity health, as a resistance to cancer, and many other diseases and immunity disorders. It is a sure sign that Jehovah created us to be outside working in a garden and getting dirt on our hands. Unfortunately, after the flood we now get too much damaging UV rays when we remain in the sun too long. After the flood the ages of humans also drastically became less as the UV built up in the atmosphere. Nevertheless, I am sure that 15 minutes of sun per day can keep one healthy and provide the needed vitamin D. Skin cancer in Scandinavian countries are just as high as countries with dangerous sunlight. The reason: Scandinavians are not getting enough vitamin D.
  13. A cry for more power from a woman who wants more say in the congregation. I think in Revelation it warns about a Jezebel influence
  14. Agree. Satan is now using anyone to attack the anointed and he could definitely use fleshly men from within. The true anointed will not be taken in and become disobedient and turn against Jehovah. In this example of the brother you mentioned, he remained faithful and steadfast and it was part of his commendable endurance. Jehovah is the great compensation and a false witness he hates.
  15. I don't pretend. I am what I am....... and I repeat.... you are a slave to your own desires and viewpoints and always combative......
  16. For you - the cup is always half empty and criticism abundant...... no acknowledgement of anything good. if you were on earth in the time of Jesus, your OCD would have questioned everything the son of God did too..! . such as allowing his desciples to pick grain to eat on the sabbath.. I see your two disciples are faithful...... as always.
  17. That was possible too! But josephus refers to a pious woman who everyone respected before, who ate her child. During 607 siege they also ate their children... but many were used to the pagan rituals of offering up their children in fire and were used to the smell of burning flesh to false gods. What was bad about this is that they had no place to bury their dead in the heat...... they threw the bodies over the wall to get rid of it. And babylonian soldiers catapulted the dead bodies with swollen bellies back into the city - creating terrible pandemonium because wherever parts of bodies spattered was immediately unclean. They must have been in a mentally very dark place. ....
  18. The only ingredient in common in these foods are lectins. Lectins are deadly to some humans too! They will do well to do research on dog's sensitivity to lectins. Lectins cause agglutination (blood cells stick to each other)
  19. (Sorry, it is hard for me to copy your entire quote with my fingers) I have not thought of it this way before...... but it makes sense.
  20. Although gory, I get the gist of your discussion above. I do think our bodies are wonderful biological machines and our healing properties exceptional. Unfortunately we often interfere with it's natural abilities by bad diet, bad practices, and so forth. Wild animals often have severe injuries, wounds or even parasites.. and they do manage to survive. They clean their own wounds if they can with tongues which have enzymes, and bacteria. But I know too little of mouth bacteria to really be scientific. I have never seen a crocodile lick itself though and I am sure anything can die from the bacteria present in its mouth after getting a slight wound. The wound will have to be properly tended. About eating humans...... there are a number of factors to consider: if they were killed in a air crash and a limb or body part was so severely severed that blood flowed out to make it kosher/bloodless, one could take a chance and eat it. It would be better to cook it so as to kill the human viruses and parasites before ingesting without breaking the law of jehovah - shocking as it may seem. It is not what goes into the body but what comes out which is a sin. The fierce masaegetae tribe (who killed Cyrus the Great in battle) used to eat each other and it was considered an honor. When a tribe member felt it was time to die, they would offer him up and make a feast. They also used to drink their horse blood - breaking the everlasting covenant given to Noah. Siege of Jerusalem: the shock of supposedly pious Jews 'killing" their own children to eat them, not bleeding it and ingesting the blood, touching the human dead (making one unclean) and eating the unclean, was shocking! They were under Jehovahs law..... jehovah is a God of life not of death and humans are the crown of creation. Touching the carcass of unclean animals or clean animals that died of itself was unclean One was allowed to eat a clean animal that had died of itself and bled, one could cook and eat it and one would be unclean until evening. Lev 11: 39 & 40. So Jehovahs laws were not draconian but the law against ingesting blood is universal...... part of everlasting covenant made with Noah when eating flesh. Isaiah 24:5. Gen 9: 3- 12 Here it refers to whole blood........ but when one bleeds a dead animal there is separation in the carcass of blood and water (white and red blood) and minute bits of blood is left in the carcass. So one would not get technical about the particles still in the carcass. It is the act of obedience to jehovah that is important..... that one respects the life of the animal and life of all persons.
  21. Ah, understand...21 aminio acids combined in different DNA combinations to make different kinds of flesh/tissue.
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