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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. Those who are not slaves of jehovah are slaves to their own desires and viewpoints. It explains a lot..... you think you are independent but in actual fact a slave to yourself. You did not get along with other JWs, not because of doctrine but because of personality traits..... a combative attitude.
  2. My brother is the scientist. I learnt to do blood tests at the institute where he was a toxicologist (43 years ago) I took blood from about 5 sheep every day for testing......using the same syringe on each sheep - no disinfection of the syringe was necessary. We tested for liver damage regarding their diet. No infection on any of them the next day. Once a week we did a blood test on one small pig. I boiled the syringe before every use and drew blood. By the next Friday the mark where the needle entered was still there. Pigs get infections very quickly - their flesh is the closest to humans. After this excercise I realized why jehovah gave the law about pork to the Israelites. According to 1 cor 15..... the flesh of animals, birds, fish is different. I presume mammals are the same....
  3. No problem. I have not had the blood test but will only go for the antibody test later. I have not had a flu vaccination for ten years so my antibody test will be accurate. I see that persons who have had the flu vaccination come up positive for antibodies.
  4. Except here on the open forum where some have hate-repetitive syndrome - they are relentless..... LOL.
  5. I knew an anointed brother in Jacksonville who stepped down shortly after being appointed because he said his large family and his other obligations to Jehovah were more important. Not all in first century qualified for being an elder. The scripture in Titus clearly indicates that one cannot use a new brother. So maybe after a time every man who is steadfast will eventually qualify BUT it does not mean that they do not have a choice in the matter.
  6. Thank you brother for that comment..... very true. There is still time for repentance........ but self-righteousness may prevent that from happening.
  7. I find it wonderful - our religious education. You did not ...... but seeing your attitude and the way you look at life...... I am not surprised.
  8. I do not think you have this story correct...... but it does not matter. Whole blood and fractions are different. They will allow you to take whole blood or a hundred fractions of blood by your own choice. It is still a personal choice to obey or disobey. Your conscience will excuse you or accuse you before jehovah when it comes to fractions. When it comes to whole blood- there is a biblical prohibition against it which is very clear.
  9. I think they are spot on about the UN (a group of nations who willingly give over their authority), I think they are spot on about 1914, I think they are spot on about the world empire of false religion being destroyed by the image of the beast, I think they are spot on about the 'invisible presence' of christ....... I can go on.. But you try to only focus on that which was not spot on when there is so much that is spot-on...... and then you critisize them vehemently when they adjust their view. No matter what they do you will find fault........ reminds me again of the pharisees which critisized jesus for healing on the sabbath.
  10. According to your standards - not jehovah's . True Christian's are always cooperative and yielding, even if it means they have to sacrifice something. You sound asif you were extremely combative........ the same spirit you display here.
  11. Satan is depicted as a roaring lion On the other hand the lion is a symbol of righteousness and the lion of Judah depicts righteous rulership. Similarly the locust. Its destructive, penetrating traits can be used in two ways. Do not forget that locusts with 'crowns' on them can symbolize an unstoppable plague; and since they are not "unclean" insects they can depict an unstoppable group of Jehovahs servants. Locusts can also be referred to in their natural capacity and refer to devastation.
  12. I corrected you because YOU were sly...... implying people are losing their lives regarding the blood law...... because they obey gods law. You implied that they are listening to the GB instead of obeying God. I called you out on that deceit.
  13. The jew is his slave - and many go with them as the prophecy indicates....... but you refuse to acknowledge the Jew.
  14. I may add that vitamin D3 is the best form to use and one should always use it with vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 counteracts any hardening of the arteries which can come with use of vit D. I write this from memory...... so research he vit K2 connection to D3.
  15. Abominable is the wrong word...... and I would not call it a bracelet for luck either. The youth like trinkets..... It is definitely not as expensive as real jewelery stones and an alternative to other symbols such as the star of David. My husband has worn Harley Davidson T-shirts going to the shop and many people wear Lacoste, Nike etc. I have had handbags with a brand name on them - but these were not very obvious. Having something with a brand name does not necessarily indicate worship of the brand. As an older person I do not care much for brand items but one can become so picky on the young kids so that one can take pleasure and individuality out of their life... Live and let live is a good motto. If it is something which is similar to worship or a sign such as a swastica, ying-yang symbol or other religious symbols or buddha head, film star, then one can make a case against it. LOVE builds up...... when in doubt...... show love.
  16. As I said before- I suspect you have a problem with all authority.......even if they come from God himself
  17. Definitely not useless, it served a valuable purpose. You forget that older generations still had proper school education. We learnt history, Latin and all kinds of subjects which made us more prone to read history. We also learnt to read better than the later generations. I loved the books that went into history such as "Babylon the great has fallen" etc. I did not study it. It came out before I became a witness but I read it afterward. I also liked some of the older books such as the description of the parables. I read the old Daniel book quite a few times and this morning read a portion of the old revelation book.....and found something new which I had not seen before.... so you assume to much and your statement is condescending to say the least.
  18. Are you advocating undue attention to the anointed? On the one hand you are always chastising JWs for listening to the slave (anointed) and accuse us of giving GB too much attention........and on the other hand advocate more attention within congregations...... only to anointed... paradox.....
  19. Wrong! Not all anointed males are elders...... just as in first century not all were elders. Read the scripture again - it does not refer to anointed and domestics...... it refers to the "slave" and domestics. Not all are part of the slave- so the rest are domestics. Matt 24:45.
  20. Read my comment above about my daughter with cancer and a day-long surgery. I have experience with abstinence of blood and have tasted that jehovah is good. You are the one who regularly mocks me and then play the victim...... not nice. Always insinuating that my loyalty to GB is greater than my obedience to God when I merely obey jehovah's word. You are the one who laments that saving a life (maybe your own) as more important than obedience to God. Did you know that receiving serum from and animal or human or the plasma exposes one to the viruses and some diseases the donor has had? Minute pathogens- some, we have not yet discovered. After the experience with my daughter, and she survived, I studied the impact if blood and found that jehovah knows best. If I had allowed the doctors to give her blood - she would have died from anaphylactic shock. With HIV so rampant and other unknown entities, I would rather abstain from blood or blood particles. I used hydroxychloroquine successfully when I was extremely ill during this lockdown. I am still in quaranteen and will have myself checked for antibodies for Corona once this lockdown is over. I will be 68 next birthday...... so I am not a spring chicken and I do have an underlying health issue.......and I did not need plasma. Obeying jehovah brings benefits - there are many things we do not understand and when we remember our limitations in humility, He will bless us.
  21. It is not anywhere near a catholic ritual...... so aramaic will be better.. lol
  22. I quote 4jah2me "it seems crazy to let yourself die" ...... well ..... jesus allowed himself to die in loyalty to his father...... 4jah2me obviously sees something seriously SICK in that!......... or maybe did not fully understand what I was referring to. There is a problem: he cannot see that a person should not value his life more than his obedience to God!!! Matt 16 :25 "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. "
  23. Yea, I guess Jesus was also crazy (according to 4jah2me) to let himself die. Loyalty to God and his principles had nothing to do with it.....
  24. We sat. But your photo reminded me that they would have been sitting on those long couches.
  25. I totally agree with you that the West has been, especially US, is been a dragon speaking like a lamb or speaking with forked tongue. The propaganda in the west has been about democracy being the best form of worship...... I mean governance. Totally agree. When the west has been a predator........ but I think the west has met its match....... soon to be felt. I love the Chinese people but not the way that the CCP is implementing extreme communism over it's own people at present which is now only allowing worship of the state..... all religions persecuted even to death. The fact that I am pointing out the sudden and extreme changes in China (the awakening of a dangerous dragon of a different color) does not mean that I do not see the hypocricy and corruption in the west. I just assume people already know this because they should be informed about what is going on right under their noses. The west has it's own propaganda but they think theirs is free press...... with investigative reporting - all a lie.The problem I have is that most people do not even question, and do not really have a clue how corrupt both Democrat and Republicans really are, and what has been going on under their noses for the past 20 years. Today 15 lawyers and government officials were taken into custody in Hong-Kong. They were known to speak out about the CCP takeover and want the CCP to stick to the 50 year agreement that was signed when the English handed Hong Kong over...... all officials in Hong Kong have to e pliable to CCP pressure......or face consequences. China has used the cover of this Corona virus conveniently to stop the year long demonstrations against CCP takeover.....in Hong Kong and troop deployments have been going on in China itself. All human governments are now totally corrupt and compromised BUT but not all of them are totalitarian........ yet. Or aquiescing to totalitarian ideas. I am watching China because her form of regime has been touted by UN and by many western philosophers and even university professors as a model for the future. China is everywhere and her totalitarian ideas....... this is what I am drawing attention to. This does not augur well for the future when many appointees on the UN are already her puppets and she it getting more and more influence in UN and other international governing organizations. I have not even mentioned her spy networks in just about every country in the west and the financial pressure she is exerting on umpteen countries due to her predatory loans. I have not mentioned how she buys space in western newspapers to place articles which praise her way of doing things....... so much propaganda, influence on campuses, etc. So hopefully we can agree on this at least ..... that if the world follows her model....... we are in big trouble. If one knows bible prophecy - we already know the end outcome........ then it is easy to watch for the steps inbetween.
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