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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. Anna, my husband and I put it in front of us so the bread and wine could be prayed over and passed it to each other. As a tactile person I like to hold the glass and plate for a brief second to think about it for a brief second so as to feel part of a celebration. It felt like a ceremony to me.... the memory of an inauguration.
  2. Number 1: I could not find the article in April ..... please give a link to it. I read Joel , the entire chapter, and It clearly states that the people of God will be saved. There is an army "behind" and infront". Further down in the chapter it clearly refers to the "vanguard" and "rearguard".
  3. Ha-ha...... believe what you like. Read up on Ethiopia and how the Head of WHO starved and denied 2 million people medical care and medicine because they voted against the minority rulership of which he is a member. He has a very bad record but as soon as someone criticises him he plays the race card. He did the same as Mugabe..... starved his own people....... Ethiopia ows China so much money for major building projects and the influence of China is great in this country. WHO leader is a Chinese activist and if you think he handled it well then your standards are not high. The human rights council just appointed a Chinese person in one of the most important posts on the human rights council. He will be responsible to appoint 15 people to very important agencies in the UN. If that sounds wonderful to you - then so be it. I say ..... this is leading up to a totalitarian state of control where all religion will be banned with no respect for life (similar to what is going on in China right now), where people will not think twice to starve you if you do not worship the state...... similar to Mao se Tung's actions..... and also Stalin..
  4. 1967 was the year of the first successful heart transplant in the world. It was done by a south African doctor. My daughter's doctor was excellent and so was her follow-up by a world renowned pediatrician-oncoligist. My daughter had a neuro-blasoma on the spine and it was on both sides of the spine inside the chest 5cm long. A neuro-blastoma is genetic. My entire family are prone to cancer.... my sister got the same as my mother at age 35 and my father also died of cancer. I will not go into details here on the reasons why, but just take my word for it, or call me a liar. My husband died in a car crash shortly after my daughter's operation....... talk of my faith being tested! So I can do without your skepticism. When I came to American in 1998, I was disappointed at the level of technology. I saw that many buildings did not have underground cables for internet. In the first world parts of south Africa we were ahead of america on many things.....because we were late in acquiring TV and internet we had the newest technology. Before the country was given over to Mandela they dismantled many of our arms factories which supplied America with weapons. They also dismantled the atom bombs we had. The country was very advanced even if you do not think so. Unfortunately the entire infrastucture has gone to pot and there has been a braindrain due to the BEE policies of the ANC government.
  5. I am glad you noticed this. This is why is choose not to reason with her or her two lackeys......any longer..... the logic and reason is lacking - nonsensical.
  6. This is so sad. When the state goes beyond its authority and doctors do so as well. Seems this doctor trained in China and has this attitude. My daughter was operated on almost 42 years ago in south africa. She had cancer as a 8 and half month old baby. The operation took the entire day. It was a thoractomy without blood. A massive and dangerous surgery. (Called an OP. In SA) The brilliant surgeon did a fantastic job, quaterizing arteries as he worked. She healed fast after the operation- she took about a quarter of the time it takes other patients to heal because they usually take blood. She overcame the cancer and 6 years ago became a mother of a healthy child - despite doctors warnings. Jehovah knows best. I am afraid that China has taken control of the WHO and the human rights council - so in future it will be harder and harder for JWs to control our own bodies and that of our children. They will treat us as property if the state...... to do with as they please.
  7. I think there are other therapies that give the same results. So ask your doctor to prescribe hydroxychloroquine and zink. There are a few doctors on line and one on Dr Oz who have treated up to 2500 patients with success. One only had 3 deaths. It is very effective. There is resistance by pharma against this medication but the medicine is very safe. It is used by patients with RA and Lupus over long term. Over long term it affects the eyes but short term is reasonably safe. The higher dose on the first day can give irregular heart beat but doctors give extra potassium to help with this. This medication has been used for more than 80 years and companies cannot make any more money on the patent. This is why this protocol is rejected by pharma because it costs so little...... so they come out with dangerous vaccinations and plasmas........ much more money to be made from that. I cannot confirm but I heard Bill Gates is building several factories for vaccinations....... but here is an interesting video which exposes his shocking machinations in India and and Africa. He also believes there are too many people on earth (his father is a eugenicist).
  8. Thanks to all the sweethearts here and their goodwill I started using hydroxychloroquine combined with zink a second time. I used it during my first illness. This disease comes back if you are weak...... On Monday I had stress with breathing.... but after a couple of hours started feeling better. I had terrible pain in the trachea. My husband bought a nebulizer and I put a mixture of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide ( only third part of it mixed with water). The released oxygen O3.... kills all viriusses and relieves the pain. I am using it three times a day...... due to my immunity disorder I got the cytokine explosion in some other organs and bones having some pain. I am now working to clear this up. Jehovah has been kind.... I did have a period of frightening distress. (Got ready to go to hospital) but both therapies combined relieved this.... so keep it in mind if any of you get sick. The nebulizer is a brilliant idea..... I read about it but my husband did more thorough research and went to buy it. Apparently this nebulizing of O3 enventually gets to other parts of the body as well. Healing many problems due to the oxygen. We bought a few boxes of the hydroxychloroquine here in Rep. Georgia a few days before Trump advertised it..... we wanted to buy more this week but no pharmacies have it in stock now. I guess the govt put a prohibition on its sale.
  9. I have never claimed to be a prophet but merely speculate on what is already happening in the world and where it happens to coincide with bible prophecy..... so do not put words in my mouth......I merely stipulate it to get people to think. As far as I know the prophecy about end of days in Mathew 24 specifically says we will be preaching about the "kingdom"....... so how can you preach about christ as king in the time of end if you do not believe his kingdom has started ruling...? Matthew also says we will be persecuted for using christs name. Why? Because soon they (the powers that be) will require all to accept only one God........ if you still profess the kingdom of christ and his ransom sacrifice (which made the kingdom possible)- you will be persecuted. Viper is the word Jesus used. Your words mislead those who listen to you. I have NO agenda .....but your MO is to create hate for the slave. OCD-hate. I am your target because I accept the slave. Other way round. My knowledge of the bible helps me to recognize signs going on in the world. The "slave" has given me a sound basis to see for myself what is out there. I am not a slave to my own desires or "position" or ambition or a wish to be recognised..... just enjoy spiritual things. I do not have unforgiving hate to contend with and can concentrate on what is really going on. There is a call to all lost sheep..... there is still time to repent. Well - the purpose of God is at present not in fulfillment..but he is still "administering his purpose"..... and most people on earth do not even know His real name..... they call him God, lord, the God, and various other titles. They do not even know the tetragrammaton exists. You are just like those who stopped using the name of God and blamed jesus for healing on the Sabbath. You can write long dissertations about my comment - I will not read them. I merely answered your accusations so your "disciples on here" - those who hang on your lips and agree with you (just because you hate the organization and use very contradictory reasonings) can know what they are getting into and be warned...... you are not a spiritual jew............the inconsistencies in your reasoning is proof of that. I, unlike you, do not profess to be anointed and yes, I do accept 1914 because of the evidence.... and I do accept the slave. .... and I think it is too late in the stream of time to stay busy with petty disputes. Jesus warned us to be found in peace. Have you found peace yet? One cannot have peace if you have hate.
  10. It is just an incorrect assumption........ Jesus taught us to pray for His name to be sanctified (by all people in future). This implies that jehovah knows his name is not sanctified by all people at present. It would be unloving of jehovah to give us his name and allow his son to teach us the name, just so he actually wants us to hide it. The wicked are amongst us and they do not respect anything holy. Jehovah hope's that they change but each one will pay for their own error. The nations shall know I am Jehovah....in Ezekiel... what about the scripture which indicates that jehovah will remove the shame from his name. This indicates it takes place in this present system. Joel 2: 26 You will surely eat to satisfaction,And you will praise the name of Jehovah your God,Who has done wonders in your behalf; My people will never again be put to shame. 27 And you will have to know that I am in the midst of Israel And that I am Jehovah your God—there is no other! My people will never again be put to shame.
  11. Tom, I guess you are hoping to get very old or live through Armageddon. I am sick a second time. I had these symptoms 6 weeks ago and got over it....... but it came back today.... lol. I worked with tourists...... I remain in quaranteen and doctor myself. I will never go to a hospital. This world-wide lockdown reminds me of the 66CE lockdown in Jerusalem....... I believe we are on our way to that situation we have been waiting for! After this the money system will be digital and all governance controlling..... central policies by UN....... maybe after our JW message a second lockdown? Like 70CE?
  12. I am sure the WT team will see the new information and adapt accordingly, ...and then the 'scholars' will go into their past history (those who always accuse them on their past and quote the past ad nauseam ) and accuse them of inconsistency or some other trumped-up charge (no pun intended). Sometimes to just have scholarly opinions blinds one to the true spirit of a matter - especially when one should allow Jehovah's spirit to work within you. When I mentioned this to my husband he just said this: sometimes we must be like children and let Jehovah's spirit do its work. Are the anointed not like children in their trust of jehovah? I have a skeptical personality but thank jehovah I am not sooo skeptical that I do not see the truth and the working of his spirit when it is right in front of my nose! As I said before I do not always trust those who superficially copy tons of scholarly stuff off the internet without understanding the "spirit" behind these authors. Many of these authors do not even believe in the God of the bible and merely stoke controversy or love their name in print. Their motives have nothing to do with finding the truth.
  13. Thanks so much for bringing attention to this because Baal also means LORD or owner and EL also has ancient pagan connections. As usual, you always give insightful comments.
  14. In Arabic it has come to be known as Yehwah and Jerusalem is called : Al-Quds.... But it is nice to know that a wide variety of 'Hebrew' manuscripts has the point system included and it is more accurate in Hebrew to say : yehovah. Soon there will be one language of truth and one name for our creator on the earth!
  15. It costs a lot to make a historical movie....... You also need exceptional script writers. These days the public prefers movies which are full of special effects. Many people are also not interested in true unadulterated history. These days they add fictitious love interests to have a sex scene etc . A true historical story will not bring money in at the box office because the costs to produce it are so great. Those great epics of the past are also history. Thanks for the list. That is why I sometimes watch documentaries about characters in history.
  16. Nehemia Gordon literally received help from a team of people who took a few years to go through manuscripts all over the world in different manuscript collections.....such as British museum etc. They went online and searched through them. Some of these manuscripts had no points in them at all and so many manuscripts had the points put in only once or twice. THEREFORE the abundance of different sources with the same written pronunciation in it is in what makes the evidence compelling. This is what made me realize that the pronunciation we use in English is the closest to the original pronunciation: IS the ' diversity' of manuscripts which actually confirm the same pronunciation. The "old" scholars did not have such a magnificent diversity of manuscripts online to go and check....... so they focussed on the one or two exceptions in the points on the tetragrammaton to get something to write about. That was then, and April 2020 is now - a time with much more resources to go and really check them. If one still quotes ancient scholars with the, one or two exceptions, then it is like saying : you healed a man on the sabbath.
  17. This rare and ancient copy of the full Hebrew Bible, is on display at the Israel Museum (most prestigious Hebrew museum), and is listed along with 300-odd other items of unique universal and cultural importance. The codex, or Crown of Aleppo (called Keter Aram Tzova in Hebrew), is on permanent display at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. The provenance of this extremely important manuscript, which was written in Tiberias around 930 C.E..... The manuscript has received UNESCO recognition which means it has unique universal and cultural importance to mankind.
  18. A thank you to my friend above for clarifying the matter so excellently. Mr Gordon: worked on translating the Dead Sea scrolls and still works on translating ancient Hebrew language on artifacts - old and newly found. It is his passion. It is logical to me that Hebrew scholars did not bother on research (or only did superficial research ) on the name when their biblical tradition dictates that it is unacceptable to pronounce the name. So when they recognize the tetragrammaton, they substitute it. Gordon says that German translators in the 18th century did not do a good job on ancient Hebrew translations due to Yiddish influence. Mr Gorden did research on the Yiddish language and found that the German language influenced the pronunciation of the third letter in the tetragrammaton as well. Since I speak some German and a semitic language, I understood the subtle change immediately..... I could clearly see the mechanism. So pronunciations of letters do definitely change over time... There are no vowels... this is ..... thumbsuck. These old scholars used conjecture. In Hebrew and Arabic one reads without vowels. That is why the language is difficult. They only write down the consonants. Vowels are only put in to assist the reader. This is why it is amazing to me that someone found old manuscripts with the point system actually supplied in them. No-one bothered to check it because they automatically just recognized the tetragrammaton (read only the consonants as they are used to) and did not notice them there. I am not here to win an argument or even to get you to accept the name yehovah - the choice is yours. By the way, the translation of the Lords prayer - let your name be "sanctified' is the best possible translation - according to Gordon.
  19. I know an anointed lady who is now almost 90 years old and she was baptised at 9 years old. I bet she listened to the meetings at that young age.
  20. Exageration? Gordon is a 'ancient' Hebrew language expert not a modern hebrew expert and he found that no-one had thought of doing research to find ancient manuscripts which had the point system included to determine the original pronunciation of God's name. All he did was find the manuscripts which had the points in them which no-one noticed..... that is all. No one had done any trouble to find them until now! So all the old conjectures can be thrown out because the oldest manuscripts do give conclusive answers.
  21. You are the one with blind faith in old information. The newest information is the discovery that more than 1000 Hebrew manuscripts in various libraries all over the world (including the oldest manuscripts in israel) have the point system in the name ( beyond doubt ) is "yehovah" for which the closest pronunciation in English is jehovah.
  22. When you speak Hebrew or Arabic or some other semitic language - then I speak to you again...... you seem to think you are expert at the difference between a "letter" and its "phonetical" pronunciation. So yes have a good laugh - at yourself for not realizing that you do not know the difference.
  23. You said it. They go into the past and bring up old stuff to sidestep the issue that the newest information is that the pronunciation is : Yehovah.....in Hebrew... proven beyond doubt by Hebrew manuscripts (one of them the oldest in the world) and it has the points included for the pronunciation. And we adopted the name with the right pronunciation......jehovahs witnesses, whether by chance or Jehovah's spirit!
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