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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. This Hebrew scholar has collected more than 1000 MANUSCRIPTS which has the pointer system in Hebrew in them and these manuscripts CONFIRM the name's pronunciation to be Jehovah..... Here is another interesting chat about the meaning of the name: Here are just seven of the manuscripts he found:
  2. No- we think on those symbols and the life it presents for us. By the death of christ we receive opportunity to life everlasting - we think about the last hours of christ, his suffering and loyalty to jehovah. We do not believe as the Catholics do in transsubstatiation - that the wine supernaturally turns into real blood. So we do not find it gory....... The Israelites left slavery and were set free on passover when the passover lamb was slaughtered and blood put on doors. We were set free from everlasting death when Jesus (the passover lamb) was slaughtered.
  3. Blasphemy is a death offence. It is happening daily in Pakistan. If they do not like your face or want your possessions or daughter, they accuse you of having said something against Allah or quran Pakistan is a terrible place. When Pakistanis come to western countries they do not show this extremistic face but in Pakistan - this is the rule of sharia law. In Islam it is also a death offence to preach another God. This is why one is not allowed to take in a bible to these countries where Islam is the state religion. Saudi Arabia and Iran comes to mind. The state randomly checks citizen's cell phones when they come back from foreign trips - just like in China.
  4. He is really struggling and the brothers or interested ones are sooo patient. This is how I got to know the really good old African folk. !
  5. We would have to go of this world to do that. All of us cannot use this in the work place, in shops etc.... only at hall....... so it is impractical for now. Maybe we will have new names in the new system.
  6. Those bunker videos were hypothetical....... but we do not know what lies in future.......this type of lockdown may become a regular feature of life with people standing in line for food. We now have curfew at night, which makes sense, because there has been some looting at night due to people not having money to buy food. Supply chains are severely disrupted and many small businesses 'killed'. So curfews could become a regular occurrence when there is shortage of food. : 6 I heard what sounded like a voice in the midst of the four living creatures say: “A quart of wheat for a de·narʹi·us and three quarts of barley for a de·narʹi·us; and do not harm the olive oil and the wine.”
  7. A bad example because I do not think that any of them know anything about bookkeeping. In a case like that it usually is one person that does it in secret or maybe two..... but all eight together? I doubt it. If one committed adultery...... I doubt all would do it at the same time unless it was an orgy, then the other GB members could make up a committee and hear the case. So these hypothetical cases are really going into the realm of the ludicrous. I am not saying that one or two of them cannot get up to mischief...... what I am saying is that there would be others to hold them accountable. Additionally, If they are truly anointed they know that if they do this they forfeit their everlasting life because they have disrespected the ransom of jesus. Jehovah will hold them accountable.
  8. What people do well give them power in this world and contributes to he hierarchical system and sometime they are seen as 'better'than others just because of a talent. No wonder the super rich think they have a 'right' to tell us how to live our lives. Jehovah hates hierarchy. One person is not supposed to tell another how to live their lives. Each one is free under jehovah. Jerusalem above is symbolized by Sarah ... the free woman (not the slave Hagar) in Galations. Our elders and the slave are "servants" not rulers. And it should not be seen as hierarchy because they are "fellow believers". They do have authority to correct us when we stray from Jehovahs way and even keep the organization clean but they are not to lord it over us like some (in their imperfection) try to do. The GB and the committees under them are servants /slaves of jehovah (not slaves to their own desires) who give us spiritual direction..... they do not 'rule' in worldly sense. When you go into a deep forest with a guide..... the guide does all the work. He chops off the branches and shrubs that can hurt those following him. He gets in a high tree to see if we are still on the right track/direction. If he makes a mistake he must re-adjust himself. This is how true leaders must be - a servant of others. Unfortunately, some in the organization still think that they must "rule" in worldly sense. They are not mature. When the disciples asked about sitting on Jesus's right in kingdom..... jesus explained the humility of serving others...... this is key...... We are all expected to re-adjust ourselves by constantly searching of our hearts. Sometimes, due to imperfection, we stray. The elders are 'assigned' to watch over us and re-adjust us if we do not do it ourselves. Hierarchy, is a worldly feature...... not a theocratic feature. We assign servants and elders for a specific job - just as the anointed are anointed for a different job.... they are qualified for it because they have proved faithful to jehovah and his standards. Not because they were smarter, more talented or accomplished. It is a good question that you ask about our obedience to rulers of the world. Jehovah warns us that the worldly rulers "carry the sword " to bring their own form of justice upon us. So we comply to their requests - unless they want us to break Jehovahs instructions. Then we have to take the unjust form of justice they wish to bestow upon us because we are still in this world..... soon this will change. Some countries have really corrupt government systems. Because we do not participate in politics we do not become political activists or demonstrate for any cause and draw unwanted attention to ourselves. We just obey God, do the work God gave us, and pay our taxes in honesty and obey the law when it does not conflict with the law of God. . We want to be known as "mild and reasonable" people, servants of jehovah. Obey the system you were born under If you were born a slave, you did not fight to be free but gave the best to your owner asif serving jehovah. Your time went to your master but your heart and obedience was to jehovah. Your good conduct could lead your master to change. These slaves mentioned in the bible knew they were "future rulers " of gods kingdom...... they did not need status in this world. In sense of law and application of law we are all equal under gods law - no exceptions for status, talent or spiritual position/assignment. The ransom works for those who understand it, accept it and have faith in it. To have faith in it one must do the first two. God allows governments to keep order for now. Some governments handle the Corona situation badly and some well. We will not get angry if our government did it badly because we understand that in future life jehovah will compensate for all injustices. We do not get involved in how they administer their worldly duties. We are spiritual people, looking forward to Jehovahs promises. Yes even GB comply - because we are not banned from preaching.... we mildly adjust to preach in different ways. I have been doing phone calls and following up on people that I should have done before.
  9. Let me explain what I mean in a better way: In this 'world' there is an inescapable hierarchy which God does not like at all. In this world, a person who can kick a ball well, sing well or write a silly repetition of notes with unintelligible words, can make millions of dollars because of an invention called TV. A person with true talent can find his scientific inventions stolen by others of which Tesla is a good example. This world is an unfair and unjust place. God hates this narcicism and bias. Also the worship of position/status and of individuals. This wicked system which gives the corrupt more power - yes it is the satanic world in which we now live which has a hierarchy and sometimes a class system with extreme 'legal' inequalities. The rich are favoured :- even in the USA, the so-called example of a constitutional republic or representative democracy to the world. Under Jehovah, humans and angel's are absolutely equal under the same moral standards and exact same moral law and Jehovah's judgment on all humans is unbias with no favoritism........ whatever talent you have - it does not give you leeway. If you disobey you will have the penalty of your tresspass. All men are therefore equal under God. His law is exercised equally for all......... it is true equality. Jehovahs principles are applied / enforced consistently and equally, no matter if you are male, female, black, white, talented, or untalented, great crowd or anointed. Do not be misled, what you sow, you reap. Disobedience to God can never being favour. Many countries have equality for black peoples........ but these people do not have justice. Why ? Because the law is not equally enforced. (Human laws can even favour a certain class or be applied in draconian fashion - i.e.the new LGBTQ laws. If you forget a pronoun you can now lose your job or receive a prison sentence in some countries.) I feel and believe I am totally ''equal" to others under the law of jehovah. What humans do is mostly unfair and unjust - that is a no-brainer. Even in the congregation sometimes you will find injustice due to imperfection - even if we know Jehovahs principles better than most people. Under the ransom sacrifice we receive mercy due to our imperfection. If we do not accept the ransom it does not work for us. If we accept it, we can then become approved before jehovah. So individual choice to put ourselves under this arrangement and obedience to its principles can give us a chance for everlasting life. All men are therefore equal under God. The angels and anointed may get different 'assignments' than us because of having heavenly bodies........but they are subject to the same laws. If we obey their instructions, we are not obeying an angel or the slave....... we are obeying jehovah. Yes, the congregation is not yet perfect and inconsistencies occur......but our cooperation indicates a willingness to obey. Self-sacrifice was the example set by Jesus....... so sometimes we have to self-sacrifice our pride, ego ...... no matter how talented or brilliant we may think we are. In this world the egotistical, unscrupulous, grossly immoral and brazen humans flourish. Soon Jehovah's just and kind rule will be here.
  10. OCD ...... only answer I give. No logic in arguments where there is hate. No goodness.
  11. The true anointed are not ignored. They humbly serve others and are appreciated for this.... BUT they do not care to garner attention to themselves. They are just secure in the knowledge that their heart is circumcised and they belong to jehovah as his property- they have the 'token' in their heart to feel secure in themselves...... they need no approval from anyone else. They only do what is right. Whether they serve others while here on earth or later in heaven is the same to them. Any anointed person who goes beyond his/her appointment by jehovah is like Saul. Saul made an offering when it was not his place to do so. We can go beyond our appointment and push forward...... this is a dangerous thing to do because one can lose Jehovahs favour. Each one of us has our place and space in his organization...... some do not understand this because they have wrong desires.
  12. Not true: "who is the F&DS ?" Is the question in the bible for all to read at Matt 24:45....... This means every individual reading this scripture must identify them for themself who this slave is........ This slave would be there during the perousia...... so not hard to figure out.
  13. YOU are an enemy of ALL JWs..... I hope everyone here can understand that, especially those who encourage you. You are mad/angry because as a woman you are not allowed to 'rule' now. So you became a Jezebel. I have seen and heard horror stories of tyranny in Africa - you bandy these words around like candy. You have no idea what true tyranny is.... you offer over-the -top expressions which indicate extreme emotional duress. It is I who feel sorry for you because of your loss of spiritual clarity. I will definitely know if I am oppressed. .......but I do not feel oppressed .... because I have no fleshly desires or ambitions within the JW organization or the world. I am just happy and content to serve Jehovah
  14. J TRUE...... but we are not foolish to have loyalty to jehovah. At least they could see that we are not just a few hundred people on the earth....and not all Americans...... the enemy....... but we are present in many countries. The postage stamps told them that. 1 cor: Because a foolish thing of God is wiser than men, and a weak thing of God is stronger than men.
  15. Agre Agreed, their strategic trajectory is laid out by the 'prophet ' - philosopher Alexander Dugan. Yes they are the king of the North together with their allies and strategically act predictable. Their justice system is extremely unfair but now and then you will see good hopeful court results that create the perception in the west that they do have an unbiased legal system. Hope this is a good wave which will give the brothers some relief. The "perception" is that we are weak.....
  16. If you read her stuff you will realize that she believes she should be teaching and ruling right now - not wait until she gets to heaven. She has a beef with the organization about this. So make up your mind if you want to go into unending debates about this. I am just giving you a short summary of my experience here on this forum as you are a newbie.
  17. May Jehovah bless you - you noticed that. I do not waste my time on reading through the unintelligible mass of information or wasting precious time in answering. I do not mind conversing with those who do not agree with us. But a OCD-like, deceiving smear campaign I do not want to be part of.
  18. Very happy to hear this news....... but Russia is unpredictable ... because Satan is unpredictable. He waits for a weak moment to attack.. ..and comes back again and again.
  19. In my opinion we are all equal before God....... no matter how talented you are......talent, money, influence, position all mean something in a materialistic world..... but it is our true spirituality that matters.
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