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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. On 2/22/2020 at 11:50 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    LOT of valuable Real Estate.

    Babylon had land, Nineveh had land, Elam had land and so did other nations which God had judged.  The land was not the focus for punishment but the wicked people......  I wonder sometimes if you ever take jehovah or the bible seriously.  You are not just condescending towards people but even towards God.  Do you take anything seriously????  


  2. The only pre-emptive war Israel participated in was the " cleansing " of the promised land.  This was an execution of a judgment bymeans of Israel upon wicked peoples who burnt their children in fire and had atrocious sexual behaviours. God promised that Abraham's children would be given this land  but their error must first come to it's full measure.

    This was not murder because jehovah does not murder.  These pagans paid for their gross error.  Just like Sodom &  Gomorra - this was not murder but a judgment because it came from jehovah.





  3. 30 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Jehovah specifically views warfare as murder, or not.

    As I said earlier - it does not matter if warfare is murder or not because BOTH warfare and murder or any killing is no longer allowed if you want to be a true Christian. 

    Maybe for a false Christian.  You can join another Christian church if you feel killing or war is acceptable. They love to go and give their children in sacrifice to the God of war - and all in the name of nationalism. Their leaders drum the war Tom-toms and then they go fight their leader's wars. Iraq is a  good example: young men died to win territory which a new president gives away..... when things change.... they forget the precious blood that was given for their warmongering and mistakes.

    Isaiah clearly states that in last days those serving jehovah "will learn war no more".   So your irrelevant, sneaky question is not applicable...... because NONE of it is allowed if you are a true Christian.  

  4. On 2/16/2020 at 2:59 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    And you are still part of this world, just like Tom and Aurana. Still talking politics. 

    It is not wrong to know what is going on in the world  but it is wrong to take sides in its issues and get involved in it..... 

    I watch world events to see in which direction world events are heading....... just as Abraham asked jehovah about sodom and gomorrah and travelled around. 

    I do not belong to any worldly organisations or even vote for a seemingly innocent thing. Neither do I fund any organization be it religious or political or any other issues. I do not go to parties, clubs, celebrate worldly festivals or follow a worldly career.  Twice I gave up a lucrative career that could have brought recognition and  money.... I do not watch modern movies or ...... agh........ I leave it there.  Jehovah will judge me...... thanks to Him, it will not be your job to judge me. 

    My knowledge of the world and what is going on in it helps me in my preaching work........ which I enjoy tremendously.......I meet tourists every day here in Tbilisi and can immediately relate to them because of my knowledge of the political situation in their countries. My general knowledge helps as well.

    For example just in the last few days I preached to an Irishman and could open a conversation about the kingdom by referring to sinn fein. ....which he immediately explained.....how they recently won the election. He left amicably with information about Jehovahs kingdom in contrast with the political turmoil in the world..... and where he can get more info.

    I also spoke to a Chinese woman who wants to leave China due to the new level of surveillance.....she says they check telephones on return to China in random fashion. There is no freedom of speech. She was also kicked out of three hotels in Tbilisi because of discrimination regarding the Corona virus.  She gave me her email address.  I already sent her information to help her. We spoke at length about JWs and the kingdom as the only solution.

    Today I met an Arab from Saudi Arabia on the metro train.  I gave him my number.

    Tonight I had a long return visit with him over the phone and immediately understood his fears about talking to JWs (because I studied his religion and know the political situation in his country). He did not go into lengthy explanations because he saw that I knew what he was talking about.  I gave him good advice because he can be killed in his own country if they inspect his phone.  He expressed his thoughts that he thinks we are the true nation of God after I had explained the difference between our teachings regarding the future government of God and that of Islam..... 

    I rest my case....... 



  5. 20 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    So, will God's true servants just allow themselves to be killed ? Allowing the stealing of our possessions is easy enough, but allowing someone to kill you / me, i don't know............ 

    I may mention that during or just before Armageddon there may be anarchy when people attack and do as they please. There may be no law and order.  Better to die innocent before jehovah than to have blood on your hands.    

    Practically, you may be able to fight off one person..... what do you do if a group comes at you? ....Best to have been loyal to jehovah from the start because the odds are not high that you can fight to defend yourself...... rather trust in the one who can give you back your life.   Our trust in Jah may be tested this far..... like jesus in a life and death situation. Jesus chose to die faithful to Jehovah's principles and healed the soldier's ear and told Peter to put away his sword.

  6. 2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    carefully crafted question to isolate one specific principle, from

    Carefully crafted question to get the answer you have already decided upon.

    You remind me of the liberation fighters in Africa who wrote doctors theses on their right to "fight" with weapons (and other means) to liberate themselves from colonial oppression. They all got degrees in theology and used the bible to justify their stance.   This means that anyone can justify their stance if they twist the teachings of Jesus. 

    I firmly believe that we will be tested on this stance in future. The fact that we refuse to kill our brothers in another country or any other human (whatever the provocation) will test if we really love our neighbour.  Most religions are prepared to kill others.  If you love your life you will lose it - this was a scripture quoted last week in study.

    1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

    wonder if we should look for a direct scripture that says "You must not transfuse blood from one human to another human

    "Abstain"   from blood, fornication and what us strangled...... this means stay away.... do not touch - the same as you will not touch or bring another woman close to you   or  Acts 20:    "but to write them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from what is strangled, and from blood."

    2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    are cases when killing IS ACCEPTABLE, should you

    In your mind yes.  Bring me a scripture in the new testament where jesus, Paul, John , Peter or James said anything to this effect...... I dare you to find a scripture which indicates we can use a weapon against another or defend ourselves by taking a life of another!  The new testament is clear that even abusive speech is NOT acceptable - in book of Judas. 

    The heart is treacherous...... why?  We follow our own independent way away from obedience to God.      

  7. The question above is crafted very carefully  to avoid the main question: whether Jehovah allows any form of war or killing.  Especially after his Son paid the ransom sacrifice and told Peter to put away his sword - plus other scriptures which prove that christians are no part of the world otherwise they would fight.  Our fight is a spiritual warfare. Jesus was put to death because he did not become an earthly king to fight the Roman's.

    Roman's 11: "  48 If we let him go on this way, they will all put faith in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.”

    Romans 14:8  "For if we live, we live to Jehovah, and if we die, we die to Jehovah. So both if we live and if we die, we belong to Jehovah."  9 For

    The  above question is designed to create a choice for either killing or murder - so no matter how  one answers it, it still looks as though war is acceptable because it is not murder.....so killing is acceptable......

    A very sneaky question..... It reminds me of satan's question to eve:  you are not allowed to eat from ALL the trees in the garden......? .

  8. 29 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    one might surmise that any encounter with a militarily aligned householder will prove disagreeable, and this can happen

    I have already told my story on this forum. How I was interrogated when I became an American citizen.  My interviewer was hostile  because I requested for the clause to defend USA to be omitted.

    I did not push bible verses on him.  I had already determined that he was a great patriot and replied accordingly.  I said that I have such great respect for life because this is all we have from God - our life is precious.   I answered that it is a pity that some people have given everything they have to the country they love and are fired when they have emotional issues due to deployment. Some do not receive all the medical care they need (this was the case at the time) and I added that they come home in body bags and the press is not allowed to honor them in death by photographing their return.  

    The day he gave me my citizenship he was all smiles when he congratulated me.

    My father also fought in North Africa, Italy, went to Japan with the Americans and fought in Korea.......  these people do not like war to be glorified. 

  9. 12 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Your GB and their lawyers

    Same old, same old......   ...... outright attack...... not about the current subject which is about open and closed club but again going back (repetitive behavior) to the same old subject already discussed elsewhere........not worthy of a new answer .......because you are not interested in civility or really listening to a plausible answer.


  10. On 10/10/2018 at 5:14 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    like it that Tom recognises that the JW Org 'bosses' are not happy with the congregants investigating / researching / enquiring for information or discussion outside of JW material.

    That is not the reason....they say it is preferable not to get involved in combat at all.

    Personally I think the GB are correct to advise this. When one gets into combat here, one group has an unequal advantage in the battle.  JWs have to stay decent while others can use dirty tactics. 

    So inevitably it looks bad when JWs fight the spiritual fight with similar weapons. After all we must rather work on our love skills than spiritual combat. ....... and you must admit the club has often turned out to be an open battlefield for those who hate JWs. 


  11. 4 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    no nation on Earth considers warfare to be the same as premeditated murder, either

    This makes us the only nation on earth which is different.  Isaiah 2:2-4 clearly states that the worshippers of 'Jehovah' would flock together to his spiritual temple from all over the earth and  " learn war no more".   We are true christians because other Christian's still go to war and kill (or approve of it under the excuse of nationalism.)  1 John says that if you love jehovah you will love your neighbour. Who is your neighbour?  Everyone. 

    To go back to the time of Israel: I know of only one time jehovah allowed Israel to do pre-emptive war.  As Mr Harley above quoted the scripture:  the amorites were so wicked that jehovah wanted them exterminated .....but still gave them 400 years ( to hopefully change.).... until their extreme wickedness warranted the severe  punishment.    Remember, the canaanites were innocent child slayers........ each life they took had an accounting with Jehovah....... and that is apart from all the other degenerate sex worship and practices. Israel would remove them from the land but in this action they would have to prove their faith in jehovah to help them in combat and also show obedience to do it thoroughly.

    Jehovah allowed Israel to grow into a nation in captivity in Egypt - not in Canaan. In Canaan they could have broken into tribes or gone after canaanite gods. This not only preserved their unity but allowed them to grow strong as a nation while having protection of another great military power.  They had their own area where they lived in the Nile delta (separated) until they were oppressed by Pharoah because they grew mighty in numbers.

    Jehovah did not take Israel out of Egypt by direct route through philistine territory because he was afraid that they would not face up to war immediately after leaving.  Read it this week in bible.  He took them via the red sea and fought the battle for them.  Pharoah's army perished.   The nation left the most powerful country on earth - in PEACE - with no war.  That was a miracle!

    After having jehovah pamper them with food, giving them a cloud to lead them by day and night, and other miracles which proves that He exists - they initially still did not have the faith and courage to fight the Canaanites.  They then spent an extra 40 years wandering the desert because they did not have enough faith......  They feared the Rephaim.  (Goliath was a rephaim). Those 40 years of  wandering forged them into a strong nation ready to take on the task ahead.  War was hand to hand combat.  Each individual needed to build their faith.

    The war with the amelekites was a defence war because the amelekites came down to attack them when they asked to pass through their land on the highway peacefully.  After this the fear of the God of  Israel came upon Jericho. 

    All other times Israel went to war it was in defence.  jehovah allowed them to defend themselves after they had been severely oppressed....... because they had fallen into the extremely dirty false worship of the land.

    The philistines did not allow Israel to have impliments to sharpen their agricultural equipment.  The Medianites used to raid their food so that Gideon worked at night..... so it was not easy for them until they cried to jehovah and another judge was called up to free them.

    David was in trouble with jehovah because he had a sensus taken of the able bodied men who could fight. Pestilence then made the numbers of the sensus uncertain. Jehovah did not want them to think of war.  While they served him they would be safe.   David was not allowed to build the temple because he was a man of war. 

    They were not supposed to make alliances with other nations to fight war - or fight their wars for them with other alliances.  They were supposed to trust in jehovah exclusively.

    The 12 tribes went to war in hand to hand combat but the levite priests did not - they were holy - separate. 

    Solomon collected chariots and horses but it was against the instructions of jehovah.....

    So their are many indications in the old testament which tells us how jehovah feels about war.  

  12. 28 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Why?" ....

    Our warfare now is only spiritual.   

    However, the entire world under satan's control is still committing pre-meditated murder by training to kill others in war.   Jehovah will judge  each one of them if they do not repent by taking advantage of Jesus' ransom sacrifice.

    The world and its war will soon disappear when jehovah removes all those who benefit from war.


  13. Jesus changed everything.  The law was a ' tutor' to christ.   So now we must love our neighbours as he did.  He gave his life for his friends  - we must be able to do the same. 

    If I love you in this way and you love me in this way, the world will be a wonderful place. However, most people are not prepared to give up their own ego and their own selfish goals to serve Christ properly -  let alone give their life for someone else. 

    If you are prepared to give your life it actually means you value their life  as your own..... giving more than what is expected. 

    James 4: 1 "What is the source of the wars and fights among you? Do they not originate from your fleshly desires that carry on a conflict within you"

  14. On 2/6/2020 at 3:27 PM, JW Insider said:

    The uses of propaganda in the United States and the Western allies is so powerful and pervasive that it should make us question what we

    True - at our universities and local level many front organizations operating without restrictions.... and it is propaganda, propaganda everywhere. 

    This is why the new philosophy of collectivism is so popular and young people no longer see right from wrong. Each one has their own opinion what is right and wrong and there is no longer an 'objective' moral compass - thrown about like waves of the sea full of mire.

    On 2/6/2020 at 3:27 PM, JW Insider said:

    Although it's easy to imagine

    I am not talking about imagination. I am talking about reality!  Within China - information from America and the outside world is being  restricted and also any negative  information from within China to the Chinese people  I.e. this Carona virus is a good example:  the whistleblower doctor was forced to sign papers that restricted his talking and he was threatened with imprisonment.  The CCP within China has changed its policies and the propaganda within China is now the real thing: neo-communism...... becoming more totalitarian as we speak. Why is Hong-Kong rioting? Because they want the 'new freedom' of China?


    I know why you see nothing wrong in the UN  migrant compact of 2018..... and agenda 21.   

    The ' re-training'  of journalists as stipulated in the Compact does not bother you.? .....The "right" of any person to be a migrant and be given food,  shelter and medical by their host government is a wonderful idea  (to you, as it is to me) but  is is busy destroying Europe's economies.  

    Why?  because these agreements have become legally binding. Nations who do not comply and take migrants beyond their capacity are financially punished..... it turns out that these agreements  are NOT  'non-binding'. 

    The Barcelona Declaration and the Lisbon agreement were also non-binding EU agreements. These brought about the EU you see today - full of Arab speaking migrants.. These agreements became legally binding with a few changes of clauses later on by a majority vote...... UN is following the same procedure and the precedent set by EU,  to bring in one world government under UN.

    My personal stance is this: I love migrants- I preach to them..... and I do not take sides about the political and economic policies and how the world and EU  is financially and morally deteriorating  as a result of them.... I watch merely for trends, to see which of these trends are leading to an "image of the beast" having teeth....... and which countries will control the wealth as indicated in Daniel. 

    It just happens that the communist ideals are taking over the world..... and most people are starting to support this 'beast'  in their thinking because 'equality' of gender, culture etc.  is a deceptive propaganda tool. - even EU and UN leaders are all atheist/communist in their ideas and speech. ...... Why, even all the billionaires and ruling elite in America like this new collectivist propaganda which will bring their wonderful ideas on unity, peace and security to fruition under the UN (or a coalition of 176 nations which will be centrally organized in dictatorial fashion..)

    I watch it merely to determine how the trends are moving towards Armageddon..... that is all. I am not making political statements or siding with political ideologies. But  I do realize that "human plans" that will bring extreme suffering and pain to mankind are not the plans to ' free us'  but to "enslave'us to a totalitarian government under which we will not have freedom of religious choice.


    Just saw this clip: 



  15. 13 hours ago, Isabella said:

    effectively cuts them off from the country’s financial system, as being on the list leads

    Prophecy says that we will not be able " to buy or sell". ..... to make a normal livelihood......these brothers will become squatters.

    This idea of financial control is spreading to the west and is already in operation (to a lesser degree) against those who speak out against LGBTQ.  Google and Facebook demonatizes them. 

    This idea  is already in Russia and China (communism).... and western leaders in UN and EU like the way China is handling its citizens....... so yes.....this will eventually go to a large part of the world.  If you do not worship the beast and be a slave to its bidding..... you will not be able to buy or sell.

  16. On 2/5/2020 at 9:08 AM, JW Insider said:

    There are proven conspiracies going on all the time. As you 

    On 2/5/2020 at 9:08 AM, JW Insider said:

    we prefer to believe the conspiracy that fits our preconceptions.


    The bible clearly states that the state (beast) will control us to the extent that we will not be able "to buy or sell".  This is my "pre-conception".  I look out for world government trends (no matter what type of government) which confirm this 'pre-conception.' 

    This is why I also look for trends in capitalist or democratic  countries who tend to go in this direction too. Such as issuing a  'license' to be a reporter. If you report against the ideals of the government or investigate corruption of the government your license is not renewed.  This is now being contemplated in Canada.   The noose is getting tighter......in the west as well. 

     In China at present one cannot travel or buy (bank account control),  if you anger the government.......yes,  it is already happening. The precedent is set.

    In the idea of agenda 21 - the participating Western countries are removing property rights, and want to control all basic needs of water, food, transport, clothing etc (the idea is to have absolute control of the environment for sustainable development) smells very much to me of something I had seen before in history..... To  my mind it is NOT a conspiracy but something they have told us they are planning.... 176 countries signed up to it.   It fits in with my biblical 'pre-conception' of control from a central source -  the "image of the beast" who becomes the eighth king and receives kingship 'willingly' from other governments. 

    While I am totally for the preservation of the environment, I firmly believe the environment is in a worse state than they are letting on and they now are taking drastic steps to control it....... this means a faster implementation of these agenda 21 plans that they have already revealed. 

    I do not buy into the cover up (studies which lead us to believe the environment is hunky-dory)  of the true state of the environment because jehovah gave us a clue in Rev. 11:18..... another 'preconception'  I have.   If I read that crustacians have lost an extremely high percentage of their calcium shells compared to lab specimens of 100 years ago...... due to acidification of the sea.... I know that this prophecy is coming true because the food chain for bigger sea creatures can face eminent collapse if this keeps going on. The skins of sharks are thinning due to sea acidification.  ..... so I know that governments know they have to act in a drastic way........ which is already going on with the NGOs which are changing local laws in a drastic way all over USA and many UN agenda 21 countries to accommodate sustainable development. I read today that a ski resort closed in Bolivia in 2009 due to disappearance of a glacier. .... the prediction was the glacier would only disappear in 2015 ...... so ice is melting faster than predicted.

    On 2/5/2020 at 9:08 AM, JW Insider said:

    You would think this was designed to create Muslim terrorists in the same way that Americans would undoubtedly react if America was continuously bombed

    Now THAT is a conspiracy theory!   I understand Islam very well - how Satanic it really is. I understand how dangerous is really is....... and how desperate the communistic governments are to control its terrorism. 

    Islam is hostile to all human governments except it's own sharia law which it believes must be implemented in the entire world - with violence if needed.  Islam is NOT peaceful. The Quran and Hadith explicitly allows to kill unbelievers and other muslims which are hypocrites.  No government or soldiers can make Islam violent - its holy book ideology makes it violent.. It is inherently violent and becomes aggravated by any opposition. I therefore understand why totalitarian governments would act so harshly to re-educate these people.  Why I use Islam as an example in China is to demonstrate the tactics the CCP will resort to, to take children away from parents - which is wicked - no matter how violent the person is against the government. I cannot imagine jehovah ever doing that to a wicked person.  

    Daily in the West people are openly knifed with calls of "Allahu akbar" but it is swept under the carpet and no-one (not even scholars) dare analyze the trends and say Islam is dangerous. Self-censorship is going on because of prison sentences by western governments on freedom of speech - even in the press -  as the UN compact 2018 agreement prescribes.. Scholars do not receive funding if they do not extoll the virtues of Islam.  To my mind there is something 'seriously amiss ' when this is going on.  I can almost call it a 'conspiracy' to silence everyone because there is really no solution to the problem. .... so bear up and keep quiet is the new moto. I know that this will lead to anarchy AFTER the call of peace and security...... the government cannot control it forever...... it is setting the stage for Armageddon. Religious and racial tensions are escalating all over.

    In Russia they subjugated Chechnya by war.  Went in with tanks.  Because Russia is Russia it was eccepted. This can be done when one has a controlled media......and  the rest of the world receives only a 'trickle' of what  is really going on. 

    China may have been highly acceptable until 2017 regarding freedoms but the new reality is : the CCP has returned to hard core communism and all press is controlled.  Foreign press visitors are  accompanied by state officials and watched. Unwanted footage IS confiscated. Independent news agencies have left the country or are leaving due to oppressive government attitudes.  The exodus out of China is going on. Foreigners were welcomed before but no longer needed.

    Like in Russia -all foreigners have to register their whereabouts with the state.(hotels usually do this for you)  If you leave your apartment for longer than 2 days (if I remember correctly) you have to go to the police station and register your location with the police or face a penalty. With the new facial recognition surveillance they find you pretty quickly.

    This is the NEW reality of China.   The China which needed financial aid from the outside world to rise itself  up to first world status has risen into a full grown fiery dragon which controls everything. Citizens who do not comply find themselves ostracized by everyone.  If you have contact phone numbers in your phone with anyone who  is labelled an "offender" against the state, your social credit score is lowered and your livelihood affected.

    I do not think you understand fully the extent of the new control system. You say the exodus is western propaganda.   I dread to think what they are doing to JWs when caught meeting together.  Falun gong members are being used for body parts ,  not muslims at this time. Falun gong members are hunted down in stazi-fashion.  

    They do more than 10000 transplants a year and one can get fully matching tissue immediately -  if you have the money.  This is unheard of in the west. One can get a 'matching' organ only after an extremely long wait.  They take DNA samples of all Falin Gong prisoners.

    On 2/5/2020 at 9:08 AM, JW Insider said:

    And yet even other Uyghur Muslims in China have praised the processes that China has been

    If you are watched by the state - you will praise anything they do.  BUT secret messages are leaking out about what is going on...... I have watched heart-breaking videos.  People who cannot deal with the current re-education camps commit suicide. The preconceptions I have is "respect for life and justice" no matter how bad a person may be or how bad his religion may be deemed to be by the state. No human is dispensable.

    On 2/5/2020 at 9:08 AM, JW Insider said:

    there are ten million Uyghur

    There are more than 1 million  in re-education camps and their homes are being bulldozed. In its place they are building surveillance type high buildings to keep tabs on everyone in future.  This is similar to agenda 21 ideals. 


    On 2/5/2020 at 9:08 AM, JW Insider said:

    They are still talking about it right now, on VPN's, as we speak.

    I saw a segment yesterday on CNN which indicated that the doctor who contacted the government at first was ignored. He is now a hero....

    But all doctors who were speaking out on VPN were followed up on by police. I saw one holding up a letter from police to not talk to anyone. 

    While I understand that China do not want panic, I thoroughly understand that all news is now controlled by government. Citizen reporting is not allowed - on any subject. This is typical of totalitarian state.  They can commit atrocities in one district while the rest of the country does not know anything about it (travel restrictions apply as well) because news cannot get out about injustices or atrocities. 

    Stalin killed everyone who knew about things he ordered to be done so the truth could not get out. This is a common MO in all totalitarian states. China is changing fast!  Foreigners allowed into China now are watched..... you have to be pro-China and have hi-tech information they can use.  If you are just an English teacher you are no longer welcome because they do not want your freedom ideas being spread.  They now check the phones of Chinese who have visited abroad for foreign websites.   I warn Chinese I preach to, to be careful. It is the loving thing to do.

    On 2/5/2020 at 9:08 AM, JW Insider said:

    persons are purposely trying to cause panic and terror just because they don't like a political party

    I saw footage of people falling face down in hospital and a doctor calling a government official and going off on him because they waited too long to act and medicine was not available. He was working without rest for 36 hours (not allowed to rest) and had reached the end of his tether. Someone took the footage secretly and put it on internet.  I am sure that doctor will be watched in future.  He had no agenda against the government- just concerned about people. 


    On 2/5/2020 at 9:08 AM, JW Insider said:

    saw many Western reports (from amateurs) that those bulldozers were there to bury thousands of bodies. This is irresponsible, and such disinformation is second-nature on US news panel

    Unfortunately they do this and a lot of rednecks will believe this....... The disease does have a high infection rate and according to reports at least a 10-15 %  death rate of those infected - mostly the very young, old, and those with a compromised immune system. 

    Other reports say just above 2 % death rate. 


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