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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. True - at our universities and local level many front organizations operating without restrictions.... and it is propaganda, propaganda everywhere. This is why the new philosophy of collectivism is so popular and young people no longer see right from wrong. Each one has their own opinion what is right and wrong and there is no longer an 'objective' moral compass - thrown about like waves of the sea full of mire. I am not talking about imagination. I am talking about reality! Within China - information from America and the outside world is being restricted and also any negative information from within China to the Chinese people I.e. this Carona virus is a good example: the whistleblower doctor was forced to sign papers that restricted his talking and he was threatened with imprisonment. The CCP within China has changed its policies and the propaganda within China is now the real thing: neo-communism...... becoming more totalitarian as we speak. Why is Hong-Kong rioting? Because they want the 'new freedom' of China? I know why you see nothing wrong in the UN migrant compact of 2018..... and agenda 21. The ' re-training' of journalists as stipulated in the Compact does not bother you.? .....The "right" of any person to be a migrant and be given food, shelter and medical by their host government is a wonderful idea (to you, as it is to me) but is is busy destroying Europe's economies. Why? because these agreements have become legally binding. Nations who do not comply and take migrants beyond their capacity are financially punished..... it turns out that these agreements are NOT 'non-binding'. The Barcelona Declaration and the Lisbon agreement were also non-binding EU agreements. These brought about the EU you see today - full of Arab speaking migrants.. These agreements became legally binding with a few changes of clauses later on by a majority vote...... UN is following the same procedure and the precedent set by EU, to bring in one world government under UN. My personal stance is this: I love migrants- I preach to them..... and I do not take sides about the political and economic policies and how the world and EU is financially and morally deteriorating as a result of them.... I watch merely for trends, to see which of these trends are leading to an "image of the beast" having teeth....... and which countries will control the wealth as indicated in Daniel. It just happens that the communist ideals are taking over the world..... and most people are starting to support this 'beast' in their thinking because 'equality' of gender, culture etc. is a deceptive propaganda tool. - even EU and UN leaders are all atheist/communist in their ideas and speech. ...... Why, even all the billionaires and ruling elite in America like this new collectivist propaganda which will bring their wonderful ideas on unity, peace and security to fruition under the UN (or a coalition of 176 nations which will be centrally organized in dictatorial fashion..) I watch it merely to determine how the trends are moving towards Armageddon..... that is all. I am not making political statements or siding with political ideologies. But I do realize that "human plans" that will bring extreme suffering and pain to mankind are not the plans to ' free us' but to "enslave'us to a totalitarian government under which we will not have freedom of religious choice. Just saw this clip:
  2. Prophecy says that we will not be able " to buy or sell". ..... to make a normal livelihood......these brothers will become squatters. This idea of financial control is spreading to the west and is already in operation (to a lesser degree) against those who speak out against LGBTQ. Google and Facebook demonatizes them. This idea is already in Russia and China (communism).... and western leaders in UN and EU like the way China is handling its citizens....... so yes.....this will eventually go to a large part of the world. If you do not worship the beast and be a slave to its bidding..... you will not be able to buy or sell.
  3. Thanks for the news. Typical of the old communist mindset which is returning.
  4. The bible clearly states that the state (beast) will control us to the extent that we will not be able "to buy or sell". This is my "pre-conception". I look out for world government trends (no matter what type of government) which confirm this 'pre-conception.' This is why I also look for trends in capitalist or democratic countries who tend to go in this direction too. Such as issuing a 'license' to be a reporter. If you report against the ideals of the government or investigate corruption of the government your license is not renewed. This is now being contemplated in Canada. The noose is getting tighter......in the west as well. In China at present one cannot travel or buy (bank account control), if you anger the government.......yes, it is already happening. The precedent is set. In the idea of agenda 21 - the participating Western countries are removing property rights, and want to control all basic needs of water, food, transport, clothing etc (the idea is to have absolute control of the environment for sustainable development) smells very much to me of something I had seen before in history..... To my mind it is NOT a conspiracy but something they have told us they are planning.... 176 countries signed up to it. It fits in with my biblical 'pre-conception' of control from a central source - the "image of the beast" who becomes the eighth king and receives kingship 'willingly' from other governments. While I am totally for the preservation of the environment, I firmly believe the environment is in a worse state than they are letting on and they now are taking drastic steps to control it....... this means a faster implementation of these agenda 21 plans that they have already revealed. I do not buy into the cover up (studies which lead us to believe the environment is hunky-dory) of the true state of the environment because jehovah gave us a clue in Rev. 11:18..... another 'preconception' I have. If I read that crustacians have lost an extremely high percentage of their calcium shells compared to lab specimens of 100 years ago...... due to acidification of the sea.... I know that this prophecy is coming true because the food chain for bigger sea creatures can face eminent collapse if this keeps going on. The skins of sharks are thinning due to sea acidification. ..... so I know that governments know they have to act in a drastic way........ which is already going on with the NGOs which are changing local laws in a drastic way all over USA and many UN agenda 21 countries to accommodate sustainable development. I read today that a ski resort closed in Bolivia in 2009 due to disappearance of a glacier. .... the prediction was the glacier would only disappear in 2015 ...... so ice is melting faster than predicted. Now THAT is a conspiracy theory! I understand Islam very well - how Satanic it really is. I understand how dangerous is really is....... and how desperate the communistic governments are to control its terrorism. Islam is hostile to all human governments except it's own sharia law which it believes must be implemented in the entire world - with violence if needed. Islam is NOT peaceful. The Quran and Hadith explicitly allows to kill unbelievers and other muslims which are hypocrites. No government or soldiers can make Islam violent - its holy book ideology makes it violent.. It is inherently violent and becomes aggravated by any opposition. I therefore understand why totalitarian governments would act so harshly to re-educate these people. Why I use Islam as an example in China is to demonstrate the tactics the CCP will resort to, to take children away from parents - which is wicked - no matter how violent the person is against the government. I cannot imagine jehovah ever doing that to a wicked person. Daily in the West people are openly knifed with calls of "Allahu akbar" but it is swept under the carpet and no-one (not even scholars) dare analyze the trends and say Islam is dangerous. Self-censorship is going on because of prison sentences by western governments on freedom of speech - even in the press - as the UN compact 2018 agreement prescribes.. Scholars do not receive funding if they do not extoll the virtues of Islam. To my mind there is something 'seriously amiss ' when this is going on. I can almost call it a 'conspiracy' to silence everyone because there is really no solution to the problem. .... so bear up and keep quiet is the new moto. I know that this will lead to anarchy AFTER the call of peace and security...... the government cannot control it forever...... it is setting the stage for Armageddon. Religious and racial tensions are escalating all over. In Russia they subjugated Chechnya by war. Went in with tanks. Because Russia is Russia it was eccepted. This can be done when one has a controlled media......and the rest of the world receives only a 'trickle' of what is really going on. China may have been highly acceptable until 2017 regarding freedoms but the new reality is : the CCP has returned to hard core communism and all press is controlled. Foreign press visitors are accompanied by state officials and watched. Unwanted footage IS confiscated. Independent news agencies have left the country or are leaving due to oppressive government attitudes. The exodus out of China is going on. Foreigners were welcomed before but no longer needed. Like in Russia -all foreigners have to register their whereabouts with the state.(hotels usually do this for you) If you leave your apartment for longer than 2 days (if I remember correctly) you have to go to the police station and register your location with the police or face a penalty. With the new facial recognition surveillance they find you pretty quickly. This is the NEW reality of China. The China which needed financial aid from the outside world to rise itself up to first world status has risen into a full grown fiery dragon which controls everything. Citizens who do not comply find themselves ostracized by everyone. If you have contact phone numbers in your phone with anyone who is labelled an "offender" against the state, your social credit score is lowered and your livelihood affected. I do not think you understand fully the extent of the new control system. You say the exodus is western propaganda. I dread to think what they are doing to JWs when caught meeting together. Falun gong members are being used for body parts , not muslims at this time. Falun gong members are hunted down in stazi-fashion. They do more than 10000 transplants a year and one can get fully matching tissue immediately - if you have the money. This is unheard of in the west. One can get a 'matching' organ only after an extremely long wait. They take DNA samples of all Falin Gong prisoners. If you are watched by the state - you will praise anything they do. BUT secret messages are leaking out about what is going on...... I have watched heart-breaking videos. People who cannot deal with the current re-education camps commit suicide. The preconceptions I have is "respect for life and justice" no matter how bad a person may be or how bad his religion may be deemed to be by the state. No human is dispensable. There are more than 1 million in re-education camps and their homes are being bulldozed. In its place they are building surveillance type high buildings to keep tabs on everyone in future. This is similar to agenda 21 ideals. I saw a segment yesterday on CNN which indicated that the doctor who contacted the government at first was ignored. He is now a hero.... But all doctors who were speaking out on VPN were followed up on by police. I saw one holding up a letter from police to not talk to anyone. While I understand that China do not want panic, I thoroughly understand that all news is now controlled by government. Citizen reporting is not allowed - on any subject. This is typical of totalitarian state. They can commit atrocities in one district while the rest of the country does not know anything about it (travel restrictions apply as well) because news cannot get out about injustices or atrocities. Stalin killed everyone who knew about things he ordered to be done so the truth could not get out. This is a common MO in all totalitarian states. China is changing fast! Foreigners allowed into China now are watched..... you have to be pro-China and have hi-tech information they can use. If you are just an English teacher you are no longer welcome because they do not want your freedom ideas being spread. They now check the phones of Chinese who have visited abroad for foreign websites. I warn Chinese I preach to, to be careful. It is the loving thing to do. I saw footage of people falling face down in hospital and a doctor calling a government official and going off on him because they waited too long to act and medicine was not available. He was working without rest for 36 hours (not allowed to rest) and had reached the end of his tether. Someone took the footage secretly and put it on internet. I am sure that doctor will be watched in future. He had no agenda against the government- just concerned about people. Unfortunately they do this and a lot of rednecks will believe this....... The disease does have a high infection rate and according to reports at least a 10-15 % death rate of those infected - mostly the very young, old, and those with a compromised immune system. Other reports say just above 2 % death rate. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/coronavirus-is-less-deadly-than-sars-but-that-may-explain-why-its-so-contagious-2020-01-30
  5. I like how you take the time to quote all the scriptures and very happy you are taking the times we are living in so seriously. Even if it does not happen exactly as these world leaders have indicated - the bible (jehovah) shows the clear intentions of their hearts by indicating the beast's (king's) actions on the world scene - especially in the last days - the type of 'exclusive worship' the beast exacts from everyone and penalties for those who do not comply.... (not be able to buy or sell). Jehovah knew from the start of satan's rebellion what wicked humans would do with power, money and technological advancement combined. He also knows how satan will draw humans out to do his ultimate wish : to openly and literally 'enslave' all humans to false worship of the state (or else) so they are 'forced' to leave their worship and 'service' to jehovah and lose everlasting life. This is Satan's ultimate goal which I think Rutherford understood clearly when he spoke of the totalitarians winning. Unfortunately, It was way too far ahead of time for Rutherford to understand all the details because he applied it to his own time....... BUT at the present time there is a constant drip of world leaders and billionaires (who fund organizations) making statements which are indicating that they are working towards one world government. While their intentions may not be wicked at the start they are helping towards a goal that will ultimately be the most oppressive and wicked in its outcome - because jehovah will have to step in to save us. All flesh will be under threat. Other statements from these atheist leaders and their world views (political philosophies) indicate to me that they think the Chinese model and neo-communism is a good thing (it has been white-washed) - which further indicates to me we are heading for a totalitarian type setup with little property rights and a rationing of all human needs. To me this is worse than than the ancient feudal system. It is now time to get on Jehovahs side and understand how important it is not to get the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast is not a literal computer chip or a literal mark because the beast itself is 'symbolic.' ......It is worship of the beast (entire political system) and a belief that human government can bring peace and security to the earth. (Although they are already experimenting with human control by installing chips in the brain). Only jehovah and his government under christ can bring true peace and security.............. However, the 'propaganda ' in the schools, universities, in the media is leading people to leave worship of jehovah and faithfulness to his laws/ principles to be replaced by a worship of secular thinking such as LGBTQ and all the new wordly goals they are replacing Jehovahs worship with. Collectivist thinking will eventually lead to the individual's life to be worthless - as in the totalitarian states. Respect for life is waning. I saw an under cover video clip yesterday where Bernie Sander's campaign camp were talking about gulags in USA. They were talking like bolchevists.......this gives one an indication how the youth (the leaders in less than 10 years) are thinking. Life to them is worthless and they seem to have been indoctrinated at universities. If one knowns what the final goals are of agenda 21, 2030 (the outcomes the world leaders are working towards) then one can start to recognise the steps leading to the final outcome in the daily news trickle. I do that.... think about what world leaders say and how it will affect the outcome jehovah has predicted and my personal loyalty to jehovah. We know the outcome.... humans will fail to bring peace and security. I myself am careful not to get too involved with the worldly things. I watch for trends. The new trend is the one world religion which they want to forge......... The "harlot" ( Babylon the great) will soon get center stage on the world scene and ride the beast (as before) by giving the goals of satan a boost. Her spiritism in opposition of worship to jehovah will lead to a conjuring up a false peace between the religions of this world. At present the Christian's in north Africa are being exterminated in a type of genocide.......Is the Pope or other religious leaders talking about this? No they are promoting the idea of one God (abrahamic interfaith) and one united religion. The idea is actually ludicrous if one has studied Islam and talmudic judaism..... but their UN-type agreements will eventually become binding on all. Yes, things are moving along and will get impetuous as more people succumb to secular philosophical thinking..... after this things will happen in rapid succession...... Within the last 3 years the attitudes of people the world over has changed drastically...... I cannot imagine what attitude changes the next three years will bring.
  6. Laws mean nothing if they are not enforced. China's government camps are now using slave labour to manufacturer H&M clothing....and for a few other well-known brands. They are making clothing for western companies in the forced 're-education' camps in China....... China even have propaganda on TV showing how these people are being retrained......and love learning to sew and learn new skills .....BUT they do not show that there are doctors there who hate making clothes.....and those doctors have not seen their children since they were forcibly placed in these facilities. They are there because they are Muslim. I learnt this week that Uzbekistan and India will be instituting similar surveillance systems as in China. The noose in the entire world is getting tighter. We are heading for a neo-fascistic/communistic world system wherein oligarchs and capitalist billionaires are working towards the same goals. Think of DAVOS, Bilderburg etc. And the 3 UN agreements signed by 176 countries. The fact that western countries are always searching for cheap labour elsewhere does indeed make them complicit in the slave labour and any other bad result from their actions, does it not? Tech companies gave away their technological secrets willingly to China and were instrumental in building up China in exchange for mega global financial growth.... In the modern secular way of US thinking - I guess they are not accountable because the US dollar is the god ! It is the standard way of thinking in US. Trickle down economics has fooled everyone! The mega- capitalist corporations did not bring 'tax' into USA to help with infrastructure. No, they did not want to pay tax because then they have no control over where the tax dollars are spent. Instead they create "charity foundations" wherein they themselves decide which subversive or front organizations get their money (those, which promote only their propaganda) and they still "look good " in the public eye. One is naive if one thinks that these people and their corporations are not wielding their money powers in such a way which can only spell disaster for the entire world. Some were well-meaning but in the end they are sucked into Satans way of thinking. Most of them are atheist and prone to secular thinking. We are living in the era of false propaganda from all sides Rev 16: 14 - 16. Ecl 8:9 CCP are not only manipulating these numbers but economic data etc. An oppressive, centralized government and its capabilities of hiding facts are unlimited. i.e.Citizens in China who were reporting on the new virus using VPNs, were clamped down upon and all are facing long prison sentences.... no freedom any longer in China. True, and also regarding China, russia, EU, and UN. Satan is now controlling all tools of propaganda Rev 16: 14 -16. I watched a short clip about satanism. And one point stood out: by their rules: if they openly tell you what they are planning and you allow it to happen - you are complicit. The world rulers under satanic control have openly told us what they are planning and it cannot be stopped because all countries are complicit. The only way we (as individuals) can reject what they have in mind for us will be this: by being prepared to forfeit our life if that is the price for non-compromise. They will expect us to bow to their idea of state-morality and forfeit Jehovahs worship and laws.
  7. I guess we must remove the word conspiracy from the dictionary. ..... because these days everything someone does not like is called a conspiracy. It downplays the true meaning of a conspiracy. "Et tu Brutus" - that was not known to be a conspiracy while the conspiring was going on..... AFTER the murder was committed then there was no doubt that there had been a secret agenda being promoted. So usually a conspiracy is completed (or too late to stop) before people wake up to its realities......
  8. Thanks for piece. I agree, they do call out 'manipulation ' on the flimsiest of excuses...... because they do not want to use the word 'accountability' when it comes to every persons own choices. They then, act like victims which seems to be the mainstream's / secular mental attitude these days..... Yes, we are moldable clay - only by Jehovah....and you must be a willing participant....... to work only on yourself... Children, and especially teenagers, rebel extremely quickly if they are boxed in..... They do not like restictions and they are taught an independent and secular way of thinking in the school.... The true manipulators is the education system with its LGBTQ etc. .... So the argument that the children are 'victims' of JWs is just another ploy or a 'manipulation' of the truth.......
  9. I am not going to argue with you over conspiracy theories and what is true and what is not. However, one is naive if you think that powerful corporations did not willingly move their factories to China to benefit from the cheap 18-hour slave labour shifts where so-called inspections were never done to ensure fair working hours. Factory suicides were prevalent. Avarice and greed allowed them to finance factories there, allowed them to share important intellectual property patents which helped China in their race to build satellites, rockets, and military equipment. US corporations assisted China to spy on their own citizens and made concessions to the government in order to get permission to operate in the country. It may not be conspiracy but i do think their greed made them act in a treasonous fashion. The US government was asleep and allowed monopolies to proliferate and also never held these companies to account. It is now too late to stop China in its quest to control the wealth of the world. These treasonous corporations still pay very little taxes on their profits in USA but have their headoffoffices in other tax havens....... Too many of the high-up politicians also have stakes in Chinese corporations....... What people are allowed to do today would have been called treason a few years back. While I do not care what they have done (I do not take sides) - it does tell me that the top echelons of society and corporations have no morals and are lawless. Politicians have conflict of interest and do not declare it ....... because very little investigative research journalism is done these days. The six major media companies in the west are Have started using bots to prepare the news.......
  10. Hi- I used to listen to Corbett's report and found this podcast you recommended very interesting. I would also like to know more about the "8 immortals" and find a proven link between the Bank of International Settlements and Peoples Bank of China. This ' Settlements' bank, which is the bank above all other banks and even higher than other banks of the calibre of IMF, is touted to be the future central bank when the Petro-dollar is no longer the exchange rate. This report clearly indicates what I have been saying all along- that super global capitalism and communism brings the same results. A few mega rich people on top and the rest of the people like poor sheep. When the mega rich and the mega corporations work together it will forge a form of neo-fascism and neo-communism together. The bible indicates that all human government was not the wish of god..... humans oppress each other. Eccl 8:9. Paraphrased: " One man rules over another to his detriment." People in high positions are prone to love power and become greedy. The rich of this world have been working together all along and staking out the sectors they will control in future. They will bring in a socialist control system which will be very equal in one respect: no opportunities for any person to improve their financial situation or to rise to the top..... this is set out clearly in Agenda 21 and agenda 2030. The top people will now remain on top and oppress all their "pawns" in future. (Republican and democrat, liberal or conservative, is cherade - follow the money trail to see where the alliances are of these leaders in politics and the world.) The scene is set for the worst period of history the world has ever seen. How far Jehovah will allow it to go - we do not know....... but I have a nasty suspicion that satan is being drawn out to visibly or openly rule the world through his one world government....... satan has no respect for life or God. This is why his human instruments will try to force all humans to leave their loyalty to God behind and show allegiance to this "God of fortresses" (daniel 11- from verse 36) - the worship of the state, which will give every person their daily ration of food and water. Most JWs do not read much about politics. They are protected from these nasty things which are coming because they do not show allegiance to (do not put their hope in) any worldly government or worldly organization. They will definitely be tested by these bad things that are coming and our organization is now preparing them for this. They are " no part of the world" and their allegiance is only to the person of jehovah God and the one who paid the ransom (the guarantor/chief agent), jesus christ. JWs are one united nation on earth and fulfilling most of the prophecies about the time of the end. Read Matt 24 :45 & 14 and you will see that they have a "slave" which is providing free spiritual food for the entire world in more than 1000 languages and they are preaching the kingdom government of God as the only solution to mankind's problems. Imperfect as JWs are - they do understand the most important teachings of the bible and the time-line God has given us- which includes prophecy. The final fulfillment of prophecy will effect humans on a global scale and this is why the bible says that many kings will 'willingly' give over their kingship to one authority " the image of the beast" - which will be the eighth and final king. Rev 17. JWS have identified the UN and its coalition of nations as this king. To me it is significant that Hendry Kissinger (and likes of him which were part of the UN) and all these proponents of globalism (one world government and a linked financial system), has been working towards this goal since WW2. (The recent DAVOS, which was in the news, also comes to mind - read up the attendees). The financial moguls have been working towards this consolidation of their wealth globally in a permanent position for more than hundred years and especially after 1900. JWs have also identified the king of the north as Russia and its allies. Today, China and Russia are forging ever bigger ties in cooperation regarding energy, satellites, etc. Russia has outplayed US in its ties in middle east and I think the dream of them having an Eurasia is not beyond them. This region I am living in may soon become part of Russia again. Whatever happens, it is now time to strengthen your relationship with jehovah and identify yourself with his name. You may find you have more problems due to persecution but you will also have the sovereign of the universe on your side to help you remain steadfast and bear it. 2022 has been set for the new financial system..... will they get it done by this time? I do not know. I am putting my faith in jehovah alone. I may lose the little money I have invested for my further retirement....... and literally look to jehovah for my daily bread after this....... but at least I know I will face it and strengthen myself..... ...... . Human governments have proven fatal to humans right throughout human history and they have worked closely with religion to do this , be it Islam, false christendom, Hinduism etc. The rich and priviledged have always abused their power. Thank my friend.... I enjoyed the podcast.
  11. The video also indicated that some Christian religions believe literal Israel will fulfill the last day prophecies. This is false. This is why there are several racial movements now which believe they are the "true Israel" and show false genealogies to prove it. ..... such as the "black israelites" of God. The bible indicates it is a spiritual Israel and a heavenly jerusalem as indicated in the two scriptures below. Hebr 12:22 But you have approached a Mount Zion and a city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem, and myriads of angels Roman's 2: "For he is not a Jew who is one on the outside, nor is circumcision something on the outside, on the flesh. 29 But he is a Jew who is one on the inside, and his circumcision is that of the heart by spirit and not by a written code. That person’s praise comes from God, not from people" You mentioned a place of safety: We can only call on jehovah as our refuge and show faith in the ransom of jesus - which you already do. But one needs to be among people who obey Jehovahs instructions (do the preaching) and worship Him. Hebrews 10 " Let us hold firmly the public declaration of our hope without wavering, for the one who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works, 25 not forsaking our meeting together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you see the day drawing near. 26 " A prophecy which I keep in mind (and a few more,) is the reason I am a JW - despite the flaws I see in some imperfect brothers and sisters. They worship Jehovah, refuse to go to war and do earth wide preaching work. .... apart from really understanding the ransom sacrifice..... Isaaih 2: 2-4 " In the final part of the days, The mountain (worship) of the house of Jehovah will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, And it will be raised up above the hills, and to it all the nations will stream. 3 And many peoples will go and say: “Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, To the house of the God of Jacob. He will instruct us about his ways, And we will walk in his paths.” For law will go out of Zion ,And the word of Jehovah out of Jerusalem. He will render judgment among the nations and set matters straight respecting many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation,Nor will they learn war anymore. Many of our brothers are now in prison because they refuse military service or were caught preaching in islamic countries where it is forbidden to proseletize. Indonesia , Tartaristan was in the news this week.
  12. I love the opera too! I love a good bass voice and love it when done well. The bass part in the magic flute is beautiful. . I sang both arias of the queen in my salad days. The papageno aria I can still sing but have not sung for 3 years. I recently quickly practiced a song to sing at a wedding reception (not the hall). Go for it Anna - enjoy yourself!!
  13. Dear friend, thanks. I did find time to listen to it. This guy has done a lot of research on the illuminati (which no longer exists but its philosophy did not die out but lives on) but he does not know his bible well. That is why he takes symbolic imagery and uses it in literal way. I did find one or two discrepancies. Ie.there are very few Jews left in Iran. The few that are there now are protected by the government so it does not look bad to the outside world - they did persecute jews before. Most Jews and Bahai worshippers have left the country. I do speak some Arabic and studied the Quran, hadith and sirah. Shia Islam hates the Jews and want them all dead. There are scriptures in the Quran and hadith which outright says this. I also listen to Persian translations of the imams and Iranian leaders....... they hate USA and jews. They also support Hezbollah and Hamas and Houthis- all terrorists - with money while their own people suffer. Iran is a major destabilizing influence in the middle east. This fact is also a reason why the west is in danger because salafist extremists are in Europe, Canada, USA, Australia, UK etc. It will definitely bring more problems in future. While this video focuses only on Jewish connections to secret organizations - there are many organizations which come out of "old" money especially the Dutch east India company and the British east India company. The British supremacist organization "the pilgrim society" also pops to mind. Cecil John Rhodes left his will to six or seven secret organizations. Look it up on wikipedia. He had control of all the gold and diamonds in south Africa. Between 1902 and 1913 a lot of maneuvering between England and USA went on before the dual world power of Anglo-American emerged. Tesla's patents were stolen and given to others who could be controlled. England's secret organizations built links in USA to influence it on many levels. They controlled the newspapers to control public opinion, then also funded people to go to America and start banks and bring in the FED. In England they started mi5 and mi6 and later assisted USA to start CIA etc. They still steal patents and use them in the USA military industrial complex because of how the CIA and other secret organizations were set up. The City of London controls a lot of secret money in the world and it has it's own laws - it does not fall under British jurisdiction ..... just like Vatican. So the idea that Revelation should be taken literally.... is not accurate. London controls a lot of what goes on in USA...behind the scenes. New York cannot be Babylon the harlot even if she has a lady as her welcoming symbol. Babylon was the original city who started opposition to God with false religion after the flood. Babylon could also be Lindon for that matter..... In the video it constantly talks of ancient mysticism which came from ancient Babylon..... yet it does not make the connection with religion... ? The mysticism in Egypt with its spells and magic originated in Babylon. What the video also does not bring out is the mysticism connected to the belief of the immortality of the soul or the separateness of the soul to the body. This is the biggest lie Satan told: you will not die. This idea went to India where they believe the soul is continuously reincarnated. Well the Kabbalah is a mystic jewish religion which also does meditation similar to the Asian continent. Yes, most Rabbis practice the real kabbalah. The New Age religion for the masses is a watered down version of the kabbalah. The idea that you can get 'hidden knowledge ' from connecting to ' God ' is clearly spiritism. Is this not what satan promoted in the garden of eden ? To get the 'hidden ' knowledge God did not give them? What I agree with is that most of the modern philosophies come from the French revolution which was supposed to bring utopian promise of freedom and equality. It had its roots in earlier spiritistic thought - as though satan was behind it to control the masses who wanted equality. The post modern philosophy and new feminism also hates the biblical 'patriarchy' and is bent on breaking down old values and the family. It wants a social revolution. French revolution brought forth communism (and yes, I agree with the history of Marx and Lenin) but do not be misled: it is not just Jews behind this new world order. I listened to an article yesterday where Bill Gates is accused of continuing Monsanto's agenda in India.... new money / new billionaires have bought into it. There are Muslim masons too! Masons were so widespread at time of Weisshaupt and its connection with Roseacrucianist ideas it is not a conspiracy. Even Mozart was a Mason. His opera " the magic flute is a allegory about masonry. When you have so much money as these billionaires do, you feel especially priviledged and blessed and feel you must use your money to forward certain 'good' goals. They believe they are special and therefore cannot make wrong choices: I believe most of these leaders and billionaires who get together at the Bilderburg meetings have good motives while benefitting themselves in the process. Satan is deceiving. Whatever happens, we are forewarned in the bible that satan will be drawn out to show his full hand. All the major corporations, oligarchs and leaders in the world, as well as the secret societies, are moving in same direction - to install a world federation which has satan's goals in mind. How far they will get we do not know....... but they definitely gave the money and technology to control billions if people when the technology is fully implemented. Rev 16: 14-16 indicates it is propaganda leading the leaders and the world to Armageddon. The propaganda is inspired by satan. True disciples of jehovah will have a very hard time..... we know this. Our faith will be under test.... it is nice to look at these things and speculate but it is more important to be solid in the faith. Yes we have fun speculating but we must never lose sight of Jehovahs wonderful promises.... and make sure of the "more important things" ....because this will keep us strong. Thanks for reaching out to me- I appreciate it.
  14. I enjoyed the honesty and laughed out loud many times. So I will also be honest. I think the above sentence refers to me.... and I agree. I have often thought my judgment is not very good regarding interaction with the nasty characters on the forum. It gives jehovah no credit. Sometimes, while showing the impatient side of my personality - I chided myself, but still went ahead. The watchtower was a wakeup call for me - thank you Jehovah. None of us is so strong we cannot fall. Deceit comes in many forms. While I do write some crazy things, I am glad I have an outlet for a very creative imagination. But i am always grateful to know the truth, be in the field regularly, and be at the meetings. I am in an absolutely lovely congregation and I love all the young ones. I think I may be the eldest. I should cherish it much more and rather spend more time on building even better relationships in the congregation. I am not a dignified elderly person. I hate coming across as dignified and pious. I do not take myself too seriously.... so there! You know me a little better! However, I have learnt that there is no compromise on Jehovahs principles..... but one should always try to see the other side to act in a compassionate, merciful, just and wise way. I am unconventional in every way and therefore had to learn to curb /pummel a colourful personality to be fit for Jehovah's purpose. ...... and still learning to improve all the way! It is hard to navigate this world as a JW and that is why I take my hat off for the young ones who remain so obedient and exemplary!
  15. Thanks. A very interesting article. Did you notice he talks about a " new world order" similar to the Yalta agreement when the world was divided after WW2? China and Russia are now major players. Russia with its orthodox social and Islamic social elements (at present Islam and communism in alliance); additionally Putin is talking of "purging" free thinking "liberal "elements remaining from 1991. So the new leadership of the world may shift to communist countries who want a NWO where they play a major leadership and economic role. Religion will be subject to the state - or none allowed - as in China. At present Catholicism is taking the lead to create unity of religion...riding like a queen. This is my theory: if you know the outcome you can start to fill in the steps leading to it. Satan may try to create one world false religion in opposition to jehovah like he did at tower of Babel, when the peoples were disbanded to thwart their plans. (They would quickly have reached the world situation we are in right now with one world language - end up with the power and technology to control others to do what pleases the leaders - they were bent on creating an empire.) Satan is now being drawn out for final battle and wants to combine it (no religion or false religion) with a totalitarian rulership whereby all peoples will be controlled under its jurisdiction - those who follow the true God will be eliminated. China has overreached itself economically (debt) but has good relations with Russia - who seems to think it will take the lead in NWO with China. (They are, of course, underestimating militant Islam - and Russia will eventually turn against it as China has done). The secular western world has already been brainwashed by the new philosophy and will be a pushover. Hindu religion is also becoming militant and has been declared the official religion of India. India and China have good relations apart from the problems in Tibet and its other borders with Islam. How this will resolve we have to wait and see. The NWO people want a federation of blocks if fedral nations who co-operate. They want to remove several borders to do this. They only want a few digital currencies which are all linked to one world bank or one controlling organization. They want to prove that humans can rule the earth successfully in their own way and will eventually call " peace and security". The article, link above, says that US will be so embroiled in internal strife (if trump is re-elected) that the world will (most probably) have to be divided without US playing a major role. I agree the radical left are already indoctrinated in post modern philosophy and are militant in a bolchevist way. The racial divide is also spurred on by "outside/subversive" money. If Sanders (or one of his kin comes in ) we will gladly become part of a global community. Either way - US will eventually be in a global community. Whatever happens - the dollar will lose its power; more wars ensue; a chinese or a global financial collapse with USA's debt in the mix - events most probably will allow one coordinated digital money system to be installed. Most nations will willingly give over their autonomy to a group of co-operating nations..... be it UN or a new organization. They will turn against religion and we know the rest. In thia picture of current events and plans I see the final outcome...... one artificially united system in opposition to jehovah.... I may be wrong..... because unpredictable and unexpected twists to human plans occur. It is after all speculation on current world events.
  16. Jesus was on the podium as a political "subverter"......so we know that we will be called the same.
  17. Oh NO , you found us! We are exposed! Guess what, you can come and throw your nasty bait... I have decided you are not going to get a worthy answer from me. You know it all .......I am stupid....I have been duped! Oh woe is me!!! Somehow I can happily live with that!
  18. Just an interesting thought to think about: maybe Satan, who used the most cautious creature, used the snake to bite the fruit. Then the snake did not die....then the beast spoke (something she had not seen before) and he said God was withholding knowledge from her... and she saw it speaking! .....maybe this helped to deceive her...... There are people who come here who have axes to grind....with GB or org. They come in sly ways to sow seeds of doubt. They will do it the way satan did.... turned himself into helpful creature with poisonously nice words.
  19. Thanks, you are kind.... I have been spending way too much time on here.... I will start to wrap up.... I like these topics and they are a little irresistible....because iron sharpens iron ..... but reality calls.
  20. I think the world is not aware how badly China is exploiting resources in Africa and south America..... the european colonies or USA never went this far. ..... I guess because there still was abundance at the time. China is taking all that is left. I saw footage of trees (large circumference - old trees) on hundreds of trucks standing in line ready to leave for the port to China. Kenia's forests are being dessimated and animal habitat ruined - no cry from Green Earth or one of those organizations. Recently saw 3 lion prides - shot dead and paws cut off for the Chinese market. I cannot explain to you the revulsion I felt to these people who have no respect for what we have left on earth. China is now the new world consumer..... and it does not respect animal life. It eats anything and everything. all in front of it. They do not have christian-judeo conscience. Speak to people who have lived there for a number of years - they have no compassion to the western degree. They will not stop the exploitation until nothing is left.
  21. True, we know all these facts.... the hypocracy, the disrespect for life, the military industrial complex at work. America had the power and used it.....to bring untold suffering in other countries. Russia and China was building power in this time....... So what makes me think China and Russia will use their power to the full extent when the have supremacy ? The imperfect /wicked nature of mankind.... If you had to advise a child... would you let them watch? Many new ones do not have the discernment needed to see where the deceit lies. The advice is the best they can give because all would not listen in any case.
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