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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. On 1/19/2020 at 6:57 PM, JW Insider said:

    gradually erase national borders.

    They are erasing borders:  by means of the UN migration compact 2018; this agreement echos the 'non-binding ' Barcelona Declaration 1995 signed by EU members. They are also redistributing wealth by means of the compact. Migrants have rights: they must receive a home (up to 4 wives have own accommodations ); free medical; food allowance, language lessons and help to  intigrate.

    (As witnesses we believe in helping others and we do this willingly with love - so I personally do not complain). But as a political experiment it has been disastrous. Atheists really believe that redistributing wealth will make everyone happy.  They do not understand religion as a political ideology.  Murders, rapes etc have escalated.  Handgranades go off.  Churches vandalized every day, statues beheaded etc. (France had this happening before the Notre Dame was burnt) now Italy has the same.   Jews killed or maimed. And the press is gagged by the 2018 Compact agreement. Nothing negative may be written  about migration

    This gag order reminds me of the time before the iron curtain came down.... Stalin took control of the press in eastern block countries.... and then literally took over the countries.  This is communist and  totalitarian tactics in the making. The UN is displaying its intentions. 

    The so-called 'non-binding' agreements become binding. How?  Majority voting.   They change clauses after the initial agreements. It becomes binding. In EU now they threatened Hungary to deny it any of its funding.  They are trying to force it to take its quota of migrants. They will cut off trade etc. Hungary refused to sign the compact but it is majority rule that decides EU policy and it has jurisdiction.

    Small countries like Sweden is reeling under the migration influx. The nationalists are growing in Europe and migrants was the main reason for Brexit.  The arbitrary instructions to take migrants. EU is like a dictatorship.... it controls quotas in farming etc....as well which impoverishes nations like Spain, Italy, Portugal etc.  One law for all when some countries cannot deal with it and it causes hardship.

    EU is a good example of UN because their goals are aligned.

    What does this indicate?  The EU and UN has shown their true colours. Watching parliament is scary because one realizes how many power-happy people are running these organizations..... 



    14 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    But extreme capitalism does not look like communism, it's the definition of fascism. Capitalism defended by a militaristic state is fascism.

    I believe that the extremely rich on top and the workers at the bottom with no middle class makes communism and absolute capitalism end up with the same result.  Extremely rich dictators on top and the poor at the bottom.  In USA the middle class is disappearing and it is harder to get out of poverty. 

    The global corporations in USA are now monopolies (they have not been held back) and hence now have too much power over all controlling bodies such as FDA, EPA etc. They also work with other oligarchs such as CCP in China. 

    Facism is extreme nationalism with dictatorship.  We will see which way it goes... I think the global corporations are working towards globalization goals. 

    These ideas I put down here are things to watch for. No-one can predict the future.... 

  2. 21 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    UN conspiracism grew out of the Paris Peace Conference

    I know there are many conspiracies about UN. Count Kalergi is the one behind the EU and UN idea. He wanted the world to be a federation...... with different blocks of countries united in regions, similar  to what the UN is planning now.


    21 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    UN in plotting to institute one world religion to supplant Christianity

    That is quite evident now.  There is no outcry against the genocide in  north Africa and middle east of people for the only reason that they are Christian. Christian's are being killed in India (now number 5 in the world) because other Muslim countries have very little Christian's left.

    21 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    This idea is also shared to some extent by Jehovah's Witnesses, who conside

    The UN can go down and come up with a new name.... and new members - we will be persecuted as the bible says because we do not have the mark of this beast.  They see themselves as the instrument to bring "peace and security " to the earth.  Read their charter.  We see only gods government as the instrument which can accomplish this successfully..... so I guess we will be branded as conspirators because we do not fall down and worship in obedience....... like Nebuchadnezzar  demanded.

  3. 5 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Perhaps Judge Rutherford is of those JW members who read only WT books, publications :))) and lack of this sort of knowledge shaped his feelings to Hitler expressed in a Letter.

    Royal family members were taken in by Him. One must understand the period to understand why people accepted certain things.  The Pope made the konkordat with Hitler.......even Russia trusted him..... untill he turned on it. 

    People can see things right under their noses and not realize what they are looking at.  Most Jews who experienced kristal nacht never thought it could suddenly turn much worse.  Those who did not leave in time were caught in the trap.

  4. On 1/18/2020 at 10:26 PM, JW Insider said:

    between Communism and the Roman Catholic

    I listen to Catholics online to find out what is happening in the church.  This is how I know about the Pope's antics because some are outraged. Some firmly believe the communists entered the catholic church and subverted it....... but the subversion goes father back than that.

    Communistic ideas went from Frankfort School into most mainstream universities in USA ...... it is now morphed into this new post modern philosophy and the new feminism.  America has been subverted. Many professors openly preach communism and make excuses for communisms past atrocities.

    This is why I believe we will get a ind of dictatorship in the world because the powerful global corporations in the west and china/Russia are working together with UN.  It is inevitable that they start to use modern technology in an evil way by surveilling all citizens and getting rid of those who have the wrong profile..

    14 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    So I'm not at all surprised about bad things coming out of the UN, NATO, the EU, the White House, Russia, China,

    Me too!  It is all working toward a global situation  called Armageddon!

    Technology has advanced so much - it is mind boggling what they have been doing - we have reached a state of technological development where we do not control the ethics any longer and it can be used for very wicked purposes.

    China allows all kinds of unethical experiments and many westerners go there for this. This means that China- an increasingly absolute totalitarian regime- has the intellectual property to do with it what it wants.


  5. On 1/19/2020 at 1:56 AM, Kosonen said:

    There is a possibility that it will begin very soon.

    All cards must line up.  They are not complete yet....  but things can change overnight.

    On 1/19/2020 at 1:56 AM, Kosonen said:

    come against the south. (Syria) But this

    In the time of Israel, way back then, Syria was part of northern coalition as a country.  In the global fulfillment of this proohecy leading up to a global Armageddon it refers to  the kings which are all aligned with the king if the south (Anglo-American interests with its allies)

    The king of the north is Russia and China and all its other allies which does include Syria-  which are expanding rapidly.

    I see you like the prophecy of Daniel. Read Daniel 11:40.  This economic pushing seems to be going on right now between north and south. Later the north controls all the wealth of the world..... read to end of chapter in Daniel 11.

    This I believe is happening now because China and Russia has infiltrated Africa and south America, has taken over the south China sea with 15 islands and building a fleet of ships capable of putting trade embargoes in place. 

    There are too many things going on at present which indicates a world-wide fulfillment of prophecy.

    2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    communism because it brings poor people out of poverty much quicker than capitalism ever has.

    Communism does uplift people  during the distribution of wealth phase  - but it tends to always turn into a dictatorship. I come from Africa and first hand saw this. Most African countries are communist (their cultures love socialism) and suffer hardship because of communistic dictatorships. Africa cannot proper due to its human governments which immitate communism.

    Capitalism is not any better. While it allows freedom to prosper and gives more opportunities -  unchecked capitalism leads to monopolies, then global corporations which become dictators. These corporations use their money to lobby to become more powerful and in the end it looks like a dictatorship by corporations or the individuals behind the corporations.  Google is now dictating policy by removing independent reporting from internet...... and supporting Chinese surveillance system..... Global corporations can become evil - think of the history of Monsanto.....  

  6. On 1/19/2020 at 1:56 AM, Kosonen said:

    The "disgusting thing " can hardly be Ligue of Nations or UN. The "disgusting thing" should be some kind of idol.

    I have found that most Americans view the world only through American eyes and this gives them a  myopic view of the world.  

    There is a massive globe out there and ALL countries if the earth will lose their governments, financial system and their religion to be replaced by Jehovahs one government and true worship to jehovah.

    While the Anglo- American government is the 7th head and mentioned separately in Revelation as the lamb with 2 horns,  it indicates the "image of the beast " will be the eighth king (UN and its coalitions) and in this time the image of the beast will turn against the harlot (which represents the world empire of false religion).

    New York or the destruction of only the catholic church in Rome  will merely be another major change on the world scene. It will not herald in the situation called Armageddon. Armageddon will be a major global upheaval wherein the entire human ruling and religious system will fall into dysfunction and self- destruction........ If jehovah does not step in - no flesh will be saved.

  7. On 1/18/2020 at 10:26 PM, JW Insider said:

    "The outstretched hand of the Communist party to the Catholic people remains outstretched."

    Talking of conspiricies..... if they do not exist then we must remove the word from our dictionary...... Wicked mankind and even the good have conspired and often on a larger scale than we realize.

    There were massive conspiricies in the catholic church, so much so that Jesuits were banned from becoming Pope........ and now we have a Jesuit Pope...... 

    Conspiricies are not all "bad or wicked" - in the sense that those with too much money and influence really believe in themselves that they are "good" and doing things for the people. It is easy to deceive yourself if you benefit by it in some way and in the end control other peoples destinies.  Corporations are now deciding our future with the policies they lobby for and secretly fund.

    The catholic church has always conspired...... made secret political agreements. It was rich and had influence which is now waning. 

    The illuminati was a real conspiracy which had satanic sources. It was caught out and was disbanded but was the source several other secret groups. It's way of management (a circular form of hierarchy - not triangular) is still used by secret organizations today. People join a world-wide charity and do not know who is at the top. This is why JW's are protected from them because we are cautioned not to get involved in the world.

    It seems Rutherford knew about some secret catholic conspiracies going on.....and he had some things right even though it was way too early........  but because it was not yet  the time for fulfillment - he got it wrong. Does not mean to say the church will not be involved in the time of the end. I believe we are in the end of the time of the end......and the church is taking on a visual role to further the kind of peace the UN is promoting. 

    The "man of lawlessness"  -  christendom who do not teach jehovahs ways - their lawlessness will be exposed.  The church is approving LGBTQ and UN policies - that is lawless from Jehovahs perspective.  Most churches are voting to accept LGBTQ.

    Satan is a deceiver and conspiracies are on wall street, politics, banking, child trafficking, etc. Etc. Only the top of the iceberg gets exposed.

    I was shocked to discover how Cecil John Rhodes took over all south African gold and diamonds (one of richest companies in the world) and at his death -  the money was given to (I hope I remember correctly) seven secret organizations which now still have great influence on the finances of the world!  (America included).  It was a white supremacist British conspiracy!

    The City of London is like the Vatican with it's own representative in parliament. This is where most of the world's secret financial transactions are done..... money offshore etc.  They do not fall under the laws of the country...,, that was also an eye opener.  Lots of conspiring deals going on there! This has been going on since the period when Britain became a naval world power and stripped all the colonies of their riches......( the same that China is doing now.)

    Old money - from the times of Venice, the Dutch east India company and money from privateering in English colonialism - these rich old families still control vast wealth.  Many are influential in politics in England and USA and do political deals that benefit themselves. 

    All is not as honest and without corruption as it seems on the surface - dig a little deeper and you will find there is a buddy system amongst the extremely rich..... deals going on all the time. The FED in USA and the usuary systems in EU was part of private deals (conspiracy?)  


    On 1/18/2020 at 10:26 PM, JW Insider said:

    still overrun all the nations of the earth.



    Only if the totalitarian

    Because he understood that Satan could visibly be ruling the earth in totalitarian way through people who would be inadvertantly  working with him ..... he predicted this.....way too early of course..... but I see it happening right now..... 


  8. 11 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    also centers on a non-binding environmental agreement. If you wan


    8 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Yes..... the socialism part was deceiving. 

    Just to clarify: extreme socialism becomes communism and extreme capitalism also ends up looking  like communism.  Both end up with a few rich people on the top who further enrich themselves and later end up as dictating all policy - and both end up with a majority of equally poor population underneath. The middle class disappears when a few corporations start to run everything.

    This is now happened in USA. So our leaders and global  corporations have been conniving and enriching themselves in China.  So the world's  oligarchs can work together on a policy to keep financial control....... which they have done.  This is why both communists and capitalists support UN agenda 21 and donate lots of money to further its goals.

  9. On 1/18/2020 at 6:57 PM, JW Insider said:

    Also, this "win" would be declared by the new TOTALITARIAN world order under the totalitarian armies of the UN. The

    They got it right...... but 80 years too early.   Atheists do not believe there is a God. So they tend to go to a human philosophy to replace God.  This is why socialism and its promises of equality for all is so appealing to atheists..... it replaces other human governments with nice promises .. and this is the reason we now see new "rights" for so-called minorities such as LGBTQ, Islam, and every sort of minority in the new collectivist philosophy.......and patriarchs (bible lovers) are seen as historical oppressors.  With a majority of people turning atheist and post modern philosophy gaining traction (as in EU and UN) we may soon see a totalitarian type rule with a surveillance system which will end up like the one in China.


    2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

     initially praised Hitler's Nazi government

    Yes..... the socialism part was deceiving. 

  10. 15 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Also, this "win" would be declared by the new TOTALITARIAN world order under the totalitarian armies of the UN. Th

    Interesting - they had pinpointed the UN at that time.....because it is now getting significantly important in the present time.  It (un) may even now go in abyss and come up with a new name. All I know is that UN Agenda 2030 cannot work unless they do eventually control policy in the West in a totalitarian way and work with the Chinese/Russian block of alliances to  be able to declare "peace and security".  They will have surveillance to control people - the way China is now implementing and refining it.

    The  UN and EU like the Chinese model and Google and other digital companies etc is totally cooperating. Google and the other 6 news agencies in the West is already censoring and cutting out news which is not acceptable (following UN agreements as well as EU agreements) .   Similar to a police state - we are only getting the propaganda they want us to see.....even in USA - the real issues and the decisions which are made do not get coverage.  Very little investigative reporting - news for the masses.

    The ongoing acrimonious theater between the globalists (social warriors who follow the post modern philosophy- clay)  and nationalists (populist who think in conservative patriarchal way and want to maintain borders- iron) is real. It is a last stand against the UN global agenda.

    The children at school and university students have already been indoctrinated to think about  "unity in the world" - which by the way - is a wonderful idea if it was not used by UN atheists to further the UN agenda. Most of the youth remind me of the bolchevists when they say all "patriarchy" must be removed by any means and all minorities must get special rights.  In 5 years the world will be a different place when the next lot get to vote..... if it happens....

    America must lose its economic power for UN to dictate........ and this is what is going on. Social unrest is being stoked by big money in US from muslim countries and other billionaire's  foundations (billionaires who have bought into the utopian idea of UN to unify the world and distribute wealth - so all humans can be happy.)  And the weakening of the dollar is ongoing (FED doing unprecedented things- ). While the economy is touted to look good it is crumbling. Stocks look good... but this is kept artificially high. 

    The Babylon the Great saga (Rev 17 & 18) plays out when the eighth king (last king) gets power for a short while and Babylon is destroyed by her political lovers. Thereafter the economy collapses. It is the final and global ending of human control over the earth during Armageddon. 

    The 3 sectors which need to be removed for this to happen is: all religion, all money, all human governments.

    The first time Babylon is mentioned it is in connection with building of the tower (ziggurats) to false religion (read up about ziggurats) and establishing the first empire.  Jehovah confused their languages - hence the name Bavylon- confusion.. The second time Babylon is mentioned it refers to the second empire which had its waters dried up and it fell to the persians in one night. 

    Babylon the Great is one of the three sectors above. The "beasts" depict the world governments one after another and the financial sector is called merchants who trade with ships (go far and wide), and Babylon the Great is the harlot (in the bible a harlot always symbolically refers to unfaithful religion).

    Rome (while it symbolises an influential part of false religion - and the most despicable part to Jehovah  because it has failed to teach the truth about the bible and His name) is politically taking the initiative to bring about the UN agenda together with other religious leaders of "abrahamic faiths ".  Canada and Europe are mostly secular so they will welcome one religion idea.  When Muslims see Christian's adopting this idea and dropping Jesus, they will be happy because they are one step closer to achieving their goal of religious supremacy on earth... Jews are being slowly displaced because of violent attacks on them and many in Europe are emigrating to israel.

    This how it may play out: there will be a false religious/ moral unity which all westerners will be expected to approve of ......to get the UN agenda in place. (UN rules regarding gender, Islam etc will be installed.) 

    When this is completed the churches will no longer be needed - surveillance and pressure on peoples (similar to China) will take over to maintain law and order- a false "peace and security" for all.  This is already working in China which now has little crime due to a penalty and surveillance system. They are refining it as we speak. 

    The UN agenda 21 wants most people living in cities as soon as possible (to preserve, water, food, land, animals etc. - they will ration food). They want to protect the environment.  The environment is more important than people.  On local level in USA, the NGOs have already changed environmental  laws. .... to make it hard for people to build in rural areas.

    In cities people can be easily controlled and surveilled.

    Religion is starting to play it's part in UN agenda.  UN agenda is a reality.  This is why I think they are succeeding.  Their plans are being done in stealth mode....and they do not need money. It is coming from billionaires who own the corporations which will provide the food, water, surveillance etc for the new utopia. It is so surrealist one cannot believe it is true but they have been working on this intensely since the time of George Bush. 

    I will read your other replies when I get back from field service and meeting - then reply and chat further. I see Daniel 11 is now in discussion- I will give my thoughts

  11. 2 hours ago, Witness said:

    influenced by your age, and pain that you suffer from. It can be

    No pity for me thank you. I learn from pain and then move on. I hold no grudges or feel self-righteous anger or any if those self-destructive emotions.

    I am a JW, not because I need a crutch as you are trying to insinuate, but because I understand what they teach and happen to agree with them.  I do not claim to be anointed  but have enough logic and common sense to see through your ploys.

    I have seen the same symptoms before .... most 'apostates' fall victim to the same traits. Unfortunately someone close me had them.


  12. 13 minutes ago, Kosonen said:

    Jesus said, who will say: Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy in your name?

    I kinda agree with you on that.  The surveillance system of China is now the model for the UN..... they are planning it for the West.  They will use it to see what you say about the government and what you do. Your financial transactions will be visible and your money can disappear overnight if they do not like you. This is already happening in China.  Read up about it.

    But as I said, these Christian's still trust the political system  to solve problems.... by this time they will have given their support for it  etc.... they will have the mark of the political system. 

    Just keep in mind.... even if we know what they are planning - it is still speculation on our part. We know that the world empire if false religion is working with UN at present to bring a united religion . People are all putting faith in these institutions to solve problems and bring peace.  UN and its coalition will start to rule and turn against its bedfellows -  then the UN and the world system will become so oppressive that no life will be saved if jehovah does not step in.  

    Russia and China is also in the mix - Daniel 11:40 onward. 

    It may happen differently..... but part of the scene is set.  It can take until 2030.... this is the time-frame the UN set for itself called Agenda 2030.... or it could suddenly escalate because jehovah will put it in mind of UN to turn against religion much faster.

  13. On 1/17/2020 at 2:02 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    Because those that run JW Org are puffed up with their own

    I see them on my TV screen and they really look unapproachable, full of themselves and puffed up.  They stay in a 5 star hotel all the time! 

    You have good reason to judge them, find the guilty and send them to jail -  just on this one charge alone! 

  14. On 1/17/2020 at 9:51 AM, Witness said:

    That divine plan, or administration

    According to your divine plan - the oversight of the divine purpose....there must not be books! No videos! Every anointed will do oversight in front of their computer (because they are all over the world- so they will most probably do oversight on computer) and no books or videos will be published because every anointed will be attached to few thousand people on internet whom they will be teaching.

    If one of these anointed gets a big head and decides to make a following  for himself with his  own ideas..... there will be no central oversight to correct apostacy.... brilliant idea! Then you can really get an important role!

    On 1/17/2020 at 9:51 AM, Witness said:

    leaders’ dismissal and trampling of God’s priests, gradually

    They are anointed for the job of priesthood but they have not yet been baptized in the death of christ to give up flesh to become priests in heaven. Yes they are part of body of christ but they do not function as priests here on earth..... what do we call them?  Father?  Mrs priest?

    On 1/17/2020 at 9:51 AM, Witness said:

    cold lack of love for the “poor” in heart, and

    Yes- You are not out there feeling sorry for the poor in heart but sitting on internet the entire day calling out a body which does not want to have anything to do with you. Your "priestly function" seems sadly neglected. You do not need the GB to do it if you are a true priest. Get your following and be a priestess to them !

    The total impracticality of your gripe with the GB and how you think the  'priests ' should now function indicates to me that you do not understand the divine plan or the divine administration.

  15. 2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Female person, according to @Arauna  in this comment, suggesting how women are not permitted to argue in "

    You are blatantly making up a falsehood. I did not say we cannot 'argue ' but I spoke about a need for 'prominence'.  Two different concepts. Below is what you quoted from what I said:

    2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    You can do preaching work as a woman but no! You want a more important role!  You will not admit it.... but you want prominence. That is your Achilles heel. 

    You rewrite what people say in a different way. I do not answer when you do this because you will do this again. 

  16. 6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    machine gun bullet at point blank range, at which his eyes glazed over.

    Talk to the circuit overseer. The value of ife is more important than a window. I understand how you feel. If the elders as a body do nothing .....then speak to circuit overseer. I also do not like "glazed" looks.  Maybe he just never thought of it before.... so lets give them benefit of the doubt - for now.

    If you mention that someone might sue if they get shot in future - especially after this warning -  it may work to get them moving faster.  A new door may be a better idea.

  17. 1 hour ago, Witness said:

    As I’ve said here before, if I had hate for JWs, I wouldn’t be here. 

    That is exactly why you are here to try to influence the weak and feeble minded with tons of misquoted or misapplied scripture!

    It is a compulsion which cannot be contained - I have seen this OCD before.  I had the most loving brother -  21 years younger than me. He was my child. He came in the truth for only 2 years. Brilliant and gifted. He read Dawkin's books and the next thing ...... he had all the symptoms you have!  Same!  I recognise the symptoms immediately. Different in approach but same symptoms.

    It broke my heart to live through it. 


    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    God’s priesthood of “Levi”, languish in the organization; quiet, and spiritually robbed of the individual personal sacrifices necessary to give to God

    You can do preaching work as a woman but no! You want a more important role!  You will not admit it.... but you want prominence. That is your Achilles heel. 

    I have said so before and your complaints against GB bear it out very clearly.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    Every one of us, must stand in front of Christ, giving testimony to what and to whom we believe

    I do it in the field and in my answers at the hall .... and I confess my faith in prayer - where no-one can see me!

  18. 1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    actual documents they are interpreting, you

    There is no 'interpreting' some of the words. They are straight forward. ie.People who write against immigrants must be ' retrained.'.... .... reporters cannot get employment if they do not follow these policies. 

    The UN  sex education promoted by UN  - no opposition tolerated. Parents barred when they complain. Rules are becoming draconian.  

    Most churches think the mark of the beast is computer chips and AI chips which we all soon may have to wear to make financial transactions- which will be part of surveillance.  But they still believe in human political and religious institutions to fix all problems.  They are not  getting out Babylon or the beast. So they still will get the mark when they support some faction of the beast - be it right or left.

    Yes I understand your caution and say we can be presumptuous.... but there are too many signs now to ignore.  The build up in China and Russia (agreements in oil, gas, satellites, acquisition of minerals and assets - ports, airports and influence etc). US chaos and acrimony in government and foreign enemy  funding of organizations in the US that is out of control ..... I can go on and on about Russia's allies expanding into the Mediterranean... it is unprecedented stuff.  Most witnesses I know still think the UN has no teeth..... which is a fallacy. It is not depicted as an eighth head of the beast .... it is an "image of the beast" a " reflection" of the beast.

    Its policies are everywhere you go. When I came to Rep of Georgia I immediately knew the EU is active here.  Just by looking at Agenda 21 features being completed. 

    1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    we absolutely know it must happen through a specific agency on earth.

    The bible tells us the "image of the beast" will do certain things.  So it is not unbiblical to investigate the UN.

    Most conservative organizations oppose the UN agenda because they are fighting for autonomy to keep independence and closed borders - not because they believe it will fulfill bible prophecy.  If they cared for bible prophecy and understood the beast - they would get out if religion and politics.

  19. On 1/17/2020 at 8:49 AM, César Chávez said:

    Those are the ones falsifying the actual intent of Christ in order for the POPE to continue his dominance just as the players

    Yes - christendom has been a major player in promoting falsehood regarding the kingdom of christ. It has had its tentacles in most major political events and wars and now again promoting UN policies as the only solution to mankind to bring unity and peace! 

    52 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    (Mark 15:32) . . .Let the Christ, the King of Israel, now come down off the torture stake, . . .

    This refers to the fact that the bible promised a future king. Jesus was not yet king while on the torture stake.

    53 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    But we do know that in the first century Jesus said that his disciples should stop concerning themselves with chronology.

    I think the word you meant was genealogy.  I do not debate about this (as the bible days) but I believe it is important to know when you speak to a jew or Muslim or a hindu to prove that the bible is the word of God because of its consistency in fulfillment of prophecy. The genealogy is important to know. Why did god then insert it in the bible? He could have left it out..... but arguments among Christian's about it serves no purpose.

    While genealogy is close to chronology - God would have left it out of the bible if it was not worth investigating.

    Same with 1914 - important to show continuity in the bible and consistency in time-line and prophecy.  Why did god then mention the "time" of the gentiles if he (at the right time) did not want us to wonder what it would mean?

    The book Daniel was sealed up till the time was right to be revealed:   

    Daniel 12: "“As for you, Daniel, keep the words secret, and seal up the book until the time of the end. Many will rove about, and the true knowledge will become abundant.”      Then he said: “Go, Daniel, because the words are to be kept secret and sealed up until the time of the end.  10 Many will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and will be refined. And the wicked ones will act wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand; but those having insight will understand. 11 "

    Those having insight will understand..... 

  20. On 1/17/2020 at 9:12 AM, JW Insider said:

    God to put this thought into their hearts, then there is no need to speculate at all about the U.N.

    The harlot is riding the beast - which may be happening soon in a more intense way when religion takes the initiative to promote UN policies and ideas about one religion and the new morality.

    True, the "image of the beast" will turn against her when God puts it into their heart at the right time.... but to watch the relationship develop as indicated in the bible is interesting. No-one will suspect her fall from grace when she is riding high.

    On 1/17/2020 at 9:12 AM, JW Insider said:

    that such a message could be carried out with any effect by the U.N. then we are contradicting Jesus' words that the end can come as a sudden surprise at any time.

    The surprise is that people believe the world authorities and trust in human institutions.  These institutions are going ahead with their world plans and all under satans control are buying into the propaganda from these trusted organizations which is  leading to Armageddon. It will be shock - not surprise.  However, we are informed - no surprise for us! 

    On 1/17/2020 at 9:12 AM, JW Insider said:

    backwater" forum where only about three dozen persons ever speak up about such issues, and where two dozen of them are probably you.

    Yes, few here on the backwater forum but we can discuss and compare what we see in the world.  Nothing wrong with that. People can see something here and do their own research. 

  21. 31 minutes ago, Anna said:

    don't regret interacting with them in the past. You learn a lot, research stuff, and nothing shocks you anymore, which is good.  If someone leaves the "Truth" because of an ex-jw argument, then he wasn't convinced of the "Truth" in the first place, and deep down sought an excuse to leave. That's my opinion anyway....

    So true Anna.  It was good for me ..... but I would not advise anyone to visit these sites.... especially if they are not seasoned in reasoning about things.  Young people have too much responsibilities to have time to think.  Older people, in twilight of life, have the philosophical stage kick in... they think more and have more time.

    I only visit this forum and find it takes too much of my time and tremendous strain on my eyes. 

    I visited another site only once and a exceptionally nasty group used my picture to plaster lies about me all over internet and mocked me.  I discovered the woman who was behind this - and collected evidence to send to her work.... the hospital she was working at.....so her bosses knew what she was doing at work and at home. She was a nurse... but I just left it.... I knew it would go away if I did nothing. 

    31 minutes ago, Anna said:

    say I am a "seasoned non arguer", since I've read it all, and argued it all by now. They seem to be happy the way they are.

    I am also starting to pick my subjects and avoid certain people who repetitiously just accuse. I am tired of dealing with repetition..... I like a good conversation where I can learn something new or can contribute. 

    I like beautiful thoughts but I also like to keep the mind as sharp as I can - sometimes this includes the ugly realities of life.  I can go to the cumbaya groups and post pictures of myself on field service..... but I need more than this in a social interaction. This is why I tend to rather end up here.


  22. 2 hours ago, Witness said:

    It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.”   Rose Kennedy

    For people who like to lick their wounds from time to time this is true. True forgiveness takes away all wounds and resentment. A scar is not painful unless you open it again.  It is merely a sign that you got a wound and now know how to avoid it in future so it will not happen again.

    People should learn to get on with life. Not look back. Every day is an opportunity to grow into a new and better person.... 

    When you rehash the past (if it comes up in the brain by accident) and think too much about it in an emotional way - the brain ends up rebuilding the bad memories and synapses.... In the brain it will tend to come up more... and when emotion is attached to memories one remembers it even better....... new synapses....

    When bad thoughts come up...... do not think about them.... get on with making new beautiful memories. 

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