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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. There is no 'interpreting' some of the words. They are straight forward. ie.People who write against immigrants must be ' retrained.'.... .... reporters cannot get employment if they do not follow these policies. The UN sex education promoted by UN - no opposition tolerated. Parents barred when they complain. Rules are becoming draconian. Most churches think the mark of the beast is computer chips and AI chips which we all soon may have to wear to make financial transactions- which will be part of surveillance. But they still believe in human political and religious institutions to fix all problems. They are not getting out Babylon or the beast. So they still will get the mark when they support some faction of the beast - be it right or left. Yes I understand your caution and say we can be presumptuous.... but there are too many signs now to ignore. The build up in China and Russia (agreements in oil, gas, satellites, acquisition of minerals and assets - ports, airports and influence etc). US chaos and acrimony in government and foreign enemy funding of organizations in the US that is out of control ..... I can go on and on about Russia's allies expanding into the Mediterranean... it is unprecedented stuff. Most witnesses I know still think the UN has no teeth..... which is a fallacy. It is not depicted as an eighth head of the beast .... it is an "image of the beast" a " reflection" of the beast. Its policies are everywhere you go. When I came to Rep of Georgia I immediately knew the EU is active here. Just by looking at Agenda 21 features being completed. The bible tells us the "image of the beast" will do certain things. So it is not unbiblical to investigate the UN. Most conservative organizations oppose the UN agenda because they are fighting for autonomy to keep independence and closed borders - not because they believe it will fulfill bible prophecy. If they cared for bible prophecy and understood the beast - they would get out if religion and politics.
  2. Yes - christendom has been a major player in promoting falsehood regarding the kingdom of christ. It has had its tentacles in most major political events and wars and now again promoting UN policies as the only solution to mankind to bring unity and peace! This refers to the fact that the bible promised a future king. Jesus was not yet king while on the torture stake. I think the word you meant was genealogy. I do not debate about this (as the bible days) but I believe it is important to know when you speak to a jew or Muslim or a hindu to prove that the bible is the word of God because of its consistency in fulfillment of prophecy. The genealogy is important to know. Why did god then insert it in the bible? He could have left it out..... but arguments among Christian's about it serves no purpose. While genealogy is close to chronology - God would have left it out of the bible if it was not worth investigating. Same with 1914 - important to show continuity in the bible and consistency in time-line and prophecy. Why did god then mention the "time" of the gentiles if he (at the right time) did not want us to wonder what it would mean? The book Daniel was sealed up till the time was right to be revealed: Daniel 12: "“As for you, Daniel, keep the words secret, and seal up the book until the time of the end. Many will rove about, and the true knowledge will become abundant.” Then he said: “Go, Daniel, because the words are to be kept secret and sealed up until the time of the end. 10 Many will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and will be refined. And the wicked ones will act wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand; but those having insight will understand. 11 " Those having insight will understand.....
  3. The harlot is riding the beast - which may be happening soon in a more intense way when religion takes the initiative to promote UN policies and ideas about one religion and the new morality. True, the "image of the beast" will turn against her when God puts it into their heart at the right time.... but to watch the relationship develop as indicated in the bible is interesting. No-one will suspect her fall from grace when she is riding high. The surprise is that people believe the world authorities and trust in human institutions. These institutions are going ahead with their world plans and all under satans control are buying into the propaganda from these trusted organizations which is leading to Armageddon. It will be shock - not surprise. However, we are informed - no surprise for us! Yes, few here on the backwater forum but we can discuss and compare what we see in the world. Nothing wrong with that. People can see something here and do their own research.
  4. So true Anna. It was good for me ..... but I would not advise anyone to visit these sites.... especially if they are not seasoned in reasoning about things. Young people have too much responsibilities to have time to think. Older people, in twilight of life, have the philosophical stage kick in... they think more and have more time. I only visit this forum and find it takes too much of my time and tremendous strain on my eyes. I visited another site only once and a exceptionally nasty group used my picture to plaster lies about me all over internet and mocked me. I discovered the woman who was behind this - and collected evidence to send to her work.... the hospital she was working at.....so her bosses knew what she was doing at work and at home. She was a nurse... but I just left it.... I knew it would go away if I did nothing. I am also starting to pick my subjects and avoid certain people who repetitiously just accuse. I am tired of dealing with repetition..... I like a good conversation where I can learn something new or can contribute. I like beautiful thoughts but I also like to keep the mind as sharp as I can - sometimes this includes the ugly realities of life. I can go to the cumbaya groups and post pictures of myself on field service..... but I need more than this in a social interaction. This is why I tend to rather end up here.
  5. For people who like to lick their wounds from time to time this is true. True forgiveness takes away all wounds and resentment. A scar is not painful unless you open it again. It is merely a sign that you got a wound and now know how to avoid it in future so it will not happen again. People should learn to get on with life. Not look back. Every day is an opportunity to grow into a new and better person.... When you rehash the past (if it comes up in the brain by accident) and think too much about it in an emotional way - the brain ends up rebuilding the bad memories and synapses.... In the brain it will tend to come up more... and when emotion is attached to memories one remembers it even better....... new synapses.... When bad thoughts come up...... do not think about them.... get on with making new beautiful memories.
  6. Do not put words in my mouth. Yes, Paul did go and testify to the GB in Jerusalem about circumcision. He respected the brothers who were appointed in their positions on this central body. He did not agree with them so he went to testify..... and Jehovahs spirit gave the outcome....... the right decision because Paul's evidence was overwhelming. Those in Jerusalem were not working so far afield and did not see the evidence first hand which Paul presented to them. However, Paul was moved by holy spirit to preach and was moved to go where the spirit took him. He had the whole wide world open to him and jehovah knew where the best places would be to start congregations.... so Angel's were involved. Today the work is coordinated by congregations in the territory so we do not get the public riled up by plagueging them. This way of doing things has many practical reasons behind it - there are no sinister control agendas..... Jehovah is a God of order. So you will never admit an error?..... because you say you are anointed you cannot make a mistake? Strange how you stand up for this type of hierarchy when Paul was an apostle too - not only the 12 (the word apostle only means "sent out" ). Paul and John corrected 'elders' in congregations because they did not root out the evil which silently came into the congregations. The elders were appointed and were shepherding the flock at this time and this was to be the model for the future in congregations. The apostles went to their graves to wait for first resurrection so in this entire time they were not capable of judging..... By the way they were all men...... no women. Your own words condemn you when it distorts the truth.
  7. Irony: In Nigeria, they take babies away because they "believe" them to be in danger because their medical treatment ideas are still in the stone age..... And on the other side of the world the country that has the facilities and knowledge to save babies are killing fetuses and full term babies because of new abortion laws that allows mothers to decide at last minute before birth if its life will be worth bringing into the world. Crazy world.
  8. An empire rules over others. Religion has ruled over hearts and minds of people for thousands of years and dominated their lives until modern enlightenment and Darwinism came along. Now religion still negotiates deals like the one for May 2020 but Babylon the great is losing its waters it is sitting on. Not true. 176 countries have signed the 3 agreements that put them under UN policies. AGENDA 21, Agenda 2030 and UN migrant compact 2018. Since the time of George Bush the G20 countries have been working towards UN goals as well as billionaires - who use their foundations to donate funds to projects that further UN goals. G Soros, Bill Gates, etc etc. NGOs are already I infiltrated in most countries to fulfill the environmental goals of the UN. It is just a matter of time until the UN and its coalitions start to rule openly. When their policies are openly the only ones accepted everywhere. UNESCO is pushing the new young child sex education onto every school in EU, USA, Africa, canada, Australia, NZ, UK etc. Countries who do not play ball get no funding. In my estimation the image of the beast is already ruling underneath everything.... it us just a matter of time now... They will replace the usual religious rules with a new world morality which includes LGBTQ. If you do not accept this you will be seen as a rebel or radical. The Baha'I religion has an office at the UN - they believe all religions lead to the one true God. The other religion which carries weight at UN is theosofists (spiritistic origins). Mrs rooseveldt read their creed at the inauguration of the UN. They will say there is only one God and he can be served by all religions - they will promote interfaith and the new set of moral rules as prescribed by UN.
  9. I have seen enough on here to understand that you have no sense of justice or mercy - only false accusations. Satan was an accuser day and night. To quote the same tons of scriptures over and over is not wisdom. To vent his spleen - lol No apostles today. Apostles of hold could lay on the hands so people can get gifts of the spirit - not possible today.
  10. Proud to be a Witness... and extremely grateful to jehovah. I really appreciate a good level of logic and reasoning even if I do not agree with another person...... but over the top, unrealistic accusations that go on and on in an emotionally charged way...... well what can I say.....is the outcome .....
  11. Implication False! The apostles are in heaven already - received immortality. The GB are mortal men who act as a slave - do their masters bidding to preach the word and give food at proper time in the last days. This is their commission.
  12. Same here. And that will also get criticism because some set themselves up as jury and judge in high supreme court.
  13. While we try to keep high morals we realize we are imperfect and NOT the best! Understandably, I agree with you...... those who are not perfect and hate like Cain because they are not trying to please God like Abel did - they will look and find fault..... This will go in till the end of this system.
  14. Are you for real? I am starting to doubt if it is really worth wasting time to reason with you on this. You have made up your mind what GBs motives were and decided there are thousands upon thousands of "victims" strewn all over. .... the exaggeration and accusation has no limits....
  15. Just a point of interest. Islam countries have made inroads into UN. Woman's rights and human rights council are now run by Islamic countries who vote each other in..... things have changed. The jew-hate in the UN and EU countries is a direct result of Islamic influence. Quran and Hadith stipulates that all Jews will be killed. Hence the incomprehensible radical left and Islam's love affair - pushed by UN.
  16. Lol. He said Jesus had no place of his own so JWs are not doing it right by buying or renting places. .... that was his implication.... He must not judge if he is living in a rented space. Lol Some will always find something to critisize......sigh....
  17. You change his words and put words in his mouth.... you do this all the time to twist a point. This is not honest.
  18. This is an example where the law is the law - no matter if he did not take other factors into consideration or not. One has to go and fight it in a higher court. Dormitories as said above. As a matter of fact some witnesses do not like living in dorms and leave Bethel because they feel institutionalized..... too rigid. We are all different. Some can do it some cannot. This is not luxury. It is have your basic needs cared for.
  19. You are really a control freak. They bought it for one purpose and years later sold it because it was no longer needed. You ascribe motives to them which you cannot prove. You expect them to really sit on it when they can sell it? Even if they sold it at a profit - they can build umpteen kingdom halls in africa for the money they got. That is called wise and discreet - not greediness or avarice. When you feel like hammering something - everything looks like a nail.
  20. You are so holy and judgmental of the GB be ause they are not holy enough to your high standards..... really ..... what are you doing on this forum with a bunch of renegades ?
  21. You sound like a total control freak..... since when did Jesus say one cannot sell a place for whatever reason. The only thing one burns and do not give away or sell is an object for idolatry or spiritism..... such as spiritistic books or something that will be venerated.
  22. Daniel 7 speaks of the fourth 'beast' and the one arrogant ' horn' that grows out of it. Then it moves to and fro between the human actions of the little horn and jehovahs kingdom rule and from the horn to the remnants of the forth ' beast ' itself. One therefore must be careful to ensure what it is speaking about. In the final summary of the chapter written by Daniel.....It is this Anglo-American 'horn' that persecutes God's people and "they are given into his hand" ..... this comes after the kingdom was established... invisibly in heaven shrouded by clouds. This has happened (JWs understood it to have happened) at a time when JWs desperately needed to understand what was going on with them. .. at the time they understood Christ must be in Kingdom power. Their preaching was stopped. The persecution was sudden and severe with leaders in jail- a dark period- so they started to understand prophecy at that time and they received courage to go on....motivated to preach when they came free from jail.... (apologies- I must have read too fast the previous time I commented for it does speak if 3 and half period in this chapter) the same period is referred to in Revelation with respect to the 2 Witnesses. Please keep in mind that the book of Daniel will open up in the time of the end (Daniel 12:4) and Revelation shows that it is visions which will take place Rev 1:10 " by inspiration, I came to be in the Lords day." The bible students were scourged and cleaned by jehovah according to their own understanding. They applied micah 3:1-3 to themselves. Like lye they were washed clean. They were the messenger that later was to become the "slave" just like John the Baptist came before Jesus. Russel and his clan was this messenger. This was one of the milestones when they really needed encouragement ......so after the 3 and half times they received a ressurrection - came back to life to preach anew as a newly refined people. Whether a more severe period lies ahead- with 3 and half period our preaching work totally dead.... I do not know. All I do know is that we expect severe persecution now and have been prepared for it by the GB. Their interpretation of this prophecy before, gave them the incentive to go on..... with Jehovahs mercy. We have had relative freedom for a number of years but the biggest assault ever is lying ahead - on our endurance and morality. I am sure that we will be attacked in some way because we do not accept interfaith, blood, military service or LGBTQ. While JWs are the most proudly loving multicultural organization in the world - it is already a felony to publicly be known to not agree with LGBTQ or Islamic teaching.... . In future, we may be branded as offenders against new government instituted morality if we preach to LGBTQ persons by preaching christ as ransom. The war against the ransom sacrifice is on because we have to have faith in it to be saved by jehovah. Matthew 24 clearly indicates that those who follow christ will be persecuted. The new radical feminism is warring with the bible and wants it banned because they say it has historically promoted patrairchy in the West. Illogical as it seems these radicals have Islam as their bedfellows - they ignore its extreme patriarchy where under Sharia women really have no rights. This is the illogical lunatic asylum we are living in now..... soon to become worse.
  23. Who is this arrogant horn who speaks great things? The British empire which later became the dual Anglo-American empire. This the the horn who persecuted the people of God. It will go down as a world empire and the "rest of the beasts" will be "prolonged for a season" in the United Nations." You said some witnesses felt this way: the truth is that many witnesses hate history - have never opened a history book in their lives apart from the bit of history about their own country they were forced to learn in school and barely passed. Now imagine this in a Daniel or Revelation book..... they do not dig in...... they just sigh and complain.... and say they do not understand. This is why I partly believe that that the GB are now careful to not get too complicated. They spoon feed prophecy - only that which is absolutely necessary to understand or being fulfilled in the presenf time - and can clearly be seen. It is better for new ones (and old) to learn to cope in a wicked world because there is a violent asault on morality all the time from every aspect of society. It is important to build every ones moral endurance before Armageddon and their capacity to make good descisions. GB teach life skills better than ever before.....
  24. I can not understand how elimination of religion would affect commerce If you only knew how many jobs are in religious organizations..... how many schools, day care centres, immigration offices (churcbas make milliions upon millions from the immigration process) and as shareholder in banks....... . The previous Pope resigned because their bank in Italy was caught laundering money internationally.. .. Jehovah is a perfect time keeper and his "project " to restore the earth (eph 1:9 speaks of the administration of his plan under the kingdom - the sacret secret....).. has a time-line and milestones. He has given us the seven heads of the beast and shown us what will happen directly after the "perousia" starts. (The 3 and half years fall in this period. ).... and gives an indication when the seventh head of the beast (which is also depicted as the duel horned dragon which speaks like lamb...... will blow life into the image of the beast (which went into abyss and came out again - league of nations which later came up as UN). Later the UN and coalition of nations becomes the 8th king for a short while.... God puts it in the heart of Babylon bedfellows to turn against her. How does the name Babylon fit in with New York? Jehovah always uses the same picture words for certain concepts. False religion or unfaithful religion is always depicted as a harlot or adulterer Horns are often rulerships or kings Beasts depict specific empires It is part of the time-line but also because these people also needed encouragement in their own time - to see some things going into fulfillment. They do not see the full promise like those when Armageddon comes but they saw things which helped them stay alert and watchful. Jehovah cares for the beginning and the end of the generation.
  25. Parts of my story I wrote here on this forum in defence of our blood stance - not the entire story. Cancer is a horrible disease - especially in babies. I was fortunate, South Africa at that time had some of the best infrastructure and surgeons in the world. They wanted to give her blood during surgery (secretly) but one of the nurses was a JW. She protested. She had an operation at 8 and half months that lasted the whole day! It was on the spinal cord on both sides of the chest - 5 cm - large for a small baby. They did a thoractomy - cut half the body open and removed it in this way. The surgeon cauterized all the blood vessels as he worked..... she was so close to death, I was not allowed to see her until late that night. The next day she breathed without machines. She healed fast after that..... usually these patients bleed for at least 21 days...... but after 2 days she stopped. They took the pipes out. Directly after the surgery they gave her blood boosters. She was a miracle - she went home on 5 or 6th day....( I cannot remember... accurately). Afterwards I studied what happens in the body when you take blood. It was then I realized that if she had taken a drop of blood on such a major surgery she would have had anaphalactic shock and died. Obedience to jehovah saved my child.....
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