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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 2 hours ago, the Sower of Seed said:

    brothers and sisters will gain a better conscience and

    One cannot go around suspecting everyone. When you go to the police to report you must have something more than just a gut feeling.  This is the realities of life.  Police in UK and other first world countries are famous for taking down real events and doing nothing.  People in the congregation may think it was not reported when case numbers have been forgotten.  So this can also become a point of contention later when it comes to light. Accusers against JWs   look for those discrepancies to focus on.

    I, myself will report this behaviour if I see something that seems to be  more than a suspicion but how many witnesses (or worldly people for that matter) have education on this and know how to recognize it when there are clear signs.  You mentioned a case where a woman left her children with a perpetrator who was a family member.  

    I know my daughter has left her daughter with good people for a couple of hours because she had no-one else to leave her child with in an emergency when she could not arrange ahead if time for a nanny from a reputable place.  Life happens and parents do take chances when there is no-one else to turn to. This is the realities of life.  You mentioned that she lost her  case because she took that chance in a difficult situation. Sad.... but this is governmental law...... it does not have compassion. 

    Sorry about the quotes ...... I struggle so much to select with my hands - I make a mess of it......and take a quote where I manage to be able to select it........ a bad girl.

    Most of my friends tell me I look so healthy and vibrant.... but my hand and eyes keep me humble....... my thorn in the flesh.  


    5 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    That God's standards are different in every state of America. 

    The secular law is the law -  once you get yourself in their system you are subject to it. It has the sword.   Get that? I guess not.  The only remedy may come when you are accused falsely or reported falsely yourself....... you will then be the first to cry foul. 

    In UK your secular laws do not respect any religious laws except that of the muslims.  Police have persecuted fathers who have gone to authorities with real proof of rape.  This is the realities of life  (and differences) between secular laws and ordinary people who just try to live godly lives. 

  2. 1 hour ago, the Sower of Seed said:

    You should also know that the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses hate what is bad and try to act as an exemplary neighbor!

    Thank you for taking the time to write such an excellent reply based on incidents in the bible.   Your entire reply indicated that you understand the issues involved which originate inside the person - the desires. It deals with the imperfect realities of humans and reminds us that we all are dust and Jehovah puts up with us all!  No human organization can ever be perfect because it comprises imperfect people.

    Anna's response, which you replied to, indicates that family members and others must report these issues to authorities.  Sometimes those who know about the crime are advised to report it but choose not to do so. This also heaps finger pointing on the org.

    If one has a hammer in your hand then everything looks like a nail. Some carry hammers all the time when it comes to JWs.......... logical reasoning disperses and the hammer becomes the focus. So be prepared..... they will find something to hammer on..... but  I could learn from the way you wrote that.  



  3. 1 hour ago, Arauna said:

    Jehovah" is not powerful enough to keep his members out of prison in countries

    40 minutes ago, Witness said:

    Are you bestowing divinity on an organization?  If

    No- she was talking about "individual members"  (see quote under my name directly above- I commented on this) but same type of scorn is projected on all JWs by implication. People do go to prison for not going to war you know..... not all have broken the law.

    40 minutes ago, Witness said:

    corruption committed by those who sell this bill

     Corruption is a term too broad for me yo comment on.

    41 minutes ago, Witness said:

    spirit-directed" organization to all other organizations in Satan's world? 

    Yes - we are still in this world and have to contend with satan's corrupting influences. We cannot go out of this world..... even if we work hard to not show its spirit. 

    It is inevitable that some will bring dishonor on gods name. One cannot expect absolute purity or perfection from any entire organization -  no matter how much holy spirit is on some of its individual members..... it is totaly infantile , unrealistic, immature and unjust to expect that. 

    As an individual you can have integrity but not all in an organization has integrity.  Not all in first century congregation had perfect integrity - the seven congregations in Revelation is a good example of that. Jesus commended them but also chastised them for the bad things they were condoning. 


  4. I have written some comments on here but noticed that the icon for someone to answer me has been removed. Does this mean that no-one can see my comments? 


    9 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    So that means that Babylon the Great is in control of UN as its rider currently. 

    Steering the beast in a direction means to ride it  Yes, the Pope is busy making agreements with Islam and Judaism for one world religion...... so far  This is in line with UN agenda.  They will acknowledge that there is only one God whether his name is Allah, lord, jehovah  etc.  Jesus as randsom giver is not acknowledged because this is controversial.

    They (the abrahamic religions) will build a complex of buildings for worship together in Abu Dahbi.   (UN or "image of the beast" is a coalition of countries who want to bring peace and security to this world by trying to unite everyone under one moral code in which everyone is accepted - no matter if you are a man loving one of the 57 genders.  They want to create a better world by removing borders and mixing all cultures. In addition they want to control all food, water, property, weapons, money - so as to make sure all receive equal material stuff....... I can go on about the idea to save the earth etc

    While this sounds absolutely wonderful it is inspired by satan. Can it work?  Yes, until they call out peace and security and force all to accept one world religion.  

    It may play out a little differently to this scenario above because unexpected things always enter the world stage..... but 176 nations have already signed UN agreements.  They are already ruling underneath other governments because their "image" of the world is being promoted as we speak.  NGOs and foreign money has already taken over local governments in USA, school curriculum and universities.  "Foundations" of the extremely rich are steering the world in UN direction because they honestly have bought into the idea - being atheists.  Europe is the same. 


  5. 4 hours ago, Tom Henry said:

    , I would look at my own eye before you

    You were the one doing the accusing.   Do not be so cock-sure that you have seen all possible evidence for or against 1914. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Anna said:

    but it is about "you don't have to disclose

    If I get a lawyer to defend me on a murder case and the government has access to all my discussions with my lawyer - they can maybe find me guilty on something I said to my lawyer even if I did not do it.

    The prosecutor is supposed to do his work and build the case against me with hard evidence and my lawyer is supposed to defend me - even if He does not like me.  This is the secular justice of this world. Flawed - I agree - not perfect. 

    Same with clergy.  If I confess something to the clergy - my elder or spiritual mentor, the law can still take me to court and build a good case against me - do due diligence and  find me guilty..... but they must respect the fact that I need advice for my soul. It is unfair/unjust  to use my spiritual advisor to testify against me - be it verbally or written. 

    We are speaking secular law now.  There is a plea for compassion once you are found guilty - not before that..... the law must work hard to find you guilty because the premise is you are innocent till proven guilty. This is not Jehovahs law but the law of the government who has the sword.

    Once the case is in the hand of the law -  it must proceed according to the government law. One cannot still have one foot in Jehovahs law and other in secular.  I can only use this secular law to get an acquittal or appeal or be found guilty and pay the penalty in this world....

    Of course jehovah is the true judge in the ultimate finality ........ but I can still go to jail while innocent.. To carry on that it is not fair afterward is basically useless - the law has the sword.

    Human rights court said Russia is breaking international  law -  they carry the sword and do as they please.  We can cry for compassion ..... but in vain.  This is secular justice for you.  Jehovahs justice is better but that will only work perfectly in future.


    This is why people are outraged: In Epstein's case there is anger because the prosecutor worked with Epstein while knowing he had 37 child trafficking cases against him.....and the lawyers of the victims were told AFTER the fact that a light plea bargain had been reached...... this is how skewed justice has become.

    The law must definitely be changed to take away client / clergy priviledge - although there are good arguments for and against it.  Until then,  these outraged people on this forum  can shout against GB in anger and kick and scream for justice and call us all hypocrites.........after due law process.  BUT do  they go and fight to get this secular law removed?   if they love  justice so much,they would. 

    I accept that secular law is flawed. Parents must be more careful to protect their children. But young teenage children do not always listen to parents as well.  There is always two sides to every story. 

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    Just the fact that child abuse exists in an organization that declares it is inspired by

    Such an unrealistic statement (virtue signalling)  tells me you have no connection with reality.  Child abuse exists everywhere in the world.  An anointed brother in the first century slept with his own mother !  He was put out of the congregation and later re-instated. Who knows if there were hidden sex cases then as now.... 

    You have no sense of justice.....based on reality.  and you really feel you have the right to give advice on Jehovahs justice and be unbiased and fair?  Wake up old girl.  You are just an emotional  hate mongerer. 

    3 hours ago, Witness said:

    Jehovah" is not powerful enough to keep his members out of prison in countries that fight against him.  He's not powerful enough to

    Bad reasoning for a Christian.  I recall that Jesus was hanging on the stake and similar words were uttered to him.   

  7. 1 hour ago, Tom Henry said:

    think Aruana's outlook on OCD belongs to you all not the opposers.

    Sorry, people's 'opposition mode' tends to give them only a bias view.  We do our research....... but we have something else in our favour:   

    We look at reality......   Good example is child abuse cases.  People immediately assume all are guilty without a court case or proof....... is this justice? Do JWs allow any person off the street to attend our meetings ? Yes because this is merciful. 

    While perfect justice is unatainable in an imperfect world - we do try to balance justice with mercy, knowledge with love etc etc. 

    I do call someone out as OCD prone when they repeat the same flawed argument over and over and hope for different effect/result. And I agree with you anyone can fall into this trap..... myself included.   But to condemn all witnesses of bad research is a bit puffed up.

  8. 6 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    don't think you will ever again claim that they would like to give the victim compensation.

    As I just said - law is law....... no place for compassion. It carrys the sword.... and uses only the sword - nothing else.  You can only fight for defence within the boundaries the law allows you...... or go under. 

    Rome was vicious, but do not be misled - our times are more vicious and about to become much more so. 

  9. On 6/10/2019 at 12:47 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    If this 'brother' had been involved in a child abuse accusation would they have told H about it so that she could be on her guard ? 

    If the elders are aware of something like this they will warn her.  They are much more careful about anything like this today - negligence is rare these days!

    If you are still unsure ....... send the congregation a letter and ask them to ensure that your daughter be warned if there is reason to be careful. ( Usually the governments also have public crime lists of people who have been found guilty  and served prison sentences - so you can look it up).  Or search court cases and newspaper articles.

    It is sad that one now has to be suspicious of anyone (Christian or non-christian) in a world where child trafficking is now becoming the most lucrative industry with more revenue than drugs.

    The cartelles running this world start with the top echelons of society.  Epstein got away with 34 cases in 2007 and it seems his black book had many top British names in it....... all protected at present.

    Only under Jehovahs future government will these issues be immediately dealt with because Jesus will be in charge and he can read hearts. 


    On 6/10/2019 at 9:37 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    think everyone on this Earth has the potential to be a pedophile or a murderer, or a thief and

    Especially those who watch porn in secret.  

    But "think-crime" or potential .... does not make you guilty.  One must have proof. Allegations are not proof.

    This is why the governments are supposed to provide "experts" to work with the children when sex crimes are reported. Unfortunately the police do nothing - even when reported..... there is ample proof in UK of sex gangs operating for 15 years or more where parents were persecuted for reporting and gangs still proceeding with operations as usual.

  10. On 7/27/2019 at 6:32 AM, Witness said:

    over to the court a database of child

    These cases have not been proven. Some of them are only allegations.... this would be unfair to those people on the list.  They could also become victims - of persecution.  There is always two sides to any story.

    If jehovah does not allow slander of another person, why would he allow people who are suspected of something bad -  without proof - to be publicly slandered.

    Here the law of confidentiality applies ...... and by the look of things this has to be fought out in court. The reason being the congress (or regress)  is too busy with theatre while enriching themselves than to do a good days work - to look after seeing to the task of the people.... to change laws to bring true justice.



  11. 4 hours ago, Anna said:

    Yes, I saw that too. (I just wanted to highlight the bit about what seems to be the two "types" of confidentiality"). 

    If the law does not want confusion - they must fix the law.  The problem has always been the law .... since the 1980s.  It was never clear cut and every state has different statutes..... and interpretations.

    I am sure they (JWs) would like to give the victim compensation.... but the law is law.  If they give the victim 1 million for example - she can go ahead and claim the absorbitant amount of 35 million anyway. Under human law one cannot feel compassion....... you get severely punished for it.

    Only under Jehovahs law compassion works. Human law is flawed. 

    Did you see my shared link above? A women is suing the mormon clergy for breaking confidentiality....... Depending on the precedent it may set.... we may see changes in future on the interpretation of this law.

  12. 1 hour ago, Colin Browne said:

    South African East coast we met him again when he was on leave. We again had

    I am originally from Pretoria.  My brother, you must be in late 80s or maybe even 90!  You have been blessed by jehovah! 

    Power and active force is different. Power can be latent or is a capacity to do something. Holy spirit is always a streaming or projected force or and 'active' force to accomplish his purpose. 

    Always moving - the speaker likened it to wind and air.  Loved his analogies. An excellent listen. .... listen to entire talk.


  13. 12 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    If Rome represents "the world," the same world that

    From the time after the flood - humans were given a clean slate.  They went back to false religion soon after on a massive scale. So bad - the entire world was divided and jehovah stepped in.  They went against his instructions to not spread out and stayed together to build cities and make war on each other. This is why Babilon the Great is a fitting description of false religion....... it takes us back to the progenitor - the mother city. 

    There are only 3 major sectors in this world of Satan which jehovah has to remove to clean the planet up. Religion, Commercial and  governmental.    The beasts represent the world empires one after another,  the merchants and ships who cry represent the financial sector and religion is the spirirual harlot.

    9 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    say it is a "great city".

    If you know the ancient history of ancient Babylon, you will know it was a religious center for almost 2 millennia. ...... and its influence on religion today is powerful.  Most pagan teachings in churches and religions today  originated from there. 

    Can you imagine the shock when Babylon 's bedfellows turn against her?  They think she is a queen and nothing will happen to her, she has great wealth and is foundation of society....... she has great influence.  She rides the beast.  (Right now the Pope is making alliance with leader of Judaism and Islam to acknowledge only one God- in line with UN wishes......... but like a harlot she is leaving the randsom sacrifice and name of christ out of the agreement. )

    In Russia, orthodox religion is used at present to build nationalism, and in the past, religious pastors went to war with soldiers to give shepherding support. This incestuous relationship between religion and politics will break up and will cause major upheaval.  It will cause major financial concern as indicated in the quoted scripture above. 

    This is why jehovah says: get out of her my people!  Rev 18:4. 

  14. On 1/10/2020 at 10:22 PM, Kosonen said:

    much similarity there is with ancient Ninive and Babylon the Great. I

    Just wanted to add this: ancient Nineveh was started at time of Nimrod..... and it followed the same religion ( away from jehovah) as Babylon.  

    At the time of Peleg as mentioned in a scripture quoted earlier,  the world became divided in worship for jehovah , or against.

    Gen 10: "Just like Nimʹrod, a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah.”  10 The beginning of his kingdom was Baʹbel, Eʹrech, Acʹcad, and Calʹneh, in the land of Shiʹnar.  11 From that land he went into As·syrʹi·a and built Ninʹe·veh......."  and other cities in what later became Assyria.  Apart from being a warlike place, Nineveh had  it in common that it was a city which rebelled against worship of jehovah in time of Nimrod.  

    This city was established AGAINST instructions of Jehovah to spread over the earth after the flood.

    On 1/10/2020 at 10:22 PM, Kosonen said:

    could instead be a prostitute whose owner is god of this world, Satan.

    Nineveh was a spiritual prostitute.  God would not call someone a spiritual prostitute if they were unfaithful to Satan. They must have strayed from Jehovahs worship.

    11 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Rome" in Revelation was a symbol of "the world." I

    Rome is quoted in Islam in its eschatology. It symbolizes the western "infidelity."  (Islam also uses this symbolism because Mohammad had the bible read to him and spoke to Talmudic Jews all the time while he was a merchant.)

    This is why I find the alliance between Islam (part of harlot and Babylon the great)  and Russia so interesting. Alliances in Iran, Turkey, assyria..... and Turkey sees itself as a power in the Mediterranean. Religious (theocracies) with Russia.  

    As matter of fact Arabia, Israel and US is another interesting alliance.... because of the incompatibility of the religions. So when the image of beast turns against religion, will we see these alliances suddenly break up?  ..... Or will the power of UNand its allies  be so strong to keep them together for a while so they will be able to call out peace and security?

  15. 12 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    both those religions in general condemn those sins

    Christian do not condemn Halloween for example.  The teaching of jinn that can assault women is part of the religion....of Islam.

    Which part of society is the most disgusting to God? Is it not the part of society which was supposed to represent him and teach their subjects about him? 



    12 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    James 4:4:

    The bible talks about spiritual prostitution or adultery in only one way - those who are not faithful to God. The scripture  you quoted above actually proves my point because it proves that friendship with the world is adultery against God.  Jehovah is consistent in his use of imagery....... otherwise we would be thrown about not understanding much.

    12 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    during our life time we have not seen any serious mass killings of christians in the Western world.

    Think again,  Buddhists are killing muslims, Hindus are killing muslims and Christian's because they eat beef, muslims are killing muslims when they do not agree with their brand if Islam and Christian's are all going to war when their governments send them to kill.  The blood of many is historically on the hands of religions of the world. Soon they will kill all who profess christs randsom.

    At present a genocide is going on in Africa and middle east - of christians....... and it is not even covered in the press. Boko Haram, Al Shabaab etc is murdering 60 to 100 every day. ISIS is not completely broken and neither is Taliban........ religion has a lot to answer for before Jehovah. They are covered in blood.


    12 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    holy ones and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth.”

    Religion has been the cause of destruction and death throughout human history...... it is not about the 7th world power..... the 7th head on the beast. .... the Anglo-American world power.  False Religion  is a separate entity -a harlot.

    The link you shared is about the globalists versus the nationalists, the iron and clay.   The image of the beast, the UN is busy with globalization as we speak.   176 nations have already signed 3 agreements to remove borders and join in the global agenda of the UN. ...... nationalists are trying to fight this........ but that is about the "image of the beast".


  16. 19 minutes ago, Kosonen said:

    claim to be Christian forbid spiritism and sorcery

    It is the belief in the immortal soul which promotes all kinds of superstition regarding the dead and their powers.

    Many Christian's claim to forbid it and yet practice superstition. Some have exorcisms, superstitiously wear crosses etc. A visit to south America or Spain and Portugal may open your eyes.  The celebration of the souls of dead or ancestors has culminated in Halloween - which most Christian's participate in.  Participation in drink, festival or ceremonies, song dance or a kiss to them is idolatry.

    Islam is exeedingly superstitious -  the "evil eye " comes to mind, apart from the belief that the jinn can assault a woman sexually.  The jinn are demons created by God. Some are good and some are evil.  Imams exorcise these jinn from women. 

    It is interesting that the bible calls greed, drunkenness, self-laceration and other practices - idolatry- and idolatry us called "spiritual prostitution" in Jg 8:27. 

    So christendom does practice spiritism.....and spiritual prostitution and her adherents are drunk with the wine of her spiritual adultery - away from the truth as given us in the bible.

    Covetousness is idolatry. Col3:5, being a slave to your belly from 16:18. "Rebelliousness is the same as the sin of divination" . Pushing ahead presumptuously the same as magical power and idolatry" 1 Sam 15:22, 23.

    So if you still think that the world empire of false religion (which includes christendom) is not a spiritual harlot - think again. 

  17. 11 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    which is through Jesus Christ, to God’s glory and praise."

    True, but you must remember we all have different backgrounds and must fall and get up to have tested faith. We do not have perfect love for God but with time we get better when we work at it...... and then we still fail and do not give perfect love. However, we can improve all the time. God knows we are imperfect flesh.  We continually "miss the mark" . This is why we should look only at ourselves and not judge others. 

    Therefore, when we are immature and try to please God- he is the one who judges is it not? He remembers that we are dust.

    15 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    it’s contending with the disappointment of not getting it right

    You will be so busy fighting and contending that Armageddon will be here and you still would not recognize it......

    17 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    Let's dig deeper into this subject. 

    Thanks for the thank you. Now that is a positive attitude. I like it. 

  18. 12 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    The ancient Babylon fits as a paralell because God's people were captive there and even prospered there. Similarly today God's special people Jehovah's Witnrsses have prospered in today's Babylon the Great. The WT organization's headquarters have uninterruptedly

    This Babylon you refer to was the empire in 612 BCE - it is called the Neo-babylonian empire -the second time Babylon was an empire.

    The bible speaks of Babylon the Great- why?

    No- I am referring to the first Babylonian empire, a tyranny, built by Nimrod and his associates (not too long after the flood) when half of the world became divided (Genesis 10:25) in the land of Shinar.   They built a large empire with massive cities in Chaldea and Assyria and invaded territory which belonged to the semites (Asshur)  Genesis 10: 9-12.  This was before Assyria became a separate state and eventually a world empire which included Babylon. This was before Egypt became a world empire.

    This was when false religion (Nimrod was an opposer of the true God)   divided the earth. There were  those who still clung to jehovah and those who followed Nimrod and helped him build this empire. The tower of Babel (with a temple on top of the tower) became prominent, the crown of the empire.  This was when governance and religion were mixed together in a king -priest.  Spells, spiritism, predicting the future with stars and the livers of animals, speaking to the dead,  oracles, became features of false religion and belief in the immortality of the soul. Trinitarian gods and devils.

    Demons and their offspring before the flood, half-God half-man, based on the Nephilim, became worshipped and their stories were represented by the star formations and planets. Then these false religious ideas spread throughout the earth as a result of language confusion: such as the immortality of the soul and various trinities of gods..... Today we find in most religions such as Hinduism, ancestor worship, Islam and christendom to name only a few major denominations, the idea of the immortality of the soul which spread from Babylon to Greek culture and later was accepted by Christendom and Islam. 

    The principle at 1 cor 10 applies. The nations sacrifice, but if it is not in correct way to the true God- they are sacrificing to demons..... being sharers with demons. 

    12 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    Beacause spiritism and religion are usually opposed. Religions usually condemn spiritism, so it can not be religions. 

    This is a false notion. Israel as a nation were to stay only exclusively faithful to God but they continually strayed off and committed spiritistic acts by going after false gods and committing adultery etc. So too..... false religion continually commits spiritistic acts.  False religion commits spiritual adultery with the kings of the earth..... rejecting exclusive devotion to jehovah God. The world empire of false religion teaches immortality of the soul, trinities... which is rooted in the original Babylon - the mother of all spiritism. 

  19. 14 hours ago, Witness said:

    Do be you believe that each anointed is a “living stone” of the Temple of God?    1 Pet 2:5,9

    You did not answer any of my previous questions regarding the forecourt if the temple...forecourt of the nations, forecourt of the women. 

    The holy and most holy where the high priest and underpriests entered into existed but also the court where the ordinary men and women could also enter. "since the Law has a shadow of the good things to come"

    It is hard to reason with someone who continually only repeats  the verses that suits their ideas .......

    You quoted Isaiah 2:4 above : in the last days "the temple " ....... there is currently not a real mountain and a real temple any longer. So this obviously refers to a figurative temple in heaven which is " a shadow of the God things to come" based on the temple in Jerusalem.

    Jesus only went "into" this heavenly  temple when he passed through the barrier of the  flesh at his  death and resurrection as a spiritual being.  This is what it means to be baptized in death of jesus - to die and be resurrected as a spiritual being - only then will you be a king and a priest.  You cannot be a king and priest while on earth - before going to heaven.

    Then you quote other scriptures which refer to illustrations where Paul says that we must be clean and pure - not commit fornication -   because "we are being built into stones of the heavenly temple" -  "So rid yourselves of all badnessa and deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all backbiting"  this is how Peter starts the chapter you quote above. where he talks of his disciples being built into a spiritual temple. But it seems - you put only the  emphasis  on the word "temple" and not on the context around it...... and you keep requoting that you " are the temple" when is says you are being built into a temple.....

    Take for example the scripture you quoted above: 1pet2: 5- 10.  It says " you are being built into a holy temple"  it does not say you are "already the temple." ..... so you misquoted this scripture.....

    Another scripture you misquote to prove that you should be ruling and teaching now is from Isaiah but you forget  The law of Zion is coming from the" heavens" - we have come before mount Zion....the heavenly Jerusalem......hebr 12:22..... law is not coming from those who believe they are already  the "temple"  here on earth..... And another point:  Zion was the seat of 'rulership' not the temple.  No wonder you feel you should already be 'ruling'. Do you see yourself as king already?   Because it is only in heaven where there will be kings or priests. Most scriptures describing the kings and priests describe them falling down before jehovah (in his presence in heaven) and praising him.

    I call you out because you constantly misquote scriptures.  The bible clearly indicates that one receives a token of holy spirit  in your heart that you are of the anointed - spirit of jehovah. It is a token  "in advance of your inheritance" . It does not mean that you have already received the inheritance. eph1: 13 & 14.

    The day of releasing from the flesh is not yet here....ep 4:30. 2 Corinthians 1:21 & 22 clearly indicates that the seal is a token of that which "is to come" - the spirit in our hearts.  

    Yes you know that you will go to heaven but the bible clearly says that those who remain faithful to the end will be saved....... not that you are already saved.  The seal of holy spirit is a token of inheritance "in future" ....... and our bodies must remain pure to remain a stone of that future temple.  If you sin against that "token" holy spirit without repentance you forfeit that "promise".



    13 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    GB are so puffed up with themselves, and make so many stupid videos and make up new rules as they go along.

    To you they are stupid videos........ so I wonder who is really puffed up ?    


  20. 1 hour ago, Kosonen said:

    don't mean anyone should link Babylon the Great to Nineve

    Agreed. But why did god call this city with great power over the earth and prostituted herself with the Kings of the earth "Babylon the great"?  What happened in Babylon which is a parallel today?

    " Adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is making himself an enemy of God.  (Adulteress- unfaithful one)...... this should be a hint that it is not a political entity but a religious one.

  21. 7 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Add to this that a Bible complete had not be constructed at the time. 

    You have not answered my question - it seems you do not accept that the scriptures that were written later are inspired?  

  22. My personal opinion is that parents should report abuses if they are aware of it.  Often they do get the option to report it  but refuse because of the shame involved - especially if a family member was involved. 

    Before 2007 many chose not to report sex abuse  because the child could be cross examined in court by the prosecutor in the presence of the 'perpetrator.'  This is a second trauma to the child.

    I think there has been enough debates on here about that!

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