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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. You reason like an evolutionist. Everything remains the same to them with small incremental advancements.......... WW1 was a major advancement in war technology. If you have read any history books you would know that historians acknowledge that the world changed in 1914. Even the society changed. It crushed the class system in Europe.
  2. They have ' talked ' about bringing about peace and security but a loud "call" I have not heard. This call will be a self-satisfied proclamation that they have reached agreements to secure world peace and security on global scale. We know that only God can bring about true peace and security but humans under UN coalition of nations put themselves in god's place and think they can achieve it. This refers to the beasts mentioned at the beginning of the chapter.
  3. They had persecution for few years but it ended. Orthodox church leader behind it. Now many JWs from occupied Ossetia and Abkhazia are here (occupied by Russia) because they can do field service more easily here.
  4. Take your wife to the shop a d wait for 6 hours while she is fitting clothes. Be patient means - under trying circumstances when you have to wait. You are putting emphasis on all the wrong words.
  5. Yes m'dear ..... the Republic of Georgia between Turkey, Russia and the Black Sea
  6. Remember the congregation mentioned in Revelation? It was neither hot nor cold. Jehovah spat them out. We must be decisive - not sit on the fence.
  7. I used to have a medical alert bracelet- I better get it fixed. Here in Georgia they do not respect the DPA - unless you are a foreigner.
  8. Russel was not the only one to discern 1914 as a date. All the other study groups he had been mixing with before also discerned this date. What most people do not get is that there was a general trend amongst the "new" bible study groups in this time to predict the end. They used all kinds of methods.... many drew a pyramid to fit in time lines - even Russel. They believed the large pyramid was built by the Israelites and therefore they were sure it fitted in with bible prophecy. They were obsessed with dates. This is why they had some wrong dates included in the mix. Seventh day adventists also pinpointed 1914 as the bible students did. They did not understand all the facts about the year as we understand it today but they knew something big would happen. They expected to go to heaven.
  9. Before 1914 there were no wars with flame-throwers, airplanes, large submarines (one-man subs yes in civil war), abundance of machine guns, tanks, chemical warfare, and the list goes on. It was not called the Great War for nothing ; and later WW1 because of the new weaponized trend which started and involved coalitions which covered the world. Millions died not hundreds of thousands like before. There were illnesses in all wars and times but the Spanish influenza was not just contained to regions like the black plague was in ancient times - it was world-wide and the deaths almost equaled the great war itself. The preaching of the "kingdom" in the entire world has never been done ever before because christendom are not preaching a government. Matt 24:14 specifically says: "kingdom". Not really- Noah lived 650 years. The generation of the flood was 120 years....... and the bible itself compares the time of the flood with the time of the end. ..... so start complaining when 120 years has passed. If you are sitting in safety in a rich country you can say this. Maybe your country is the one causing death and destruction in other countries to maintain its supremacy. Hunger in one place after another due to more than 50 wars in many places until terrorists took over. I have lost count because Africa is in chaos and journalists do not write about this. Conventional warfare has been replaced by terrorism with daily death tolls of 60 or more. This is war-like. Do you see it in the news? Europe sees daily stabbings of 3 or more, since the new millennia we see wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan (longest US war ever) Yemen and continuous civil war in Palestine, Israel, and the Arab spring in north Africa also comes to mind...... Apart from internal party and racial strife in countries such as USA (this is going on in all countries on earth) we see again a build-up of terrible fear-inspiring weapons. The first modern technological wars which started in 1914 is being improved upon every time mankind goes to war. ..... it is like birth pains which are escalating. No wonder jehovah says - no flesh will be saved if he does not step in. Will they start to use their weapons? We do not know...... all we do know it will be bad and it will be in this time period marked by its beginning in 1914.
  10. That cliche is happening right now! The whole world is repeating the same history we saw before WW1 and WW2 right now!!. It looks different on the surface but yet the same....... so they will wake up too late. Wicked mankind is doomed to repeat the same history over and over with worse results than ever before. We should know our own JW history with its flaws but endless analyses on it does not serve a purpose - each generation of GB will make new mistakes and if your expectations are that the JW.org. will not make new mistakes or cannot make them - think again. Thankfully there are several ibble principles we can apply to this: jehovah judges the end of a matter not its beginning. Wicked king manasseh comes to mind. Jehovah does not see the imperfection but the motive of the heart. Ps 103 comes to mind - he remembers we are flesh. The world judges JWs harshly on every little detail but jehovah judges us with tenderness because we try hard to do his will in an increasing hostile world. Jesus was perfect and was viciously attacked by satan's world - we also will not get off lightly The light is getting brighter - and JWs are fulfilling bible prophecy related to the last days Matt 24:14, Isaiah 2:2-4. Other Christian religions do not even understand that the kingdom is a real government and those that do have some other core beliefs that do not come from the bible. We should be thankful to jehovah. We get food that is prepared in abundance. We get home from work, prepare litteral food, and can sit down with spiritual food already prepared in easy understandable bites/bytes.. We search for people with the right heart condition. We teach them the newest bible information we have because this is what we as JW org are right now and the light we understand at this moment. We make them aware of our flawed past but to dwell on the past JW history is a mistake. There are too many positive core teachings the person will not be able to learn from ANY other earthly organization and we must let them eat this first so they can make a decision to join us to serve jehovah - or not. Lot's wife looked back to her detriment. We must leave our own personal history behind (what high positions we had or could have been, or wicked history ) and focus on the now and the future. JW org history is good to know but does NOT affect what we are right now. Mistakes were made and they will definitely come back to bite us in a hostile world - for sure. But we should build our own faith now to withstand the trials ahead. People who come to this forum to troll or hate - do not have a ready heart. On field service we go back to those who show a positive attitude or are prepared to learn despite them having difficult personalities . We help those who are ready to receive help. With difficult people I make sure to leave a thought they can think about to change their heart condition. We plant and jehovah makes it grow - or not..... Keep evaluating what is taught in the present era - if it is in line with scripture. Are the GB careful in what they teach today? Not getting political? Sticking to the godly commission of preaching and giving proper spiritual food to all? Preparing us to be ready for Armageddon? Not rushing ahead with dates and prophecies like they did before? I can answer a yes to all of these. 106 years is nothing to jehovah. I do not know how long before the flood Noah had completed the ark. Food had to be harvested etc. They could have been mocking him saying: where is the rain you promised...... your ark has been standing there for so long.... maybe the wood aged a bit in its positions and additional bitumen was needed. 120 years jehovah set for that doomed generation. Did Noah know it was 120 years? Maybe not..... but later he knew because it is written down. The world is mocking us right now. I love to study ancient history and discovered one aspect of generation before the GB. There are multiple generations always living at the same time. This never bothered me because like Noah we should keep busy with the right things. The evidence around us is overwhelming. We have been trained by GB to discern the time! ....a d to keep busy with the right things.
  11. I remember when the catholic church changed fish-Friday to non-fish Friday. My grandmother did not understand it but she just went ahead and did it. She stopped eating only fish on fridays. No-one in the catholic church now goes back in the history of the catholic church to question that decision/teaching in an endless fashion. It has been accepted as being in line with scripture - so there is no endless rehashing of when the decision was taken and why they had it wrong before that change, who had it wrong etc. It is church history - the past. Catholics are now questioning the new decision to have interfaith with other Abrahamic religions. Is it wrong of them to rather question what the church is doing right now instead of the past? I think not. Past improvements are accepted and they strive to correct any deviations from gods word in the "current view" of things. Frankly, I do not care if Russel did not understand 1914 or not. I was not living at the time and it does not affect me now. People try to hash it up over and over to prove what? It is NOW part of our teaching and I accept the teaching. The reasons I will not go into here. I look at what the GB is teaching NOW because this is affecting us NOW. They have made mistakes in the past but so has every other religion I know of and most large secular corporations have absolutely endless issues - it is life. Most of my working life I saw large issues everywhere - so I have never had the expectation of earthly perfection from ANY organization be it religious or secular. I therefore will only question teachings which are NOW part of the JW organization. History is history and if it happens to fit in with past prophecies I will accept it I.e. the swift leopard beast with one big horn which is interpreted as Alexander the great. I accept the explanation because it fits the history. We have the current teaching of the slave feeding domestics. Do I accept this when I read Matt 24:45 - yes or no. If I accept it and get baptised - why will I start questioning it and its history in the congregation and cause dissent? If I currently do not agree with my own previous decisions regarding JWs - then i can of free will leave the congregation and find a place where they have all the CORE teachings of the JWs without the teaching of the slave - but i should not keep rehashing history and become a murmering voice in the congregation. This is not obeying scripture which encourages me to grow so I can encourage others. Be in the congregation because you want to be there. Do not sit with one foot in the congregation and the other outside it because you give yourself the right to higher criticism of the past history . If you do not like the present teachings - leave. We live in a free world.........do not be a hypocrite and be an "indecisive" one........ but frankly - I do not know where you can go to...... If you stay - then accept the present teachings. Contribute to the positive aspects of the congregation you are in. Build up your brothers and sisters and build unity. .... do all the things the scriptures encourages us to do.
  12. "He will speak for you to the people, and he will be your spokesman, and you will serve as God to him" (you will be representing God to him".) This quote is from exodus 4 :16 where Moses will be a" God" to Aaron. This does not mean Moses must be worshipped but he will represent God to Aaron and will in this capacity have higher position than Aaron when representing the people when going before pharoah. In ancient times the word "god" was often used for the Ceasar. Jesus is therefore also called "a God" in several places. Also in hebrews 1:9 " You loved righteousness, and you hated lawlessness. That is why God, your God, anointed you with the oil of exultation more than your companions.”
  13. Do you remember the subject we were talking about? If I remember correctly, you yourself quoted a scripture which showed that there is a replica in heaven of the earthly sanctuary in Israel's time and you quoted the scripture which says that "flesh" is a barrier (curtain) to the heavenly sanctuary. Only the high priest and under priests entered in this area in Israel's time. Jesus gave up his "fleshly barrier" and went went to " heaven" in the heavenly sanctuary and offered up his randsom to jehovah. It was accepted and holy spirit poured out on the 50th day on his disciples on earth. They were anointed as future kings and priests but had to die faithful to death and give up their earthly flesh to go into heavenly sanctuary to serve as king and priest. (Same as jesus). The lady on this forum is still in flesh yet she wants to serve as a royal priest right now. She rants against the GB because they are denying her royal priesthood because she cannot do her royal duties right now in the flesh here on earth. Does it sound logical in the light of the scripture you quoted?
  14. Well, world conditions have changed considerably after WW1...... weapons development, population explosion, damage to the earth /biosphere - just to name 3 items on a long list. True, but it is as though the stage is set for people to kill each other (in most countries) - brother against brother. Violence and hate is brewing and UN will step in with surveillance and new moral laws. So it could take 10 years or more BUT it could happen sooner..... depending on the resistance to UN plans and UN determination to push their plans through to create peace and security. - their way. Agenda 2030 must be completed by 2030. By 2022 they want a world federal currency. The glaziers on Himmalayas is melting, Maldives going under water, fire hazards everywhere, forests destroyed with rare species of plants and animals, desertification, etc. - these conditions will create more food and water shortages, national disasters, etc which could speed up unrest and the need for UN intervention. World events are volatile and unpredictable bringing critical times. While we watch the intensity of the birth pains increasing - we know the birth is eminent but we do not know the date....However , we can recognize what is going on. Jesus had the approval of God and was anointed by Jehovah and the world hated him. Why would we expect imperfect men be more successful than Jesus?
  15. True, but Jesus said: “Notice the fig tree and all the other trees. When they are budding, you see it for yourselves and know that now the summer is near." When I watch world events I compare it to what I have read in the bible. It helps me to understand what is going on. This is why I agree with the GB. It is not worship of them which allows me to agree with them - it is knowledge of the realities around me. I see the big blossoms opening up everywhere!
  16. Jesus was smart - he knew exactly what the pharisees were going to do. To understand what is going on around you is not the spirit of the world. To distinguish morally that individuals are against the truth and promoting hate towards the people of Jehovah is discernment. To quote tons of scriptures and applying them in illogical ways does not make one a true disciple of Jehovah...... it is the actions which count. I do recognise that your words on this forum are a repetition of the same old hate towards those whom jehovah is using. To watch world events to see fulfillment of bible scripture is important. This is how I know 1914 is accurate. This is how I know how close we are to prophesied events leading to Armageddon. Even if I die tomorrow, I can say like Simeon, that Jehovah allowed me to understand some realities before I died.
  17. You speak as though resurrected people will be cattle to be categorised. When all people live to glorify and praise jehovah by means of living together in harmony and love and showing godly qualities - this is our purpose.
  18. I now live in a country where people kiss icons and make the cross when they walk past a cross or symbol of the church. So much worship of idols.
  19. As I said before - I happen to agree with GB and JW.org. that conditions are developing for Armageddon. You constantly accuse me of worship for GB without giving me credit to think for myself. I watch world events closely and can confirm MORE than the JW.org writes about. They can only write about the bible and stick to the purpose given them by Jehovah. Lately they have only been preparing us for Armageddon and to develop the godly qualities and conviction needed to do so. Arguments about where we are in the stream of time, is no longer needed. If you cannot see the times we are living in, then I can only say you are truly blind. I do not have any restriction. I can write about my thoughts and speculate how things are moving forward towards Armageddon - based on the evidences I see in the world. The fact that I have lived and worked in many countries has opened my eyes to see what is really going on in the world. I spot trends. I have investigated many ideologies such as Islam, communism and super capitalism and looked at the origin of modern philosophies. Looked at the origins of EU / UN ideologies and the UN agreements signed by 176 countries. I have written on this forum how China has built 7 islands, taken control of 8 more, how they murder their own people and surveille them intensely, how Japan and Australia fear them. The south China sea is just about theirs; they will soon control the wealth of the world - the little that is left....... because the major forests on earth are being stripped by China - which is another threat to our global biosphere. I have written about China and Russian energy co-operation and financial agreement (BRICS) and both are taking control of ports all over the world and the mineral resources in Africa and South America. How Russia has outplayed USA for alliances in the middle east with Iran and Turkey (weapons) and how Turkey is extending its influence in the meditiranean. US government is as corrupt now behind the scenes as any third world country with its politicians making BIG money for themselves and they are not held accountable. USA is racially and politically divided - irreconcileable and toxic. I understand how the Islamic money streaming into USA from front organizations via Qatar etc. into charity and universities; and how the money from global billionaires via their "foundations" are contributing to NGOs at local level to undermine US sovreignty - getting us ready for one world sovreignty under the UN (or a coalition of nations under UN.- 176 nations have already signed). The scene is set in Europe for Islamists to take over - either by getting people in high government positions or other methods....... the iron-like opposition (right positions) to the clay (humanist philosophies) is a last stand by people who know their leaders have maneuvered them into a corner. Christian's are being slaughtered (silent genocide) in Africa and no-one writes about it or cares..... because it is no longer fashionable to be a Christian in the west. I have written about AI and how the UN likes the surveillance credit system in china and 5G is the convenient tool to do it in the west. This is their model for the west in future. With this they will be able to control people who have radical religious ideas and also control all money and crime. They will be able to call out "peace and security" and really think they have attained it. Your life will not be worth much if you do not obey them. You know what..... I can bore you for hours by telling you how all these situations are building up to a condition where the UN will get federal global control and may I remind you that China and Russia do have veto-rights on the Security Council. If you think I am a puppet of the GB and JW.org - think again. I am a willing slave of Jehovah. I pity the people on here who seem to not even have sorted themselves out - let alone tell others that they are stupid for serving Jehovah by insinuating that we serve an organization. I am grateful for what I have learnt from this organization but it does not mean that I have lost my thinking faculties. In fact, my much cherished moral discernment has helped me to see how corrupt everything is. Most people today in the world go along with the main stream such as the latest fad of LGBTQ - which by the way, is also a policy pushed by UNESCO in schools in the west. No play, No pay. My moral discernment has become my compass by which I can see how wicked things really are. I need not tell you that the UN themselves are totally corrupt and have not thought their grand policies through. Their soldiers rape and get away with it, whistleblowers are fired, they are all atheists with the the belief that "redistributed wealth" and no borders will make the world a wonderful utopia - under their rule of course. And child trafficking - well that is now a global occupation which brings money like drugs.... I think, YOU should be the one to examine yourself and stop accusing JWs of worshipping the GB. We have more than enough reason to thank them for keeping us moral and awake!
  20. That statement is so ludicrous and over the top it is not even worth a reply....... pagan gods heh? Please specify.....
  21. I do believe that the waters of Truth does not sting or hurt but hailstones of truth weighing a symbolic talent will definitely be devastating. It is a prophecy...... so in my mind's eye - I know it will happen. I believe jehovah's Word.
  22. I do enjoy the entertainment value here ..... sometimes we need crazy comments to lighten things up. Swedish culture is very serious, South African culture (white) suffers from the same malaise. Every culture is different - so if I irritate some here - ascribe it to culture. Of course - there is a time to joke and a time to be serious.
  23. As I have shown on this forum before - jehovah has a timeline for his "project " or administration of his project to restore the earth to his original purpose. Similar to project management, we find perfect time management of prophesied events to help his people to understand where we are in the stream of time. 1914 is only one of these events. Has your church helped you to understand the seven heads of the beast? Have they indicated to you who is the "image of the beast " who will also become the eighth king for a short while? This eighth king will be given rulership willingly by a coalition of nations....... Where do you stand with your understanding of these prophecies which is very important to the culmination of Jehovah's timeline. You can laugh and scoff us when you can understand these prophecies.
  24. True, Jehovah causes to become ..... but he works with imperfect people where there is a spirit of cooperation and obedience. Good question because this is the assignment given to his obedient disciples during the perousia Matt 24:14.
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