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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 3 hours ago, Anna said:

    They mean they're speculating

    I think all were openly joking.  I put in a snide remark aimed at the opposers but it was taken personally because I happened to quote only one person and not all. (apologies again).

    I see "water" of truth  which is hardened like hail - to hurt.   These hailstones according to prophecy weigh a talent (close to 33 pounds, I presume).

    A hailstorm the size of golf balls can be devastating. Imagine receiving the truth weighing a talent - it will be devastating!

    Welcome back Anna!  I missed you.

  2. 2 hours ago, Witness said:

    are a counterfeit priesthood, the

    I do not agree with you- the "man of lawlessness" is not JW elders.  Both Titus and Timothy gives a list of elder qualifications and "teaching" is one of them. 

     The man of lawlessness was already present in time of Paul.  The Greek philosophy and its loose sexual practices had already entered the congregation together with this following feature:  by means of Greek oratory style some had become leaders and appointed themselves over others.  Jezebel (mentioned in Revelation) was one of them. A few others was mentioned by Paul.

    Later when pagan teachings were ingrained in the "church" and it became a political entity the "man of lawlessness" established itself as a permanent entity on the world scene.  Christendom literally ruled over the domain.  She is a large part of Babylon the Great which is going down in destruction soon.... but before she goes into destruction the 'lawlessness" will be revealed.  

    The catholic community is at present up in arms because the Pope is signing an agreement next year in May with some heads of the Jewish and Muslim religions- the Abrahamic religions. They are building a large religious complex in Abbu Dahbi  next year.  It seems the "man of lawlessness " will soon be revealed because this agreement has removed Jesus as randsom-giver from the bible.  Only one God (with different names -it seems) will be accepted.  Homosexuality is a side-issue as it is not mentioned but as we all know LGBTQ has been adopted in the church and many other Christian denominations have "voted"  to have it accepted in their renegade churches called Christian.

    The man of lawlessness will be revealed on a world-wide scale before the end..........for breaking Jehovahs moral laws on an unmeasured scale - allowing spiritistic practices and immorality, worshipping idols and appointing themselves even over kings.  You,  no-doubt will feel happy when our elders or GB is imprisoned for something which is not allowed in our congregations. This may ge a sign to you that you were right....... but the "man of lawlessness" is the Christian part of Babylon the Great.

    Your life is  messed up by resentment.  You see absolutely everything you interpret in scripture through ONE window only. The perceived injustice of your elevated place which is not acknowledged by elders or the GB. 


    Please read the illustration of the wheat and the weeds (Mt 13).  This was the foretold largescale apostacy that would grow until the time of the end.  A clear revolt against jehovah and Jesus. 

    I can only urge everyone to re-read the man of lawlessness in the Insight book. I read it again after writing my little piece here. Some good scriptures are mentioned..

  3. 10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    not to live as people around them

    We do not live as those around us - but it helps to broaden your knowledge of the different  times of the bible. It helps you to understand history and even illustrations better.  The Insight is an excellent companion for this purpose. For instance, the Good Samaritan; t was quite common to be robbed on the road..... hopefully only foreigners did this and not fellow Israelites.  Alas this was not always the case.  Samaritans were not spoken to etc. etc..  

  4. 1 hour ago, JJJ-AUSTRALIA said:

    are always dimmining other person's points of view.

    Apologies, if I came across disrespectful. Unfortunately there are so many people on here which do not even respect God.  I know I should be kinder to them but they are really hardened in their hate of JWs and only find fault.  They do not come across as reasonable at all. Some come here to troll or mislead. 

  5. 2 hours ago, JJJ-AUSTRALIA said:

    U wonder why JWs doesn't teach that bit.

    We know about that. If you attend all meetings you will hear about these details. There are other interesting facts as well such as when the ark was taken by the philistines their god, Dagon fell face down - If I remember correctly on 3 consecutive days; they also developed terrible piles etc.   


    55 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    JHVH allowed" ....this or that in Moses

    When Jehovah allowed things it was not the ideal but he allowed it because - as Jesus said - they were hard-hearted.  Most probable hard to deal with too because their inclination was not kind, or loving. What does your church say about it?  Do they have an opinion?


    45 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    has not interfered in the lives of ANY Nation

    I agree on this - he does not take political or racist sides. However, he can assist people to deal with major problems and to stay faithful.  In some cases he can use circumstances to work out for his servants.  When witnesses were facing long prison sentences they received their freedom...quite unexpectedly -it happened in 1919. Jehovah had a job for them to do.  

  6. 2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Moses period, did he go against God Order in Eden?

    No - Jehovah allowed it in Mosaic law because the Israelites were so hard hearted.... but Christians had to follow the standard set in Eden. They used this certificate to divorce wives on any small pretext - even leaving older wives for young ones. They abused this provision.

    2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    cut private parts of killed people

    They cut private parts of young girls in our so-called modern society.  The law case against the doctor in USA was thrown out of court.  Thousands of young girls in Africa and even in USA are subjected to this - which makes them vulnerable to all kinds of sicknesses - not to mention the life threat and pain to having sex and child birth. This is happening right now with permission of most governments.

    Savagery in war has been with mankind forever.   Some scalped, some shrunk and kept the heads of victims. Less than 400 years ago in Europe they used to hang and quarter people - let their entrails hang out......put their heads on pikes for weeks.  I will not go into the other gruesome things that humans can think up.  In Zaire in 1972 they put barbwire up JWs  backsides and screwed it around so their intestines break up and they die a most painful and slow death..... you want to know about more details?   I can tell you some gruesome things which Africans and also ISIS are still doing in Africa and in the Syria war...... you will not sleep for a week.

    So cutting off foreskins as proof of activity after persons were dead and cannot feel pain is merciful.  For more civilized people today this is very distasteful BUT remember this:   the germans were very civilized nation - and look what atrocities they got up to during WW2. The Japannese as well.  Look what people did to each other during hurricane Katrina a few years back..... bring bad situations and peoples true colors come out.   Most people are capable of horrible things when they do not believe that Jehovah can see them.

    Jehovah's people are now being prepared for a time of anarchy so they do not participate in this kind of stuff during Armageddon and so keep Jehovah's approval. 

    Israel had laws and were not allowed to do certain things in battle which other nations practiced.  They did not flay people and cut off body parts as the assyrians did.  They did not cut off all the fruit trees and stop up water holes etc.  Jehovah did teach them mercy and justice. 


  7. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    woman boss is in capacity to be boss and organized things in respectful way to her coworkers who are under her boss

    Agreed- my brother is an elder and his wife handles all money matters. He says he spends too easily and she does the job better.  Some mucho men find this strange because they still cling to cultural traditions and not following Jehovahs way. BUT I can assure you his wife is not trying out to be an elder.  She has many bible  studies and is serving her congregation in this and many other capacities.

    A slaves life was his master's. If he calls him in the night he had to do his bidding.  Jehovah gas given his slave the task to feed his sheep and to preach.   This is their task -to see that this is done well.  They are now preparing us for Armageddon.

  8. On 12/22/2019 at 8:49 AM, Jack Ryan said:

    David killed 200 hundred Philistines in battle

    Again I urge you to study a little ancient history to see what practices were prevalent in those days 3000 years ago.  We cannot compare our ideas of how society should function to those days.  One must view history in context of the period.  For instance - People underestimated the power of  radio technology which helped to program an entire nation into Nazism.

    You forget that David also did not have only one wife and he was also  given"  a wife - Saul's daughter - which was a most common practice in most kingly families. For example it was practice for the pharoahs to  marry their own sisters. 

    When the pharisees challenged Jesus on the divorce certificates,  Jesus replied that Jehovah made only one wife for Adam and intended it to last forever but said that " due to your hard heartedness, 'Moses' allowed this practice. Matthew 19. This is key - under moses they still were allowed more than one wife but this will soon cha ge. Israel had to be made ready for the next set of principles taught by Jesus - not laws- which liberated them as individuals.

    Remember that the law wers only a "tutor" until christ. Teaching israel right from wrong....... something which other nations did not have.  For example the pagans practiced spiritism which included oracles in many forms, spells, talking to the dead, magic, marrying children and burning their own children.  

    When christ came he taught his dedicated nation even  more  advanced standards such as loving an enemy, having one wife, self-sacrifice and more behaviours which gave individual responsibility coupled with more freedom. Christs disciples refused to go to war and serve in armies.  But israel before them were allowed to protect themselves and on one occasion made pre-emptive war. 

    Israel fought for the promised land - but they had to fight for it and trust in God to assist them. 430 years before that God had promised abraham they will acquire this land but not before the wicked people who were living there fulfilled the requirement for being taken off the land by war. Israel carried out gods will - they did not rape women or act unjust in war as other nations did.

    You forget that Israel was under terrible oppression in the time of Saul by the Philistines. Goliath was one of them.  They were in constant war. To ask David to get foreskins was basically a death sentence because the opposition was always prepared for war.  Saul was a wicked king by this time and later went to the witch of Endor to speak to the dead. 

    David had to show courage similar to Samson who also harassed the oppressive philistines.  The philistines were a powerful nation who also burned their children in fire. 

    David had to do battle for the foreskins against hardened soldiers.   If you read any history you will understand that mankind has been at constant warfare and slavery since Cain killed Abel. 

    A few years of rest and then at war again.  Most philosophers are saying that another world war is now overdue.... .  But as you know- when the world leaders call out that they have attained " peace and security" then armageddon will be on its way.

    Then injustice, oppression and war will only be a history of the past. Under Jehovahs government there will be true peace and security.


  9. I remind you again that you should patch up your understanding of ancient history and how people lived in those days. Do not compare the PRE-judeo and Christian standards with today's standards.

    Incest was only defined as something jehovah abhors when Israel received the Law of Moses.  He allowed people to multiply in this way until this law was given to a nation that was now dedicated to his Name. Until this time it was probably safe to multiply in this way because we note that people suddenly  did not get as old as before....... so there may already have been significant  DNA damage.

    Today cousins still marry in many cultures but the silent diseases which it spawns are not spoken of openly in these societies.  Severely handicapped people are kept in back rooms and it is never mentioned. 

    There is now a big problem in first world countries with a lot of Muslim migrants.  In UK the NHS forks out large a counts of money e ery year on these handicapped people and articles have been written about it...... Programs were instituted to warn people but were abandoned as islamaphobic.....AND it has become politically incorrect to even mention the money or these practices or the diseaases in the press.  Muslims are not the only ones who still practice this custom. 

  10. Coming to mind:  our relationship with jehovah must be truthful.  He knows when we are not truthful, when we are not honest with Him or with ourselves.

    Our relationship with our neighbours must always be truthful because we cannot live with a mask- be hypocritical in what we say or do. What we say, do and think must be in line with Jehovahs moral standards - that is integrity.

    There is the kind of person who goes after fleshly desires and those who follow spiritual desires - with spiritual we mean -  in line with Jehovahs  bible principles and purpose for us..

    There is a modern trend to called " to be spiritual".  Even atheists are spiritual. This is satanic deception because this is a fake persona to present oneself as "deep" when you may be reading horoscopes or other activities which are totally  against Jehovahs moral standards.

    Satan is a "spirit" -  so spiritual could mean you are under his influence. To serve Jehovah in spirit and truth means to believe he is a rewarding spirit with no equal in wisdom, mercy, love, power, and justice and all his wonderful qualities - he exists - and obey his unparalleled principles.  To believe his Word and strictly obey it and to know that soon he will remove all fake "sprituality" with its pretentious  love for deception and lies and independence from Jehovah .....and remove satan and his demons who are the father/originators of it.

    To be "spiritual or mindful" is a new way to say you are "not religious in the conventional way" of acknowledging the bible and its principles. You are now sophisticated  and following your own independent way. You are "religious" without acknowledging the living God jehovah.

  11. 17 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    reject and make funny of your thoughts and words just because you are woman?

    You can respect a woman for her godly acts of conduct.  But I do not think you will appreciate it when a woman tries to rule over you.  

    17 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    it is good to be careful about GB

    There have been cases where they have been removed..... so yes, no-one is above Jehovahs laws.

    17 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    work of anointed and what is work of slave?

    The difference is: the modern slave gives food to the fellow workers as predicted for the last days.. 

  12. 44 minutes ago, Witness said:

    to minimize and suppress the identity and role of the anointed. When I asked

    Always the OCD.  You want to rule and teach right now do you?   A woman?  You do not want to wait until the time for this comes?   You conveniently forget that arrogantly pushing ahead is a sin?  

    You never explain what is the role of elders!   Because you feel that you should be doing their job and they are oppressing you - the true anointed who is higher than they are ?

    We all know that Jesus was "appointed"  as judge - so in effect jehovah is judging.

    Throughout the 2 millenia there have been anointed but it is only in connection with the "presence"  in last days that a slave is mentioned. 

  13. On 12/17/2019 at 4:56 PM, the Sower of Seed said:

    must come out of the 4th Beast, the Iron Thighs of the Image at Daniel 2:40 

    I speak now from memory only.  I recall our Daniel book very well because I also know this secular history very well.

    The great horn that destroyed 3 other seafaring nations (Spain, France, Netherlands) was the British empire which eventually became the beast in Revelation- the lamb with 2 horns who is the false prophet - the Anglo-American world power. Dan 7:23 &24

    This horn came up from the 4th beast in Daniel which was the beast made of Iron.  When Britain broke away from the Papacy in the time of Hendry 8 and Hendry created the church of England this horn came up and gained strength to become the British empire.  Although America broke away from Britain they have always worked together and people will be surprised how many secret British societies still wield power in USA.  They still work in unison. 

    On 12/17/2019 at 4:56 PM, the Sower of Seed said:

    Because he only rules 3 & 1/2 times or

    This power rules over Jehovahs people for only 3 and half times.  Daniel 7:25.

    This king (anglo-american empire) is the seventh head of the beast that came out of the wicked sea of mankind. Rev 13

    The king which is the 8th king will rule in the final time of end. The "image of the beast" is the 8th king because the other kings willingly give it authority for a short period. (Re-read our information this week in the mid-week meeting).

    This is why I watch everything pertaining to UN or as GB says:- a coalition of nations.

    You will be shocked to learn that 176 nations have already signed 3 agreements which have given UN authority to decide global policies.  The UN  wants one world government in the west. Some countries do not like UN policies and call it "globalism" which they  are fighting with a populist "nationalism." 

    Globalists want to remove all borders and bring one set of digital currency - hence the fight over Brexit in UK and trump in US.  They want a world federation of nations.  Basically they want to form one world government in which they can control all policies- so they can call out "peace and security" in their own time.  How it will play out no-one knows but this is what is now happening.

    They are manipulating currencies at present and hope to bring in a new / or new currencies in by 2022.  The Petro-dollar will go away.  They want to control all money.  Those who do not play ball will not be able to buy or sell.  Countries and individuals are already being cut off..... it will get worse. 


    If you want more information on these agreements: it is Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and UN Migration compact 2018.

  14. Just now, Witness said:

    word and accept men's doctrine based on...what?

    I do not just look at the scriptures you quoted but also  the ones referring to the other parts of the spiritual temple for one.   Why do you not explain the courtyard of the temple but only the areas the priests went into?  This area also has a greater fulfillment ...... 

    You accuse me of listening to a bunch of old men - I happen to agree with them and disagree with you because you are not honest...... you only give answers to the parts that suits you. .... and leave out some inconvenient facts. 

    As I have said before - it is what deceivers do NOT tell you that is important.  They conveniently have amnesia regarding most relevant facts. 


  15. 3 hours ago, Witness said:


    Before the throne is on earth...... and you can offer incense (prayers) anywhere you are. You need not do it in front of brothers.

    It is very telling that you do not talk about the courtyard  of the temple where the ordinary folk could pray, listen to the reading of the law and watch procedures in the temple - who do they represent in the greater fulfillment?

    Seeing your repetition of the same old , same old condemnation tells me you are very stubborn and you are not open to anything but your own opinion - which is not even close to the truth.


  16. 6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:



    6 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    everyone else is more imperfect than you.

    Yes, the entire history of mankind is one of injustice, war, murder, oppression and vile crimes against each other.  The laws given to Israel were to teach them Jehovahs standards as a dedicated nation so they could be acceptable to him to carry his name. When they followed his laws it went well and they could experience peace and happiness as individuals and as a nation.  

    Other cultures, (i.e. china/africa/) who did not know jehovah,  had their own laws which often were extremely cruel to their fellow men and animals. 

    If people do not understand this concept: that every human is wicked  (born in sin) and always veers towards injustice and oppression, then they think too much of themselves and will not repent and turn their life around as individuals.

    Soon we will see the full effect of  leaving jehovah's ways behind on the entire globe.  Most people are leaving christendom and in effect becoming godless while other religions with spiritistic practices are growing exponentially.  The earth was so  wicked before the flood that jehovah decided to step in.  We are heading down the same pathway very fast and this time the tribulation experienced will be more extreme. But jehovah will cut it short to save those who were not "better" than others but were acceptable to Him because they showed love for his name and loyally tried to follow his moral standards.  Thankfully, jehovah judges us as individuals - not collectively. This is something collectivists do not understand.

    This new modern progressive philosophy (which replaces the bible and has permeated vast parts of western society, apart from the nationalists)) tends to put people in groups which are protected, or not.  It is collectivist in thinking  - judging groups of people deserving to be removed from society or not.  China is already removing groups of people they have identified as undesirable and so is Russia (albeit in different ways but the concept is the same).

    Many people in the west already have collectivist thinking and no doubt, I guess, will remove identified 'groups' in future which are inconvenient to have around - such as the mention of christ's name as Matthew 24 indicates.  The stage is already set. 

    I think (personal opinion), the establishment may unjustly incarcerate our GB on some silly pretext and even go as far as liquidating our property and think they have dealt with us. This will test our personal loyalty to Jehovah because some may think he has left his people. Then all religions will have to go (like in china) and the political system will proceed to dismantle their religious bedfellows who took the lead in turning people away from the randsom of  christ (world empire of false reliigion) and promoted spiritistic practices.

    The world will see that faithful JWs are still serving as a nation and as individuals - by this time the world economy will have fallen or on its last breath -  that our activities will be like 33kg hailstones  or the stinging of vipers. They will launch an outright attack of hateful extermination against us. We know the outcome.

    Yes - we are no better than any-other here on earth. We are just too aware of our inadequacies...... but as individuals we have attached ourselves to the name of jehovah and Jesus and His principles. We are in this marriage loyally to the end.  

  17. On 12/18/2019 at 7:14 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    seems strange to me that in Australia they had information going back over 50 years, but in USA it onl

    At least we tried to stop it from happening via a database. So people could not go without a record to another congregation.  Other organizations did NOTHING.  Again, you critisized too quickly - not understanding all the issues involved.  I leave it at that..... 

    On 12/18/2019 at 7:14 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    info is just to show you @Arauna that hundreds of people have been victims of Child Sexual Abuse within the JW Org. The Org has always pretended to be family

    Do not be condescending.  I know the full impact of this crime in all the world - something you do not wish to understand because you only focus on the JWs.  

    Where there are children - this crime exists. While governments are eager to follow up on JW cases there is wholesale cover up on behalf of the rich and "protected"  religions and societies. 

    On 12/18/2019 at 7:14 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    The Elders have not been allowed to tell the congregations as a whole, tha

    We have the same rule for all sins.  If you committed adultery -  the details of your sins would not be blabbed out to the entire congregation. So it is not a matter of covering up - but respecting the privacy of those involved. Court cases of defamation can also ensue if it was announced without conviction in a legal court.

    It is not kind to do this as the innocent victim may also be hurt by this.  Regarding reporting to authorities (before it became mandatory), many families have chosen not to report because of the consequences to the victim. Additionally, being dragged to court and being put under cross examination.

    On 12/18/2019 at 7:14 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    God will need to form a new organisation using the true Anointed. But even that

    Do not think you have the right to advise God or tell him what to do.

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