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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. Yes, the entire history of mankind is one of injustice, war, murder, oppression and vile crimes against each other. The laws given to Israel were to teach them Jehovahs standards as a dedicated nation so they could be acceptable to him to carry his name. When they followed his laws it went well and they could experience peace and happiness as individuals and as a nation. Other cultures, (i.e. china/africa/) who did not know jehovah, had their own laws which often were extremely cruel to their fellow men and animals. If people do not understand this concept: that every human is wicked (born in sin) and always veers towards injustice and oppression, then they think too much of themselves and will not repent and turn their life around as individuals. Soon we will see the full effect of leaving jehovah's ways behind on the entire globe. Most people are leaving christendom and in effect becoming godless while other religions with spiritistic practices are growing exponentially. The earth was so wicked before the flood that jehovah decided to step in. We are heading down the same pathway very fast and this time the tribulation experienced will be more extreme. But jehovah will cut it short to save those who were not "better" than others but were acceptable to Him because they showed love for his name and loyally tried to follow his moral standards. Thankfully, jehovah judges us as individuals - not collectively. This is something collectivists do not understand. This new modern progressive philosophy (which replaces the bible and has permeated vast parts of western society, apart from the nationalists)) tends to put people in groups which are protected, or not. It is collectivist in thinking - judging groups of people deserving to be removed from society or not. China is already removing groups of people they have identified as undesirable and so is Russia (albeit in different ways but the concept is the same). Many people in the west already have collectivist thinking and no doubt, I guess, will remove identified 'groups' in future which are inconvenient to have around - such as the mention of christ's name as Matthew 24 indicates. The stage is already set. I think (personal opinion), the establishment may unjustly incarcerate our GB on some silly pretext and even go as far as liquidating our property and think they have dealt with us. This will test our personal loyalty to Jehovah because some may think he has left his people. Then all religions will have to go (like in china) and the political system will proceed to dismantle their religious bedfellows who took the lead in turning people away from the randsom of christ (world empire of false reliigion) and promoted spiritistic practices. The world will see that faithful JWs are still serving as a nation and as individuals - by this time the world economy will have fallen or on its last breath - that our activities will be like 33kg hailstones or the stinging of vipers. They will launch an outright attack of hateful extermination against us. We know the outcome. Yes - we are no better than any-other here on earth. We are just too aware of our inadequacies...... but as individuals we have attached ourselves to the name of jehovah and Jesus and His principles. We are in this marriage loyally to the end.
  2. I loved the things mentioned above and can only add that we have principles or guidelines but imperfect people make them into rules.
  3. So explain your personal experience in this matter which contradicts mine.
  4. Making money? If he is in Africa he will be fortunate to make 10 dollars a week. BIG business. Do not see your own exaggerations? People who demean others use this form of deceit
  5. At least we tried to stop it from happening via a database. So people could not go without a record to another congregation. Other organizations did NOTHING. Again, you critisized too quickly - not understanding all the issues involved. I leave it at that..... Do not be condescending. I know the full impact of this crime in all the world - something you do not wish to understand because you only focus on the JWs. Where there are children - this crime exists. While governments are eager to follow up on JW cases there is wholesale cover up on behalf of the rich and "protected" religions and societies. We have the same rule for all sins. If you committed adultery - the details of your sins would not be blabbed out to the entire congregation. So it is not a matter of covering up - but respecting the privacy of those involved. Court cases of defamation can also ensue if it was announced without conviction in a legal court. It is not kind to do this as the innocent victim may also be hurt by this. Regarding reporting to authorities (before it became mandatory), many families have chosen not to report because of the consequences to the victim. Additionally, being dragged to court and being put under cross examination. Do not think you have the right to advise God or tell him what to do.
  6. When my daughter had her cancer operation I had a couple sit with me. I explained my stance to the doctor myself. I had no pressure. BUT this emotion is in the eye of the beholder.... it says a lot about you.
  7. There is so little work in Africa..... but I do not know where he lives. Some brothers in USA make bible covers, literature bags to sell..... so this is same idea.
  8. They go to doctors and hospitals to explain our blood stance. They visit brothers in hospital awhen they are seriously ill. They sit with you and support you during serious surgeries when you request assistance. I experienced this help during the time my daughter had her cancer surgery. I was not coerced by any one on my stance regarding blood. So the assumption above that they act as watchdogs is ludicrous...... it is assigning bad motives where there are none.
  9. Bingo! Not to Angel's or people with heavenly bodies...... to those made for earth!
  10. We do hate sexual abuse but you are so totally critical that you do not recognize any efforts JWs have done (when there were no laws in place) to do something about this..... being totally unreasonable. You also do not have the capacity to put yourself in another organizations shoes. .... to look at an issue from BOTH sides......nor reasonable but only one sided. Hence my contention that you have joined the haters....... no constructive criticism but totally destructive. ....
  11. I guess you did not read Isaiah 66:1
  12. There is the most holy where the high priest (Jesus) went in; and the Holy place where only the underpriests served.....they also served in the priestly courtyard. I said to you in my previous answer that you ignore the other parts of the temple.......... Underpriests went into the....court of priests with the altar...... so where did the ordinary folk go? The inner "courtyard of Israel" for the Hebrew men - where they participated and watched the priests ( women originally were allowed in this courtyard as well but were later separated in the court of women (outer court). Women were required to hear scriptures read. And later the most outer court for the gentiles/proselites was added by Herod. This is where Jesus taught and where the cleansing of the temple took place - the area where they were selling animals. This area symbolises the earthly sheep who also serve day and night in this temple.....as the sun never sets on our prayers and service...
  13. You forgot to mention many of the organizations such as scouts etc that closed their doors and cannot get taken to court..... and are not held accountable....You also name only one Jewish case when there are many....many ....and you also forgot the muslem 9 year old marriages that are thrown out of court and nothing done! Many rape gangs in UK for 15 years and police turn a blind eye. Why do you not go and stand in the street in front of mosque when the next 9 year old gets married. Stand with a placard indicati g you are against 9 year old marriages in your own country. Then you will see where the true sympathies of governments lie and if your government really cares about 9 year old victims who cannot give consent for marriage. Do they really care about the continued rape of 9 year olds? ......... will you find yourself behind bars? Heh?.
  14. You know the scriptures..... there are no scriptures referring to fractions. Apart from medicines and vitamins with blood fractions, there is talk of beauty products made from fetuses, impossible burger synthetic meat which has DNA in it which causes it to bleed etc. Yes man is getting pretty wicked and innovative.... so it depends on the person- what they know and what they do not know.....
  15. Definitely. So when I see unreasonableness, only hateful criticism (not constructive criticism), lies about what JWs teach, I can go on about the negatives.......then I realize there is a "spirit" allright - but not coming from Jehovah. John 8:44 apply to these people.
  16. Yea, I go where my husband goes. But I keep active preaching. I do not promote myself in any way....... keep focussed on the kingdom. I could have promoted myself - but I did not. I appreciate the truth and its aim to try to stick to Jehovahs high moral standards...... and as jehovah said we must have godly justice, mercy and love. Display these qualities as prescribed by Jah.
  17. Do not twist my words...... I said people do not have respect for blood. So no- we are NOT to consume whole blood in any way. When it comes to fractions, it is a personal decision, such as vaccinations - which are grown with fetus tissue etc.
  18. They will use this as the excuse..... not for the purpose of true justice. Jehovah has never punished someone else for a murder. The perpetrator must have the consequences himself - not someone else - but only on witness of two people because of the seriousness of the consequences. The GB will carry the consequences even though they were not the perpetrators of the crimes or the elders in the congregation which could not determine guilt..... or negligence in congregation. And here I use the example again of other religious organizations. It is more prevalent in Islam than in catholic church and also the Jews BUT do you ever see anyone of these religions put it in the press? ....never a word in the press. Why are JWs singled out?..... even though we shun when we can determine guilt ? Because people want to destroy us. They know we are imperfect like they are - but their hate for us wins the day..... we are wicked when we do not immediately condemn without enough proof and we are condemned when we shun...... so we can never get it right.... similar to Jesus they will find a reason to crucify us. I think they will turn against GB and confiscate all property......... but JWs will still meet and not be destroyed when other religions are destroyed at Armageddon........ then when we still preach ..... they will turn on us - final part of Armageddon.
  19. Nope Matt 18: 20 For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” We are instructed in the bible not to forsake meetings. My reasoning is this: - If they are the true "slave" as they say they are: Have they got groups of people in most countries who gather together ? Who all believe the same as they do? In order to form the 'nation' from all tribes and languages that will appear in the time of the end ? According to Isaaih 2: 2-4
  20. Exactly! The question was to get you to think! You answered correctly. .... we will not need the 144000 amongs us to teach us on earth.... gods spirit will guide us....... You read into it motives which are not there. If they did not help the brothers - then people like you would say they are wicked and do not have gods spirit and when they do appoint a committee to help - then they are controlling and watching brothers........ as I said before..... do you ever think of your reasonableness? A sign of gods spirit is love and reasonableness. Before the throne. The earth is the footstool of the throne- read Isaiah 66:1. Are JWs worshiping God whole-souled, or has their dedication to a “worldwide organization” led them away from true worship? Those who “worship” the Beast/organization that is guided by a false prophet (Rev 13:11) say, “Who is like the beast, and who is able to make war with him?” This is the same Beast that overcomes the anointed through blasphemy targeted against them. Rev 13:4-7 Can truth/light reside with falsehood/darkness? 2 Cor 6:14 Would Jesus, who is Truth, allow his servants to spread falsehoods worldwide, especially when he promised the Helper would tell them “all things”? John 14:2 You do realize that every piece of wrongful teaching from the GB reached all corners available at the time of its distribution? Millions of people read them, JWs and those not JWs. Doesn’t the fact that the organization exposed their list of falsehoods/”beliefs clarified" prove beyond a doubt that Jesus’ Spirit is not found in the hearts of your leaders? It truly is slander against the Son of God to believe he condones falsehoods. Telling truth does not equate to hate! Did Jesus Patronizing me again - you are the great false prophet that is led by your own "holy" spirit to say that I cannot think for myself. So you are blessed by your great visions to think for yourself better than I do? You say the anointed are the great crowd - just this sentence had me realize what I am dealing with - it is so ludicrous. I am now more sure than ever that I am dealing with a self-appointed religious nut. Sorry - to tell it so rudely - you are totally disregarding the forecourt of the original temple ....... so you interpretation of this also incorrect........ and you speak down to me asif I am ignorant? I do not profess to be anointed. But "stupid" people like me have more knowledge of the bible by listening to the JW slave than you do - You are self-appointed teachers - who (in your extreme arrogance) is opposing the true slave .......whom you accuse OCD-style of arrogance....... and all this is due to your own desire to have prominence to teach! It is not a out the teachings itself - it is all about the prominence! Because your interpretation of scripture does not impress me at all!
  21. I can say how don't see any special need for 144000 to be in Heaven for purpose to reign. That can be done also very good from Earth too. But maybe we can say, for fun, that problem is hidden in transferring power of spirit from Heaven to Earth. We been explained by WT Society how "miracles" stopped. In that context it seems how one of "miracle" is to be inspired by God also finished in 1 century. :))) Perhaps that could be reason why is important for 14400 to be lifted in Heaven. Because distance must be too far, too long to be handled by spirit. :)))) The spirit of God is not teaching you very well on your own..... this I can see from your comments. When people serve jehovah from free will they will not need anyone to watch them like a watchdog. I think you guys can go and join muslims or the Jews because they believe the ordinary people need someone superior over them to teach them everything. In the new system, new books will be opened to teach us Jehovahs advanced ways but it will be easy to learn because you will have a willing bunch of free people who WANT to serve God. To rule means to judge. So they will judge those who do not cooperate willingly. Where there is self-sacrificing love , a person puts yourself last, then you learn Jehovahs ways quickly and get more of his Spirit. So your idea of teaching as a tool to lord it over others is bogus. .
  22. believe this is what God or Jesus Christ wants from 'chosen one 1 Srecko Sostar reacted to this You are trolling me but you just made another blanket statement again - painting all with the same brush....... like I said before...... the real judge is jehovah. Quote
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