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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. These ate meat? According to evolutionists who do not know animals and sit behind desks -yes. They found in several places that herds of these animals moved about - according to the tracks. Animals that move in herds do not eat meat. They could have used their sharp teeth to tear fibrous plants. What is very significant is the eyes. A predators eyes look straight ahead - to focus on the prey. Look properly at herd animals - their eyes are on the sides of the head - like T-rex. And another problem: short arms....... cannot hold onto the prey to tear it apart or kill it..... Mr alanF may laugh at me..... but this should demonstrate this: ... I am an independent thinker. When I saw an article about large groups of T-rex tracks.....on more than one location.... I started noticing ..........
  2. Which proves my contention about the diversity of animals which CAN eat poisonous plants. ...... where did this new DNA suddenly come from which made a poison their food? True, some mathematicians indicate that the entire time given by evolutionists for the diversity of animals to come about by the chance of beneficial selection is not enough time to build one folded protein..... the chances are zero. Yes, I am an independent type of person. That is why I do not lap up your gobbledegook. I am also not prone to make gods out of men. So mommy watchtower is not my only source of information. Adam understood that he would go to dust if he disobeyed....... animals died. Mice live one year in the wild and three years in domestic environment. Wild animals could be put in sanctuary areas.... but personally.... I believe animals can be tamed and animals can adapt to a new diet. In the Brazilian jungle there are dogs that get no meat. They mostly eat plant material. Carrion eaters can be tamed but maybe they were created to keep the earth clean from dead animals. ...so we will soon see.
  3. No evolution theory can be reproduced and be observed because the evidence is scrappy. ..... and one can hide behind the fact that it is not final... The question is about the earth...... why there is still some uranium here ! If it came from another supernova..... when and how was it replenished here on earth..... what catastrophe brough it here from that distance. The question is valid. Another argument against evolution, given in your own words. So animals cannot adapt? We are not talking about the core of the earth but the crust - that has been here for a very long time..... since you do not believe I the flood
  4. That indicates that you have not looked at the math to see how many minute changes are necessary to build only one cell - and this does not even include the whole entity with its many organs etc.
  5. I am looking for lyrics for this waltz. I would like to sing. If you see it , let me know.
  6. Pity the gypsies are hated all over Europe. Their music is exquisite. Many classical composers used their folk themes in their music. Brahms, liszt etc. I have also sang a few gypsy arias which are almost Wagnerian in scope. The operetta Guidita is beautiful and Grafin Maritza is quite difficult. Very high and low as well as in speed. I had a more dramatic and higher soprano voice. I can still sing it except the very high powerful notes. I sang the dance passages faster than this singer who has more lyrical qualities. I do not like her punctuated phrasing but there are not many examples of this aria on internet. The dancing bits are very gypsy -like.
  7. Yes everything and anything goes in the world.... and those who are its bedfellows. Jehovah is the judge and those who were truly treated unfairly will be compensated by the great compensator himself. I myself have not always been treated fairly by everyone...... but my endurance has brought me many blessings!
  8. Agreed - especially the evolutionists are making the creation into a thing that an unthinking process can accomplish! Yes, an analysis of the logic, coherency, consistency and continuity of the main theme in the bible and compared to what is going on in the academic sector and the world - one can only come to one conclusion:- we need a government that is outside this universe and one which is based on much higher principles and justice than we see mankind capable of. We are truly wicked and our history proves that. We DO have a nasty flaw as the bible says. The general public and many people are not really interested in the nitty gritty little facts - they want a quick read... something which tells them what to think. Also, there has been an explosion of new discoveries which now are being suppressed. Every now and then I get something interesting in my inbox which triggers my thoughts. Many young people are too busy raising families and struggling with a career and to keep a job in these critical times.... there is little time for research and to attend and prepare for meetings and field service. If I sounded harsh - I did not mean to...... but I do say what I think. I think the secular humanist ideologies has softened most American's brains. It is everywhere and leading many astray..... even Jehovah's people. We must all be vigilant. I believe that our fight is against a very immoral world which is getting worse and worse as we speak. I feel for the young people who are raising children in schools where they are teaching these corrupt sexual practices and other teachings as if it is the truth. Many children cannot opt out of saying the Shahada because Islam is promoted as a religion of peace- another lie openly promoted by satan as truth.
  9. We all know that some of the elderly can justify their thinking for themselves..... Although elderly myself I search for realities. I went to the London natural museum several times to look at fossils of dinosaurs. The bone structure of most dinosaurs fall into two categories, those who resemble reptiles and those who have hollow bones and resemble birds..... and had bright feathers. Today we have many birds who do not go into water and do not fly. These large bird-like creatures must have lived near water to cool down as large animals will not survive without large bodies of water. Elephants and rhino need mud or water - even today. Many of the mammals looked like the animals we have today such as rhino....... but just much larger than today. This is my own deduction on this matter: that the change in the atmosphere and earth after the flood was so great that Jehovah allowed those creatures, who would not survive afterward, to die out. Since many animals adapt to their environment (macro evolution - where they do not change specie but just appearance for adaption) they became smaller and changed to suit the environment and different food they ate.... this would affect the animal such as Darwins finches that had adaption in the beak and back again without changing DNA. Tell him to speak to a nano- biotechnologists and the structure of the building blocks of the cell. A physicist cannot explain where the dynamic energy for the entire universe came from..... to bring all this matter into being in orderly fashion too. Mutation and the second law of thermodynamics is now used by evolutionists in feeble way to try to explain evolution but we all know that when this occurs it 'breaks down' the existing order and does not 'build' order and structure. If Jehovah removed his dynamic energy from the universe - I have a nasty suspicion that all would cease to exist. Not true - they believe the propaganda and the hype and want to remain part of the system wherein you cannot go against the accepted narrative. Look what happened to the professor who wrote the first paper which proved that there are proteins in dinosaur bones. The top evolutionists wanted him banned. He lost his job. it was settled out of court because people did not want this to get out. Since then there have been more than ten papers with different proteins in dinosaur bones. No - there are truly many inconsistencies but one has to look out for them because it is what they are NOT telling you which is important! All I can say is that Jehovah did not want this development under wicked humans because they will use it in a selfish and oppressive way. But he held it back in time of Babel until the time of the end because the big showdown is on its way. Perfect timing by Jehovah to draw out satan and those who think like him. Dr Evil is taking over the technology - and we will soon see this emerging much more. Humans were made to live in harmony with Jehovah and his wishes - not our own selfish desires for power and influence over others. Mankind is truly wicked - we need Jehovah to flourish! Yes it is still expensive to create hydrogen for cars or other machines.... but I myself would just like to live in a society where there is harmony, peace and rest. ... and interact with animals and people and tend to the earth! Trees talk to each other chemically and they even feed their babies....young trees. I would like to learn more about this! I have gotten rid of all earthly ambitions and egocentric desires..... and guess what ..... I am happy! Many examples in Africa! We can eat some mushrooms today but many kinds kill you quickly as the liver will shut down. These complex proteins are now deadly to us.... but maybe before they were not. We can eat complex carbohydrates but not complex proteins. I do think the earth changed after the curse and also after the flood.
  10. The level of thinking ability of the youth today..... No wonder USA is in such a mess! I used to mountain hike and ride motorcycles with my husband ..... I am used to seeing wayward people act out. But the level of zombie-ism today is unprecedented.
  11. Jehovah is pleased with us when we respect his word and try to obey. Whole blood is definitely a no-no. Like with other things - I read labels. If something looks suspicious, I avoid it.
  12. Thanks Tom, we are obviously dealing with secularized JWs who are sitting on the fence and maybe do not even really believe the bible when it says jehovah created everything with his dynamic energy.. For them, those descriptions of creation in psalms and job can be thrown into the dustbin. They have not really taken the time to see how irreduceably " connected " all creation is. I have mentioned some interesting examples before. The simplest is the eye and the brain..... without the eye the brain cannot interpret .... so which one came first? Both body parts, as they were supposedly developing over millions of years ....... the one body part, the eye, understood that in "future" it will need a brain and without design developed a brain by pure chances of correct natural selection (hitting the jackpot of benevolent mutation billions of times) to have a brain to perfectly fulfill the purpose of the eye? So natural selection "knows " what will be needed in future...... wow ! Without a brain it can think! These people are so in awe of evolution scholars that they cannot think for themselves..... but use derogatory names on us. ..... a perfect example how university education can erode the ability to think for oneself. Its indoctrination of evolution - is like a religion....... and permeates everything and crowds out the really good solid logic thinking. I did not just trust my family members but went out to discover the truth about it for myself. Family members did help me to develop a curiosity to understand. When thinking is faulty one must be adjusted. This is why I do like to listen to debates to hear both sides. I still have to be disappointed in the bible.
  13. True, we are not supposed to force our beliefs on them.....but they will eventually force theirs on us. This is what ex-jws and the world is blind to..... I firmly believe we will soon go to jail if one refuses to accept the new morality.... which true Christian's will not bow to. Part of the mark of the beast - a new world morality. We will go to prison - the same as those people who are saying Islam is not a religion if peace are now having jail sentences in Europe. Jw's already had fines for small clip about pink ribbon in Europe.... Yes, it is part of the extreme politicization of gender...... the new morality. I Yes, I had a gay guy working for me when I was the head of publicity at the national orchestra. I treated him kind when he had problems - which no-one else did. Had discussions with him about the bible and told the truth. Talked to him about the lifestyle. When he died I could not attend the funeral but afterwards friends told me his parents wanted to see me because their son spoke so highly if my kindness.... But I do not condone this behaviour and I understand that it will eventually be a mark between false Christians and true Christian's..... one that the government may clamp down on. There is only 2 sides. .... that of jehovahs principles or the world.... which is ruled by Satan. There is still time to make the right choice. You're absolutely right! These people know nothing of love. When they sing or talk about love it is mostly about sexual love..... no self-sacrificing love to be found anywhere. I can see how their minds think..... they have been secularized...... a way of thinking in line with secular humanist thinking. After they leave jehovah they fall into this trap. And you are right about Mr AlanF too..... he will go along with all ways of secular thinking (LGBT, evolution, ) because he rejects the bible and its morality. He will do "anything " it takes to save his life because he does not think there is accountability beyond this life. .... so do what is takes to enjoy this life.... only. These humanists find us foolish because we stick to Jehovahs morals..... but this is the difference between fleshly and spiritual thinking This I do know - only people who do not have repentance and have a rebellious spirit are shunned.... mostly a gross sin such as lying, stealing, deceit, sexual immorality.
  14. It is propaganda...... from scholars who have a vested interest to keep things going....... just like the high priests in Jesus' time...... they like the power and the influence this system gives them. All these little side issues keep you focussed on them so you do not ask the BIG questions.. Where did all the energy for this vast universe come from in the first place. What was there before the singularity? They keep you busy with hypothesis of 23 universes.... lol.... where they play with mathematics so they can create the illusion of better " chances" to hit the jackpot of life and it may look a bit better in their favour. I am glad I have a real smart brother who can do math and a researcher in carbon chemistry..... so I have access to knowledge that gives real answers. True evolutionists acknowledge that they do not have the answers..... Why? Because there is too many things one needs to get explanations for which accidental order and intricacy cannot explain. And the records are too scanty to support it..... even if you try your hardest you know you are lying to yourself. Honest evolutionists acknowledge there is not enough evidence - usually after they have retired...... Science is the new God. Most people do not realize that some science disciplines do really search for the truth because replication of the tests and solid evidence is required. BUT evolution is a religion masquerading as a science...... similar to the new science of feminism and transgenderism- where a man can now have a monthly period. This is where evolution and transgenderism is leading the world to....... NOT TRUE SCIENCE because it is all hypothesis with little proof...... Not true - 10 million ..... the newest info. If there were plenty..... I would be convinced by now. Explain the 13 proteins found in the bones..... which points to a younger earth..... This has not been explained in an acceptable way
  15. I have OCD about immorality. No problem with sex when in accord with jehovahs principles. Most shunned people are those who had no respect for Jehovahs standards and were unrepentant about it..... you cannot have your cake and eat it.... Warped sense of reality? It goes both ways. ........ I have Jehovahs sense of morality.....what is more real than that?
  16. I was living in Sweden and now living in Georgia. I stayed away from cold meats that could contain blood in Sweden..... they do put blood in some of their meat products.
  17. I love mince pies, turkey and fruit cakes - the real rich ones. Wait a few days after the world has celebrated their pagan festivities and then go down to the shop....... get them at a much reduced price and put them in the freezer........ then have a feast afterward..... whenever you like. No need to feel deprived ..... heh?
  18. I happen to have a brother who did research on toxins. He became a Jehovahs witness while doing research at the largest research centre in the southern hemisphere which made vaccinations etc for race horses. He is also a brilliant mathematician. He did his degrees in "Carbon" chemistry..... which is about everything that is "living" and carbon based. I have always had a love for science because of my brothers and a natural aptitude. When I still lived in Africa, I had a few interesting discussions with him... Yes, unfortunately many people were awestruck when Dawkins became a celebrity...but unfortunately very little substance there..... My brother gave me several reasons why the mathematics and chemistry about the age of the earth is incorrect. But you did not answer me- why uranium has not all turned to lead? This is one of the simplest questions. There is ample proof of the flood - the sedimentation and the layers. When one looks at the Geologists explanation for the so-called" millions of years "between" the layers when the layers themselves are so deep, one realises quickly there is a problem. They cannot explain it away. The Cambrian explosion and the lack of transition bone specimens in the development of flight. Wings suddenly appear. If only the fittest survive - there should be millions of bones of transitional animals / birds which did not survive. The bone record does not substantiate the claims of evolutionists of slow development.
  19. Yes, in the end we all will do an accounting before jehovah - whether you believe in him or not. Personal choices do bring the fruits of those choices. When mistakes are made one also reaps what was sowed.... Good for your wife - smart to question their dates.
  20. I am not a creationist...... I do not believe the creation of animals and people took only 24 hours. This is what creationists believe. I do believe that jehovah created the earth and the physical universe and the age of the rocks on earth gives one an idea of the age of the earth. Genesis 1: 1 and 2 However, the earth is not as old as the estimates given by some evolutionists. There are many problems with carbon 14 dating as well as the other methods. Uranium breaks down into lead reasonably fast.... and there is still uranium left on the earth..... so if the earth is as old as they say, there would be no uranium left. I do believe that the earth after its creation was left to cool down and there was water on the earth from this process - as the bible indicates. After this God started to prepare the earth for human and animal habitation and only now calls each period a day. He used 6 periods, called a day, to work on this. But he also calls all the creation of heaven and earth (including its preparation) a day - one total period in genesis 2:4. When you promote the idea that the layers of the earth is not in line with bible chronology you are mistaken. You see the geological record together with the biblical record confirms the biblical history. Many geologists try to hide the evidence of a earthwide flood but the violent evidences of a flood is everywhere on earth - especially the animal grave yards which were mostly in gullys. The earth tore open and released waters deep under the earth and gave way to volcanic activity and tsunamis. It was an extremely violent event which left the earth completely changed afterwards. The earth moved considerably as water is not only heavy but extremely powerful in its movement when tectonic plates move. The weight of one bucket of water should give one an idea of the weight and pressing down of sediment involved. This pushed out all oxygen.... perfect for the formation of coal, diamonds etc. Water also drew back and this can be seen in some formations. The layers of animals packed down in the different layers of sediment is proof of a violent flood. And the same sediment layers appear all over the earth with the lighter materials higher up such as sea shells etc. Me thinks you dismiss too much evidence which honest scientists do not ignore! Yea- you will most probably call me a moron.... again....but because evolutionists do not take the flood into account and the change of the earth during the flood their carbon calculations and ice age calculations could be totally wrong..... No I do not punt..... I have a life. My life does not consist of sitting on internet talking to trolls who really do not care to even consider an aspect different to their own opinion.
  21. Revelation 11:18 predicted that God would ruin those ruining the earth; that is a prediction.... The image if the beast or 8th king will rule for a short time - watchtower has indicated that the UN or a coalition of nations will fulfill this. This is happening as we speak....... already UN is shaping the globalist agenda in the West to rule or work towards one world government. NGOs in USA have been working on UN plans for more than 20 years. Daniel 11: 40 onward speaks if an economic pushing to control the wealth if the earth.... Russia and its allies (including china).....have acquired many ports and can enforce embargoes if they want to. ..read Daniel further on.....about the control of the wealth.... and 1John 5: 19 says that Satan is ruling the entire earth. No other religion take these scriptures seriously. I think personally: Satan wants one world government under his control and as less and less people really believe in God- this may come to pass - to call out peace and security under UN control. Satan was ruling behind the scenes but more and more people are becoming wicked, lawless and amoral in an open way with no fear of god. Governments will bring in their own set if moral laws to replace that of God. Their materialist / humanist ideas are ludicrous. They believe that if all people receive equal wealth the world will become peaceful. They have no clue how the ideology of atheist communism and extremist Islam has already infiltrated the west and poses a great threat ..... both want to rule the world.....UN will have to turn against religions and replace it with their own amoral value system. Additionally, If you do not accept LGBTQ and maybe even P ..... you will face prison...... people are already receiving prison sentences for hate speech regarding LGBTQ and Islam. Those believing in christ will be persecuted according to Matthew 24. Next year the agreement of the Pope with the heads of the Jewish and Muslim religions (may 2020) has written jesus Christ 'out' of the abrahamic religions agreement that will be signed - all to obtain world unity. This is according to catholic conservative sources who are angry about this. Really? Which atheist wisdom has told you that? I also read the bible by myself and in Noah's time the generation or last days were 120 years...... so I think you are laughing too soon........ of course mommy watchtower has not said anything about this .....but most of us who read the bible have already noticed this. You see we cooperate with mommy watchtower and accept that jehovah is using her...... and we are under her protective wings but we also realize that people like you are just waiting for a mistake from her to scoff and laugh.... so we patiently bide our time and wait. In the meantime we follow Jesus' instructions to preach about the true hope of mankind - the only government that is apolitical and a unifying force for self-sacrificing and meek people - under the government of jehovah. There are too many problems facing the earth at present. Mankind has used every new innovation or technology to destroy its fellow earthly citizens- history is proof of this. The new technologies now opening up as regards quantum computing, new weapons etc will not be the exception. It will be used to oppress and the surveillance of peoples and the elimination of those who do not cooperate.... But mommy watchtower has prepared us for this eventuality. This has happened before..... do you remember? When JWs did not cooperate with Nazis .... they were persecuted. Other people followed the radio propaganda and denounced their neighbours and committed atrocities during the war. Ordinary citizens were too afraid to go against the main stream and government,....... this will happen again .....because the propaganda of collective activism is once again going out....... but this time they will all turn against jehovah. Rev 14: 14-16 speaks of the propaganda leading to Armageddon. This time it is not the radio but the entertainment industry, the 6 major news agencies in the West, and the internet (Fb, Google, YouTube etc) spouting propaganda and is already censoring out all information which is valuable for reaching truthful conclusions. So you see.... many of us have our own opinions but work in harmony with mommy watchtower. We have come to notice there is a remarkable consistency about her emphasis on helping others to gain knowledge of jehovah and the understanding of core teachings such as kingdom government, jehovahs name, the mortality of the soul and the true death of jesus's soul and the falsehood if the trinity to name but a few.... So why can you not explain it all....... since you think you have enough spirit to judge them.
  22. I never read a direct prediction that the end would come in 2000. Any case, we are supposed to be ready ALL the time because it will come as thief in the night. The other comparison is to a pregnant woman..... she knows the event is eminent but does not know the hour. Did the bible not warn that people will scoff and say: where is it ? ....and when they do not expect it the events will suddenly follow each other .....rapidly one will see prophecies being fulfilled. I have no doubt in my mind that it is getting closer every day that passes. We are seeing the storm clouds rolling in on several sides. My brother told me that they had temperatures if 53.2 Celsius in south Africa..... and the hight of the summer will only be in February - in 3 months. Farmers have not planted. Governments are keeping quiet about crop failures, unprecedented ocean destruction due to warm sea currents and many other problems. The dollar and stable stockmarket is the main concern. Keep everyone in the dark until the biosphere collapses. Growing hate between the " iron and clay" elements in most western governments - irreconcileable to where it is almost cold civil war. Maneuvering behind the scenes of the UN..... 176 nations have signed up on the 3 agreements - a good indication of where we are in the stream of time. Surveillance and control of powerful private global companies, super artificial intelligence, CRISPR software on sale for anyone who wants to use it, CHina and Russia have more and more ports and other mineral resources under their control and the growth of atheism, immorality (LGBTQ etc) and other devastating philosophies...... as well as a rise in spiritistic religions...... the main one in the UN - theosophy- are escalating. One thing for sure - the world is not growing better as some are saying - but worse as each day passes. A Christian genocide is ongoing in middle east and north Africa. No one cares about this because the UN human rights organization has been taken over by Muslim countries who vote each other in. Countries with the worst human rights sitting in top positions. Well.... I can go on..... and on.... Laugh on and on..... suddenly the mockery will turn into gnashing of teeth in anger....
  23. Since most people are shunned for unrepentant immorality - I think you are missing the point. Those few who leave for other reasons often end up in "relationships " or some other habits like drug abuse, smoking etc. Many, who are totally unrepentant end up opposing JWs in very deceitful ways, spreading false info about us.
  24. And this is just a punch line. The proof is the eating of the pudding...... so solid proof is needed. I have a problem with their dates...... but this will open up another subject. So I leave at that. Wrong again! I look at both sides. You assume that all JWs only drink at mommies JWs breast..... how silly of you. Some of us grow up and mature. On the other hand you only drink from the extremely deceptive bottle of evolution.. and have scorn for anything that points to anything other than that....... now that is NOT smart.........just another religion masquerading as a science.
  25. The question is not: how stable is the structure AFTER it has formed because we know from obserbation in nature that species can adapt to its environment. Changes, such as Darwin's finches, whose beaks changed when the food source changed and then changed back again when the food source changed again.... but never changed Io a different species of bird.....STABILITY OF SPECIES is confirmed. But the Cambrian explosion was too short and sudden to produce / originate such a variety of complex animals..... which brings us back to the " origin" of all species"
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