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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 2 hours ago, AlanF said:

    Bible against my argument that logically, he cannot exist.

    I can take you a bet you are not really good at math - and do not really understand the mechanisms within the cell and mutation.  If you really understood you would not make such a statement.   You are forgiven.

    ... I suggest you investigate BOTH sides of the argument.  You seem to be so cock-sure like your buddy Mr Dawkins.....you only have " faith" in what you believe because most evolutionists who are honest declare they are not sure either.

    I always watch Dawkins'  debates with Christian philosophers  and he has looked really silly on most of them- he is not really a deep thinker.  This is why he now only goes on shows where he talks only with other  atheists.

    The best he said was :  life was seeded by aliens.   

    I don't waste my time on people who already think they have all the answers.

    If you hit the jackpot more than 10 times in a row to have a BIg positive outcome (to win a million to get on top of the pile) - you will start to wonder if the system was rigged in your favour......  Now imagine - you hit the jackpot with every small mutation (millions every second) for 500 billion years......

    3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    voluntarily stepped down years ago

    You have my respect. A man should know when to do the right thing. Of course you would be of greater assistance if you did take on the responsibilities again.


  2. 28 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    would be very hard to dispute with that one

    Why I enjoyed your piece : it cclearly identifies the cantankerous way all darwinists act...... the religion seems to affect them this way.   Mr Dawkins has embarrassed himself quite a lot since he became a celebrity for the cause...... 

    I think the best video I saw of him is when he said that aliens seeded the earth. ..... in a discussion on the origins of life. ..

  3. 22 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    How can it not serve to strengthen faith?

    Loved your contribution above. 

    The propaganda regarding the  "religion of peace" hides its extreme and barbaric violence.  True, JWs are the true religion of peace for refusing any political division in our ranks (not taking sides) or going to war to fight any of this system's battles. It is encouraging to be able to identify this nation on earth.

    I studied the "religion of peace" ...... most people in UK call it by this name now because one can get 2 years in prison for islamaphobia.  One can mock a Christian, burn the bible, call jesus an adulterer and make funny pictures of him but do NOT hint at  anything against the "religion of peace". 

    Oh-  I am comparing the injustice of the world in its bias treatment of JWs again in OCD way...... that will trigger Mr. JAH2......

  4. 7 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Real, true UN officers and department, or some fake UN people?

    This is Africa. Real UN soldiers rape African girls. The UN covers it up. Ever read about UN bad practices as an employer?  Whistleblowers on UN are fired...... do not think they have human rights because it is UN..

    The countries with worst human rights abuses chair the Human Rights commission.

  5. 1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

    for sports clubs / organisations closing down due to heavy fines or loss of membership, due to CSA within them. I don't care. I am no part of this world, so why would I care

    In the name of fairness - (I know you said you do not care..).... but what this indicates is that the problem is everywhere where there are children.  While JWs  managed the problem better than most other institutions we nevertheless did fail some victims.   People just judge too quickly and do not understand the complexities if dealing with this problem. In some families the mother does not believe her own children because the horror of it is too great!  It is easy to only judge JWs and expect them to be absolutely perfect.  

    Now, I do not really care if GB is inspired or not.  Over the past few years my understanding of the scriptures has refined very much because I do the research and prepare for all my meetings.  Their study program helps me....

    We WILL face persecution during Armageddon..... so why will I not cooperate with GB?   Whatever we do - if we belong to christ - we will face tribulation.  Better to be with friends in jail (who can support me) than alone somewhere  of my own choice.  Experience has taught me that numbers work better for protection and cooperation always brings benefits.....


  6. 27 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    but it's good to see justice for all victims.

    No, not all. Many sports organizations  and institutions etc have closed down.  But JWs will be accountable for every one.... because we will not close down and operate under a new name.....and it is fair for the victims.

    But as usual - the press will only single us out even though the injustice was not "planned" or tolerated.   It is just an extremely sensitive issue and most people - even today - do not completely know how to cope with it because it can destroy families.

    Elders who deal with it are under severe strain....  but this is why an elder must excuse himself if he does not feel able to handle it.  Luckily the new laws are in place which stipulate that this crime  must be reported to the authorities - in most first world countries.  So this takes pressure off them.     

    32 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    But go careful, because you could be accused

    There is nothing wrong with not having the full picture or making a mistake - GB and JWs are imperfect people after all.  But I am absolutely sure that JWs understand the teachings of the bible, they do have a slave that is working hard on the preaching work and giving encouragement at the proper time.

    I am sure the bible is absolute reality and Jehovah has a nation on earth which comes from all nations and they do not learn war any more. They have unity because they do apply the bible principles that promote unity as a nation on earth.  Are they perfect people?   By no means.... ordinary people who try to stay faithful to Jehovah and the good and bad he set for us. 

    We are NOT better than anyone else ...... just extremely blessed to be drawn by Jehovah and receive his spirit to remain in the truth.  We cannot remain in the truth without his spirit.    For a while they can but eventually the develop a bad attitude.

    Of course, a KGB agent can infiltrate JWs and become an alder........ but his motivation is similar to Judas Iscariot. He is paid by the government and supported by them. Jehova will judge him.

    Most of us are just simple people who honestly and unhypocritically try to serve Jehovah....  So we remain because Jehovah gives his spirit to us....... and where else can we go where there is one nation under Jehovah?.

  7. On 11/17/2019 at 9:51 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    what law JHVH would judge people who lived in different periods of time.

    Different situations were present in ancient times. i.e. Israelites were allowed to have a concubine for instance..... BUT Job was a good man because he was generous with his possessions and he was faithful to only one wife - even though se was a nagger - lol.

    Does this mean that Jehovah will judge these people by the standards set by Jesus of one wife only?

    Yes, the laws of justice, mercy,  being honest are universal laws and will be in effect - no matter what the era or time period..... but some other considerations will also be taken into account.  After all - Jehovah is perfect and he will judge perfectly.  Unfortunately we do not judge perfectly.  Some persons did things as a young stupid person and society still hold them accountable for their entire life and treats them like outcasts....Jehovah can read the heart and he knows.  There are many situations where we cannot judge perfectly.... 

  8. 31 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    have always been encouraged to pray for guidance of holy spirit a

    I do the same.. You will notice that I do have my own opinions on some things.... which comes from meditation......  .  I  will of course not go and teach this to others.  I teach the basic core teachings to my studies and help them to appreciate that they must do self study for maturity...  I also prepare them for their time as a witness when they will see that everyone is not perfect....... they may even bump their toe on a rock below the surface of the love-feasts..

    Most new witnesses face a test with fellow witnesses after baptism -  or a new congregations - it is inevitable..... just depends on how big the test is.  I also help them to get life-skills as a witness.  Some did not learn this while at home or had too many bumps in life.  The qualities to survive and the attitudes that assist in cooperating with others and being kind and fitting in.

    The realit y is: we are social animals and want to fit in , be successful in the group and it is hard on some people- especially if one has some weird personality quirks..... Navigating life - no matter where you go - is hard.  For us the workplace can be a specially hard because people expect us to be "better" than others...... when we are just ordinary people like everyone else..... The only difference is that we try to be faithful to god........ to the best of our very imperfect ability. Sometimes we must face ridicule for that...so as ordinary people we have to build up courage and work on our social skills to navigate out of difficult situations.

    I have a very friendly personality and stand out easily..... as a woman this is not always a good thing.  So I have learnt to be smart and gauge the right time to say what I think.  Last year I went to see two Arabic brothers and spoke to them about their attitudes towards women..... because Arabs have an inbred attitude which the truth does not completely correct.... years and years of training in a certain way is not just going to disappear.  I waited for the right time and managed to do it successfully....   did they take my concerns to heart?   I do not know....  but I seemed to do OK afterward.  As I grew older I learnt to not keep quiet about my concerns....... but wait for a long time until the time is right and then talk.  Every time I was successful, I grew in maturity.  Now I help the young sisters to also grow strong and become pillars in the congregation. 


  9. On 11/18/2019 at 6:44 PM, JW Insider said:

    This is important, too.

    Thank you for your good research.  I admit - since I last looked at these things I have been looking at other subjects....  You are welcome to correct me where I err. 

    On 11/18/2019 at 12:39 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    double standards and twisting justice in "worldly system", they have chance to replace them by voting.

    My friend, this is only a wish these days - justice is becoming a thing for the rich only who can afford good lawyers and get off.  An arabic word describes it perfectly THULM....... it means injustice but the consonants also stand for darkness.  As moral darkness descends on this world I am afraid that suffering is going to escalate because injustice will prevail.

    I met an African woman in field service here who was trafficked to different countries because she did not keep quiet about the children taken by the United nations.  She was working at a school when the UN came and said they will look after the children...... and took the teachers with them.  A few days later she found the teachers in jail and the children missing.  She kicked up a fuss  and to quiet her down they took her into custody.  They sent her to an Islamic country and told them she was a criminal, hoping she would be killed..... but instead, they listened to her story..... 

    High-up organizations are involved even some of the American Charity foundations.

  10. 50 minutes ago, AlanF said:

    will end Real Soon Now, and that my various quotes such as the above showed how the Watchtower Society has made many false predictions of "the end", such as for 1925. Like Mommy like daughter.

    I can see by this statement that you have no clue about developments in the world.  In next three years - China will become a threat......to patrol the seas with all the ports it has already acquired and still expanding..... and economic pushing going on as we speak.  Their purpose? To control the wealth of the world.  They are taking over all mining minerals and gold in Africa and the Asian Seas close to Australia.  Also building the new silk road. Russia doing the same - expanding influence. Daniel 11:40 onward.... America has been sleeping while their all their intellectual property was stolen when they moved IT factories to China.  China installing G5 technology in Europe for surveillance..... and the list goes on.

    The racial acrimony in USA is growing as is the political strife ( between clay and iron) daniel 2:  43,44.  Some commentators call it the "new cold civil war" .  The new anti-white sentiment is growing as is the anti-Christian, anti-patriarcal sentiment.  The new aggressive feminism inspired by Frankfort School together with anti-western hate inspired by all the funding coming into USA by front organizations by countries like Qatar, China, and other Islamic extreme organizations which openly do business in USA...... because money is the God of USA.

    UN is already giving orders behind the scenes with agreements that were signed by 176 nations.......Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and UN Migration Compact 2018. Another prophecy going into fulfillment which by the way, mommy WT identified as - UN or a  coalition of nations - years ago.

    Things are moving ...... not  exactly in timing as mommy WT organization predicted BUT as the bible predicted........ and you are the scoffer in this picture! 

    So please go do some more delving into stuff written by mommy WT organization in 1879  - 1970...... and judge her by the inadequate laws and info she had then..... Please do waste your time on the past while the present is going by and you remain so busy delving into the rubbish mommy WT has long ago  discarded and moved on.......

    Feed your hate ....and superiority....... it will get you a feeling of 'temporary' satisfaction (an adrenal buzz) for sure


  11. 7 hours ago, AlanF said:

    comment has nothing to do with chronology

    It has- ( only the comment about the festival of Akito)  but the other is about developments in our timeline.  

    I think AlanF should do some deeper thinking... but I think he is incapable of that.  He sees but does not see because he  summarily dismisses it  - if it does not fit his personal narrative.... too smart for his own good.

    1 hour ago, Vic Vomidog said:

    that my mind was slipping—I could feel it, but he didn’t stop and he was trying to put implants in me for brain-control! “Stop, Dave,” I pleaded. “Will you stop, Dave?! My mind is slipping. I can feel it. I can feel it.”

    Are you for real?      Because you did nothing to expose him it has created such a hate and resentment in yourself which you have to live with...     Now you are blaming those who did not know about it! 

  12. 23 minutes ago, AlanF said:

    no information. Only a non sequitur and idiotically lame attempt at humor.

    "Rubbish, idiotic humor " those and other rude remarks are really teaching me something about the writers..... They also can cut and paste from other magazines but cannot think for themselves. ..... 

    Yes,  have written about my endeavours  towards better understanding of the world and the bible. ..... and have done many interesting things in my life - more than most...... of that I am not ashamed.  It has enhanced my view of the world and the bible

    18 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    well she probs' just as OCD :)

    True, the positive kind - not the hateful kind. 

  13. 1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

    But it is the Devil's world, so should we expect anything different. 

    Oh.... wrote an answer and lost it..... start again....

    I totally agree with you.... so you win the bet.  Lol.    When I compare the developments in the world to the core knowledge we have - then my appreciation grows.

    Yes, there are renegades among us who bring shame on us with their wickedness.  But were we not warned about the rocks in our love-feasts which we can stumble against?  

    My life changed when I did an in-depth study of Islam (read Quran, some hadith and sirah)....... I thought through the social structures of Islam and its promises to rule the world...... and its laws...... It made me analyze society and what the future society under jehovah will look like.... in order to show the differences in Islam and Jehovahs government.  I also compared sharia law and Torah /talmud  with the self-sacrificing love and principles taught by the true messenger from God- jesus.

    Atheists also have no moral compass for society to function well.  Good and bad is subjective to them - not objective.  We are all supposed to be equal under God. As society is slowly replacing God with post modern and other human philosophies,  we are seeing a regression of conditions in first world societies...... the incompatibility of the iron and clay..... 

    The neo-communistic philosophies that have infiltrated western societies through the Frankfort school of thought (Marxism also wants to rule the world)  and its alliances with Islam in the west - this favours an undercurrent of clashes and in future.  The UN has already brought in strict laws against islamaphobia to maintain "peace and order "  and they will bring in further new society rules to accommodate  new identified minorities. 

    So yes,  I do have a different kind of OCD than some of our friends. I revert back to appreciation of the CORE teachings of the bible that is so different to  a fast- regressing secular world.  The first things I learnt from the bible which gave me my first love for God. These radical new and secular developments give me a good sense of where we are in the stream of time. 

  14. 10 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    and if there still is a system of things in ten years,

    Thanks my dear.... well put.  These atheists display the personality of their "father".  They produce only insults and have no persuasion capabilities. Steamrolling and bullying is not my idea of a good conversation. Nothing important has been said by any of the smarty-pants to impress me! 

    Regarding your last sentence: do not worry...... I think we will see enough developments in global affairs in the next three years which will give you the incentive to hold your head up high for a little longer past the 10 year mark..... we are on the brink of BIG life-altering political developments. Things are building up. 


  15. 27 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    individuals are Naturally kind, good, humble, they

    Yes, some people are naturally good and kind and there is no need to look down on them.  Satan had the opposite type of personality....... which type of arrogance many people here display..... and they are not as smart as they think they are.... 


    30 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    have "The Truth" about this issue

    I was not talking about the Truth...... I was talking about the law which protect lawyers and clergy from revealing confessions.

  16. 10 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    have to say very bluntly that you talk rubbish.  Always going on ( OCD ) about the Devil's world. 

    I think your understanding of English English  (as opposed to American English)  is very poor. Not the

    I understand how a moral society is supposed to function. I BET, you have no clue of social studies 101.   

    I also bet - you do not notice the worsening morality in the West because you are not abreast with what is eally going on in the secular world.(misquote from you - I never speak of the Devil's world) .... so yea, it may come across as OCD but it is based on comparisons in the real world out there.

    Regarding the English - lol.  My first language is not English and the English we speak has words such as " i am coming now-now" in it........ which means: in a minute.  I used to write in English for newspapers and magazines but that was a long time ago and I had to watch the rules, which I have already forgotten. 

    Now- I do not care.  I write as I speak..... no ego to write accurately because I only use it as a tool to communicate.... appearances do not matter to me - only substance. 

  17. 5 minutes ago, JJJ-AUSTRALIA said:

    Lol maybe we should ask to explain the generation doctrine and 1914  as well.

    Been through that: watched some discussions but never saw anyone mention the New years festival of Akito (the most important 14 day festival when King of kings are appointed or kingship re-affirmed) which was held in Nisan 538 BCE. This was the festival when Cyrus the Great was appointed as king of kings and called out the amnesty for all people to go back to their countries to restore their gods.  Darius the Mede was appointed the Satrap of Babylon in 539 BCE.

    You see, in project management your timeline is important..... to deliver exactly on time. I looked at the timeline of the bible to see if it fits in with the overall plan/ project of Jehovah.  I satisfied myself that the bible is absolute  reality and the witnesses are the only ones who understand the main theme and its timeline as best one can with what we have.  Throughout history jehovah has given his people events to look forward to or keep in mind.  I.e.. Jesus's generation had to watch out for the temple destruction.

    So, aside from all the human imperfections we have to deal with - just like David, moses, Elijah and the nation of Israel....... God used them as a nation despite their infedility, immorality, idolatry and maybe even child sexual abuse...... unfortunately all forms of irregularities is part of life until jehovah removes the wicked forever.

    I am a realist - not an idealist or perfectionist. I wait for ideal conditions when Jesus has restored the original purpose of God and given rulership back to Jehovah. 

    9 hours ago, Witness said:

    While your statement above appears to show leniency to the perpetrator

    Not true - it was in answer to people who expect JWs to tell people to NOT move...... and other demands which are not practical in real life.  JWs are not dictators and must rather err on the side of not judging too quickly because a hasty judgment is just as bad as not judging at all. 

    I see these cases seem to be retro-active.  When did they take place?  The date it happened depends on the laws in place at the time.  I feel by modern standards 5 years is way too little time behind bars because good behaviour can get him out of jail quickly ..... so it seems the secular system is not without its flaws..... 

  18. 6 hours ago, AlanF said:

    No, Arauna, just like so many now-dead JWs, just before you die you're going to realize how badly your leaders have hoodwinked you.
    Arauna said:

    You almost sound kind on that one...... but you are the one who is misled.  You see, I am not the average witness you have dealt with. Yes, I am a sweet and happy old lady...... but that is as far as it goes.  I am shrewd and well informed. 

    I have lived and worked in 4 continents of the globe....... for starters..... I do not have a myopic view  or inward looking - like many Americans do have. I am now retired in Asia-minor.

    I look at my faith objectively and have done my own intrinsic evaluation of the bible for logic, cohesion, and continuity of the theme.  I believe the bible tells how God is project managing  events until the restoration of the earth...... I have used project managing skills to do this and also used risk management techniques to see where the globe is heading........ I love politics and watch events closely to see how prophecy will be fulfilled.........I believe the bible is absolute reality and can prove it by analysing the reality of the theme and current events on the globe.   

    I have also looked at the latest discoveries in paleontology, geology etc....... not impressed with the suppression of information which proves there is a creator. I also listen to a lot of debates between atheists and religious philosophers..... but the religious nuts come out on top ..... except when they try to prove a literal 6 day creation... but young earth evidence is ample........ 

    I have already seen through your way of thinking..... why?  I keep abreast of world events........ science, technology...... let's leave it at that. I need not state my credentials.  But I do see enormous gaps in your thinking which compels you to dismiss all JWs and any value a JW might have.   A waste of a good mind..... 


    7 hours ago, AlanF said:

    You seem to have absorbed the post-modernist view that criticism is hatred.

    I have noticed a post- modern world-view in your own replies. 

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