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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 6 hours ago, AlanF said:

    so God's spirit-directed organization should be judged by such 'worldly' standards. Such self-serving hypocrisy!

    "Oh- so you said-"    is a tactic of putting words in my mouth I did not say.  I see you use this a lot.  

    What I am saying that "scholars" were hoodwinked by pedophiles  so why would "uninspired" elders not be hoodwinked?  You are the one with unreasonable standards and bias.  

  2. 24 minutes ago, Vic Vomidog said:

    My roommate gave the picture to me before he left. He didn’t want to get anyone in trouble. I didn’t either.

    Now that sentence tells me you were a witness in name only - a counterfeit.  You were totally complicit in a cover up....  have you ever contemplated that?  What I see and hear from you is not mature.  

    People are people and get up to all kinds of things.  Sometimes the elders open a can of worms where they wonder what the person has NOT done.  You see when a person starts going beyond their conscience there is nothing they cannot do.... and the hidden things are usually the last things to be revealed.    


  3. 42 minutes ago, AlanF said:

    Obey the Governing Body's commands as you would God's."

    You remind me of the guy who wrote Thirty years a WT slave.  He was a slave....  You really believe the claptrap you talk.  I have been a Witness for 45 years.  I have never been in awe of anyone...... not you either.....

    Some witnesses are inclined this way..... but they would be like sheeple even if they were not JWs.   I think JWs teach them to be less useful to governments who use the sheeple to fight their wars and they are less pliable to their political agendas and propaganda because they obey the GB suggestions. They are also less pliable to scholarly  deceit and amorality.

  4. On 11/18/2019 at 9:17 PM, Bogdan11 said:

    What is wrong about a bride price or lobola is the abuse that is made of it. It is wrong, unchristian, untheocratic, to treat it, not as a compensation, but as

    Totally agree. I come from Africa and know all about this.  I also preach to Muslims (arabic) and they sell their daughters to old men, the highest bidder.... or when they need cash.  My bible study was sold at age nine because her father needed the money for her older brother.  She had 4 children by age 17. .... and later 4 more.

    On 11/18/2019 at 10:20 PM, Witness said:

    world is full of atrocities and horrors, but the world does not offer eternal life

    I do not take you seriously because you are NOT a wise person. You cite tons of  scriptures but cannot apply them in a practical way.  It seems to be only knowledge and very little practical love.  A lot of judgment ..... too with no good suggestions..... just poison.

    I do preach eternal life NOT hate like you do.  I am always aware that I am a sinner even though I do not commit gross sins.   I understand from scripture that I must be preaching (it is a duty for a true Christian) and I need to help a person to have a 'group of people'  - a body of people, with practical infrastucture for meetings and preaching ,  where they can incite each other to fine works and receive encouragement. 

    I cannot take interested ones to a church because they teach a dogma of immortality of the soul - they teach that jesus did not really die.  I read in the bible that in last days there will be a "slave" providing spiritual food. Matt 24:45.  I also read in Isaiah 2:2-4 that there will be one nation in the world comprised of all nations that do not do war....... so OK - JWs fit these bible descriptions.

    So now,  I expect to have spiritual association - BUT to still be the master of my own faith.  Do I expect some of thesepeople to deviate and become apostates - yes the bible warns against this.  Do i expect a measure of protection - maybe a little .... but how much - this the real question? 

    If I expect perfect protection from everything that can go wrong...... then I must also expect the group leaders to mix in my private life to find out everything about me (past and present) and make everything known about me...... so others can be protected from my bad inclinations.  This sounds like the scientologists..... 

    So obviously, there needs to be balance regarding the protection given...... and what about the parent's responsibility?  Must elders take this over too?  

    So.... where there is freedom with personal responsibility - there will always be those who expect perfection and personal accountability from other individuals for their own mishaps..... or their own parent's oversight.

    A call for perfect protection because an organization is religious is claptrap and based on a naive conception of the world.  When a person has been convicted in court or enough evidence collected for shunning then this is a different matter.  But as I said before - even professionals struggle to get the evidence..... So now they accuse the GB of being too unprofessional in their protection policies.  I guess these people should have joined the scientologists who have a better surveillance system. 

    I do believe the GB should have reviewed their policies sooner - in line with the new government laws as they improved in each country - but they cannot protect every person from every danger.  It is the parent's duty to give that protection so the child is never in a compromising situation. 

    The one law which governments have not yet changed is the law relating to confessional protection.  Lawyers and clergy have this.   The catholic church has refused to use confessions from people against them as well - as in JWs.    

    What is WRONG in the catholic practice is this: the Catholics have moved clergy AFTER legal convictions were obtained or evidence was given and payouts made ....it is  pattern or practice in the organization.   Child molestation is everywhere where there are children..... and escalating by law right now as a legal blind eye is held when children are married against their will at age nine.



  5. On 11/19/2019 at 8:17 AM, AlanF said:

    Your worship of the GB is so strong that even if Jesus himself

    You do not know me and make many assumptions. On the other hand - you may have some truths, but like all haters of JWs you have no balance or reasonableness and always go to extremes. So, how does one communicate with such a person? 

  6. 12 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    think here in the UK we would call that flannel (

    If teaching a better understanding of "sacrificial love" is flannel...... then your understanding of how society should function is limited....... as most Western societies are now having a problem with the fabric of society.  Religious, racial hate is escalating. People are looking to "social engineering " and post modern philosophy to provide answers.  They are now promoting new minorities such as LGBTQ and protected religions. Soon the UN will bring  in their arbitrary values to create "peace and security"  but will fail at the peace. 

    Amidst all this - jehovahs people are United under the moral values taught by christ.  In countries divided by racial hate such as south  africa and  growing racial divide in USA ...... we are United and the  level of support and  care for each other improving. 

    The core teachings of truth are there - we just need to improve our social skills with each other to meet the standards of jehovah as taught by jesus and his apostles...... 

    16 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Arauna….id love to know which Christian religions promote smoking.

    I can do better: most allow smoking, pre marital sex, use of predictions, superstition, use of idols, and many are now voting for approval of homosexuality and LGBTQ..... I can go on .... 

  7. 2 minutes ago, JJJ-AUSTRALIA said:

    Lol seriously.... Love her clueless responses.

    Gossip, few cases of pedophilia..

    You focus only on JWs and have no clue of the extent of pedophelia in the world. You see, I have something to compare it to. You have nothing - clueless about what is going on around you.  There are only few in our organization compared to what us going on in your country.   Child trafficking is BIG business....as big as the drug smuggling...... and a lot of the politicians, CIA, judges etc involved. .I am not as naive as you think.

    You have the unrealistic expectation that there should be no pediohiles because JWs are Christian....... but these people are found where there are children..... in sports clubs, etc.   It is also hard to obtain evidence and a conviction.

    11 hours ago, AlanF said:

    proves unarguably that any postulated Creator is far from loving. A loving Creator, by definition, could not create a world in which the daily lot of so many life forms is to suffer a nature “red in tooth and claw”. Thus, either the God of the Bible is not loving, or he does not exist.

    Only two? What about a third postulation..... that God is not the source of the problem but allows it to exist for a reason...... Your reasoning is occam's razor -    very limited........ all that reading of Dawkins' junk is showing.


  8. 7 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    years since Adam. When that failed, the prediction was for the period up to the year 2000.

    This us not true. I never read any of this in the publications. ...... I have been a JW since 1973.

    Any organization which is NOT willing to adjust reminds me of Muslims. Everything set in stone..... no adjustment because word of Allah came down from heaven.  I also recall the church I belonged to before becoming a JW. Doctrine was  set in stone...... trinity, immortality of soul, jesus is God etc. 

    Glad to belong to a religion where they are prepared to acknowledge they did not have correct understanding....... or refine teachings.

  9. 10 hours ago, AlanF said:

    will be another couple of generations before they reach the status of of religions in Australia, the UK,

    I think you are too busy studying the sordid inner circle gossip details if the few cases of pedophilia amongst JWs,  that you have little knowledge of what is happening in the real world.

    All religion will soon be replaced by either worship of the state or one world religion which will take the form of a set of values which will include  LGBTQ ......P

    In your mind that will be wonderful because you hate all religion and cling to the dogma of Darwinism....... only ..... your disappointment will be great because you will be gnashing your teeth in anger at  the true God when he reveals himself.


  10. On 3/15/2019 at 10:21 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    But I gave them enough details in one message

    Good fortune with your endeavours - most probably they will only follow up on the JW to make one good example to the nation of him.......  They only do something when the person is poor with no influence or is not from the protected minority groups.

    We all know they have tons of child trafficking groups in England who are protected by the upper echelons of society.   Muslims marry 9 year olds  against their will and rape young girls in gangs with impunity. Why  they even have princes  who get away with child sex. .....

    I often wonder why they only target the JWs (who do not condone this behaviour but seem to have a few degenerates among them) ..... but balk from becoming activists against an injust police /justice system in their own country -  which not only condones it - but cover up evidence and in some cases persecute those who expose child sex rings and  human trafficking  of children for sex.   Some even go to prison for exposing child rape gangs.


  11. 4 hours ago, Anna said:

    , elders had been hoodwinked into thinking that someone with pedophilic tendencies

    In the past university professors were hoodwinked. Social services placed children back in the homes with pedophile fathers. 

    7 hours ago, AlanF said:

    Once again, try using Grammarly.

    Arrogance! I bet you only speak English well but expect others to write your "style".   Many here speak several languages of which English is not their first language.

    7 hours ago, Vic Vomidog said:

    education—they are the stupidest creatures on two feet—they would know that.

    Another arrogant  individual who  by his language shows what really is going on  in his upper storey.

  12. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    opposition—he has spurned and opposes EVERYTHING, not just characters of the

    So true. I am not impressed with his so-called knowledge.  Hard to reason with anyone who ignores or spurnes other people's reasonable arguments and just grabs something egotistically he can elaborate on which  is a form of intellectual bullying. It does not get my respect.

    It seems he has done a lot of research about the inner circle problems the GB had at one time - to the extent where it can be called a  tabloid with all the little titbits about the rumours about some individual's sexuality and preferences ..... real gossip column stuff..... etc. 

    I do not read tabloids and neither will I bother to get the inside story on which GB member did what to whom.  As I demonstrated earlier: Jehovah himself appointed a loser in Saul.  Jesus appointed Judas iscariot...... so who are we to get it right every time?  Tests come in all forms and can be exasperating.  Some will lose faith because they put trust in men.  (I know the truth and I know where I learnt it).    Many top brothers may fall out and do bad things  but my faith in the core truths are solid.  Yes, there may still be shame in the pipeline as retro-active law suits are placed.  That is inevitable and part of life as there are Judas' and Sauls everywhere who bring shame on Jehovahs name.  

    He is not interested in reason or justice, just destruction.  To win at all cost....... not the ideal kind of person to reason with...... why would he respect a human when he does not respect God?

  13. 3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    I've noticed you don't seem to have any things GAINED' 

    It is because you are looking for dogma or new rules or something like that.  Not looking for the right stuff....... one can see and still be blind to something in front of you..

    Truths are being refined to get us through Armageddon right now.........we are shedding the unnecessary stuff and weight and 'growing' in support and care of each other. As I said...... you are looking for the answers that can suit your agenda.

  14. 42 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

    I'm sorry to say this person is usually brought in to insult and give no substance to any debate when opposers are losing the argument.

    Thanks for the compliment - you seem to take offence pretty quickly - which indicates a bit of an ego. I am not "brought in"   ..... I butt in by my own free will..... and I do not need your permission.... lol. 

    I just wish to remind you that I do have a different viewpoint to most people here (because I am African and we call a spade a spade)  and while I do not have a debating spirit - I have never seen the need to "win" an argument - I have a viewpoint and an opinion which can enhance understanding from a different perspective - that is all.  If you see no use in it that is your choice. 

    And for your accusation about insults - I think you do pretty well at it yourself!

  15. 6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Some people accept what JW 's say in a so called Bible Study.

    If people do not understand what they learn they will later drop out.   But I was speaking about so-called "educated" people. It is a myth that the educated expect solid evidence and make decisions on solid evidence - even evolution at higher education level is indoctrination and not based on facts.

    It is not a myth though that the teachings of trinity,  immorality of the soul and hellfire originated in pagan religion and are not biblical teachings.  These false teachings obscure the true value of the randsom sacrifice - the most important teaching in the bible. So if a person understands that Jesus put his soul in death and has faith in it, he is much better off than remaining in church teachings.  His bible study has given him a chance to everlasting life. 

  16. 5 hours ago, AlanF said:

    self-righteous JW apologists

    Who appointed you as judge?  As for some of the rumours you talk about - some people's sexual "inclinations" - it remains rumour or ugly gossip. 

    Deviant people are everywhere and they can remain undetected - then one has to gather evidence to convict.  Getting evidence is the hardest part because it is your word against mine type of situation.  Jesus could see in Judas's heart and saw a pattern in his behaviour before he betrayed him.......... BUT the example should warn us......  Judas was appointed by Jesus.  His heart was good at the time of appointment.   Jehovah himself appointed Saul as king because he saw his heart.......... what changed?   Can these scenarios be repeated?  If it can happen to God ..... do we ever have a chance at a "perfect" organization?......  

    What I learnt from the piece you wrote is that there were  GB members who were removed... and some were shunned by others for  domineering behaviour. .....so no-one is too powerful to NOT  be held accountable to some degree.  There were bad things happening which really  tested the faithful brothers...... which (to me) sounds similar to the times of Israel.   Israel was used  by God but sometimes the conditions were very wicked and trying - especially for the faithful.  Think how depressed Elijah became.  Things written before for our encouragement and endurance. 

    Look to jehovah in these times - not imperfect people.  Fortunately I come from a  family who do not look up to people yet I myself have made bad decisions by taking the wrong brothers too seriously.   BuT it has taught me resilience.... 



  17. 4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    What IMPORTANT SCRIPTURAL input have those at the top made since 1960 ? 

    I think that things LOST are a better topic.  Get rid of all unneccessary baggage so the the truth that we already have becomes brighter and lighter. 

    We LOST the habit of smoking for one...... something which is allowed and even promoted by other religions.  Islam allows NO alcohol but members smoke and use drugs.  Many in Sweden smuggle weapons and drugs.........and politics is an integral part of the religion. (I preach to Arab speaking populations and recently moved from Sweden to Rep. Of Georgia.)

    The necessity for love is emphasised at meetings and to encourage one another as times become increasingly hard to deal with.  The emphasis of GB is now to assist us to get through the hard times and to maintain ENDURANCE during persecution.  I find this important because my friends and family in South Africa are all enduring a terrible time (dangerous) and do not know how to make a living as the infrastructure of the country is  quickly falling apart.

    The need to NOT participate or take sides in politics (not even in your heart) has been emphasized........ In comparison, there is a cold civil war going on in most countries in the West with the " iron and clay"  becoming so extreme -  irreconcileable divided. Satan's propaganda (Rev 16: 14-16)  is leading people to Armageddon and racial and political animosity is growing everywhere! 

    The need to NOT choose your own good and bad like Adam and Eve did but remain faithful to Jehovah's moral standards.  This in a world where they are forcing LGBTQ ...... and soon the P on us.  In Scandinavia we received fines for the clip showed at the convention about the pink bow .  Non-muslims go to jail for saying things on Facebook in Scandinavia and UK.

    We already have the toolbox and the tools to get us through Armageddon. Now it is just a matter if keeping us clean and functional for Jehovah so we can maintain integrity..

  18. On 11/16/2019 at 2:02 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    Many who accept a JW 'bible study' are not so highly educated and will be prepared to accept JW

    Maybe in USA this is true.  Many of my JW  friends in Sweden are well educated  and here in Rep Georgia most have higher education. 

    I found educated people in Sweden very silly. Why?  They are totally secular and for 3 decades have learnt only about Darwinism in school and higher education. They are not interested in the bible at all and state they do not believe in a creator.  When one discusses evolution with them one discovers they have just accepted evolution without thinking it through......It is a myth that highly educated people think logically or only go where the evidence lies. Dogma or brainwashing  at universities deprive students of critical thinking skills.

  19. 2 minutes ago, Tom Henry said:

    Not that society is better off with the laws made to protect, it just gives people a false sense of hope.

    There is this question too: can a child rapists be rehabilitated?   Experts in the past put children back in the home with the perpetrator if he was the father.  The latest:  there are experts who say this  cannot be changed.  

    We know that Jehovah says: "this is what some of you were...". so our oganization must allow them to attend meetings and still protect children.  A tall order. The difference is mercy or condemnation.  I put myself in place of GB and ask:  Must we make tons of rules..... ?  Or educate parents to do a better job at protecting their own children. 

    We cannot read hearts or intentions of brothers..... most are not child molesters but there may just be one rotten apple amongst a bunch of faithful brothers....... like Judas iscariot among the associates of Jesus.

    On 11/17/2019 at 3:08 AM, JJJ-AUSTRALIA said:

    How do U know as a fact they have never touched anyone inappropriately, not saying they have but to make such statement that

    How can one just make the assumption option that they have without a court conviction?

  20. 9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    By what law JHVH would judge people who lived in different periods of time.

    Jehovah judges perfectly because he understands perfectly.  BUT you are twisting the facts:

    It is PEOPLE here on the forum who have appointed themselves as judges and definitely are not perfect judges. They judge the past according to the modern day secular laws that are now in place and according to current society habits.

    I grew up in the 1950s when these things were a taboo to talk about in society.  AFTER  the 1960s, with the sexual revolution, they started to talk about  this subject in the secular press. When I worked for newspapers as a reporter in 1980s many of the first laws were in place in first world countries and court procedures were slowly refined until 2003.

    The inquiry that was done in Australia into more than 2000 organizations was done to close further legal gaps in the system.......... BUT these laws are not always enforced in many countries where there are laws.  In UK rape gangs have been operating for years with a blind eye by law enforcement.  Child services, both in USA and UK were exposed to be part of child sex rings and reporters and policemen who try to investigate it, are found dead.

    This is why I often mention the abuses of high society (the rich and powerful) and other levels of society who are known to marry 9 year old girls against their will - these people get different treatment than others.  .... and JWs are judged harshly because they were not vigilant enough and tried to stop it from 1950s by keeping records.  JWs are now retroactively tried in court with sensationalist press, when boy scouts etc just closed down and no court accountability given..... so it creates a false impression that JWs  condone this. 

    Other "guilty" members of society (some are teenage boys tried as adults) get many years in prison are branded for life and forced to live in villages away from society for the rest of their lives. But exposed child trafficking rings etc rape rings - nothing done.  This is not Jehovahs justice...... and in the end ..... it will be Jehovah and Jesus who will judge every wicked thing done in secret whether the individual pretended to serve him or not. 

    In the meantime, millions of children's lives are messed up...... and jehovah will judge those with mercy and love. 

    If anyone here on this forum thinks for a moment that children are currently protected  - they are very naive to this morally rotten world.  Child services in many cases are now private companies and are in it for money.  Sex trafficking of children is more lucrative than drug trafficking...... and much more prevalent than we can even imagine.

    I disagree with the assumption that we can understand the mind of these children rapists...... they are so Satanistic.... we cannot imagine the lengths these people will go to and how far beyond a conscience they are..... and they are amongst us ..... and sometimes they pretend to be our moral leaders in society. They are judges, political leaders, military, FBI, MI5, etc etc....where they have more power and resources to cover up their activities  ....and the making of money.

    Internet porn has exploited children and made them more vulnerable...... The new UN curriculum (forced upon all schools in the West) now sexualizes children at a tender age and is preparing the way for LGBTQ.....P.   

    We are living in last days where any form of morality is becoming something of the past...... Sexual exploitation of children once was a spoken taboo - soon to be openly practiced by anyone who wishes to do so. 

    Chidren are being married off legally in many countries as we speak.  In Germany a judge threw out a case where a 10 year old was married off.  This now has set a precedent: police will no longer arrest perpetrators who exploit 10 year olds because this is now regarded as marriageable age. Muslim laws are eroding the old western laws.

    We are going back to the time before jehovah gave laws to the Israelites.  Like the Canaanites we will see openly child exploitation and even child murder is returning.  In Africa- the practice of using child body parts in witchcraft medicine is back in full scale.  Recently I saw a mother crying.  She found her shepard boy still half alive with half his brain removed, his sexual organs etc removed.  If this shocks you..... I hope it did.  This is the reality of the world we are living in now. Satan is rampant and people with no morals are doing what they like.  There is a semblance of law and order but underneath it all morality is falling apart.

    People here on this forum try to make JWs into monsters.... when the real monsters who are exploiting children are using the worldly system to do this.  The worldly legal system is becoming less and less accountable and favoring the rich and powerful (and certain favoured minorities) to do as they please. 

    People here do not understand why I talk about the worldly legal system and its double standards..... Well look at the headline above...... JW opposers are gloating because we are being used as a target by this very worldly system which protects other groups. 

    Yes - we will be judged by the world and Jehovah. The one, often serves injustice - the other is just and really exists..... which one's verdicts will stand forever? 


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