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  1. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks Owners Over Convention Videos   
    Your personal opinion only......... and while you are allowed to have a personal opinion , it does not mean it is absolutely correct.  Satan and his demons are also allowed by God to have a personal opinion..... 
  2. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Some Watchtower trivia you might not see anywhere else   
    Read the piece. Loved the connection between the Dutch and French (as happened in South Africa. ) Recognised all the Dutch and French names  - except Crispell. Where is this name from?
    Afrikaans language is a form of old Dutch..... so I understand all related languages (Belgium, Flemish etc) but we have an unique double negative in the language which came from the French.
    In the early stages of the colony the French Huguenots were not as many as the Dutch but a substantial group. It was a Dutch colony and speaking French in the churches was prohibited-  so the religious French protestants had to learn and use Dutch.  They automatically used the double negative and it stuck in the "Afrikaans" /Dutch language permanently.
    Agreed.... many wars in Europe and bloody "purges' of religious groups took place all over Europe and England. The Inquisition started with Jews but soon escalated to the searching out of Christian heretics. A cruel depraved part of history.... 
  3. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Some Watchtower trivia you might not see anywhere else   
    My maiden name was De Villiers.  My forefathers were also  of Huguenot stock that went to South Africa in the 17th century and started the wine industry. There is a famous farm in Cape area called La Rochelle which was named after the area in France my forefathers came from.
    They fled to Holland when the Edict of Nantes was made void and persecution came overnight. They then went on to settle in the Cape. I have a book with my family history in south Africa....the genealogy was updated after my children were born.
    What I find interesting is that Huguenots were also in the area you come from.... and your family were part of these persecuted protestants way back then.
    I visited a fort built around 1650s in Florida USA. It was built by the Spanish when they had control of Florida.  It looked similar to the fort in south Africa built at the same time for sea defence.
    I felt sad when I learnt there at this fort that a group of Huguenots which landed in Florida were massacred there by the Spanish.  
    Seems like your family (I do not know the last name) fared better in the north of USA.
    My family Crest has the lamb and fleur-de-lis symbols which indicate that they also participated in the crusades..... but I did not care to investigate this - not important.
    What is interesting about your family history: it goes back to time of Russel.
    Do share some more interesting titbits
  4. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from César Chávez in Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks Owners Over Convention Videos   
    Your personal opinion only......... and while you are allowed to have a personal opinion , it does not mean it is absolutely correct.  Satan and his demons are also allowed by God to have a personal opinion..... 
  5. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Please notify what you think that could be.
  6. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    It's just a working hypothesis based on things I've seen from him, including a personal conversation. I am reading the book now, and won't finish until tomorrow. If the hypothesis is not evidenced I will either drop it, or discuss why it wasn't evidenced. But I'm OK discussing his book no matter what his reasons..
    He sent me his last two books for free, but I must not be on his mailing list any more, because I had to get this one myself.
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Some Watchtower trivia you might not see anywhere else   
    Read the piece. Loved the connection between the Dutch and French (as happened in South Africa. ) Recognised all the Dutch and French names  - except Crispell. Where is this name from?
    Afrikaans language is a form of old Dutch..... so I understand all related languages (Belgium, Flemish etc) but we have an unique double negative in the language which came from the French.
    In the early stages of the colony the French Huguenots were not as many as the Dutch but a substantial group. It was a Dutch colony and speaking French in the churches was prohibited-  so the religious French protestants had to learn and use Dutch.  They automatically used the double negative and it stuck in the "Afrikaans" /Dutch language permanently.
    Agreed.... many wars in Europe and bloody "purges' of religious groups took place all over Europe and England. The Inquisition started with Jews but soon escalated to the searching out of Christian heretics. A cruel depraved part of history.... 
  8. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in Some Watchtower trivia you might not see anywhere else   
    My last name is not Crispell, but one of my living uncles still has the middle name of Crispell. Their story is partly told at the link below. I don't really know how many of these stories are true. Some of the family is currently back in Charleston and they say that the move from originally from Charleston to Walkill/Kingston/NewPaltz. But some stories have them coming over directly to New York. I never bothered to trace whether both versions were true for different parts of the family.
    Thanks for telling parts of your story. This kind of history is interesting. A lot of people don't know just how seriously the Catholic/Protestant divide has affected history over the last 500 years. It's no wonder that so many of the prophecies in Revelation were originally seen in those terms.
  9. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to scholar JW in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    JW Insider
    Chronology has nothing to do with Furuli's latest bombshell for his views on WT Biblical  Chronology are firm and well established as is mine thus his current stance in some sense creates a distance, a freedom from any alleged bias working as a truly independent scholar working in the pursuit of Truth.
    scholar JW emeritus
  10. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Space Merchant in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    That is an odd statement. There was actually a governing body of Christians in the 1st century, but certainly far different from today's religious leaders. Even during those times, there as been others as the latter grow old and die and others take their place.
  11. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Usually you have to read a book before you comment on what it proves
  12. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    This is not a promising sign. How does he know they refuse to do it? 
    I wrote to them once, too, about my work—which does not by any stretch of the imagination take shots at them. I’ve not heard back. That doesn’t mean they ‘refuse.’ The verb reeks too much of adversarial intent.
    Perhaps at this very moment, the Bethel brothers have dropped all other considerations to write me a nice little letter.
    Shultz and de Vienne submitted their work to Bethel. They write that it was received ‘without comment.’ That is not the same as ‘refuse’ and they only speculated as to why their book met with silence.
  13. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I would like to. Had I contact information, I would. It is even possible I did communicate with him once through some sort of channel, but I forget. 
    I am curious as to how things will be worded. Is it a ‘call to arms’ which is how the Reddit people will certain see it? Or is it more a personal ‘wish list’? Is it a call to ‘abandon ship’? It doesn’t appear to be, especially since there is no other ship to take its place and even an imperfect ship beats treading water. 
    He is a scholar. Is he a scholar AND a doer, or has he just become a scholar? That will surely have a bearing. The physical ministry grounds a person—leave it at your own spiritual peril.
    The people of higher education generally assume ‘takeover rights.’ Does he? It will make a difference. To my mind, Christianity emerged as a ‘working class’ religion, and it always remained so. You know the verses: ‘uneducated and ordinary’, ‘not many wise in a fleshly way, powerful, of noble birth’, ‘hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones’ so as to ‘reveal them to babes’. 
    If the tone of his book recognizes these verses, my guess is that he is fine. If the tone is, ‘Time to let the smart people take over’, there could be a problem. It is when the ‘smart people took over‘ in the first century that Christianity strayed so far from its roots as to be unrecognizable. Reddit, always eager for a blowup, will frame it as ‘Battle of the Titans’ with sure dire consequences to one or the other. That doesn’t mean that he does.
    Granted, as to higher education, the trouble with not having too much of it is that one finds it difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff, and is thus tempted to dismiss it all as chaff. But there is a difference between saying that this or that policy has a downside, which the present brothers will probably agree with, and saying that we ought to have someone’s head on a platter, which they will not. What side does he come down on?
  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Some Watchtower trivia you might not see anywhere else   
    My maiden name was De Villiers.  My forefathers were also  of Huguenot stock that went to South Africa in the 17th century and started the wine industry. There is a famous farm in Cape area called La Rochelle which was named after the area in France my forefathers came from.
    They fled to Holland when the Edict of Nantes was made void and persecution came overnight. They then went on to settle in the Cape. I have a book with my family history in south Africa....the genealogy was updated after my children were born.
    What I find interesting is that Huguenots were also in the area you come from.... and your family were part of these persecuted protestants way back then.
    I visited a fort built around 1650s in Florida USA. It was built by the Spanish when they had control of Florida.  It looked similar to the fort in south Africa built at the same time for sea defence.
    I felt sad when I learnt there at this fort that a group of Huguenots which landed in Florida were massacred there by the Spanish.  
    Seems like your family (I do not know the last name) fared better in the north of USA.
    My family Crest has the lamb and fleur-de-lis symbols which indicate that they also participated in the crusades..... but I did not care to investigate this - not important.
    What is interesting about your family history: it goes back to time of Russel.
    Do share some more interesting titbits
  15. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Some Watchtower trivia you might not see anywhere else   
    My maiden name was De Villiers.  My forefathers were also  of Huguenot stock that went to South Africa in the 17th century and started the wine industry. There is a famous farm in Cape area called La Rochelle which was named after the area in France my forefathers came from.
    They fled to Holland when the Edict of Nantes was made void and persecution came overnight. They then went on to settle in the Cape. I have a book with my family history in south Africa....the genealogy was updated after my children were born.
    What I find interesting is that Huguenots were also in the area you come from.... and your family were part of these persecuted protestants way back then.
    I visited a fort built around 1650s in Florida USA. It was built by the Spanish when they had control of Florida.  It looked similar to the fort in south Africa built at the same time for sea defence.
    I felt sad when I learnt there at this fort that a group of Huguenots which landed in Florida were massacred there by the Spanish.  
    Seems like your family (I do not know the last name) fared better in the north of USA.
    My family Crest has the lamb and fleur-de-lis symbols which indicate that they also participated in the crusades..... but I did not care to investigate this - not important.
    What is interesting about your family history: it goes back to time of Russel.
    Do share some more interesting titbits
  16. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to Matthew9969 in Kudo's to the jw organization.   
    Kudos once again to this loving group of people in this religion. A couple stopped by to check in on my mom. I'll forgive that they didn't care about me or anyone else in the house, but at least they have a communication system to check in on the jw elderly.
  17. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in Some Watchtower trivia you might not see anywhere else   
    When I first came to this site I chose the name "The Bible's Advocate" to discuss some doctrinal issues. But I never used it. I "temporarily" chose the name "JW Insider" because I also wanted to share a couple dozen trivia items that I figured no one else would be sharing. But I never got around to sharing the trivia items. By now, I'm stuck with "JW Insider" although I don't really like the name. And I also decided that the trivia items were . . . well . . .  too trivial to worry about.
    But I figured I might start sharing a few more things and see how it goes. (My family has a long history with the Watchtower Society, some going back to Russell's time. Since my great-grandfather was on the convention speaking tours with Russell and Rutherford, you can still buy his picture on eBay along with several of the other associates of Russell. In fact, some original items were even given over to the Society for exhibits.)
    I thought about this again because I'm reading a very thorough historical book on Russell titled "A Separate Identity, Volume 2" by B.W.Schulz and R.M.de Vienne. In fact, I've got nothing to share that can compare with the page after page of information about Russell from that book. So much of it is completely new to me and even a bit surprising. I wish I had been following the blog run by the author, too, because I notice that when I went back for something I had bookmarked to read, it wasn't there any more. I'll try to promote the book again here. I think people here will enjoy it.
    So if you came here for some of the trivia that I was going to share, sorry. I don't have anything to compare.
    Well, I can share one thing that few people know. But I have never looked into it that closely myself. Much (most?) of the land that the Watchtower Farm owns in Wallkill used to belong to my relatives. I shared a fact before that Brother Booth (GB) once owned the farmland where they built the original Gilead School in Lansing. But the Wallkill story is of interest to me because there's a plaque up there in Wallkill associated with an old Huguenot related church with one of my relative's names on it. (Crispell)
    I think it's now part of the Reformed Church of Shawangunk which borders on the North side of the Watchtower property there, within eyesight of the Kingdom Hall at Bruynswick Rd and Red Mill Rd. (They are across from each other, on separate sides of the Wallkill River.) I don't know if they still do it, but it was once the Watchtower's responsibility to care for a part of the historical church's property, including the plaque.
    Of course all this is meaningless as it relates to the Watchtower itself, but it's part of a story about the movement of religion in the earlier part of the 1800's in the United States. These earlier relatives of mine were the first people to bring the French Huguenot religion up to New York (from around Charleston, South Carolina). There are still a couple of Crispell cousins in Wallkill, and even a Crispell School there, however, many of the Crispell family settled on the Wallkill River where the settlement was called New Paltz. I might have mentioned once before that an elderly woman at the Historical Society in New Paltz once dug an old family Bible out of a vault for me that had Dutch relatives listed, going back to the 1600s. (The French and the German and the Dutch began intermarrying in the 1800's here in this area.)
  18. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    Especially if you have the self-appointed 'super righteous' to police their every move.  Remember how the pharisees policed jesus's every move to find fault....... and they did....... despite his perfection. How much easier with more imperfect mortals. 
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    Especially if you have the self-appointed 'super righteous' to police their every move.  Remember how the pharisees policed jesus's every move to find fault....... and they did....... despite his perfection. How much easier with more imperfect mortals. 
  20. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    Especially if you have the self-appointed 'super righteous' to police their every move.  Remember how the pharisees policed jesus's every move to find fault....... and they did....... despite his perfection. How much easier with more imperfect mortals. 
  21. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    This is always the case in any paper about anything. Everyone selects point of support. Nobody selects points that undermine their premise. I see no reason to spin it as though it were some sort of conspiracy. There is scarcely anyone who does not do it.
    ”And when they persecute you in one town, see if you can find out what you are doing wrong so as to get them so riled up.” I don’t think so.
    ”And when you see the sun and the moon and the stars acting up, say, ‘There’s probably nothing to it.’”  No.
  22. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Dooyaateehda Ajigaleidii in Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks Owners Over Convention Videos   
    He tries to come across as a reasonable person.... which you definitely are not.
    1 4Jah2me reacted to this
    I see these OCD reactions all the time from you and view them as a medal......  I even started to react this way as well and realized that mental derangement can be contagious in some ways. ..... LOL    
  23. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    I wrote a post long ago about how they had modified a certain phrase in a Revelation book update: “Some scientists believe that nuclear war might destroy all life on earth within 25 years.”
    The reason they had done that is because Vic Vomodog had marked off the time on his calendar and he was hoping, praying, pleading that there would be no worldwide nuclear war within 25 years so that he could crow over how they had been wrong again. (after 25 years was okay) 
    I said then I thought taking the quote out was a mistake. Who would be left with egg on their faces if 25 years passed? “Some scientists.” What great debt to we owe to “some scientists” that we should cover for them? They urinate all over Genesis. Why should we bail them out?
  24. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    The term generation  can also be used as a measure of time with reference to past or future ages. An age which is identified by certain features. 
    That is why I demonstrated the above definition with the pre-flood generation / age and its impact; also the post-flood generation/ age which also consisted of a very long period..
    Today they are still commemorating events of WW2 which is an event which is still part of the age starting with WW1 because it is identified by world-wars.
    However,  those people who saw these 'massive signs' and lived in the aftermath of any of these wars may soon start dying. Many are in their sixties or older. I am a post-ww2 baby which understands the impact of the war due to listening to the many stories my grandfather and father told me (both were in the war).. 
    Most of the young generations less than 30 years have no clue. I personally always understand history in the context of the age........ because people are ALWAYS impacted by what happens in their age.
    Russel was influenced by pyramids because he was living an age that was obsessed with the orient.... because of all the discoveries in the news of artifacts in the middle east. Archeology was a fledgling science and the great mysteries were continuously revealed. It even gave rise to a new religion called Mormonism. So people do get distracted by what is happening in the world and its propaganda.
    This is why I always caution on this forum that one cannot just Google information about an era and think you understand the mindset and full implications of the era. An era can have many features which define it. Even short periods have many features i.e. the roaring twenties was short-cut by the depression but some of its ideas still lived on in those who were part of it.
    The generation that was impacted by the first and second world wars are now getting on in life...... we know the stories and the oral traditions...... The millenials, frankly do not care. They are impacted by what happened in the sixties - the loss of morals and experimentation with drugs, and the new philosophies that were brewing in the Frankfort school etc.
  25. Like
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    There was a feature in the Watchtower for a while that roughly paralleled ‘Watching the World.’ Does @JW Insider, who may have done the mock-up in a quoin, remember it? One page, and three items to the page.
    There was an item in the 1970s of some historian who pointed out that generation could be described as clustered around broad historical events, such as the generation of the Industrial Age. I well remember thinking that the organization might make use of that one day. If so, there might me one last hurrah even if 2034 came and went.
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