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  1. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    Ask him if he realizes he is imperfect too.... and can bluff himself. 
  2. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to The Librarian in Angolan newspaper praises JW's on prevention measures taken against Coronavirus (Covid-19)   
    A newspaper of Angola published praising Jehovah's Witnesses on prevention measures against coronavirus (Covid-19)..
    And the newspaper also announced that Jehovah's witnesses in all over the world have contributed a lot to the prevention of the coronavirus through its official website JW.org.
    And the newspaper also showed some links of how people can search on JW.org, and it also mentioned the journal! N-' 6, 2016 with the theme: "Win the war on diseases".
    Source: Angola newspaper 23/04/2020
  3. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    A cry for more power from a woman who wants more say in the congregation.  I think in Revelation it warns about a Jezebel influence
  4. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Matthew9969 in Kudo's to the jw organization.   
    My mother who is up there in age...70's. Their congregation decided to stop meetings at the kingdom hall and forgo their assembly. The local congregation is taking steps to minimize socialization and are doing their meetings via zoom and facebook, etc.  I want to thank the brother of my mother for providing her with a brand new I-pad...wish I could afford one...but I helped her get jw.org in it and facebook and zoom to the best of my abilities. At her age she finds it extremely important to stay connected. t her jw family. I am glad the governing body decided to let individual congregations do their stuff on line. Haters and anti jw's would have people think the opposite. I am glad the jws' are being responsible. I do however wish to pray for a long time friend of our family, who are jw's and medical guardians for my mother, they themselves actually have family members who are tested positive and are on life support due to this virus.
    But what I don't want to see is an article in the watchtower that says they were the only ones doing this. Throwing all other religions under the bus, throwing us family members under the bus...then running over us over and over again.
  5. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to Health and Medicine in Vitamin D   
    Patterns of Covid-19 Mortality and Vitamin D An Indonesian Study
    "When controlling for age, sex, and comorbidity, Vitamin D status is strongly associated with COVID-19 mortality outcome of cases."
  6. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Health and Medicine in Vitamin D   
    I may add that vitamin D3 is the best form to use and one should always use it with vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 counteracts any hardening of the arteries which can come with use of vit D.
    I write this from memory...... so research he vit K2 connection to D3.
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from b4ucuhear in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    Agree. Satan is now using anyone to attack the anointed and he could definitely use fleshly men from within. The true anointed will not be taken in and become disobedient and turn against Jehovah.  In this example of the brother you mentioned, he remained faithful and steadfast and it was part of his commendable endurance.  Jehovah is the great compensation and a false witness he hates.
  8. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to b4ucuhear in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    It's not all that uncommon that elders decisions are overruled or reversed on appeal (I wouldn't say it's common either though). In the case of one of the anointed elders, Bethel didn't even allow an appeal (not surprising since an appeal would have put more eyes on what they were endeavouring to cover up and he was exposing. It would have made them look pretty bad actually). But there is a provision that probably thousands of appointed men have made use of over the many decades that allows for an appeal in writing of the decision if the person feels strongly they were not dealt with fairly/scipturally. If a person is removed or disfellowshipped, my understanding is that it's pretty standard practice to be notified that they can appeal. Although some don't advertise it unless the individual specifically asks for it. It's no real secret - although most won't publicize confidential instructions - and neither would I if in that position. As to "where can we find instructions on that?: you would have to have access to written instructions and directions through letters and books. Apparently you don't - which I would say is a good thing frankly. Are there Bible examples of persons in authority who reversed their decision once they found out they made a bad decision? Yes, of course. Look it up. I'm not going to do your homework for you.  As for posthumous reinstatement, evidently the elder body thought it fair to right a grievous and wicked wrong committed by certain elders against an innocent man, which had tarnished his reputation. I can't imagine what that poor brother went through, yet he faithfully continued on and never saw justice in his lifetime. (1 Tim. 5:24) After all, Jesus didn't either did he as a human? Neither did many other faithful men (Heb. 11...) 
  9. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to b4ucuhear in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    It would be unfair to paint with too wide a brush to basically say "everyone" is "always" this or that. Many/most brothers who serve as elders are loving shepherds who just want to do what is right. Who love Jehovah, love their families and love their brothers and sisters - regardless of whether you share their beliefs or not. But as has always been true, (whether in the times of the patriarchs, Israelites under Law and even the Christian congregation), there have been men who were "bad actors" who were anything but loving. Who grasped at positions of authority for totally the wrong reasons. Do we have men like that today? Although an "inconvenient truth," It shouldn't surprise us that yes, we do. In fact, doesn't the Jehovah clearly warn us against such ones in his word? Also, while recognizing my limited perspective geographically, I will grant you that from my "neck of the woods," there does in fact appear to be a concerted attack against anointed Christians from "wicked men and imposters" from within the organization. I personally know quite a few anointed Christians very well as close friends even serving with them and their greatest tests have come from within. I've seen it. Too often in fact to be a coincidence and not for doing bad, but exposing badness of other "shepherds." It's not that they were disliked - in fact most loved and respected them for the good lead they set spiritually - but I can only describe what I have personally seen as a murderous hatred. Well beyond what I would consider normal. Too clever, too orchestrated, too many outright lies and deception levelled against them to be coincidental. It seems more like a "machination" because of that. I'm not writing this to provide more "ammo" to opposers since as I had stated, I don't know if this goes any farther than my geographical area and it certainly does not characterize the vast majority of shepherds I know, nor does it necessarily describe the experience of anointed Christians elsewhere - but it's there. Yet, all of those are still serving with Jehovah's organization faithfully as pillars in the congregation despite Satan's evil efforts from men within. (Except for the anointed brother who died while disfellowshipped for years. He was posthumously reinstated when it was found that 3 "shepherds"/elders lyingly framed him in order to get him disfellowshipped. They in turn were disfellowshipped themselves when found out). There's a saying in my country: "Don't expect justice from Bethel." I would have to agree with that from what I have seen in my country. But I have also seen many good things. The bad shepherds you referred to in Jeremiah most certainly CAN at times describe men from within. But to my mind more appropriately describe those in Christendom as it's history shows. Of course, I can't mention sensitive stuff I know about to the average rank and file JW - it's too far beyond their scope of experience. But while I disagree with your broad application and decidedly negative only viewpoint, I also know things happen that shouldn't happen. 
  10. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    I don't pretend.  I am what I am....... and I repeat.... you are a slave to your own desires and viewpoints and always combative...... 
  11. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    For you - the cup is always half empty and criticism abundant...... no acknowledgement of anything good. 
    if you were on earth in the time of Jesus, your OCD would have questioned everything the son of God did too..! . such as allowing his desciples to pick grain to eat on the sabbath.. 
    I see your two disciples are faithful...... as always. 
  12. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Jehovah’s Witnesses: Members Must Reject COVID-19 Plasma Treatment… Or Else   
    That was possible too! But josephus refers to a pious woman who everyone respected before, who ate her child.
    During 607 siege they also ate their children... but many were used to the pagan rituals of offering up their children in fire and were used to the smell of burning flesh to false gods.
    What was bad about this is that they had no place to bury their dead in the heat...... they threw the bodies over the wall to get rid of it. And babylonian soldiers catapulted the dead bodies with swollen bellies back into the city - creating terrible pandemonium because wherever parts of bodies spattered was immediately unclean.  They must have been in a mentally very dark place. ....
  13. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Witness in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    There has been considerable criticism on the latest GB member’s second update about the pandemic. Some good observations have been made, but one thing I noticed was his deceptive use of scripture. Briefly, he gave assurance of the “love” and “prayers” that the GB has for all JWs enduring all issues of the pandemic. But, the bulk of his message was about the elder body’s concerted effort to learn new avenues providing online “spiritual food” for all. He stated that through his organization, “Jehovah provided the direction they needed”. (Isa 46:5-7; Rom 1:25; 1 Pet 1:18,19; Rev 13:4,8)
    I can’t see this as such an insurmountable problem that perhaps other organizations, religious or otherwise, were not able to deal with successfully during this time of the pandemic. For them, their collective ‘organization’ no doubt provided the direction they needed, without God’s help.
    These so-called “caring shepherds” are said to fulfill the prophesy in Jer 23:4. I’d like to compare his partial quote of that scripture with a few other translations.
    NWT – “I will raise up shepherds who will really(said with emphasis) shepherd them…None will be missing.”
    NIV – “I will place shepherds over them who will tend them, and they will no longer be afraid or terrified, nor will any be missing,” declares the Lord.”
    NKJV – “I will set up shepherds over them who will feed them; and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, nor shall they be lacking,” says the Lord.”
    So, what’s going on in Jeremiah 23 that would cause fear among the flock, the significant issue that the governing leader deftly ignored? What necessitated the need for caring shepherds who would, under such grave conditions, be rescued by God? If this one scripture is prophesy being fulfilled today, then it is important to read the entire scripture, as well as know the circumstances leading up to the verse he partially quoted. 
    “Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture!” says the Lord. 2 Therefore thus says the Lord God of Israel against the shepherds who feed My people: “You have scattered My flock, driven them away, and not attended to them. Behold, I will attend to you for the evil of your doings,” says the Lord.” Jer 23:1,2 
    At that time period, God’s people had been led astray, into idolatry. (Jer 23:13) As a flock they were not only ignored by evil shepherds, but “driven away”, as exiles.
    “Both prophet and priest are godless;
    even in my temple I find their wickedness,”
    declares the Lord. Jer 23:11 
    Jer. 7:30 gives us insight on this wickedness:
    Jer 7:30 - ‘The people of Judah have done evil in my eyes, declares the LORD. They have set up their detestable idols in the house that bears my Name and have defiled it.”  (Jer 25:29)
    (see Ezek 8:3-16 ) 
    By reading more of the chapter, we find the adulterous prophets of Jerusalem ‘living a lie’. Their sins are so great, they are compared to Sodom and Gomorrah. (Jer 23:14; 2:8)  
    Yes, if we were to read this entire chapter, we can easily tie its spiritual significance to the organization, but much differently than what the GB member described.
    · There is an army of evil shepherds (Rev 9:4,7-11; Joel 1:6-7; Rev 13:5-7)
    · An adulterous Harlot/false prophet (Matt 24:24; Rev 13:11,12; 17:5,15)
    · And lies and idolatry found where God’s Temple “living stones” reside. (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17)
    · (Rev 8:10,11; 13:13,14,15,18; 2 Thess 2:9-12; Rev 9:20,21)  
    These pseudo shepherd/elders aid the Harlot - Wormwood, by promoting her poisoned teachings. (Rev 13:16,17) Falsehoods have been declared and upheld by the organization throughout its history. This act of profanity has resulted in the scattered, silenced and removal of God’s true shepherds/priests, profaning the Temple of God; although God’s holy people are just as guilty of committing wickedness. (Jer 23:14) (Ezek 44:23; Zeph 3:4; 2 Cor 6:14-16; Rev 2:14-16)  
    15 “Therefore thus says the Lord of hosts concerning the prophets:
    ‘Behold, I will feed them with wormwood,
    And make them drink the water of gall;
    For from the prophets of Jerusalem
    Profaneness has gone out into all the land.’ ” Jer 23:15 
    If God’s people were faithful to Christ’s truths, would he “make” them drink wormwood? He “sends” or allows it to happen, since Satan demands to sift God’s people under covenant, or challenge their faith and integrity to truth. (Luke 22:31:Rev 12:17)
    “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Pet 5:8
    “devour” - to drink down, i.e. gulp entire (literally or figuratively):—devour, drown, swallow (up). 
    Just as Jesus proved his obedience to God under trial and suffering, so too must those who are to imitate Jesus, by walking in his footsteps on the path he took while on earth. (Matt 4:1; Heb 5:8,9; 4:1; Phil 2:8; John 17:19; Rom 8:16,17; 1 Pet 1:6; 4:13; 5:10; 1:7; Mal 3:1-3; Rev 3:19)  
    God tells the people,
    “Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you;
    they fill you with false hopes.
    They speak visions from their own minds,
    not from the mouth of the Lord.
    17 They keep saying to those who despise me,
    ‘The Lord says: You will have peace.’
    And to all who follow the stubbornness of their hearts
    they say, ‘No harm will come to you.’ Jer. 16,17 
    God will always protect those who call out to Him for knowledge and truth; but to any who choose to continue drinking in Wormwood’s profanity and lies, to them it will be granted. (Ps 20:1; Prov 4:6; John 17:15; 1 Cor 10:13; 2 Thess 3:3)  
    "I did not send these prophets,
    yet they have run with their message;
    I did not speak to them,
    yet they have prophesied.
    But if they had stood in my council,
    they would have proclaimed my words to my people
    and would have turned them from their evil ways
    and from their evil deeds." Jer 23:21,22
     So, can Jer 23:4 be fulfilled by the industrious activities of a counterfeit “Gentile” priesthood that has been given complete authority over God’s authentic priesthood, “Israel”? (Ezek 44:6-9; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2) No; rather, it is just the opposite. The fulfillment results from the wicked environment outlined in the chapter, that necessitates the need for God’s true shepherds to submit to Christ’s refinement and stand up for truth.
    The "good news" in the time of the end, is that God will provide the repentant remnant redemption, by means of Christ's blood, and their own required sacrifice for the sake of truth, in imitation of their model, Christ.
    The circumstances of the Great Tribulation requires defiance/warfare against the religious slavery that held them captive, and caused them to fall asleep (1 Cor 7:23; Gal 1:10; Col 3:24; 2 Cor 10:3-5; Rev 11:5; Jer 23:29; Rev 17:14).
    The wicked steward is presently lording it over the anointed household of God (Mark 10:42-45),
    and wielding the power of Gentiles in order to beat his fellows,
    just as the Harlot / "false prophet", wields her power, through the Gentile Beast
    (Rev 17:6,8; 11:7; 13:11,15,14; 19:20).
    Pearl Doxsey, from “Questions from the Beast”
    The GB member ended his talk with two supposedly reassuring points; the organization will continue to be guided by God, and it will happen under the care of “loving shepherds”. He then quotes John 10:11, stating Christ is overseeing the work of these false shepherds. Is he? Would he be supportive of those who “trample” God’s appointed “living stones” of His Temple built on Christ’s Body? (Mal 2:7; John 21:16; 1 Pet 2:5,9; Eph 4:11-13)
    (Ezek 8:6,9; Num 16:3-7,10,11,18,20,21,35,40; Num 18:7; Matt 24:15,16; Dan 8:24,25; 11:31,32; Mark 13:14)  
    The identity of the true shepherds of Jer 23:4, the faithful anointed of God, are described in the follow-up verse as a “Branch”:
    “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord,
    “That I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness;
    A King shall reign and prosper,
    And execute judgment and righteousness in the earth.
    6 In His days Judah will be saved,
    And Israel will dwell safely;
    Now this is His name by which He will be called:
    Pearl described this Branch just recently:
    Isa.4:2 reads;
    "2 In that day the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory of the survivors in Israel."
    Regarding that "branch",
    Jesus said that he was the vine and his Father was the cultivator (John15:1).
    [“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser"]
    Jesus said that those who emerge from Jesus, are the branches (John15:4-5).
    [4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. 5 ‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."]
    The "fruit" they bear, is the sayings/teachings/testimony, from their mouth (Luke6:44-45).
    ["44 Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thorn-bushes, or grapes from briers. 45 A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For *the mouth speaks what the heart is full of."*]
    We know that the heart is full of truth, when the Word of God has been planted in it and cultivated (Luke8:11,15)
    ["1 ‘This is the meaning of the parable: the seed is the word of God. 15 But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop."]

    That "crop" is the "fruit"/true teachings, that we have been talking about.The branches are united in spirit with Jesus, just as Jesus is united in spirit with the Father (John17:20; 1Cor.6:17).
    [21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me."]
    ["17 But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit."]
    Such a branch bears lasting fruit that glorifies the Father (John15:8,16).
    ["8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."]
    ["16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit – fruit that will last – and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you."]
    “I myself will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and will bring them back to their pasture, where they will be fruitful and increase in number. 4 I will place shepherds over them who will tend them, and they will no longer be afraid or terrified, nor will any be missing,” declares the Lord.” Jer 23:3,4
    “Earth Swallows Satan’s River”
    “Baptism Series – Lesson Two /Section 1 – The Wilderness”
    "Abomination Causing Desolation"

  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Jehovah’s Witnesses: Members Must Reject COVID-19 Plasma Treatment… Or Else   
    Although gory, I get the gist of your discussion above. I do think our bodies are wonderful biological machines and our healing properties exceptional. Unfortunately we often interfere with it's natural abilities by bad diet, bad practices, and so forth.
    Wild animals often have severe injuries, wounds or even parasites.. and they do manage to survive. They clean their own wounds if they can with tongues which have enzymes, and  bacteria. But I know too little of mouth bacteria to really be scientific.  I have never seen a crocodile lick itself though and I am sure anything can die from the bacteria present in its mouth after getting a slight wound.  The wound will have to be properly tended.
    About eating humans...... there are a number of factors to consider:  if they were killed in a air crash and a limb or body part was so severely severed that blood flowed out to make it kosher/bloodless, one could take a chance and eat it. It would be better to cook it so as to kill the human viruses and parasites before ingesting without breaking the law of jehovah - shocking as it may seem. It is not what goes into the body but what comes out which is a sin.
    The fierce masaegetae tribe (who killed Cyrus the Great in battle) used to eat each other and it was considered an honor.  When a tribe member felt it was time to die, they would offer him up and make a feast. They also used to drink their horse blood - breaking the everlasting covenant given to Noah.
    Siege of Jerusalem: the shock of supposedly pious Jews 'killing" their own children to eat them, not bleeding it and ingesting the blood, touching the human dead (making one unclean) and eating the unclean, was shocking! They were under Jehovahs law..... jehovah is a God of life not of death and humans are the crown of creation.
    Touching the carcass of unclean animals or clean animals that died of itself was unclean  One was allowed to eat a clean animal that had died of itself and bled, one could cook and eat it and one would be unclean until evening.  Lev 11: 39 & 40. So Jehovahs laws were not draconian but the law against ingesting blood is universal...... part of everlasting covenant made  with Noah when eating flesh.  Isaiah 24:5.  Gen 9: 3- 12
    Here it refers to whole blood........ but when one bleeds a dead animal there is separation in the carcass of blood and water (white and red blood) and minute bits of blood is left in the carcass.  So one would not get technical about the particles still in the carcass. It is the act of obedience to jehovah that is important..... that one respects the life of the animal and life of all persons. 
  15. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from admin in FDA investigates cases of canine heart disease potentially linked to diet   
    The only ingredient in common in these foods are lectins.  Lectins are deadly to some humans too!  They will do well to do research on dog's sensitivity to lectins. Lectins cause agglutination (blood cells stick to each other)  
  16. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Jehovah’s Witnesses: Members Must Reject COVID-19 Plasma Treatment… Or Else   
    Ah, understand...21 aminio acids combined in different DNA combinations to make different kinds of flesh/tissue.
  17. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    Those who are not slaves of jehovah are slaves to their own desires and viewpoints.  It explains a lot..... you think you are independent but in actual fact a slave to yourself.  You did not get along with other JWs, not because of doctrine but because of personality traits..... a combative attitude.
  18. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Anna in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    Actually no. Go and re-read those scriptures again, carefully.
  19. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    From your GB's viewpoint of scripture. 
  20. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    I knew an anointed brother in Jacksonville who stepped down shortly after being appointed because he said his large family and his other obligations to Jehovah were more important.  
    Not all in first century qualified for being an elder. The scripture in Titus clearly indicates that one cannot use a new brother.  So maybe after a time every man who is steadfast will eventually qualify BUT it does not mean that they do not have a choice in the matter.
  21. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Aruana > Tom   
    I want to put your two posts (here and to Admin) on my own blog word for word, as an experience of one person which I neither affirm nor deny. Are you okay with that?
  22. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Aruana > Tom   
    Thanks to all the sweethearts here and their goodwill
    I started using hydroxychloroquine combined with zink  a second time.  I used it during my first illness.  This disease comes back if you are weak......
    On Monday I had stress with breathing.... but after a couple of hours started feeling better.  I had terrible pain in the trachea.
    My husband bought a nebulizer and I put a mixture of  3 percent hydrogen peroxide ( only third part of it mixed with water). The released oxygen O3.... kills all viriusses and relieves the pain.
    I am using it three times a day...... due to my immunity disorder I got the cytokine explosion in some other organs and bones having some pain.  I am now working to clear this up. 
    Jehovah has been kind.... I did have a period of frightening distress. (Got ready to go to hospital) but both therapies combined relieved this.... so keep it in mind if any of you get sick.
    The nebulizer is a brilliant idea..... I read about it but my husband did more thorough research and went to buy it. Apparently this nebulizing of O3 enventually gets to other parts of the body as well.  Healing many problems due to the oxygen.
    We bought a few boxes of the hydroxychloroquine here in Rep. Georgia a few days before Trump advertised it..... we wanted to buy more this week but no pharmacies have it in stock now. I guess the govt put a prohibition on its sale.
  23. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in ‘Using’ the Pandemic to ‘Recruit’ People - Sheesh! What is it With These Nutcases?   
    Actually, I didn’t mean to put it on this forum, but on the closed one. It was a mistake. Ah, well....so far everyone is behaving themselves.
  24. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in ‘Using’ the Pandemic to ‘Recruit’ People - Sheesh! What is it With These Nutcases?   
    It must really confound those who accuse the JW organization of being a cult that few people are behaving better these days, or more reasonably, with more of an eye toward the public good. That #CultExpert tweets about how Jehovah’s Witnesses manipulate people, and I reply that their followers put his to shame for vanquishing COVID. Jehovah’s Witnesses immediately transferred all gatherings to Zoom and issued strong counsel to observe government-recommended social distancing—which our people will observe because they strive to be obedient. But his followers? Some will observe social distancing, no doubt—probably even most, but is his mission statement ‘Freedom of Mind’ really compatible with obedience to secular authority? You don’t think some will use their ‘freedom of mind’ to say: “Forget about you!—We’ll party on the beach if we feel like it!?”
    Doubtless they expected ‘scare-mongering’—‘using’ the present crisis to scare new ones into the fold—and in fact, there have been accusations of that. But you really really have to stretch the point if you go there. The lead post on jw.org is the most socially responsible contribution imaginable, replete with suggestions on how to cope with isolation and resulting loneliness. With people beside themselves with anxiety, unable to cope in many cases, you don’t think that is a valuable contribution, perhaps THE most valuable? After all, if your psyche breaks down, all the physical relief in the world does you no good.
    It reminds me of the verse on muzzling the talk of the ignorant ones by doing good. To be sure, hostile ones are still criticizing—but in doing so,  they are also plainly revealing their ignorance, and in some cases, hate.
    In fact, I don’t quite go there with the CultExpert, for some of the groups he monitors really DO seem pretty strange—so I don’t go there, though I do think about it—I almost want to say: “LET them join a cult if it helps them get through this and save their sanity! What are you offering in lieu—that we should put our hope in the next crop of politicians? Haven’t we been down that road countless times before?”
    Affirming some cult idiot’s charge that I am ‘using’ the pandemic to ‘recruit,’ (to anyone concerned about that, I reply that on the 200th contact I will ask if they want to convert and then they can say ‘no’—in the meantime, it’s just conversation—don’t worry about it) I have many times tweeted that lead post to persons, sometimes in response to a specific plea like with Mr. Fiend, and sometimes I just throw it out there—with good results in both cases. Sometimes the tweets are retreated. Unless you are a snarling ‘ain’t-cultist,’ people do not misunderstand—they know that you are trying to help.
    As always, you tailor your tweet to the person. To persons who appear secular, you say (this one was lamenting a suicide she had read about): “It is a terrible thing. Healthy people struggle when their routine is uprooted, let alone persons unwell to begin with. I sent this to someone who tweeted that he was frankly losing it. There is a spiritual component to it, but it is mostly on combatting isolation and loneliness”—and I attach the link.
    To someone decidedly irreligious, you might say: “As a suggestion—nothing more—here is a series of posts on how to cope with isolation and loneliness. Upended routines are driving everyone up a tree. My turn is probably next. Like Bob Dylan: ‘The riot squad is restless, they need somewhere to go.’” I like to play the Dylan card—it doesn’t mean that you have to. You also don’t exempt yourself—hence the ‘my turn is probably next,’
    My new pinned tweet is: “With #mentalhealth under assault and even balanced people buckling under the stress, I can’t imagine a better read than this one on coping with isolation and loneliness from #JehovahsWitnesses,” as I include a link to the post. 
    Note the hashtags. Ages ago my daughter said to me: “They’re hashtags, Dad, not crosstags.” Hashtags are fair game on social media, whereas tagging individuals directly is generally considered rude, unless you know full well that they will welcome it. Hashtags will draw in anyone else who monitors the subject—as an experiment, enter a hashtag anything on social media to see what comes up. You can even use it as your own filing system if you choose a hashtag unique enough.
    It can, however backfire. If the hashtag is of any controversial topic, it can bring in people who want to argue, even insult. In the case of Jehovah’s Witnesses, there are disgruntled former members—‘apostates’—that can be attracted—in fact, they almost surely will be. “Oh, yeah,” you can mutter. “They’ll come alright. As surely as flies to dung, they will come!” But you should not say this, because while you are comparing apostates to flies, you are also comparing yourself to dung—so you should seek another metaphor.
    My #mentalhealth hashtag drew in some mental health people, some of whom expressed great appreciation. But true to warning, my #jehovahswitnesses hashtag drew in some ‘apostates.’
    “The rather large elephant in the paragraph [about the comfort JWs offer] is the Jehovah’s Witness shunning policy.”
    But I replied (in three tweets):
    “There is hardly an issue here. Those who would trigger a ‘shunning policy’ are those for whom, at the present time, the last thing in the world they would want is to abide by the principles of those who wrote the article. Even so, they are welcome to take from it what they will.”
    “The thoughts expressed in the article are non-denominational, offered freely to all, even those on the outs at present with JWs. It’s meant as a public service. One need not take it. One can always put trust in the politicians, medical staff, and economists to fix matters.”
    I looked at the detractor’s profile and discovered that she was one who was trying to torpedo the JW organization’s status as a charitable religious organization, something that they plainly are:
    “In fact, it is an excellent post for consideration of the @CharityComms, though not written for that reason. Look, nobody is everything to everyone. But they will recognize that we are well past the time for nursing grudges—not with C19 threatening the mental health of the planet.”
    It shut her up! I couldn’t believe it! It is unheard of! ‘Apostates’ never ever EVER give up—I’ve had to block some—and yet she gave up. There is no finer proof of 1 Peter 2:15 than that: “For it is the will of God that by doing good you may silence the ignorant talk of unreasonable men.”
  25. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to Anna in Jehovah's Witnesses with covid-19 - announcement at Bethel   
    "Morning worship announcement at Bethel.
    In the United States, 9,000 of our brothers have contracted the Corona Virus, 2,500 have recovered, 563 are hospitalized and unfortunately 219 have fallen asleep to death.
    This was mentioned April 14, 2020 in the morning worship in New York's bethel.  It was asked that this be shared with the brothers so that we continue to pray for the entire association of brothers and understand the reason that the governing body has taken the measures that have been taken so far.  Cheers!"
    By the way I am just quoting someone. This info is not from me personally.
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