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  1. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    When you speak Hebrew or Arabic or some other semitic language - then I speak to you again...... you seem to think you are expert at  the difference between a "letter" and its "phonetical" pronunciation.
    So yes have a good laugh - at yourself for not realizing that you do not know the difference. 
  2. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    I notice the small things wherein jehovah has given direction to his people...... Even if it is right in front of your face you will not see it because your entire personality (from what I see in your writing) is consumed by hate for the GB and JWs....... to the extent that you are even putting your family at risk on the altar to your hate.  
    You only use the word father or other derivation. .. not the name yehovah AND REFUSE TO SEE THAT THE GB has been vindicated.
    I just typed in " call on name" and a list of scriptures like this one came up:
    "Give thanks to Jehovah, call on his name ,Make his deeds known among the peoples!  2 Sing to him, sing."    ........so you do not obey the bible when you refuse to use the name of God and use only the word father instead. Are you  sure you obey the bible? 
    Zeph 3:9  the pure language is linked  to the entire earth calling on the name of Jehovah.
    Joel 2: 32 And everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved; For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who escape, just as Jehovah has said,The survivors whom Jehovah calls...
    And jehovah has a 'people' for his name - just turned out the had the name right all along!  Acts 15:14
  3. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    They GB decided to adopt the name with this pronunciation did they not? .  You are dancing all around the subject without making a point. 
    You do not see your own reasoning how ficle it is...... so I leave it at that. 
  4. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    You said it. They go into the past and bring up old stuff to sidestep the issue that the newest information is that the pronunciation is : Yehovah.....in Hebrew... proven beyond doubt by Hebrew manuscripts (one of them the oldest in the world) and it has the points included for the pronunciation.
    And we adopted the name with the right pronunciation......jehovahs witnesses,  whether by chance or Jehovah's spirit! 
  5. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    You are guessing too! ... and in a joke-maligning way!  So please provide solid proof that they count babies......toddlers. 
    You are so disrespectful sometimes..... sometimes your jokes are condescending / patronizing and shows disrespect......... but I guess you have yet to develop a sense of limits........ it seems you have no self-control regarding this. It is easiest thing in the world to get a cheap laugh on other persons.  I do not see this as wit at all. ....  You imply that the GB cannot distinguish between children and adults....... 
    There is a line one does not cross (EVEN IN JOKES)  otherwise you constitute yourself an enemy ..... but I guess you cross them all.  
  6. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    What a bunch of slippery yoyos hanging out here! Making up a ‘hovah’ word Sheesh! It reminds me of how the evangelicals tried to say that early translators simply made just an honest mistake in mistranslating the word ‘kaaru’ so as to make scriptures say what they wanted them to say, and Rabbi Singer called them on it. There is no ‘kaaru’ he said. No such word—or rather there wasn’t until you coined it to cover your dishonest tracks:
  7. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in Anybody want to flee now?   
    I wasn't going to say anything more, because this is the very definition of a far-fetched idea. I think a few others have stepped in to give the same opinion. There is a much more sensible way of looking at all these scriptures, unrelated to the time periods we might attach to them. In fact, Arauna has said it, even Witness has said it:
    This makes sense and fits the scriptures on the subject.
    Just as good. I would include Jesus and the rest of the "seed."
  8. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Anybody want to flee now?   
    I think you did not read (or think about)  the portion I wrote you on Ezekiel 38. ..Somewhere above
    Jehovahs people are secure with Jehovah.....they need not flee to any physical part of the world. They have already fled from false religion and this political system.....to a spiritual "land" as a nation.......they will not have the mark of the beast. (Political system) .... so jehovah will protect them. 
    In Russia, JWs are already being plundered...... it has started.... but the all-out direct attack will come later when it seems to Gog (a coalition of nations) that we have NO protection..  which is true.... we have no visible physical protection but we have Jehovah's armies waiting in heaven which will then act.
    In one breath you acknowledge that Australia is in fear of China and in the next breath you say it will be safe enough for all Jehovahs people to flee to?  Is there logic in this conclusion? 
    The next thing you will have to think about is : who is the 'woman' mentioned in genesis 3:15. It is not Eve because the "seed"  (jesus) will come from her and he will have power to kill the serpent (satan).
    This is the same woman who was barren (read Isaiah 54 of which Jehovah is the husband and is mentioned in Galatians 4:26 _ 31. In Rev 12 she is depicted with moon and stars on her head.  Please read all these scriptures and you will notice that she is a heavenly woman.  Like Jesus has a bride spoken of we see that God has a wifely organization.
  9. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Anybody want to flee now?   
    I think you did not read (or think about)  the portion I wrote you on Ezekiel 38. ..Somewhere above
    Jehovahs people are secure with Jehovah.....they need not flee to any physical part of the world. They have already fled from false religion and this political system.....to a spiritual "land" as a nation.......they will not have the mark of the beast. (Political system) .... so jehovah will protect them. 
    In Russia, JWs are already being plundered...... it has started.... but the all-out direct attack will come later when it seems to Gog (a coalition of nations) that we have NO protection..  which is true.... we have no visible physical protection but we have Jehovah's armies waiting in heaven which will then act.
    In one breath you acknowledge that Australia is in fear of China and in the next breath you say it will be safe enough for all Jehovahs people to flee to?  Is there logic in this conclusion? 
    The next thing you will have to think about is : who is the 'woman' mentioned in genesis 3:15. It is not Eve because the "seed"  (jesus) will come from her and he will have power to kill the serpent (satan).
    This is the same woman who was barren (read Isaiah 54 of which Jehovah is the husband and is mentioned in Galatians 4:26 _ 31. In Rev 12 she is depicted with moon and stars on her head.  Please read all these scriptures and you will notice that she is a heavenly woman.  Like Jesus has a bride spoken of we see that God has a wifely organization.
  10. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Anna in Anybody want to flee now?   
    I don't know if you have thought about it from a practical point of view, but to water and feed over 8 million people for even a short period of time in some remote place would be impossible in my opinion. Also, where would they all sleep, and clean themselves and use the toilet? ....?
  11. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Anybody want to flee now?   
    After WW I, there was only one populated place on Earth that had no cases of the "Spanish Flu"
    American Samoa, in the Pacific Ocean ... because they locked down their borders 100%

  12. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Kosonen in Anybody want to flee now?   
    No dear.... relax.... but thanks for caring. 
  13. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Anybody want to flee now?   
    Roman armies would definitely have camped just out of reach of arrow fire, building siege engines and ramps in 66CE. They had breached a part of the wall and suddenly left when Vespasian legions were needed elsewhere.
    It is not by works but as you say, to be pure from this world and have the personality reflecting the Spirit of Jehovah. (5 virgins did not have enough oil - not enough of jehovahs spirit) . But keep in mind they receive undeserved kindness from Jehovah like everyone else.
  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Anybody want to flee now?   
    No dear.... relax.... but thanks for caring. 
  15. Haha
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Anybody want to flee now?   
    The king of the south has taken advantage of the financial crisis to provide himself an excuse to neglect road repairs. Recently I crashed headlong into a huge pothole and spent the rest of the afternoon muttering, driving around on 3 1/2 tires.
  16. Haha
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    I got to pass both the bread AND the wine to all those in the audience (my wife). How often does THAT happen?
  17. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Anybody want to flee now?   
    My dear brother, I understand where you are coming from........ I myself hate the really subtle deceit on this open public forum (you can join the closed section where you are approved to join)....... and have spoken out myself  in very strong terms.  However, I think it is a good place to learn self-control in speech and not use derogatory names.  We must develop spirit of christ.
    Some people here learn absolutely nothing from others. They are here for one purpose only........ to be subversive.  I have learnt to just ignore the most outrageous comments and direct attacks against my logic and even my personal  sanity....
    I definitely do not do it perfectly but I am getting a little better at it! 
    You will notice here on this forum, what I call OCD.  A syndrome of compulsive, repetitious, unremitting hate for anything to do with the GB or JWs. 
    Despite this: under this subject above there has been one or two very interesting comments such as the historical facts around 66CE.  Good job by the contributor..... I may also add that the zealots were giving Rome an extremely  hard time due to guerilla warfare /attacks.  Rome left Palestine at this time.... (Rome started to call the area Palestine), because they needed their soldiers in other areas. Vespasian left for Rome (if I remember correctly). There were wars to determine the next Ceasar and Vespasian came out tops.  His son Titus returned to Jerusalem in 7O CE when the rule in Rome was secured.  ROME really wanted to get rid of the zealots called sicarii....... assassins and a large number of them were controlling Jerusalem.  Titus himself was almost killed upon his return on his way to Jerusalem by such an ambush.  The battle in 70 CE was ferocious...... from wall to wall and street to street.  The tree barricade put up later around the city stopped people from getting out of Jerusalem with surprise attacks on the Roman's.  No wonder the Roman's were so harsh when the battle came to an end and the temple was burnt.  After this the name jehovah was also banned from use. 
  18. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Witness in Anybody want to flee now?   
    The signs are spiritual, not literal. SATAN'S signs are literal.  Your desire to see literal fulfillment is no different than the Pharisees.   
    This is what the Lord, your Redeemer who formed you from the womb, says:
    I am YHVH, who made everything;
    who stretched out the heavens by Myself;
    who alone spread out the earth;
    25 who destroys the omens of the false prophets
    and makes fools of diviners;
    who confounds the wise
    and makes their knowledge foolishness;
    26 who confirms the message of His servant
    and fulfills the counsel of His messengers;
    who says to Jerusalem, “She will be inhabited,”
    and to the cities of Judah, “They will be rebuilt,”
    and I will restore her ruins   Isa 44:24-26
    "An evil and adulterous generation demands a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah." Then he left them and went away."  Matt 16:4
    I wish you could understand this. 
  19. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in Anybody want to flee now?   
    I've noticed something about the timeline that surely wouldn't have escaped the notice of the escaped Christians. Notice that the above dates show that it was very late October to early November of 66 CE when the opportunity for escape would have been ideal. That's because Cestius Gallus fled Jerusalem close to November 1, 66 and finally fled the country around November 15, 66 when factional civil wars began in Jerusalem.
    And if the purpose of the escape for the Christians was to continue to be fed for 1,260 days, or 42 months, or three and one-half years, then where would that time period end up after, for example, November 10,  66 CE?
    If you put dates in Excel or Google [Spread]Sheets you can subtract one date from another and it will give you the number of days apart. Do that for November 10 of 66 CE and April 23 of 70 CE and the difference is exactly 1,260 days. The month Chislev often starts in November, so I pray that this is not in wintertime.

    Nov 10 66 Apr 23 70 1,260.00  
    Below, I'm copying some more of the dates from the book quoted above to see if anything significant might have happened around April 23rd 70 CE:
    AD70 23 April: Titus commences siege of Jerusalem. 7 May: Titus breaches the Third Wall. Mid–May: Titus breaches the Second Wall. Late May: Roman siege ramps against the Antonia Fortress destroyed by Jewish mines and sallies. June: Romans construct wall of circumvallation and new siege ramps against the Antonia Fortress. 5 July: Titus takes the Antonia Fortress. 17 July: Roman assault on the Temple Mount commences. 27 July: Jewish trap immolates the western colonnade of the Temple Mount. 10 August: Destruction of the Temple. 20 August: Siege of Herod’s Palace commences. 7 September: Fall of Herod’s Palace. AD71: Vespasian and Titus celebrate joint Jewish War triumph; execution of Simon b. Gioras. Roman mopping up operations in Judea; fall of Herodium, Machaerus.
    AD73: Flavius Silva commences Siege of Masada.
    AD74: Fall of Masada; end of First Jewish War.
    My spreadsheet says that:
    April 23rd 70 MINUS November 10th 66 EQUALS 1,260 Days.
    Of course maybe this is a big coincidence, but I think we can be pretty sure that it crossed the minds of Christians reading Revelation 12 that the recent destruction of Jerusalem, and the escape from Jerusalem for a time period of 1,260 days might have been significant, especially because some of them lived it personally. To them, as they bore witness to Jesus, it had been the great escape of citizens of a new Kingdom of Israel, a heavenly Jerusalem, who followed Jesus command so that they were not otherwise swallowed up in the war that had broken out. It just makes me wonder how first century Christians understood Revelation 12 when they first saw it.
  20. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in Anybody want to flee now?   
    We know about Rome's first attempt to take the city in 66, only because of Josephus. No other account tells us details about it. So it's also from Josephus that we know the Roman army did not inexplicably halt their attack and leave. In fact, Josephus tells us exactly why. The Roman attempts in 66 were not well planned, or well manned, and they tried to take many areas from all over the country first before Jerusalem. And they LOST many of these battles.  In fact, the Roman attack on Jerusalem was pushed back by Jewish fighters. Roman armies were driven back and went home, after suffering several losses all over Judea.
    This is ultimately from Josephus, but also clearly spelled out in a book you can find here: http://www.imperium-romana.org/uploads/5/9/3/3/5933147/osprey_-_campaign_-_252_-_the_jewish_revolt_ad_66-74.pdf

    Notice that number 13 through 19 show the following:
    13. Gallus is badly handled by a Jewish ambush north of Jerusalem and retires to Gabao. 14. Simon b. Gioras hits the rearguard of the Roman column as it traverses the Beth Horon pass and plunders the baggage train. 15. After regrouping for three days at Gabao, Gallus advances to Jerusalem. 16. Unable to take Jerusalem, Gallus orders the retreat to Gabao. He is harassed en route by Jewish fighters. 17. After two days under siege in Gabao, Gallus orders a breakout. His force is ambushed in the Beth Horon pass. 18. Gallus slips away at night. The garrison left behind at Beth Horon Katotera is massacred at dawn. 19. Gallus abandons what remains of his baggage train. The Jews finally call of their pursuit only when Gallus reaches Antipatris. It's pretty obvious why this would be a good time to flee Jerusalem. Jewish leaders and highly stationed Romans fled just immediately prior to this attack, and the fact that Gallus was temporarily defeated, and made to run, made it a perfect opportunity for Christians to flee, too. Note the timeline we can get from Josephus, as found on page 18 of the same linked book:
    AD 66
    Mid–May: Anti-semitic riots in Caesarea. Florus enters Jerusalem in force; demands arrest of anti-Roman militants; defeat of Roman troops in street-fighting; Florus abandons Jerusalem to the rebels. Eleazar b. Ananias leads first aristocratic government. Early August to early September: Factional conflict in Jerusalem; conservatives defeated; Ananias executed. September–October: Sicarii driven out of Jerusalem; wave of communal violence and pogroms throughout Judea. Mid–late October: Cestius Gallus advances into Judea; battle of Gabao; Roman attack on Jerusalem repulsed. Early November: Battle of Beth Horon. Mid–November: Ananus b. Ananus leads second aristocratic government; radicals and militias marginalized; Eleazar and Zealots confined to Temple Mount; Simon b. Gioras driven out; Josephus appointed military governor of Galilee. From 66 until 70 there is infighting among Jewish groups, Roman suppression and finally the devastating attack in 70 C.E.
  21. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    ...sometimes .... when they open the reports slip box, they will find a well chewed pacifier .....
  22. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    They will count baptized children, down to the age of three, or if they have been potty trained, down to the age of two.
  23. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    Like the pharisees saw the miracles of Jesus but refused to acknowledge them, you are doing the same. There is ample proof about the name of Jehovah....but your fruits are poisonous, everyone who eats them will die.
  24. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Kosonen in Anybody want to flee now?   
    I lived in Africa for 45 years.......... a violent continent and Islamists creating havoc.  You have a very good chance of having your head chopped off with a machete or slowly tortured to death.
    I recently lived in Europe -  violence is increasing and in future we will see major upheavals with the cultures that do not get along.  (The UN will bring in their rules to get everyone to live together under strict surveillance).  I now live in Asia Minor in a reasonably safe place but all the countries around me could become dangerous suddenly.  Russia, Iran, Turkey to name but just a few.  My husband and I have decided to die here and face Armageddon here.  It is as good as any other place.
    Australia and Japan are in fear of China because china is becoming aggressive in its territorial aspirations. China has already bribed most Indonesian countries. Australia has severe problems as well and do not like new immigrants.
    Bottom line:  In previous historical times there were places to flee to but everyone has now run out of places.... and you will not qualify as a "migrant"  if you come from a first world country. In any case " The Internet of Things"  which is being planned for mankind, and is "by their estimations" to be  implemented by 2022, will track you wherever you go. G5 being installed in most cities now as we speak. The new vaccinations against Corona will ensure it..... they are talking about putting a chip in the vaccination so you will not be able to travel if you do not scan it in and have the right traveling credentials.
    No place to hide...... only in your room on your knees where Jehovah says you can wait on him  OR with your fellow believers in prison.   I must say, although the prison scenario will definitely be cramped and dirty....... and to add some spice.....not all JW personalities are easy to get along with.... it is better to be with them than living in total anarchy........ because this will be the scenario before and during Armageddon. 
    At least in jail we can pray together and sing together and support each other.  The situation will not be ideal but we can count on Jehovah's angels to be there.  The authorities may even get to kill  a few JWs before Jehovah steps in.
    Who knows?  But I am not adverse to go to jail with my brothers and sisters....... better place to be ...huddled together.
    Unfortunately the time for sentiment is over...... the realities will soon hit home when very nasty events under Satan's control start to happen.
  25. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in SPECIAL TALK APRIL 2020.   
    My wife and i sat and watched this Special Talk on Sunday 5th April 2020
    In honesty I thought it was a bit weak, but I suppose it was for 'people of the world', or was it to convince the congregants ?
    However the stupidity of starting the talk with the idea of comparing to other religions and their morality. 
    Come on, even some of you have said CSA is everywhere, in all religions. And divorce, and fornication. 
    The CCJW is not seen as the clean religion standing out above other religions anymore. It is rather naive to think that the public find the CCJW cleaner or with higher moral standards. Or was it aimed at JWs ? Who really was he trying to convince? 
    And the second failure was the 'picture of the GB etc'. The speaker makes the point that Jesus is the leader, which of course is good. But then he shows this picture of the GB and others as if the picture is from God. He was using scripture, great, but then this picture, as if it came from the same source. 
    Anyone that was convinced by it must be very naive or lack intelligence. And the excuse cannot be that God and Christ use the less intellectual, because the Bible tells us to make sure of all things. The speaker did not use any scripture in relation to the picture, but tried to convince people that just because it was in that picture it must be true. How totally uninspired is that ?  A picture of Christ above the GB, above others in the CCJW. with no scriptural backing. 
    And then he went on to ask 'How would you show how you accept Christ's leadership ? ' He follows this by quoting Matthew 16 v 24, to disown oneself and follow Christ. 
    But that in no way proves that the CCJW are the way to go. It says to follow Jesus Christ. 
    One last point, he mentions the Great Crowd 'described in Revelation' but once again NO scripture. 
    A very poor talk with very little basis and even less scripture. It really showed a lack of God's Holy Spirit. 
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