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  1. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in "THERE'S MORE MONEY GOING OUT, THAN COMING IN"...Except for Stephen Lett   
    In my opinion we are all equal before God....... no matter how talented you are......talent, money, influence, position all mean something in a materialistic world..... but it is our true spirituality that matters.
  2. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in All U.S. banks will now never go bankrupt no matter what!   
    This was inevitable.
    That is why soon the most precious metal may soon be lead, with a brass casing.
  3. Haha
  4. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK   
    Facts are nice, but they are overrated. They are downright dangerous things in the hands of some, who handle them as deftly as a surgeon with a jackhammer.
    Facts mean little in themselves. It’s how you put them together that counts. That’s why the Bible lays relatively little emphasis on the head and instead lays it on the heart.
    The heart determines what it wants and then entrusts the head to devise a convincing rationale for it, giving the appearance that it is the head running the show. But it is the heart all along.
  5. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK   
    You seem to be making so many assumptions and judgments - let's leave it at that.
  6. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Kosonen in The 1000 year reign   
    2 Peter 3:15 ....However, some things in them are hard to understand, and these things the ignorant and unstable are twisting, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction.
    Pearl Doxey has really gone to the exteme in twisting Scriptures. I mean that she applies Scriptures that speak about worldly powers to the WT organization. 
  7. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "THERE'S MORE MONEY GOING OUT, THAN COMING IN"...Except for Stephen Lett   
    If she is deeply spiritual she would always be submissive and not care about status or ranking.  When a brother takes his role too seriously and puts her in her place (i saw a self-absorbed brother chastise a sister unnecessarily recently) she would shrug it off and go on asif nothing happened.  He will grow in maturity eventually.  I supported her and told her I liked what she said.  Hopefully, he will stop killing Jehovah's spirit ....because that is what he did with his action.... 
    I have disagreed with brothers...... but I guess it is how one does it.  I pace myself because my advancement is visible to all...... but I do not want it to lead to too much attention..... that would be morally wrong. I want only more love and understanding for all. I have a very strong and friendly personality but it can sometimes be misunderstood.     I understand what you are saying..... but wisdom has taught  me to step back - not forward. ...... .. 
  8. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK   
    You seem to be making so many assumptions and judgments - let's leave it at that.
  9. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Kosonen in The 1000 year reign   
    The beast has seven heads. The seventh head is the Anglo American world power. It will still exist when the end comes.
    The eighth king is NOT part of the seven headed beast - so it does not rule in a similar way as previous world powers.  It is a scarlet ' image'  of the seven headed beast ...... so it is a reflection or a mirror of it. 
    This is the UN because it was, (existed), then went down as the League of nations and came up again as the new UN organization in 1945.  It is a disgusting thing to jehovah because it will aim to bring peace and security (world cooperation) through its machinations but is not authorised by jehovah. It is part of the wicked corrupt system under satan.  This beast referred to here is the scarlet coloured beast which the harlot is riding....
     Revelation 20: "  11 And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also an eighth king, but it springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction. 12 “The ten horns that you saw mean ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings for one hour with the wild beast.  13 These have one thought, so they give their power and authority to the wild beast.  14 These will battle with the Lamb, but because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those with him who are called and chosen and faithful will do so.” 
    Many people do not realize that UN policies (Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and UN Migration compact 2018) for "sustainable development" is now the policies which are driving all sustainable development and NGO activities in all western countries. 176 countries signed up to these goals and it is driving events into a push to control all world activities. In effect it is already ruling behind the scenes and will soon take a more prominent role in world policies to bring about more cooperation for sustainable development of the earth.  (Bring back wilderness areas and put people in high rise buildings in order to save the planet (their idea of restoring a paradise ) where humans will be collectively secondary to the environment and have an enforced peace and security..
    10 kings will willingly give their authority to this scarlet  coloured beast (UN).
    I believe that the world economy will soon be digitized for better control and surveillance. World banks linked to the UN will direct fiscal policy and call for better cooperation and peace. The UN will try to create one United federal umbrella organization  (10 kings will willingly give it its power) and regulate activities on earth to bring about security and peace. To do this they will have to get willing cooperation from all humans whatever their religion.  They will dictate all social values... (social engineering including LGBT values). 
    The major religions will soon be riding the UN (scarlet coloured beast)...... by signing their contract in October 2020 (it was postponed from may 2020 due to Corona). It will declare unity of christendom, Judaism and Islam under one God. They  will be taking the lead on behalf of the UN -   (ride the scarlet beast) and  declare  all serve the same God......... no mention of Jesus and his ransom.
    Once they have created reasonable unity the UN (maybe together with religion) will call out peace and security.......... we know it is a lie because the UN employs incompetent activists who love the model of China (totalitarian government with the st ate as religion) and covers all its mistakes. The UN  has little fiscal transparency.   Its whistle blowers are fired and discredited.
    Last year the WHO (UN) spent more than 200 million on air travel - more than its budget for HIV.  The head of WHO is responsible for the disappearance  of 2 million people in Ethiopia but was not held to account by Human Rights council (another corrupt organization of the UN run by countries with no human rights).
    Please look up on Google  the opinion piece in Washington times: "The UN is coming for your religion. "
    The UN will enforce their social values in the west similar to what China has done in its social credit system. Once the UN has done this it will turn against religion which helped   to create this climate of cooperation. 
    From there the weak financial system will fall and Jesus and his heavenly armies will remove all human governments.
    I do not say this will happen in this exact sequence..... but at present (with international contracts already in place....and religious activities on large scale) - it seems to be falling in place.  ...... things can escalate suddenly.  Corona virus is weakening economies everywhere and supply chain disruptions can bring food shortages. So vulnerable nations may be willing to set aside differences and work together with UN goals and guidance.
    Once the "disgusting " thing is in place it is just a matter of time.......
  10. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Kosonen in "THERE'S MORE MONEY GOING OUT, THAN COMING IN"...Except for Stephen Lett   
    If she is deeply spiritual she would always be submissive and not care about status or ranking.  When a brother takes his role too seriously and puts her in her place (i saw a self-absorbed brother chastise a sister unnecessarily recently) she would shrug it off and go on asif nothing happened.  He will grow in maturity eventually.  I supported her and told her I liked what she said.  Hopefully, he will stop killing Jehovah's spirit ....because that is what he did with his action.... 
    I have disagreed with brothers...... but I guess it is how one does it.  I pace myself because my advancement is visible to all...... but I do not want it to lead to too much attention..... that would be morally wrong. I want only more love and understanding for all. I have a very strong and friendly personality but it can sometimes be misunderstood.     I understand what you are saying..... but wisdom has taught  me to step back - not forward. ...... .. 
  11. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Kosonen in Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK   
    My husband and I were discussing the other day how blessed we are. We have a roof over our heads and food, clothing. What more do we need? There is really nothing more we want from jehovah except to pray for those we love and fulfillment of his promises. 
    The problem with Israel was their selfish desires.  They had free food, the protection of God, water provided miraculously, a cloud leading them, their clothes not wearing out and much more.  They had more than enough time to rejoice in jehovah, strengthen their faith and give their children all the attention they needed. But they always wanted more...... and did not grow in trust of jehovah....... no wonder they had to live in the desert until this generation had died out....
    They had the Egyptian ways, distrust and desires which kept them from being content.....the want of more, more,  maybe more self fulfillment....... this can be a serious  trap.   Ambition and self fulfilment are traps. 
    Moses was forced to look after sheep for 40 years.  He lost all 'prospects' for himself. No ambition, no position in the world....... even his education in the Egyptian palace seemed wasted. ..... but he learnt just to be calm of heart and walk with jehovah today...... not showing anxiety about the future.  Only after this was he ready to serve God and humble enough to lead his people  ...... 
    So the discontent of Israel is a very good lesson to us today.  I see many beautiful young girls who stay single and not marry unbelievers.  Some here have excellent education (the Russians are all stunningly beautiful and educated) and work for low wage salaries to pioneer.  Truly wonderful examples....... But now and then I can see a restlessness in individuals..... maybe a wish for a career or children - feminine self-fulfillment....... it is natural to have these desires.  It is then that I try to be the older word of reason.....  assist them to stay focussed and on track.   We do not want to do something irrational in the time we are living in. 
    It is time to think only in spiritual terms - not feel sorry for ourselves.  Times are getting urgent. So like the Israelites in the desert we must not succumb to our own desires....even though they are understandable in a fleshly thinking way. 
    .......... lol...... Golda Meir said years ago...(in her fleshly thinking) " the good lord led us through many countries to bring us to this land of milk and honey....... and not a drop of oil" ......
    Yes - their enemy neighbours  have the oil.....  It is interesting that many of the places which now have water and groves of trees (the Jews have done an excellent job of desalinizing sea water) were bone try before the Jews got control of this land.  The arabs want it because it is now arable and lucrative. 
  12. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK   
    I understand that all are imperfect humans (ancient fleshly Israel as well as the spiritual Israel of god).  Pride is a blinding sin.  When one judges for God that the spiritual Israelites  he is using are not good enough for you. 
    We are already in the period leading up to the events leading to Armageddon and you are still waiting for a more perfect spiritual Israel to make an appearance?  Isaiah 2: 2-4.  A nation coming from all nations on earth ,gathered to jehovah,  and learning war no more
  13. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK   
    I do not think you are going to find any such people...... even if God has already answered your prayers and they are right in front of your eyes......maybe you are the only person God can use heh?  It seems you think this way...... remember the pharisees judged a perfect man - jesus- as not being good enough. Do not fall in the same trap.
  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The 1000 year reign   
    Good attitude to have.
    However the bible does speak of the resurrection of the righteous and  'unrighteous'. Acts 24:15.  An unrighteous person receiving a resurrection has shown faith in Jesus such as the unrighteous man on the stake next to Jesus. Other unrighteous humans who have lived (say in China) long before Jesus paid the ransom, have paid for their sins in death but will also be covered by the ransom sacrifice of Jesus.  
    During the 1000 year judgment day,  Jesus as high priest will administer the value of his sacrifice for all resurrected ones (including those who had no incling of christ) to lead them to perfection. When Satan is let loose (battle against Gog of Magog) and the final test as a perfect person is completed, the bible indicates that those choosing against Jehovahs way of ruling will go to Gehenna - everlasting death. 
    Yes the same issue of obedience to Jehovahs sovreignty will come up again under Gog of magog at the end of the 1000 years. This time the 'unrighteous' will understand the issues involved as perfect people.  All of us on earth will be tested as perfect people - like Adam.  Jehovah is just and the system of judgment he implements is just - giving unrighteous ones who did not have the opportunity to know christ and jehovah a chance to do so.
    We need not have a scripture to tell us that there are tons of people living millennia before jesus christ, who never knew about him.  It is clear from the chronology of the bible and the fact that jehovah used only Israel to bring forth the messiah. Eventually "all the earth" would be blessed by the promise to Abraham..
    The world is a mighty big place. To Americans New York seems to be very important but it is not even the legislative capital of USA....... so how can God specially refer to this city as a wicked city which has persecuted his people and committed spiritism ...... and riding the beast - the political system....... and now her judgment has come.
    London or Beijing with its stock exchanges can then (for a case of speculation) easily be this city too...... ...but no - this city is a symbol of something which has been around for a long time ....... it was already around when this prophecy was written down in the time of apostle John and it is something which has plaqued mankind since they turned away from God. It is something which was twinned with the beast the political system.
    As I mentioned to you before, the ancient city of Babilon (in the time of Sumerians) became famous for, and was the originator of star gazing, spells and it was the city where,  Babylon under Nimrod, rebelled against God and  originated false religion and combined false religion  with political rulership. 
  15. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK   
    The premise, and apparently the hope, of this entire thread Kos stated early on:
    “I told my wife that maybe there will never again be meetings as before. I hope the JWs will wake up and start to examine the scriptures seriously and search what all this could lead to.“
    In fact, it looks like meetings are pretty much going on with barely a hiccup. They have simply switched to conference-call software, with telephone tie-in for any not up to speed on this. If Kos foresees that every child in the world can download apps showing the alignment of the planets, I don’t why he would have any problem foreseeing this, but it doesn’t appear that he did. Rather than take his self-predicted five years to make himself even more insightful and pure than he already is, maybe he should repent if possible and try to get into that new format with his wife rather than being a drag that she must contend with.
    Our congregation will start with the conference calls at this mid-week meeting, Zoom in our case. (We will meet in Zoom Rooms—who would have thunk it?) Over the weekend we streamed it from apparently one of the Bethels. I could not help but think how the contents would have been disappointing to any ‘anti-cultist’ because there was not a bit of alarmism and everyone treated the virus threat as just one more run-of-the-mill challenge to adapt to. Referred to several times in comments, it wasn’t even called the ‘Chinese virus.’ They didn’t get into any squabbles if they should be able to do it that way or not—since it gets some all incensed, they avoided the term, and just said virus or Covid 19 or Corona or whatever. It is so much like this world to ‘taunt’ the other side, deliberately getting them going usually for the sake of putting down, if not ridicule, but they didn’t stoop to that for a moment. It almost made me ashamed that i do stoop to it (but probably not ashamed enough to stop), though I am trying to restrain myself, not always easily.
    They didn’t sensationalize this virus even a little bit, much less use it to ‘scare’ people. It easily could be used that way. They didn’t. Not even a hint of it. So I will—just in a speculative bent, you understand, no more.
    For the longest time we have said our preaching will end someday. What if this turns out to be it? It’s not impossible, though no one suggests it. I expect this to blow over and normal preaching and activities will resume, but there is no reason to accept that as a foregone conclusion. What if the world leaders who just assume you can shut down the entire world economy and start it up again are wrong, and instead another worldwide Great Depression ensues? The deaths then will dwarf anything that the virus itself brings on, including many a suicide. Will people endure it as resolutely as they did 90 years ago? I wouldn’t hold my breath, not with the belligerence and non-cooperation that defines the overall culture today. And wouldn’t that be a decisive verdict to the facades men have erected? The worldwide financial bedrock, that everyone depends on and have taken for granted will endure no matter what—dissolving so easily in the face of what might well be an overreaction to a virus only two or three times more nasty than the regular flu—bad, to be sure, but not nearly as bad as the devastation triggered in the all-out war to contain it, a war that leaders can only hope will be won but do not know. As that mighty structure crumbles, who knows what efforts nations may go to in their desire to shore it up?
    Then all these ones on the outside lambasting the Witness organization every time one of them so much as farts may begin to feel less comfortable. For the Witness brotherhood appears to be holding up pretty well, and it is holding up well independent of material assets. If worse comes to worse, you can run the whole program from a server in Brother Lett’s dorm room. It might even be that conditions could devolve to Acts 2 mode, in which Christians are physically caring for the needs of others. If you have kept yourself plugged into the brotherhood that, with all its flaws, is one run on love, you will be able to weather whatever shaking of the world is going on. Those who have put themselves outside it and are united in nothing other than their finding fault—of them I am not so sure.
    A speaker quoted from Numbers 12 recently. “Face to face I speak with [Moses], and not in riddles. Why then, did you not fear to speak against him?” Yes, I know, I know—those taking the lead today are not Moses, but I am not so unfearful to declare they are not filling exactly the modern role that he did the ancient. Yes, they are not Moses, but then Moses was not Moses in the eyes of his critics. What were they murmuring about? His Hittite wives. He really did have Hittite wives. It was not an invalid complaint. God accepted him anyway and struck down those who would rise up against him.
    I can easily extrapolate, based on the snarling hate expressed by some here for the theocratic organization, and current events showing that opposition shifting into high gear, most notably in Russia—I can envision that attack on the city ‘existing without bars’ and ‘the city that seems open to plunder’—I can easily envision it—not as a slam-dunk gonna-happen-now, but certainly as a possibility. Will religions in general hold onto their own as JWs hold on to theirs? Time will time, but I’m dubious. How many will so easily switch to new methods of keeping in touch? How many are so organized into not just congregations, but groups within congregations, so that no one other than those who willfully keep their distance is overlooked?
    Revelation presents scenarios of people ‘warring against God’ and one can’t help but wonder: ‘Who would be stupid enough to do that?’ Now some scenarios emerge. ‘Do not meddle with these men so that you may not be found actually fighters against God,’ Gamaliel said. It was enough to dissuade the Sanhedrin. ‘Forget that!’ enemies say today as they go in for what they imagine is the kill.
    The view of the humanists is that human solutions must prevail, and they are livid that any would look to another source. They are livid that any would put their trust in anything else. They attack and put the most ridiculous interpretation on Letts’ words about what doesn’t bother him at all, because they can’t stand what he looks to for salvation. To one of these yo-yos ranting about how he uses calamity to ‘exploit’ members with fear so as to keep them in line, I said that ‘the entire premise of the faith is that we are living in the last days of this system of things in which difficult times will prevail. To point to evidence of that does not frighten them; it strengthens them—it validates their faith.’
  16. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK   
    You take my often expressed sentiments out of context ...
    In context, Jehovah's Witnesses are the "Best Game In Town", because all the others are so much worse.
    It is clear from the Bible that God works THROUGH the Congregations.
    What do you suggest is BETTER than what I have now?
    Please tell me, and I will transfer in an instant (upon verification, of course ...)
    Without that ... your arguments are specious and useless.
    Because that, and that alone .. is where the "rubber meets the road".
    Humans...ALL humans are seriously flawed.
    You expect diamond hardness from sticks of chalk.
  17. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Witness in Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK   
    It doesn't take any sort of organized religion to develop a relationship with God and Christ.  John 4:23,24  Many cults boast of an "international brotherhood", as did the Nazis.  Efficient worldwide preaching work is not spiritually efficient, if it is laced with lies, that have their source from the leader's mouths. Matt 7:15-20; Rev 16:13,14 Why would anyone desire to lead people into such a trap, a trap that is called, "truth" when it is not, and never has been, pure truth?  
    Jer 8:17; Matt 24:24; John 8:44
  18. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK   
    I accept the lead of good examples. These "leaders" set a very good example in promoting international brotherhood, organizing efficient world wide preaching, designing an educational program that puts Bible examples in front of us constantly so we can learn from good and bad examples. Also, the level of morality that's promoted includes, not just the standard morality of fundamentalists, but also neutrality when it comes to participation in divisive politics and violent wars. I don't remain with my brothers and sisters because of a history of chronology doctrine, and I do my best to point out that this is a trap which could start rearing its ugly head again when the two-part generation starts running out.
    But as JTR said, find me another religion or association that I could join, and if it's better, I'll join it. Just make sure it has the same position on War, Trinity, Neutrality, Preaching, and New Heavens and New Earth.
  19. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Kosonen in The 1000 year reign   
    Could it be because of what is said in Revelation 21:2  I also saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3  With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them.
    The beasts in the Bible represent political powers. Not the Watchtower organization. And the Harlot is Babylon the Great. And Babylon the Great is not Watchtower organization or Governing Body. 
    Babylon the Great is what Revelation 17:18 says it is:
    18  And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.”
    The great city is New York.
  20. Haha
    Arauna reacted to Srecko Sostar in Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK   
    ... is the color of slippers matched to the color of tie ? :))
  21. Haha
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK   
    The gray boxes suddenly appear with name only. It is like a drum roll announcing the appearance of yet another friend. Then the video comes online, as though the cymbal crash. I can get used to this. There are some aspects of it I even prefer—such as wearing my slippers.
  22. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK   
    There is a feature where you can raise your hand..... so we do it as in a real meeting. If people are picked to answer it takes away spontaneity...... just my thought....
  23. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr. It is clear from the Bible that God works THROUGH the Congregations.
    But CCJW congregations are fed by the GB through the Watchtower, which has a history of lies and deceit and mistakes. It has been proven to deliberately misquote others such as scientists etc. It has promoted false hopes many times. It now seems to use all and any world event to promote the panic that 'the end is here' and with that it promotes the false idea that a person 'must be a baptised JW to be saved'. All this even when the GB admit to NOT being inspired by God. 
    Frying pan or fire James, but it doesn't have to be either. You don't have to be a JW or have to be in another religion. I am not in any religion, but I still pray to God through Christ. 
    What do you suggest is BETTER than what I have now?
    Answer : Do not be in any religion, pray to God yourself asking for direction through Christ,  and wait on God to show which group of people HE will use. 
    Imagine if millions of people did just that, then God would know how serious people were in looking for truth. 
    Instead, people including JWs, sit in their comfort zone, having their ears tickled. Surrounded by like people, they comfort each other with the lies from their leaders. Putting their trust in men. How easy that is, how lazy that is, how disrespectful to God and Christ that is. 
    And in places like Russia they die for their leaders and their 'religion', but not for God. They are just like soldiers dying for their country. Because they have put their faith in Men. 
    @JW Insider I accept the lead of good examples 
    Um, I'll try to stop laughing. Come on JWI, you have made clear that your GB are not a good example. I don't really want to harp back to CSA, withholding documents, lawyers telling lies in courts, et al, but that is just one example that your GB are NOT a good example to follow. 
    Exalting themselves above others by saying only those 8 Men are the F&DS, is another example of them NOT being a good example to follow.  
    But this is all just repeating what you already know. 
     Quote " Also, the level of morality that's promoted includes, "
    The immorality in the CCJW is mostly hidden unless you are one of them with a good eye and keen ear. Having been 'one of them' and having first hand knowledge of how bad things are in there, then i'm not misled by the 'cleaning of the outside of the dish'. Outsiders have no idea how bad the CCJW really is inside. And you, yourself have given us all more in depth info' about Bethal and such places. Homosexuality and wild parties if my memory serves me correctly. And also something about brothers being d/fed for having certain private Bible study groups ?  (I wish my memory was clearer).
    Quote " neutrality when it comes to participation in divisive politics "
    Maybe you need to talk to James on this one ? He seems to want details about voting or not.
    James, God 'worked' through the congregations. Worked - past tense. that was in the first century. 
    Just because CCJW is earthwide it means nothing, so is Islam and Catholicism.... 
  24. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK   
    That is your opinion. You are telling God that you feel there is no organization clean enough....  
    Do you not remember the scripture where David said that if jehovah only looked at our faults then no-one will be able to stand before him.... 
    Israel was very imperfect but jehovah stuck with his purpose for them. 
  25. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Coronavirus: Jehovah’s Witnesses Cancel Historical Evangelism In UK   
    We are all playing the roles that we think we must and there is no sense in taking anything personally. Fortunately, that is in my bag of strengths—a bag that doesn’t have as many of them as I might like, but it does have that one. Once again I take note with some approval that Kos does not return evil for evil—an undeniably good quality. I will continue to indirectly slam him, no doubt, because I think his ‘theology’ is downright loopy, but it is nothing personal. I would hope he would get his Act together and work in harmony with his wife’s spirituality, but I concede that seems most unlikely. Even the bellicose Captain with the head of Cement—all mixed up and firmly set—seems very unlikely to ever change in the slightest degree.
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