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  1. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from b4ucuhear in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    He was giving an example.... so what are u getting åt? 
    I definitively like to learn and listen but when contributors overreact constantly on every subject then a teaching moment has passed. 
    Accusations, accusations..... rather  read the bible. It will serve you better.  You are not going to learn anything healthy for your soul on this forum. This is a forum to stumble everyone  who may read all its accusations and some of the slander.  If you think this advice from me is hard-hearted..... please re-evaluate (I mean it sincerely). This is a pretty nasty place - satan's ideas being promoted openly by those who hate jehovah and JWs.
    When last have you been to one of our meetings or read our magazines? Evaluate it for yourself - do not just judge.  Do not judge on what you read here! This is not a healthy place! 
  2. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from b4ucuhear in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    No- she was talking about "individual members"  (see quote under my name directly above- I commented on this) but same type of scorn is projected on all JWs by implication. People do go to prison for not going to war you know..... not all have broken the law.
     Corruption is a term too broad for me yo comment on.
    Yes - we are still in this world and have to contend with satan's corrupting influences. We cannot go out of this world..... even if we work hard to not show its spirit. 
    It is inevitable that some will bring dishonor on gods name. One cannot expect absolute purity or perfection from any entire organization -  no matter how much holy spirit is on some of its individual members..... it is totaly infantile , unrealistic, immature and unjust to expect that. 
    As an individual you can have integrity but not all in an organization has integrity.  Not all in first century congregation had perfect integrity - the seven congregations in Revelation is a good example of that. Jesus commended them but also chastised them for the bad things they were condoning. 
  3. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from b4ucuhear in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    If I get a lawyer to defend me on a murder case and the government has access to all my discussions with my lawyer - they can maybe find me guilty on something I said to my lawyer even if I did not do it.
    The prosecutor is supposed to do his work and build the case against me with hard evidence and my lawyer is supposed to defend me - even if He does not like me.  This is the secular justice of this world. Flawed - I agree - not perfect. 
    Same with clergy.  If I confess something to the clergy - my elder or spiritual mentor, the law can still take me to court and build a good case against me - do due diligence and  find me guilty..... but they must respect the fact that I need advice for my soul. It is unfair/unjust  to use my spiritual advisor to testify against me - be it verbally or written. 
    We are speaking secular law now.  There is a plea for compassion once you are found guilty - not before that..... the law must work hard to find you guilty because the premise is you are innocent till proven guilty. This is not Jehovahs law but the law of the government who has the sword.
    Once the case is in the hand of the law -  it must proceed according to the government law. One cannot still have one foot in Jehovahs law and other in secular.  I can only use this secular law to get an acquittal or appeal or be found guilty and pay the penalty in this world....
    Of course jehovah is the true judge in the ultimate finality ........ but I can still go to jail while innocent.. To carry on that it is not fair afterward is basically useless - the law has the sword.
    Human rights court said Russia is breaking international  law -  they carry the sword and do as they please.  We can cry for compassion ..... but in vain.  This is secular justice for you.  Jehovahs justice is better but that will only work perfectly in future.
    This is why people are outraged: In Epstein's case there is anger because the prosecutor worked with Epstein while knowing he had 37 child trafficking cases against him.....and the lawyers of the victims were told AFTER the fact that a light plea bargain had been reached...... this is how skewed justice has become.
    The law must definitely be changed to take away client / clergy priviledge - although there are good arguments for and against it.  Until then,  these outraged people on this forum  can shout against GB in anger and kick and scream for justice and call us all hypocrites.........after due law process.  BUT do  they go and fight to get this secular law removed?   if they love  justice so much,they would. 
    I accept that secular law is flawed. Parents must be more careful to protect their children. But young teenage children do not always listen to parents as well.  There is always two sides to every story. 
    Such an unrealistic statement (virtue signalling)  tells me you have no connection with reality.  Child abuse exists everywhere in the world.  An anointed brother in the first century slept with his own mother !  He was put out of the congregation and later re-instated. Who knows if there were hidden sex cases then as now.... 
    You have no sense of justice.....based on reality.  and you really feel you have the right to give advice on Jehovahs justice and be unbiased and fair?  Wake up old girl.  You are just an emotional  hate mongerer. 
    Bad reasoning for a Christian.  I recall that Jesus was hanging on the stake and similar words were uttered to him.   
  4. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Witness in Haiti Ten Years Later—Is Nothing Fixed?   
    No, I get the point.  But, perhaps you need to compare apples to apples - a religion in the world, compared to other religions in the world.  https://thehumanist.com/commentary/disaster-relief-can-humanism-fill-gap
    Whatever "signs and wonders" that the organization is able succeed at, does not verify it belongs to God.  
    For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.  Matt 24:24
    The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.  2 Thess 2:9-12
  5. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Haiti Ten Years Later—Is Nothing Fixed?   
    Ten years to the day after Haiti suffered a magnitude 7 earthquake that killed 250,000, CBS News sent Jeff Glor to Port au Prince to report on progress. There wasn’t any—or at least, it didn’t seem that way.
    “Mass protests, gang violence, rampant political corruption...jobs are scarce,” was his glum assessment. 80 million dollars had immediately after the quake been allocated to rebuild the hospital, and CBS showed the unfinished building standing empty. As to the devastation of the old hospital—the only hospital in town? It “reeks of raw sewage, piles of trash are everywhere.” 
    “Sorry, Buddy, I’m sorry,” a shaken Jeff Glor murmurs, stroking the head of a writhing infant unable to relieve himself. “I can’t imagine the pain he’s in right now,” he says to his parent.
    Read the report of how the beacon of relief looked to by humanists ten years ago raised half a billion dollars in the wake of the earthquake—and squandered almost all of it: here
    Yes, but surely ten years later, mighty progress has been made. Nope. Doesn’t seem so. In contrast, disaster relief teams organized by the Coordinator’s Committee of the Jehovah’s Witnesses’s Governing Body, quickly attended to physical needs of members back then. Not only physical needs, but the more important spiritual needs, for it is widely recognized that hope is what people need at such time at least as much as physical relief. 
    An excerpt from Tom Irregardless and Me: 
    In contrast, the Red Cross, America’s ‘charity of choice,’ succeeded in raising half a billion dollars after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti in January 2010. Five years later, ProPublica and NPR jointly reported that they had astonishingly little to show for it; “It’s difficult to know where it all went,” they wrote. Search through their June 3, 2015 report and read the devastating consequences of not having Bible education.
    Read how the ones in charge couldn’t speak the native languages and often skipped community meetings on that account. Read how some disrespected the local workers. Read how Washington headquarters micromanaged everything, how shifting senior management slowed progress to a crawl, how leaders with “absolutely no expertise” wielded authority. Read about hand-washing campaigns launched with huge fanfare to people who had no access to soap or water. Read about the 130,000 claimed to have been housed, but who actually just attended a seminar on how to fix their own homes, received temporary rental assistance or provisional shelters that started to disintegrate after three to five years. And be fair to the Red Cross: Read their response. Read it all. Were it not so tragic, it would be laughable. It was all so preventable. All that was needed was Bible education. Jehovah’s Witnesses have it. They value it. They didn’t suffer from the Red Cross’s problems.
    You should be fair to the Red Cross - don’t pile on just because the herd does. Haiti is a spectacular train wreck for them, but probably they do better elsewhere. Doubtless they have fine people doing their best. No one alleges theft. They offer an explanation for their performance. Read it. Essentially, they had problems because they didn’t know what they were doing: they didn’t mesh with the locals, they didn’t understand the local laws. Cut them slack on these things, if you like, but also note that such problems would never occur in Jehovah’s organization, where local people are highly valued, if not placed in charge.
    Author Bill Underwood in the now defunct examinier.com compared the disaster relief efforts of several religious organizations. Most issued urgent appeals for money. Most provided only sketchy details as to what they would do with those monies. But when it came to the Watchtower:
    Well, that was refreshing. I went to watchtower.org and searched it for references to money, donations, charity. All I found were Watchtower articles such as ‘Is money you master or your servant?’ Try as I might, there was no way to donate any money to the organization, nor any request for donations. The only mention of money I found, in connection with Haiti, was in a public news release at jw-media.org entitled “Witnesses’ relief efforts well under way for victims of earthquake in Haiti.” A single line at the bottom read, ‘The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses is caring for these expenses by utilizing funds donated to the Witnesses’ worldwide work.’
    ....At the home of Victor Vomidog, an alarm panel light pulsed red. Victor read the incoming feed. It was serious. Someone was saying nice things about Jehovah’s Witnesses. Instantly, he swung into action. There was not a moment to lose. He opened his door and whistled. The media came running. “Witnesses are selfish!” he cried. “They only think of themselves! Why don’t they help everyone? Why do they just do their own people?” That evening, media ran the headline: “WHY DON’T THEY HELP EVERYONE?”
    But they had asked the wrong question. The headline they should have run, but didn’t, because they didn’t want to deal with the answer, was: “WHY AREN’T OTHERS DOING THE SAME?” The answer to the first question is obvious: Witness efforts consist of volunteers using their vacation time. Just how much time is the boss going to grant?
    So do it yourself, Victor! Organize your own new chums! Or send your money to some mega-agency where they think Bible education is for fools. Be content to see monies frittered away on salaries, hotels, travel, retirement, health care benefits, and God knows what else! Be content to see much of what remains squandered! It’s the best you can do - embrace it! Or at least shut up about the one organization that has its act together.
    The obvious solution, when it comes to disaster relief, is for others to do as we do. Why have they not? There are hundreds of religions. There are atheists…aren’t you tight with Sam now, Victor? Organize them, why don’t you? They all claim to be unGod’s gift to humankind. Surely they can see human suffering. Why don’t they step up to the plate themselves?
    They can’t. They are vested in a selfish model that runs a selfish world. Let them become Jehovah’s Witnesses and benefit from the Bible education overseen by the Governing Body, Plato’s and Sider’s dream brought to life. But if they stay where they are, they must look to their own organization or lack thereof. There’s no excuse that they should not be able to copy us. They have far more resources to draw upon. We’re not big enough to do everyone for free, and we don’t know how to run a for-pay model; we’ve no experience in that. Instead, other groups must learn how to put love into action, as we did long ago.
    C’mon, Victor! If all the world needs is to ‘come together,’ then see to it! We don’t know how to do that. People without Bible education tend not to get along. You make them do it! You don’t want to, or can’t, do large-scale relief, yet you want to shoot down those who do! What a liar!
    CBS News and Jeff Glor is determined to find a silver lining in this total failure uncovered during his 2020 visit. He does find one—but it is not in Port au Prince, which is still apparently a lost cause, despite humanists throwing everything they have at it.
    “But take  a trip outside the capitol and you find a remarkable place that many people doubted could ever exist in this country.” Jeff reports of St Boniface hospital, a remarkable (for Haiti) institution run by Health Equity International, caring for needs that cannot be cared for anywhere else in the country, it’s director says. People travel hundreds of miles to get there. It was started in 1983, and thus has nothing to do with human efforts in response to the 2010 devastation, but it clearing has found a place since then.
    No bad things will be said about Health Equity International. Only good things. It represents dedication at its best. Still, in the context of the greater picture....well—you must “take a trip outside the capitol” to find it—something, unless I am very wrong, that the majority of residents will not be able to do. Inside the capitol—where everyone is—there appears scant improvement in 2010, in fact, worse than scant improvement, for there were not “mass protests,” prior to the quake, and probably “gang violence” was not as bad. “Rampant political corruption” probably was, but that is business as usual in large portions of the world. 
    Fix it, you humanists. Fix it, you anti-cultists. Fix it, you “evidence-based” atheists. Fix it, @Srecko Sostar. Fix it, @Witness. Fix it, @4Jah2me—your solution is at least ten years away and people need relief now! Fix it—all or any of you. Or at least lay off on deriding JWs, since your people certainly aren’t rising to the occasion.
  6. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Anna in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    Yes, agree. Also, one has to avoid situations that could re-ignite this addiction. With drugs, one has to completely cut ties with the drug based community. With alcohol, one must completely avoid it, even just one drink. However, with the "addiction" of molesting children, in other words pedophilia, there is a problem. One cannot avoid being around children entirely. So what has happened is pedophiles have been in a position where re-offending was made possible. And that has been the problem all along.
  7. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Witness in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    For all of you dissecting this case, an opinion from a retired justice of the Montana Supreme Court
    "Religion does not give sexual predators a pass"
  8. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    I have called them “malcontents” because I don’t want to get @admin going again. Remember how he yelled at us all, saying that the rest of the world has moved on and nobody cares if people in the JW world are crying ‘apostate’ at each other and they think we’re all nuts? Who wants to risk that tirade again?
    He has a point. It does have to ring a little crazy to anyone else. Will he accept my explanation that the early Christians had apostates as virulent—so virulent that two entire chapters of the Bible are devoted to them (2 Peter 2, Jude 1) and there is no NT writer that does not come to grips with them? I wouldn’t hold my breath.
    From the meta-data of ‘TrueTom vs the Apostates!’—
    No New Testament writer fails to deal with then-rampant apostasy—a movement which finds its counterpart today. Two Bible chapters are entirely dedicated to it. Apostates of that time would “despise authority.” How could that become a problem unless there was authority? They loved “lawlessness.” How could that become a problem unless there was law? They favored acts of “brazen conduct,” had “eyes full of adultery,” and were “unable to desist from sin.” How could that become a problem unless there was someone to tell them that they could not carry on in that way? Not only is the nature of apostates revealed in the above Bible verses, but also the nature of the Christian organization. 
    Any faith too bland to have quality apostates—I am almost proud of ours—is too bland to be given the time of day. They validate us. The more “respectable” churches where anything goes—what would people apostatize from?
    But the general audience may weary of the term “apostate.” So I say “malcontent,” “detractor,” “grumbler.” It’s just to throw Admin off the track. Because you know and I know the song these “malcontents” sing at their secret gatherings—the Queen song: 
    “We’re the apostates, my friends
    And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end
    We’re the apostates
    We’re the apostates
    No way we’re losers
    'Cause we’re the apostates of the world.”
  9. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Anna in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    If anyone is interested in reading the actual transcript of the Supreme Court's decision, here is the link:
    So you can decide whether Jehovah's Witnesses lied to the Montana court about confidentiality. Remarks and comments are welcome (at least welcomed by me 😀)
  10. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from the Sower of Seed in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    Thank you for taking the time to write such an excellent reply based on incidents in the bible.   Your entire reply indicated that you understand the issues involved which originate inside the person - the desires. It deals with the imperfect realities of humans and reminds us that we all are dust and Jehovah puts up with us all!  No human organization can ever be perfect because it comprises imperfect people.
    Anna's response, which you replied to, indicates that family members and others must report these issues to authorities.  Sometimes those who know about the crime are advised to report it but choose not to do so. This also heaps finger pointing on the org.
    If one has a hammer in your hand then everything looks like a nail. Some carry hammers all the time when it comes to JWs.......... logical reasoning disperses and the hammer becomes the focus. So be prepared..... they will find something to hammer on..... but  I could learn from the way you wrote that.  
  11. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Revelation: Babylon the Great, etc.   
    Just wanted to add this: ancient Nineveh was started at time of Nimrod..... and it followed the same religion ( away from jehovah) as Babylon.  
    At the time of Peleg as mentioned in a scripture quoted earlier,  the world became divided in worship for jehovah , or against.
    Gen 10: "Just like Nimʹrod, a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah.”  10 The beginning of his kingdom was Baʹbel, Eʹrech, Acʹcad, and Calʹneh, in the land of Shiʹnar.  11 From that land he went into As·syrʹi·a and built Ninʹe·veh......."  and other cities in what later became Assyria.  Apart from being a warlike place, Nineveh had  it in common that it was a city which rebelled against worship of jehovah in time of Nimrod.  
    This city was established AGAINST instructions of Jehovah to spread over the earth after the flood.
    Nineveh was a spiritual prostitute.  God would not call someone a spiritual prostitute if they were unfaithful to Satan. They must have strayed from Jehovahs worship.
    Rome is quoted in Islam in its eschatology. It symbolizes the western "infidelity."  (Islam also uses this symbolism because Mohammad had the bible read to him and spoke to Talmudic Jews all the time while he was a merchant.)
    This is why I find the alliance between Islam (part of harlot and Babylon the great)  and Russia so interesting. Alliances in Iran, Turkey, assyria..... and Turkey sees itself as a power in the Mediterranean. Religious (theocracies) with Russia.  
    As matter of fact Arabia, Israel and US is another interesting alliance.... because of the incompatibility of the religions. So when the image of beast turns against religion, will we see these alliances suddenly break up?  ..... Or will the power of UNand its allies  be so strong to keep them together for a while so they will be able to call out peace and security?
  12. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    As I just said - law is law....... no place for compassion. It carrys the sword.... and uses only the sword - nothing else.  You can only fight for defence within the boundaries the law allows you...... or go under. 
    Rome was vicious, but do not be misled - our times are more vicious and about to become much more so. 
  13. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    When you promise your clients the moon and deliver goose eggs, you’ve got to say something. What do you think he is going to say? “I lost because I’m a crummy lawyer?”
    It’s why you don’t apologize for anything. It will be framed as a confession. 
  14. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Anna in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    @the Sower of Seed I just want to say that is not my quote above, even though it says Anna. It's what 4jah2me said. 
  15. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Anna in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    I agree. Also I agree with most of what you said @TrueTomHarley in your post, but it seems to me, the law is not about "you must NOT disclose clergy confidentiality", but it is about "you don't have to disclose clergy confidentiality". It was the clergy who said you must NOT. This is because it was against the law of the church, and a cleric would lose his job if he broke that church law. As you know, JWs are not under that kind of a law, so it seems to me that it has always been an option for them whether to claim clergy privilege or not. 
    I did not see any evidence to the contrary. I read the court transcript. Again, Zalkin is making a misleading statement. 
  16. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Anna in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    This shows clearly that the court was NOT mislead.
    (Saying it was mislead is another one of Zalkin's loaded words to make JWs appear dishonest and bent on protecting pedophiles. As a result we see headlines such as "JWs lied in court". )
    Yes, I agree with that. I have seen it practiced (in other areas, not CSA). The Montana case is from what happened about 10 years ago. Hopefully now, with the new guidelines, and especially the WT study, all of JWs will no longer view this as bringing shame on the organization if they report, but they will see it is the perpetrator who is the one that is bringing the shame. Now it is in proper perspective. 
  17. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in I'm worried about a 'brother' recently reinstated spending too much time with my grandchildren   
    This is apocryphal but I think true, since there are not many degrees of separation:
    Many years ago waiting for the pioneer meeting to get underway, some of us young pioneers started commenting on nightmare scenarios—like witnessing to super-patriot John Wayne. He probably would sic his Rottweilers on us!
    The circuit overseer interjected that it was not so. In a circuit he had once served, a brother had called upon John Wayne, who could not have been more kind or more respectful, even saying that he knew that what they had was true, but that he would never be able to live up to it.
    Now (and this is my speculation years later) where could he have gotten such a good impression of Jehovah’s Witnesses?
    ”I played in a movie called Ring of Fear …..This was where I got the Jag. The guy wrote and directed the picture had problems, but John Wayne who produced it, never gave up on his friends. Duke was having a bad time, going through a divorce, and they needed to fix the script. So they're thinking who could do it, and someone says, Spillane's a writer, he could do it. Now I'm playing ME in the picture, for pete's sake. They called me up in Newburgh on Wednesday, I'm already back home across the country, and said come back and fix it. So I took my Wagner records, flew West, and worked Friday, Saturday, Sunday. They set me up in a beautiful hotel suite, and I worked. …..And they wanta pay me for the script but I won't take nothing for that, it was a favour. But Duke says, 'he was looking at those Jags in the lot next to the Cock and Bull'. One night, I'm back in Newburgh, it's snowing, and out in front of my house is this beautiful Jag with a red ribbon around it, and a note that says 'Thanks, Duke'.” - Mickey Spillane
  18. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Anna in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    Confidentiality: "There are two views held by state courts regarding confidentiality as it pertains to clergy privilege. In two-thirds of the states, a communication is considered confidential if made privately and not intended for further disclosure except to other persons present for the purpose of the communication. In one-third of the states, privileged communication means a communication made in confidence only to the minister, with no third person present".
    Taken from: https://www.agfinancial.org/blog/bid103391church-liability-clergy-privilege-confidentiality-and-reporting/
  19. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Colin Browne in Holy Spirit - Talk by David Gibson Jr. in the UK (pre-1980)   
    Thank you! You correctly guessed my age which is 88 and turning 89 in February 2012. I am fortunate to still be able to walk up steep hills.
    "He gives power to the tired one And full might to those lacking strength.  Boys will tire out and grow weary, And young men will stumble and fall,  But those hoping in Jehovah will regain power. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary; They will walk and not tire out.” (Isaiah 40:29-31)
    I have a wonderful spiritual brother to assist me in our regular ministry. The scripture below being true.
    "There are companions ready to crush one another, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" (Proverbs 18:24) 
  20. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to Colin Browne in Holy Spirit - Talk by David Gibson Jr. in the UK (pre-1980)   
    My knowledge of the Bible was meager back in 1956 when I studied with anointed brother Andrew Jack. I remember how he guffawed when the topic came to "The Holy Ghost. One conjures the image of a specter in the vicinity. We had the privilege of occasionally inviting him to have lunch with us. (Matt. 10:42) Many years after we moved to East London on the South African East coast we met him again when he was on leave. We again had the privilege of taking him for a ride up and down the Nahoon river in our small boat.  Brother Andrew Jack finished his earthly course a few years later.
  21. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from b4ucuhear in Revelation: Babylon the Great, etc.   
    Jesus gave them signs to recognize when the Roman's would be there in the holy place.......they had to be aware of the first Roman invasion to know they must flee before the second invasion would come..... but both if you believe we must not look at signs...... it is all spiritual...
    Just take the first one : Babylon the great -  I researched it years ago.  
    Read book if Hosea - I quote just  a verses from Hosea 1 & 2:
    " Jehovah said to Ho·seʹa: “Go, marry a woman of prostitution and have children of prostitution, because by prostitution the land has turned completely away from following Jehovah."  (Then jehovah speaks of Israel as his wife who was not faithful to him).
    Hosea 2: "Accuse your mother; accuse her,For she is not my wife and I am not her husband. She should remove her prostitution from herselfAnd her adultery from between her breasts," 
    And to her sons I will not show mercy,For they are the sons of prostitution.  5 For their mother has committed prostitution.She who was pregnant with them has acted shamefully, for she said,‘I will go after my passionate lovers,
    Then she will say, ‘I will go back to my first husband,For I was better off at that time than I am now.’  8 She did not recognize that it was I who had given her the grain, the new wine, and the oil,And I who had given her silver in abundanceAnd gold, which they used for Baʹal
    I will put an end to all her joy,Her festivals, her new moons, her sabbaths, and all her festive seasons.
    will hold an accounting against her for the days when she offered sacrifices to the Baʹal images,When she would adorn herself with her rings and ornaments and would chase after her passionate lovers,And I was the one she forgot,’ declares Jehovah
    From the above scriptures it is clear that Israel committed religious prostitution. She was supposed to represent the true God (be faithful to jehovah like a wife to a husband) but went after lovers.
    In Revelation 17 we see a great prostitute who says she represents God but also has lovers, amongst others - the kings of the earth.  This, marriage between religion and politics started in ancient Babylon. 
    There are many places in the bible that a  prostitute symbolises those who profess to represent God but are like a prostitute. 
    So what about this can you not accept? 
  22. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Joan Kennedy in Revelation: Babylon the Great, etc.   
    Jesus gave them signs to recognize when the Roman's would be there in the holy place.......they had to be aware of the first Roman invasion to know they must flee before the second invasion would come..... but both if you believe we must not look at signs...... it is all spiritual...
    Just take the first one : Babylon the great -  I researched it years ago.  
    Read book if Hosea - I quote just  a verses from Hosea 1 & 2:
    " Jehovah said to Ho·seʹa: “Go, marry a woman of prostitution and have children of prostitution, because by prostitution the land has turned completely away from following Jehovah."  (Then jehovah speaks of Israel as his wife who was not faithful to him).
    Hosea 2: "Accuse your mother; accuse her,For she is not my wife and I am not her husband. She should remove her prostitution from herselfAnd her adultery from between her breasts," 
    And to her sons I will not show mercy,For they are the sons of prostitution.  5 For their mother has committed prostitution.She who was pregnant with them has acted shamefully, for she said,‘I will go after my passionate lovers,
    Then she will say, ‘I will go back to my first husband,For I was better off at that time than I am now.’  8 She did not recognize that it was I who had given her the grain, the new wine, and the oil,And I who had given her silver in abundanceAnd gold, which they used for Baʹal
    I will put an end to all her joy,Her festivals, her new moons, her sabbaths, and all her festive seasons.
    will hold an accounting against her for the days when she offered sacrifices to the Baʹal images,When she would adorn herself with her rings and ornaments and would chase after her passionate lovers,And I was the one she forgot,’ declares Jehovah
    From the above scriptures it is clear that Israel committed religious prostitution. She was supposed to represent the true God (be faithful to jehovah like a wife to a husband) but went after lovers.
    In Revelation 17 we see a great prostitute who says she represents God but also has lovers, amongst others - the kings of the earth.  This, marriage between religion and politics started in ancient Babylon. 
    There are many places in the bible that a  prostitute symbolises those who profess to represent God but are like a prostitute. 
    So what about this can you not accept? 
  23. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in 1914   
    You did not answer any of my previous questions regarding the forecourt if the temple...forecourt of the nations, forecourt of the women. 
    The holy and most holy where the high priest and underpriests entered into existed but also the court where the ordinary men and women could also enter. "since the Law has a shadow of the good things to come"
    It is hard to reason with someone who continually only repeats  the verses that suits their ideas .......
    You quoted Isaiah 2:4 above : in the last days "the temple " ....... there is currently not a real mountain and a real temple any longer. So this obviously refers to a figurative temple in heaven which is " a shadow of the God things to come" based on the temple in Jerusalem.
    Jesus only went "into" this heavenly  temple when he passed through the barrier of the  flesh at his  death and resurrection as a spiritual being.  This is what it means to be baptized in death of jesus - to die and be resurrected as a spiritual being - only then will you be a king and a priest.  You cannot be a king and priest while on earth - before going to heaven.
    Then you quote other scriptures which refer to illustrations where Paul says that we must be clean and pure - not commit fornication -   because "we are being built into stones of the heavenly temple" -  "So rid yourselves of all badnessa and deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all backbiting"  this is how Peter starts the chapter you quote above. where he talks of his disciples being built into a spiritual temple. But it seems - you put only the  emphasis  on the word "temple" and not on the context around it...... and you keep requoting that you " are the temple" when is says you are being built into a temple.....
    Take for example the scripture you quoted above: 1pet2: 5- 10.  It says " you are being built into a holy temple"  it does not say you are "already the temple." ..... so you misquoted this scripture.....
    Another scripture you misquote to prove that you should be ruling and teaching now is from Isaiah but you forget  : The law of Zion is coming from the" heavens" - we have come before mount Zion....the heavenly Jerusalem......hebr 12:22..... law is not coming from those who believe they are already  the "temple"  here on earth..... And another point:  Zion was the seat of 'rulership' not the temple.  No wonder you feel you should already be 'ruling'. Do you see yourself as king already?   Because it is only in heaven where there will be kings or priests. Most scriptures describing the kings and priests describe them falling down before jehovah (in his presence in heaven) and praising him.
    I call you out because you constantly misquote scriptures.  The bible clearly indicates that one receives a token of holy spirit  in your heart that you are of the anointed - spirit of jehovah. It is a token  "in advance of your inheritance" . It does not mean that you have already received the inheritance. eph1: 13 & 14.
    The day of releasing from the flesh is not yet here....ep 4:30. 2 Corinthians 1:21 & 22 clearly indicates that the seal is a token of that which "is to come" - the spirit in our hearts.  
    Yes you know that you will go to heaven but the bible clearly says that those who remain faithful to the end will be saved....... not that you are already saved.  The seal of holy spirit is a token of inheritance "in future" ....... and our bodies must remain pure to remain a stone of that future temple.  If you sin against that "token" holy spirit without repentance you forfeit that "promise".
    To you they are stupid videos........ so I wonder who is really puffed up ?    
  24. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in 1914   
    You did not answer any of my previous questions regarding the forecourt if the temple...forecourt of the nations, forecourt of the women. 
    The holy and most holy where the high priest and underpriests entered into existed but also the court where the ordinary men and women could also enter. "since the Law has a shadow of the good things to come"
    It is hard to reason with someone who continually only repeats  the verses that suits their ideas .......
    You quoted Isaiah 2:4 above : in the last days "the temple " ....... there is currently not a real mountain and a real temple any longer. So this obviously refers to a figurative temple in heaven which is " a shadow of the God things to come" based on the temple in Jerusalem.
    Jesus only went "into" this heavenly  temple when he passed through the barrier of the  flesh at his  death and resurrection as a spiritual being.  This is what it means to be baptized in death of jesus - to die and be resurrected as a spiritual being - only then will you be a king and a priest.  You cannot be a king and priest while on earth - before going to heaven.
    Then you quote other scriptures which refer to illustrations where Paul says that we must be clean and pure - not commit fornication -   because "we are being built into stones of the heavenly temple" -  "So rid yourselves of all badnessa and deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all backbiting"  this is how Peter starts the chapter you quote above. where he talks of his disciples being built into a spiritual temple. But it seems - you put only the  emphasis  on the word "temple" and not on the context around it...... and you keep requoting that you " are the temple" when is says you are being built into a temple.....
    Take for example the scripture you quoted above: 1pet2: 5- 10.  It says " you are being built into a holy temple"  it does not say you are "already the temple." ..... so you misquoted this scripture.....
    Another scripture you misquote to prove that you should be ruling and teaching now is from Isaiah but you forget  : The law of Zion is coming from the" heavens" - we have come before mount Zion....the heavenly Jerusalem......hebr 12:22..... law is not coming from those who believe they are already  the "temple"  here on earth..... And another point:  Zion was the seat of 'rulership' not the temple.  No wonder you feel you should already be 'ruling'. Do you see yourself as king already?   Because it is only in heaven where there will be kings or priests. Most scriptures describing the kings and priests describe them falling down before jehovah (in his presence in heaven) and praising him.
    I call you out because you constantly misquote scriptures.  The bible clearly indicates that one receives a token of holy spirit  in your heart that you are of the anointed - spirit of jehovah. It is a token  "in advance of your inheritance" . It does not mean that you have already received the inheritance. eph1: 13 & 14.
    The day of releasing from the flesh is not yet here....ep 4:30. 2 Corinthians 1:21 & 22 clearly indicates that the seal is a token of that which "is to come" - the spirit in our hearts.  
    Yes you know that you will go to heaven but the bible clearly says that those who remain faithful to the end will be saved....... not that you are already saved.  The seal of holy spirit is a token of inheritance "in future" ....... and our bodies must remain pure to remain a stone of that future temple.  If you sin against that "token" holy spirit without repentance you forfeit that "promise".
    To you they are stupid videos........ so I wonder who is really puffed up ?    
  25. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Witness in 1914   
    Well, it was Jesus who spoke to Paul, twice:
    As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. 4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”
    5 “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked.
    “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied. 6 “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”
    7 The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone. 8 Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. 9 For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink" Acts 9:3-9
    It was Jesus who chose his apostles, Paul being one of the them.  
    One more time that we KNOW of, Jesus spoke to Paul:
    "And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure. 8 Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. 9 And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."  2 Cor 12:7-9
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