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  1. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Isabella in Traffic Signals by Tie Bros   
    When it comes to choosing our entertainment and recreation we need to treat those choices like we would a traffic light. How so? 
    Red Traffic Light: It is life threatening to proceed with such activities. Entertainment that centers around the love of violence, sexual immorality, spiritism or that shows a lack of respect for life are clearly things God hates. Running these red lights can cost us our hope of gaining everlasting life or hurt others. Even if we run a red light without getting hit, God’s eyes are like cameras that see what we do. So we might be getting away with running spiritual red lights now, but later we may pay for it when the ticket arrives in the mail. 
    Yellow Traffic Light: Slow down or proceed with caution. Some decisions are really up to each individuals conscience. For example, wether or not to serve wine at a party. However, it is wise to consider not just our own “right of way” when making such decisions. Just as someone approaching a yellow light will check the surroundings before deciding to keep going or stop, we must take the time to learn and adjust to consciences of those around us. We wouldn’t want to inadvertently cause an accident.
    Green Traffic Light: It is safe to proceed with such activities. These can include spiritual activities, a simple gathering with brothers and sisters, various outdoor activities and so on. Some of the entertainment the world offers may have a green light as well but we still must be alert. Like a stale green light will eventually turn red, worldly entertainment that starts off clean can quickly introduce unclean things that will require us to slam on the brakes and stop watching.
    Making such decisions is like driving a car, each of us must apply 1 Corinthians 10:23,24 “keep on seeking, not his own advantage, but that of the other person.” By doing so we can all safely make it to our destination in good health and with an undamaged conscience. 
  2. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in 1914   
    You were fortunate that JWInsider answered it for you..... but it does not mean you believe it.... having said something different earlier.
  3. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Kosonen in WT: The most important thing for Jehovah is to sanctify himself.   
    While individuals can be happy in this world because they draw close to God and experience his approval, the entire creation will only in future be really happy and  thus bring glory to God by living according to his laws of love as he originally planned.
    So true, each person must realize they cannot step into the space of another person and violate his rights.  Self-sacrificing love (not only love) can do this.  When I care more for you than myself and you care more for me than yourself..... this way of thinking will shift the entire societies' outlook on life.
    At present, people who really show this kind of love are viewed as weak and most people think they are impractical - especially when it comes to asserting yourself, defence etc.
    A wonderful thought. .... and same love for all neighbours. Soon all Christians will be tested for our love for God...... as this world becomes more wicked we will be forced to compromise on those very laws/ principles given byJehovah by condoning immoral practices which have become acceptable to the world.
  4. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from b4ucuhear in WT: The most important thing for Jehovah is to sanctify himself.   
    JWs teach that the sanctification of Jehovahs 'righteousness' is most important. (Jehova is the indisputable sovereign - he need not prove it to anyone because he alone has the power to enforce it.)
    Jehovahs  name must be cleared from the accusation from satan that his sovreignty is a selfish or unjust (unrighteous) sovereignty.   Satan accused God of withholding knowledge of making their own moral decisions from Adam/Eve. Being independent from God would serve them better.
    Satan knew that God is just and would allow for the accusation to be tested. God does not break his own righteousness. Satan did not challenge the power if God because he would lose this argument. He challenged the righteousness of Jehovahs rule.
    Jehovahs way of ruling is the best way...... and we will all discover this in the new system when we all bring glory to God by letting our ego go and following Jehovahs principles of unselfish love.
    Jehovah is humble and righteous - and we will reflect these qualities perfectly in future.   Jehovah gave the ' best he had'  (jesus) to save us from calamity. It was painful for him when his son died even though he knew he could resurrect him. It was the fact that his son had to go through that agony while being righteous.
    Jehovahs righteousness will be vindicated because of his unselfish love. Our love for him changes over time as we realize that Jehova is always righteous. While he promises us a reward - I agree with you my brother...... our unselfish love will take us to death for Jehovah - without expecting a reward.
    If we only live for the reward and not the love and justice/righteousness, mercy it represents - then our unselfishness needs some work.
    The love of jehovah and Jesus never includes death. God wants no-one to die but all to be saved.  The whole earth was designed with man in mind.  Satan is the father of death.
    This is not a contest (chess game) between the power of god and satan. It is about the love and righteousness of God and the death, chaos and destruction which independence from God brings to all creatures.
  5. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to The Librarian in 1914 C.E. (A.D.)   
    Master Chronological List > 1914
    Pastor Charles Taze Russell pointed to 1914 as the end of the "Gentile Times" or "The Appointed Times of the Nations."

    Subsequent President of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society Judge Joseph F. Rutherford established 1914 as the date of "Christ's Invisible Return" and crowning as King of God's Kingdom in 1920 which had been previously believed to be 1878. Hence, Jehovah's heavenly Kingdom is established.

    Jehovah's Witnesses teach that Satan and his demons were cast down to earth from heaven after October 1, 1914 at which point the end times began.

    From 1914 C.E. to the early part of 1918 C.E. or 1,260 days Jehovah's people preached a "sackcloth" message concerning Christendom and the world, in fulfillment of Revelation 11:3, 4. See re pgs. 164-7 pars. 10-18, also see yw pgs. 264-307, also bf pg. 592.

    [KING OF THE NORTH is now Germany, the KING OF THE SOUTH is the alliance between Great Britian and the United States of America, see Daniel 11:27-29], Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, Countess Sophie Chotek, duchess of Hohenberg were assassinated on June 28th in Sarajevo, Bosnia, (now in Bosnia and Herzegovina), by a Serb nationalist. This action precipitated World War I. 
    On October 2, 1914, Jesus took the throne. Shortly thereafter, a war in heaven broke out wherein Satan and his demons were cast from the heavens. Satan then became so enraged that he began to wreak havoc upon the earth. One of the first things he did was to start the Great War (WWI). So WWI must have started a few days after October 2, 1914.
    “World War I set the violent twentieth century in motion. It was the first use of chemical weapons; the first mass bombardment of civilians from the sky; the century’s first genocide.” So begins the 1996 PBS series The Great War and the Shaping of the Twentieth Century.

    The war’s horrendous prosecution and unsatisfactory end were made even worse by the Versailles Peace Conference, a conclave which created the false peace that only allowed the combatants to rearm and proceed to a second conflict which was even more destructive than the first one. World War II merely took up the Great War’s unfinished business. Indeed many historians call both conflicts Europe’s “Second Thirty Years’ War.”

    The First World War led to the birth of the first communist dictatorship. The world flirted with nuclear destruction as that dictatorship engaged in a murderous rivalry with its erstwhile allies. When the USSR finally imploded, some of the splinter states which emerged from its ruins fell to either fighting among themselves or suffering internecine bloodletting. And the problems elsewhere in southwest Asia as well as the Middle East can be traced to hatreds fostered by European colonialism which the Great War only intensified.

    The world we have today had its birth pangs in World War I. It was Austria-Hungary’s invasion of Serbia on 28 July 1914 that caused a myriad of dominoes to fall—and they are continuing to tumble even now.

    The war shattered an entire world order. In 1914, sixty percent of the world's population lived under the rule of kingdoms or empires. Today less than ten percent do so. The only important royal dynasty to survive the war was the House of Windsor and that was not without challenge. The fragmentation of these empires led to the rise of independent states which continues down to this day as the doctrine of "self-determination", promulgated by Wilson at Versailles, continues to govern many movements in our time.

    But what makes the Great War different from its predecessors is that it was the first fought in all four quarters of the globe and by blocs of nations as opposed to just a few. Its carnage also was unmatched in previous world history. Nobody knows how many actually died although estamates range from fourteen to twenty million. Among its aftershocks were the Spanish Flu, the pandemic that killed more people than the war itself, and widespread famine. So to say that the Great War was not much different from earlier ones entirely misses the point,
      Post by Jehovah's Witnesses News, Library, History, Videos, Talks, Illustrations.  
    July 28, 1914. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. August 1, 1914. Germany Declares War on Russia. August 3, 1914. Germany declares war on France. August 4, 1914. Britain declares war on Germany. August 6, 1914. Austria declares war on Russia. April 6, 1917 - The United States declares war on Germany.
    Depiction from the Nov 1, 2014 Watchtower:

    Older depiction from the 1982 book "You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth":

    Related Links and Questions
    Jehovah’s Witnesses gather for convention - 1914 and 2014 - USA-Texas-Arlington - USA-Texas Fort Worth

    1914-2014 - One Hundred Years of Kingdom Rule!

    Where did you find the theme text for 1914?

    Jesus said that "This generation will not pass away until all these things occur." Did he mean the generation that saw saw World War 1 in 1914?

    What shows that Christ became King in 1914?

    When Jesus began ruling as King in 1914, was that the start of the Millennial reign of the Messianic Kingdom?

    IBSA Historical Video from that year 

    Watchtower Publications from 1914
    YearText: “Be strong and courageous.” Joshua 1:9
    w-E * The Watch Tower 
    Countdown Card 
    Berean Studies on The New Creation - C.T. Russell 
    The Photo-Drama of Creation 
    What Say the Scriptures About Our Lord's Return (his Parousia, Apokalupsis and Epiphania)

    Return to the Master List of Watchtower Publications listed by Year

    Previous Watchtower Publications quotations concerning 1914
    “Some persons living A.D. 1914 when the series of foretold events began will also be living when the series ends with Armageddon.” - The Watchtower, September 1, 1952, p. 543

    THE TRAIN ILLUSTRATION - Awake!, October 8, 1968, p. 5

    “The fact that fifty-four years of the period called the ‘last days’ have already gone by is highly significant. It means that only a few years, at most, remain before the corrupt system of things dominating the earth is destroyed by God...Jesus was obviously speaking about those who were old enough to witness with understanding what took place when the ‘last days’ began. Jesus was saying that some of those persons who were alive at the appearance of the ‘sign of the last days’ would still be alive when God brought this system to its end.” - Awake!, October 8, 1968, p. 13

    “But there are people still living who were alive in 1914 and saw what was happening then and who were old enough that they still remember those events. This generation is getting up in years now. A great number of them have already passed away in death. Yet Jesus very pointedly said: ‘This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.’ Some of them will still be alive to see the end of this wicked system. This means that only a short time is left before the end comes!” - The Truth That Leads To Eternal Life, 1968 ed., p. 95

    “However, there are people still living who were alive in 1914 and saw what was happening then and who were old enough that they still remember those events. This generation is getting up in years now. A great number of them have already passed away in death. Yet Jesus very pointedly said: ‘This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.’ Some of them will still be alive to see the end of this wicked system. This means that only a short time is left before the end comes!” - The Watchtower, February 15, 1969, p. 101

    “Men of this world offer you nothing stable, nothing sure. Their promises and predictions of better things have failed time and again. Why let yourself be carried along with them in a steadily downward course to ultimate disaster due to rejecting God’s will? God’s prophetic Word has not failed. Time has confirmed its truthfulness, its unerring accuracy. The generation that saw the start of the time of distress that began in 1914 is now dwindling in numbers. Before it passes off the scene the prophesied ‘great tribulation’ will come. You can be among the joyful survivors, experience deliverance from a world system that has proved oppressive, unworkable and death dealing.” - The Watchtower, February 1, 1971, p. 69

    “And the remaining ones of that generation of 1914 are still talking about it. Some of them will be talking about it right down to the time when the ‘great tribulation’ wipes Satan’s wicked system of things off the face of our globe. For Jesus Christ himself assures us: ‘Truly I say to you that this generation [the generation that saw the ‘beginning of pangs of distress’ in 1914] will by no means pass away [completely] until all these things occur. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away.’--Matthew 24:3,8,34,35.” - The Watchtower, May 1, 1982, p. 15

    “After drawing attention to the many things that have marked the period from 1914 onward, Jesus said: ‘This generation will by no means pass away until all these things [including the end of this system] occur.’ (Matthew 24:34,14) Which generation did Jesus mean? He meant the generation of people who were living in 1914. Those persons yet remaining of that generation are now very old. However, some of them will still be alive to see the end of this wicked system. So of this we can be certain: Shortly now there will be a sudden end to all wickedness and wicked people at Armageddon. Some of the generation living in 1914 will see the end of the system of things and survive it.” - You Can Live Forever In Paradise On Earth, 1982 ed. p. 154

    ILLUSTRATION: “1914 The Generation That Will Not Pass Away” - The Watchtower, May 15, 1984, title page

    “If Jesus used ‘generation’ in that sense and we apply it to 1914, then the babies of that generation are now 70 years old or older. And others alive in 1914 are in their 80’s or 90’s, a few even having reached a hundred. There are still many millions of that generation alive. Some of them ‘will by no means pass away until all things occur.’ --Luke 21:32” - The Watchtower, May 15, 1984, p. 5

    “From a purely human viewpoint, it could appear that these developments could hardly take place before the generation of 1914 disappears from the scene. But fulfillment of all the foretold events affecting the generation of 1914 does not depend on comparatively slow human action. Jehovah’s prophetic word through Christ Jesus is: ‘This generation [of 1914] will by no means pass away until all things occur.’ (Luke 21:32) And Jehovah, who is the source of inspired and unfailing prophecy, will bring about the fulfillment of his Son’s words in a relatively short time.--Isaiah 46:9,10; 55:10,11.”
    - The Watchtower, May 15, 1984, pp. 6-7

    “Today, a small percentage of mankind can still recall the dramatic events of 1914. Will that elderly generation pass away before God saves the earth from ruin? Not according to Bible prophecy. ‘When you see all these things,’ Jesus promised, ‘know that he is near at the doors. Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.’--Matthew 24:33,34” - The Watchtower, May 1, 1992, p. 3

    “Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator’s promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away.” - Awake!, October 22, 1995, p. 4

    “Eager to see the end of this evil system, Jehovah’s people have at times speculated about the time when the ‘great tribulation’ would break out, even tying this to calculations of what is the lifetime of a generation since 1914. However, we ‘bring a heart of wisdom in,’ not by speculating about how many years or days make up a generation, but by thinking about how we ‘count our days’ in bringing joyful praise to Jehovah. (Psalm 90:12) Rather than provide a rule for measuring time, the term ‘generation’ as used by Jesus refers principally to contemporary people of a certain historical period, with their identifying characteristics.” - The Watchtower, November 1, 1995, p. 17

    “Therefore, in the final fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy today, ‘this generation’ apparently refers to the peoples of earth who see the sign of Christ’s presence but fail to mend their ways...Does our more precise viewpoint on ‘this generation’ mean that Armageddon is further away than we had thought? Not at all! Though we at no time have known the ‘day and hour,’ Jehovah God has always known it, and he does not change.” - The Watchtower, November 1, 1995, pp. 19-20

    “Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator’s promise of a peaceful and secure new world that is about to replace the present wicked, lawless system of things.” - Awake!, November 8, 1995, p. 4
    One hundred years on from the Great War

  6. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in 1914   
    It sounds like what you want is democracy in your place of worship—theocracy by the people, as though ‘if the people come to believe it, it must mean that God has so influenced them.’ It doesn’t work that way. 
    “All your people will be taught by Jehovah,“ the verse says. It does not say that they will be taught by themselves. Who needs God if we are to be taught by ourselves? The problems you encounter with those elders reflects that they buy into the former (taught by Jehovah) rather than the latter (taught by the people).
    Plainly, there must be some interface between the divine and the human. Integral to the faith of Jehovah’s Witnesses is that that interface is the successor of those who brought the truth to us in the first place—whoever fills the shoes of the “older men in Jerusalem.” That doesn’t mean that each person is not responsible for his/her own relationship with God, but it does mean that each is not an island unto himself. 
    I know where you are coming from on this, but it is overstated. One doesn’t have to believe every little thing, though to be sure, one is encouraged to. But you don’t have to. What you cannot do is grab the wheel of the bus. Most elders will take your remarks below as evidence that you are trying to do this:
    The clear inference of these remarks is that you mean to tear the cover off this ‘faulty and maybe corrupt organization.’ Do you really think that you will be welcomed with open arms? Their entire faith is that Jehovah does not lead his people that way.
    From the Reseach Guide commentary on Genesis 1:31–
    “The fall from perfection explains why the human body, though marvelously designed, is susceptible to deformities and disease. Evolution is therefore incompatible with the Bible. Evolution presents modern man as an improving animal. The Bible presents modern man as the degenerating descendant of a perfect man.”
    Because this is true, the “top-down” approach of the JW organization is what resonates with members. Yours smacks of the “bottom-up” approach, man as an “improving animal” developing powerful skills of thought to lift us all up by our own bootstraps.
    @JW Insider says each Christian has an obligation to examine the foundation of his faith. This is true, but means of examination differ from person to person. For most people, the only examination one must make of their vehicle is to observe that it gets them from place to place, to bring it in for cursory inspection each year, and to accept the fact that, being imperfect, it will require maintenance and repair from time to time. There will be a few mechanically minded owners that will go the extra mile, tear down the engine to examine closely each component, and in doing so, might occasionally forestall a problem, but this is hardly something to be expected of the average person, even if they are the elders that you want to run your thoughts by.
    I will concede that our elders might be prone at times to read ”false positives,” and it would be better if they didn’t. So? Doctors read and act upon false positives all the time and no one doubts their competency on that account. Today elders see direction on avoiding those who raise sects or divisions. (Titus 3:10, 2 Timothy 2:17, 1 Cor 1:10) and might at times overreact. Maybe they should rise to the occasion and “snatch from the fire those who have doubts.” Maybe. However the tone of your remarks indicate that you have more than doubts—you have assertions and conclusions that you want to debate with them. We are not a debating people. We are the type that waits to be taught by Jehovah.
    I’m not thrilled about any number of things in the Witness organization. From time to time I drop one or two of them in this forum. I would prefer that some did feel inclined to discuss with you your points—at least until you became so insistent upon them that it became clear to both that your home lay elsewhere. Still, I keep things in perspective. The good of the JW organization far outweighs the bad. Regarding my pet peeves, I look around to see if there is anyone accomplishing the acts of faith that JWs do minus those peeves. (Please don’t come back with ‘acts of faith’ are not the important thing—or if you do, take it up with Luke for writing ‘Acts of the Apostles’ when he should have written ‘Faith of the Apostles.)  If there was, I would go there. But there is not—not even remotely close—so that I even begin to reassess my pet peeves. I am imperfect, too. Maybe if an organization was structured around my peeves, it would promptly implode. So I accept congregation policy and discipline—I may not even think it is right in every occasion and particular, but such is the nature of working with people. I’ve learned how to yield and how to cooperate. I try to get my head around them, rather than insisting that they get their head around me.
    This strikes me as a remarkable lack of faith. Ought God not be able to unite people? Ought he not be able to get them to cooperate, and in so doing, magnify their acts of worship? Yet you stand as an island hailing ships passing by.
    You thereby have no need of applying the above verses on avoiding divisions, for you stand by yoursef. You have no need to apply the countless verses as to how to get along, because you make no effort to get along. Where are the meetings of Hebrews 10:24 that you are not to forsake? Where is the “in” of Haggai 2:7 that the precious things of the nations are to come in to? You have no need, or even opportunity, of showing love for the brothers, since you have no brothers—you have separated from them—to God’s dishonor. Maybe he will provide a “true anointed” (essentially from scratch) within ten years.
    Hypercritcal people, such as your words suggest you might be one of, are a nightmare in the congregation. They are constantly causing contentions over matters great and small. Yet, they are stumbled at the drop of a pin, and cause chaos in that way, too. The GB and elders work tirelessly to readjust such persons. But if they absolutely will not change, it is better in my view if they depart. They cause nothing but trouble.
    They need to get their heads around, and more importantly, their hearts around, the huge forgiveness Jesus afforded Peter for failure at a critical time, and yet even after this, Peter failed in a colossal manner, buckling to peer pressure that even some schoolchildren would not buckle to—the matter of avoiding Gentile Christians when the Jewish Christians came calling (stumbling even Barnabas)—and yet he continued to serve as a pillar of the congregation.
    It’s no good to be an island. The time for such passed long ago. Will your theme text be that of Paul Simon?
    I've built walls
    A fortress deep and mighty
    That none may penetrate
    I have no need of friendship, friendship causes pain
    It's laughter and it's loving I disdain
    I am a rock
    I am an island Don't talk of love
    But I've heard the words before
    It's sleeping in my memory
    I won't disturb the slumber of feelings that have died
    If I never loved I never would have cried
    I am a rock
    I am an island.
  7. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in 1914   
    The question was basically about whether a person should do their own research but then just keep quiet about it if they proved to themselves something different than they had accepted at baptism. I thought your answer was excellent.
    Those of us who remain in the organization after researching the teachings on 1914 are remaining because this doctrine, even if completely wrong, does not negate the good work the organization is doing for the world in focusing on both the current and future benefits of God's kingdom, taking a stand on God's side, and offering the opportunity to join in with others who also want to share that message with the whole world. Were Peter, James and John still being used in the congregations around Jerusalem and Judea, even though they still had long-standing prejudices and misunderstandings about God's purpose for the Gentiles? (Acts 15 & 21; Gal 1 & 2) Of course they were!
    Did teachings coming from those same men stumble others? (Galatians, Barnabas, etc.) According to Paul, people were definitely stumbled by the influence these brothers, but Paul continued to work with them and cooperate with them. Our decision to continue working with the Witnesses should also still make sense if we believe there is no other group that teaches what we believe about various Bible teachings that are important to us (neutrality, conscientious objection two war, teachings about morality/Trinity/hell/soul, etc.).
    Also, there are those who might think that it is hypocritical to find something wrong in our personal research and then merely keep quiet about it. I'd say that we would be wrong to bring it up in the context of our congregations. This might cause divisions, and might influence people to choose a side based on "human factors" (who debates the best, who "sounds" more loyal, who "sounds" more intelligent, who has more human authority, the number of people who agree or disagree, etc., etc.)
    But, if we recall Matthew 18, the most important thing is to go to the source of the issue. It's not the people in our congregation, or even the elders in our congregation. They are not the source of this teaching. In this case we should go to the brothers who are the publishers and promoters of this teaching, to see what they say in defense of the teaching. As you say, we may not be satisfied, or find that they don't answer, or won't answer, or can't answer. Then we can make up our mind how we might still try to absolve our own conscience on the matter, or make a defense of our own faith on the matter. But we still need NOT go to our local congregation about it, or try to find persons there who will side with us. This will still create unnecessary contentions. It will make it appear that it is a matter of personal ego to be right or prove others wrong. If it were a matter of life and death, this might be different.
    If this is the same argument that John Butler often made, then the point is that the context is only about the Hebrew Scriptures, not the Christian Greek Scriptures, much of which had not been written yet. This is already mentioned however in our own publications:
    *** ws17 December p. 16 Parents—Help Your Children Become “Wise for Salvation” ***
    3 The apostle Paul first visited Lystra in the year 47. This is probably when Timothy, who may have been a teenager, learned about Jesus’ teachings. He applied what he learned, and two years later he began traveling with Paul. About 16 years after that, Paul wrote to Timothy: “Continue in the things that you learned and were persuaded to believe, knowing from whom you learned them and that from infancy you have known the holy writings [the Hebrew Scriptures], which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 3:14, 15) Notice that Paul said that Timothy (1) knew the holy writings, (2) was persuaded to believe the things he learned, and (3) became wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. . . . Timothy knew the Hebrew Scriptures “from infancy,” that is, from the time he was very young
    The addition of the term "[the Hebrew Scriptures]" is in the original quotation, even though it was put in brackets. However, the Watchtower's emphasis has always been on the fact that since most of these additional book by apostles and other mature men had already been written that the reference is to all the books both OT and NT.
    *** w63 11/1 pp. 652-653 pars. 14-15 The Book of “Everlasting Good News” is Beneficial ***
    Consequently, when Paul wrote his final letter to Timothy and said: “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial,” there were doubtless twenty-one inspired books, all addressed to Christians, in addition to the thirty-nine books of the Hebrew Scriptures. (2 Tim. 3:16) Today Paul’s expression “All Scripture is inspired of God” includes the writings of Jude and John, for these also were written under inspiration of God’s holy spirit and were added to the collection of inspired Christian writings, to complete the inspired Holy Bible.
    15 Today, therefore, “all Scripture” includes the sixty-six books of the Bible, as it is now divided up in order.
  8. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Kosonen in WT: The most important thing for Jehovah is to sanctify himself.   
    JWs teach that the sanctification of Jehovahs 'righteousness' is most important. (Jehova is the indisputable sovereign - he need not prove it to anyone because he alone has the power to enforce it.)
    Jehovahs  name must be cleared from the accusation from satan that his sovreignty is a selfish or unjust (unrighteous) sovereignty.   Satan accused God of withholding knowledge of making their own moral decisions from Adam/Eve. Being independent from God would serve them better.
    Satan knew that God is just and would allow for the accusation to be tested. God does not break his own righteousness. Satan did not challenge the power if God because he would lose this argument. He challenged the righteousness of Jehovahs rule.
    Jehovahs way of ruling is the best way...... and we will all discover this in the new system when we all bring glory to God by letting our ego go and following Jehovahs principles of unselfish love.
    Jehovah is humble and righteous - and we will reflect these qualities perfectly in future.   Jehovah gave the ' best he had'  (jesus) to save us from calamity. It was painful for him when his son died even though he knew he could resurrect him. It was the fact that his son had to go through that agony while being righteous.
    Jehovahs righteousness will be vindicated because of his unselfish love. Our love for him changes over time as we realize that Jehova is always righteous. While he promises us a reward - I agree with you my brother...... our unselfish love will take us to death for Jehovah - without expecting a reward.
    If we only live for the reward and not the love and justice/righteousness, mercy it represents - then our unselfishness needs some work.
    The love of jehovah and Jesus never includes death. God wants no-one to die but all to be saved.  The whole earth was designed with man in mind.  Satan is the father of death.
    This is not a contest (chess game) between the power of god and satan. It is about the love and righteousness of God and the death, chaos and destruction which independence from God brings to all creatures.
  9. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Alfred Shea Addis in 1914   
    Correct, you need not listen to me but do not use me as an excuse either.  You all are totally free to do and believe as you like.
    Just be aware - there are people on this forum who do not use scripture in context and sometimes use it as a weapon for open warfare against JWs/GB.  Their intentions are open and clear in what they say.  RECOGNIZE it, when they accuse us of being false prophets, controlling,  etc.  
    There are also the more sophisticated ones who use philosophies of this world in their reasonings. Recognize this as well.  Every person will only be accounrable for him/herself. 
  10. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in WT: The most important thing for Jehovah is to sanctify himself.   
    While individuals can be happy in this world because they draw close to God and experience his approval, the entire creation will only in future be really happy and  thus bring glory to God by living according to his laws of love as he originally planned.
    So true, each person must realize they cannot step into the space of another person and violate his rights.  Self-sacrificing love (not only love) can do this.  When I care more for you than myself and you care more for me than yourself..... this way of thinking will shift the entire societies' outlook on life.
    At present, people who really show this kind of love are viewed as weak and most people think they are impractical - especially when it comes to asserting yourself, defence etc.
    A wonderful thought. .... and same love for all neighbours. Soon all Christians will be tested for our love for God...... as this world becomes more wicked we will be forced to compromise on those very laws/ principles given byJehovah by condoning immoral practices which have become acceptable to the world.
  11. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in WT: The most important thing for Jehovah is to sanctify himself.   
    JWs teach that the sanctification of Jehovahs 'righteousness' is most important. (Jehova is the indisputable sovereign - he need not prove it to anyone because he alone has the power to enforce it.)
    Jehovahs  name must be cleared from the accusation from satan that his sovreignty is a selfish or unjust (unrighteous) sovereignty.   Satan accused God of withholding knowledge of making their own moral decisions from Adam/Eve. Being independent from God would serve them better.
    Satan knew that God is just and would allow for the accusation to be tested. God does not break his own righteousness. Satan did not challenge the power if God because he would lose this argument. He challenged the righteousness of Jehovahs rule.
    Jehovahs way of ruling is the best way...... and we will all discover this in the new system when we all bring glory to God by letting our ego go and following Jehovahs principles of unselfish love.
    Jehovah is humble and righteous - and we will reflect these qualities perfectly in future.   Jehovah gave the ' best he had'  (jesus) to save us from calamity. It was painful for him when his son died even though he knew he could resurrect him. It was the fact that his son had to go through that agony while being righteous.
    Jehovahs righteousness will be vindicated because of his unselfish love. Our love for him changes over time as we realize that Jehova is always righteous. While he promises us a reward - I agree with you my brother...... our unselfish love will take us to death for Jehovah - without expecting a reward.
    If we only live for the reward and not the love and justice/righteousness, mercy it represents - then our unselfishness needs some work.
    The love of jehovah and Jesus never includes death. God wants no-one to die but all to be saved.  The whole earth was designed with man in mind.  Satan is the father of death.
    This is not a contest (chess game) between the power of god and satan. It is about the love and righteousness of God and the death, chaos and destruction which independence from God brings to all creatures.
  12. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Anna in 1914   
    I am continuing from your earlier post.....
    Well it depends on what it is and how they feel about it. If a person disagrees with the teaching of 1914 for example, then he has to decide how important that is to him. He can write to the branch, as many have done. If they don't like the reply, or don't agree with it, they have to again decide how important it is to them. Not everything is black and white and there may be something that you or they have overlooked. Is 1914 a life or death question? In my opinion it isn't, but in someone else's opinion it might be. And they may feel that they cannot continue being JW because of it. We don't have to go around telling everyone, because it is a personal opinion. Even if we can find "proof" that we are right, we should respect the opinions of others, just like we would like others to respect out opinion. With something like 1914, we really need to decide the importance of it in light of the big picture. If JW'S have got 1914 wrong, how does that affect how we view everything else we have learned from that same source? Remember, mistakes will be made. I read some of your earlier posts where you are actually defending what you have learned from JWs (God and Jesus being separate, there being no fiery hell, the promise of an earthly paradise, the last days etc.)
    It is true, we can have our own opinion on what a scripture means. But usually that is an exception if the scripture is read in context of the chapter AND the whole Bible. A few scriptures can be ambiguous though. Hopefully, before we signed up to become one of JWs we have already cleared that up and accepted the interpretation of JWs.
    How do you suggest they should be in contact earth wide?
    Yes, you are making a good point there. However in practice, as you know, most anointed are scattered throughout the earth. In the days before the internet communication, to be of any value, would have been difficult. Today, this is surely a lot easier, but not everyone is able to communicate via the internet. Not only that, and this is the point I was trying to make earlier, how would one know if someone was the "true anointed". I joked, and said any True Tom Harley could claim they were anointed. Can you imagine how that would work? It could become a total mess if some "false anointed" communicated whatever they liked. How would one sift what was genuine from what wasn't genuine?  
    The GB is not concerned if the anointed communicate with each other., It is everyone's right to communicate with all of the brotherhood. The GB is concerned that the whole brotherhood remains united.
  13. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Little Joe in 1914   
    No - they do not. Here is something to think about: we do not believe humans have an immortal soul.
    Most churches believe in the immortality of the soul. The bible says "the ' soul' that sinneth it shall die" ezekiel 18:4. The prophecy about Jesus's death in Isaiah 53 ( last verses) indicates jesus would put his "soul" in death.  He was mortal.
    Jesus received 'immortality' from his father as a reward for obedience until death. The bible promises immortality and incorruptability to those who are baptized in the death of Jesus. They do not have immortality BEFORE they die. There is a difference between living forever and immortality. 
    Satan was mortal - when he sinned God said he would destroy him in future.  He will never exist again. Adam was mortal but would have lived forever if he obeyed God. Adam's everlasting life depended on his obedience to jehovah.
    This is huge difference between JWs and all other cristian denominations because churches talk about the randsom sacrifice but do not accept that Jesus really died- that he did not exist for three days. His father Jehovah (who is immortal and cannot die) restored Jesus' life to him after three days and gave him his own source of life - immortality.
    They (christian churches) tell you Jesus died ....but in same breath say he was immortal before his death. They say he was God.  They believe all people have a soul that goes out when the person dies and goes directly fo heaven or hell.....but why would God bring someone back from heaven to be resurrected...... when this does not fit in with what the bible teaches in other places?
    If one does not exercise faith in the randsom sacrifice then one cannot be saved. It is crucial to understand the randsom...properly....... So what does the bible say about the soul?
    Eccl 3:19 & 20 says that people die like an animal - we go to dust and do not exist any longer in any form until the (father - which means life-giver) resurrects us.
    Eccl 9:5 & 10 indicates the dead cannot think or do anything in death. No knowledge, planning nor wisdom.
    God made Adam from dust. Adam could not think before he became a living soul  - dust cannot think.  God blew life into him and he became a living soul  Gen 2: 7  After his sin, God said he would go back to dust - the same condition he was in before he was created. Gen 3: 19.
    So this is why JWs study this and related subjects in depth.... as a people we have lots of faults but we teach the truth about "what the bible really says".
    Just an added thought:  Christian genocide is going on in middle east and north Africa.  The press is not writing about the Muslim killings.  These Christian's are dying like flies. I believe God will give them resurrection because death is a payment for sin; and, despite having little knowledge of jehovah and Jesus they have proved their loyalty.  They are some of the 'unrighteous ' who will get a resurrection in future and be taught the truth about jehovah 
    Acts 24:15
    "And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous"
  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Caucasian Dance   
    The original "white guys" Caucasians, come from this area. Armenia (neighbour) was part of ancient kingdom of Urartu. 
    Turkey took mount Ararat from Armenia during the genocide period I believe but one can still see it from the Armenian capital city, Yerevan 
    In the museum, I saw a massive cauldron which was taken from Assyria in time of Sargon 2. 
    Georgian language and Armenians see themselves as related peoples.  Of course throughout the history they were taken over by Turks, arabs, Russians etc which influenced the culture.
    These two countries are strong orthodox Christians and managed to retain this. I think the mountains assisted them to fight back invaders successfully.  Mountains everywhere....... even modern warfare has problems with mountains (as in Afghanistan).
  15. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in The downloadable research guide is going to add much to the current cycle of Bible reading.   
    Let scientists be scientists and Bible teachers be Bible teachers. Don’t squabble unless there is a reason to. 
    That there is not a reason to in some battlegrounds is highlighted in the downloadable Research Guide to accompany the NWT Study Bible. Regarding Genesis 1:14 and the creative days, there is a link to a 9-year old Watchtower article:
    “These are not 24-hour days but are epochs. On the first creative day, Jehovah caused light to begin to appear at the earth’s surface. That process would be completed when the sun and the moon later became discernible from the earth. (Gen 1:3,14) On the second day, the atmosphere began to be formed. (Gen 1:6) Earth then had water, light, and air but still no dry land. Early on the third creative day, Jehovah used his holy spirit to produce dry land, perhaps harnessing powerful geologic forces to push continents up out of the global sea. (Gen 1:9) There would be other astounding developments on the third day and during later creative periods.”
    I made reference to this article in my own post, entitled “Epochs and Aeons,” after reading the Sean B Carroll book, “The Making of the Fittest - DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Record of Evolution.” You have to use the middle initial of Sean Carroll, a ‘B’, because there is another well-known contemporary scientist with an ‘M’ for a middle initial—this one specializing in physics. It’s surprising, but no more surprising than to consider that the public face of JW persecution in Russia—the first one to be sentenced (to six year’s imprisonment) has a surname (Christensen) that evokes both his Lord and his Lord’s profession.
    It turns out that there is also a local broadcaster by that name—Sean Carroll—who has since moved to Syracuse. I followed them all on Twitter and introduced them to each other. They hit it off and began to talk baseball! Then I made some remark about the trinity and in what way the three men might foreshadow that. All three Seans fell silent at that. Who can blame them?
    They would have fallen more silent still had I tweeted the skit that I inserted in No Fake News but Plenty of Hogwash: 
    Crack! “Mike Behe hits a grounder to shortstop! Sean Carroll scoops it up and flips it to Sean Carroll at second base – one out! Sean Carroll fires it to Sean Carroll at first – double play! And the Denver Denyers lose to the Cincinnati Smarts! Jock, those Smarts have one helluva team this year. I almost think Sean Carroll will be named MVP.” “Yeah, and if not Sean Carroll, then maybe Sean Carroll! Or maybe even Sean Carroll!”
    Oh, and I also like this link to a 2004 Awake with regard to verse 16: 
    “How could God produce light on the first day if the luminaries were not made until the fourth day?” is the question. The answer is that the Hebrew word rendered “make” in 16 is not the same as the word for “create” in 1, 21, and 27. The bodies that are the source of light were created before any of those creative days began. Their light did not reach the earth, however, until the early impenetrable atmosphere began to clear. Not surprisingly, Genesis is written from the standpoint of someone on earth, not someone hovering in space.
  16. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in 1914   
    Sarah laughed because she did not believe life in old woman's womb was possible. When it happened - their faith in God was strengthened because the promise was fulfilled about promised birth. Unseen evidence in reality.
    But the promise of Messiah was thru the line of isaac. Now God wanted Abraham  to offer up isaac. They believed god could raise up isaac again to fulfill this promise based on the EVIDENCE they saw before in life - that God could restore life to a dead womb.  They must have told Isaac over and over the story of his birth and angel's promise from God. So isaac also had faith that God could restore his life.   This was based on the evidence of the unseen "reality" that God had restored Sarah's womb to give life to have him born.
  17. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in 1914   
    I will agree that humans are ruining the Earth. But it seems to me that you are still looking for signs. We know that humans cannot destroy this Earth or the human race. We know God's intention from the beginning was to have perfect humans living on a perfect Earth, and God's intentions haven't changed. I used to take an interest in earthwide news articles but many are so depressing and upsetting and some would even make me angry. The suffering and cruelty earthwide is not something I want constant reminders of.  I know, 100% am certain of, that God will put it all right when He is ready. And prior to that people will continue to suffer, but the human race and the earth will remain.  
  18. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in 1914   
    Satan will not be able to deceive those who stay close to jehovah and read the scriptures in an undertone day and night.
    There are many indications in the bible that we will be able to discern signs I.e. when the  image of the beast  receives power, when they call "peace and security" and many more. I watch world events to see if the UN are getting into position to do these actions. 
    Yes indeed! Why did jehovah give prophecies about beasts which represented Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, anglo- American world powers.......UN or coalition of nations  (image of the beast) and eighth kingdom? So we do not have to read these prophecies at all and ignore them and sit online separated from Jehovahs people and believe ourselves to be holy.  We should  never watch the news but go online and  mislead others with our weak understanding of what is going on around us.  God expects us to be vigilant - not foolish.
    Daniel would not have discerned the end of the 70 years and expected a change in rulership if he did not read the scriptures, make calculations and watched for signs..  ... in satans world.....of fulfillment.  
    And jesus' disciples would not have discerned the "disgusting thing" in the holy place.....when Rome (part of Satan's world)  came the first time  and  then a second time.  They would have ignored the first attack of Rome and said "we are not to look for signs"  .....they would have ignored the events of wars and acts of terror around them, earthquakes, etc.  and waited till God sent a thunderbolt from heaven to warn them. .... that this first Roman attack was the "sign". .... 
    "Sign of lightning"
    The Jews did not accept jesus as the messiah but would go running after false christs..... because they were expecting an earthly kingdom with an earthly visible king. Jesus went on to explain to them that he - the future king is already  in their midst .
    As sure as lightning is visible from east to west , they would fully understand when the kingdom is present/perousia. Matthew refers to the end of the Jewish system and has greater application in time of end as it speaks of the greatest tribulation the world has ever seen, the preaching in entire world, a slave that would feed the domestics etc.
     Just as we discern when a fruitree is flowering and is a sign that the fruits would soon appear - we can discern when conditions are changing to bring forth conditions leading to the situation called Armageddon.
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from b4ucuhear in 1914   
    Jesus himself said that no flesh would be saved unless God stepped in. While it is not a teaching of ours to 'fear'  destruction of the earth there is a prophecy which shows we are indeed  'ruining' the earth. Rev 11:18.
    I follow news regarding this issue and the true state if affairs regarding the biosphere is hidden from the public, while scientists are playing along with US government policy to hide the true state if affairs. 
    Ice on Himalayas is melting as is a threat to the country of Bhutan, Maldives going down with rising waters.  Forests are dryer in certain areas, leaves and roots so dry that new saplings are dying. Fires in Sweden, Russia etc. The biggest secret is climate engineering..... on and on.... bla bla.... too much information available but people do not go there.
    Hebr 11:1   Faith is based on evidence.  Blind faith is not faith. 
  20. Haha
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in The downloadable research guide is going to add much to the current cycle of Bible reading.   
    Rats. So much for home-baked prophesies.
  21. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Dennis Gilman in The downloadable research guide is going to add much to the current cycle of Bible reading.   
    In Sweden mine was on a Monday and watchtower on Saturday.
    Evolutionists hate the big bang because it points to a "beginning".  It may have been a controlled big bang because the elements that formed all have order and specific patterns emerge.
  22. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Srecko Sostar in 1914   
    Now faith is assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen. Heb 11 1
    Faith as state of our mind and heart, not need evidence. Because when you see evidence you don't need faith for what you see and about what this particular evidence serve to prove. Only "evidence" Abraham and Sarah received was spoken promise. Words they received was in form of Promise, and not in form of Testimony or Indication. If, that they then did a miracle, made from people/angels who gave Promise, for example to make bread - (of) - from stones, that would serve to Abraham and Sarah, as Indication - sign, how another miracle, future birth of son, is also possible. I that case her "faith in promise" would be supported by Evidence of bread made from stones.
    Definition of evidence
     (Entry 1 of 2)
    1a: an outward sign : INDICATION
    b: something that furnishes proof : TESTIMONY specifically : something legally submitted to a tribunal to ascertain the truth of a matter
    2: one who bears witness especially : one who voluntarily confesses a crime and testifies for the prosecution against one's accomplices
  23. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in IBSA, ORIGINAL INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS.   
    I replied above: I am happy that we are now called Jehovahs Witnesses because it brings honor to God's name and  we are therefore distinct from all other  Christian denominations by our loyalty to person of jehovah  God.
    I am happy that we do not cling to the cult of persona.  There was a tendency of old for people to do this as in case of Russel and Rutherford.
    There is a need to distribute the same choice of "food" to everyone world-wide. A brother in Uzbekistan must have the same food available for meetings  as in Kenya. For this to happen there is a need for central translation  and distribution services.
    Practical reasons drove the centralization of services.
    A Jewish scholar set out to collect extant manuscripts where the pronouncement of jehovahs name is indicated by th point system. So far he has collected over 1000 from museums all over the world where they were hidden.
    Many bible names such as Jeho-saphat, jeho-ram etc. also contain the name of the true god. Hallelu-jah. The pronunciation is correct....... but the use of this name is even more important than the pronunciation.
  24. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in 1914   
    No I just did a normal risk assessment of the threats to the earth and its population and realized that the bible is absolutely spot-on in its prophecies.
    Jehovah will definitely step in before we ruin it completely - so to look at certain milestones we have reached is practical.  
    Based on evidence.......  For example: Isaac  had faith that jehovah could resurrect him if he allowed his father to sacrifice him. His father had faith based on evidence .  Did he just blindly believe?  Definitely NOT.  He had "evidence" . He knew that his mother was beyond the age to bear children and jehovah revived her womb to produce his life. Jehovah could give him life again. True, Abraham knew that the promise would come through isaac and he had seen evidence of jehovah in his life before. 
  25. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in 1914   
    I have often seen you quote scriptures to suit yourself and  with a very warped or emotional perspective.
    One can have "evidence" - even if things are not seen.  The simplest example is wind. One cannot see it but one sees the effect..... therefore there is wind.
    How do they know there was a big bang...... they measure things which we cannot see with the eye.
    How do we know God exists? Because we can see intelligent design..... the unseen wisdom in the design.....
    I can go on and on.  For someone who claims to be anointed your insight  goes as far as quoting tons of scriptures without understanding what they really mean.
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