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  1. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in 2 Types of Worshippers on the Earth   
    "He will speak for you to the people, and he will be your spokesman, and you will serve as God to him"    (you will be representing God to him".)
    This quote is from exodus 4 :16 where Moses will be a" God" to Aaron.    This does not mean Moses must be worshipped but he will represent God to Aaron and will in this capacity have higher position than Aaron when representing the people when going before pharoah.
    In ancient times the word "god"  was often used for  the Ceasar.   Jesus is therefore also called "a God" in several places. Also in hebrews 1:9  "
    You loved righteousness, and you hated lawlessness. That is why God, your God, anointed you with the oil of exultation more than your companions.”
  2. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in 1914   
    True, but Jesus said: “Notice the fig tree and all the other trees.  When they are budding, you see it for yourselves and know that now the summer is near." 
    When I watch world events I compare it to what I have read in the bible.  It helps me to understand what is going on. This is why I agree with the GB.  It is not worship of them which allows me to agree with them -  it is knowledge of the realities around me.   I see the big blossoms opening up everywhere! 
  3. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in 2 Types of Worshippers on the Earth   
    "He will speak for you to the people, and he will be your spokesman, and you will serve as God to him"    (you will be representing God to him".)
    This quote is from exodus 4 :16 where Moses will be a" God" to Aaron.    This does not mean Moses must be worshipped but he will represent God to Aaron and will in this capacity have higher position than Aaron when representing the people when going before pharoah.
    In ancient times the word "god"  was often used for  the Ceasar.   Jesus is therefore also called "a God" in several places. Also in hebrews 1:9  "
    You loved righteousness, and you hated lawlessness. That is why God, your God, anointed you with the oil of exultation more than your companions.”
  4. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in THE REIGNING 144,000   
    Do you remember the subject  we were talking about?  If I remember correctly, you yourself quoted a scripture which showed that there is a replica in heaven of the earthly sanctuary in Israel's time and you quoted the scripture which says that  "flesh" is a barrier (curtain) to the heavenly sanctuary.  Only the high priest and under priests entered in this area in Israel's time.
    Jesus gave up his "fleshly barrier"  and went went to " heaven"  in the heavenly sanctuary  and offered up his randsom to jehovah. It was accepted and holy spirit poured out on the 50th  day on his disciples on earth.   They were anointed as future kings and priests but had to die faithful  to death  and give up their earthly flesh to go into heavenly sanctuary to serve as king and priest. (Same as jesus).
    The lady on this forum is still in flesh yet she wants to serve as a royal priest right now.  She rants against the GB because they are denying her royal priesthood because she cannot do her royal duties right now in the flesh here on earth.  Does it sound logical in the light of the scripture you quoted?
  5. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Evacuated in 1914   
    Quite so. And the understanding we have now, as proclaimed by the GB of Jehovah's Witnesses and supported by their application of Scripture, would appear to me to bear this out.
    The various perspectives of those contributing to the discussion on this matter really would not exist at all if it were not for these proclamations at this time. The historical "curios" of understanding that have led people who have stuck with the organisation to this point of time are in the public domain, as are similar "artifacts" of all areas of human endeavour. 
    Whether revered as trailblazing milestones in the search for truth, or ridiculed as crank-minded curios for the amusement of cynics, the body of historical thinking on the part of Jehovah's Witnesses serves really only one purpose. The 1st Century view of the apostle Paul on the effect of  various expressions of opinion on Christianty is as valid today as it was at the the time it was written:
    "With what result? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is being proclaimed, and I rejoice over this. In fact, I will also keep on rejoicing," Phillippians 1:18
  6. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in 1914   
    True, but Jesus said: “Notice the fig tree and all the other trees.  When they are budding, you see it for yourselves and know that now the summer is near." 
    When I watch world events I compare it to what I have read in the bible.  It helps me to understand what is going on. This is why I agree with the GB.  It is not worship of them which allows me to agree with them -  it is knowledge of the realities around me.   I see the big blossoms opening up everywhere! 
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in 1914   
    True, but Jesus said: “Notice the fig tree and all the other trees.  When they are budding, you see it for yourselves and know that now the summer is near." 
    When I watch world events I compare it to what I have read in the bible.  It helps me to understand what is going on. This is why I agree with the GB.  It is not worship of them which allows me to agree with them -  it is knowledge of the realities around me.   I see the big blossoms opening up everywhere! 
  8. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in 1914   
    Interesting points, in that it made them witnesses of what they saw through the "eyes" of their faith. Faith is assured expectation of things not seen. They saw the resurrected Jesus, but he was in a different state, "materialized." In time, they all had faith that this was not a demon or just any angel materializing as Jesus, but Jesus himself, the one they had previously witnessed in person. (The resurrected Jesus restored as an even more powerful spirit being, but materialized.) Up to 500 persons saw him in this state. And through the outpouring of the holy spirit at Pentecost they realized what they were receiving, in faith, that this was what Jesus had promised after he would sit down at the right hand of the Father's heavenly throne. As a group, however, they witnessed this, too. Stephen had a vision of Jesus standing at God's right hand. (Makes no difference if you are sitting or standing when you are at the right hand of the throne of majesty.)
  9. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in FAITH. IN WHOM OR WHAT and When ?   
    Yes. It is so ridiculous. The purpose of organization is to magnify an activity. The purpose of opposition to organization is to defeat that activity. There are some nuances, back eddies, and addendums—anything in which humans are involved will have blemishes—but in general the above statement says it all.
  10. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from the Sower of Seed in Jehovah's Witnesses' "Hailstone Message"   
    I do believe that the waters of  Truth does not sting or hurt but hailstones of truth weighing a symbolic talent will definitely  be devastating.   It is a prophecy...... so in my mind's eye - I know it will happen.  I believe jehovah's Word.
  11. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in Leviticus 26:1   
    I now live in a country where people kiss icons and make the cross when they walk past a cross or symbol of the church.   So much worship of idols.
  12. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to the Sower of Seed in Jehovah's Witnesses' "Hailstone Message"   
    I did not mean to state that persecution began against the leadership with the war.
    However "no persecution", This seems to be a little to broad of a statement. Did not many brothers join in the war? We need not debate why. The delay before turning to the leadership could be that Satan and his cronies were satisfied with the terror the war was bringing to people everywhere.
    Who were persecuted? the Catholic? the Baptist? ? No, Jehovah's Witnesses were denied the same civil rights afforded other citizens.
    If I push a point, it is that persecution against the Jehovah's Witnesses raged in Canada and the US for many years after WW1, not all at once, but in one locality after another, into the 60's where some were bused to neighboring state lines because of neutrality.
    Atrocities happened in the Bible Belt that were not ever written about!
  13. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Why did God kill Lots wife for checking out the giant fireballs raining from the sky upon the city she lived in but saw no fault in Lot and his daughters who survived and later got their father boozed up and raped him so they could have his babies?   
    I do enjoy the entertainment value here ..... sometimes we need crazy comments to lighten things up.
    Swedish culture is very serious, South African culture (white) suffers from the same malaise.  
    Every culture is different - so if I irritate some here - ascribe it to culture.  Of course - there is a time to joke and a time to be serious.  
  14. Sad
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Why did God kill Lots wife for checking out the giant fireballs raining from the sky upon the city she lived in but saw no fault in Lot and his daughters who survived and later got their father boozed up and raped him so they could have his babies?   
    I wish I could ..... I have arthritis in my hands and I am battling to highlight sentences on the pad. I have to move the wrist to copy and these movements are too large. Most of my time goes into trying to copy..... it is frustrating. This is why I now just write quickly how I speak - just correct the barest necessity.  Apologies...... I must be frustrating the lot of you.  Soon I will disappear again for a while.  I do only come on here intermittendly.
  15. Haha
  16. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to the Sower of Seed in Jehovah's Witnesses' "Hailstone Message"   
    In Noah's day you new when the Ark was near completion that you would either see rain or that it was all hoax! Which was it?
    When Moses returned to Egypt, sign on top of sign led to the culmination and the answer to the question would the slaves be delivered after 400 years? Gen.15:13
    The Bible foretold Jesus birth. He grew to be a perfect human man who would show sign on top of sign for 3-1/2 years culminating in a partial fulfillment of Gen.3:15.
    140 years ago, a man described the Kingdom of God and the End of the Gentile times. 1914 and WW1 were evidence of of the Birth of God's Kingdom in Heaven by the Anointing of Jesus as it's 1st King. The Apostles of Christ and other 1st century disciples were then raised from corruption to glory as Kings of that Kingdom.As the number of the Anointed neared 144,000 the Other Sheep became recognized as future citizens of a government expressing Jehovah's sovereignty towards the Earth.
    Now the Good News that was foretold to encompass the Earth at Mtt.24:14 and Mrk 13:10 is now witnessed as nearing completion.
    Soon every person on Earth will learn whether Jehovah is God and is Motivating Jehovah's Witnesses to preach the Good News as a prophet in our midst or its all a hoax. We approach the culmination of 140 years of God's Search for friends. We must see Sign in sun,moon and stars as evidence that Daniel 7:26 has begun. God has sat down to Judge the living and then the dead.
    There is no need to foretell a date, only the culmination of the expressed will of God and the many facets we see day after day. Once these things begin the "hailstone" is that is to late to kneel to God newly expressing reverence. Mtt.24:30 Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 
  17. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to the Sower of Seed in 2 Types of Worshippers on the Earth   
    We come to Christ through imitation of him, not by prayer to him. Christ did not wear any images, Christ was never a soldier in any war of human government, nor did he hail Caesar or any other man. Christ was not a womanizer nor a drunkard. Christ did not dress in expensive garb or exult himself as the one to be worshiped.Christ did not use his authority to extract favors from anyone or abuse them.Jesus was in Heaven as Michael when many Bible verses were expressed from Jehovah's presence such as Exodus 20:3 God stated: "You must not have any other gods besides me." ........Not Even Jesus!
    Deuteronomy 4:24 For Jehovah your God is a consuming fire, a God who requires exclusive devotion.
    5:9 You must not bow down to them nor be led to serve them, for I, Jehovah your God, am a God who requires exclusive devotion, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation of those who hate me, 
    6:15 for Jehovah your God who is in your midst is a God who requires exclusive devotion. Otherwise, the anger of Jehovah your God will blaze against you and he will annihilate you from the face of the earth.
    Jesus is THE GIFT OF GOD, GOD is GREATER THAN ANY OTHER BEING. He CHOSE a personal name Exodus 3:15 Then God said once more to Moses: “This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘Jehovah the God of your forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered from generation to generation.
    Is this a True statement or is the Bible a book of lies? 
    Christ prayed to His One Real Father as seen at John 17, he did not worship any other God or teach others to.
    One Living Being is Worthy of our worship, One living being had the Power to create the material universe which Christ was as a helper. See Revelation 4:11 “You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created.”
    Are the facts true?
    The entire Hebrew text speaks of One Almighty God who would send a Seed of His Angelic beings to crush Satan as foretold at Genesis 3:15. The same God punished people who did not worship Him Alone. The Israelites failed to obediently kill every inhabitant of the Land given them by God, this led them to worship Sacred Poles and images of Baal and other gods,even making their children pass through the fire to their death.They worshiped things like the sun,moon and stars. Jehovah punished them time and time again as generations passed and new were born who did not know God because their parents had left the way given by God.
    Today generations have misled their children,many have taught them to worship false gods and saints and images and even Mary. The worship of Jesus as God is False Worship just like any other.  
    The Greek verses show the fulfillment of many verses that Jesus could not manipulate to become the Seed. Jesus taught us who God is by his acts and speech. He never said "I am God" or I am the Creator, no he stated he is a lessor one, the son of man, the son of God. The name Jesus means "Jehovah is Salvation".
    Jesus was the Seed sent to gather men of faith, they taught others and wrote pages describing the Christ they new. After they died, the pages were withheld by scrupulous men who exalted themselves over generations of men and women who had a zeal for god but not according to Accurate Information. They taught that they were the way to God and built a vast empire of falsehoods, you can still see the false worshipers in their various powers on Earth.They use many lessor ones to fulfill their fleshly hungers.
    It is much easier for someone with no spiritual knowledge to grasp the truth, than those who have been poisoned by the spiritual falsehoods, profited from in the many books sold in the libraries and book stores of this world and preached by affable men and women in mega churches and television evangelizers, all do not know the truth but make themselves appear as experts!
    If you pray to or worship Jesus, you are acting as a False worshiper according to the Bible, See John 4:23,24 WHO IS GOD LOOKING FOR?
    The Entire Bible must Harmonize and must be held as the Highest authority on the matter!
  18. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in "WITNESSING" AT THE CART   
    You could easily make the case that it didn’t flow in the first century either.
    “However, when Ceʹphas came to Antioch, I resisted him face to face, because he stood condemned.  For before the arrival of certain men from James, he used to eat with people of the nations; but when they arrived, he went withdrawing and separating himself, in fear of those of the circumcised class.  The rest of the Jews also joined him in putting on this pretense...” Galatians 2:11-13
    This is an astounding bit of cowardice from one who was a leader in the Christian community—in fact, he could be said to be the most prominent leader, he being the recipient of the “keys of the kingdom.” There are schoolchildren who will not allowed themselves to be bullied so. Verse 13 makes clear that his cowardly example messed up many from the Jewish community.
    Imagine how Peter—and everyone that allowed him to stay in his place—would have been savaged here on the World News Media Forum.
    You should check yours very carefully, because I am not sure that they do. The most absurd collections of words come out of them.
    Ho ho ho
  19. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in "WITNESSING" AT THE CART   
    I don't even think the Holy Spirit flows.
  20. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Why did God kill Lots wife for checking out the giant fireballs raining from the sky upon the city she lived in but saw no fault in Lot and his daughters who survived and later got their father boozed up and raped him so they could have his babies?   
    I wake up at night and write on my pad. .... or early in morning in bed while husband is blessed with long sleep.  I am separated by 8 hours from you guys. (Republic of Georgia).  I will try to do a better job. I also struggle to copy scriptures... that is why my quotation if scripture is mostly from memory.  Funny how small handicaps make life harder when you get older.    
  21. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in “He Used to be the Meanest SOB Around and He Turned Out Better than Any of Us”   
    Does that sound like righteous justice?  This is collectivist justice - which commies like and people who do not respect individual rights of people.  They define groups of people and give them a label and then get rid of them!   
    Anti-LGBT will soon be such a group.  Jesus- lovers may soon be such a group, jehovah- lovers may soon be such a group etc.
  22. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why did God kill Lots wife for checking out the giant fireballs raining from the sky upon the city she lived in but saw no fault in Lot and his daughters who survived and later got their father boozed up and raped him so they could have his babies?   
    I am sorry ... I did not know you were writing on a tablet or pad.
    I do my writing on a laptop, with a USB keyboard in front at an angle, with the back on a brick., and with a USB mouse, it is almost effortless, and I type with two fingers.
    If it's one thing I have learned in life ... use the best tools you can't afford, even if it means missing two meals a day.
  23. Upvote
  24. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to DINGA John in Jehovah's Witnesses' "Hailstone Message"   
    The seventh plague poured out upon the air or spirit of this world accomplishes these things and also much more, because it affects the atmosphere itself. Therefore Revelation 16:21 continues: “And a great hail with every stone about the weight of a talent descended out of heaven upon the men, and the men blasphemed God due to the plague of hail, because the plague of it was unusually great.” So from the atmosphere there crash down hailstones on men, hailstones of tremendous size, weighing ninety-six pounds avoirdupois. They fall with great speed and cause stupendous destruction. Since hailstones are congealed water, this hailstorm pictures that heaven would send down upon worldly mankind a barrage of hard Biblical truths. Jehovah’s witnesses are now preaching a message of deliverance and salvation for those who will take refuge in the Kingdom, which cannot be shaken. But the hailstones picture, not a message of deliverance, but the hard, unyielding proclamation of God’s vengeance against Satan’s visible organization. Jehovah’s witnesses will at the last deliver this stinging message, presaging the destruction of the men upon whom it falls. The men who are affected by this hailstorm are those who did not call upon the name of Jehovah for salvation, but who blasphemed him at hearing the judgment messages and the execution of these. They refused in the past to hear the message that would have meant salvation for them and now they especially hate this condemning declaration. (Joel 2:32; Rom. 10:13) The fact that the plague of it was unusually great foreshows that at the last there will be an unusually great proclamation of God’s vengeance by Jehovah’s witnesses. That the seventh plague will indeed finish the anger of God upon the world is illustrated in the picture here given in Revelation. It indicates that those who survive the symbolic earthquake will without fail be destroyed by the accurately aimed executional hailstones from the heavens. Not that the truths themselves kill them, but the judgments that God executes in harmony with the truths expressed.—Job 38:22, 23; Ps. 148:7, 8; Isa. 28:2-17. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  25. Sad
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Why did God kill Lots wife for checking out the giant fireballs raining from the sky upon the city she lived in but saw no fault in Lot and his daughters who survived and later got their father boozed up and raped him so they could have his babies?   
    I wish I could ..... I have arthritis in my hands and I am battling to highlight sentences on the pad. I have to move the wrist to copy and these movements are too large. Most of my time goes into trying to copy..... it is frustrating. This is why I now just write quickly how I speak - just correct the barest necessity.  Apologies...... I must be frustrating the lot of you.  Soon I will disappear again for a while.  I do only come on here intermittendly.
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