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  1. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    You remind me of the guy who wrote Thirty years a WT slave.  He was a slave....  You really believe the claptrap you talk.  I have been a Witness for 45 years.  I have never been in awe of anyone...... not you either.....
    Some witnesses are inclined this way..... but they would be like sheeple even if they were not JWs.   I think JWs teach them to be less useful to governments who use the sheeple to fight their wars and they are less pliable to their political agendas and propaganda because they obey the GB suggestions. They are also less pliable to scholarly  deceit and amorality.
  2. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    I challenge you on that one! I think you are the one suffering from Dunning-Kruger effect.... Knowing what the effect is,  does not make one immune to it.
  3. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Space Merchant in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    @AlanF Restorationist do not worship men religiously, despite the fact they too have pastors, priests, etc. Therefore, that claim is absurd. It would have fit the bill if any of them are not of the great awakening regarding Christendom. That being said, points were made here in the past of which can easily and readily can be brought up.
    @Arauna Unfortunately, no one really cares about pedophilia worldwide, for if that was the case, a lot of things would have been different. They also ignore the fact that pedophilia is a problem in which it invades and taints all institutions, as is with exploiting them. That being said, the irony of it all is those who think they know this world of CSA are the same ones who turn a blind eye to the child and or children turned into prostitutes, pimped out to the rich and wealthy and or some to the middle class, as is with the ones living in the streets being brought into that life.
  4. Sad
    Arauna reacted to Vic Vomidog in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    Many, many lies have been told about me here! Maybe you have shared in this wicked plot. JWs are trying to silence me! They are afraid of what I know! Soon they will see that they are right to be afraid of me.
  5. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    Now that sentence tells me you were a witness in name only - a counterfeit.  You were totally complicit in a cover up....  have you ever contemplated that?  What I see and hear from you is not mature.  
    People are people and get up to all kinds of things.  Sometimes the elders open a can of worms where they wonder what the person has NOT done.  You see when a person starts going beyond their conscience there is nothing they cannot do.... and the hidden things are usually the last things to be revealed.    
  6. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    You remind me of the guy who wrote Thirty years a WT slave.  He was a slave....  You really believe the claptrap you talk.  I have been a Witness for 45 years.  I have never been in awe of anyone...... not you either.....
    Some witnesses are inclined this way..... but they would be like sheeple even if they were not JWs.   I think JWs teach them to be less useful to governments who use the sheeple to fight their wars and they are less pliable to their political agendas and propaganda because they obey the GB suggestions. They are also less pliable to scholarly  deceit and amorality.
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    Totally agree. I come from Africa and know all about this.  I also preach to Muslims (arabic) and they sell their daughters to old men, the highest bidder.... or when they need cash.  My bible study was sold at age nine because her father needed the money for her older brother.  She had 4 children by age 17. .... and later 4 more.
    I do not take you seriously because you are NOT a wise person. You cite tons of  scriptures but cannot apply them in a practical way.  It seems to be only knowledge and very little practical love.  A lot of judgment ..... too with no good suggestions..... just poison.
    I do preach eternal life NOT hate like you do.  I am always aware that I am a sinner even though I do not commit gross sins.   I understand from scripture that I must be preaching (it is a duty for a true Christian) and I need to help a person to have a 'group of people'  - a body of people, with practical infrastucture for meetings and preaching ,  where they can incite each other to fine works and receive encouragement. 
    I cannot take interested ones to a church because they teach a dogma of immortality of the soul - they teach that jesus did not really die.  I read in the bible that in last days there will be a "slave" providing spiritual food. Matt 24:45.  I also read in Isaiah 2:2-4 that there will be one nation in the world comprised of all nations that do not do war....... so OK - JWs fit these bible descriptions.
    So now,  I expect to have spiritual association - BUT to still be the master of my own faith.  Do I expect some of thesepeople to deviate and become apostates - yes the bible warns against this.  Do i expect a measure of protection - maybe a little .... but how much - this the real question? 
    If I expect perfect protection from everything that can go wrong...... then I must also expect the group leaders to mix in my private life to find out everything about me (past and present) and make everything known about me...... so others can be protected from my bad inclinations.  This sounds like the scientologists..... 
    So obviously, there needs to be balance regarding the protection given...... and what about the parent's responsibility?  Must elders take this over too?  
    So.... where there is freedom with personal responsibility - there will always be those who expect perfection and personal accountability from other individuals for their own mishaps..... or their own parent's oversight.
    A call for perfect protection because an organization is religious is claptrap and based on a naive conception of the world.  When a person has been convicted in court or enough evidence collected for shunning then this is a different matter.  But as I said before - even professionals struggle to get the evidence..... So now they accuse the GB of being too unprofessional in their protection policies.  I guess these people should have joined the scientologists who have a better surveillance system. 
    I do believe the GB should have reviewed their policies sooner - in line with the new government laws as they improved in each country - but they cannot protect every person from every danger.  It is the parent's duty to give that protection so the child is never in a compromising situation. 
    The one law which governments have not yet changed is the law relating to confessional protection.  Lawyers and clergy have this.   The catholic church has refused to use confessions from people against them as well - as in JWs.    
    What is WRONG in the catholic practice is this: the Catholics have moved clergy AFTER legal convictions were obtained or evidence was given and payouts made ....it is  pattern or practice in the organization.   Child molestation is everywhere where there are children..... and escalating by law right now as a legal blind eye is held when children are married against their will at age nine.
  8. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    "Oh- so you said-"    is a tactic of putting words in my mouth I did not say.  I see you use this a lot.  
    What I am saying that "scholars" were hoodwinked by pedophiles  so why would "uninspired" elders not be hoodwinked?  You are the one with unreasonable standards and bias.  
  9. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to AlanF in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    JW Insider said:
    Of course. One such was in the April 1, 1986 Watchtower, which considered the question, "Why have Jehovah’s Witnesses disfellowshipped (excommunicated) for apostasy some who still profess belief in God, the Bible, and Jesus Christ?" The article never clearly defines "apostasy", but weasels around by saying that a true Christian must accept "the entire range of the true teachings of the Bible, including those Scriptural beliefs that are unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses." But this is another instance of the Society talking out of both sides of its mouth, because the Insight book, under "Apostasy", clearly states that apostasy "constitutes a rebellion against God and a rejection of his Word of truth." Combining the two concepts results in something like this: "Since the Governing Body speaks for God, rejecting its teachings is rebellion against God." And we know that this idea has been clearly enunciated or implied hundreds of times in JW literature.
    Of course, in the most general sense, "apostasy" means "leaving a previous loyalty", but that is far too broad a definition because it would mean that a loyal employee who quits his job is an apostate, which is an absurd use of the word. So the Society's many rantings against "apostates" essentially equate disagreement with its teachings with rebellion against God. How convenient!
    Much more accurate words to describe dissent from Watchtower teaching are "heterodoxy" and "heresy". But heresy has dire associations, such as "Inquisition" and so forth, so the Society will not use it.
    Catholic scholar Jeffrey Burton Russell, writing in Dissent and Order in the Middle Ages: The Search for Legitimate Authority (Twayne Publishers, 1992), gave an excellent account of these and related words and how they have been used in the Catholic world (pp. 2-3):
    << Ideas acceptable to the bishops and to approved theologians were defined as orthodox (correct teaching) and catholic (universally held)... Dissenting ideas were considered heterodox (divergent). Heterodox ideas, when defined and condemned by the bishops, were deemed heretical. A heretic was a dissenter formally condemned by an accepted ecclesiastical authority... The term heretic is distinguished from infidel, one who is not Christian at all; apostate, one who abandons Christianity; and schismatic, one who has true doctrine but does not submit to ecclesiastical order. >>
    Most of these concepts are found in the April 1, 1986 Watchtower.
    Yes, as I said above.
    That's right, but no administrators in their right minds would call such an expelled person an apostate.
    And of course, expelling for clearly stated organizational reasons has nothing to do with equating those reasons with rebellion against God. It is this unchristian attitude, among other things, that defines Jehovah's Witnesses as a destructive cult.
  10. Thanks
  11. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Anna in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    I did not say that. I said God obviously didn't appoint Greenlees.
    No it does not, it does not depend on that. No man can apply the scriptures perfectly. If they could, then there would be no need for Jesus to die. Also, man judges only by what he can see. So if someone appears to qualify according to the requirements in Timothy, then they are appointed.
    It does, because you asked :
    To which I replied, no God was not fooled but man was. Connect the dots please.
    There are a few people that I met in my life who I suspect may be that way inclined. But I have no proof.
    Holy spirit can be ignored, because we all have free will.
     I think this part should be put under a different topic heading. Perhaps JWI can do that? And then I will reply to it there.
    You mean people like Bowen?
    I doubt that.
    My point was that if we really know the details, discoverable by reading detailed transcripts and unravel the complexity, then we can see that often there was no cover up, it merely appeared that way on the surface. I am sure you know about two sides to a story. With CSA there are multiple complex sides, its not easy to get the facts unless you hear all the sides. For example you find out that a disfellowshiped man molested an 8 year old girl, and that the elders knew about him molesting another girl years prior to this one. Those are the bare bones. Then you find out that the mother (of the child) took the child to the perpetrators house (who happened to be the mothers step dad) for baby sitting, knowing that he had previously molested her (the mother's) sister when they were young.  "The first to state his case seems right,Until the other party comes and cross-examines him". Prov 18:17
    Ummm....., that tells me merely your opinion.
    It is a process that is outlined in the Bible for the appointment of elder men. How else do you want me to understand it?
  12. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    This is too juvenile. If you appoint someone who turns out to be a clunker, you say, “Guess that wasn’t so inspired after all,” and let that be the end of it. I wrote it up here:
    There are people here who are like children that learn that there is no Santa Claus, and so they resolve to never ever celebrate Christmas again. Adults, however, do not cease celebrating for this reason—they fall back to the “greater meaning” of Christmas, and so forth. They realize that Christmas is much bigger than Santa Claus—he is something only for children.
    Indeed, if the only problem with Christmas was that there is no Santa Claus, then we would be celebrating the day, some of us. Some would. Some wouldn’t.
    In this case, the “no Santa Claus” is learning that the GB is made up of men who can make mistakes. Most never doubted that in the first place. But those who did and who truly love God and the core beliefs that identify Jehovah’s Witnesses and Jehovah’s Witnesses alone manage to make the adjustment without undo fuss, if only by reiterating the words of Peter: “To whom else shall we go?” Who else thinks the thoughts and does the deeds of Jehovah’s Witnesses?
  13. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    Is this long comment what it looks like? Is this fellow really doing lengthy commentary on the greatest scholar that he can envision—himself?
    He quotes himself and provides edifying commentary how many times? Count em—one, two, three, four.......TEN!
    It’s no wonder nobody likes to see him come around. Even those who agree with him can’t possibly pat him on the back as much as he does himself.
  14. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    “This is fine and acceptable in the sight of our Savior, God, whose will is that all sorts of men should be saved.”
    This includes straw men. Even them you cannot resist insulting!
    They changed that
    They do change things and are very open about it. The only one getting exorcized over it is you. It is the topic of yesterday’s daily text.
    They are running a show that no one else even attempts to  They adjust things that don’t work out as anticipated.
    There is nothing that you do not comment on at the most absurd and tiresome length.
  15. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    I think you are wrong here. I think that there are fewer apostasy disfellowshippings than you think, so the net effect can't be determined. Also, among JWs, there is a great appreciation for the good that comes out of association with others of like faith in the brotherhood. I'm sure you think this is irrelevant, but it would override any effect a few more or a few less disfellowshippings. 
    In fact, I think the effect could be opposite. Membership roles might even increase as persons who had been pushed away would feel more comfortable associating again where they can now feel more supported, even if it weaknesses in their faith that caused their doctrinal deviations. It does not mean that less DFings would necessarily be right, because there are many who are only interested in disruption, chaos, contentions, and causing trouble and discomfort. These ones are not conducive to the comfort and encouragement of the brotherhood, and they should go.
    It might produce a more flexible theology as it sounds like there would be less enforcement of deviations. But it would take a while for most JWs to be comfortable with the idea of any kind of deviations, anyway. For the most part we already have a high appreciation of what has been given to us through the organization. This is even true of those of us who recognize the GB as elders handling some specific necessary ministries, and do not think of them as the "governors of our faith" or the exact equivalent of the FDS.
    When it comes to deviations of current doctrine, even "overlapping generations" would probably take some time to go, because no one has offered a consistent acceptable replacement yet. Witnesses are generally very comfortable with their leadership. We actually appreciate the humility it takes to remind us that they are imperfect and will make mistakes and that not all the food will be perfect. It would be considered even more discreet to stop DFing for certain kinds of apostasy.
    Of course, the Bible already gives us a guide that shows there are also very serious kinds of apostasy, and therefore we would always expect nearly complete and unanimous approval about some disfellowshipping for apostasy.
  16. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    I like that you included some of the articles from the Awake! and mentioned that persons associated with the WTS sometimes could and should have been more aware and more careful. This is often very true, and parents should be very alert to potential child abuse. On the front lines, as it were. Also they know the personality of the child, assuming they are involved with them, and communicating with them. If something is wrong a parent who is in close daily communication with their children will often sense when something is off. Of course, during the ages when children are often abused, they are often going through personality changes that are difficult for parents to navigate with them.
    Also, I noticed you made a big point out of the specific term "grooming" as if the Awake! had used this term before it was ever used in "the law." You said:
    And you highlighted the timeline where you indicated that the Awake! had been discussing this in 2004 and 2007, implying that the law didn't catch up to the Awake! until 2009.
    There are a few points to consider:
    1. The Watchtower publications are not using the term in a legal sense, they are only copying the way in which the word had recently been used in worldly news reports, publications and newspapers. 
    2. There is nothing special about the term, since it's merely the equivalent of various descriptions of the way a predator might prepare a victim and make them feel more and more comfortable in a situation where they will be further victimized. A single term that involved a range of activities is a time-saver, and can help communicate the need for a law, or help to effectively communicate the guilt of a person who is involved in activities that might otherwise not be prosecuted on their own. It's only when they can be seen as part of a pattern that the predator uses to escalate opportunities to find and create victims that they are seen as prosecutable.
    3. The argument that knowledge of the term should make parents and guardians more aware, can backfire back onto the elders or other leaders of congregation activities, when they, as leaders and teachers, should even be more aware of everything printed in the publications, even those publications like the Awake!, that are not studied in a congregational setting. You are potentially arguing that elders are potentially more guilty for creating and permitting situations when grooming can take place.
    Going to point number one, we find a description of the grooming process in discussions of child sexual abuse going back to the 1970's and probably before. The actual term "grooming" shows up in the 1980's, about 20 years before the Awake! used it.
    The Oxford English Dictionary includes this definition of grooming:
    Of a paedophile: to befriend or influence (a child), now esp. via the Internet, in preparation for future sexual abuse.
       1985 Chicago Tribune 28 May v. 8/2 These ‘friendly molesters’ become acquainted with their targeted victim‥, gaining their trust while secretly grooming the child as a sexual partner.    1996 A. Mullender Rethinking Domest. Violence vii. 200 Children have been ‘groomed’ by their abusers to associate abuse with apparently harmless topics that can continue to be mentioned in letters and cards.    2005 Big Issue 3 Jan. 18/2 While ‘stranger danger’ does exist—like internet chat-rooms where abusers groom children—sexual abuse often involves people intimate to the family or even within the family.
    Legally, you can also see that the "idea" of prosecuting for "preparation and influence" goes back to discussions of predators in the AOL chat rooms of 1999. The following site points to a legal precedent from 2011 in footnote 3. But that footnote looks at sets of precedents from before:
    Footnote 3 points to https://www.courtlistener.com/opinion/218946/united-states-v-chambers/
    That 2011 precedent was based primarily on a 2006 ruling (over a much earlier precedent, see the end of the post), which already did everything except use the actual term "grooming":
    18 U.S.C. § 2422(b), which makes it a crime to use interstate commerce to attempt or to knowingly persuade, induce, entice, or coerce any individual under the age of eighteen to engage in prostitution or any sexual activity for which any individual can be charged with a criminal offense.
    The idea that activities in these preparatory steps might seem not to be serious enough on their own for prosecution was taken care of with:
    United States v. Rovetuso, 768 F.2d 809, 821 (7th Cir.1985)
    And further research tying it all back to what was now called "grooming" went back to 1998:
    Grooming refers to deliberate actions taken by a defendant to expose a child to sexual material; the ultimate goal of grooming is the formation of an emotional connection with the child and a reduction of the child's inhibitions in order to prepare the child for sexual activity. Doe v. Liberatore, 478 F. Supp. 2d 742, 749-50 (M.D.Pa.2007); Sana Loue, "Legal and Epidemiological Aspects of Child Maltreatment," 19 J. Legal Med. 471, 479 (1998).
    United States v. Robert Owen Bailey, 228 F.3d 637 (6th Cir. 2000)
    Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
    Filed: October 3rd, 2000
    Note that this very similar case from 2000 refers to 18 U.S.C. § 2422(b), which has amendments but actually goes back to 1910. In the 1940s the version already had statements that could easily be applied to the Internet:
    Whoever knowingly persuades, induces, entices, or coerces any individual to travel in interstate or foreign commerce, or in any Territory or Possession of the United States, to engage in prostitution, or in any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. (b)
    Whoever, using the mail or any facility or means of interstate or foreign commerce, or within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States knowingly persuades, induces, entices, or coerces any individual who has not attained the age of 18 years, to engage in prostitution or any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title and imprisoned not less than 10 years or for life.   ---------- A 2002 book discusses "Grooming" in excruciating details in its many stages:             Protecting Your Children From Sexual Predators By Leigh Baker
  17. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to ASF-37 in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    For you that are debating bylaws and secular law? This might shed some light on several points raised as a concern for the term grooming.
    *** g04 12/8 p. 20 The Internet—How to Avoid the Dangers ***
    Children are even more vulnerable to exploitation and harm by “computer-sex offenders.” Using “crookedness of speech” and “deviousness of lips,” pedophiles target inexperienced children. (Proverbs 4:24; 7:7) Engaging in a practice known as grooming, they shower the child with attention, affection, and kindness to make the youngster feel special. They seem to know everything a child is interested in
    *** g 10/07 p. 6 How to Protect Your Children ***
      In time, the molester will begin grooming the child for abuse. He gradually becomes more physical with the child through innocent-looking displays of affection, playful wrestling, and tickling. He may give generous gifts and begin to separate the child from friends, siblings, and parents, in order to spend time alone with the child.
    Officially, that term “grooming” has been attached to several circumstances. To that extent it was used in combination for the term “child abuse” as part of a legal argument that wasn’t used in the U.S. until 2009.

    The consideration is with timeline. The Watchtower, without being obligated or forced by reform, mentions in earlier articles addressing the problem of “grooming” in 2004-2007 that became the extent of the law in 2009.
    Any former member would then need to answer this fundamental question when this defense is offered, why wasn’t the child’s parents or close family member, didn't take precautions by reviewing prior Watchtower articles addressing such a danger?
  18. Like
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    On this forum, we have seen this critique a few times. It was clearly claimed by @JOHN BUTLER, who sadly was "DF'd" from the forum. It is similar to what has been said by @4Jah2me more recently, and @Witness, too.
    The idea is that if Jesus had in mind an ongoing feeding program from an appointed "faithful and discreet slave" where these teachers of the kingdom would teach things both old and new, then they should be inspired in the sense of having something like a "double portion of Jehovah's spirit." This does not mean "inspired" in the same sense as "apostolic succession" but aliases associated with @AllenSmith-38 have argued for something very close to "apostolic succession" or at least "apostolic precedence."
    I think that TTH's blog was actually dealing with a real question about an idea that the GB should really be inspired, even infallible, and that they should produce "perfect" food, which of course, they don't claim to do.
  19. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    Oh dear, I thought YOU would be above all that rubbish. Defence mechanism is it ?  
  20. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in BASIC FOUNDATION BELIEFS OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES   
    If teaching a better understanding of "sacrificial love" is flannel...... then your understanding of how society should function is limited....... as most Western societies are now having a problem with the fabric of society.  Religious, racial hate is escalating. People are looking to "social engineering " and post modern philosophy to provide answers.  They are now promoting new minorities such as LGBTQ and protected religions. Soon the UN will bring  in their arbitrary values to create "peace and security"  but will fail at the peace. 
    Amidst all this - jehovahs people are United under the moral values taught by christ.  In countries divided by racial hate such as south  africa and  growing racial divide in USA ...... we are United and the  level of support and  care for each other improving. 
    The core teachings of truth are there - we just need to improve our social skills with each other to meet the standards of jehovah as taught by jesus and his apostles...... 
    I can do better: most allow smoking, pre marital sex, use of predictions, superstition, use of idols, and many are now voting for approval of homosexuality and LGBTQ..... I can go on .... 
  21. Sad
    Arauna got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    I think you are too busy studying the sordid inner circle gossip details if the few cases of pedophilia amongst JWs,  that you have little knowledge of what is happening in the real world.
    All religion will soon be replaced by either worship of the state or one world religion which will take the form of a set of values which will include  LGBTQ ......P
    In your mind that will be wonderful because you hate all religion and cling to the dogma of Darwinism....... only ..... your disappointment will be great because you will be gnashing your teeth in anger at  the true God when he reveals himself.
  22. Haha
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    He’s back. Arguing with every single point, as was his wont, even the ones inconsequential to the thread—like the retort to the unreasonably chatty greeting from JWI with mention of concern of his atheism. 
    This is the fellow that The Librarian told me privately, “Please stop arguing with Alan.” She knew what I was then finding out—that under no circumstances will he ever yield the final word. I did stop, and sure enough, he went away.
    But he’s back.
    Leading off with an insult to Trump, no less, though it has absolutely nothing to do with anything, and will likely fall flat to an apolitical audience, and those not apolitical will divide 50/50, so that he will unnecessarily antagonize some that he is trying to convince. Still he must get it in, and thus reveals—much as I hate to attribute wisdom to @James Thomas Rook Jr. that he has full-blown TDS and identifies with the leftists.
    He’s back.
    Oozing with contempt for anyone with whom he disagrees: “So are you claiming you don't worship the Governing Body? Don't let your fellows know, or you'll be disfellowshipped for apostasy,” he taunts. 
  23. Like
    Arauna reacted to Space Merchant in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    The thing is what it comes down to is that - is it true or is it alleged? Because when it comes to odd people, people you do not like, and or hate, or have some other reason, there will always be an accusation against them. So, evidence over facts.
    I prefer it black, no sugar, no nothing due to the fact that I fast for nearly 2 days.
  24. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Space Merchant in JW.org Says Apostates are "Mentally Diseased"   
    @Arauna Not all educated people know their Bible. Sadly, you have some Christians and preachers proclaiming positive by means of showing that the Bible supports Homosexuality and exploiting the love and forgiveness that is God and through his Christ.
    But yes, the majority of the world is intertwined with the false teachings of mainstream Christendom, this includes what you've mentioned
    False teachings, practices, etc of which this world's Christianity's embraces needs to be refuted. Another thing is, false teachings such as these are the very ones that is actually declining Christendom and putting Islam and Spirituality on the raise, so in this sense, Trinitarians are indirectly harming themselves, but makes the job harder for legitimate preachers of the truth to teach the truth of the Bible.
    The truth of the Scriptures are interpreted differently by some, but the core conclusion is what is needed to be proclaimed in regards to the Bible in order to push out a professed truth - in short, someone may speak of what happened at Mount Gerizim differently and or what is in Revelations differently, but the core conclusion to said teaching is what remains the same, and said teaching must be taught to the people and or the person in the Bible study itself - helping said reader to not just read, but also to apply, and even meditate on what is learnt. Then you have Apostates who teach and twist and even throw in a bit of hate, I had my far share of such ones who claim to be Christian and defend false teachings and preach that Jesus loves everyone and that homosexuality is okay, or the fact that God has no care for the Earth he has created - they are gravely wrong.
    That being said, falsehood is everywhere, but there is and always will be a small handful of people who will minister and teach the truth, often times such ones are the very ones who are targets.
  25. Like
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    Every word emanating from my keyboard is laden with value. They positively reek with the stuff.
    All words from any other source should be disposed of. There is one or two Dilberts from JTR that are pretty good, but other than that.....out to the curb with everything except my posts!
    My favorite memory with Alan is when he was carrying on about his atheism and evolution, and I came onboard as Dr. Adhominem or someone to discuss learnedly with him the problem of persuading the rank and file about evolutionary psychology, since there really is no evidence and its little more than wishful evolutionist thinking—to see how long I could pull the scam before he knew he was being had. It went for two or three comments. Of course, it was completely unfair on my part, but he has such a blustering manner and a manifest need to prove himself RIGHT on EVERY SINGLE DETAIL, even those having nothing to do with the thread, that I couldn’t resist.
    Call THAT not contributing anything of value?
    Now watch him respond that he knew instantly that Dr Adhominem was a fraud, for it is very important to him to NEVER be in the wrong over ANYTHING.
    I mean, the guy has a personality that smacks  of waving a red flag before a bull. And he has NO sense of humor. A “juggernaut,” Witness called him. It will be very hard for me to refrain from saying much. I will try my best, but it will be hard. It is a huge consumer of time, so I’m not eager to commit that sin again, and besides, I don’t want to get The Librarian (that old hen) mad at me once more.
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