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  1. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    College Educations are NOT for the best and brightest, although they can be.
    They are for the average Joe and Joanna who has to make a living ... and MUST have degree, or advanced degree to even get INTO their chosen field of endeavor, and out of grinding, soul killing, corrosive, abject poverty that never will end.
    The choice for the average person is get a college degree, and LEARN what is necessary, and get a recognized document that PROVES they are proficient, or in most field that are not just low wage, slave labor, grunt work ... they cannot EVER get employed.
    Most people on this planet are just average people, and that includes Jehovah's Witnesses, who make it a source of pride to be "humble".
    No one EVER gets hired BECAUSE he is "humble".
    They get hired because they have marketable skills.
    For those NOT highly motivated and have an aggressive attitude, say the top 15% of humanity ... the ability to get a job and keep a job  not limited to the expression " ..you want fries with that? ..." at subsistence wages or less depends on FORMAL, accredited, and documented education.
    Consider the fact that if you are driving your car on a city street, and you have every skill necessary to be a good driver ... all the skills needed ... but you do NOT have a valid driver's license.
    There is a word for that.
    ALL DAY!
    It is no shame to be poor, or on the ragged edge of poverty ... but it is NOTHING to brag about.
    ... and when someone asks me "you want fries with that ...", I usually reply "Yes, two LARGE orders"
    Tankyou berry much.
    Much is said about the desirability of a "Simplified Life" ....
    Want a simplified life free from stress, fear and constantly scrabbling to survive?
    It's EASIER for those fully competent ... and can prove it.

  2. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Just wanted to add - it is I interesting that many smart kids also are good in music. Music lights up many parts of the brain in scans.  It is also the last skill to die off in Alzheimers.
    I think that training in music teaches discipline and focus and this benefits children in other fields. All children should learn music for a while if possible.  It is remarkable that so many Jews learn music and many play in ensembles (it teaches people to listen to others and work together to produce something with esthetic value).  It is not surprising to me that they have a higher average IQ than other nations.
  3. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Thanks for that personal experience and viewpoint.  I have seen (especially in computer field) many brilliant kids. One of my nephews also played music while teaching  himself programming.  He is a firewall programmer (or something very saught after in protection field) without a degree.  
    I marvel sometimes at kids who turn out technical machines in poor countries (especially central Africa) where the intellectual and technical landscape is barren. They somehow find books and teach themselves.
    My best friend in Africa has a son who manufactures feeding machines for factories (including car factories). He designs and makes them.  I knew him as a boy.  She raised him and his 2 sisters alone and did not have money for secondary education.
    I wish all stories turn out like this but unfortunately we do know reality - not all people are innovative.  Some have to go to vocational school to learn how to do a job in order to become employable. 
    To be an entrepeneur one needs a skill (self-taught or acquired during secondary education) to provide something of value one can sell.
  4. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Thanks for that personal experience and viewpoint.  I have seen (especially in computer field) many brilliant kids. One of my nephews also played music while teaching  himself programming.  He is a firewall programmer (or something very saught after in protection field) without a degree.  
    I marvel sometimes at kids who turn out technical machines in poor countries (especially central Africa) where the intellectual and technical landscape is barren. They somehow find books and teach themselves.
    My best friend in Africa has a son who manufactures feeding machines for factories (including car factories). He designs and makes them.  I knew him as a boy.  She raised him and his 2 sisters alone and did not have money for secondary education.
    I wish all stories turn out like this but unfortunately we do know reality - not all people are innovative.  Some have to go to vocational school to learn how to do a job in order to become employable. 
    To be an entrepeneur one needs a skill (self-taught or acquired during secondary education) to provide something of value one can sell.
  5. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Did I mention that my youngest son was accepted to each and every Ivy League university in the United States? Just wanted the excuse to mention that again if I didn't state it before. 😊 His final choices were between MIT, CalTech, Harvard, and he chose Harvard because he also writes/performs music and studies history.
    He graduated with his degree in theoretical/engineering physics (with a minor in music) and was almost immediately contacted by another Ivy League university graduate who has worked at each Bethel site in upstate NY. Through this particular circumstance I have come to learn of several more university graduates working at NY Bethels. The engineers and environmental specialists, even IT specialists at various Bethels, have become more and more "infested" with Ivy League graduates. These are not always full-time positions, but are persons added to the team. At one time they were given only a consultant role, or advisory role, and often ignored, but the Society has learned through very expensive mistakes, to give them leadership roles in these teams.
    When I was at Bethel in Brooklyn many years ago, a flailing Computer/IT department was just starting up and a lot of expensive mistakes were being made when a couple of brothers with a lot of "spiritual" seniority were chosen to lead the new department. After about a half-million dollars worth of mistakes, they started to ditch the "decision by seniority" paradigm and gave more decisions to a brother who had a high position at IBM, but who was also arrogant to a fault.
    And they brought in a new bunch of fresh college graduated kids from around the country. One was a sister that my brother knew from Missouri, and one was a brother I had known from Missouri. (A brother who had not pioneered or even been very active.)  We had a four person room at Bethel and he became one of the four roommates. My roommate would commiserate with the sister and another member of the Computer department about the ridiculous arguments and decisions of the day.
    As it turned out, Arauna, you were right. A lot more practical progress was being made from a small team of computer hobbyists from up at the Wallkill Watchtower Farm in upstate NY. My roommate and the sister thought this was hilarious because there was a lot of prejudice against the "farm boys" even though the difference between who got assigned to the farm and who got assigned to Brooklyn was often just as random as a name in a hat.
    The "untrained" farm boys actually finished a home-made computer that started to computerize typesetting flawlessly through the APS5. This was a huge breakthrough project that Brooklyn had already wasted half-a-million on.
  6. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Witness in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Did Jesus say we could use our material riches for him?   This contradicts his words in Luke 18:22:
     When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” 
    “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  Matt 6:19-21   
    There is no scripture that I know of, indicating where Jesus put any value on accumulating money or riches and providing these riches for him. Matt 21:12,13
    Do you remember it was Satan who offered Jesus the kingdoms, their glory (and their riches) in the world?  Do you think he has, in the last days, made a pact with Satan, that he’ll now take riches from JWs for himself to build his own kingdoms in the world?
     “Unrighteous riches” convey a different, spiritual meaning:
     “When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money 19 and said, “Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.” 20 Peter answered: “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! 21 You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God.” Acts 8:18-21
    No one, can buy the gift of life with money or material riches, as the WT is telling you. 
    Undoubtedly, the world will suffer in extraordinary ways that we haven’t experienced before.  But, you are reading into a symbolic book, Revelation, an incorrect view the meaning of “buy and sell”.  In three instances, the book uses the word “buy”. 
    “I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. 19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.”  Rev 3:18,19
    I know you don’t think Christ is offering us literal gold, and we do not buy this gold with literal money.  This ‘treasure’ in gold refers to eternal life gained from the outpouring of his blood.  We “buy” this, not with literal riches in the world (that Wt teaches as “unrighteous riches”) but through repentance, obedience, and faith in his sacrifice.  We pay for it with our pure, clean, refined devotion to God. Mal 3:2-4; 1 Cor 3:13,14; John 17:17 We pay back Jesus by offering ourselves as obedient servants to his commands.  John 15:10; 2 Cor 5:15
     The symbolism of “buying” continues in Rev 13:17, where the “Beast”/false prophet of Rev 13:11,12 admonishes one to “buy” ITS spiritual “riches” produced by the organization that it directs.  (The WT also refers to the Wild Beast of Rev 13:1 as an "organization")  If one decided to reject this spiritual commodity, they are spiritually, symbolically “killed”. Rev 13:15  Now, isn’t this what the GB expects of all JWs, to “buy” whatever “food” comes from the “faithful and discreet slave” who “sell” it under the stipulation that no other spiritual commodities are acceptable?  How does a JW pay for it? With their devotion, servitude and respect for the organization and its leaders.  One must bear the “mark of the beast/organization” to take part in this spiritual transaction.  There’s a lot of controlled buying and selling by all parties, in the org.  2 Cor 11:2-4
  7. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    I am reminded of LeRoy Green—he would have said something like this. Leroy Green, who in the mixed congregation would drawl on without the slightest self-consciousness about “working for the white man” down in Mississippi. LeRoy Green, who retired from the railroads after 30 years with an intact pension. LeRoy Green, who in his 80s, was sought after by the younger brothers so they could jam with him. LeRoy Green, who, as I learned from relatives at his funeral, turned down an offer to tour with B.B.King, out of concern for his family and spirituality. LeRoy Green, with the most deep and infectious “hee-hee-hee” laugh you have ever heard, who I tried to line up to one day give my own funeral talk. It would have been one not to miss. I would have raised myself up from the dead to hear it: “Hee hee hee. Yeesss, that Tom Harley, he was a good ol boy. But he’s deeead now—D-E-A-D!”
    Unfortunately, LeRoy Green died first. He would have been one to say—I think I do recall him saying it—that keeping up with theocratic publications was the equivalent of a 4-year college education.
  8. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Actually, those who still tout worldly education are not up to date with what is going on at universities- especially the fields in humanities.
    There are many 'generic' degrees that have no value except put the person in debt for life.  The new degrees in feminism, social studies etc. Is guaranteed to turn the student into a walking nutcase who believes that men can have periods and gender is not determined by x and y chromosomes. Touchy feely persons who are triggered by every politically incorrect utterance and bully others who do not think as they do. 
    Even the sciences and judicial system are now effected by this nonsense. There is a gynecologist in the news who is having her son of 7 years go though a sex change and the court has gone against the rational father. 
    An education is supposed to give one proper thinking skills...... to be objective and logic.  But throwing right and wrong away and replacing it with human philosophy is leading to disaster.
    At least bible reading helps one see realities and gives a moral compass....... something which is missing in the current scenario at colleges and universities.
  9. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Actually, those who still tout worldly education are not up to date with what is going on at universities- especially the fields in humanities.
    There are many 'generic' degrees that have no value except put the person in debt for life.  The new degrees in feminism, social studies etc. Is guaranteed to turn the student into a walking nutcase who believes that men can have periods and gender is not determined by x and y chromosomes. Touchy feely persons who are triggered by every politically incorrect utterance and bully others who do not think as they do. 
    Even the sciences and judicial system are now effected by this nonsense. There is a gynecologist in the news who is having her son of 7 years go though a sex change and the court has gone against the rational father. 
    An education is supposed to give one proper thinking skills...... to be objective and logic.  But throwing right and wrong away and replacing it with human philosophy is leading to disaster.
    At least bible reading helps one see realities and gives a moral compass....... something which is missing in the current scenario at colleges and universities.
  10. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    See below - important scripture!
    We are reaching the point where human control over others will have no limit (as quoted scripture above indicates) and political and religion are close bedfellows - just like in Babylon when Nimrod merged false religion with hegemony.  They will dictate religion as part of state as they are  doing now in China.
    Individuals buy property, get business licenses (just like our organization). This means they are IN the world and have to make a living with "unrighteous riches" .  BUT they are no part of the world.  I have not seen a witness run for office, lobby against LGBT or abortion (even though they do not condone it), participate in demonstrations or vote. 
    We are without spot from the political system because we obey the laws as far as possible and do not oppose its mechanisms in activist way. We are also without spot in a moral way because we will NOT go to war or practice abortion or LGBT  - even if it has been legalized and legit in the world.
    To tyranize against GB because they conduct business is not taking into account that Jesus said we can use "unrighteous riches" for him. God did not originally plan for man to have a financial system..... so it is unrighteous.
    Remember the prophecy of the final situation where we will not be able to 'buy or sell' if we do not conform (morally- the good and bad values of jehovah) to this system and NOT give our worship/ moral obedience to the state. 
    Our test will be great because you will become persona non grata when your digital bank account with all your money is locked because you accept the ransom sacrifice of Jesus or do not practice LGBT.   I read of a trans that wanted to sleep with a married man and he called it a hate crime when declined....... this where the world us heading with a possibility of it becoming LGBTQP.  
    Those who are without moral spot of this world/society (issue of good and bad and choosing Jehovahs sovreignty against directives of state and wicked society - as Adam chose) will be persecuted. 
  11. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Matthew9969 in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Actually, those who still tout worldly education are not up to date with what is going on at universities- especially the fields in humanities.
    There are many 'generic' degrees that have no value except put the person in debt for life.  The new degrees in feminism, social studies etc. Is guaranteed to turn the student into a walking nutcase who believes that men can have periods and gender is not determined by x and y chromosomes. Touchy feely persons who are triggered by every politically incorrect utterance and bully others who do not think as they do. 
    Even the sciences and judicial system are now effected by this nonsense. There is a gynecologist in the news who is having her son of 7 years go though a sex change and the court has gone against the rational father. 
    An education is supposed to give one proper thinking skills...... to be objective and logic.  But throwing right and wrong away and replacing it with human philosophy is leading to disaster.
    At least bible reading helps one see realities and gives a moral compass....... something which is missing in the current scenario at colleges and universities.
  12. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    I am even almost to the point of doubling down on that statement that reading the Awake is the equivalent of a 4 year college education. Every so often I still hear some old-timer repeating it—usually one with little secular education. it is a ridiculous statement on the surface and opponents have been beating us over the head with it from Day 1. If we dig a little, however, we see that it is not so ridiculous, and in some respects—the important ones—it is even spot on.
    Where did that statement first appear? It certainly was never an official statement of policy. I think it was someone’s personal observation and expression of appreciation for what is published. Maybe it was included in someone’s life experiences or in some short snippet piece like that old “Watching the World” series. Does anybody know? Like @The Librarian (that old hen)?
    For education to be any good, you have to be able to do something with it. It should add up to something. But like juxtaposed waves, much of the product of higher education cancels itself out. It results in opposing philosophies and schools of thought that can barely coexist, that fails dismally those of the greater world caught in the crosshairs It is a building that someone lays down blocks by day and his adversary takes them apart at night, a field that someone sows fine seed by day and his enemy sabotages with weeds at night. What good is it? If you look at individual components, you are impressed. If you look at collective results, you are unimpressed—you may even be disgusted. 
    In contrast, the Bible education Witnesses enjoy serves to unite them. The secular education of each individual might be less than the world average, but it is offset by being cumulative, cooperative, not competitive. Nor is it lacking in anything truly of practical use. Would anyone say that the JW organization is lacking in engineering skills? In digital skills? Environmental skills? Architectural skills? Managerial skills, and so forth?
    Moreover, when one Witness knows something of practical use, he freely passes it along to others. This does not happen in the overall world where paywalls are the norm. Knowledge there is not given away—one must pay an enormous amount to be privy to it. College expenses (in the US) incurs debt that is not discharged for decades, and in some cases, never is.
    A prime sticking point in US-China trade negotiations is the claim that the Chinese do not respect intellectual property—they rip off the technology of others. Can anyone imagine the American Bethel and an Asian Bethel getting into such a spat? It is inconceivable. If the US Witnesses know it, Asia gets it free. If the Asian Witnesses know it, the US gets it free.
    Don’t go telling me about the excelling value of this world’s education. It rises to higher peaks—no question about it. But then it negates the value of those peaks by failure to provide the moral underpinnings that each Witness gets for free in the Awake.
    (Of course, Awake is not anything like it used to be. It has been scaled way back. But the point still stands. All you need to is broaden the subject from just a magazine to the entire resources of the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization. Surely that is fair. After all, the education of the Awake was never compared to a single college—it was compared to the entire world’s educational system.)
  13. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Eternal life and knowledge of Them   
    Knowing them - jehovah AND jesus.  How many religions do you know which openly preach Jehovahs name AND jesus.  
    Jews know the name of God and refuse to use the name, muslims made the God of the Quraish tribe their God, most Christian's pray only to Jesus and do not accept that his soul was in death 3 days - so do they "know" him? 
    I can go on and on..... I hope you get the drift. 
  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    See below - important scripture!
    We are reaching the point where human control over others will have no limit (as quoted scripture above indicates) and political and religion are close bedfellows - just like in Babylon when Nimrod merged false religion with hegemony.  They will dictate religion as part of state as they are  doing now in China.
    Individuals buy property, get business licenses (just like our organization). This means they are IN the world and have to make a living with "unrighteous riches" .  BUT they are no part of the world.  I have not seen a witness run for office, lobby against LGBT or abortion (even though they do not condone it), participate in demonstrations or vote. 
    We are without spot from the political system because we obey the laws as far as possible and do not oppose its mechanisms in activist way. We are also without spot in a moral way because we will NOT go to war or practice abortion or LGBT  - even if it has been legalized and legit in the world.
    To tyranize against GB because they conduct business is not taking into account that Jesus said we can use "unrighteous riches" for him. God did not originally plan for man to have a financial system..... so it is unrighteous.
    Remember the prophecy of the final situation where we will not be able to 'buy or sell' if we do not conform (morally- the good and bad values of jehovah) to this system and NOT give our worship/ moral obedience to the state. 
    Our test will be great because you will become persona non grata when your digital bank account with all your money is locked because you accept the ransom sacrifice of Jesus or do not practice LGBT.   I read of a trans that wanted to sleep with a married man and he called it a hate crime when declined....... this where the world us heading with a possibility of it becoming LGBTQP.  
    Those who are without moral spot of this world/society (issue of good and bad and choosing Jehovahs sovreignty against directives of state and wicked society - as Adam chose) will be persecuted. 
  15. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    I think you have watched too much Perry Mason. Was it really that way?
    So you feel each party in a judicial case should have his own lawyer, taking a page from the adversarial legal system of today?
    “When both sides properly prepare a case, the adversary system can effectively guarantee the revelation of all the facts bearing on an issue. The more experience you have with it, the more you’ll find it a surprisingly scientific method of trial preparation.” — Perry Mason.  (Season 5, Ep 13 The Case of the Renegade Refugee)
    Come now, that is not a religious statement? Thrust upon us by a new world of “science” that has despaired of finding impartial judges the like of Exodus 18:26: “capable men fearing God, trustworthy men hating dishonest profit?”
    The reason they are hard to find is that the world embraces values to the contrary. Not so in the Christian organization. I will take the congregation justice system any day, which only deals with the spiritual matters that are of no concern of secular courts. But a hostile world tries to frame some of these spiritual matters as grist for the legal mill.
    What is happening is that those who refuse discipline are airing their complaints to a world that despises discipline and thereby finding common sympathy. It brings to mind the trademark of those describe in 2 Peter as “apostate”—they “hate” discipline. 
    You don’t think that those who came out on the short end of the world’s court system don’t also complain about how they were abused and unjustly sold down the river? It is human nature to do so in a system that downplays responsibilities and upplays rights.
    Yes, Bubba. The effort today is to hinder those wanting to stay separate from the world—ideally, even making it illegal to do so.
    Several Bible statements would outrage the “anti-cult”-driven legal climate of today:
    “But now I am writing you to stop keeping company with anyone called a brother who is sexually immoral or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man.” (1 Corinthians 5:11). The Bible writer would be challenged legally today for trying to “control” people; who is he to tell them who they can eat with?
    “If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him. For the one who says a greeting to him is a sharer in his wicked works.” (2 John 10)  Ditto. He is “controlling people.” Let them greet whoever they want, even those whom HE finds “wicked.”
    “It is necessary to shut their mouths, because these very men keep on subverting entire households by teaching things they should not for the sake of dishonest gain.” (Titus 1:11) Oh? It is “necessary” to restrict someone’s free speech for the sake of “enforcing” your religion? See you in court, Paul.
    From time to time, the earthly organization rewords something—like the disfellowshipping announcement or the questions for baptism—to make clear that members are voluntarily adhering to Bible counsel rather than, as opposers try to present it, suffering the bullying of an “evil” “oppressive” “corporation.” It may fail in this one day, because the intent of those hostile to Christianity is to make the Bible verses themselves illegal, or at least make it illegal for anyone to actually follow them.
    The goal is to deprive Christians of organization. That way they can more easily be assimilated into the greater word. This is framed hypocritically, even obnoxiously, as an attempt to liberate them. It is no more better realized today than in Russia, where Jehovah’s Witnesses are not illegal, but only their organization is. ‘It’s not the foot-soldier they want to kill off. It’s only the generals that must go. That way the foot-soldier can more easily switch sides—and he will be all the happier for it,’ so the thinking goes. Of course, a scheme so devious cannot be comprehended by the average person, and the authorities simply feel free to beat up on any Witness.
    The goal to “liberate” Christians from the organization they form is more advanced in Russia, but it proceeds along the same path in Western lands. “Liberate” them into what?
    Yes. So that the worldwide rot that it has collectively produced does not manifest itself in the congregation.
  16. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Pretty much like this verse, from this week’s Bible reading:
    “They originate with the world; that is why they speak what originates with the world and the world listens to them.” (1 John 4:5)
  17. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Witness in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    @TrueTomHarley - “They originate with the world; that is why they speak what originates with the world and the world listens to them.” (1 John 4:5)
    You certainly promote “organization” as necessary to “discipline” an individual spiritually.  Or so it seems.  Your organization is embroiled in lawsuits, investments, stocks, trade, real estate, as many other organization are. It can soar or fail, as any other organization can.  How does this type of “organization” promote one to be “no part of the world”?  Is it because men set their ground rules and have convinced you that by following them, you are no part of the world?   It is a corporate entity at its core.  At YOUR level, you see a facade of spiritual security.  1 Thess 5:3  Look deeper Tom, and you will perceive the glaring truth of worldly as well as spiritual, corruption that runs through the veins of the WT; which means, having any part of it, makes one part of the "world".  
    The disciplinary rules are outlined in the Bible.  If we are sincere about following Christ (and not men),we will have the ability to do so without an earthly organization.  Jesus told us that this is the approved way of worship.  John 4:10,13,21-24 
    It comes down to whom you will listen to - powerful (in seducing), persuasive men who have built their most awesome empire; or simply, Christ.
    3 "However, I’m afraid that as the snake deceived Eve by its tricks, so your minds may somehow be lured away from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. 4 When someone comes to you telling about another Jesus whom we didn’t tell you about, you’re willing to put up with it. When you receive a spirit that is different from the Spirit you received earlier, you’re also willing to put up with that. When someone tells you good news that is different from the Good News you already accepted, you’re willing to put up with that too."  2 Cor 11:3,4
  18. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    It is far far far easier—and more alluring—to tear down than it is to build up.
    However, it is more noble to do the latter.
  19. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Dutch Parliament accepted motion related to care for religious apostates   
    No- I meant "old" in sense of ruling for a long time like despots and do not get voted out. They are all younger than I am - and I do not consider myself old.... 
  20. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Error never desires to be investigated. Light always courts a thorough and complete investigation.   
    Kabbalah? Mysticism and meanings in numbers and letters...... 
    A watering down of the word of God by teachings of men.  Jesus himself rejected the "oral tradition" of men which was later written down as the Mishnah.
    Rabbis practiced the kabbalah which is closely linked to mystic teachings of the East.
    Need I say more? 
  21. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Dotlizhihii Tlenaai in The testimonies of former followers   
    Yea, I will not believe any person who says they cannot get out of JW......it is pretty easy.....
  22. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Error never desires to be investigated. Light always courts a thorough and complete investigation.   
    Kabbalah? Mysticism and meanings in numbers and letters...... 
    A watering down of the word of God by teachings of men.  Jesus himself rejected the "oral tradition" of men which was later written down as the Mishnah.
    Rabbis practiced the kabbalah which is closely linked to mystic teachings of the East.
    Need I say more? 
  23. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Alithís Gnosis in JW.org Says Apostates are "Mentally Diseased"   
    That is only your personal opinion not reality.  I have not read anywhere that they have said this. They claim to be the true servants of jehovah....... just like Jesus claimed to be the SON of jehovah.......... and they accused him too!
  24. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Norwegian talk show "Nytt på Nytt" making fun of Jehovah's Witnesses - English subtitles   
    Ironic: And they (the scandinavians) bring in more and more muslim migrants  in which religion a woman really has no rights (half of a man in Sharia court) and they throw gays off of high buildings and LGBT, adultery, and changing your religion will get you killed - not shunned.  They marry nine years olds legally ( and cases are thrown out of high court because it is their "culture" to marry kids) and are allowed up to 4 wives which each get their own paid-for apartment for their 3 to 4 children. Each Muslim gets free medical, housing, money for food etc.
    Swedes give ISIS fighters a new identity and give them housing. 
    The injustice of this has not even dawned on them..... they are being "virtuous" by doing these wonderful deeds...for Muslims. because this new "cultural revolution" philosophy, which is part of communistic radical feminism, has no logic.
    The 'mother instinct' to nurture minority groups (muslims and LGBTQ) is virtuous - they do no research and reasoning about it is taboo -  in this radical philosophy, which is now in all schools and universities in the West. If they looked at stats they would find out that Islam is soon the be the largest religion on earth - and most violent to non-believers or hypocrites (other muslims).
    They are nurturing a viper in their bosom. Muslims are in favor  and Christian's are totally out of favour for these secular politicians  - especially the devoted christians. 100,000 Kurdish Christian's will soon be slaughtered by Turkey..... they will not get migrant status - as has happened before in Syria and IRAQ - most christians slaughtered. Christians are daily being slaughtered in north Africa by al Shabaab and Boko Haram and taken as sex slaves - nothing in the news about this. Why? Because Islam has now received the stamp of approval as a religion of peace (one can go to jail in Scandinavia and UK if one says anything negative about it....... even when they commit crimes, it is covered up!) 
    Islamic culture is now taught in all schools and the high court in USA just threw out a case against parents who objected..... so kids are forced to learn Islam as being beautiful and they are forced to write and recite the shahada-  which makes you a Muslim when you say it in front of witnesses.  How ignorance prevails!  Some Christian's applications for refugee status have been rejected by Canada and UK.
    Yes - good to see the animosity against JWs as singled out Christian's....... it means things are moving ahead as predicted in the Bible......the day is here, and will escalate in hate,  when each one acknowledging Christ will be persecuted.
    When these stupid politicians wake up it will be too late...... but they are so secular in their thinking they do not see the real danger....... as some opposers with secular thinking are here on this forum.
    The Pope is signing an agreement next year with the other abrahamic religions.... Judaism and Islam..... one united religion. Here is the rub:  jesus Christ has been totally removed from the agreement....... great!  ......The 'man of lawlessness'  is being exposed.
    All supporters of 'amorality' (against the just morality of Jehovah) are now showing their true colours.
  25. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from DefenderOTT in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    I know of mathematical geniuses who have dyslexia..... so never measure other people at your own standard.
    I speak several languages but I think I only write one competently and maybe eloquently..... and it is not English. We are not all writers.  Language is primarily for communication, so when it fulfils this purpose (conveys a thought) then it is sufficient.  
    When one uses a language in an expert and innovative way, then only can it become art...... but not all people are artists. 
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