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  1. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Foreigner in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Good!   You forgot to add that many make this choice by free will and after studying many religions, philosophies, history and darwinism....... some do this in their own time.  It is not a blind following or indoctrination as many opposers summarize...... our eyes are open when we make this choice! Some ex-witnesses did not do this.... use their time wisely.... that is why they are ex-wiwitnesses.
  2. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Foreigner in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Why bother to answer - this person is not interested in reason. 
    Most opposers of JW who have insurmountable hate for the organization have OCD - not the real kind but similar because they repeat the same hate over and over and twist scripture to suit their ends). It seems they are consumed by one thought only - like Cain.  Most of those kind here have this same attitude and mindset. God himself warned Cain about the bad condition in his heart but did he stop hating his brother?  He had no self-control and went ahead to premedidated murder of his brother.
    They do not give reasonable replys but meander on and on - or point to silly things which only end in a point of hate...... not worth wasting time on illogical and emotional  postings.
    If she were of the anointed  she would be out there preaching about the only solution  jehovah has for mankind - his kingdom in the hands of his son Christ Jesus.... not be angry about the fact that she was not offered the opportunity to have a  following.
  3. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Matthew9969 in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    It's kinda funny and sad at the same time seeing the hate and disunity the jw's have here. I hope you jw's get out of Babylon the great watchtower bible and tract society and into the loving arms of Jesus Christ. 
  4. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Foreigner in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Witness - I  give short comment and get out......I  do not spend hours on people when I see they are set in opposition to JWs or wrong interpretations ...or OCD - I cut loose..... don't really waste my time..... only if I have a few minutes..... not really involved here. 
    I do not take well to repeating same thing over and over and expect different results. ..... don't like OCD.
    Only have sympathy for genuine OCD anxieties.
  5. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Allen_Smith in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    I’m glad you finally admit, what a false prophet you are. I agree with your assessment that you alone can mislead more JW’s than 8 men. The good thing, those 8 men don’t have the support of Satan, much as you do, witness.

    I see you still try to impress everyone by your long post. When will you and JWinsider learn, expanding your comments weakens your position of not applying scripture in a manner consistent to Christ teachings. Misrepresenting Watchtower literature is so last, year.

    With your comment, you condemn Christ. You crucify him once again, and for what. As you stated, to mislead more JW’s.

    I framed it for prosperity. I assume you will try to clean what is actual truth in your statement. Let, Pearl know she needs to get better students.

    Since you entered Psalms 140:1, what danger do you feel those 8 men pose to you that you alone pose to yourself? Keep in mind, the context here is “prayer for rescue”, not exactly the same as in Matthew about fruits of the tree.

    Matthew’s context that you submitted has to do with, knowing them by their fruits. Matt 7:15-20

    So, who is them? Are you them? What fine fruits can you bear with hate in your heart?

     In 2 Corinthians 4:1-4 Paul is making a distinction between the “light of Christ gospel” “A treasure in Clay jars” “Treasure in earthen vessels”

    So, what fine gospel of Christ can be compared to the disdain you harbor for your fellow humans, especially those you hate, the 8 men? What kind of pearl of wisdom can be applied by your standards, that others would be willing to accept?

    How does this comparison give you a sustainable argument against the 8 men you so hate?

  6. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Vic Vomidog in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Everything about Jehovah’s Witnesses is “privilege this” and “privilege that.” None of it is true. I am here to tell you that it is all slave labor, and furthermore
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    True,  but I do not go beyond what is written in the bible.  NEVER!  If we are to meditate on things in the bible, we definitely will come up with insights that are not broadly accepted but this does not mean it is wrong to speculate.  .... or wrong to see a new insight.  Even Angel's wish to peer into these things.  
    I see what is in the bible and what is in the world and make a connection.   I see what is in the bible about scientific subjects and  make a connection with what I know or have read.... it has enriched my thinking and love for the truth.
    I have prayed about this..... that jehovah chastize me if I am moving in a wrong way...... I am ready to be corrected. ...... running ahead can be like spiritism.... so it is something to be careful of...... show caution..... on the other hand I do think things are moving in certain directions in the world and I think think things are moving fast. 
    I do not "bend" scriptures as I have seen some do here. 
  8. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    True,  but I do not go beyond what is written in the bible.  NEVER!  If we are to meditate on things in the bible, we definitely will come up with insights that are not broadly accepted but this does not mean it is wrong to speculate.  .... or wrong to see a new insight.  Even Angel's wish to peer into these things.  
    I see what is in the bible and what is in the world and make a connection.   I see what is in the bible about scientific subjects and  make a connection with what I know or have read.... it has enriched my thinking and love for the truth.
    I have prayed about this..... that jehovah chastize me if I am moving in a wrong way...... I am ready to be corrected. ...... running ahead can be like spiritism.... so it is something to be careful of...... show caution..... on the other hand I do think things are moving in certain directions in the world and I think think things are moving fast. 
    I do not "bend" scriptures as I have seen some do here. 
  9. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from divergenceKO in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    True,  but I do not go beyond what is written in the bible.  NEVER!  If we are to meditate on things in the bible, we definitely will come up with insights that are not broadly accepted but this does not mean it is wrong to speculate.  .... or wrong to see a new insight.  Even Angel's wish to peer into these things.  
    I see what is in the bible and what is in the world and make a connection.   I see what is in the bible about scientific subjects and  make a connection with what I know or have read.... it has enriched my thinking and love for the truth.
    I have prayed about this..... that jehovah chastize me if I am moving in a wrong way...... I am ready to be corrected. ...... running ahead can be like spiritism.... so it is something to be careful of...... show caution..... on the other hand I do think things are moving in certain directions in the world and I think think things are moving fast. 
    I do not "bend" scriptures as I have seen some do here. 
  10. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    I agree with you. ......
    Unfortunately, to want control other humans is morally wrong.  Most apostates here do not like any form of control over them  - even when it comes from God...... who actually is the only one who has the right to prescribe one set of principles for all. We are all meant to be equal under God. If every person sets their own rules there will never be peace and unity.
    When a human wants to control anything about another human - he is showing satanic qualities. We never should try to control anything which belongs to, or is part of another human.  Total freedom and equality under God - this is the goal.  This is respect for another human's free will to choose what they want.
    Unfortunately, some Witnesses are imperfect in their love and still tend to like to control others without respect for their free will.  Jehovah even allows those who oppose him to express their free will.
    In future in paradise, all people will willingly subject themselves to Jehovah and his standards in free will.  They will never try to tell another person  what to do because all will be totally free and equal under God.
    Society will then function perfectly because the law of love will prevail. No laws are necessary if one truly loves others.  One will not covet anything which is another's or take anything from them or dominate them in an way by being egotistical, selfish or greedy.
    Jehovah will step into mankind"s affairs when humans have reached a point of totalitarian domination - soon they will use our modern technology (our arrogant achievements) to dominate mankind in a most unjust way....... history of mankind (estranged from god) repeating itself. 
    By the way, I watch China and Russia (allies) as fulfillment of the prophecies in Daniel 11 :40 onward.   Soon we will see the worst domination on earth mankind has ever experienced...... if jehovah does not step in ...no flesh will be saved.   We have reached the apex of our tech achievements and like everything else .... our tendency to dominate (imperfection) will bring this dire situation about.
  11. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    For whatever it is worth, I find very enlightening your exchange with JWI on this topic. I gain much from both of your views. 
    There are no “typical” Witnesses here, in my view, except for a few that occasionally stray here, sometimes naively offer comments, thinking persons will be readjusted, and then leave shocked when they discover that no way will it happen. On a few occasions, I have chased them away—it is fine for them to stay here if they wish, but they should know the score before they do. They should not think that Witness, for example,  is some misguided sister that they can help with but a kind word or two.
    Even you (though I have not seen it) can be expected to come in for criticism from some of the friends, who will confuse being knowledgeable about world affairs with violating neutrality.
    I’ll throw in a few teasers which vary in relevance—comment on them as you see fit. (Same goes for JWI) I value both.
    The “terrible trade deals” with China that Trump carries on about (and most of the U.S. business community agrees that they are indeed terrible from the US point of view) were based on the assumption that if China became prosperous, its own citizens would demand government not Communist and would lean to a more democratic model. Instead, the very opposite is happening. True or no?
    The reason that theft of intellectual property proves so intractable to negotiate is that the communist government and those molded by it really doesn’t understand the concept. True or no?
    I know almost nothing about Falun Gong. The first time I heard of them it was in connection with a subway gas attack in Japan, and from that point on figured that it was some wacky cult. Was that story a plant?
    The son of a local sister who recently died, and I was at her funeral, is the author of a book on Unit 731, a Japanese wartime atrocity roughly the equivalent of Hitler’s camps, from the same WWII era. The reports of organ harvesting mirror things documented there, though there it was more medical experiments than harvesting, like in some German Camps.
  12. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    I agree with you. ......
    Unfortunately, to want control other humans is morally wrong.  Most apostates here do not like any form of control over them  - even when it comes from God...... who actually is the only one who has the right to prescribe one set of principles for all. We are all meant to be equal under God. If every person sets their own rules there will never be peace and unity.
    When a human wants to control anything about another human - he is showing satanic qualities. We never should try to control anything which belongs to, or is part of another human.  Total freedom and equality under God - this is the goal.  This is respect for another human's free will to choose what they want.
    Unfortunately, some Witnesses are imperfect in their love and still tend to like to control others without respect for their free will.  Jehovah even allows those who oppose him to express their free will.
    In future in paradise, all people will willingly subject themselves to Jehovah and his standards in free will.  They will never try to tell another person  what to do because all will be totally free and equal under God.
    Society will then function perfectly because the law of love will prevail. No laws are necessary if one truly loves others.  One will not covet anything which is another's or take anything from them or dominate them in an way by being egotistical, selfish or greedy.
    Jehovah will step into mankind"s affairs when humans have reached a point of totalitarian domination - soon they will use our modern technology (our arrogant achievements) to dominate mankind in a most unjust way....... history of mankind (estranged from god) repeating itself. 
    By the way, I watch China and Russia (allies) as fulfillment of the prophecies in Daniel 11 :40 onward.   Soon we will see the worst domination on earth mankind has ever experienced...... if jehovah does not step in ...no flesh will be saved.   We have reached the apex of our tech achievements and like everything else .... our tendency to dominate (imperfection) will bring this dire situation about.
  13. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    I am fully aware of my inadequacies and the futility of wasting my time here..... also another kind of OCD ? Lol
  14. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Allen_Smith in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    I am fully aware of my inadequacies and the futility of wasting my time here..... also another kind of OCD ? Lol
  15. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Titan is tongue-in-cheek, not to be taken literally. I just meant that you express your points well.
  16. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Shiwiii in Racism in "The Truth"   
    wow, so you do align with the view that Jack Ryan was describing.
    Singling out someone and making assumptions based on looks.
    Nice example of stereotyping! 
  17. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Yes. This is why people become Jehovah’s Witnesses. They see the sad history of “man dominating man to his injury” and respond to the good news of the kingdom, recognizing it as something better.
    it is an excellent point that you make.
  18. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Racism in "The Truth"   
    Obviously you do not know much about the Rastafarian movement.   They smoke pot and wear dreadlocks. 
    It has nothing to do with race but all about this "brand of religion" worn as a visible symbol. 
  19. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    The reason the United States has many more prisoners than other countrues is that FREEDOM is allowed for people that have not grown up enough to handle it.
    Also ... we count the WHOLE person.
    In other countries they count less because of missing hands, and sometimes even missing heads.
    You probably don't need to imprison a thief that has had both hands cut off.
    And of course, public executions do tend to cut down on the repeat offenders, quite a bit.
  20. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Jack Ryan in Why are there no jw.org press releases about the search by law enforcement of their Dutch branch?   
    There were plenty of press releases and breaking news stories about Russia. But nothing about ARC, Montana, or the Netherlands.
    Russia banned them for extremism, since they slander other religions, force women to stay in abusive relationships and dissuade young people from getting higher education. That got plenty of attention.
    But there has been no news about Holland at all. In my opinion, action against a church in Holland is more newsworthy than continued intolerance by a backward nation like Russia. They are just too embarrassed to admit it even happened.
    After all, Holland is a paragon of freedom and openness. They protected Tyndale while he translated the Bible to English. The Dutch also helped many religious minorities, like the Puritans. If the Borg can push the Netherlands beyond their limits, they are not immune to prosecution anywhere. CSA is their Achilles heal.
  21. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Norwegian national broadcaster using their main Saturday News to give coverage to Apostates.   
    The faith groups that produce apostates are but a tiny sliver of the overall world population. 
    You “think outside the box” when you leave the mainstream to enter one of those relatively tiny faith groups. You do not “think outside the box” when you leave one to rejoin the mainstream, any more than you “think outside the box” when you eat in the dining room, sleep in the bedroom, or shower in the bathroom.
    This is no more than a effort to penalize and ideally eliminate those who truly “think outside of the box,” those who would actually dare to be “no part of the world.” The situation should not be framed any other way.
    If I play my cards right, perhaps I can get coverage of my book right there on the Norwegian Saturday News:
  22. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Watching "mainstream news" is like being stabbed by an angry clown while drowning in a septic tank.
  23. Haha
    Arauna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    I have found that if one is inclined to be gobsmacked, to always wear the same color shirt (or blouse ..) as your toothpaste.
    I has the added advantage of always being minty fresh, and you NEVER have to change it.
  24. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    READ up about  China: it gives behaviour points to it citizens.  If they have the wrong friends, jaywalking, or say anything against the government - they cannot buy a train or plane ticket. It is getting so bad that foreigners are leaving the country in droves  Big brother surveillance with weaponized  G5 technology is the reason. They have 1 million muslims in concentration camps - separated from their children who are getting propaganda re-training every day. Most religions are now being persecuted in China clamping down on meetings.
    This weaponized surveillance with G5 us slowly being implemented in the entire West. (EU, Canada, USA, Australia etc) as well.  If you do not already know it - the fact that you are a JW already makes you an enemy of the new surveillance state that is on its way.
    The UN is already ruling like an "image" or shadow underneath most of these governments because (176) countries has signed all the UN agreements which gives it power. ....... and next year the Pope is signing a new pact with Islam and Jewish religion - which cuts out Christ Jesus out of the future world religion.
    Do not worry to lose your access to internet.  It is better you are not too active on it now because Google has already got a profile on every person in the west. 
    What I am saying here is not far-fetched .  Very ugly things waiting for the world and is being implemented under our noses.  Leave these opposers of JWs to themselves and rather strengthen yourself for the tribulation which is around the corner.
    Do not take their insults personally..... or their retaliatory actions. ..... really not worth it. There are more important things to know about and prepare for now.
    Read Daniel 11:40 onward.  Trade wars going on between king of north and south and Russia and China want to control the trade of the world......we do not have as long as we think.
    Google and Amazon are doing AI research 
  25. Sad
    Arauna got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    I am glad you noticed this.  People who have an ax to grind with JW org. cannot help themselves....... they show who they are...... repetitively.....
    It is actually useless to talk to them (to give the correct perspective) because they are hardened in their pattern of thinking when they have come this far.
    I may troll them for a moment now and then but remain totally uninvolved...... not worth the effort.  One cannot think that one can defend the truth here or that one will find any reasonableness.  One will not find any truth here - only human screwed up thoughts accompanied by narcissism and a degree of OCD.
    In regards to what I said above - do not think you can defend the truth on this website. Rather take this time to go read the bible - that is where you will find the truth dear brother.  If you are emotional, you will just get frustrated here...... do not do this to yourself.
    Those who are so hardened against the truth are not interested in the truth - they still have a compulsive hate for the truth. When I see OCD symptoms, I do not really bother to put a convincing argument foreward because I do not waste my precious time.  I have better things to do that will please Jehovah.  ........Just a bit of sound advice.  Been in the same situation before, got the T-shirt, done that.  DO not repeat a useless exercise - LOL - AND EXPECT DIFFERENT RESULTS.
    There are no lost sheep here to have pity on..... they love the garbage (pigs food) they are eating in their "debauched" state.  They have no thoughts of returning to the good food of their loving father. Until that happens - you are wasting your time.
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