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  1. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Anna in RECLAIMED VOICES new letter to JW brothers and sisters.   
    What about:
    Isn't that clear enough?
  2. Sad
    Arauna got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in RECLAIMED VOICES new letter to JW brothers and sisters.   
    There are politicians involved in sex rings in UK, EU and USA and it is covered up.  In the end - Jehovah is the judge.  People who think they can get away with crimes will face Jehovah - soon.
    IN Germany young girls and little boys are regularly raped and groped.  Most cases are not followed up.  And there are court cases which are totally absurd.  A woman in a wheel chair in Sweden - case was thrown out because she did " not give enough resistance".   Germany: a woman is facing charges because she defended herself against a rapist.  The world is getting totally blinded by satan - and the ones who are assisting this are the judges and the police who get their orders "from above" - that is if they value their jobs.
    I watched a video where one of the highest authorities in England - a woman who exposed crimes against children - in her capacity as the head of a large government agency was hounded by the entire police and judicial system.  It was heart breaking to hear how they put her in prison under false names so her family did not know where she was.... she lost her house,  job and everything she had worked for her whole life.  This is the kind of justice that is going on behind the scenes.   Satan is literally not ruling behind the scenes any more -  he is absolutely openly running everything through his human power-seekers!
    This is not a fabrication !  It is really going on.  The truth is hidden by all the lies that are now in the public domain.  Some of the true stories sound more like fabricated stories and the lies are believed as truth.
  3. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Evacuated in RECLAIMED VOICES new letter to JW brothers and sisters.   
    This is a quote from the original poster who subsequently asks for the opinion of others.. The opinion of others can only be Yes, No, or Maybe. As this is a UK issue, there is a moral, not legal, duty, for an informed third party to report such matters to a suitable authority. In view of the intimate knowledge this alleger claims to have,  the option was suggested that they discuss the matter anonymously with Childline on a Freephone number 0800 1111.
    What is particularly odious about the whole exchange is that the party in question is vociferously complaining and making allegations about others who, in their opinion, "cover up" such cases.
    An allegation has been made.The accuser has given their opinion as above. Others have expressed their varied opinions.  An option that would report the matter to a suitable authority, anonymously, has been given. Yet the alleger continues to dither, continues to accuse others of the same moral hypocrisy.  The alleged potential for further harm remains. This person, regardless of status, is appearing to behave like an active part of the problem they are continually complaining about. Why is there even a discussion on the matter?
  4. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    If you really know your chemistry and how things work you can calculate the rate of radiation buildup... especially if you know what you are looking for...   Most scientists do not believe the bible so they do not even try. 
    My brother has a special talent for discovering what a new molecule looks like - hence his profession of researching new poisons (on the plants in Africa which often kill animals).  This of course sent him to jail because he refused to help the government kill dissidents by providing them with unknown/new  poisons which he isolated and described the structures of.  
    I must add my brother has  no ego - he is talented but does not look for any kind of recognition at all - so he is not in search of some holy grail - he just loves knowledge  and the bible.  
    We still have this curse on the ground and this produces weeds and unwanted elements which makes it hard to produce food.  But - weeds and overgrowth and warmth do not affect animals - only the livelihood of humans
    So with a water band the animals will have been OK, big and fat and the pollution was not yet what it is today.  What is significant in all of this is that they had never seen a rainbow before - so after the flood there was definitely a difference in the composition of the atmosphere to view a rainbow for the first time. 
    Also - the grapes will have produced more sugar than before the flood with the stronger,  unfiltered sun.  Hence the event that Noah may have underestimated the amount of alcohol in his wine (not the same as before). Wine people know that stronger sunlight gives more sugar in grapes .... and hence more alcohol when fermented.
    So there are quite a few indications in the bible that things changed after the flood.  For me the sedimentary layers which came during the flood are full of animals that could have lived until the flood....  but for this information I guess we have to wait until after  Armageddon to find out. 
  5. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    Yes - the age of the creation is a different matter to the sudden appearance of all animals which are fully  formed.  It is two separate subjects.  Evolutionists usually ignore the Cambrian explosion and do not talk about it.
  6. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    If you really know your chemistry and how things work you can calculate the rate of radiation buildup... especially if you know what you are looking for...   Most scientists do not believe the bible so they do not even try. 
    My brother has a special talent for discovering what a new molecule looks like - hence his profession of researching new poisons (on the plants in Africa which often kill animals).  This of course sent him to jail because he refused to help the government kill dissidents by providing them with unknown/new  poisons which he isolated and described the structures of.  
    I must add my brother has  no ego - he is talented but does not look for any kind of recognition at all - so he is not in search of some holy grail - he just loves knowledge  and the bible.  
    We still have this curse on the ground and this produces weeds and unwanted elements which makes it hard to produce food.  But - weeds and overgrowth and warmth do not affect animals - only the livelihood of humans
    So with a water band the animals will have been OK, big and fat and the pollution was not yet what it is today.  What is significant in all of this is that they had never seen a rainbow before - so after the flood there was definitely a difference in the composition of the atmosphere to view a rainbow for the first time. 
    Also - the grapes will have produced more sugar than before the flood with the stronger,  unfiltered sun.  Hence the event that Noah may have underestimated the amount of alcohol in his wine (not the same as before). Wine people know that stronger sunlight gives more sugar in grapes .... and hence more alcohol when fermented.
    So there are quite a few indications in the bible that things changed after the flood.  For me the sedimentary layers which came during the flood are full of animals that could have lived until the flood....  but for this information I guess we have to wait until after  Armageddon to find out. 
  7. Like
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    I should add that some scientists who study these things agree that the time when dinosaurs and other contemporary animals and plants were on earth was a time when the atmosphere was very thick and heavy, atmospheric pressure at the earth's surface was much higher than now, and water vapor must have filled the air so that the sun's energy was fairly equally diffused, and those "thermals" that large birds seem to "float" on would have been a constant phenomenon. 
    Some interesting thoughts on the pterosaurs and their ability to fly are found here:
    But pressure alone would not explain it, because continuous flight without flapping is really a matter of the difference in pressure above and below the wing, creating lower pressure above the wing; it's therefore not a factor enhanced by higher pressure above the wing.
    And the entire book of several chapters, found here, provides some very interesting reading as an attempt to bring in a lot of available evidence on the topic.
    The book is well done from a didactic point of view, and the link above is only to chapter 2: The Paradox of Large Dinosaurs and Flying Pterosaurs. Chapter 3 is called, The Science of Flight and the Paradox of Flying Pterosaurs. The book should be read at least through Chapter 7, but the book gets uncomfortably "evolutionary" after that until the end at chapter 11. The last chapter (11) is about the age of fossils, however, tying back to the subject.
  8. Haha
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    I laughed out loud when those Jurassic Park Pterodactyls lunged at the children clamboring amidst the ceiling tiles & my kids gave me a dirty look.
  9. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    There are no life forms in the evolutionary record which proves step by step development of feathers or flight etc. Cambrian explosion proves that. 
    Fortunately nano-biotechnology has also proved the evolutionary theory to be a simplistic view of all life.  Life is irreducibly complex and "connected"  .  With the word "connected" I  mean this: the eye cannot see without the brain to interpret and why would that part of the brain to interpret develop if there were no eye.  There is "foresight" in the development of both organs at the same time ....  This proves design and intelligence.  So everything is connected in the body. One does not need a biology degree to understand this.
    The evolutionists were winning the propaganda war  a few years back - in schools and everywhere.  It is pushed by the UN too - the 2030 agenda wants all children to accept the new morality and reject religion (Christianity).  This is why we find pictures of "proven evolutionary frauds" still presented in school books as fact - current text books.  
    Fortunately there is much more evidence available now to disprove the horrible book of Dawkins and other high priests of evolution. Dawkins turned so many people away from the bible....  but I am sad to say he no longer debates any Christians.  He just goes on university forums where he an fellow evolutionists discuss the "plausible" side of evolution to his eager fans.  I have seen a few debates where he bit the dust against people who are not even biologists.  These philosophers managed to show him the logic and interconnectedness or morality with the god of the bible. 
    Thanks for your input.  I hope I did not create a "careless" impression by my choice of words.  I am never surprised at the wonderful diversity and abundance Jehovah has created.  Some dinosaurs could have been ground browsers like chickens, and others could have been water birds.  Some could have been carrion eaters etc.
    I think - personal opinion - when one is right in the center of the group which needs to research and write about these things it can get a little distorted and panicky.  
    I am not surprised - when the above "evidence" of bird evolution was presented without knowing it was a fraud..... they must have been consternated, flabbergasted  and concerned - no matter how strong the faith....to present their readers with a logic answer.  How do you counteract this kind of evidence?  There is no logic to counteract it.  One has to wait until the truth about this "evidence" comes out.  It is always easier with hindsight to realize one should have waited  - not when you are in a difficult situation.   Trust in Jehovah is important and even anointed people can lack this at times.  They are after all only people....prone to panic and prone to feel the heavy responsibility put on them.   The older you are the more difficult too!
     To give guidance to many people is a large responsibility and when one is confronted with lies - not knowing it is a lie - can be difficult.  This is why Jehovah says we must grow to maturity and in devotion but this only grows with experience ..... and time.  Jehovah knows we are dust.... 
  10. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    There are no life forms in the evolutionary record which proves step by step development of feathers or flight etc. Cambrian explosion proves that. 
    Fortunately nano-biotechnology has also proved the evolutionary theory to be a simplistic view of all life.  Life is irreducibly complex and "connected"  .  With the word "connected" I  mean this: the eye cannot see without the brain to interpret and why would that part of the brain to interpret develop if there were no eye.  There is "foresight" in the development of both organs at the same time ....  This proves design and intelligence.  So everything is connected in the body. One does not need a biology degree to understand this.
    The evolutionists were winning the propaganda war  a few years back - in schools and everywhere.  It is pushed by the UN too - the 2030 agenda wants all children to accept the new morality and reject religion (Christianity).  This is why we find pictures of "proven evolutionary frauds" still presented in school books as fact - current text books.  
    Fortunately there is much more evidence available now to disprove the horrible book of Dawkins and other high priests of evolution. Dawkins turned so many people away from the bible....  but I am sad to say he no longer debates any Christians.  He just goes on university forums where he an fellow evolutionists discuss the "plausible" side of evolution to his eager fans.  I have seen a few debates where he bit the dust against people who are not even biologists.  These philosophers managed to show him the logic and interconnectedness or morality with the god of the bible. 
    Thanks for your input.  I hope I did not create a "careless" impression by my choice of words.  I am never surprised at the wonderful diversity and abundance Jehovah has created.  Some dinosaurs could have been ground browsers like chickens, and others could have been water birds.  Some could have been carrion eaters etc.
    I think - personal opinion - when one is right in the center of the group which needs to research and write about these things it can get a little distorted and panicky.  
    I am not surprised - when the above "evidence" of bird evolution was presented without knowing it was a fraud..... they must have been consternated, flabbergasted  and concerned - no matter how strong the faith....to present their readers with a logic answer.  How do you counteract this kind of evidence?  There is no logic to counteract it.  One has to wait until the truth about this "evidence" comes out.  It is always easier with hindsight to realize one should have waited  - not when you are in a difficult situation.   Trust in Jehovah is important and even anointed people can lack this at times.  They are after all only people....prone to panic and prone to feel the heavy responsibility put on them.   The older you are the more difficult too!
     To give guidance to many people is a large responsibility and when one is confronted with lies - not knowing it is a lie - can be difficult.  This is why Jehovah says we must grow to maturity and in devotion but this only grows with experience ..... and time.  Jehovah knows we are dust.... 
  11. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    I think this is why the delivering quality of “critical thinking” is overrated. Mob mentality takes over in most disciplines & those vested emotionally and/or financially seek to run the competition off the road. The average person has not the time, patience, or often interest to investigate. 
    Sometimes those in dominance deliberately muddy the waters so that preoccupied ones will throw up their hands and say: ‘Oh, to hell with it! They”re all liars anyway.’
    Many things ‘settled’ have been settled by decree. Many things ‘proved’ have been proved by ignoring evidence to the contrary.
  12. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in Can we trust carbon 14 dating?   
    Not that libraries or science-related databases will always be perfect, but "research" is so different now from when I was in school or getting research assignments at Bethel. Today, interest in a topic starts with a link that is usually purposely worded to attract attention by being provocative. Even major newspapers now use "click-bait" to get someone to read an article about a scientific report or discovery. A serious report about the effects of various carbohydrates on various types of cancer would get a title like: "New Report Shows Sugar Causes Brain Cancer." Maybe it does, but things like this happen even if that idea was never in the report at all. And then it will get repeated in other newspaper and television reports and YouTube channels and long advertisements on websites that purport to be from a respected doctor. Almost no one will actually read the report, sometimes not even other scientists who will also need to make "educated guesses" and assumptions, because they would get nowhere these days if they had to read every word on every subject that came before them.
    Getting to the truth of the matter in research is sometimes harder now than it was back in the days when research required a lot more legwork.
  13. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    I think new Witnesses are afraid to do their own research until they have matured. The rate of maturity is different for everyone.  When one is raising a family and struggling to make ends meet one will not be pottering about everywhere searching for more knowledge - they can scarcely keep up with preparing for meetings and family studies.... and if they are elders - to prepare for their talks.
    So in these circumstances it is easier to go to a reliable source where one need not take time to sift through garbage and propaganda to make a balanced decision. 
  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Can we trust carbon 14 dating?   
    The flood and the water canopy before the flood also changed the atmosphere.  Scientists do not compensate  their calculations for this because they do not even recognize there was a canopy or a flood.
    Scientists  compensate their calculations to fit in with recorded history...... especially in archeology and paleontology. Scientists usually send the sample for testing with a description of the "layer" of the earth the sample came from.    When this is not done -  then the same sample will have a date which can vary with millions of years.
    These days one can find anything on Youtube....  type in  carbon dating debunked or carbon dating i is false and pick and choose to watch (some will be credible and some will not be).
    A few years back I watched one where they sent out the exact same sample to about eight different labs - the dating came back with thousands of years between them.    Carbon dating is extremely accurate up to 400 years.
  15. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    Good catch! I noticed that too, but did not want to start a 607 discussion. The Watchtower has accepted C-14 to get within about 100 years for some manuscripts, including the DSS, and to defend a more Biblical date for Hezekiah's tunnel, and also accept the limits of C-14 dating only for things in the last few thousands of years, etc. But it is rarely accepted as the only piece of evidence on which to draw a conclusion:
    *** w13 2/1 p. 14 What Is the “Gospel of Judas”? ***
    Carbon-14 dating authenticated the codex as likely coming from the third or the fourth century C.E. However, the scholars surmised that the Coptic text of the “Gospel of Judas” had been translated from its original Greek at a much earlier period. What was that original period and setting in which the “Gospel of Judas” was composed? *** w59 4/15 p. 243 Christianity’s Origin and the Dead Sea Scrolls ***
    Not without good reason these scrolls have been described as the “greatest manuscript discovery of modern times.” They have been definitely dated as of the second century B.C. by experts in the fields of archaeology, paleography (the science of deciphering ancient writing) and the carbon-14 process. Previously the oldest-known Hebrew witness to God’s Word had been the Nash papyrus  . . . . *** w09 5/1 p. 27 Did You Know? ***
    Dr. Amos Frumkin of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem says: “The carbon-14 tests we carried out on organic material within the plaster of the Siloam Tunnel, and uranium-thorium dating of stalactites found in the tunnel, date it conclusively to Hezekiah’s era.” An article in the scientific journal Nature adds: “The three independent lines of evidence—radiometric dating, palaeography and the historical record—all converge on about 700 BC, rendering the Siloam Tunnel the best-dated Iron-Age biblical structure thus far known.” *** w97 6/15 p. 10 Jerusalem in Bible Times—What Does Archaeology Reveal? ***
    Did they exist in David’s time? Was this the water tunnel used by Joab? Dan Gill answers: “To test whether Warren’s Shaft was in fact a natural sinkhole, we analyzed a fragment of calcareous crust from its irregular walls for carbon-14. It contained none, indicating that the crust is more than 40,000 years old: This provides unequivocal evidence that the shaft could not have been dug by man.” The WTS general position on carbon dating is still described here:
    *** g86 9/22 p. 21 The Radiocarbon Clock ***
    The Radiocarbon Clock There was also a discussion started here:
    Can we trust carbon 14 dating?
  16. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    I know one of the counter arguments to the preservation of blood vessels in fossils.   There is a paper which indicates that iron in blood can preserve blood vessels... if I remember correctly.  I looked at the arguments and it was so "scientific".    They took blood and "centrifuged" out the iron and then in perfect laboratory conditions proved that high levels of  iron can preserve these.   The problem is that no-where in nature does one find a centrifuge and no-where in nature does one find  large quantities of blood like that.   It also does not explain the carbon 14 and the other proteins such as collagen.
  17. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    To me - I feel like I am in school if I cannot stray off subject sometimes.  I am not writing a paper....  I am just in a discussion.  The mind always seeks new ideas to explore... So, I am not here to provide people with my research... or to prove something.  I just give them ideas to go and study for themselves. 
    I always write from memory... things I have read.... It will take a lot of time to go find the proof  where I read it.
    Unfortunately it will be a little harder to study the kind of fossil which loves tacos!  
  18. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    I know one of the counter arguments to the preservation of blood vessels in fossils.   There is a paper which indicates that iron in blood can preserve blood vessels... if I remember correctly.  I looked at the arguments and it was so "scientific".    They took blood and "centrifuged" out the iron and then in perfect laboratory conditions proved that high levels of  iron can preserve these.   The problem is that no-where in nature does one find a centrifuge and no-where in nature does one find  large quantities of blood like that.   It also does not explain the carbon 14 and the other proteins such as collagen.
  19. Like
    Arauna reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    It is good to see that people have a sense of humour and we can indeed thank Jehovah for that. 
    I have another topic but must have a cup of coffee first. I'm spending toooo much time on this computer, but it is spiritually upbuilding. 
    Have a good day as much as possible. 
  20. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    To me - I feel like I am in school if I cannot stray off subject sometimes.  I am not writing a paper....  I am just in a discussion.  The mind always seeks new ideas to explore... So, I am not here to provide people with my research... or to prove something.  I just give them ideas to go and study for themselves. 
    I always write from memory... things I have read.... It will take a lot of time to go find the proof  where I read it.
    Unfortunately it will be a little harder to study the kind of fossil which loves tacos!  
  21. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    To me - I feel like I am in school if I cannot stray off subject sometimes.  I am not writing a paper....  I am just in a discussion.  The mind always seeks new ideas to explore... So, I am not here to provide people with my research... or to prove something.  I just give them ideas to go and study for themselves. 
    I always write from memory... things I have read.... It will take a lot of time to go find the proof  where I read it.
    Unfortunately it will be a little harder to study the kind of fossil which loves tacos!  
  22. Like
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    I made tacos last night. I ate 4. My wife ate 4 (usually eats 2), and my sons came over and ate about 8 between them. I make tacos once every two weeks. Soft corn tortillas are very inexpensive, but I also buy a small box of the crispy "Ortega" hard shells. I find that shopping for the ingredients is simple, because I just imagine a taco and the order in which I always put the items on it. Problem is that the store is set up in such a way that I have to buy the ingredients all out of order. I buy a head of lettuce, a small bag of limes, 2 tomatoes, 1 onion, 1 jalapeno pepper, 1 bunch of cilantro, hard tortillas, salsa, hamburger, cheddar cheese, sour cream, soft tortillas. (Other spices and hot sauce etc are already in the house.) In my youth, I used to fry the soft tortillas in corn oil, but now, I have evolved. I just put a cookie pan in the oven and put a layer of soft tortillas on the bottom and then stand up the hard tortillas on top of them, and another flat layer of soft tortillas on top of the hard ones. This way the crispy ones will bake but will be protected from getting too brown on the portion that is nearest the electric elements of the oven. I can start shopping at 5pm and be completely done chopping the ingredients, cooking the hamburger, and baking the tortillas to serve tacos by 5:55.
    I find that the leftover lettuce, cilantro, and salsa doesn't stay fresh enough for two weeks so I use it for salads and spaghetti sauce within the next week. Also, if there are any tortillas, cheese, onions, tomatoes, jalapeno, etc., left over I just sprinkle it all onto flat tortillas and bake them into "chips" for dessert, which can last through the next day.
    Sunday morning I make scrambled eggs. But mostly, I like tacos. I'm kind of set in my ways. Like an old fossil.
  23. Confused
    Arauna got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    To me - the bible cannot be separate and science cannot be separate.  Where the  bible does not give guidance we can see if a science idea fits - if it does not fit in with the bible (such as a ploy to negate intelligent design) then it should be rejected.
    Jehovah is after all the great scientist, father of logic and reality. 
    I have no problem understanding that the earth and heavens were created and then lay fallow for a long time until it was ready to prepare for life.  It obviously took some time for the earth to cool down and produce the water on the surface as well as the thick cloud of gasses above the surface.  
    I think logic regarding the science we have available together with bible can explain a lot of things.
  24. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    To me - the bible cannot be separate and science cannot be separate.  Where the  bible does not give guidance we can see if a science idea fits - if it does not fit in with the bible (such as a ploy to negate intelligent design) then it should be rejected.
    Jehovah is after all the great scientist, father of logic and reality. 
    I have no problem understanding that the earth and heavens were created and then lay fallow for a long time until it was ready to prepare for life.  It obviously took some time for the earth to cool down and produce the water on the surface as well as the thick cloud of gasses above the surface.  
    I think logic regarding the science we have available together with bible can explain a lot of things.
  25. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Fossils are not millions of years old   
    The bone structure of the dinosaurs fall in two categories.  Those of birds and those of reptiles.  It has never bothered me that dinosaurs with hollow bones like birds may have had feathers and would have been beautifully colorful.  Jehovah is a wonderful and generous creator. However, there have been hoaxes in the fossil bone record to try to prove how flight developed over millions of years - one in China comes to mind.
    The composition of the air before the flood must have been totally different for those large birds which flew,  because our atmosphere now would not be able to carry them on thermal waves. They will drop out of the air because the effort to flap wings will exhaust them quick.
    Before the flood the atmosphere had more moisture and was warmer everywhere, The water band above the earth made the planet like a comfortable tropical hothouse (not too hot) which made the poles the same temperature as the rest of the earth. After the flood the poles froze and snow may even have formed immediately during the flood.
    I was fascinated when I visited natural history museums, especially with my roots in Africa. When in England I looked at the great variety of mammal-dinosaurs and many of them looked  like the replicas of animals we have today - only much larger.  They were not much different to existing animals today.  This has stuck with me - and I have never seen scientists write about this.  Even the crocodiles were 4 times larger than today. Sometimes one will see photos of the extremely large crocodiles .... but the other animals.... they are not mentioned in science journals.
    Animals adapt to their environment (Darwins finches adapted their beaks and when the food source changed they adapted back again - which is also never mentioned by evolutionists).  Scientists call this 'makro evolution' which is a deceiving word for adaption to the environment. 
    (Micro- evolution is the kind which brought the micro changes over millions of years - so they say - to bring about life and all the different new species.  This has zero chance of happening if one studies the math).  
    The flood was an extremely  violent event which changed the entire surface of the earth and the atmosphere. The earth ripped open to bring forth the water under the earth; Teutonic plates moved and the initial surge of water into gullies and deep areas must have been more like constant tsunamis - surging into areas and rushing in on mountains and even cutting some off.  New ground areas pushed up as the  earth's plates pushed up against one another forming very deep areas in the ocean and forming new mountain ranges which were higher than ever before. Water surges caused water erosion on softer stone. Many volcanos also erupted under water etc.
    When the earth was filled with water  - then the  sedimentation would  have started. Heavier animals would sink to the bottom -   (All those which initially had not already been swept into gullies before  - they found many massive graveyards of animals in USA and many other places on earth which are miles* miles long and wide) - but again - not much explanation in the news.
    Water is heavy (try to carry just one bucket of water) so it compacted the animals with sediment. The weight pressure of the water formed  oil, coal and diamonds etc. - pressing out the oxygen.  I have been looking into the "creationists theories for the flood and it is fascinating to see how the different "rogue" scientists who believe in the  bible look at this.... and one can learn something from each one.....there is no doubt in my mind that the flood took place. 
    The sedimentation record can be seen at the great canyon and other places on earth - with the lighter materials settling everywhere as the water moved - hence the shell particles on high mountains. and even on the lower layers.  
    So after the flood - the earth was totally different.  Food was not as large (plants must have been very large before the flood to feed large animals and even the dinosaurs) and not as abundant, no longer  with large pools of water for large mammals and /or dinosaurs to move in or float on. No mist coming up from the earth.  Large animals need water - look at elephants and hippos...... they need to cool down often.  
    I have often thought that those mammal-dinosaurs which look similar to todays animals must have adapted after the flood to their new diet and new environment.  Their size definitely changed somewhat although remaining to be the same species. I remember seeing a hippo which looked almost similar to today and the rhino looked like the indian rhino.
    Kinds of animals cannot change but adaption is everywhere.  Polar bears are losing their habitat today and more and more are now breeding with grizzlies, which will bring the extinction of the polar. The forest elephant in South Africa is now extinct (last one died a while back) It was smaller and ate different food.   Diet also has an effect on the human race and on animals. The black and white rhino eat different diets and their mouths have adapted.
     I am writing this now to show that one can read up on things to strengthen faith but one may not 'teach this as fact.   One can use it as an idea of how things took place back then - but since the bible gives us much more detail about the 'purpose' of god one can say that the above info is all mere speculation.  The GB is not in the business of speculation - so they stick to the purpose of Jehovah.
    However, I will encourage others to read more and find out how the bible may be much more scientific than science itself.  Geologists officially refuse  to consider the  bible narrative and say that the very thin layers between the sedimental layers represent millions and millions of years - which is quite ludicrous when one sees the large layers of sediment before and after these thin layers.  
    About the age of things -  ah - that is another subject......
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