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  1. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Micah_Orion in UN Compact 2018   
    I say what I think - it depends on how you say it  ...... and I am a woman!...... You see, woman do not have as big egos as most men.  It is a control thing with men or to be important or in charge.  Brothers have a life-long battle to learn to control this. Some acknowledge this and some don't.  If they are honest before Jehovah - they improve.  If not - they get themselves into all kinds of problems....
    I am not going to argue with you guys - your are so negative and toxic - you do not even come close to understanding how toxic you are.... so lets leave it at that.
    If you still want me on this forum then discuss the subject above and do not start to pull the GB apart.  
  2. Like
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    Oh? It’s not manisfested in any action, is it? Show me the avengers of wrongs flocking there.
  3. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Anna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    This is not a reply to you specifically, I know you know all this. I just wanted to clarify for others who might be thinking that we think that Russell is of no consequence.  Although Russell has been removed from that list, he is still considered very important, (and as one of the anointed) in the sense that he is viewed as the messenger who "opened up" the way for others after him. After all it was he who questioned the hellfire doctrine and immortality of the soul, two very important key elements that make us stand out from other Christian based religions. 
    Russell has been compared to "the sinews and flesh" of Ezekiel 37:7,8 in the vision of the valley of dry bones,  and then with  Rutherford (in 1919) they began to live and stand on their feet as per Ezekiel 37:10.
  4. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in God's Approval Versus Being Rich   
    So many people in Africa live on less than 1 dollar a day..... so be thankful for what you have...... I was fortunate enough to be able to pay for my daughter's cancer operation which lasted the whole day.  It was also without blood - 40 years ago.  The fact that she did not take blood - this saved her life.  I thank Jehovah for having that knowledge to guide me in the right direction.  She would have died from anaphylactic shock - something I did not know about at the time.
  5. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Micah_Orion in UN Compact 2018   
    I put this here to make you aware.  There are far right conspiracies everywhere -so be careful.  But in the light of George Orwell's 1984 book - this control of speech seems to be part of the "big brother" which can only augur misgivings about this rule of the UN.   ..... and we have bible prophecy to back it up.  Their peace will be deceiving!  When they call that - we will not be deceived!
  6. Like
  7. Like
    Arauna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in UN Compact 2018   
    Distilling many words into few words ... this quote seems to be where the "rubber meets the road".
    Everything Arauna said may be true, partially true, false, or partially false. ... and for a CERTAINTY, none of us on this blog can do ANYTHING about any of it.
    Nothing whatsoever ...... about any of it.
    Zero ... zip .... Nada .... Goose eggs.
    Somewhere in a parallel dimension known as "Toontown" Caleb and Sophia's pet laboratory mice are planning to take over the planet.
    Will they succeed?
    Stay tuned for breaking developments ....... or not !
    Pinky & The Brain - What Do You Want To Do Today_.mp4
  8. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    I left this forum before because the hate is just too much for me here.  It is a breading ground for all the dissenters.   I prefer to discuss world affairs in light of prophecy where I do not have to deal with people who visit a site like this just to vent their emotions which makes them illogical and full of hatefulness.   I have seen arrogance here that it is just too much to waste my time to deal with.  
    Fools - yes fools - because the bible calls those foolish ones who spend their time in the pursuit of breaking down.  They cannot think for themselves or ponder on the fact that the history of Israel is given as an example to us.   They were the people of Jehovah (in a covenant relationship with him) but you can study all the IMPURITIES and injustice that infiltrated the nation despite their having a law to teach them what is right and wrong.  Their management of course went without a hitch!  They were just perfect - so perfect that Jehovah never had to bring all the curses upon them described in Deuteronomy!       Despite all this waywardness of the nation and individuals, Jehovah managed to bring his plan to fruition to bring forth the Messiah - exactly on time!     
    Today Jehovah also has a nation in a covenant relationship with him.  Are they perfect!  Hell NO!  They are prone to the same sins as everyone else... but they are fulfilling the prophecies of warning the entire earth to remain NEUTRAL to world politics and remain within his principals.  They definitely are PURE regarding the teachings of trinity, hellfire, pagan traditions, and immortality of the soul and many more.  Are there wayward individuals whose hearts are not PURE - definitely.   But Jehovah removes his spirit from them if they persist in their ways - especially if they are just critical and do not appreciate the good things they have learnt!   They are like Esau and they do not have the qualities of the spirit.  As far as I remember hate and criticism of brothers is not a fruit of the spirit. .....    I would just like to have a logical conversation without all these nasty qualities always sticking out as the main theme! 
  9. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in God's Approval Versus Being Rich   
    So many people in Africa live on less than 1 dollar a day..... so be thankful for what you have...... I was fortunate enough to be able to pay for my daughter's cancer operation which lasted the whole day.  It was also without blood - 40 years ago.  The fact that she did not take blood - this saved her life.  I thank Jehovah for having that knowledge to guide me in the right direction.  She would have died from anaphylactic shock - something I did not know about at the time.
  10. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to JOHN BUTLER in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    In that case we wouldn't need an organisation and definitely would not need a Governing Body to 'teach us'  lies.  You make it sound poetic, almost romantic in you description, but it's not. 
    God's name : YHWH or the Hebrew HWHY left to right.  So where is Jehovah in that ? Why not Yahweh ?  Who started the name Jehovah ? A Catholic Monk maybe ? 
    And as for the way God wants us to live. The JW Org is way out of line in that case. 
    I have to disagree with you completely Anna.  Zechariah 8 v 23
     “This is what Jehovah of armies says, ‘In those days ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will take firm hold of the robe of a Jew, saying: “We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people.
    It is not for us to dig, we do not have the guidance of God's Holy Spirit. Only the Anointed have that guidance. The Bible was written with Holy Spirit and only Holy Spirit will decipher it. 
    Luke 24 v 45  Then he (Jesus) opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures, 
    BUT they already had those scriptures. They had read those scriptures. So why didn't they understand them ?  Obviously because they needed Holy Spirit and guidance to understand them. 
    I think this proves my point. Now we should have the anointed to open up the Scriptures to us, but we do not know who the Anointed are. Why ? Because the Governing Body of JW org has silenced the true Anointed ones. 
  11. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Anna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    No, you definitely don’t want to pretend, but have never been convinced of what you believed was the truth and later changed your perception of it, and adjusted it, in the light of more information? I think we have all done that. It seems like you naively think that truth will just pop up the first time, or that it will be miraculously revealed. On the contrary, it's hard work. The Bible says we have to search for it, because it’s a hidden treasure (Prov 2:5, 6). So finding the truth isn’t a sudden revelation, it’s a journey, and on the way we may stumble over rocks, have to climb hills and descend valleys, before we even know where to dig.  But like I said before, fundamental truths (God’s name, God’s personality, God’s purpose for mankind, the way God wants us to live etc.) are there; so that people seeking those truths are able to go to the “mountain of Jehovah”  Isaiah 2:2,3.
  12. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to JOHN BUTLER in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    @Anna Very well explained, thank you. 
    As for me knowing anything  um. There is a song i think that says something like 
    'The more I learn the less i know' And my problem now is retaining anything in my head. Memory loss I presume. Plus the problem of not knowing what is truth and what is lies. 
    I once, not long ago, wrote on my Facebook page, The one thing I've learnt in life is that i don't know the truth about anything. 
    I wish you well with your 'possible new bible student' and with your gaining of knowledge, political or otherwise. 
  13. Like
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    It's definitely a side-track. But it's an interesting one to some people. Also, I see that this topic was in a religiously neutral part of the forum, and an admin has now  moved it into the "Jehovah's Witnesses Public Club."
    To me, this will make it interesting because of how politically-influenced our own prophetic explanations have been over the years. Russell himself wrote to the President of the United States to tell him that Filipinos were lazy and that we (USA) should give a large portion of the Philippines to Japan. Rutherford was constantly involved in the political trends of his day. In fact, Rutherford, wrote to Hitler to tell him that he thought that what Hitler was "preaching" in the early 1930's was kind of like a political expression of what the kingdom of God stood for, and therefore, Rutherford expressed appreciation for what Hitler was saying. This only lasted a short time because Hitler didn't buy it. In fact, Rutherford for a short time also stated that the League of Nations was like a political expression of the Kingdom of God on earth. That only lasted a few months. But he was famous for taking sides between capitalists and labor, and just like Russell, predicted that the chaos of Armageddon would be triggered by a clash between the interests of Capitalism and Labor's interest in social justice. This developed into the idea of the West (Capitalists) being the key representatives in the King of the South, and the socialist/communist powers being the key representatives of the King of the North.
    Watching this idea develop between the old Daniel book (Your Will be Done on Earth) and the Babylon book and the new Ezekiel book is EXTREMELY interesting to me.
  14. Like
    Arauna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in God's Approval Versus Being Rich   
    True, but God's approval ... AND being able to pay $195,000 for  a coronary bypass, entirely without blood, saved my life.
    If I had to do one, but not both ... which would have kept me alive?
    In this case, both did, as I avoided "Manny the Used Car Bone Saw Surgeon", by insisting on NO BLOOD or blood fractions, and had to transfer to another hospital with more skilled surgeons.
    Abraham had both God's approval, and was immensely wealthy.
    So was King David.
    Having Gods approval means you may (may!) not starve.
    Having God's approval, and money means you eat three times a day ... and well!
    There is no shame to be in poverty ... but it has absolutely NOTHING to recommend itself.
  15. Haha
    Arauna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in How much money you need to be part of the 1% worldwide?   
    Sign on a mahogany plaque somewhere ;
    "You can never be too thin, or too rich"
    The helicopter I want costs 8 million dollars.
    Currently, I could not afford the gas for it.
  16. Like
    Arauna reacted to JOHN BUTLER in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    @JW Insider That expression came from my own head. 'Human foundation stones'  Those two men R & R are sometimes put 'on high' and then sometimes 'disowned'. I find that funny. It seems they were once seen as part of the Faithful Slave and are now seen to be NOT of the Faithful Slave. 
    Trust in the CCJW ?   Well you will know my personal history of course, so when my brother introduced me to the JW Org (as I tend to call it)  I found that it made sense and people were kind and helpful. However over the years the things I was first taught have been 'wiped out', and therefore things make less sense. And the fact that the Anointed have been pushed to one side and the GB have chosen to exalt themselves, by calling themselves the Faithful and discreet slave, whereas all of the Anointed were once the Faithful and discreet slave,  this shows a dictatorship within the JW org.  The Elders unfortunately are just Policemen, obeying orders from the GB through the 'chain of command'.  A few bits of the teachings are still 'sound' but the whole Organisation is in deep trouble, more so with God than with men. 
    Quote : 'encourages high morality'. UM questionable don't you think, in view of the massive amount of HIDDEN  Child Abuse Earthwide within the JW Org.   (and you will know i have some details of such a case within my ex-congregation). Then to hide the Child Abuse even more the GB start accusing adults (one male one female) of fornication, when NO WITNESSES  are needed to confirm it. Nice try at a diversion.  
    Quote ; "(I notice that, as an organization, we are almost able to laugh at ourselves with respect to some of these past errors and false doctrines. ". UM, don't you consider the facts of collateral damage ? Do you laugh at the number of people you have stumbled by false teachings ? 
    Quote : "we don't produce pedophiles and child molesters"  NO BUT THE ORGANISATION HIDES THEM WITHIN.  Refuses to hand over documents which could lead to Pedophiles being prosecuted and put in prison where they belong. And if a person needs mental care / help then giving info to authorities would help that person. And WHAT ABOUT THE VICTIMS ?  Do you think they are all liars ?  Do you think all of them Earthwide have made it all up just to get money from the Org ? 
    Quote "We should all push for more improvements even if this means exposing the seriousness of injustice to children, and exposing these issues to the light."   I did i left the JW org, and that is what eveyone should have done.   Trying to 'push for improvement' whilst in the Org would get a person disfellowshipped for 'Causing division within the congregation'. My brother is an Elder, i asked his advice before i made my decision. 
    Quote :" just as so many other institutions have needed ". Stop making comparisons. Your Org is supposed to be No part of the World, so why compare with others that are Part of the World.   
    Quote :" that it means God has removed his blessing from all of us, especially the leadership. I don't expect so much out of the leadership .. 
    Matthew 5 v 48  You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
    Quote : " it's to make us trust the leadership of Jesus and Jehovah, all the more. " If the GB came off of their pedestal and DID trust God and Jesus more then they wouldn't allow so many false teachings / lies in the Org. AND the GB would allow ALL of the Anointed to be recognised and be of the Faithful Slave. 
    However, i am in agreement with others on here, that the GB are showing themselves to be the Wicked Slave class, mistreating the 'domestics'.  
    In my opinion big changes are coming. The GB have to be removed, in any way that God chooses. The JW Org may have to be destroyed, if God chooses to do it, or to let it be done. As in the destruction of Jerusalem. 
  17. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Witness in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    You mean "some", like myself.
    The Pharisees and Sadducees came to test Jesus. So they asked him to show them a miraculous sign from heaven.
    2 He responded to them, “In the evening you say that the weather will be fine because the sky is red. 3 And in the morning you say that there will be a storm today because the sky is red and overcast. You can forecast the weather by judging the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.
    4 “Evil and unfaithful people look for a miraculous sign. But the only sign they will be given is that of Jonah.”
    Then he left them standing there and went away.
    6 Jesus said to them, “Be careful! Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees!”  Matt 16:1-6
    When you look at a loaf of bread, do you see on the outside what may be hidden inside that may have contaminated it, making it unfit to eat?  What you are offering as the identities of the wild beast and false prophet is no different than what the majority of the world thinks.  It is not hidden, but blatant.  Satan is deceitful, working as an angel of light.  You know and can perceive the works of lies in the WT under the GB's influence and partnership with its "Beast/organization", (Rev 13) yet you turn away, as do the majority of JWs.  Not even child abuse is enough to wake them up. 
    What will it take?  2 Thess 2:9-12   The "power, signs, and lying wonders" stem from unrighteous DECEPTION" and a "strong DELUSION".    It is God's anointed "kings" and the "nations" with them, that are deceived, just as you still are. Rev 13:7;16:12-14 (Rev 1:5; 5:9,10)
  18. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to JOHN BUTLER in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    The point being you now seem to be looking into the 'world'.  We all know what the 'world' is like. 
    However the JW Org is supposed to be 'pure'.  Well it pretends to be. 
    The world is supposed to be wicked and complicated. The JW Org is supposed to be clean and easy to understand. 
    Have a good day. 
  19. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to JOHN BUTLER in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    Keep putting up that smokescreen.
  20. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to JOHN BUTLER in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    That's one way of avoiding thinking about all the problems within the JW Org I suppose. 
  21. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Micah_Orion in UN Compact 2018   
    Interesting article and video.....
    On 11 December most countries will sign the UN Compact in Morocco.  It is part of the "Agenda 21" plan for the 21 st century  started in 1992.  Read up about Agenda 21, agenda 2030 and about this Compact for Migration which will criminalize anyone saying anything against the UN plan.  Those countries who signed are obliged to assist migrants financially and basically all people have a right to migrate....(no more borders).   About 20 nations are now fighting  it and will be forced by fines for not complying.  It is part of the UN plan for one world government...  Is this real? Or a conspiracy.... ? Watch this little video and give comments of the implications.    I have the original documents and on this Youtube link you can also download the UN document "agenda 21".   NGOs have already been receiving funds to implement it for the past 20 years and both republican and democratic governments has been changing laws to implement is..... It has been going on  under our noses and the general public does not know.  My interest in this is the fulfillment of prophecy which indicates the UN or coalition of governments to rule for short period of time before Armageddon.  There are huge implications to this .... but first watch this little video to begin the discussion....   here is the link.....
  22. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Space Merchant in UN Compact 2018   
    Interesting article and video.....
    On 11 December most countries will sign the UN Compact in Morocco.  It is part of the "Agenda 21" plan for the 21 st century  started in 1992.  Read up about Agenda 21, agenda 2030 and about this Compact for Migration which will criminalize anyone saying anything against the UN plan.  Those countries who signed are obliged to assist migrants financially and basically all people have a right to migrate....(no more borders).   About 20 nations are now fighting  it and will be forced by fines for not complying.  It is part of the UN plan for one world government...  Is this real? Or a conspiracy.... ? Watch this little video and give comments of the implications.    I have the original documents and on this Youtube link you can also download the UN document "agenda 21".   NGOs have already been receiving funds to implement it for the past 20 years and both republican and democratic governments has been changing laws to implement is..... It has been going on  under our noses and the general public does not know.  My interest in this is the fulfillment of prophecy which indicates the UN or coalition of governments to rule for short period of time before Armageddon.  There are huge implications to this .... but first watch this little video to begin the discussion....   here is the link.....
  23. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in UN Compact 2018   
    Interesting article and video.....
    On 11 December most countries will sign the UN Compact in Morocco.  It is part of the "Agenda 21" plan for the 21 st century  started in 1992.  Read up about Agenda 21, agenda 2030 and about this Compact for Migration which will criminalize anyone saying anything against the UN plan.  Those countries who signed are obliged to assist migrants financially and basically all people have a right to migrate....(no more borders).   About 20 nations are now fighting  it and will be forced by fines for not complying.  It is part of the UN plan for one world government...  Is this real? Or a conspiracy.... ? Watch this little video and give comments of the implications.    I have the original documents and on this Youtube link you can also download the UN document "agenda 21".   NGOs have already been receiving funds to implement it for the past 20 years and both republican and democratic governments has been changing laws to implement is..... It has been going on  under our noses and the general public does not know.  My interest in this is the fulfillment of prophecy which indicates the UN or coalition of governments to rule for short period of time before Armageddon.  There are huge implications to this .... but first watch this little video to begin the discussion....   here is the link.....
  24. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from admin in UN Compact 2018   
    Interesting article and video.....
    On 11 December most countries will sign the UN Compact in Morocco.  It is part of the "Agenda 21" plan for the 21 st century  started in 1992.  Read up about Agenda 21, agenda 2030 and about this Compact for Migration which will criminalize anyone saying anything against the UN plan.  Those countries who signed are obliged to assist migrants financially and basically all people have a right to migrate....(no more borders).   About 20 nations are now fighting  it and will be forced by fines for not complying.  It is part of the UN plan for one world government...  Is this real? Or a conspiracy.... ? Watch this little video and give comments of the implications.    I have the original documents and on this Youtube link you can also download the UN document "agenda 21".   NGOs have already been receiving funds to implement it for the past 20 years and both republican and democratic governments has been changing laws to implement is..... It has been going on  under our noses and the general public does not know.  My interest in this is the fulfillment of prophecy which indicates the UN or coalition of governments to rule for short period of time before Armageddon.  There are huge implications to this .... but first watch this little video to begin the discussion....   here is the link.....
  25. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from LNN in How a 'science' company blocked the Truth from becoming public.   
    Watch this video: A dangerous poison and a professor threatened / entrapment because he published his findings and did not take bribes.
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