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    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in Is the USA Preparing for World War III?   
    I see my comment and the question someone asked me is not longer here?  Where can I find it so I can answer the person?
  2. Like
    The focus is misplaced! Our loyalty is to Jehovah and Jesus only.  If we accept that the slave is being used by Jehovah we will do all in our power to keep our lives free from wrong and cooperate with them and make sure we do not contribute to Jehovah (and the people associated with his name) to be dragged through the mud! ... 
    Unfortunately -  We are all (no matter how faithful we think we are) full of deviation (miss the mark ) - this is the reality of life!  If we do not recognize this fact, then we say we have no sin!  Then we do not need the ransom sacrifice. 
    MY brother was in prison for the truth as a young man - he did not mention the offenses to me - but he told me that he was disgusted with some bad habits he saw there which are human deviations and take time to get rid of.  When people live in close proximity under stressful conditions these things tend to come to the surface. Seriously wrong things also occurred and people were dis-fellowshipped and other brothers had to avoid them. This created an extremely difficult situation for all. 
    To my mind a place like Bethel is not a natural way of living and hence it is only a place for the strong.  One can see the frailty of human deviation and personality defects up-front - and it may come as a shock to the inexperienced person on the road of life. However, some are prepared to make the sacrifice to go and serve there.  However, we make it a kind of prestige thing - which is wrong.  The wish to service is a wonderful motivation but the underlying culture of prestige is wrong.  This demonstrates the quick way in which humans like to put themselves on pedestals or want to think of themselves as the cream of the crop.  Then they are shocked to see and discover feet of clay!  It takes great effort to stay humble because our imperfection makes us always come up with ways to justify ourselves or make us think we are "good". This is why I always avoid giving honor to people who came from Bethel and hate it when I hear others do this.  Often they have a superior attitude which I find telling.  I used to call them the spiritual elite because they act in that sinful way - but have stopped doing that.
    We are all - just "people" like everyone else who is NOT serving Jehovah. The only way we are different to others:- we have been privileged to learn the future plans of Jehovah and dedicated ourselves Him and left the most debased of sins.  However, we need to "progress" with the help of the holy spirit.  If we only have a little bit of that spirit or we do not make an effort to ask and receive it and work in harmony with it - then we can soon find ourselves deviating from what is right.  I believe we can only stay in the truth if we have Jehovah's spirit......and some seem to barely make it because they are focusing more on other things - be it personal goals or just the stress of raising a family.
    All people are imperfect.  The problem is that we have pink glasses on regarding our brothers when they actually are people who are fighting their own bad inclinations all the time. Yes we expect a high level of change in their lives and would like to think them perfect when they are not.  Two of the anointed in the time of the apostles dropped down dead after they had lied about the properties they had sold.  One anointed person was dis-fellowshipped because he had slept with his mother! ....and others were not condemning it! Some of our brothers who get dis-fellowshipped have committed multiple sins -  not just one - and then to crown it become rebellious when they are corrected! Judas was sinning over a long period of time! before he betrayed him.
    I do not want to sound preachy - but we all know this - but we tend to have a blind eye to this.
    We have to be very forgiving sometimes - be a bit more like Jehovah - who has seen all the wickedness right throughout mankind's history and that of his people (from ancient times till now).  We do have good examples in the Bible - but many of them also had serious flaws.  So when we see this we know that Jehovah is truly merciful and we keep on because we know that he is aware that we are imperfect flesh. He knows when we are sincere and doing all that is necessary to progress.
    So - the expectation that others must be without serious flaw is fundamentally wrong!  
  3. Like
    The focus is misplaced! Our loyalty is to Jehovah and Jesus only.  If we accept that the slave is being used by Jehovah we will do all in our power to keep our lives free from wrong and cooperate with them and make sure we do not contribute to Jehovah (and the people associated with his name) to be dragged through the mud! ... 
    Unfortunately -  We are all (no matter how faithful we think we are) full of deviation (miss the mark ) - this is the reality of life!  If we do not recognize this fact, then we say we have no sin!  Then we do not need the ransom sacrifice. 
    MY brother was in prison for the truth as a young man - he did not mention the offenses to me - but he told me that he was disgusted with some bad habits he saw there which are human deviations and take time to get rid of.  When people live in close proximity under stressful conditions these things tend to come to the surface. Seriously wrong things also occurred and people were dis-fellowshipped and other brothers had to avoid them. This created an extremely difficult situation for all. 
    To my mind a place like Bethel is not a natural way of living and hence it is only a place for the strong.  One can see the frailty of human deviation and personality defects up-front - and it may come as a shock to the inexperienced person on the road of life. However, some are prepared to make the sacrifice to go and serve there.  However, we make it a kind of prestige thing - which is wrong.  The wish to service is a wonderful motivation but the underlying culture of prestige is wrong.  This demonstrates the quick way in which humans like to put themselves on pedestals or want to think of themselves as the cream of the crop.  Then they are shocked to see and discover feet of clay!  It takes great effort to stay humble because our imperfection makes us always come up with ways to justify ourselves or make us think we are "good". This is why I always avoid giving honor to people who came from Bethel and hate it when I hear others do this.  Often they have a superior attitude which I find telling.  I used to call them the spiritual elite because they act in that sinful way - but have stopped doing that.
    We are all - just "people" like everyone else who is NOT serving Jehovah. The only way we are different to others:- we have been privileged to learn the future plans of Jehovah and dedicated ourselves Him and left the most debased of sins.  However, we need to "progress" with the help of the holy spirit.  If we only have a little bit of that spirit or we do not make an effort to ask and receive it and work in harmony with it - then we can soon find ourselves deviating from what is right.  I believe we can only stay in the truth if we have Jehovah's spirit......and some seem to barely make it because they are focusing more on other things - be it personal goals or just the stress of raising a family.
    All people are imperfect.  The problem is that we have pink glasses on regarding our brothers when they actually are people who are fighting their own bad inclinations all the time. Yes we expect a high level of change in their lives and would like to think them perfect when they are not.  Two of the anointed in the time of the apostles dropped down dead after they had lied about the properties they had sold.  One anointed person was dis-fellowshipped because he had slept with his mother! ....and others were not condemning it! Some of our brothers who get dis-fellowshipped have committed multiple sins -  not just one - and then to crown it become rebellious when they are corrected! Judas was sinning over a long period of time! before he betrayed him.
    I do not want to sound preachy - but we all know this - but we tend to have a blind eye to this.
    We have to be very forgiving sometimes - be a bit more like Jehovah - who has seen all the wickedness right throughout mankind's history and that of his people (from ancient times till now).  We do have good examples in the Bible - but many of them also had serious flaws.  So when we see this we know that Jehovah is truly merciful and we keep on because we know that he is aware that we are imperfect flesh. He knows when we are sincere and doing all that is necessary to progress.
    So - the expectation that others must be without serious flaw is fundamentally wrong!  
  4. Upvote
    FAKE NEWS -  I did not even read the other comments because something is seriously wrong with this item!!
    Here are a few things to think about:
    There is no name given to this woman. There are no important news sources from reputable news companies. (They would be onto this like a flash)    I looked at the original source of this 'soundbite' and it looks suspicious - any person with malicious intent can record this...."secret" conversation. 
    The over-the top - reporting; utmost secrecy of it; and the spreading of it on social media - popular malicious media - is  suspicious.   I do not say it is untrue but this seems to be fake news BECAUSE IT IS ILLOGIC FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS:
    Why was only ONE expelled when an entire "underground network" was going on.  This would surely hit the news because true apostates are nasty, malicious people when they leave the organization (They try to hit back in any possible way they can and in my experience often play the victim- it would make a wonderfully nasty 'victim' story in mainstream media). The group would band together and cause a media stir for sure. Why was a young woman singled out as the leader? .... at such a young age?  Was there other, older people, maybe an elder who was the leader and could have been misleading her?  Then he should have been expelled before she was! There are many more questions which could be asked about this.
    Naaa...... fake news.   I do not doubt that maybe a young person was sent home for inappropriate behavior; or she could not fit in with the rigid life style (not everyone can adapt to it) - maybe she really had brazen conduct?  Who knows....
    The whole "VICTIM" tone of this story - is like many others I have seen.....  old ploy of Satan.
    If Jehovah does not step in no flesh will be saved - most will lose their faith because of what will be going on.  Satan wants to rule the entire earth and he is slowly getting there by means of oppressive governments,  domineering religions and the vilification of anyone who advocates the truth. The internet is the perfect place for it.  It has become like the Wild West where villains are ruling and "shooting down" all who do not agree.  The public opinion will sway towards all the lies against Jehovah and his people.  (True, we are just a bunch of people with bad qualities like everyone else on earth - but it is Jehovah's spirit which keeps us in the truth and there is NOTHING about ourselves which is wonderful- unless we like to bluff ourselves). Outside in the world you can puff up yourself as wonderful but inside the truth we are too painfully aware of our flaws and yes, sometimes we are treated unfairly by others but we do not turn against Jehovah because of this.
    Revelation 16: 14-16 - the propaganda of Satan is getting people ready for the great day of God almighty....  And many false prophets will stand up.  This week I read in Matt 24 that they will kill you and think that they are doing God a favor!  If anyone has doubts about how bad it is going to be - we will be thoroughly tested - especially the anointed!  They will be vilified and all those associated with them.
  5. Upvote
    The focus is misplaced! Our loyalty is to Jehovah and Jesus only.  If we accept that the slave is being used by Jehovah we will do all in our power to keep our lives free from wrong and cooperate with them and make sure we do not contribute to Jehovah (and the people associated with his name) to be dragged through the mud! ... 
    Unfortunately -  We are all (no matter how faithful we think we are) full of deviation (miss the mark ) - this is the reality of life!  If we do not recognize this fact, then we say we have no sin!  Then we do not need the ransom sacrifice. 
    MY brother was in prison for the truth as a young man - he did not mention the offenses to me - but he told me that he was disgusted with some bad habits he saw there which are human deviations and take time to get rid of.  When people live in close proximity under stressful conditions these things tend to come to the surface. Seriously wrong things also occurred and people were dis-fellowshipped and other brothers had to avoid them. This created an extremely difficult situation for all. 
    To my mind a place like Bethel is not a natural way of living and hence it is only a place for the strong.  One can see the frailty of human deviation and personality defects up-front - and it may come as a shock to the inexperienced person on the road of life. However, some are prepared to make the sacrifice to go and serve there.  However, we make it a kind of prestige thing - which is wrong.  The wish to service is a wonderful motivation but the underlying culture of prestige is wrong.  This demonstrates the quick way in which humans like to put themselves on pedestals or want to think of themselves as the cream of the crop.  Then they are shocked to see and discover feet of clay!  It takes great effort to stay humble because our imperfection makes us always come up with ways to justify ourselves or make us think we are "good". This is why I always avoid giving honor to people who came from Bethel and hate it when I hear others do this.  Often they have a superior attitude which I find telling.  I used to call them the spiritual elite because they act in that sinful way - but have stopped doing that.
    We are all - just "people" like everyone else who is NOT serving Jehovah. The only way we are different to others:- we have been privileged to learn the future plans of Jehovah and dedicated ourselves Him and left the most debased of sins.  However, we need to "progress" with the help of the holy spirit.  If we only have a little bit of that spirit or we do not make an effort to ask and receive it and work in harmony with it - then we can soon find ourselves deviating from what is right.  I believe we can only stay in the truth if we have Jehovah's spirit......and some seem to barely make it because they are focusing more on other things - be it personal goals or just the stress of raising a family.
    All people are imperfect.  The problem is that we have pink glasses on regarding our brothers when they actually are people who are fighting their own bad inclinations all the time. Yes we expect a high level of change in their lives and would like to think them perfect when they are not.  Two of the anointed in the time of the apostles dropped down dead after they had lied about the properties they had sold.  One anointed person was dis-fellowshipped because he had slept with his mother! ....and others were not condemning it! Some of our brothers who get dis-fellowshipped have committed multiple sins -  not just one - and then to crown it become rebellious when they are corrected! Judas was sinning over a long period of time! before he betrayed him.
    I do not want to sound preachy - but we all know this - but we tend to have a blind eye to this.
    We have to be very forgiving sometimes - be a bit more like Jehovah - who has seen all the wickedness right throughout mankind's history and that of his people (from ancient times till now).  We do have good examples in the Bible - but many of them also had serious flaws.  So when we see this we know that Jehovah is truly merciful and we keep on because we know that he is aware that we are imperfect flesh. He knows when we are sincere and doing all that is necessary to progress.
    So - the expectation that others must be without serious flaw is fundamentally wrong!  
  6. Upvote
    FAKE NEWS -  I did not even read the other comments because something is seriously wrong with this item!!
    Here are a few things to think about:
    There is no name given to this woman. There are no important news sources from reputable news companies. (They would be onto this like a flash)    I looked at the original source of this 'soundbite' and it looks suspicious - any person with malicious intent can record this...."secret" conversation. 
    The over-the top - reporting; utmost secrecy of it; and the spreading of it on social media - popular malicious media - is  suspicious.   I do not say it is untrue but this seems to be fake news BECAUSE IT IS ILLOGIC FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS:
    Why was only ONE expelled when an entire "underground network" was going on.  This would surely hit the news because true apostates are nasty, malicious people when they leave the organization (They try to hit back in any possible way they can and in my experience often play the victim- it would make a wonderfully nasty 'victim' story in mainstream media). The group would band together and cause a media stir for sure. Why was a young woman singled out as the leader? .... at such a young age?  Was there other, older people, maybe an elder who was the leader and could have been misleading her?  Then he should have been expelled before she was! There are many more questions which could be asked about this.
    Naaa...... fake news.   I do not doubt that maybe a young person was sent home for inappropriate behavior; or she could not fit in with the rigid life style (not everyone can adapt to it) - maybe she really had brazen conduct?  Who knows....
    The whole "VICTIM" tone of this story - is like many others I have seen.....  old ploy of Satan.
    If Jehovah does not step in no flesh will be saved - most will lose their faith because of what will be going on.  Satan wants to rule the entire earth and he is slowly getting there by means of oppressive governments,  domineering religions and the vilification of anyone who advocates the truth. The internet is the perfect place for it.  It has become like the Wild West where villains are ruling and "shooting down" all who do not agree.  The public opinion will sway towards all the lies against Jehovah and his people.  (True, we are just a bunch of people with bad qualities like everyone else on earth - but it is Jehovah's spirit which keeps us in the truth and there is NOTHING about ourselves which is wonderful- unless we like to bluff ourselves). Outside in the world you can puff up yourself as wonderful but inside the truth we are too painfully aware of our flaws and yes, sometimes we are treated unfairly by others but we do not turn against Jehovah because of this.
    Revelation 16: 14-16 - the propaganda of Satan is getting people ready for the great day of God almighty....  And many false prophets will stand up.  This week I read in Matt 24 that they will kill you and think that they are doing God a favor!  If anyone has doubts about how bad it is going to be - we will be thoroughly tested - especially the anointed!  They will be vilified and all those associated with them.
  7. Thanks
    The focus is misplaced! Our loyalty is to Jehovah and Jesus only.  If we accept that the slave is being used by Jehovah we will do all in our power to keep our lives free from wrong and cooperate with them and make sure we do not contribute to Jehovah (and the people associated with his name) to be dragged through the mud! ... 
    Unfortunately -  We are all (no matter how faithful we think we are) full of deviation (miss the mark ) - this is the reality of life!  If we do not recognize this fact, then we say we have no sin!  Then we do not need the ransom sacrifice. 
    MY brother was in prison for the truth as a young man - he did not mention the offenses to me - but he told me that he was disgusted with some bad habits he saw there which are human deviations and take time to get rid of.  When people live in close proximity under stressful conditions these things tend to come to the surface. Seriously wrong things also occurred and people were dis-fellowshipped and other brothers had to avoid them. This created an extremely difficult situation for all. 
    To my mind a place like Bethel is not a natural way of living and hence it is only a place for the strong.  One can see the frailty of human deviation and personality defects up-front - and it may come as a shock to the inexperienced person on the road of life. However, some are prepared to make the sacrifice to go and serve there.  However, we make it a kind of prestige thing - which is wrong.  The wish to service is a wonderful motivation but the underlying culture of prestige is wrong.  This demonstrates the quick way in which humans like to put themselves on pedestals or want to think of themselves as the cream of the crop.  Then they are shocked to see and discover feet of clay!  It takes great effort to stay humble because our imperfection makes us always come up with ways to justify ourselves or make us think we are "good". This is why I always avoid giving honor to people who came from Bethel and hate it when I hear others do this.  Often they have a superior attitude which I find telling.  I used to call them the spiritual elite because they act in that sinful way - but have stopped doing that.
    We are all - just "people" like everyone else who is NOT serving Jehovah. The only way we are different to others:- we have been privileged to learn the future plans of Jehovah and dedicated ourselves Him and left the most debased of sins.  However, we need to "progress" with the help of the holy spirit.  If we only have a little bit of that spirit or we do not make an effort to ask and receive it and work in harmony with it - then we can soon find ourselves deviating from what is right.  I believe we can only stay in the truth if we have Jehovah's spirit......and some seem to barely make it because they are focusing more on other things - be it personal goals or just the stress of raising a family.
    All people are imperfect.  The problem is that we have pink glasses on regarding our brothers when they actually are people who are fighting their own bad inclinations all the time. Yes we expect a high level of change in their lives and would like to think them perfect when they are not.  Two of the anointed in the time of the apostles dropped down dead after they had lied about the properties they had sold.  One anointed person was dis-fellowshipped because he had slept with his mother! ....and others were not condemning it! Some of our brothers who get dis-fellowshipped have committed multiple sins -  not just one - and then to crown it become rebellious when they are corrected! Judas was sinning over a long period of time! before he betrayed him.
    I do not want to sound preachy - but we all know this - but we tend to have a blind eye to this.
    We have to be very forgiving sometimes - be a bit more like Jehovah - who has seen all the wickedness right throughout mankind's history and that of his people (from ancient times till now).  We do have good examples in the Bible - but many of them also had serious flaws.  So when we see this we know that Jehovah is truly merciful and we keep on because we know that he is aware that we are imperfect flesh. He knows when we are sincere and doing all that is necessary to progress.
    So - the expectation that others must be without serious flaw is fundamentally wrong!  
  8. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in Calf born with ‘human face’ treated as incarnation of Hindu god in India   
    This is why we have  an education program because people are so ignorant and superstitious.  Thank you Jehovah for looking after our needs as your people and appointing a slave to give us food at the proper time - not only us but to those in the entire world who have a hearing ear..
  9. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in Calf born with ‘human face’ treated as incarnation of Hindu god in India   
    Another racist religion.  The whiter you are the higher cast you are.  The lower casts were killed if they looked at higher cast and could not improve themselves because it was believed that they were wicked in a previous life and for this reason they were born into a lower cast.  They had to live out their punishment without improvement.  Read up about the untouchables....... Women too were viewed as lower.  In many families the holy animals received food  before the women did.... women were fed last and were often starving.... so I would say it is not a  weird religion but downright without justice.... A religion made by humans under direction of satan. Oppressive and hence we see the tremendous suffering and honor killings which is still part of the culture.
  10. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Nana Fofana in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    You're right - I do not care and I have lost interest in reasonings going in circles.  The sources about the Greek calendar are on the internet.  
    Even if I bring rock-solid proof  - I do not think the individuals (who are pushing their own ideas) are here to come to an honest accessment of facts.  They think they have all the facts.
    The Babylonian dates have NOT been verified in our previous  discussion and if you accepted those - then my accessment of your honesty is correct. It is synchronized with Egyptian dates - which has severe problems. 
    The Olympiads are more reliable than the Babylonian chronologies and it confirms the death of Cyrus to be 530 BCE.  I mentioned 3 sources if I remember correctly?
    Cyrus ruled Babylon for 9 years according to its sources - so he started rule in 539BCE.... the battle of Opis was just a side issue -  to also give an indication of the timeline when Babylon fell in 539 BCE.... . The Olympic games were held every four years - so the timekeeping was pretty accurate and it was the first reliable timing system instituted for the specific reason of pinpointing historic events in the ancient BCE period.
    The Babylonian data consists of mostly king lists and some were simultaneous ruler ships while other names have not yet been placed - there are many problems..... and there are no dates given so that one can properly synchronize to BCE dates and therefore Egyptian sources are used.
    The signs on the earth which indicates the riding of the horses (Rev 6) and the signs since 1914 on the earth have confirmed its accuracy - the one main sign of the Parousia being:- that in the last days the preaching of the 'kingdom ' will be preached in ALL the inhabited earth. .... the proof is in the eating of the pudding!  There is no other organization doing this work on the entire planet - FREE of CHARGE..... and it has been going on for many years.  Things are heating up all over the world - and propaganda and its accompanied violence is now being spread all over the earth to gather the nations together for Armageddon...... . and the religions are riding the beast!   The religion is controlling the people and governments have to conform to their laws and their peoples who et violent if they do not get their way!
    The world wide "security'  issues with bombings and killings by terrorists - and almost every day terrorists are being caught in Europe on the verge of committing great atrocities. Only some get to do them.  Governments will get tired of this.  They cannot turn against a "religion of peace" and will turn against all religions.....Other religions are also becoming violent!  We have reached the time when the "security issues " are paramount in every secular government's thoughts!   ..... and we all know that "peace and security" will be the first call before the final end.
    The EU, UN and many leftist organizations want ONE ruler ship or one system where all the diversity of humans and their different life philosophies will be accepted.  They are trying to force peoples to accept one another and will institute harsh laws to obtain this.  In Germany and England people have already been convicted for hate speech because they speak against a particular religion..... so laws will be enforced to curb this - while right wingers get more angry at the 'covering over' and lies of the governments as well as the many innocent peoples dying because of the fundamentalist ideologies...... the governments will then act to curb all religion and dissident thinkers.  The controlling agenda is already in action!.... the stage is set.... The longer it builds the greater the implosion! 
  11. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    The kings were appointed by Jehovah. It went well with them and the nation if they inquired from Jehovah and followed the directions of the prophets.  Disaster struck when they did not follow the instructions from the prophets. Jehovah kept sending prophets and they kept rejecting them.
  12. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    The first Governing Body did a fantastic job - but when we start looking at the incompetencies in the congregations etc.  (the issue with the bias regarding the feeding of the widows; the issues which arose regarding the circumcision, eating food previously offered to idols etc..)..another picture emerges.  These were all issues that were not immediately addressed and could have caused some distress in the congregations for a period of time.... until the matter was taken up with the GB or other solutions were found.    It was necessary for Paul to write letters and keep a watchful eye on new undesirable things in the congregations such as false teachings.  etc..
    Today we have the same issues - nothing has changed concerning the desires of mankind and its endeavors.  To me the test is this:  when other churches come and challenge us with their scholarship - I look at what they are DOING on the ground.  Are THEY fulfilling the prophecy of Matt 24:14 - or are we?   Do they have a slave who is feeding the entire world free of charge - or are we?
    So imperfect as we are - we are being obedient to Jehovah and doing the work he gave us to do - miraculously not by our own power.... even if everything is not perfect and needs constant work.
  13. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    In field service we are in the business of changing peoples way of thinking and learning to think for themselves.  However, freedom of thought comes with responsibility and self-control.  Satan did not use this correctly and neither did Adam.  He did not control his freedom of thinking and his subsequent desires and broke his relationship with Jehovah.  So NO - in field service we teach people to think for themselves but explore a thinking in line with Jehovah's thinking - not away from Jehovah's thinking.   One can use freedom of expression/thinking in a bad way - just like every other good thing.
    I belonged to one of the protestant churches with a 400 year history of dogmatic adherence to teachings that were laid down as law by the church father.  No change to teachings in 400 years.  Thank goodness I now belong to a religion which is prepared to cautiously adapt to new thinking and re-investigate its older core teachings.   Sometimes in the past they have not been as cautious as they should have been and maybe in future too - but at least they are prepared to be open to change and to grow! not stagnate in ancient hoo-ha.
  14. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Nana Fofana in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    The kings were appointed by Jehovah. It went well with them and the nation if they inquired from Jehovah and followed the directions of the prophets.  Disaster struck when they did not follow the instructions from the prophets. Jehovah kept sending prophets and they kept rejecting them.
  15. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Nana Fofana in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    The seventy was sent out as a training for the future.  Jesus was setting the pattern and instructing them what to do and not to do. 
  16. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    It wasn't the 70 who filled the shoes of Moses, it was Jesus. This is why the example of Korah is so important. It is a lesson about how men want their own authority over others, when it was only Jesus Christ who we should accept as Head of the congregations. There are no others who should be treated as leaders.
    (Acts 3:20-22) . . .and he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus. 21 Heaven must hold this one within itself until the times of restoration of all things of which God spoke through the mouth of his holy prophets of old. 22 In fact, Moses said: ‘Jehovah your God will raise up for you from among your brothers a prophet like me. You must listen to whatever he tells you. (Acts 7:37) 37 “This is the Moses who said to the sons of Israel: ‘God will raise up for you from among your brothers a prophet like me.’ (1 Corinthians 10:2-4) 2 and all got baptized into Moses by means of the cloud and of the sea, 3 and all ate the same spiritual food 4 and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they used to drink from the spiritual rock that followed them, and that rock meant the Christ. (Hebrews 3:1, 2) . . .Jesus. 2 He was faithful to the One who appointed him, just as Moses also was in all the house of that One. And of course:
    (Matthew 23:10) 10 Neither be called leaders, for your Leader is one, the Christ. So clearly Hebrews 13 means that we follow the lead of elders in their examples of faith and the lead they take in encouraging fine works.
    (Hebrews 10:24, 25) 24 And let us consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works, 25 not forsaking our meeting together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you see the day drawing near. (Hebrews 13:7) 7 Remember those who are taking the lead among you, who have spoken the word of God to you, and as you contemplate how their conduct turns out, imitate their faith.
  17. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from bruceq in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    The kings were appointed by Jehovah. It went well with them and the nation if they inquired from Jehovah and followed the directions of the prophets.  Disaster struck when they did not follow the instructions from the prophets. Jehovah kept sending prophets and they kept rejecting them.
  18. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Nana Fofana in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    The first Governing Body did a fantastic job - but when we start looking at the incompetencies in the congregations etc.  (the issue with the bias regarding the feeding of the widows; the issues which arose regarding the circumcision, eating food previously offered to idols etc..)..another picture emerges.  These were all issues that were not immediately addressed and could have caused some distress in the congregations for a period of time.... until the matter was taken up with the GB or other solutions were found.    It was necessary for Paul to write letters and keep a watchful eye on new undesirable things in the congregations such as false teachings.  etc..
    Today we have the same issues - nothing has changed concerning the desires of mankind and its endeavors.  To me the test is this:  when other churches come and challenge us with their scholarship - I look at what they are DOING on the ground.  Are THEY fulfilling the prophecy of Matt 24:14 - or are we?   Do they have a slave who is feeding the entire world free of charge - or are we?
    So imperfect as we are - we are being obedient to Jehovah and doing the work he gave us to do - miraculously not by our own power.... even if everything is not perfect and needs constant work.
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    The first Governing Body did a fantastic job - but when we start looking at the incompetencies in the congregations etc.  (the issue with the bias regarding the feeding of the widows; the issues which arose regarding the circumcision, eating food previously offered to idols etc..)..another picture emerges.  These were all issues that were not immediately addressed and could have caused some distress in the congregations for a period of time.... until the matter was taken up with the GB or other solutions were found.    It was necessary for Paul to write letters and keep a watchful eye on new undesirable things in the congregations such as false teachings.  etc..
    Today we have the same issues - nothing has changed concerning the desires of mankind and its endeavors.  To me the test is this:  when other churches come and challenge us with their scholarship - I look at what they are DOING on the ground.  Are THEY fulfilling the prophecy of Matt 24:14 - or are we?   Do they have a slave who is feeding the entire world free of charge - or are we?
    So imperfect as we are - we are being obedient to Jehovah and doing the work he gave us to do - miraculously not by our own power.... even if everything is not perfect and needs constant work.
  20. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from bruceq in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    The first Governing Body did a fantastic job - but when we start looking at the incompetencies in the congregations etc.  (the issue with the bias regarding the feeding of the widows; the issues which arose regarding the circumcision, eating food previously offered to idols etc..)..another picture emerges.  These were all issues that were not immediately addressed and could have caused some distress in the congregations for a period of time.... until the matter was taken up with the GB or other solutions were found.    It was necessary for Paul to write letters and keep a watchful eye on new undesirable things in the congregations such as false teachings.  etc..
    Today we have the same issues - nothing has changed concerning the desires of mankind and its endeavors.  To me the test is this:  when other churches come and challenge us with their scholarship - I look at what they are DOING on the ground.  Are THEY fulfilling the prophecy of Matt 24:14 - or are we?   Do they have a slave who is feeding the entire world free of charge - or are we?
    So imperfect as we are - we are being obedient to Jehovah and doing the work he gave us to do - miraculously not by our own power.... even if everything is not perfect and needs constant work.
  21. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from bruceq in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    In field service we are in the business of changing peoples way of thinking and learning to think for themselves.  However, freedom of thought comes with responsibility and self-control.  Satan did not use this correctly and neither did Adam.  He did not control his freedom of thinking and his subsequent desires and broke his relationship with Jehovah.  So NO - in field service we teach people to think for themselves but explore a thinking in line with Jehovah's thinking - not away from Jehovah's thinking.   One can use freedom of expression/thinking in a bad way - just like every other good thing.
    I belonged to one of the protestant churches with a 400 year history of dogmatic adherence to teachings that were laid down as law by the church father.  No change to teachings in 400 years.  Thank goodness I now belong to a religion which is prepared to cautiously adapt to new thinking and re-investigate its older core teachings.   Sometimes in the past they have not been as cautious as they should have been and maybe in future too - but at least they are prepared to be open to change and to grow! not stagnate in ancient hoo-ha.
  22. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Nana Fofana in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    In field service we are in the business of changing peoples way of thinking and learning to think for themselves.  However, freedom of thought comes with responsibility and self-control.  Satan did not use this correctly and neither did Adam.  He did not control his freedom of thinking and his subsequent desires and broke his relationship with Jehovah.  So NO - in field service we teach people to think for themselves but explore a thinking in line with Jehovah's thinking - not away from Jehovah's thinking.   One can use freedom of expression/thinking in a bad way - just like every other good thing.
    I belonged to one of the protestant churches with a 400 year history of dogmatic adherence to teachings that were laid down as law by the church father.  No change to teachings in 400 years.  Thank goodness I now belong to a religion which is prepared to cautiously adapt to new thinking and re-investigate its older core teachings.   Sometimes in the past they have not been as cautious as they should have been and maybe in future too - but at least they are prepared to be open to change and to grow! not stagnate in ancient hoo-ha.
  23. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to bruceq in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    I dont and I didnt say that. I try look for good in people not dwell on mistakes.
  24. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    Insider,  I agree with you that the GB seems more calm and kinder now and more mature BUT this does not mean that they will not fall foul of some other sinful quality!  And it is not always Satan - it is just the sinfulness and wrong desires (dominance/competitiveness/ ego) in each of us which leads to bad behavior. Satan will also use any flaw in a person if he sees a gap.
    This is why I always caution that we must all of us watch ourselves when it comes to ambition (even in the truth); do not believe that you have the only way of doing something; and ANY form of control over others must be avoided.  If we do not cooperate - we are abusing our power.  A child can abuse the power he has over the family when he does not cooperate.  He can make his parents life difficult.  and.... where there is no peace.... then righteousness cannot grow.  One must keep peace at all costs ..... but many have not learnt that yet because we are all at different levels of development.  Some also learn some things faster than others.
    I have been on field service with sisters that are so controlling that I actually want to avoid them the next time - but force myself to be impartial and overlook this DEADLY quality because it destroys unhypocrytical love..   They are usually older sisters and set in their ways - so I try to find the good in them.
    I think the shouting match that Paulus had with Barnabas is a good reason for us to not expect people to be perfect and where ever people are - imperfection is sure to follow - and there is always that EGO to a stronger or lesser degree. The anointed man who slept with his own mother and then was later accepted back into the congregation just shows the level to which Jehovah can forgive and what we must be prepared to forgive..... I also believe to speak my mind openly but always try to do it in a loving way.  When in doubt - show love. Sort things immediately in a nice way.... and it has worked for me.  When I was younger I was afraid to speak out but as Paul said: the older sisters also have a role to play to inspire the younger ones and teach the young wives to love their husbands.
    The new meeting materials that focus on Christian living - I was very happy when this new feature was brought in because I thought this was really a facet of our Christian living which was neglected before... yea - so we all have our little peeves....  but I honestly believe we must overlook this and get on with only focusing on Jehovah.
    My brother - when he was in prison for the truth ( 3 years) told me that he saw some seriously nasty things amongst the brothers (people are just people and immature) and it caused divisions - while they were all trying to keep their integrity to Jehovah.... so yes... I do think that we may in future be thrown into prison together and then we will have to cope with each other..... this will not be a piece of cake.... but if we can do it we will get the crown of life!  Sometimes out tests come from within the congregation!
  25. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from bruceq in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    Insider,  I agree with you that the GB seems more calm and kinder now and more mature BUT this does not mean that they will not fall foul of some other sinful quality!  And it is not always Satan - it is just the sinfulness and wrong desires (dominance/competitiveness/ ego) in each of us which leads to bad behavior. Satan will also use any flaw in a person if he sees a gap.
    This is why I always caution that we must all of us watch ourselves when it comes to ambition (even in the truth); do not believe that you have the only way of doing something; and ANY form of control over others must be avoided.  If we do not cooperate - we are abusing our power.  A child can abuse the power he has over the family when he does not cooperate.  He can make his parents life difficult.  and.... where there is no peace.... then righteousness cannot grow.  One must keep peace at all costs ..... but many have not learnt that yet because we are all at different levels of development.  Some also learn some things faster than others.
    I have been on field service with sisters that are so controlling that I actually want to avoid them the next time - but force myself to be impartial and overlook this DEADLY quality because it destroys unhypocrytical love..   They are usually older sisters and set in their ways - so I try to find the good in them.
    I think the shouting match that Paulus had with Barnabas is a good reason for us to not expect people to be perfect and where ever people are - imperfection is sure to follow - and there is always that EGO to a stronger or lesser degree. The anointed man who slept with his own mother and then was later accepted back into the congregation just shows the level to which Jehovah can forgive and what we must be prepared to forgive..... I also believe to speak my mind openly but always try to do it in a loving way.  When in doubt - show love. Sort things immediately in a nice way.... and it has worked for me.  When I was younger I was afraid to speak out but as Paul said: the older sisters also have a role to play to inspire the younger ones and teach the young wives to love their husbands.
    The new meeting materials that focus on Christian living - I was very happy when this new feature was brought in because I thought this was really a facet of our Christian living which was neglected before... yea - so we all have our little peeves....  but I honestly believe we must overlook this and get on with only focusing on Jehovah.
    My brother - when he was in prison for the truth ( 3 years) told me that he saw some seriously nasty things amongst the brothers (people are just people and immature) and it caused divisions - while they were all trying to keep their integrity to Jehovah.... so yes... I do think that we may in future be thrown into prison together and then we will have to cope with each other..... this will not be a piece of cake.... but if we can do it we will get the crown of life!  Sometimes out tests come from within the congregation!
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