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  1. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Nana Fofana in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    All visions and dreams in Daniel are prophetic and have to do with the future as I recall - but there is only ONE (according to you), only ONE vision that was only contemporary (7 times) and has no future fulfillment??  ...........very inconsistent .... of Jehovah!
    Daniel 12:4  says: But you, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the TIME OF THE END: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. (Seal ALL books and then people will search to understand these prophecies closer to the time of fulfillment.)
    We are going in circles - I quote a few  scriptures where it gives a 30 day month and then you say this is not so. You give LONG, complicated  explanations  -  to circumvent what is plainly stated in the Bible -  it is starting to sound more and more like a MYSTERY which only a few can understand - a teaching which Christendom loves so much..
    I think all the friends on this blog would not even understand what the sacred secret of the Kingdom is (which Daniel talks about in several verses (Daniel 2:44; Daniel 7:13 + 14) if it was not for the slave distributing this knowledge free of charge. 
    30 years ago most of Christendom did not accept that the Kingdom is a government but believed that it was a CONDITION of the heart.... and therefore would not accept any calculation of its timing ..... or contemplate when it would start ruling INVISIBLY.
    They still do not have an idea when the first resurrection  takes place , and who these people are who have the first resurrection.... they do not give the "least of Christ's brothers" a drink or a kindness BUT rather oppose them. They think they will all go to heaven..... and earth will be DESTROYED.  They do not have a clue of the true purpose of God.... I spoke to them regularly until recently..... 
    Well, CHRISTENDOM AND MUSLIMS BELIEVE MANY OF THE SAME THINGS - EVEN THEIR GOD IS JUST CALLED GOD OR LORD.  Their prophecies say that Jesus is coming back in the FLESH, it gives the place where he will descend and what he is going to look like.... He has a sword with which he is going to fight a literal battle - kill the anti-Christ.  It may satisfy your FLESHLY desire to see his flesh.... in the sky - with literal lightning ....and they also believe in immortality of the soul and they are all going to heaven.....and a literal war on the earth which will be lead by Jesus........Matt 24: 23 and 24 tells us there will be false Christs BUT they will not mislead the chosen ones.  Further look at REV 19: 
    Rev 19:  Also, the armies that were in HEAVEN were following him on white horses, and they were clothed in white, clean, fine linen. 15  And out of his mouth there protrudes a sharp long sword,+ that he may strike the nations with it, and he will shepherd them with a rod of iron.+ He treads too the winepress+ of the anger of the wrath of God+ the Almighty. 16  And upon his outer garment, even upon his thigh, he has a name written, King of* kings and Lord of lords.+ 17  I saw also an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice and said to all the birds+ that fly in mid heaven: “Come here, be gathered together to the great evening meal of God, 18  that YOU may eat the fleshy+ parts of kings and the fleshy parts of military commanders* and the fleshy parts of strong men+ and the fleshy parts of horses+ and of those seated upon them, and the fleshy parts of all, of freemen as well as of slaves and of small ones and great.” 19  And I saw the wild beast+ and the kings+ of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage the war+ with the one seated on the horse+ and with his army. 20  And the wild beast+ was caught, and along with it the false prophet+ that performed in front of it the signs+ with which he misled those who received the mark+ of the wild beast and those who render worship to its image.+ While still alive, they both were hurled into the fiery lake that burns with Sulphur
    To me - these are heavenly armies behind Jesus..... and the 'wild beast and false prophet' are symbols which represent parts of fleshly, worldly humankind. 
    This WAR takes place AFTER  Revelation 12: 7-12  (the birth of the Kingdom and authority given to Christ) and satan is thrown out of heaven.    ..... and it happens AFTER a short time left is declared.
    I cannot eat your scroll - it is bitter in my mouth - in fact its flavor is false.
  2. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from bruceq in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    So please tell me HOW this proves the Bible to be INCORRECT -  which in every instance gives a ROUNDED number of 30 days for a month (so 29 days or 30 days does not really matter because the Bible ONLY  refers to 30 days in a month) - a BIBLICAL month......  Rev 11:2+3.....(42 months is 1260 days).  Weeping for 30 days - is a month, they mourned Moses for 30 days. The month was counted from new moon till new moon - and the days that Noah counted are given as 5 months to be 150 days. All are consistent.  So if Jehovah wanted us to count a Biblical/or prophetic month as 30 rounded days - then so be it.   Your claim that you are defending the "Bible" is only a claim.    
    The formal moon calendar was only set in stone some years after Jesus.  So today - we can speculate on the various methods they used to reconcile the year made up of 29/30-day moon-months with the solar year. None of us were there ........and be careful of Rabbinical writings.......go find out more about the 'holy' Mishnah/Talmud and "most holy" Kabbalah........you are in for a nasty shock!       When in doubt - I stick with the Bible.
    So, all this speculation and calculations still does not CHANGE the words in the bible which refers to a month ONLY as 30 days. Why did Jehovah not object to this being written down by his inspired writers of the scripture when he knew it is not absolutely accurate in the minutest detail? .... it was to have consistency when we work out prophecies - because as you rightly showed - the moon calendar has its inconsistencies.
  3. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Nana Fofana in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    So please tell me HOW this proves the Bible to be INCORRECT -  which in every instance gives a ROUNDED number of 30 days for a month (so 29 days or 30 days does not really matter because the Bible ONLY  refers to 30 days in a month) - a BIBLICAL month......  Rev 11:2+3.....(42 months is 1260 days).  Weeping for 30 days - is a month, they mourned Moses for 30 days. The month was counted from new moon till new moon - and the days that Noah counted are given as 5 months to be 150 days. All are consistent.  So if Jehovah wanted us to count a Biblical/or prophetic month as 30 rounded days - then so be it.   Your claim that you are defending the "Bible" is only a claim.    
    The formal moon calendar was only set in stone some years after Jesus.  So today - we can speculate on the various methods they used to reconcile the year made up of 29/30-day moon-months with the solar year. None of us were there ........and be careful of Rabbinical writings.......go find out more about the 'holy' Mishnah/Talmud and "most holy" Kabbalah........you are in for a nasty shock!       When in doubt - I stick with the Bible.
    So, all this speculation and calculations still does not CHANGE the words in the bible which refers to a month ONLY as 30 days. Why did Jehovah not object to this being written down by his inspired writers of the scripture when he knew it is not absolutely accurate in the minutest detail? .... it was to have consistency when we work out prophecies - because as you rightly showed - the moon calendar has its inconsistencies.
  4. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Nana Fofana in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    I am going back to the ancient Jewish Calendar because I used the word "biblical" above.  
    I do not think that the average farmer on his little plot of land did all the calculations which I see above in great detail (for the pure love for detail) while the individual does not realize that the people who lived on the ground in ancient israel did not care or know about scholarship. It is easy to look back now and put your own view on things - but real life was not like that in ancient times. Yes they had their Levites and later the rabbinical teachers who looked after these calculations BUT....
    An average Israelite farmer looked at the new moon to remind him of the festivals he had to attend that month and also for the planting season.  They had on average 30 days in the month and every fourth year when the seasons did not look right (because they were behind according to the sun calendar - the earth has it seasons as its turns around the sun) - they then put in the extra short month to tally the moon calendar up with the sun. 
    Most cultures went with the moon calendar, so this calendar was prevalent and well-known to all. 30 days per month and then the 4th year had a small extra month.  The Jews were savvy about the planets but they were NOT allowed to go into future predictions (using the planets, moon and stars) like Babylon for instance (who used the sun calendar and did endless calculations for predictions).
    Word of mouth and passing knowledge from one generation to another was the way things were done. So this is why the Bible does not stipulate 29. point (whatever the faction you mentioned) to describe the lunar month. It used (in all its consistent) writings in the bible - 30 days per month in all cases.  The extra DAY you speak off (which we now still put in every 4th year) is part of the SUN based calendar.
    So either you accept the Bible as it presented things to the people as they were used in ancient times (30 days per month was their tradition and ALL references to months in the Bible have consistently given 30 days as the number)  - or you add you own brilliant calculations to the mixture with FRACTIONS and all - and the problem with this is: you will make yourself a god in your own myopic brilliance and reject what the Bible has to say about 30 days per month. (This was ancient tradition not modern life calculus on computers).
    You either accept the Bible or you do not. God did not ask any of the prophets to write about a month as 29.....fraction, fraction...days .... so why even go there?   What is the motive? 
  5. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from lentaylor71 in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    I am going back to the ancient Jewish Calendar because I used the word "biblical" above.  
    I do not think that the average farmer on his little plot of land did all the calculations which I see above in great detail (for the pure love for detail) while the individual does not realize that the people who lived on the ground in ancient israel did not care or know about scholarship. It is easy to look back now and put your own view on things - but real life was not like that in ancient times. Yes they had their Levites and later the rabbinical teachers who looked after these calculations BUT....
    An average Israelite farmer looked at the new moon to remind him of the festivals he had to attend that month and also for the planting season.  They had on average 30 days in the month and every fourth year when the seasons did not look right (because they were behind according to the sun calendar - the earth has it seasons as its turns around the sun) - they then put in the extra short month to tally the moon calendar up with the sun. 
    Most cultures went with the moon calendar, so this calendar was prevalent and well-known to all. 30 days per month and then the 4th year had a small extra month.  The Jews were savvy about the planets but they were NOT allowed to go into future predictions (using the planets, moon and stars) like Babylon for instance (who used the sun calendar and did endless calculations for predictions).
    Word of mouth and passing knowledge from one generation to another was the way things were done. So this is why the Bible does not stipulate 29. point (whatever the faction you mentioned) to describe the lunar month. It used (in all its consistent) writings in the bible - 30 days per month in all cases.  The extra DAY you speak off (which we now still put in every 4th year) is part of the SUN based calendar.
    So either you accept the Bible as it presented things to the people as they were used in ancient times (30 days per month was their tradition and ALL references to months in the Bible have consistently given 30 days as the number)  - or you add you own brilliant calculations to the mixture with FRACTIONS and all - and the problem with this is: you will make yourself a god in your own myopic brilliance and reject what the Bible has to say about 30 days per month. (This was ancient tradition not modern life calculus on computers).
    You either accept the Bible or you do not. God did not ask any of the prophets to write about a month as 29.....fraction, fraction...days .... so why even go there?   What is the motive? 
  6. Haha
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in Governing Body: Does it show loyalty or disloyalty to question the GB?   
    And here I thought I had at least two-thirds of the angels, too.
  7. Like
    Arauna reacted to bruceq in Trial of Bible ends VYBORG COURT RULES JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES' BIBLE IS EXTREMIST LITERATURE   
    Trial of Bible ends
    Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, 17 August 2017
    Judge Dmitry Yurievich Grishin of the Vyborg city court, a kandidat of jurisprudence and former chairman of the department of civil law of the A.S. Pushkin Leningrad University, announced his decision: to grant the petition of the Leningrad-Finland transport prosecutor; to find "Sacred Scripture—New World Translation" extremist material; to find the brochures "The Bible and it Main Subject," "Science instead of the Bible?" and "How to Improve Health. Five Simple Rules" to be extremist materials; to confiscate the batch of the aforesaid literature. The court's decision has not taken effect and it may be appealed within thirty days. (tr. by PDS, posted 17 August 2017)
    Also JW.ORG:
    News Alerts
    BREAKING NEWS | Russian Court Bans New World Translation
    On August 17, 2017, the Vyborg City Court in Russia ruled to ban the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT). In Russia, it is illegal to ban a Bible. However, a court-appointed “expert study” claimed that the NWT is not a Bible. The decision to ban the NWT came even after the powerful testimony of experts and the fine argumentation of our brothers, proving undeniably that the NWT is a Bible. In spite of such obvious discrimination, Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide take comfort from Isaiah 40:8, “the word of our God endures forever.” We are appealing the decision.
  8. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Margaret Burlingham in It is absolutely essential to stand up against racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism & Islamophobia...   
    The sea of mankind is spewing forth it debris..... they can try and pick up the dirt..... it is impossible to clean up!
  9. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Governing Body: Does it show loyalty or disloyalty to question the GB?   
    You have one disciple! 
  10. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Nana Fofana in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    42 months is 3 and half years..... and it is 1260 days.  This is the equivalent of 30 days per month.  A biblical Jewish month was 30 days (so the  bible is consistent regarding this).
    Daniel spoke of seven periods - regarding the fall of the tree and the new growth of the king on the throne of Juda....
      30 days X 84 months (7 years) is 2,520 years.       607BCE  to 1913 is 2,520 years.   There is no year zero - so you add a year= 1914 AD
  11. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Nana Fofana in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    Unfortunately  - to quote magazines from the distant past - Russel etc. is like trying to wear a Victorian hat in our times - it does not fit in today.  It has its place in the 'development' of  the more modern hats worn in the 20th century-  which lead to us only wearing hats for specific or practical reasons today in the 21st.  (Similarly we have the core teachings today with an emphasis on the personality traits and principles which are preparing us to live in better harmony together under a future government).
    I remember the words of Jesus  when he asked Peter if he loved him three times!  The reply to Peter's answer was "feed my sheep."
    This is what the "slave" is doing...... feeding the sheep.  We would not understand the Kingdom if it was not for them: it is a government with rulers and subjects; how it will function and what it will do. How it will function on the new earth...and how we should be in serious expectation of it.
    Today the buildup of hate and spiritism in all spheres of the earth is tremendous.  Far-left to far-right fascist groups;  black and white racism in Africa and America; tribal divisions; Shia and Sunni divisions; leftist and alt right governments (calling peace when there is no peace- controlling media and free speech); and hateful religions (look what the Talmud and Qur'an teach - you are in for a shock!).  Unfortunately it is not just Islam who wants to rule the entire earth by fighting with literal weapons and killing all in their path  - it is also subtle secret organizations which are also religiously and ideologically inspired; and political involvement by most religions on earth - some are riding the beast....even controlling the UN; and millions of people who are 'awakened' or "illuminated" today - having a façade of spirituality which is controlled by secret agendas...... Spiritism is rife and escalating in many countries with druids, witches, spells, magic and 'muti '(medicines made from children or animals).  
    So the slave is teaching us to keep "neutral"; clean, safe and in expectation while in the love of Jehovah".  This they understand 100%. In the eyes of the world we are nuts - like when Moses lead the Israelites into what seemed to be a trap! But this neutrality is very important so that we do not take sides... to keep in love and peace during the conclusion of the end. This neutrality stand tells me I have the truth!.......in the face of all people ready to take sides! It is natural to want to rectify something which is wrong - to become and activist... for a cause one thinks to be righteous!  Some are falling for this trap and helping certain organizations and paying the penalty for it!
    Most people will be in support of some sort of killing of others when the time of the end comes... taking matters in fierceness into their own hands. It is the propaganda of demons (using media no doubt) which are going out to the earth - blinding all -  and gathering them together for Armageddon.... when brother will kill brother.  (note: What made very nice German people kill innocent people or stand back and do nothing or support the killing?  It was an ideology/a philosophical way of thinking which gave the 'justification' for it.  Mankind has not learnt its lessons from the past ... we are going the same way again .....just on a much grander scale!
    The new age groups sound all "spiritual" - but what secret organizations are lying behind their teachings?  The new post-modernist philosophies which are touted by the far left - who say that all religions are good and there is no right or wrong and who have rejected the Bible and want to destroy it - who is behind this? The alt-right are openly a bunch of killers. One gets a shock once one discovers who have the purse strings to the world and who have control of the media.... Yes satan is blinding the eyes of many. The Bible is now a book ( and soon will) carry the scorn of most worldly people.  
    Yet - we have time to waste to shift the meanings of words and dates.  It is not going to change the responsibility of the commission given to us to preach the kingdom and teach the qualities necessary to maintain neutrality and stay innocent /uninvolved of the wickedness of the earth. There is a time for everything - and now is the time to obey - and preach. Buy out the opportune time!  Leave the OCD.... behind and use the time to preach!  Preaching will save you as Rom 10 says.
    To me - I see the birth pains are getting more intense.  Jehovah does nothing without giving us some indication of where we stand in the space of  time.  He is a loving father .  We have seen the wars and the RUMORS (media) of wars BUT this is not the end yet.  So these signs should get us ready for what is waiting ahead of us. We have rumors of wars, more earth quakes, potentially more serious diseases than the 1918 influenza - (although this was a killer-illness on a massive scale. ) 
    'Security' is an issue as far-left and far-right take matters into their own hands (and do not forget that the far left is supporting islam, and cultural marxism.  There are many forms of supremacism (check out islam and Zionism).  So which are going to prevail and fill the void when problems erupt?  We will find out when it happens.  At moment China is posturing; Russia is posturing,  USA and Turkey are posturing (showing their iron) while many other countries are placating the humanists and humanitarians (clay). 
    All this is a cooking pot which possibly could suddenly explode - the longer it cooks the bigger the explosion - all at once! It will be a sudden decision to turn against religion and call for peace and security!  They will use the weapon arsenals they have and whatever means they have during this time.   There will be a period of the eye of the storm (similar to what happened in Jerusalem in 70AD -  a respite) - this is when we bring the message of wrath with the possibility of losing our lives!
    This will be a sign from Jehovah and maybe other signs which will make the nations turn on us in hate. The end will happen as fast as a vase is falling!  
    The buildup is happening as we speak! So -the major signs have been!  It is now the time of propaganda of Satan Rev 16:14-16
  12. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Matthew 24. Is the INVISIBLE PAROUSIA doctrine based on less likely, special definitions of SIGN, PAROUSIA, CONCLUSION, LIGHTNING, GENERATION, and "GENTILE TIMES"?   
    Until Satan was put out of heaven there were doubtful ideas spread all the time in heaven and angels (even if perfect) were vulnerable to this as they could use their free choice to turn against Jehovah and disobey him. They also had to prove their loyalty to Jehovah.  Book of revelation indicates that one third of the myriads of angels followed in Satans footsteps.... (it hurt the heavenly family) and angels on their way to earthly missions were intercepted by Satans rulers.... One angel told Daniel that the archangel came to help him!  The heavens was also subject to Satans influence!   So this clears up the flawed thinking above about the heavenly woman!  The book of Jude indicates that Jesus had to rebuke an angel who wanted to take Moses's body to (no doubt) create more false worship and destroy the plans of Jehovah to bring forth the Messiah from the nation of Jews!
    Since Satan was a heavenly creature the issue of obedience and loyalty to Jehovah became an UNIVERSAL issue.  This is why the firstborn son came to earth because he was directly created by God - a heavenly creature who became less than the other angels and therefore settled the obedience of heavenly creatures (until death) in addition to the earthly issue to be settled.
    The heavens rejoiced greatly when satan was thrown out! For sure.  This 'woman' gave birth to a new nation when a new spiritual land was created!  The 144,000 who were in death received the First resurrection and a new nation (of priests and kings) was born!  These would be part of this new Kingdom!       The logic of the writings I have seen thus far in these 12 pages defies logic and since Jehovah is absolute logic I expect things to fit in perfectly and make absolute sense. As I said before - people become so captured by the minute detail that they lose the larger picture and literally throw out the new born baby (the sacred secret of the kingdom) with the bath water!
    I expect to see an unbelievable intensifying of the power of satan on the earth - to the extent that there is no more good people to hold his total influence back!  So far - wickedness has been held back by the decency of societies.... this is a figment of the past.
    Whether we will see a third world war - we do not know - but it will just be more of the same on a much larger scale.  However, civil society is becoming so hard to live in with wickedness, love of violence and spiritism everywhere!  The longer the world situation is building the bigger the effect when it cracks open!
    Everything is escalating because many issues are coming to a conclusion - such as the destruction of the earth - soon we will reach a point of no return with so many issues regarding the earth on the table.  I can go on and on about the issues we are facing with the earth (climate change is the smallest one!)....
    So - this is the time to unitedly preach, preach, preach!
  13. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from bruceq in Governing Body: Does it show loyalty or disloyalty to question the GB?   
    You have one disciple! 
  14. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from bruceq in Matthew 24. Is the INVISIBLE PAROUSIA doctrine based on less likely, special definitions of SIGN, PAROUSIA, CONCLUSION, LIGHTNING, GENERATION, and "GENTILE TIMES"?   
    Until Satan was put out of heaven there were doubtful ideas spread all the time in heaven and angels (even if perfect) were vulnerable to this as they could use their free choice to turn against Jehovah and disobey him. They also had to prove their loyalty to Jehovah.  Book of revelation indicates that one third of the myriads of angels followed in Satans footsteps.... (it hurt the heavenly family) and angels on their way to earthly missions were intercepted by Satans rulers.... One angel told Daniel that the archangel came to help him!  The heavens was also subject to Satans influence!   So this clears up the flawed thinking above about the heavenly woman!  The book of Jude indicates that Jesus had to rebuke an angel who wanted to take Moses's body to (no doubt) create more false worship and destroy the plans of Jehovah to bring forth the Messiah from the nation of Jews!
    Since Satan was a heavenly creature the issue of obedience and loyalty to Jehovah became an UNIVERSAL issue.  This is why the firstborn son came to earth because he was directly created by God - a heavenly creature who became less than the other angels and therefore settled the obedience of heavenly creatures (until death) in addition to the earthly issue to be settled.
    The heavens rejoiced greatly when satan was thrown out! For sure.  This 'woman' gave birth to a new nation when a new spiritual land was created!  The 144,000 who were in death received the First resurrection and a new nation (of priests and kings) was born!  These would be part of this new Kingdom!       The logic of the writings I have seen thus far in these 12 pages defies logic and since Jehovah is absolute logic I expect things to fit in perfectly and make absolute sense. As I said before - people become so captured by the minute detail that they lose the larger picture and literally throw out the new born baby (the sacred secret of the kingdom) with the bath water!
    I expect to see an unbelievable intensifying of the power of satan on the earth - to the extent that there is no more good people to hold his total influence back!  So far - wickedness has been held back by the decency of societies.... this is a figment of the past.
    Whether we will see a third world war - we do not know - but it will just be more of the same on a much larger scale.  However, civil society is becoming so hard to live in with wickedness, love of violence and spiritism everywhere!  The longer the world situation is building the bigger the effect when it cracks open!
    Everything is escalating because many issues are coming to a conclusion - such as the destruction of the earth - soon we will reach a point of no return with so many issues regarding the earth on the table.  I can go on and on about the issues we are facing with the earth (climate change is the smallest one!)....
    So - this is the time to unitedly preach, preach, preach!
  15. Like
    Arauna reacted to Cyril in You have to watch this two-year-old’s harsh review of preschool: “The teacher is shady,...   
    She was most likely coached to say all of that
  16. Upvote
  17. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Jack Ryan in Governing Body: Does it show loyalty or disloyalty to question the GB?   
    Yes @JW Insider please refrain from spreading your light in public.
    Keep it hidden from us simple folks like @TiagoBelager and me.....
    Let our clergy class in New York do all the bible research for us..... preferably only speaking in Latin from a pulpit.
    Please stop preaching about your truths.....
    I personally am heading over to a non-latin bible burning now so I'll check in later.
  18. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from bruceq in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    42 months is 3 and half years..... and it is 1260 days.  This is the equivalent of 30 days per month.  A biblical Jewish month was 30 days (so the  bible is consistent regarding this).
    Daniel spoke of seven periods - regarding the fall of the tree and the new growth of the king on the throne of Juda....
      30 days X 84 months (7 years) is 2,520 years.       607BCE  to 1913 is 2,520 years.   There is no year zero - so you add a year= 1914 AD
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from bruceq in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    Unfortunately  - to quote magazines from the distant past - Russel etc. is like trying to wear a Victorian hat in our times - it does not fit in today.  It has its place in the 'development' of  the more modern hats worn in the 20th century-  which lead to us only wearing hats for specific or practical reasons today in the 21st.  (Similarly we have the core teachings today with an emphasis on the personality traits and principles which are preparing us to live in better harmony together under a future government).
    I remember the words of Jesus  when he asked Peter if he loved him three times!  The reply to Peter's answer was "feed my sheep."
    This is what the "slave" is doing...... feeding the sheep.  We would not understand the Kingdom if it was not for them: it is a government with rulers and subjects; how it will function and what it will do. How it will function on the new earth...and how we should be in serious expectation of it.
    Today the buildup of hate and spiritism in all spheres of the earth is tremendous.  Far-left to far-right fascist groups;  black and white racism in Africa and America; tribal divisions; Shia and Sunni divisions; leftist and alt right governments (calling peace when there is no peace- controlling media and free speech); and hateful religions (look what the Talmud and Qur'an teach - you are in for a shock!).  Unfortunately it is not just Islam who wants to rule the entire earth by fighting with literal weapons and killing all in their path  - it is also subtle secret organizations which are also religiously and ideologically inspired; and political involvement by most religions on earth - some are riding the beast....even controlling the UN; and millions of people who are 'awakened' or "illuminated" today - having a façade of spirituality which is controlled by secret agendas...... Spiritism is rife and escalating in many countries with druids, witches, spells, magic and 'muti '(medicines made from children or animals).  
    So the slave is teaching us to keep "neutral"; clean, safe and in expectation while in the love of Jehovah".  This they understand 100%. In the eyes of the world we are nuts - like when Moses lead the Israelites into what seemed to be a trap! But this neutrality is very important so that we do not take sides... to keep in love and peace during the conclusion of the end. This neutrality stand tells me I have the truth!.......in the face of all people ready to take sides! It is natural to want to rectify something which is wrong - to become and activist... for a cause one thinks to be righteous!  Some are falling for this trap and helping certain organizations and paying the penalty for it!
    Most people will be in support of some sort of killing of others when the time of the end comes... taking matters in fierceness into their own hands. It is the propaganda of demons (using media no doubt) which are going out to the earth - blinding all -  and gathering them together for Armageddon.... when brother will kill brother.  (note: What made very nice German people kill innocent people or stand back and do nothing or support the killing?  It was an ideology/a philosophical way of thinking which gave the 'justification' for it.  Mankind has not learnt its lessons from the past ... we are going the same way again .....just on a much grander scale!
    The new age groups sound all "spiritual" - but what secret organizations are lying behind their teachings?  The new post-modernist philosophies which are touted by the far left - who say that all religions are good and there is no right or wrong and who have rejected the Bible and want to destroy it - who is behind this? The alt-right are openly a bunch of killers. One gets a shock once one discovers who have the purse strings to the world and who have control of the media.... Yes satan is blinding the eyes of many. The Bible is now a book ( and soon will) carry the scorn of most worldly people.  
    Yet - we have time to waste to shift the meanings of words and dates.  It is not going to change the responsibility of the commission given to us to preach the kingdom and teach the qualities necessary to maintain neutrality and stay innocent /uninvolved of the wickedness of the earth. There is a time for everything - and now is the time to obey - and preach. Buy out the opportune time!  Leave the OCD.... behind and use the time to preach!  Preaching will save you as Rom 10 says.
    To me - I see the birth pains are getting more intense.  Jehovah does nothing without giving us some indication of where we stand in the space of  time.  He is a loving father .  We have seen the wars and the RUMORS (media) of wars BUT this is not the end yet.  So these signs should get us ready for what is waiting ahead of us. We have rumors of wars, more earth quakes, potentially more serious diseases than the 1918 influenza - (although this was a killer-illness on a massive scale. ) 
    'Security' is an issue as far-left and far-right take matters into their own hands (and do not forget that the far left is supporting islam, and cultural marxism.  There are many forms of supremacism (check out islam and Zionism).  So which are going to prevail and fill the void when problems erupt?  We will find out when it happens.  At moment China is posturing; Russia is posturing,  USA and Turkey are posturing (showing their iron) while many other countries are placating the humanists and humanitarians (clay). 
    All this is a cooking pot which possibly could suddenly explode - the longer it cooks the bigger the explosion - all at once! It will be a sudden decision to turn against religion and call for peace and security!  They will use the weapon arsenals they have and whatever means they have during this time.   There will be a period of the eye of the storm (similar to what happened in Jerusalem in 70AD -  a respite) - this is when we bring the message of wrath with the possibility of losing our lives!
    This will be a sign from Jehovah and maybe other signs which will make the nations turn on us in hate. The end will happen as fast as a vase is falling!  
    The buildup is happening as we speak! So -the major signs have been!  It is now the time of propaganda of Satan Rev 16:14-16
  20. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    Unfortunately  - to quote magazines from the distant past - Russel etc. is like trying to wear a Victorian hat in our times - it does not fit in today.  It has its place in the 'development' of  the more modern hats worn in the 20th century-  which lead to us only wearing hats for specific or practical reasons today in the 21st.  (Similarly we have the core teachings today with an emphasis on the personality traits and principles which are preparing us to live in better harmony together under a future government).
    I remember the words of Jesus  when he asked Peter if he loved him three times!  The reply to Peter's answer was "feed my sheep."
    This is what the "slave" is doing...... feeding the sheep.  We would not understand the Kingdom if it was not for them: it is a government with rulers and subjects; how it will function and what it will do. How it will function on the new earth...and how we should be in serious expectation of it.
    Today the buildup of hate and spiritism in all spheres of the earth is tremendous.  Far-left to far-right fascist groups;  black and white racism in Africa and America; tribal divisions; Shia and Sunni divisions; leftist and alt right governments (calling peace when there is no peace- controlling media and free speech); and hateful religions (look what the Talmud and Qur'an teach - you are in for a shock!).  Unfortunately it is not just Islam who wants to rule the entire earth by fighting with literal weapons and killing all in their path  - it is also subtle secret organizations which are also religiously and ideologically inspired; and political involvement by most religions on earth - some are riding the beast....even controlling the UN; and millions of people who are 'awakened' or "illuminated" today - having a façade of spirituality which is controlled by secret agendas...... Spiritism is rife and escalating in many countries with druids, witches, spells, magic and 'muti '(medicines made from children or animals).  
    So the slave is teaching us to keep "neutral"; clean, safe and in expectation while in the love of Jehovah".  This they understand 100%. In the eyes of the world we are nuts - like when Moses lead the Israelites into what seemed to be a trap! But this neutrality is very important so that we do not take sides... to keep in love and peace during the conclusion of the end. This neutrality stand tells me I have the truth!.......in the face of all people ready to take sides! It is natural to want to rectify something which is wrong - to become and activist... for a cause one thinks to be righteous!  Some are falling for this trap and helping certain organizations and paying the penalty for it!
    Most people will be in support of some sort of killing of others when the time of the end comes... taking matters in fierceness into their own hands. It is the propaganda of demons (using media no doubt) which are going out to the earth - blinding all -  and gathering them together for Armageddon.... when brother will kill brother.  (note: What made very nice German people kill innocent people or stand back and do nothing or support the killing?  It was an ideology/a philosophical way of thinking which gave the 'justification' for it.  Mankind has not learnt its lessons from the past ... we are going the same way again .....just on a much grander scale!
    The new age groups sound all "spiritual" - but what secret organizations are lying behind their teachings?  The new post-modernist philosophies which are touted by the far left - who say that all religions are good and there is no right or wrong and who have rejected the Bible and want to destroy it - who is behind this? The alt-right are openly a bunch of killers. One gets a shock once one discovers who have the purse strings to the world and who have control of the media.... Yes satan is blinding the eyes of many. The Bible is now a book ( and soon will) carry the scorn of most worldly people.  
    Yet - we have time to waste to shift the meanings of words and dates.  It is not going to change the responsibility of the commission given to us to preach the kingdom and teach the qualities necessary to maintain neutrality and stay innocent /uninvolved of the wickedness of the earth. There is a time for everything - and now is the time to obey - and preach. Buy out the opportune time!  Leave the OCD.... behind and use the time to preach!  Preaching will save you as Rom 10 says.
    To me - I see the birth pains are getting more intense.  Jehovah does nothing without giving us some indication of where we stand in the space of  time.  He is a loving father .  We have seen the wars and the RUMORS (media) of wars BUT this is not the end yet.  So these signs should get us ready for what is waiting ahead of us. We have rumors of wars, more earth quakes, potentially more serious diseases than the 1918 influenza - (although this was a killer-illness on a massive scale. ) 
    'Security' is an issue as far-left and far-right take matters into their own hands (and do not forget that the far left is supporting islam, and cultural marxism.  There are many forms of supremacism (check out islam and Zionism).  So which are going to prevail and fill the void when problems erupt?  We will find out when it happens.  At moment China is posturing; Russia is posturing,  USA and Turkey are posturing (showing their iron) while many other countries are placating the humanists and humanitarians (clay). 
    All this is a cooking pot which possibly could suddenly explode - the longer it cooks the bigger the explosion - all at once! It will be a sudden decision to turn against religion and call for peace and security!  They will use the weapon arsenals they have and whatever means they have during this time.   There will be a period of the eye of the storm (similar to what happened in Jerusalem in 70AD -  a respite) - this is when we bring the message of wrath with the possibility of losing our lives!
    This will be a sign from Jehovah and maybe other signs which will make the nations turn on us in hate. The end will happen as fast as a vase is falling!  
    The buildup is happening as we speak! So -the major signs have been!  It is now the time of propaganda of Satan Rev 16:14-16
  21. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from bruceq in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    I recall that 1914 was the first major war fought with airplane bombing, flame throwers, chemical and gas weapons, many submarines (improved on the tiny ones used in the civil war in USA)... it was also after the development of the telegraph - used extensively;  tank warfare and individual soldiers were issued with machine guns.... battle of the Somme rates on most lists of worst battles ever fought.
    Second world war is an improvement on this with aircraft carriers; radar; radio used extensively during war; and atomic bomb; 
    What do we have now: improvement on previous weapons: satellites, drones, intercontinental ballistic missiles; nuclear submarines; supersonic jets; electro magnetic pulse; more varieties of nuclear weapons; information warfare, 
    Most weapons are all improvements on the communications or weapons used in the 1914 WW1....
    The proof is still on the ground.  
  22. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from bruceq in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    Whether these weapons were developed earlier - the tank was never used on the scale it was used in the war from 1914 onwards and now is a standard feature of war - or variations on it.  Airplanes were also in the development stage earlier - but they were not used on a scale ever before specifically for war until 1914.  Zeppelins were used much more before this.  So the composite use of so many different technologies makes it the first time that it was not man against man (or man on horse against man) even though horses were still used..... so this became warfare with mass machine killing.   
  23. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    I recall that 1914 was the first major war fought with airplane bombing, flame throwers, chemical and gas weapons, many submarines (improved on the tiny ones used in the civil war in USA)... it was also after the development of the telegraph - used extensively;  tank warfare and individual soldiers were issued with machine guns.... battle of the Somme rates on most lists of worst battles ever fought.
    Second world war is an improvement on this with aircraft carriers; radar; radio used extensively during war; and atomic bomb; 
    What do we have now: improvement on previous weapons: satellites, drones, intercontinental ballistic missiles; nuclear submarines; supersonic jets; electro magnetic pulse; more varieties of nuclear weapons; information warfare, 
    Most weapons are all improvements on the communications or weapons used in the 1914 WW1....
    The proof is still on the ground.  
  24. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Nana Fofana in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    I recall that 1914 was the first major war fought with airplane bombing, flame throwers, chemical and gas weapons, many submarines (improved on the tiny ones used in the civil war in USA)... it was also after the development of the telegraph - used extensively;  tank warfare and individual soldiers were issued with machine guns.... battle of the Somme rates on most lists of worst battles ever fought.
    Second world war is an improvement on this with aircraft carriers; radar; radio used extensively during war; and atomic bomb; 
    What do we have now: improvement on previous weapons: satellites, drones, intercontinental ballistic missiles; nuclear submarines; supersonic jets; electro magnetic pulse; more varieties of nuclear weapons; information warfare, 
    Most weapons are all improvements on the communications or weapons used in the 1914 WW1....
    The proof is still on the ground.  
  25. Like
    Arauna reacted to SuziQ1513 in Governing Body: Does it show loyalty or disloyalty to question the GB?   
    Dear Mr Ewing,
    Thank you for your reply.   I really don't want to go verbal fisticuffs, so let me apologize for sounding and acting less than loving.   To explain myself, I come to this site to learn and be challenged by other's insights and knowledge plus the bantering about of ideas.  I like to learn from a variety of sources.   I appreciate the intellectual contributions from JWI, Ann, Anna, Melinda,etc  and the kindness I feel from Bible Speaks, Queen Esther,etc.. JTR clarified his position (I did ask him the same question I asked you sometime ago), I "get" him now and he makes me laugh and shake my head and makes me spill my coffee on my keyboard at times.   He's a character but doesn't take himself so serious (see my post regarding "happy pants").  He's a grumpy but likable guy and he loves dogs (which says a lot). 
    That being said, I would love to know you and "get" where you are coming from.  You did explain your loyalties to GOD but I'm not sure which GOD ( the Jewish, Catholic, Mormon, etc) since you didn't use His name.  You mention the Watchtower, but I'm confused, are you for or against?  Is your position to draw people towards or away from the JW org using flaws in dating ( did I misinterpret what you were trying to do?). 
    To be honest, fighting over dating  ( like the unrelenting prairie winds)  gives me a headache, can't see the point when the fruits of the JW organization are beautifully evident.   Producing good fruit is what Jesus taught and learned from his Father, Jehovah.    So if I came across as irritated ( not bitter) I was but I do apologize for that.   I just wanted to know YOUR honest intentions (it's still not clear to me).   If I'm in the wrong place, show me where I should be to find greater treasures than I now have.
    May you have peace, joy and happiness in a world falling apart. Most sincerely -- SuziQ
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