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  1. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Jimmy Carter returned to Habitat for Humanity worksite one day after he was hospitalized for...   
    Agreed .... Congress is an animal with about a thousand legs, and almost no brain. Their ability to NOT solve "Heath Care" shows that getting elected does not make them competent.
  2. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in Jimmy Carter returned to Habitat for Humanity worksite one day after he was hospitalized for...   
    I kind of agree.
    I also agree that he was not a very effective president. But sometimes when I get bored and just want to see if JTR is healthy, I think about posting something that praises either Jimmy Carter or Barack Obama. 
    I think that Obama was one of our most brilliant politicians ever. I think that Carter was one of the most sincere. But brilliance as a politician has nothing to do with how well they effected policy. I think he was almost as bad as Reagan, Bush I, Bush II on that count.
    Deep down there is almost no difference in the two major political parties. The American people are easily fooled into thinking that one party is twice as good as the other, depending primarily on their prejudices about rich, poor, big gov't, small gov't, race, class, religion, intervention, military, oil, climate, "American interests," etc. But the undercurrent of dissatisfaction is beginning to trump all those issues as 95% of everyone begins to realize that they have been disenfranchized by reverse socialism: transfer of wealth into the hands of the top 1% merely by playing on fears that are easily drummed up to play upon the stupidity and prejudices of the 95%.
  3. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Jimmy Carter returned to Habitat for Humanity worksite one day after he was hospitalized for...   
    As I said before.... Carter was too decent, too much of a sincere Christian, to be an effective Ceasar.   (He was not a Witness but one can detect that he reads his Bible and this in turn has an inevitable effect on the personality.)
    The Ceasars used to give free bread to the masses and gory entertainment to keep them busy. The elite looked down on the poor masses....... while their own wealth and status increased. What has changed in Satan's world-wide system?
  4. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Jimmy Carter returned to Habitat for Humanity worksite one day after he was hospitalized for...   
    True, all BIG frogs in a small pond compared to Jehovah.
  5. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    I do not watch much western media - I keep a careful watch on the middle east because I preach mostly to Muslims - so I like to know what is going on. I watch arabic sites.
    I have been watching Russia for many years...... as I never believed that perestroika was permanent.... 
    Russia has been making alliances with Iran and selling weapons to them (a country who preaches every week against America in their Mosques and has bad intentions to America and the west - Shia muslim country);  Russia has been helping Assad with the war because he wanted access to the ports there - which he now has.  I do not think he will keep his access open there!  Russia has been making overtures to Turkey (Sunni muslim) and selling weapons - creating alliances. He is building alliances ....  Putin is looking very strong to his own people.... there is no denying this even though the economy is not perfect. 
    They are a government like all other under satan's power.... but some governments are more dangerous than others ... like north Korea for instance could create instability on a whim.  The world is volatile now and I am not vilifying only one country - but since this blog is about Russia I wrote what I think about Russia and their record is fraught with killing - even blatantly annexing areas such as the Ukraine problem...  like Hitler, he knew he can get away with it because the west does not want war.  
    Sweden is on high alert - they do not trust Russia.  They are calling up more soldiers for the army....  
    Americans often think that showing power (bombing) is a display of power and brings respect.... unfortunately this time has passed.  Shrewdness is now the name of the game....They have great influence in electronic warfare as well!  Hacking groups (government sponsored) hacking many different countries!  Putin and his government must not be underestimated.....he has chosen to act against Jehovah!  This he will only do because Jehovah allows him to!
  6. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    Report post     My observations of reality the way reality REALLY IS may be callous
    What is reality?   Each person experiences reality in a different way except when we collectively accept the reality of Jehovah and the reality of his restoration project of the earth (as written in the bible) and the values of good and bad it instills in us. We hence can say : if we follow the truth of the bible we are focusing on the true reality.  All other stuff is really going to become garbage in future although these ugly, painful things are now a part of our collective reality.
    My definition of true faith is based on Hebrew 11:1 : it is the search for reality (evidence) and how this reality will affect your view on all life on earth, human and animal.
    Is this not also the definition of science?  The search for reality and how this will affect your view of all other life?   Take for example the theory of evolution - to some this is reality..... even though the "evidence" is not there!  And how did this theory affect their view of other life?  Well Nazi Germany is a good example.  The idea of survival of the fittest gave way to "engineering of the german nation" and discarding disabled or other nations (not seen as worthy) to be exterminated....
    While we may accept the reality of the Kingdom and its future hope we may be at odds with the teachings of the Bible.  Our reality can be affected by being too egotistical, too brazen, too disruptive, too critical, too unloving.  How do we use our power?  All of us have power over each other and we can cooperate or be a dissonant sound.
    If a child does not listen to his parents he is actually using the power he has over them to make their lives a misery.  Similarly, it is easy to put the blame elsewhere and criticize the brothers when the finger is pointing back at us.  How humble are you to try to always cooperate and work together - be a force for good.   
    Use your powers for building others up - not being the disruptive sound in the orchestra.  One can still exercise your talents and be an individual without stepping onto the toes of everyone else.  Be emotionally sensitive.  Work hard - not just on the  IQ but more so - on the Emotional IQ. 
    There are many brothers and sisters with exceptional talents but they keep these in check (in their place) to put Jehovah first.
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    Agreed, Jehovah is shaking the nations by preaching work (not literally shaken). ...And this preaching work is upsetting the Russian government and the Mighty Orthodox church.....because we are effective!
    However, I think Jehovah is allowing satan to literally shake the nations due to the activities of man (wars, poverty etc.) which is causing stress in societies in many parts of the world. We are observing an influx of people to other areas and these have not had opportunity to get a good witness because they live in areas where the work has been banned or restricted.
  8. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    Agreed, Jehovah is shaking the nations by preaching work (not literally shaken). ...And this preaching work is upsetting the Russian government and the Mighty Orthodox church.....because we are effective!
    However, I think Jehovah is allowing satan to literally shake the nations due to the activities of man (wars, poverty etc.) which is causing stress in societies in many parts of the world. We are observing an influx of people to other areas and these have not had opportunity to get a good witness because they live in areas where the work has been banned or restricted.
  9. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    I do not watch much western media - I keep a careful watch on the middle east because I preach mostly to Muslims - so I like to know what is going on. I watch arabic sites.
    I have been watching Russia for many years...... as I never believed that perestroika was permanent.... 
    Russia has been making alliances with Iran and selling weapons to them (a country who preaches every week against America in their Mosques and has bad intentions to America and the west - Shia muslim country);  Russia has been helping Assad with the war because he wanted access to the ports there - which he now has.  I do not think he will keep his access open there!  Russia has been making overtures to Turkey (Sunni muslim) and selling weapons - creating alliances. He is building alliances ....  Putin is looking very strong to his own people.... there is no denying this even though the economy is not perfect. 
    They are a government like all other under satan's power.... but some governments are more dangerous than others ... like north Korea for instance could create instability on a whim.  The world is volatile now and I am not vilifying only one country - but since this blog is about Russia I wrote what I think about Russia and their record is fraught with killing - even blatantly annexing areas such as the Ukraine problem...  like Hitler, he knew he can get away with it because the west does not want war.  
    Sweden is on high alert - they do not trust Russia.  They are calling up more soldiers for the army....  
    Americans often think that showing power (bombing) is a display of power and brings respect.... unfortunately this time has passed.  Shrewdness is now the name of the game....They have great influence in electronic warfare as well!  Hacking groups (government sponsored) hacking many different countries!  Putin and his government must not be underestimated.....he has chosen to act against Jehovah!  This he will only do because Jehovah allows him to!
  10. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    Agreed, Jehovah is shaking the nations by preaching work (not literally shaken). ...And this preaching work is upsetting the Russian government and the Mighty Orthodox church.....because we are effective!
    However, I think Jehovah is allowing satan to literally shake the nations due to the activities of man (wars, poverty etc.) which is causing stress in societies in many parts of the world. We are observing an influx of people to other areas and these have not had opportunity to get a good witness because they live in areas where the work has been banned or restricted.
  11. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    I DID NOT EXPECT IT TO GO OUR WAY!  Here are my reasons:
    I have been watching Russia for more than 12 years and saw its sincere "human rights lawyers and reporters" mysteriously killed on the streets with no-one being brought to justice.  In the past I have called it a thugocracy! They killed dissidents in other countries too - think of the polonium-210  killing in London which grabbed some headlines! (please watch the video link I put in my previous comment about Russia.)
    Putin has made the Russian Orthodox religion his bedfellow in creating a new Russian-religious Nationalism.  Russian pride is at an all-time high and this is their food at present which unites them against all else /anything different. Many people are joining the orthodox church because Putin is the equivalent to a pop-star god and he seen as a strong leader.  He is dangerous, shrewd and a killer!  No-one stands in his way - totalitarian.... and his bedfellow church is the same! 
    By shrewd selling of weapons and assistance his influence is increasing in the world  (especially the middle east). The Russians love him for it.
    Satan is blinding the eyes of the world leaders.  Putin is also keeping the lid on the 27 million Muslims in his country by brutal oppression. Searches and Indiscriminate jailing of these people have made them live in fear of the government.... 
    Like his cold war predecessors - Putin and the Russian government is putting on a façade - allowing this high supreme court case, just to make this ban on JWs legal in the eyes of the people - justice has been through the process..... the quality of the process does not matter.  There was never an intention to listen to arguments in a fair /just way..... It was a set decision beforehand and the entire country is in a trance propagated by the Russian propaganda machine. All "feel" the same in their nationalism.   (Remember the Nazi machine of pride and nationalism?  A modern version of it...no right and wrong standards with injustices perpetrated and victims with no rights.)
    It is therefore not a surprise that Russia is the first country to stand in the "holy place" - I expect more and more to join this stance against Jehovah's defenseless people.   We do believe that it is the time of the end, don't we?  Then expect more to come. 
    We will suffer - but Jehovah will cut it off at the right time.  We will be dragged before governors and give our witness.  And our enemies will be deriding us - where is your god now?  Why does he not save you?  
    The propaganda of Satan (expressions of demons) is everywhere - going out to divide the earth as never before ! to get them ready for Armageddon. Rev 16:14-16.  Religious hate (religions hating each other and weapons training in religious nationalism is something new), hard-core racial hatred, and political party hatred (militant far-left and militant far-right) are getting people worked up for violence and fierceness to perpetrate unthinkable things against their fellow man in future. (brother killing brother).
    In the world there is not a place where there is not one or other form of hatred being propagated.  The values of right and wrong have disappeared.  Most Christians nations (especially Europe) are Christians at face value only because philosophies of humanist nature have taken its place....All religions are equal they say.... there is no right and wrong....  
    In this moral confusion the pressure pot is building - and the longer it builds- the bigger the explosion.  Whether we will see another world war - I do not know.  Whether we will see an ISIS-like organization take over in Europe and Canada - I do not know.   All I can see is signs of a building hatred amongst people which is directly from Satan.
    Satan wants to control the world completely and stamp out Jehovah's worship.  He is using imperialistic false religion and political systems to do this.  In previous generations there were decent people who held back this overwhelming control of satan but now there are very little wise people left with a sincere love for god.  In many countries there is an inordinate surge in Spiritism  - practiced on a daily basis with druids and witch doctors....  I saw this while living in Africa and England and have been watching the trends.
    Jehovah is now allowing the nations to be shaken (refugees moving everywhere) so that we can bring them the message and they receive an opportunity to choose... so keep busy while we have freedom to do so.
    I see signs of Jehovah's Witness enemies using Facebook and false news to perpetuate and spread vile lies about us and build a hatred against us.... Who is behind this?  Satan of course.  
    So my brothers....and sisters. Keep yourself in Jehovah's love..... do not stray and keep the eyes simple and focussed.  Do not collect material things or influence for yourself ..... it is not the time to contemplate these things... because they can be taken away from you in one minute....
    Jesus did not say without reason it will be the worst tribulation ever! 
  12. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from tromboneck in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    Agreed, Jehovah is shaking the nations by preaching work (not literally shaken). ...And this preaching work is upsetting the Russian government and the Mighty Orthodox church.....because we are effective!
    However, I think Jehovah is allowing satan to literally shake the nations due to the activities of man (wars, poverty etc.) which is causing stress in societies in many parts of the world. We are observing an influx of people to other areas and these have not had opportunity to get a good witness because they live in areas where the work has been banned or restricted.
  13. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    I do not watch much western media - I keep a careful watch on the middle east because I preach mostly to Muslims - so I like to know what is going on. I watch arabic sites.
    I have been watching Russia for many years...... as I never believed that perestroika was permanent.... 
    Russia has been making alliances with Iran and selling weapons to them (a country who preaches every week against America in their Mosques and has bad intentions to America and the west - Shia muslim country);  Russia has been helping Assad with the war because he wanted access to the ports there - which he now has.  I do not think he will keep his access open there!  Russia has been making overtures to Turkey (Sunni muslim) and selling weapons - creating alliances. He is building alliances ....  Putin is looking very strong to his own people.... there is no denying this even though the economy is not perfect. 
    They are a government like all other under satan's power.... but some governments are more dangerous than others ... like north Korea for instance could create instability on a whim.  The world is volatile now and I am not vilifying only one country - but since this blog is about Russia I wrote what I think about Russia and their record is fraught with killing - even blatantly annexing areas such as the Ukraine problem...  like Hitler, he knew he can get away with it because the west does not want war.  
    Sweden is on high alert - they do not trust Russia.  They are calling up more soldiers for the army....  
    Americans often think that showing power (bombing) is a display of power and brings respect.... unfortunately this time has passed.  Shrewdness is now the name of the game....They have great influence in electronic warfare as well!  Hacking groups (government sponsored) hacking many different countries!  Putin and his government must not be underestimated.....he has chosen to act against Jehovah!  This he will only do because Jehovah allows him to!
  14. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    Report post     My observations of reality the way reality REALLY IS may be callous
    What is reality?   Each person experiences reality in a different way except when we collectively accept the reality of Jehovah and the reality of his restoration project of the earth (as written in the bible) and the values of good and bad it instills in us. We hence can say : if we follow the truth of the bible we are focusing on the true reality.  All other stuff is really going to become garbage in future although these ugly, painful things are now a part of our collective reality.
    My definition of true faith is based on Hebrew 11:1 : it is the search for reality (evidence) and how this reality will affect your view on all life on earth, human and animal.
    Is this not also the definition of science?  The search for reality and how this will affect your view of all other life?   Take for example the theory of evolution - to some this is reality..... even though the "evidence" is not there!  And how did this theory affect their view of other life?  Well Nazi Germany is a good example.  The idea of survival of the fittest gave way to "engineering of the german nation" and discarding disabled or other nations (not seen as worthy) to be exterminated....
    While we may accept the reality of the Kingdom and its future hope we may be at odds with the teachings of the Bible.  Our reality can be affected by being too egotistical, too brazen, too disruptive, too critical, too unloving.  How do we use our power?  All of us have power over each other and we can cooperate or be a dissonant sound.
    If a child does not listen to his parents he is actually using the power he has over them to make their lives a misery.  Similarly, it is easy to put the blame elsewhere and criticize the brothers when the finger is pointing back at us.  How humble are you to try to always cooperate and work together - be a force for good.   
    Use your powers for building others up - not being the disruptive sound in the orchestra.  One can still exercise your talents and be an individual without stepping onto the toes of everyone else.  Be emotionally sensitive.  Work hard - not just on the  IQ but more so - on the Emotional IQ. 
    There are many brothers and sisters with exceptional talents but they keep these in check (in their place) to put Jehovah first.
  15. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    I do not watch much western media - I keep a careful watch on the middle east because I preach mostly to Muslims - so I like to know what is going on. I watch arabic sites.
    I have been watching Russia for many years...... as I never believed that perestroika was permanent.... 
    Russia has been making alliances with Iran and selling weapons to them (a country who preaches every week against America in their Mosques and has bad intentions to America and the west - Shia muslim country);  Russia has been helping Assad with the war because he wanted access to the ports there - which he now has.  I do not think he will keep his access open there!  Russia has been making overtures to Turkey (Sunni muslim) and selling weapons - creating alliances. He is building alliances ....  Putin is looking very strong to his own people.... there is no denying this even though the economy is not perfect. 
    They are a government like all other under satan's power.... but some governments are more dangerous than others ... like north Korea for instance could create instability on a whim.  The world is volatile now and I am not vilifying only one country - but since this blog is about Russia I wrote what I think about Russia and their record is fraught with killing - even blatantly annexing areas such as the Ukraine problem...  like Hitler, he knew he can get away with it because the west does not want war.  
    Sweden is on high alert - they do not trust Russia.  They are calling up more soldiers for the army....  
    Americans often think that showing power (bombing) is a display of power and brings respect.... unfortunately this time has passed.  Shrewdness is now the name of the game....They have great influence in electronic warfare as well!  Hacking groups (government sponsored) hacking many different countries!  Putin and his government must not be underestimated.....he has chosen to act against Jehovah!  This he will only do because Jehovah allows him to!
  16. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    Report post     My observations of reality the way reality REALLY IS may be callous
    What is reality?   Each person experiences reality in a different way except when we collectively accept the reality of Jehovah and the reality of his restoration project of the earth (as written in the bible) and the values of good and bad it instills in us. We hence can say : if we follow the truth of the bible we are focusing on the true reality.  All other stuff is really going to become garbage in future although these ugly, painful things are now a part of our collective reality.
    My definition of true faith is based on Hebrew 11:1 : it is the search for reality (evidence) and how this reality will affect your view on all life on earth, human and animal.
    Is this not also the definition of science?  The search for reality and how this will affect your view of all other life?   Take for example the theory of evolution - to some this is reality..... even though the "evidence" is not there!  And how did this theory affect their view of other life?  Well Nazi Germany is a good example.  The idea of survival of the fittest gave way to "engineering of the german nation" and discarding disabled or other nations (not seen as worthy) to be exterminated....
    While we may accept the reality of the Kingdom and its future hope we may be at odds with the teachings of the Bible.  Our reality can be affected by being too egotistical, too brazen, too disruptive, too critical, too unloving.  How do we use our power?  All of us have power over each other and we can cooperate or be a dissonant sound.
    If a child does not listen to his parents he is actually using the power he has over them to make their lives a misery.  Similarly, it is easy to put the blame elsewhere and criticize the brothers when the finger is pointing back at us.  How humble are you to try to always cooperate and work together - be a force for good.   
    Use your powers for building others up - not being the disruptive sound in the orchestra.  One can still exercise your talents and be an individual without stepping onto the toes of everyone else.  Be emotionally sensitive.  Work hard - not just on the  IQ but more so - on the Emotional IQ. 
    There are many brothers and sisters with exceptional talents but they keep these in check (in their place) to put Jehovah first.
  17. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Evacuated in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    Agreed, Jehovah is shaking the nations by preaching work (not literally shaken). ...And this preaching work is upsetting the Russian government and the Mighty Orthodox church.....because we are effective!
    However, I think Jehovah is allowing satan to literally shake the nations due to the activities of man (wars, poverty etc.) which is causing stress in societies in many parts of the world. We are observing an influx of people to other areas and these have not had opportunity to get a good witness because they live in areas where the work has been banned or restricted.
  18. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from tromboneck in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    I DID NOT EXPECT IT TO GO OUR WAY!  Here are my reasons:
    I have been watching Russia for more than 12 years and saw its sincere "human rights lawyers and reporters" mysteriously killed on the streets with no-one being brought to justice.  In the past I have called it a thugocracy! They killed dissidents in other countries too - think of the polonium-210  killing in London which grabbed some headlines! (please watch the video link I put in my previous comment about Russia.)
    Putin has made the Russian Orthodox religion his bedfellow in creating a new Russian-religious Nationalism.  Russian pride is at an all-time high and this is their food at present which unites them against all else /anything different. Many people are joining the orthodox church because Putin is the equivalent to a pop-star god and he seen as a strong leader.  He is dangerous, shrewd and a killer!  No-one stands in his way - totalitarian.... and his bedfellow church is the same! 
    By shrewd selling of weapons and assistance his influence is increasing in the world  (especially the middle east). The Russians love him for it.
    Satan is blinding the eyes of the world leaders.  Putin is also keeping the lid on the 27 million Muslims in his country by brutal oppression. Searches and Indiscriminate jailing of these people have made them live in fear of the government.... 
    Like his cold war predecessors - Putin and the Russian government is putting on a façade - allowing this high supreme court case, just to make this ban on JWs legal in the eyes of the people - justice has been through the process..... the quality of the process does not matter.  There was never an intention to listen to arguments in a fair /just way..... It was a set decision beforehand and the entire country is in a trance propagated by the Russian propaganda machine. All "feel" the same in their nationalism.   (Remember the Nazi machine of pride and nationalism?  A modern version of it...no right and wrong standards with injustices perpetrated and victims with no rights.)
    It is therefore not a surprise that Russia is the first country to stand in the "holy place" - I expect more and more to join this stance against Jehovah's defenseless people.   We do believe that it is the time of the end, don't we?  Then expect more to come. 
    We will suffer - but Jehovah will cut it off at the right time.  We will be dragged before governors and give our witness.  And our enemies will be deriding us - where is your god now?  Why does he not save you?  
    The propaganda of Satan (expressions of demons) is everywhere - going out to divide the earth as never before ! to get them ready for Armageddon. Rev 16:14-16.  Religious hate (religions hating each other and weapons training in religious nationalism is something new), hard-core racial hatred, and political party hatred (militant far-left and militant far-right) are getting people worked up for violence and fierceness to perpetrate unthinkable things against their fellow man in future. (brother killing brother).
    In the world there is not a place where there is not one or other form of hatred being propagated.  The values of right and wrong have disappeared.  Most Christians nations (especially Europe) are Christians at face value only because philosophies of humanist nature have taken its place....All religions are equal they say.... there is no right and wrong....  
    In this moral confusion the pressure pot is building - and the longer it builds- the bigger the explosion.  Whether we will see another world war - I do not know.  Whether we will see an ISIS-like organization take over in Europe and Canada - I do not know.   All I can see is signs of a building hatred amongst people which is directly from Satan.
    Satan wants to control the world completely and stamp out Jehovah's worship.  He is using imperialistic false religion and political systems to do this.  In previous generations there were decent people who held back this overwhelming control of satan but now there are very little wise people left with a sincere love for god.  In many countries there is an inordinate surge in Spiritism  - practiced on a daily basis with druids and witch doctors....  I saw this while living in Africa and England and have been watching the trends.
    Jehovah is now allowing the nations to be shaken (refugees moving everywhere) so that we can bring them the message and they receive an opportunity to choose... so keep busy while we have freedom to do so.
    I see signs of Jehovah's Witness enemies using Facebook and false news to perpetuate and spread vile lies about us and build a hatred against us.... Who is behind this?  Satan of course.  
    So my brothers....and sisters. Keep yourself in Jehovah's love..... do not stray and keep the eyes simple and focussed.  Do not collect material things or influence for yourself ..... it is not the time to contemplate these things... because they can be taken away from you in one minute....
    Jesus did not say without reason it will be the worst tribulation ever! 
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    I DID NOT EXPECT IT TO GO OUR WAY!  Here are my reasons:
    I have been watching Russia for more than 12 years and saw its sincere "human rights lawyers and reporters" mysteriously killed on the streets with no-one being brought to justice.  In the past I have called it a thugocracy! They killed dissidents in other countries too - think of the polonium-210  killing in London which grabbed some headlines! (please watch the video link I put in my previous comment about Russia.)
    Putin has made the Russian Orthodox religion his bedfellow in creating a new Russian-religious Nationalism.  Russian pride is at an all-time high and this is their food at present which unites them against all else /anything different. Many people are joining the orthodox church because Putin is the equivalent to a pop-star god and he seen as a strong leader.  He is dangerous, shrewd and a killer!  No-one stands in his way - totalitarian.... and his bedfellow church is the same! 
    By shrewd selling of weapons and assistance his influence is increasing in the world  (especially the middle east). The Russians love him for it.
    Satan is blinding the eyes of the world leaders.  Putin is also keeping the lid on the 27 million Muslims in his country by brutal oppression. Searches and Indiscriminate jailing of these people have made them live in fear of the government.... 
    Like his cold war predecessors - Putin and the Russian government is putting on a façade - allowing this high supreme court case, just to make this ban on JWs legal in the eyes of the people - justice has been through the process..... the quality of the process does not matter.  There was never an intention to listen to arguments in a fair /just way..... It was a set decision beforehand and the entire country is in a trance propagated by the Russian propaganda machine. All "feel" the same in their nationalism.   (Remember the Nazi machine of pride and nationalism?  A modern version of it...no right and wrong standards with injustices perpetrated and victims with no rights.)
    It is therefore not a surprise that Russia is the first country to stand in the "holy place" - I expect more and more to join this stance against Jehovah's defenseless people.   We do believe that it is the time of the end, don't we?  Then expect more to come. 
    We will suffer - but Jehovah will cut it off at the right time.  We will be dragged before governors and give our witness.  And our enemies will be deriding us - where is your god now?  Why does he not save you?  
    The propaganda of Satan (expressions of demons) is everywhere - going out to divide the earth as never before ! to get them ready for Armageddon. Rev 16:14-16.  Religious hate (religions hating each other and weapons training in religious nationalism is something new), hard-core racial hatred, and political party hatred (militant far-left and militant far-right) are getting people worked up for violence and fierceness to perpetrate unthinkable things against their fellow man in future. (brother killing brother).
    In the world there is not a place where there is not one or other form of hatred being propagated.  The values of right and wrong have disappeared.  Most Christians nations (especially Europe) are Christians at face value only because philosophies of humanist nature have taken its place....All religions are equal they say.... there is no right and wrong....  
    In this moral confusion the pressure pot is building - and the longer it builds- the bigger the explosion.  Whether we will see another world war - I do not know.  Whether we will see an ISIS-like organization take over in Europe and Canada - I do not know.   All I can see is signs of a building hatred amongst people which is directly from Satan.
    Satan wants to control the world completely and stamp out Jehovah's worship.  He is using imperialistic false religion and political systems to do this.  In previous generations there were decent people who held back this overwhelming control of satan but now there are very little wise people left with a sincere love for god.  In many countries there is an inordinate surge in Spiritism  - practiced on a daily basis with druids and witch doctors....  I saw this while living in Africa and England and have been watching the trends.
    Jehovah is now allowing the nations to be shaken (refugees moving everywhere) so that we can bring them the message and they receive an opportunity to choose... so keep busy while we have freedom to do so.
    I see signs of Jehovah's Witness enemies using Facebook and false news to perpetuate and spread vile lies about us and build a hatred against us.... Who is behind this?  Satan of course.  
    So my brothers....and sisters. Keep yourself in Jehovah's love..... do not stray and keep the eyes simple and focussed.  Do not collect material things or influence for yourself ..... it is not the time to contemplate these things... because they can be taken away from you in one minute....
    Jesus did not say without reason it will be the worst tribulation ever! 
  20. Like
    Arauna reacted to Evacuated in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    More pathetically callous observations, reflecting the words of the apostle Paul at 1 Cor.2:14:
    "A person who isn't spiritual doesn't accept the teachings of God's Spirit. He thinks they're nonsense. He can't understand them because a person must be spiritual to evaluate them."
  21. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Jehovah in English - Basic statement by Jehovah's Witnesses...   
    I prefer English my dear!  No time to improve the German.  I am learning Swedish at present and trying to improve my Arabic for field service.  I do field service in Arabic. 
    The Swedes speak very good English and it suits my daily life to speak English at the  shops etc. BUT I have to learn the language to get value from the meetings.  I realized how important it is to hear the comments and understand them -to be built up by others!  So I have to apply myself now to understand the Swedish better.
    The Watchtower this week is about this topic... understanding the meetings.  Children in their tender years need to learn the truth in the language they learn at school because this eventually becomes their first language.   I discovered this working in the Arabic communities.
    The parents struggle to learn the new language and want the children to attend Arabic but it is actually good if the parents learn the truth in their language of the "heart"  (Arabic) but try to learn the language of the country they are in - so their children can grow spiritually in the language they speak better - the one they learn at school. So I have always maintained that the parents must attend the language meetings of the new country. 
    The children can later help in the foreign language group when they are well established in the Truth.
  22. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Jehovah in English - Basic statement by Jehovah's Witnesses...   
    I visited a church in Sweden this weekend - massive church with tall glass windows..... and in the glass engraved is YOD HE WAW HE....  I took a picture but too unclear to paste here.   This church has many visitors because it is 700 years old..... and most do not see or understand this..... but I immediately understood the letters and what it stands for! I am so happy to know Jehovah!
  23. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Jehovah in English - Basic statement by Jehovah's Witnesses...   
    This is picture of ancient letters in Hebrew and the bottom is the letters in Aramaic script - now used and recognized by everyone.    You will see far right letter (the short one) - this is Yod.......  they have it other way round on your diagram like "mirror image" because they think western people read from left... to right - this is why it is like it is.
    As I said before - these four letters have the same meaning no matter what vowels you add.  If you add vowels it changes to a verb or noun or adjective..... but the meaning is basically the same.  So it does not really matter what vowels you put in .... it is the use of the name and acknowledging the name that is important. Jehovah chose this name because it has significant meaning in the outworking of his purpose  as the creator.  It is the causative form for "He causes to become" ...  He can fulfill his promises... he can prove to be by his actions....
    Hope this de-confuses you...and thanks for sending the other stuff.....
  24. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Jehovah in English - Basic statement by Jehovah's Witnesses...   
    Very  good reasoning... is there any way i can save this to my profile so i can use it in field service?
  25. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Carmen Erwin in THANK YOU!   
    I just wanted to thank the organizers of this site. I enjoy the news and other items on a regular basis. I am also grateful that it has not been taken over by hostile people who hate JWs. On the odd occasion there have been a few nasty individuals but they are in the minority. I understand that if they allow more controversy - the owners may receive more visitors and may make more money. I am therefore more grateful that they have not allowed money to become the primary focus of this site. Thanks for some of the interesting items - although we do not always comment on them - we do notice them.
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