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  1. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Carmen Erwin in THANK YOU!   
    I just wanted to thank the organizers of this site. I enjoy the news and other items on a regular basis. I am also grateful that it has not been taken over by hostile people who hate JWs. On the odd occasion there have been a few nasty individuals but they are in the minority. I understand that if they allow more controversy - the owners may receive more visitors and may make more money. I am therefore more grateful that they have not allowed money to become the primary focus of this site. Thanks for some of the interesting items - although we do not always comment on them - we do notice them.
  2. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in THANK YOU!   
    I just wanted to thank the organizers of this site. I enjoy the news and other items on a regular basis. I am also grateful that it has not been taken over by hostile people who hate JWs. On the odd occasion there have been a few nasty individuals but they are in the minority. I understand that if they allow more controversy - the owners may receive more visitors and may make more money. I am therefore more grateful that they have not allowed money to become the primary focus of this site. Thanks for some of the interesting items - although we do not always comment on them - we do notice them.
  3. Like
    Arauna reacted to Bible Speaks in WHAT DO ELEPHANTS DO FOR FUN? – ???????   
    Elephants are the largest animals on Earth, and they love to engage in big fun. Elephants can live 60 to 70 years, and they develop deep and remarkably close bonds with their families. With a lifespan that long and close social ties, this means lots of time for fun and closeness. Just like people, elephants love to engage in good old-fashioned play.
    Mud Baths ?????
    Mud baths are an all-time favorite of elephants. They not only romp and play with their friends in mud baths, they also enjoy the cooling sensation and relief that mud provides from the very hot temperatures of Africa and Asia, their native homelands. Elephants in captivity also enjoy mud baths and can be seen giving their friends a helpful shove and rolling around to play in the mud.
    Elephants enjoy socializing with one another, as they are highly intelligent and social animals. Elephants are often seen caressing one another. They enjoy entwining trunks as if to say hello or offer a tender hug. Biologists believe that trunks may be used to greet other elephants because, through them, they can also smell the other elephant and find out more about them.
    Water Games?????
    Elephants appreciate cooling off in bodies of water and may enjoy a good romp in the water with their pals. Elephants are strong swimmers, so being in the water is not unfamiliar to them. In the water, they can enjoy cooling down while "wrestling" with their friends and members of their herd. An elephant's ears also work to cool their bodies down in the heat. Elephants can be seen flapping their ears -- this works as a built-in cooling mechanism.
    Football and Fun with Friends 
    Elephants in captivity have often been seen playing with toys that are provided to them, such as soccer balls and large beach balls. They enjoy batting the ball around with their trunks. This can prove to be hours of fun. From a young age, elephant calves enjoy running around with their friends. Literally from their calfhoods, they start down the path of forming deep bonds that will last a lifetime.
     A baby elephant takes a splash in the cooling mud at Reteti Elephant Sanctuary (@r.e.s.c.u.e) in Northern Kenya. Elephants cover themselves in mud as a shield against the harsh sun and the rescued elephants being cared for at Reteti are instinctively teaching each other many of these useful skills
    Video by @amivitale
    Tap on Video link to watch! Enjoyable!!
    Thank you Jehovah God your Creation and Animals are Amazing! 
  4. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    I have the following to add to this: watch this video and you will understand what is going on in Russia with the Orthodox church.  This is why they are persecuting all Christian faiths that are not aligned with this religion.  I may be wrong but I doubt things will change!
    There are a few more videos
  5. Like
    Arauna reacted to Queen Esther in THANK YOU!   
    Thank  you  so  much  dear  sister  @Arauna  -  you've  the  right  perspective !   We've  so  nice  comments,  can't  reply  so  fast  I  want do,  I'm  sorry   But  we  all  doing  our  best !  My  wishes  from  Germany !  Agape
  6. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in THANK YOU!   
    I just wanted to thank the organizers of this site. I enjoy the news and other items on a regular basis. I am also grateful that it has not been taken over by hostile people who hate JWs. On the odd occasion there have been a few nasty individuals but they are in the minority. I understand that if they allow more controversy - the owners may receive more visitors and may make more money. I am therefore more grateful that they have not allowed money to become the primary focus of this site. Thanks for some of the interesting items - although we do not always comment on them - we do notice them.
  7. Like
    Arauna reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Samsung unveils 34 foot LED screen designed to replace cinema projectors   
    via TheWorldNewsOrgWorld News
  8. Like
    Arauna reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in This woman’s dashcam protected her from scammers!   
    via TheWorldNewsOrgWorld News
  9. Like
    Arauna reacted to Queen Esther in Jehovah in English - Basic statement by Jehovah's Witnesses...   
    I  love  your  doings,  all  sounds  so  very  nice !   We  also  have  a  couple  around  50 yrs.  and  they  are  since  some  month's  in  the  Arabic  congregation.  They  learned  Arabic  before  a  time,  then  going  to  the Bethel  for  some  weeks  and  now  only  in  the  Arabic  cong.  -  We  have  so  many  escapees / refugees...  so  it  was  their  wish  to  learn  the  Arabic  language  -  and  it  works  very  good !  On  and  off  they  come  for  a  visit  back  to  us  and  telling  about  all    My  girlfriend  is  learning  Indonesian  since  some  years  and  in  2  diff. cong.'s  -  She  is  living  alone,  bec. a  widow...   and  she  is  many  years  pioneer,  and  my  spiritual  mother  
    Until  later,  my  dear  sister !
  10. Like
    Arauna reacted to Martha Braun Amistadi in Judge orders blood transfusion for a Jehovah's Witness child   
    Arauna, your experiences and facts were so good to read and learn from. The blood transfusion issues have been of great interest to all Jehovah's Witnesses, from the days of the 20th century, and really blood issues from the ancient times before. Very informative, pertinent. I pray our sister in Chihuahua will keep on enduring in regard to this issue with her child. Sad, man's governments do not recognize Jehovah's Sovereign authority and love over us. Thank you very much. 
  11. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Jehovah in English - Basic statement by Jehovah's Witnesses...   
    I prefer English my dear!  No time to improve the German.  I am learning Swedish at present and trying to improve my Arabic for field service.  I do field service in Arabic. 
    The Swedes speak very good English and it suits my daily life to speak English at the  shops etc. BUT I have to learn the language to get value from the meetings.  I realized how important it is to hear the comments and understand them -to be built up by others!  So I have to apply myself now to understand the Swedish better.
    The Watchtower this week is about this topic... understanding the meetings.  Children in their tender years need to learn the truth in the language they learn at school because this eventually becomes their first language.   I discovered this working in the Arabic communities.
    The parents struggle to learn the new language and want the children to attend Arabic but it is actually good if the parents learn the truth in their language of the "heart"  (Arabic) but try to learn the language of the country they are in - so their children can grow spiritually in the language they speak better - the one they learn at school. So I have always maintained that the parents must attend the language meetings of the new country. 
    The children can later help in the foreign language group when they are well established in the Truth.
  12. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in Judge orders blood transfusion for a Jehovah's Witness child   
    My dear,  Thanks for your experience.  I am very interested in this subject because my daughter was not even nine months old when she had cancer on both sides of her body attached to the spinal cord.  (Neuroblastoma) a very virulent children's cancer.
    They did an operation that almost lasted the whole day - the cut the body in half (through the ribs on one side of the body) and then removed the cancer on both sides. (Thoractomy) She had large growths on both sides. This was about 38 years ago!
    The surgeons did a fantastic job - the quaterized the arteries (burn them closed) and cut carefully and neat.  They wanted to give her blood during the operation because she started bleeding and it looked as though this baby was going to die (but one of the nurses was a witness and encouraged them not to).  Any case, it was an emergency operation and there was not time to go to court.  They were doing blood oxygen tests during the operation regularly. 
    They always used to give blood in thoracotomy surgery and patients had to stay in hospital very long because they have pipes in the body, catching the bleeding from the chest for about 21 days after the operation. Doctors do not cut so carefully when they give blood as when they know the patient is not taking blood. 
    They rushed her out of the surgery and I only caught glimpse of her.  I was not allowed to see her she was so bad... she looked like a corpse when they rushed her through. Later in the night I saw her on all the machines.... and the blood dripping from her body in the pipes connected to her chest.
    She survived the night... and after two days they removed the pipes - no more bleeding... They started to give her vitamins  intravenously to build the body - and I think it was the fifth day - she came home! So fast!
    After the operation I wondered how she got better so quickly.  I then did more research.  I discovered that blood is a foreign entity in the body (every peson has unique blood - no other person on earth ever has had blood like you, even if it is same group).  Your body only uses the blood they give as a blood expander (which artificial medicine can also do).  Very little of the oxygen crosses over depending on nitrates etc. in the blood.
    The liver has to break down all the blood you received before it can start to build up your body - and it can take up to 30 days!  If you are weak ...... your body cannot build itself up and your body can go into shock... anaphylactic shock - and you die.  Many people DIE from blood transfusions but they NEVER put this on the death certificate as caused by blood.  They always say complications after surgery or something like that.  
    If you are weak and do not take blood (some go in coma with blood count of 2..... or 3 - a friend of mine had it so low! - and survived).... the body can start to heal itself the minute the body stabilizes (stops bleeding). The body gets better very quickly after this with "vitamins"!   They do not have to break down another persons blood.... so they do not die and go into shock.
    I had discussion with doctor on field service once and he said they NEVER put on death certificate: complications of blood transfusion..... Blood is a killer!  If people survived operations with blood it is usually because they were strong before!  
    My brother's mother-in-law had a heart procedure (heart valve) - she had blood.   She came through the surgery wonderfully and looked good!  By second day he told his wife that she is showing signs of anaphylactic shock (he is scientist) and she will eventually die.... and his wife did not believe him.  Her mother died later in the week. 
    By the way - my daughter is beautiful (she had a syndrome after the surgery - but it has cleared up - she will be 40 next year).  She married late and miraculously gave birth to a smart little girl almost 4 years ago.  She was not supposed to have children...
    Regarding the blood cancer ...  My reasoning is this: You cannot have these transfusions for the rest of your life because damage of liver will set in... all kinds of complications! So at some point transfusions will not work any more.  (I have not researched for "how long it really works" but I suspect it gives one only a short evasion of eminent death.)  Apart from all the virusses and diseases you contract with each transfusion ..... if the blood does not kill you - the virusses and diseases eventually will!  Hepatitis C, AIDS, Tuberculosis, syphilis etc etc.
    Blood is a money making racket and most doctors will not take blood themselves because they know that the tests on the blood for diseases is not efficient.  Giving blood is an outdated protocol and yet there are some third world countries that still force this onto patients.  Some countries force it onto you because they recon it is 'cheaper' than alternatives. 
    Russia has been taking notes in hospitals on all people NOT taking blood (because they know they are Witnesses) - so they can follow up on them and persecute them...
  13. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Margaret Burlingham in Judge orders blood transfusion for a Jehovah's Witness child   
    My dear,  Thanks for your experience.  I am very interested in this subject because my daughter was not even nine months old when she had cancer on both sides of her body attached to the spinal cord.  (Neuroblastoma) a very virulent children's cancer.
    They did an operation that almost lasted the whole day - the cut the body in half (through the ribs on one side of the body) and then removed the cancer on both sides. (Thoractomy) She had large growths on both sides. This was about 38 years ago!
    The surgeons did a fantastic job - the quaterized the arteries (burn them closed) and cut carefully and neat.  They wanted to give her blood during the operation because she started bleeding and it looked as though this baby was going to die (but one of the nurses was a witness and encouraged them not to).  Any case, it was an emergency operation and there was not time to go to court.  They were doing blood oxygen tests during the operation regularly. 
    They always used to give blood in thoracotomy surgery and patients had to stay in hospital very long because they have pipes in the body, catching the bleeding from the chest for about 21 days after the operation. Doctors do not cut so carefully when they give blood as when they know the patient is not taking blood. 
    They rushed her out of the surgery and I only caught glimpse of her.  I was not allowed to see her she was so bad... she looked like a corpse when they rushed her through. Later in the night I saw her on all the machines.... and the blood dripping from her body in the pipes connected to her chest.
    She survived the night... and after two days they removed the pipes - no more bleeding... They started to give her vitamins  intravenously to build the body - and I think it was the fifth day - she came home! So fast!
    After the operation I wondered how she got better so quickly.  I then did more research.  I discovered that blood is a foreign entity in the body (every peson has unique blood - no other person on earth ever has had blood like you, even if it is same group).  Your body only uses the blood they give as a blood expander (which artificial medicine can also do).  Very little of the oxygen crosses over depending on nitrates etc. in the blood.
    The liver has to break down all the blood you received before it can start to build up your body - and it can take up to 30 days!  If you are weak ...... your body cannot build itself up and your body can go into shock... anaphylactic shock - and you die.  Many people DIE from blood transfusions but they NEVER put this on the death certificate as caused by blood.  They always say complications after surgery or something like that.  
    If you are weak and do not take blood (some go in coma with blood count of 2..... or 3 - a friend of mine had it so low! - and survived).... the body can start to heal itself the minute the body stabilizes (stops bleeding). The body gets better very quickly after this with "vitamins"!   They do not have to break down another persons blood.... so they do not die and go into shock.
    I had discussion with doctor on field service once and he said they NEVER put on death certificate: complications of blood transfusion..... Blood is a killer!  If people survived operations with blood it is usually because they were strong before!  
    My brother's mother-in-law had a heart procedure (heart valve) - she had blood.   She came through the surgery wonderfully and looked good!  By second day he told his wife that she is showing signs of anaphylactic shock (he is scientist) and she will eventually die.... and his wife did not believe him.  Her mother died later in the week. 
    By the way - my daughter is beautiful (she had a syndrome after the surgery - but it has cleared up - she will be 40 next year).  She married late and miraculously gave birth to a smart little girl almost 4 years ago.  She was not supposed to have children...
    Regarding the blood cancer ...  My reasoning is this: You cannot have these transfusions for the rest of your life because damage of liver will set in... all kinds of complications! So at some point transfusions will not work any more.  (I have not researched for "how long it really works" but I suspect it gives one only a short evasion of eminent death.)  Apart from all the virusses and diseases you contract with each transfusion ..... if the blood does not kill you - the virusses and diseases eventually will!  Hepatitis C, AIDS, Tuberculosis, syphilis etc etc.
    Blood is a money making racket and most doctors will not take blood themselves because they know that the tests on the blood for diseases is not efficient.  Giving blood is an outdated protocol and yet there are some third world countries that still force this onto patients.  Some countries force it onto you because they recon it is 'cheaper' than alternatives. 
    Russia has been taking notes in hospitals on all people NOT taking blood (because they know they are Witnesses) - so they can follow up on them and persecute them...
  14. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in Jehovah in English - Basic statement by Jehovah's Witnesses...   
    Ich verstehe was du sagst. Ich habe Deutsch in der Schule gelernt, aber ich benutze es nie. Ich schrieb dies und erkannte ich besser Google verwenden, um die Sprache und Rechtschreibung zu korrigieren!
    Schwester liebt auf Deutsch für dich!
  15. Sad
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in Judge orders blood transfusion for a Jehovah's Witness child   
    It is a pity we will not see the long-term outworking of this decision because the blood transfusions keep them alive for a while only...There are some kinds of leukemia which needs a bone marrow transplant.... the patient does not survive without it.
  16. Sad
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in Judge orders blood transfusion for a Jehovah's Witness child   
    It is a pity we will not see the long-term outworking of this decision because the blood transfusions keep them alive for a while only...There are some kinds of leukemia which needs a bone marrow transplant.... the patient does not survive without it.
  17. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Jehovah in English - Basic statement by Jehovah's Witnesses...   
    This is picture of ancient letters in Hebrew and the bottom is the letters in Aramaic script - now used and recognized by everyone.    You will see far right letter (the short one) - this is Yod.......  they have it other way round on your diagram like "mirror image" because they think western people read from left... to right - this is why it is like it is.
    As I said before - these four letters have the same meaning no matter what vowels you add.  If you add vowels it changes to a verb or noun or adjective..... but the meaning is basically the same.  So it does not really matter what vowels you put in .... it is the use of the name and acknowledging the name that is important. Jehovah chose this name because it has significant meaning in the outworking of his purpose  as the creator.  It is the causative form for "He causes to become" ...  He can fulfill his promises... he can prove to be by his actions....
    Hope this de-confuses you...and thanks for sending the other stuff.....
  18. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Jehovah in English - Basic statement by Jehovah's Witnesses...   
    I visited a church in Sweden this weekend - massive church with tall glass windows..... and in the glass engraved is YOD HE WAW HE....  I took a picture but too unclear to paste here.   This church has many visitors because it is 700 years old..... and most do not see or understand this..... but I immediately understood the letters and what it stands for! I am so happy to know Jehovah!
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Jehovah in English - Basic statement by Jehovah's Witnesses...   
    This is picture of ancient letters in Hebrew and the bottom is the letters in Aramaic script - now used and recognized by everyone.    You will see far right letter (the short one) - this is Yod.......  they have it other way round on your diagram like "mirror image" because they think western people read from left... to right - this is why it is like it is.
    As I said before - these four letters have the same meaning no matter what vowels you add.  If you add vowels it changes to a verb or noun or adjective..... but the meaning is basically the same.  So it does not really matter what vowels you put in .... it is the use of the name and acknowledging the name that is important. Jehovah chose this name because it has significant meaning in the outworking of his purpose  as the creator.  It is the causative form for "He causes to become" ...  He can fulfill his promises... he can prove to be by his actions....
    Hope this de-confuses you...and thanks for sending the other stuff.....
  20. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Jehovah in English - Basic statement by Jehovah's Witnesses...   
    I visited a church in Sweden this weekend - massive church with tall glass windows..... and in the glass engraved is YOD HE WAW HE....  I took a picture but too unclear to paste here.   This church has many visitors because it is 700 years old..... and most do not see or understand this..... but I immediately understood the letters and what it stands for! I am so happy to know Jehovah!
  21. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Jehovah in English - Basic statement by Jehovah's Witnesses...   
    This is picture of ancient letters in Hebrew and the bottom is the letters in Aramaic script - now used and recognized by everyone.    You will see far right letter (the short one) - this is Yod.......  they have it other way round on your diagram like "mirror image" because they think western people read from left... to right - this is why it is like it is.
    As I said before - these four letters have the same meaning no matter what vowels you add.  If you add vowels it changes to a verb or noun or adjective..... but the meaning is basically the same.  So it does not really matter what vowels you put in .... it is the use of the name and acknowledging the name that is important. Jehovah chose this name because it has significant meaning in the outworking of his purpose  as the creator.  It is the causative form for "He causes to become" ...  He can fulfill his promises... he can prove to be by his actions....
    Hope this de-confuses you...and thanks for sending the other stuff.....
  22. Sad
    Arauna got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in Female suicide bomber holding her BABY is pictured moments before she blew the two of them up in Mosul, Iraq   
    How sad that this religion has the power to control people to the point of doing this! Governments are not protecting their people against this kind of behavior. People are being taken into custody in UK if they say anything against this religion on FB or ask honest questions. ..... anything that looks like hate speech.  And yet we have had more than 30,000 attacks in the world by only this one religion since 9/11.....  The people who have been killed have no justice as victims. Those victims, maimed for life, who have to live with the mental and physical scars daily, get NO time on TV.... so we can see what this has done to their lives!
  23. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Jehovah in English - Basic statement by Jehovah's Witnesses...   
    Very  good reasoning... is there any way i can save this to my profile so i can use it in field service?
  24. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in Female suicide bomber holding her BABY is pictured moments before she blew the two of them up in Mosul, Iraq   
    How sad that this religion has the power to control people to the point of doing this! Governments are not protecting their people against this kind of behavior. People are being taken into custody in UK if they say anything against this religion on FB or ask honest questions. ..... anything that looks like hate speech.  And yet we have had more than 30,000 attacks in the world by only this one religion since 9/11.....  The people who have been killed have no justice as victims. Those victims, maimed for life, who have to live with the mental and physical scars daily, get NO time on TV.... so we can see what this has done to their lives!
  25. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking,...   
    Come into my web said the spider to the fly! 
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