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    Arauna got a reaction from Enrique Camacho in ALLAH – the Moon God   
    I have read so many books by the earliest and some of the modern archeologists (I had a massive collection of books and had to leave a few behind when I moved to Sweden) about the connection of moon worship to ancient Sumer and the entire middle east - even in Canaan.  I later read the Qur'an, Hadith and Siri  and studied Islam because all the original evidence pointed to this moon worship when I read about Ur and Harran and Tema in Arabia. This is how I started studying the Arabic language and I now preach in the Arabic field - mostly to muslim refugees.
    I speak the truth when I say that I absolutely love Arabic speaking people but I also promote TRUTH and I therefore have a desire to free as many people as possible from one of the most oppressive and unjust ideologies/religions around today - which had its origins in pagan and moon worship.
    I am sorry to say that in the academic world it has become fashion to bend the research to deny that Allah is in fact the moon god. In fact, most of the middle east departments of most universities in Europe and USA has been taken over by Islamo-philiacs who turn out  fake studies that deny the core beliefs of islam as set out in the Qur'an and Hadith.
    In fact, one is not allowed to say anything about Allah and Islam any more because Resolution 18-20 of the UN forbids it! Hence the popularity of the word: Islamophobia.  I watch all the news about developments in this field because Islam is part of Babylon the Great and will soon be destroyed.  30,000 terror attacks that has taken place all over the world since 9/11 and many have not been reported as Islam-inspired attacks in the media because left-politicians want their vote!.  It is the world's largest religion and is riding the beast (just as other religions are controlling the political systems).  Soon the political system will tire of religion and turn against all of them..... because the "security" of the world is being threatened by the radicalized version of most religions - which  is spreading. Far right Christians, who love their guns, voted for Trump!
    UNESCO (UN heritage council) has gone so far that they have officially said that Jews and Christians have NO historical connection to Jerusalem! at all!  The historical records that exist to prove this -  are no longer valid!  Look it up on internet and this is definitely not false news!
    This is how nutty and crazy the world has become.  But I do not need archeology to prove the connection of the Arabs with Moon worship, here is the biblical proof:  The Bible talks of Ishmael. The mother of Ishmael was Egyptian and Ishmael married an Egyptian woman according to the bible.  Midian and Ishmael were both offspring of Abraham and they sold Joseph to Potiphar in Egypt. They were merchants that moved in caravans. 
    Midianites and the Ishmaelite's are mentioned in the Bible as being very close (read Ishmaelite in the insight book)  The 6 sons that Keturah had also intermarried with these tribes and eventually became the Arab peoples.  Keturah was the concubine of Abraham after Sarah died.  She had 6 sons. (Gen 25)  Abraham sent them away with gifts and his son Isaac (by his legitimate wife Sarah) inherited the right to bring forth the messiah from his line of decent.... which would be the true prophet/ messenger of Allah  -  because Jesus  has a genealogy of 4025 years.
    Mohammad, who claimed to come from Ishmael, has NO historical genealogy to speak of except the short one given in the bible. So he is THE messenger of god only by his own word.  Mohammad claimed to come from Ishmael to try to legitimize his decent from Abraham and link himself as the last prophet from God - especially when he lived with 3 Jewish tribes in Jathrib (Medina) and wanted them to accept his as a prophet.  He killed between 600-900 of them (as spies) after they rejected his prophet hood.  Muslims today try to claim the Bible has been altered and that Jehovah is ALLAH. (This I can easily refute by the history of islam, the history of the city of Mecca as well as the Bible itself.)
    What is interesting is the jewelry worn by the Ishmaelites and Midianites.... and many scriptures in the bible indicate that these peoples were viewed as one tribe because these two names are interchanged often. Judges 8: 22 & 26 speaks of the gold nose rings and the "crescent-shaped" ornaments which seemed to be numerous.  These crescent -shaped ornaments are mentioned in 3 different places in the bible and are two of them specifically associated with Midian and Ishmael. The other scriptures proves how prevalent this worship was in the middle east as Jehovah shows how he hates it.
    Moses also wrote in Job 31: 26-28 that it was an act of idolatry to kiss the hand to the moon because this practice was prevalent already in the time of Moses/Job  amongst moon worshipers. Job lived in the land of Uz (Arabia).
    Another proof about moon worship is the Qur'an itself: I forgot to add information about the fatwah (order to kill) against indian writer: Salman Rushdie.  He wrote in his book about he Satanic verses which refer to Allat, Uzza and Manat:
    (Excerpt from Wikipedia for your information:) "[V]ehement protest against Rushdie's book" began with the title itself. The title refers to a legend of the Prophet Mohammad, when a few verses were supposedly spoken by him as part of the Qur'an, and then withdrawn on the grounds that the devil had sent them to deceive Mohammad into thinking they came from God. These "Satanic Verses" are found in verses eighteen to twenty-two in suraht An-Najim of the Qur'an,[14] and by accounts from Tabari, but is seldom mentioned in the first biography of Mohammad by Ibn Ishaq. The verses also appear in other accounts of the prophet's life. They permitted prayer to three pre-Islamic Meccan goddesses: Al-lāt, Uzza, and Manāt—a violation of monotheism.[
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    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in Who am I? — ?❓❓❓❓?   
    The best definition of integrity i have ever heard: when your thinking, what you say and what you do are in total agreement- based on the word of God. 
  4. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Bible Speaks in How Did the Universe and Life Originate? — ?????   
    The definition of religion to me is the following:  the search for reality and how this reality affects your view of all life on earth.  THis is also the definition for science. THis is why I call faith in humans behind the science or darwinism - a religion.... they are searchingfor a reality but there is a lot of blind faith in their theories.
    According to HEBR 11:   " faith is the evidence of realities"  .... So when one acknowledges the steps that jehovah has taken throughtout the ages to restore  his original purpose for the earth - and all the fulfullment of prophecy in connction with it - then one has the evidence needed to realize it is a reality much larger than humans.  
    HEnce the bible and its message is a reality and not just incoherent thoughts.  IT has a rocksolid and logical theme running throughout it pages.
    I laughed when i read the popular book by Steven hawkins many years ago... because he contradicted himself when he said something to this effect:   If there was no-one on earth to appeciate the beauty of it ...... even if it were here .... it would be asthough it never existed....... profound words if one thinks on it.... animals do not appreciate it as it should be appreciated!
    humans can appreciate the colors and the intelligence behind creation .... so this means there was a purpose for it all - intelligent design to please those it was made for....
  5. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in How Did the Universe and Life Originate? — ?????   
    The definition of religion to me is the following:  the search for reality and how this reality affects your view of all life on earth.  THis is also the definition for science. THis is why I call faith in humans behind the science or darwinism - a religion.... they are searchingfor a reality but there is a lot of blind faith in their theories.
    According to HEBR 11:   " faith is the evidence of realities"  .... So when one acknowledges the steps that jehovah has taken throughtout the ages to restore  his original purpose for the earth - and all the fulfullment of prophecy in connction with it - then one has the evidence needed to realize it is a reality much larger than humans.  
    HEnce the bible and its message is a reality and not just incoherent thoughts.  IT has a rocksolid and logical theme running throughout it pages.
    I laughed when i read the popular book by Steven hawkins many years ago... because he contradicted himself when he said something to this effect:   If there was no-one on earth to appeciate the beauty of it ...... even if it were here .... it would be asthough it never existed....... profound words if one thinks on it.... animals do not appreciate it as it should be appreciated!
    humans can appreciate the colors and the intelligence behind creation .... so this means there was a purpose for it all - intelligent design to please those it was made for....
  6. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in NEVER SEEN SUCH A NICE AND COOL BIBLE !   
    It is a very  pretty bible with the nice tool on the cover with special meanings.  But.... I am a very  practical person...I was just thinking - like many things the most beautiful on outside does not have substance on the inside.... the South African Afrikaans community never learnt the name of Jehovah because the name was taken out of all translations- even later  out of African tribal  translations.... dishonest companies which distribute these bibles.
    A bible is no good to me if it does not teach the name of our grand creator! But it may be useful to compare translations......
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    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in NEVER SEEN SUCH A NICE AND COOL BIBLE !   
    New living translation it says on the front of the bible.  I hope it has Jehovah's name in it.  
    I came in the Truth in South Africa when most of the Bibles in the tribal languages had the name of Jehovah in it  throughout the bibles.  I used to use these African language translations to prove that the name had been taken out of the Afrikaans bible because the company which translated the tribal languages also distributed the Afrikaans one. ..   so sneaky.    Later , they also took jehovah's name out of the other 11 national languages of south africa.
    The name of Jehovah had been removed in the 1933 translation in the Afrikaans. The original translations of Du Toit and Pannevis  in the 19th century had the name in the Afrikaans Translation.
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    Arauna got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Which one brought you to the truth ? MANY NICE THEOCRATIC BOOKS !   
    Truth book - 1972. Baptized 1973. 
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    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in Which one brought you to the truth ? MANY NICE THEOCRATIC BOOKS !   
    Truth book - 1972. Baptized 1973. 
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    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in What is your Dream of Paradise? ????   
    Just to be alive!  All other things are a bonus!
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    Arauna got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Just a Smile ???   
    Strangers smile back at you when you smile!  A smile is contagious!
  13. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Bible Speaks in What is your Dream of Paradise? ????   
    Just to be alive!  All other things are a bonus!
  14. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Why Did "God" Send Jesus Christ to Earth? ???   
    I have thought about these additional questions that were resolved by Jesus' faithfulness until death:
    1) Satan could have made the allegation that the first and direct creation of Jehovah would not be faithful and would do the same as he did if under pressure, which made this a "universal" issue.... in heaven and earth.
    2) Satan could make the allegation that Adam and he himself were not created "perfect" as Jehovah said they were!
    Jesus proved that Adam was perfectly made because Jesus came down to earth as a man (like Adam), was put under greater temptations and stress than Adam,  and remained faithful to Jehovah until death.  His concience was fully functional- knowing right from wrong- and he followed Jehovahs directions perfectly and did not bow to any selfish desires.
    By coming down to earth with less power than an angel - having been an angel before- Jesus proved that Satan could have remained faithful to Jehovah .... and hence, Jesus provided the legal basis for the destruction of Satan and any other angel who rebelled against Jehovah as well as humans who followed their deceitful way of thinking and the shifting of blame. False accusations were now proven to be false and provided a legal guarantee for Jehovah's future actions.
    Do you not love the cohesion and logic  in the Bible !
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    Arauna got a reaction from Tonny Blom-Konings in Why Did "God" Send Jesus Christ to Earth? ???   
    I have thought about these additional questions that were resolved by Jesus' faithfulness until death:
    1) Satan could have made the allegation that the first and direct creation of Jehovah would not be faithful and would do the same as he did if under pressure, which made this a "universal" issue.... in heaven and earth.
    2) Satan could make the allegation that Adam and he himself were not created "perfect" as Jehovah said they were!
    Jesus proved that Adam was perfectly made because Jesus came down to earth as a man (like Adam), was put under greater temptations and stress than Adam,  and remained faithful to Jehovah until death.  His concience was fully functional- knowing right from wrong- and he followed Jehovahs directions perfectly and did not bow to any selfish desires.
    By coming down to earth with less power than an angel - having been an angel before- Jesus proved that Satan could have remained faithful to Jehovah .... and hence, Jesus provided the legal basis for the destruction of Satan and any other angel who rebelled against Jehovah as well as humans who followed their deceitful way of thinking and the shifting of blame. False accusations were now proven to be false and provided a legal guarantee for Jehovah's future actions.
    Do you not love the cohesion and logic  in the Bible !
  16. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Why Did "God" Send Jesus Christ to Earth? ???   
    I have thought about these additional questions that were resolved by Jesus' faithfulness until death:
    1) Satan could have made the allegation that the first and direct creation of Jehovah would not be faithful and would do the same as he did if under pressure, which made this a "universal" issue.... in heaven and earth.
    2) Satan could make the allegation that Adam and he himself were not created "perfect" as Jehovah said they were!
    Jesus proved that Adam was perfectly made because Jesus came down to earth as a man (like Adam), was put under greater temptations and stress than Adam,  and remained faithful to Jehovah until death.  His concience was fully functional- knowing right from wrong- and he followed Jehovahs directions perfectly and did not bow to any selfish desires.
    By coming down to earth with less power than an angel - having been an angel before- Jesus proved that Satan could have remained faithful to Jehovah .... and hence, Jesus provided the legal basis for the destruction of Satan and any other angel who rebelled against Jehovah as well as humans who followed their deceitful way of thinking and the shifting of blame. False accusations were now proven to be false and provided a legal guarantee for Jehovah's future actions.
    Do you not love the cohesion and logic  in the Bible !
  17. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to The Librarian in Nelson H. Barbour   
    Nelson H. Barbour was born in Throopsville, New York, August 21, 1824, and died in Tacoma, Washington, August 30, 1905.[1] Barbour was an influential Adventist writer and publisher, best known for his association with and later opposition to Charles Taze Russell.

    Barbour was the son of David Barbour and the grandson of Friend Barbour. Both the family and official documents use the spelling "Barbour" and its alternative spelling "Barber". He was related to a number of prominent New Yorkers including Dio Lewis. He attended Temple Hill Academy at Geneseo, New York, from 1839 to 1842. While at Temple Hill he also studied for the Methodist Episcopal ministry with an Elder Ferris, possibly William H. Ferris.[2]Barbour was introduced to Millerism through the efforts of a Mr. Johnson who lectured at Geneseo, in the winter of 1842. Barbour associated with other Millerites living in that area. These included Owen Crozier, William Marsh, and Daniel Cogswell. Cogswell would become a life-long friend as would Henry F. Hill. Cogswell would go on to become president of the New York Conference of the Advent Christian Church. Hill would become a prominent author associated with the Evangelical Adventists.Adventists in the Geneseo area met in Springwater to await the second coming in 1843. Their disappointment was profound, and Barbour suffered a crisis of faith. He later wrote: "We held together until the autumn of 1844. Then, as if a raft floating in deep water should suddenly disappear from under its living burden, so our platform went from under us, and we made for shore in every direction; but our unity was gone, and, like drowning men, we caught at straws."[3]Barbour pursued a medical career, becoming a medical electrician, a therapist who treated disease through the application of electric current, which was seen as a valid therapy at the time.He left for Australia to prospect for gold, returning via London in 1859. There is some evidence that he preached on occasion while in Australia.[4] A ship-board discussion with a clergyman reactivated his interest in Bible prophecy. He consulted books on prophetic themes at the British Library and became convinced that 1873 would mark the return of Christ, based on ideas advanced by others since at least as early as 1823.Returning to the United States, Barbour settled in New York City, continuing his studies in the Astor Library. When fully convinced, he wrote letters and visited those whom he felt might best spread his message, though few were interested.Barbour became an inventor and associated with Peter Cooper, the founder of Cooper Union. He patented several inventions. By 1863 he was in medical practice, dividing his time between Auburn and Rochester, New York. He returned to London in 1864 to demonstrate one of his inventions. He used his association with other inventors and scientists to spread his end-times doctrine, and some of his earliest associates in that belief were inventors and physicians.He published something as early as 1868, though it has been lost.[5] In 1871 he wrote and published a small book entitled Evidences for the Coming of the Lord in 1873, or The Midnight Cry, which had two printings. Articles by Barbour also appeared in the Second Adventist press, notably the World’s Crisis.A significant movement advocating 1873 developed, though it was divided into several parties. Jonas Wendell lead one; another centered on the magazine The Watchman’s Cry, and the rest associated most closely with Barbour. British Barbourites were represented by Elias H. Tuckett, a clergyman. Many gathered at Terry Island to await the return of Christ in late 1873. Barbour and others looked to the next year, which also proved disappointing.Led by Benjamin Wallis Keith, an associate of Barbour's since 1867, the group adopted the belief in a two-stage, initially invisible presence. They believed that Christ had indeed come in 1874 and would soon become visible for judgments. Barbour started a magazine in the fall of 1873 to promote his views, calling it The Midnight Cry. It was first issued as a pamphlet, with no apparent expectation of becoming a periodical. He quickly changed the name to Herald of the Morning, issuing it monthly from January 1874.
    Herald of the Morning, July 1878 showing Barbour as Editor In December 1875, Charles Taze Russell, then a businessman from Allegheny, received a copy of Herald of the Morning. He met the principals in the Barbourite movement and arranged for Barbour to speak in Philadelphia in 1876. Barbour and Russell began their association, during which Barbour wrote the book Three Worlds (1877) and published a small booklet by Russell entitled Object and Manner of Our Lord’s Return. Beginning in 1878, they each wrote conflicting views on Ransom and Atonement doctrine. By May 3, 1879, Russell wrote that their "points of variance seem to me to be so fundamental and important that... I feel that our relationship should cease." In a May 22, 1879 letter to Barbour, Russell explicitly resigned: "Now I leave the 'Herald' with you. I withdraw entirely from it, asking nothing from you . . . Please announce in next No. of the 'Herald' the dissolution and withdraw my name [as assistant editor on the masthead]." Beginning in July 1879, Russell began publishing the magazine now known as The Watchtower,[6] the principal journal for the initial Bible Student movement and eventually for Jehovah's Witnesses.By 1883 Barbour abandoned belief in an invisible presence and returned to more standard Adventist doctrine. He had organized a small congregation in Rochester in 1873, and by 1878 he was in better quarters.[7] At least by that year he left Adventism for Age-to-Come faith, a form of British Literalism. He changed the name of the congregation to Church of the Strangers. In later years the congregation associated with Mark Allen's Church of the Blessed Hope and call themselves Restitutionists. A photo of Nelson Barbour appeared in the Rochester Union and Advertiser in October 1895.Barbour continued the Herald of the Morning, though with breaks, until at least 1903, occasionally issuing statements critical of C. T. Russell. He wrote favorably though cautiously that he was persuaded 1896 was the date for Christ's visible return, an idea that had grown out of the Advent Christian Church. The last date set by Barbour for Christ's return was 1907.By the time of his death the Rochester church numbered about fifty, with very minor interest elsewhere. In 1903 Barbour participated in a conference on Mob Spirit in America. He advocated the establishment of a predominately black state in the American south west.Barbour died while on a trip to the west in 1905 of "exhaustion."[8]After his death some of his articles from The Herald of the Morning were collected and published in book form as Washed in His Blood (1908).
    The Rochester Union and Advertiser for October 5, 1895, page 12 offers the following information on Nelson Barbour:"Nelson H. Barbour was born at Toupsville, three miles from Auburn, N. Y., in 1824. At an early age the family moved to Cohocton, Stueben County, N. Y. From the age of 15 to 18, he attended school at Temple Hill Academy, Genseco, New York; at which place he united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and began a preparation for the ministry under elder Ferris. Having been brought up among Presbyterians, however, and having an investigating turn of mind, instead of quietly learning Methodist theology he troubled his teacher with questions of election, universal salvation, and many other subjects, until it was politely hinted that he was more likely to succeed in life as a farmer than as a clergyman. But his convictions were strong that he must preach the gospel even if he could not work in any theological harness. And at 19, he began his life work as an independent preacher. Since which, all that is worth reporting in his life is inseparable from his theological growth. He could not believe in an all wise and loving Father, permitting the fall; then leaving man's eternal destiny to a hap-hazard scramble between a luke-warm Church and a zealous devil. On the contrary he believed the fall was permitted for a wise purpose; and that God has a definite plan for man, in which nothing is left to chance or ignorance."Mr. Barbour believes that what he denominated the present babel of confusion in the churches is the result of false teaching and the literal interpretation of the parables."The Church of the Strangers was organized in 1879. Mr. Barbour has preached in England, in several Australian colonies, in Canada, and many states of the Union. For the past twenty-two years he has published the Herald of the Morning in this city; claiming that in his 'call' to preach, he confered [sic] not with flesh and blood. Nor was he called to convert the world; but independent of creed, to search for the truth 'as it is in Jesus,' the 'second man Adam,' believing that the restored faith is a precurser [sic] of the millenium [sic] and 'Times of restitution of all things.'"
    An 1870 patent application by Barbour gives his middle name as Horatio. The New York Grave Index gives his name as Nelson Horatio Barbour. His middle name appears in the United States Library of Congress as Homer. B. Woodcroft: Alphabetical Index of Patentees and Applicants of Patents for Invention for the year 1870, page 79. Schulz and deVienne: Nelson Barbour: The Millennium's Forgotten Prophet, 2009, page 4. Elder Ferris' probable identity with William H. Ferris is discussed in Schulz and de Vienne, Nelson Barbour: The Millennium's Forgotten Prophet, pages 11-12 Barbour, N. H.: Evidences for the Coming of the Lord in 1873, Or the Midnight Cry, 1871, page 26. Barbour claimed to have preached in Australia in an interview printed in the Rochester Union and Advertiser. The article is quoted in full above. The only time he is known to have been in Australia is in the late 1850s. Letter from W. Valentine to Nelson Barbour and Barbour's reply: Herald of the Morning, August 1875, page 47. "Proclaiming the Lord’s Return (1870-1914)", Jehovah's Witnesses–Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, page 48 Barbour discusses the move in the May 1879 Herald of the Morning. Schulz and de Vienne, citing various obituaries including the original Washington State Death Record and The Auburn, New York, Citizen of October 20, 1905. See Also Barbour Russell Handbill from 1877
    External links
    Three Worlds, written by Barbour, and financed by Russell in 1877. Evidences for the Coming of the Lord in 1873, or The Midnight Cry Written by Barbour in 1871. Message to Herald of the Morning subscribers 1879 Pittsburgh, Pa; Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence, July 1, 1879, Supplement Washed in the Blood Published anonymously but listed in the library of Congress card catalog as written by Nelson H. Barbour. Herald of the Morning Assorted Issues from 1874 to 1876.
  18. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from David Normand in FUNNY BUT IS IT? SOME RIDICULE OUR PREACHING — WHAT IS IMPORTANT? ???   
    Thanks for the article - a good reminder!  Lately i have been receiving redicule or opposition and i suspect it will get worse!   The last time I had  a man lstening very well and his friend interupting with. "Fitnah" fitnah...  I pretended i did not know the word and went on preaching to the one who listened...  and he wanted to listen... but I think his friend was uncomfortable because it was revealing something he did not like! It was in the open marketplace where i do regular streetwork.
    I liked the example of Paul. 
  19. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Iradforduk in FUNNY BUT IS IT? SOME RIDICULE OUR PREACHING — WHAT IS IMPORTANT? ???   
    It is "sedition".   When a useless piece of jewelery is dressed up with cheap stones to make it look sparkley.  
    Mohammad also said that fitna is worse than killing.. after   hIs followers killed unbelievers/pagan Arabs.in Mecca.  This was in the time when he was continuously attacking the caravans bringing goods to Mecca ( because he wanted to take control of Mmecca and was weakening it) This eventually led to the first attack against Medina -where Mohammad was living at the time. He won the battle and the rest is history. 
    Islam does not allow the preaching of other religions in its area of control. This is an offense  which carries the death penalty, the same as blasphemy.
  20. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in FUNNY BUT IS IT? SOME RIDICULE OUR PREACHING — WHAT IS IMPORTANT? ???   
    It is "sedition".   When a useless piece of jewelery is dressed up with cheap stones to make it look sparkley.  
    Mohammad also said that fitna is worse than killing.. after   hIs followers killed unbelievers/pagan Arabs.in Mecca.  This was in the time when he was continuously attacking the caravans bringing goods to Mecca ( because he wanted to take control of Mmecca and was weakening it) This eventually led to the first attack against Medina -where Mohammad was living at the time. He won the battle and the rest is history. 
    Islam does not allow the preaching of other religions in its area of control. This is an offense  which carries the death penalty, the same as blasphemy.
  21. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in FUNNY BUT IS IT? SOME RIDICULE OUR PREACHING — WHAT IS IMPORTANT? ???   
    Thanks for the article - a good reminder!  Lately i have been receiving redicule or opposition and i suspect it will get worse!   The last time I had  a man lstening very well and his friend interupting with. "Fitnah" fitnah...  I pretended i did not know the word and went on preaching to the one who listened...  and he wanted to listen... but I think his friend was uncomfortable because it was revealing something he did not like! It was in the open marketplace where i do regular streetwork.
    I liked the example of Paul. 
  22. Like
    Arauna reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in ‘Anonymous sources’: US Justice Dept launches witch...   
    ‘Anonymous sources’: US Justice Dept launches witch hunt on potential fake news

    The US Justice Department has been giving advice to the American public on handling potential fake news - especially concerning anonymous sources. In a statement by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, he said caution should be exercised when watching or reading news attributed to unnamed officials. He said this could be an effective way of coping with the recent barrage of fake news. Miguel Francis-Santiago explains why the Justice Department has spoken out.

    World News
  23. Haha
    Arauna reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in You can finally have a real banana phone   
    via TheWorldNewsOrgWorld News
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    Arauna reacted to Bible Speaks in "There are seven kings: five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet arrived." ???   
    @Arauna  Exciting times to see the fulfillment of God's Government! We "see" with eyes of "faith", soon His enemies will be no more! Keep strong and vigorous to keep in through the door, as many may not be able! Thank you for you thoughts, very good to think about.
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