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    Arauna got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in HOW DO DEMONS TRICK PEOPLE ?   
    In Africa, they put spells on each other or bury things at other peoples houses to bring bad spirits on them.  For example: a woman (Ana)  goes to the witch doctor to know why she has a problem (her husband does not love her any more or some other issue with her children).  The witch doctor may throw the bones and then say that it is Ana's neighbor who is jealous and she previously had buried something at Ana's  house to put her under a nasty spell. Ana will then go to the witch doctor to have the spell removed and then put a nasty spell back on her neighbor's children.   This turns into a never ending hate game of power and control - and the witch doctor gets rich. 
    What is seriously sad about all of this is that people display all the satanic qualities of hate, jealousy, suspicion and murder and all kinds of other wicked qualities - stirred up by contact with the demons - who want to see us suffer and eventually blame the creator for it. It could be family members hating each other and all these things are done in secret.  The other person does not know you are secretly working against them or they are suspicious. These are all wicked qualities that come from being under control of satanic forces who get to control your thinking. 
    Most of these people who practice these traditions have had contact with some form of Christianity but are still ignorant of the workings of satan (never been taught) or choose to ignore the warnings.  Imagine living your whole life under fear of a spell/ spells by different people.
    Africa is seeing a great escalation of this as many of the ancient traditions are returning. People are rejecting the teachings of the bible. When I visited my son last year in December he told me that these evil practices are all some of the people talk about at work.  The local newspapers also shocked me as there are so many stories of sorcery and spells in the news.  Twenty five years ago this was not the case. 
    It seems to me - in general - as if the mentality of society is deteriorating everywhere on earth.  Twenty five years ago logic and good reasoning kept people sane.  There were more good people who kept back the full power of Satan - but now- the influence of Satan is seen everywhere in the qualities people are displaying. As the time of the end gets closer the evil powers of satan are getting more open and prevalent - so it seems to me.  And it is reflected in the different societies in different ways of behavior. It is no surprise to me to see the number of people who are just randomly killing others in first world countries as well as third world countries - they are all in some form or other under influence of satanic religions or other satanic forces.
    In the middle east most religions teach that you are not allowed to be a witch. Unfortunately there are so much other superstitions that this becomes a very good vehicle for satan to work with.  The insidious practices of suspicion, the evil eye, reading the future in coffee leaves and also the Islamic teaching of the "jinn" contribute to spiritism.  Read up about the jinn.  They are evil spirits with a will of their own and are around all people - this is what they believe.  Many exorcisms take place in islam and there are also some "sexual" encounters.  But I do not read too much about this because I do not really want to get into the dark evil things of satan.  It is just enough for me to know about it so I can recognize it when I encounter it - and I have in very unexpected places.
    I was studying with a young woman for quite some time when I realized I had not done a good job because I realized that she still believed in the Jinn.  The Jinn are (according to them) made from fire so they are not the same as the evil spiritis we encounter in the bible.... well now I know better....look out for different kind of superstitions when you study with people!
  2. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in HOW DO DEMONS TRICK PEOPLE ?   
    In Africa, they put spells on each other or bury things at other peoples houses to bring bad spirits on them.  For example: a woman (Ana)  goes to the witch doctor to know why she has a problem (her husband does not love her any more or some other issue with her children).  The witch doctor may throw the bones and then say that it is Ana's neighbor who is jealous and she previously had buried something at Ana's  house to put her under a nasty spell. Ana will then go to the witch doctor to have the spell removed and then put a nasty spell back on her neighbor's children.   This turns into a never ending hate game of power and control - and the witch doctor gets rich. 
    What is seriously sad about all of this is that people display all the satanic qualities of hate, jealousy, suspicion and murder and all kinds of other wicked qualities - stirred up by contact with the demons - who want to see us suffer and eventually blame the creator for it. It could be family members hating each other and all these things are done in secret.  The other person does not know you are secretly working against them or they are suspicious. These are all wicked qualities that come from being under control of satanic forces who get to control your thinking. 
    Most of these people who practice these traditions have had contact with some form of Christianity but are still ignorant of the workings of satan (never been taught) or choose to ignore the warnings.  Imagine living your whole life under fear of a spell/ spells by different people.
    Africa is seeing a great escalation of this as many of the ancient traditions are returning. People are rejecting the teachings of the bible. When I visited my son last year in December he told me that these evil practices are all some of the people talk about at work.  The local newspapers also shocked me as there are so many stories of sorcery and spells in the news.  Twenty five years ago this was not the case. 
    It seems to me - in general - as if the mentality of society is deteriorating everywhere on earth.  Twenty five years ago logic and good reasoning kept people sane.  There were more good people who kept back the full power of Satan - but now- the influence of Satan is seen everywhere in the qualities people are displaying. As the time of the end gets closer the evil powers of satan are getting more open and prevalent - so it seems to me.  And it is reflected in the different societies in different ways of behavior. It is no surprise to me to see the number of people who are just randomly killing others in first world countries as well as third world countries - they are all in some form or other under influence of satanic religions or other satanic forces.
    In the middle east most religions teach that you are not allowed to be a witch. Unfortunately there are so much other superstitions that this becomes a very good vehicle for satan to work with.  The insidious practices of suspicion, the evil eye, reading the future in coffee leaves and also the Islamic teaching of the "jinn" contribute to spiritism.  Read up about the jinn.  They are evil spirits with a will of their own and are around all people - this is what they believe.  Many exorcisms take place in islam and there are also some "sexual" encounters.  But I do not read too much about this because I do not really want to get into the dark evil things of satan.  It is just enough for me to know about it so I can recognize it when I encounter it - and I have in very unexpected places.
    I was studying with a young woman for quite some time when I realized I had not done a good job because I realized that she still believed in the Jinn.  The Jinn are (according to them) made from fire so they are not the same as the evil spiritis we encounter in the bible.... well now I know better....look out for different kind of superstitions when you study with people!
  3. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Martha Braun Amistadi in German Bundeskanzlerin, Angela MERKEL, mentions "homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses" with Putin. Sochi May 2017 - video...   
    I was pleased to hear the Russian stand against Jehovah's Witnesses, and the homosexuals, being connected with the 2nd world war with unjust atrocities, and that they must not be permitted to happen again. How good is the way Jesus Christ and today's Governing Body in alerting us that Jehovah's servants will be hated and opposed because of their being disciples. We gladly accept the opportunity to have our God's name brought before the world community this way. It is indeed a privilege to be acknowledged in this way. 1 Peter 2:12 states, "Maintain your conduct fine among the nations, so that when they accuse you of being wrongdoers, they may be eyewitnesses of your fine works and, as a result, glorify God in the day of his inspection."   

  4. Upvote
  5. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Queen Esther in Vanessa Jackson e Rodrigo Jay, Kingdom song No. 134, wonderful singing together ❤ Vanessa Jackson e Rodrigo Jay, Kingdom song No. 134, wonderful singing together ❤ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫   
    Vanessa  Jackson e Rodrigo Jay,  Kingdom  song  No. 134,  wonderful  singing  together ❤
    ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫
  6. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Queen Esther in Russian Catholic official criticizes court ban on Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Russian Catholic official criticizes court ban on Jehovah's Witnesses....
    By  Jonathan Luxmoore, Catholic News Service,    April 28, 2017
    OXFORD, England – Russia's Catholic Church has condemned a Supreme Court decision to outlaw the Jehovah's Witnesses and warned the move will increase fears of new restrictions on Catholic rights.
    "Churches like ours don't recognize the Jehovah's Witnesses as Christian and don't engage in dialogue with them, but we must distinguish theological issues from legal rights," said Msgr. Igor Kovalevsky, secretary-general of the Moscow-based Russian bishops' conference.
    "The situation in Russia is complex and difficult now. There are very strong misgivings among Catholics that we, too, may be facing – if not persecution, then at least new acts of discrimination and limits on our freedom of belief," he said.
    An April 20 Supreme Court ruling branded Jehovah's Witnesses an "extremist organization" and ordered the nationwide seizure of its property.
    Msgr. Kovalevsky told Catholic News Service April 28 that the Catholic Church could not understand which activities could be deemed "extremist," adding that all religious groups had a right to "exist and develop in the Russian Federation" if they did not violate the law.
    "The law must apply fairly to everyone ... the law may be hard, but it's still the law. I think the government owes everyone a precise explanation why this group is being liquidated," Msgr. Kovalevsky said.
    Jehovah's Witnesses were registered in Russia in 1991 and re-registered in 1999, but have faced regular arrests and police raids for handing out leaflets and door-to-door preaching. Their members have been assaulted and their property vandalized.
    The Supreme Court ruling prescribed fines of up to nearly $10,700 and up to 10 years in jail for anyone engaging in Jehovah's Witnesses activities.
    Msgr. Kovalevsky said although there were no signs that the Catholic Church would be treated like the Jehovah's Witnesses, "the government needs to reassure citizens freedom of conscience will be upheld."
    "The Jehovah's Witnesses have the same right to defend dignity and faith and other citizens," he said. "Although upholding human rights isn't our main task, the Catholic Church defends everyone's right to freedom of conscience."
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Oppression Has No Comforter - Jehovah Will Comfort You, Even Death and Pain Will Be No More! He Is Our Only Comforter ?   
    Women are oppressed all over the world.  Any form of oppression is a Satanic quality.   Jehovah told Adam after his fall that he would dominate his wife. In different cultures is just depends upon the degree. Husbands who lovingly care for their wives are much happier - hence the instruction from Jehovah to love your wife.  Wives on the other hand should show deep respect. This is not hard when a husband is kind.
  8. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Russian JW's Begin to Remove Kingdom Halls Signs   
    Jehovah allows many testing situations to happen.  He will only intervene in this wicked world when the time is ready.  Satan is in control of this world and many bad things may still come to pass before Jehovah steps in. We can pray for our brothers and sisters to remain faithful and be wise so as to avoid problems which it is possible to sidestep.  If they are discreet (which we know they are), they will survive this oppressive regime.
  9. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in Oppression Has No Comforter - Jehovah Will Comfort You, Even Death and Pain Will Be No More! He Is Our Only Comforter ?   
    Women are oppressed all over the world.  Any form of oppression is a Satanic quality.   Jehovah told Adam after his fall that he would dominate his wife. In different cultures is just depends upon the degree. Husbands who lovingly care for their wives are much happier - hence the instruction from Jehovah to love your wife.  Wives on the other hand should show deep respect. This is not hard when a husband is kind.
  10. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Peter Kutzer-Salm in Russian JW's Begin to Remove Kingdom Halls Signs   
    Jehovah allows many testing situations to happen.  He will only intervene in this wicked world when the time is ready.  Satan is in control of this world and many bad things may still come to pass before Jehovah steps in. We can pray for our brothers and sisters to remain faithful and be wise so as to avoid problems which it is possible to sidestep.  If they are discreet (which we know they are), they will survive this oppressive regime.
  11. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Russian JW's Begin to Remove Kingdom Halls Signs   
    Jehovah allows many testing situations to happen.  He will only intervene in this wicked world when the time is ready.  Satan is in control of this world and many bad things may still come to pass before Jehovah steps in. We can pray for our brothers and sisters to remain faithful and be wise so as to avoid problems which it is possible to sidestep.  If they are discreet (which we know they are), they will survive this oppressive regime.
  12. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in Russian JW's Begin to Remove Kingdom Halls Signs   
    Jehovah allows many testing situations to happen.  He will only intervene in this wicked world when the time is ready.  Satan is in control of this world and many bad things may still come to pass before Jehovah steps in. We can pray for our brothers and sisters to remain faithful and be wise so as to avoid problems which it is possible to sidestep.  If they are discreet (which we know they are), they will survive this oppressive regime.
  13. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Turning blind eye? NATO weapons reportedly end up in hands of...   
    The realities of the mess human governance is making on earth - interventions in the end are helping all the wrong people.   The egg is scrambled and cannot be unscrambled!
  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in Watch this all-electric ‘flying car’ take its first test flight   
    Thanks - great - I shared on FB
  15. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from SuzA in Putin Signs Law Allowing Russian Court To Overthrow International Human Rights Rulings   
    Many of us carry severe pain or baggage but we cannot blame Jehovah when people do bad things. It is the people who are acting on their own desires like Satan originally did.  Unfortunately these bad deeds go right to the core of our trusting others and can damage us spiritually and mentally - so that it is almost too hard to heal. The pain makes it so hard that we want to hit back at someone - and then turn against the organization or Jehovah.  We may even think we are not good enough to serve Jehovah!
    The organization - the people are not perfect. They do make unintentional mistakes because of imperfect attitudes. The only thing they are doing perfectly is the management of the preaching work - which was the commission which they received from Jehovah. Jehovah is providing the rest of the support - the spiritual insight at the right time.
    People who expect perfection are really unrealistic.  Jehovah has always used imperfect people - think of David.  But he also cared for David because David always returned to Jehovah.
    If one becomes bitter or disappointed, to then only focus on that one evil apple in a sea of people who are trying hard to stick to Jehovah and prove their loyalty, we lose sight of the blessings and insight we have received from Jehovah.
    Jehovah really supports those who have suffered but we should always pour our hearts out to him - then he can give us aid.  In future Jehovah will compensate us perfectly for the sufferings.   We will never again think back on the things that happened before.  Persons who do not show repentance for the secret things they did which are incompatible with Jehovah's principles will be spat out first.  Jehovah will come to inspect the congregation first!
    We cannot be hypocritical and think we can get a way with it.... all secrets will be revealed.
    The organization is really managing a world-wide organization and every country has it own laws and cultures.  They are actually doing a good job if one ponders on all the aspects of the issues they have to manage. Have all local organizations understood the instructions and have they got beyond some of the cultural barriers to perfect justice? - most probably not.  Have their been inconsistencies - I definitely expect so.
    When the organization gives guidelines - there are always those people who love rules and they will be the first to turn a guideline into a rule. There are those who grew up in a harsh environment and must learn to be more gentle.  Then there are those who have never had any respect for authority in any form.  They find it hard to conform to a simple request ...... and all these various kinds of people have to put on the new personality.  But unfortunately this does not happen in a day!
    No wonder the Bible says we have to put up with one another if we have a reason to complain.  So I can only admire those who are still in the congregation, who have gone through some bad experience and have learnt to deal with it and despite left-over pains - have remained faithful to Jehovah and not blamed him for the injustice perpetrated against them.
    Humans are humans and many can turn bad after being good.... this is a reality that we must always remember.  Even some of the anointed are being lost because they are not remaining faithful - and they are being replaced.
  16. Upvote
  17. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Arauna in Eating cheese could prevent you from getting liver cancer   
    Great to know - love cheese!
  18. Upvote
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Putin Signs Law Allowing Russian Court To Overthrow International Human Rights Rulings   
    I thank Jehovah that he has allowed me to reach the age I have and somehow, with a lot of issues, I managed to stick to Jehovah (there was a short time I also lost my faith) because now I can look back with more mature eyes and see society and life for what it really is and how we JWs fit into it. The mistakes/sins of others and how it can affect our spiritual lives.
    I have also at times been disappointed by others (lost one of my friends whom I loved like a son, and my own fleshly brother who is 21 years younger than me and like a child to me, who is the gentlest soul, to apostasy).  It hurts and it does not go away.
    Putting my life in Jehovah's hands and giving generously of myself to others has helped me to cope with all the upheavals. Changing congregations and countries like I have is a major change but somehow I am managing and yes the spiritual blessings - the floodgates have opened up - in a field that is hard, I find people to talk with every day... and it keeps me going.  Is everything perfect? No it never can be in this life! but I find joy in learning about Jehovah (new little things that stimulate me) and  joy in appreciating other people - warts and all.  Jehovah always provides at least one reliable soul who can support you.  I also find a lot of comfort in helping the elderly and the weak.  When I bless others I feel blessed.
    You are so right about kind people (even those in the world) and in the congregation.  Everyone is so hard pressed in the critical conditions - they just need a little bit of TLC and unconditional acceptance!  In stead of a critical attitude we should be loving and kind and spread it around because so many need a little piece of it - and it is contagious.... a good laugh is also contagious... we all need it.
    Thanks for the little articles - I read many of them.
    How long we have until the end - we do not know - but the clouds are gathering for the storm. May all of us make it.  Pray for our brothers who are in countries where they are not even allowed to talk to others.
    Yesterday, at the Arabic meeting, a brother from one of these countries visited us.  He told me they are NOT allowed to talk to Muslims at all but in this major city there are 22 congregations.  They discreetly preach - how much we should value our freedom to preach while we still have it! 
    I always feel that we should talk to as many as possible.  If they have the right heart condition - they will find us again.  All need the warning - a witness.  I feel that the number of studies one has is not an indication of the impact one is having in the neighborhood.  I like to know that when they see us walking they must know ..... "Ah, there goes those nice people who are different to everyone else.....and they teach the bible"
  20. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Putin Signs Law Allowing Russian Court To Overthrow International Human Rights Rulings   
    Many of us carry severe pain or baggage but we cannot blame Jehovah when people do bad things. It is the people who are acting on their own desires like Satan originally did.  Unfortunately these bad deeds go right to the core of our trusting others and can damage us spiritually and mentally - so that it is almost too hard to heal. The pain makes it so hard that we want to hit back at someone - and then turn against the organization or Jehovah.  We may even think we are not good enough to serve Jehovah!
    The organization - the people are not perfect. They do make unintentional mistakes because of imperfect attitudes. The only thing they are doing perfectly is the management of the preaching work - which was the commission which they received from Jehovah. Jehovah is providing the rest of the support - the spiritual insight at the right time.
    People who expect perfection are really unrealistic.  Jehovah has always used imperfect people - think of David.  But he also cared for David because David always returned to Jehovah.
    If one becomes bitter or disappointed, to then only focus on that one evil apple in a sea of people who are trying hard to stick to Jehovah and prove their loyalty, we lose sight of the blessings and insight we have received from Jehovah.
    Jehovah really supports those who have suffered but we should always pour our hearts out to him - then he can give us aid.  In future Jehovah will compensate us perfectly for the sufferings.   We will never again think back on the things that happened before.  Persons who do not show repentance for the secret things they did which are incompatible with Jehovah's principles will be spat out first.  Jehovah will come to inspect the congregation first!
    We cannot be hypocritical and think we can get a way with it.... all secrets will be revealed.
    The organization is really managing a world-wide organization and every country has it own laws and cultures.  They are actually doing a good job if one ponders on all the aspects of the issues they have to manage. Have all local organizations understood the instructions and have they got beyond some of the cultural barriers to perfect justice? - most probably not.  Have their been inconsistencies - I definitely expect so.
    When the organization gives guidelines - there are always those people who love rules and they will be the first to turn a guideline into a rule. There are those who grew up in a harsh environment and must learn to be more gentle.  Then there are those who have never had any respect for authority in any form.  They find it hard to conform to a simple request ...... and all these various kinds of people have to put on the new personality.  But unfortunately this does not happen in a day!
    No wonder the Bible says we have to put up with one another if we have a reason to complain.  So I can only admire those who are still in the congregation, who have gone through some bad experience and have learnt to deal with it and despite left-over pains - have remained faithful to Jehovah and not blamed him for the injustice perpetrated against them.
    Humans are humans and many can turn bad after being good.... this is a reality that we must always remember.  Even some of the anointed are being lost because they are not remaining faithful - and they are being replaced.
  21. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Bible Speaks in Is the USA Preparing for World War III?   
    awe we're loved! Thank you. @The Librarian for taking care of us! 
  22. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to The Librarian in Is the USA Preparing for World War III?   
    @Arauna and @Eoin Joyce ..... I moved the non-relevant conversation threads to separate posts. You can find them on your profile pages. Nothing was deleted.
  23. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in We’ve finally figured out how to 3D print glass   
    via TheWorldNewsOrg
    World News
  24. Upvote
  25. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in A huge iceberg has grounded off the Canadian coast   
    via TheWorldNewsOrg
    World News
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