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  1. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from SuzA in Putin Signs Law Allowing Russian Court To Overthrow International Human Rights Rulings   
    Many of us carry severe pain or baggage but we cannot blame Jehovah when people do bad things. It is the people who are acting on their own desires like Satan originally did.  Unfortunately these bad deeds go right to the core of our trusting others and can damage us spiritually and mentally - so that it is almost too hard to heal. The pain makes it so hard that we want to hit back at someone - and then turn against the organization or Jehovah.  We may even think we are not good enough to serve Jehovah!
    The organization - the people are not perfect. They do make unintentional mistakes because of imperfect attitudes. The only thing they are doing perfectly is the management of the preaching work - which was the commission which they received from Jehovah. Jehovah is providing the rest of the support - the spiritual insight at the right time.
    People who expect perfection are really unrealistic.  Jehovah has always used imperfect people - think of David.  But he also cared for David because David always returned to Jehovah.
    If one becomes bitter or disappointed, to then only focus on that one evil apple in a sea of people who are trying hard to stick to Jehovah and prove their loyalty, we lose sight of the blessings and insight we have received from Jehovah.
    Jehovah really supports those who have suffered but we should always pour our hearts out to him - then he can give us aid.  In future Jehovah will compensate us perfectly for the sufferings.   We will never again think back on the things that happened before.  Persons who do not show repentance for the secret things they did which are incompatible with Jehovah's principles will be spat out first.  Jehovah will come to inspect the congregation first!
    We cannot be hypocritical and think we can get a way with it.... all secrets will be revealed.
    The organization is really managing a world-wide organization and every country has it own laws and cultures.  They are actually doing a good job if one ponders on all the aspects of the issues they have to manage. Have all local organizations understood the instructions and have they got beyond some of the cultural barriers to perfect justice? - most probably not.  Have their been inconsistencies - I definitely expect so.
    When the organization gives guidelines - there are always those people who love rules and they will be the first to turn a guideline into a rule. There are those who grew up in a harsh environment and must learn to be more gentle.  Then there are those who have never had any respect for authority in any form.  They find it hard to conform to a simple request ...... and all these various kinds of people have to put on the new personality.  But unfortunately this does not happen in a day!
    No wonder the Bible says we have to put up with one another if we have a reason to complain.  So I can only admire those who are still in the congregation, who have gone through some bad experience and have learnt to deal with it and despite left-over pains - have remained faithful to Jehovah and not blamed him for the injustice perpetrated against them.
    Humans are humans and many can turn bad after being good.... this is a reality that we must always remember.  Even some of the anointed are being lost because they are not remaining faithful - and they are being replaced.
  2. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Evacuated in Is the USA Preparing for World War III?   
    Arbitrary deletion perhaps, as I have experienced. I found my deleted posts under my profile. They seem to still remain there. I was miffed because I had received reputation as well 
    It felt like the Russians had got me!  
  3. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Evacuated in Russian journalist Nikolai Andrushchenko has died. He was in a coma for 6 weeks after being brutally...   
    Let's emphasize that this brave man was 73 years of age! I hope I get to study with him in the resurrection.
  4. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Bible Speaks in Putin Signs Law Allowing Russian Court To Overthrow International Human Rights Rulings   
    @Arauna Wow the pace is picking up! We know what's coming! Jehovah's Name will be known. We must keep close to Him. Meetings essential, prayer day and night and study! I gave up most TV ? waste of my time, so many to help.i had a good conversation with an Witness that fell out because of  pedophiles, but I explained to him I fought against abuse 45 years and how Jehovah has help me through it and vindicated his name during it. It was a very interesting talk to him and I think he's going to think twice because he knows that the end is close but he  has become agnostic. It is not Jehovah that has the injustice it is man that does not follow instructions, yet as we know the congregations and the society is not the courts. I myself as a woman had to go to  court, even though I didn't want to it was my only way to get support in this wicked system. Many many more that have given up on Jehovah because of injustice think about this injustice it is not because of Jehovah. Jehovah will bring everything to peaceful  living conditions and justice will be done. Yes I tried  to help him see Jehovah had chose him once, never give up on Jehovah because he really cares for everyone and loves everyone and will soon vindicate his name to all people nations. I think he will follow me now, rebelling brings nothing but more rebellion! He felt sorry for my fight of abuse, but knows I've learn to lean on Jehovah, there is no one else. Now he knows he's not alone. It takes Faith in Jehovah not any man....
    Thank you for your thoughts, 
    Bible Speaks ???
  5. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Putin Signs Law Allowing Russian Court To Overthrow International Human Rights Rulings   
    Russia has ignored previous rulings by the EU court on its human rights.  Yes, each country starting to do as they please in total independence of each other and from god.  This is not a recipe for world peace even as some make loving overtures to each other or posture with others.  Things are going to get more interesting and I agree, we are entering a time of regression regarding human rights.  Going back to the time when people acted like barbarians.  The human condition is really sick and so-called advancement in advanced philosophy and human rights did not last long. Jehovah's people will just have to suck up the injustices against them.  The world will become more wicked and in comparison to them - we will really shine like a bright light - even though we are so very imperfect.
    Satan has been ruling all along but somehow the goodness of some peoples and a measure of Christian principles had kept the total wickedness at bay.  Now with advancing secularism, spiritism, diabolic ideologies and other philosophies that is replacing Christian values, the world is really becoming evil.
  6. Upvote
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Bible Speaks in When Will The Great Tribulation Come?   
    Thanks for the article - thanks for embedding links - I used them to go back and revise some of the things I thought I knew well!
  8. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Do Feel Alone? Do You Have a Loss? Trying to Cope Difficult? You Are Not Alone ?   
    When I feel down (which is thankfully rare because I had so many trials when I was young I always see the cup half full these days).....  I usually visit someone or do something for someone and find comfort in that.  One forgets your own sorrows when you help others.  It is true what the Bible says about giving and happiness.  All of us have spiritual and other gifts that we can share.  Some sisters cook well and can take a plate of food to an elderly brother whose wife has Alzheimers or invite a single sister that is feeling lonely because she does not have a mate - or take the elderly shopping.... the possibilities are all there...or pick up someone for field service or a meeting. Only effort, initiative and original thinking is needed.
    Most people think that kicking a ball (football) or acting or singing is a talent... But there are many  greater talents that are not so conspicuous.  For example: generosity of spirit is a wonderful talent! Skills that we have - when used to serve others - makes a skill into a spiritual talent. In fact, these talents are greater than self-serving skills which feed the ego.
  9. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Is the USA Preparing for World War III?   
    What about the quotes in the Greek scriptures from the Hebrew scriptures.... must Jehovah's name be taken out there too? I am merely following through on your thoughts and criticisms.
    One either accepts the name Jehovah and give it the honor it deserves (wherever and whenever you can) or one does not.
    One can get mired down in little details and lose sight of the big picture: - that it is important to acknowledge the true god's name whenever you can.  In my studies of the Bible I have found that many humans equate Jehovah on a level with Jesus (because of his death and ransom) but this is very wrong because Jehovah is supreme and all else are merely his 'creations'. Jesus is the firstborn of all creation (Col1:15). Jehovah was the one who sent Jesus to the earth and it was ultimately Jehovah's kindness that made it possible for Jesus to come. "for god (Jehovah) so much loved the world that he sent his only begotten son." he loved us while we were sinners and prepared a body for Christ that would be sacrificed.  Jehovah used his spirit to put the life of Jesus in the womb of Mary. (phil: 2)
    This is why the name he chose for himself and the meaning of the name is so important. When one studies the bible one sees that he is in reality so high that we cannot fathom anything about him except what our human frailty allows us to see and what he has allowed to be written about himself as well as the restoration of his purpose concerning the earth.
    The entire Hebrew scriptures is dedicated to Jehovah and his plans (purpose for mankind's future) and Israel was chosen to bring forth the messiah (Jesus has a genealogy of 2025 years).  Israel was a nation dedicated to Jehovah and were severely punished because they brought other gods before Jehovah.  They were a dedicated nation to Jehovah and were supposed to love Jehovah with their whole heart (as Jesus said).
    Jesus did not come to criticize the scholars of his time and their actions to remove Gods name... The bible shows in John 17 that he had made the name of god known everywhere he went... He knew the scholars were white washed graves - so he did not answer the Pharisees at all  - unless there were others present who could benefit by his answer.  Jesus taught about the future Kingdom and Jehovah gave him holy spirit to heal people as a sign that God has sent him. The Pharisees  turned against Jesus when he called himself the 'son" of God.
    Do you acknowledge the name Jehovah, Jahweh or Jehwah or any of the acceptable forms of the name or do you throw out the cat with the bathwater and sit with the empty dish?
    The Bible is one entity - one cannot throw the Hebrew scriptures away - because this is the "timeline" of how Jehovah has been working throughout the ages toward his purpose of appointing a future government that would rectify all the problems on earth - which also included the ransom sacrifice that came exactly when Jehovah predicted it in the prophecies in Daniel.
    Jesus is going to hand his Kingdom back to god/father (Jehovah) when he has completed the job he was anointed for, namely to bring mankind back to perfection and make the earth into a beautiful paradise like Jehovah originally intended. 1 Cor 15:24. Eph 1:9  Jesus is the guarantee that Jehovah's plans are going to be fulfilled.  The honor and glory ultimately belong to Jehovah the creator. Rev 4:11
    By the way in the New World translation there is a segment which shows that there are fragments of the Septuagint (translation of the Hebrew scriptures into Greek) which were found in the 20th century - which was available during the time of Jesus - which contained the Tetramagrammaton -JHWH- written in Hebrew letters. So when Jesus quoted from this he definitely used the name Jehovah.
  10. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in What gives them the right to insert YHWH so that the the scriptures are manipulated to suit the their doctrine?   
    If you knew Hebrew or Arabic you will know that the consonants alone (without vowels) stand for a specific meaning. The letters KTB stand for the word Book in arabic. More than ten words can be made out of these consonants by changing the points/diacritics/vowels and all relate to books, places where one finds books, or writing.
    Similarly - in Hebrew - (related Semitic language) we find that the verb from these 4 letters JHWH carries the causative form of the verb which means "I shall prove to be"  and the noun would mean - he causes - in causative form - to become.   So the Vowels are not that important but the CoNSoNaNTS always are! - unlike other languages.  This is why Hebrew and related languages are all written only with consonants - the diacritics are added for readers who are beginners only.
    We say JaHWeH but in other translations Jehovah (or something close to this - depending on the language) is acceptable. The translation of Jesus is actually Jasu-3a/Jeshua but when we speak everyone knows that you are acknowledging Jesus. It is the acknowledgement of the name that counts.
    Jehovah knows the heart of each individual and he is the one who can see if we acknowledge HIS name and we believe that this name (which is associated with his final purpose for the earth, Jesus' sacrifice and also associated with His wonderful qualities), as set out in the Bible, is the true god which we as individuals acknowledge.
    Many of the old languages such as the Greek do not have the indefinite article "a" - just like Arabic.  So one ads letters when one speaks of "the" or there is a declension...... something in the word changes to show  a different form.   John 1:1  Theon and Theos.... are two different forms of the word god.....in one the word "a " must be added in the English because English has this word "a" in it but it is this what is meant by Theos - so one does not need a medium to tell you this - all one needs is a bit of knowledge of the language.
    declension: (in the grammar of Latin, Greek, and certain other languages) the variation of the form of a noun, pronoun, or adjective, by which its grammatical case, number, and gender are identified
  11. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Is the USA Preparing for World War III?   
    What about the quotes in the Greek scriptures from the Hebrew scriptures.... must Jehovah's name be taken out there too? I am merely following through on your thoughts and criticisms.
    One either accepts the name Jehovah and give it the honor it deserves (wherever and whenever you can) or one does not.
    One can get mired down in little details and lose sight of the big picture: - that it is important to acknowledge the true god's name whenever you can.  In my studies of the Bible I have found that many humans equate Jehovah on a level with Jesus (because of his death and ransom) but this is very wrong because Jehovah is supreme and all else are merely his 'creations'. Jesus is the firstborn of all creation (Col1:15). Jehovah was the one who sent Jesus to the earth and it was ultimately Jehovah's kindness that made it possible for Jesus to come. "for god (Jehovah) so much loved the world that he sent his only begotten son." he loved us while we were sinners and prepared a body for Christ that would be sacrificed.  Jehovah used his spirit to put the life of Jesus in the womb of Mary. (phil: 2)
    This is why the name he chose for himself and the meaning of the name is so important. When one studies the bible one sees that he is in reality so high that we cannot fathom anything about him except what our human frailty allows us to see and what he has allowed to be written about himself as well as the restoration of his purpose concerning the earth.
    The entire Hebrew scriptures is dedicated to Jehovah and his plans (purpose for mankind's future) and Israel was chosen to bring forth the messiah (Jesus has a genealogy of 2025 years).  Israel was a nation dedicated to Jehovah and were severely punished because they brought other gods before Jehovah.  They were a dedicated nation to Jehovah and were supposed to love Jehovah with their whole heart (as Jesus said).
    Jesus did not come to criticize the scholars of his time and their actions to remove Gods name... The bible shows in John 17 that he had made the name of god known everywhere he went... He knew the scholars were white washed graves - so he did not answer the Pharisees at all  - unless there were others present who could benefit by his answer.  Jesus taught about the future Kingdom and Jehovah gave him holy spirit to heal people as a sign that God has sent him. The Pharisees  turned against Jesus when he called himself the 'son" of God.
    Do you acknowledge the name Jehovah, Jahweh or Jehwah or any of the acceptable forms of the name or do you throw out the cat with the bathwater and sit with the empty dish?
    The Bible is one entity - one cannot throw the Hebrew scriptures away - because this is the "timeline" of how Jehovah has been working throughout the ages toward his purpose of appointing a future government that would rectify all the problems on earth - which also included the ransom sacrifice that came exactly when Jehovah predicted it in the prophecies in Daniel.
    Jesus is going to hand his Kingdom back to god/father (Jehovah) when he has completed the job he was anointed for, namely to bring mankind back to perfection and make the earth into a beautiful paradise like Jehovah originally intended. 1 Cor 15:24. Eph 1:9  Jesus is the guarantee that Jehovah's plans are going to be fulfilled.  The honor and glory ultimately belong to Jehovah the creator. Rev 4:11
    By the way in the New World translation there is a segment which shows that there are fragments of the Septuagint (translation of the Hebrew scriptures into Greek) which were found in the 20th century - which was available during the time of Jesus - which contained the Tetramagrammaton -JHWH- written in Hebrew letters. So when Jesus quoted from this he definitely used the name Jehovah.
  12. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Evacuated in Is the USA Preparing for World War III?   
    What about the quotes in the Greek scriptures from the Hebrew scriptures.... must Jehovah's name be taken out there too? I am merely following through on your thoughts and criticisms.
    One either accepts the name Jehovah and give it the honor it deserves (wherever and whenever you can) or one does not.
    One can get mired down in little details and lose sight of the big picture: - that it is important to acknowledge the true god's name whenever you can.  In my studies of the Bible I have found that many humans equate Jehovah on a level with Jesus (because of his death and ransom) but this is very wrong because Jehovah is supreme and all else are merely his 'creations'. Jesus is the firstborn of all creation (Col1:15). Jehovah was the one who sent Jesus to the earth and it was ultimately Jehovah's kindness that made it possible for Jesus to come. "for god (Jehovah) so much loved the world that he sent his only begotten son." he loved us while we were sinners and prepared a body for Christ that would be sacrificed.  Jehovah used his spirit to put the life of Jesus in the womb of Mary. (phil: 2)
    This is why the name he chose for himself and the meaning of the name is so important. When one studies the bible one sees that he is in reality so high that we cannot fathom anything about him except what our human frailty allows us to see and what he has allowed to be written about himself as well as the restoration of his purpose concerning the earth.
    The entire Hebrew scriptures is dedicated to Jehovah and his plans (purpose for mankind's future) and Israel was chosen to bring forth the messiah (Jesus has a genealogy of 2025 years).  Israel was a nation dedicated to Jehovah and were severely punished because they brought other gods before Jehovah.  They were a dedicated nation to Jehovah and were supposed to love Jehovah with their whole heart (as Jesus said).
    Jesus did not come to criticize the scholars of his time and their actions to remove Gods name... The bible shows in John 17 that he had made the name of god known everywhere he went... He knew the scholars were white washed graves - so he did not answer the Pharisees at all  - unless there were others present who could benefit by his answer.  Jesus taught about the future Kingdom and Jehovah gave him holy spirit to heal people as a sign that God has sent him. The Pharisees  turned against Jesus when he called himself the 'son" of God.
    Do you acknowledge the name Jehovah, Jahweh or Jehwah or any of the acceptable forms of the name or do you throw out the cat with the bathwater and sit with the empty dish?
    The Bible is one entity - one cannot throw the Hebrew scriptures away - because this is the "timeline" of how Jehovah has been working throughout the ages toward his purpose of appointing a future government that would rectify all the problems on earth - which also included the ransom sacrifice that came exactly when Jehovah predicted it in the prophecies in Daniel.
    Jesus is going to hand his Kingdom back to god/father (Jehovah) when he has completed the job he was anointed for, namely to bring mankind back to perfection and make the earth into a beautiful paradise like Jehovah originally intended. 1 Cor 15:24. Eph 1:9  Jesus is the guarantee that Jehovah's plans are going to be fulfilled.  The honor and glory ultimately belong to Jehovah the creator. Rev 4:11
    By the way in the New World translation there is a segment which shows that there are fragments of the Septuagint (translation of the Hebrew scriptures into Greek) which were found in the 20th century - which was available during the time of Jesus - which contained the Tetramagrammaton -JHWH- written in Hebrew letters. So when Jesus quoted from this he definitely used the name Jehovah.
  13. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Evacuated in What gives them the right to insert YHWH so that the the scriptures are manipulated to suit the their doctrine?   
    If you knew Hebrew or Arabic you will know that the consonants alone (without vowels) stand for a specific meaning. The letters KTB stand for the word Book in arabic. More than ten words can be made out of these consonants by changing the points/diacritics/vowels and all relate to books, places where one finds books, or writing.
    Similarly - in Hebrew - (related Semitic language) we find that the verb from these 4 letters JHWH carries the causative form of the verb which means "I shall prove to be"  and the noun would mean - he causes - in causative form - to become.   So the Vowels are not that important but the CoNSoNaNTS always are! - unlike other languages.  This is why Hebrew and related languages are all written only with consonants - the diacritics are added for readers who are beginners only.
    We say JaHWeH but in other translations Jehovah (or something close to this - depending on the language) is acceptable. The translation of Jesus is actually Jasu-3a/Jeshua but when we speak everyone knows that you are acknowledging Jesus. It is the acknowledgement of the name that counts.
    Jehovah knows the heart of each individual and he is the one who can see if we acknowledge HIS name and we believe that this name (which is associated with his final purpose for the earth, Jesus' sacrifice and also associated with His wonderful qualities), as set out in the Bible, is the true god which we as individuals acknowledge.
    Many of the old languages such as the Greek do not have the indefinite article "a" - just like Arabic.  So one ads letters when one speaks of "the" or there is a declension...... something in the word changes to show  a different form.   John 1:1  Theon and Theos.... are two different forms of the word god.....in one the word "a " must be added in the English because English has this word "a" in it but it is this what is meant by Theos - so one does not need a medium to tell you this - all one needs is a bit of knowledge of the language.
    declension: (in the grammar of Latin, Greek, and certain other languages) the variation of the form of a noun, pronoun, or adjective, by which its grammatical case, number, and gender are identified
  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in Do Feel Alone? Do You Have a Loss? Trying to Cope Difficult? You Are Not Alone ?   
    When I feel down (which is thankfully rare because I had so many trials when I was young I always see the cup half full these days).....  I usually visit someone or do something for someone and find comfort in that.  One forgets your own sorrows when you help others.  It is true what the Bible says about giving and happiness.  All of us have spiritual and other gifts that we can share.  Some sisters cook well and can take a plate of food to an elderly brother whose wife has Alzheimers or invite a single sister that is feeling lonely because she does not have a mate - or take the elderly shopping.... the possibilities are all there...or pick up someone for field service or a meeting. Only effort, initiative and original thinking is needed.
    Most people think that kicking a ball (football) or acting or singing is a talent... But there are many  greater talents that are not so conspicuous.  For example: generosity of spirit is a wonderful talent! Skills that we have - when used to serve others - makes a skill into a spiritual talent. In fact, these talents are greater than self-serving skills which feed the ego.
  15. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Bible Speaks in When Will The Great Tribulation Come?   
    "For then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again." (Matthew 24:21)
    What happens after the great tribulation is cut short? Jesus explained that several events will happen before Armageddon begins. These events are mentioned at Ezekiel 38:14-16 andMatthew 24:29-31. 
    Then we will see Armageddon. The battle of Armageddon is the climax of the great tribulation, just as the destruction of Jerusalem was the climax of the first fulfillment of the prophecy. (Malachi 4:1) 
    The great tribulation, with Armageddon as its climax, will be an event such as has not happened “since the world’s beginning.” (Matthew 24:21) After it happens, Christ will rule as King for 1,000 years.
    Great tribulation: The end of this wicked world. First, false religion will be destroyed. Then, there will be a time when Jesus will judge the sheep and the goats and appoint his faithful slave over all the Master’s belongings. Finally, the rest of this system will be destroyed at Armageddon “Coming”: In Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew chapters 24 and 25, Jesus is described as “coming,” or “arriving.” This refers to the time when he comes as Judge of all the nations during the great tribulation http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/402013530?q=matt+24%3A21&p=par
  16. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Scientists and religious scholars team up to try and find living descendents of Jesus...   
    No - the most stupid of research gets funding these days! 
    These artifacts are not even proven to have belonged to Jesus!  How silly can people get?  As Colin said: have they ever read the bible -which is a historical narrative - even if one does not accept it as the word of God?
  17. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Colin Browne in Scientists and religious scholars team up to try and find living descendents of Jesus...   
    No - the most stupid of research gets funding these days! 
    These artifacts are not even proven to have belonged to Jesus!  How silly can people get?  As Colin said: have they ever read the bible -which is a historical narrative - even if one does not accept it as the word of God?
  18. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Evacuated in Scientists and religious scholars team up to try and find living descendents of Jesus...   
    "Scientists and religious scholars team up to try and find living descendents of Jesus"
    Sounds like the newspaper has added the descendant bit. Anyway, I hope the Scientists and religious scholars are funding it themselves!
  19. Upvote
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  22. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in This animated map shows how World War I changed Europe’s borders...   
    via TheWorldNewsOrgWorld News
  23. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Bible Speaks in From Russia With Love! Strong And Preaching! ???   
    Despite attempts to ban our activities, we are still hard at preaching! Hello from Russia! @steisy.m thank you

  24. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to David Normand in Thomas Emlyn—Blasphemer or Advocate of Truth?   
    It is truly inspiring when people such as this, without the safety net we have today in the brotherhood were able to stand up for the truth. These people felt so strongly about bible truth that they were wiling to risk liberty and sometimes even their lives to declare the truth about God and his Son. 
  25. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from David Normand in Thomas Emlyn—Blasphemer or Advocate of Truth?   
    It is amazing that these kind of people, who stood up for the Truth centuries ago, could stand so firm without the support structure that we have today. They really took their bible reading and vocation seriously whereas the other clergy just loved the position they were in and merely saw their work as a daily job.... not a serious calling to speak the truth and assist people to get closer to god.  They ( like Emlyn) must have had a little extra holy spirit.
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