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  1. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JayDubya in The Timeline of Creation ?????   
    Just like to add:  the water was on the earth already before the creative 'day/period'   1/one,  when the earth was desolate and dark because Jehovah's spirit was moving over the waters;  to  me, it has always been logical that the earth had a very long cooling off period after the physical heavens and earth were created because this cooling down process was responsible for the water and dense vapor which Jehovah then subsequently divided on day 2.
  2. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in The Timeline of Creation ?????   
    Just like to add:  the water was on the earth already before the creative 'day/period'   1/one,  when the earth was desolate and dark because Jehovah's spirit was moving over the waters;  to  me, it has always been logical that the earth had a very long cooling off period after the physical heavens and earth were created because this cooling down process was responsible for the water and dense vapor which Jehovah then subsequently divided on day 2.
  3. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in A nice preaching idea in Stockholm, SWEDEN !   
    I spoke with a Swedish sister yesterday while on field service.  She said that the Swedes NEVER talk about religion - it is a taboo in their culture.  Many Swedes are secularist.   The sister took quite long to become active because she could not tell her parents that she wanted to be a witness and she still cannot speak to them about Jehovah because it is taboo in their family to speak about any aspect of any religion.  So I find these brothers advertising their faith so loud very encouraging and brave!
  4. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Bible Speaks in The Timeline of Creation ?????   
    The material heavens and earth are created.—Genesis 1:1.
    The earth is formless, desolate, and dark.—Genesis 1:2.
    Diffused light evidently penetrates the earth’s atmosphere. If there had been any observer on the surface of the earth, the sources of light would have been imperceptible to him. Yet, the difference between night and day became discernible.—Genesis 1:3-5.
    The earth is covered with water and a dense mantle of vapor. These two elements are separated, creating a gap between the watery surface and the canopy of vapor. The Bible describes this space as “an expanse between the waters,” and calls it “Heaven.”—Genesis 1:6-8.
    Surface water subsides and dry ground appears. The atmosphere clears up to allow more sunlight to reach the ground. Some vegetation appears, with new species sprouting through the third and subsequent creative days.—Genesis 1:9-13.
    The sun and moon become discernible from the earth’s surface.—Genesis 1:14-19.
    God creates underwater creatures and flying creatures in great numbers with the ability to procreate within their kinds.—Genesis 1:20-23.
    Land animals are created, both large and small. The sixth day culminates with a masterpiece of God’s physical creation: the first human couple.—Genesis 1:24-31.
  5. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in ALLAH – the Moon God   
    I assume a lot of other people already knew this, but I didn't. Thanks for sharing it. I even have a copy of Satanic Verses on a bookshelf, but never cracked it open.
  6. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Nigerian Jehovah Witness Allegedly Dies Of Excess Bleeding During Child Birth Because Church Doesn’t Permit Blood Transfusion ! This is just so sad ;-(   
    Hypocritical how this world under the control of Stan works.  Nigeria is famous for having little respect for life when the elite is living off all the riches of oil and many of their  poor dying when they try to pilfer oil.  Extreme corruption in Nigeria - read up about it.
    When the Chibok girls were abducted by Boko Haram the government did nothing to fetch them back .... because they did not care!
    Boko Haram is threatening to take over the country and is responsible for so many terrorist deaths. Attacks which are not reported on in the West.  Under extreme Islam some women are not even allowed to get medical treatment without the permission of a male.... but this is never disclosed or written about......
    However,  it is advertised  far and wide when it is 'alleged' that someone died because they themselves refused blood against the advice of a doctor and in obedience to a law they believe to be coming from the true god. All loss of life is sad yet there are still many reasons one can lose your life in childbirth today.  In the end it is always the refusing of blood that is given as the reason.
    Africa has so much aids and other virusses (Nigeria has the 2nd largest number of newly infected people with aids) that I would not trust any pint of blood in this most notorious country in Africa - notorious for its financial and all other kinds of corruption.
    What were her chances for living if she had taken the blood?  Life expectancy is not very high for babies  in Nigeria and very few people get very old...  Better to trust in Jehovah and not in these corrupt systems of the world  - which do not care about their own people!  She has become a propaganda pawn in someone's agenda!
    At least Jehovah will reward all those who remain faithful.  He will compensate us for what we have lost in this corrupt world for the sake of obedience to his standards!
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Biblical King Hezekiah Official Seal Found in Ancient Trash Dump - 2,700-year-old... (video)   
    A lot of people debunk things when it does not agree with their vision.  It is like the "science" offered these days which proves that humans have a hand in the climate change and other studies which give proof that it is bunk - and in the meantime there are countries and whole areas that is going under water while the scientific "debate" and scientific proofs are still being offered to prove it is not happening.... Russia is using new sea lanes in seas that previously were covered in ice - there is also a race for territory under the sea to explore for oil.... in new territories where they never thought they would explore.
    So I must offer the thought that I do not really put my trust in science - or the humans behind it.  I do not put blind faith in humans and their so-called knowledge because one does not know when it has been tainted with an agenda.  Really too much misinformation these days.... conflicting studies all over the place and many have been caught out as manipulating their results.
    One does not have to throw everything away though - and neither do I throw all away that Hyslop wrote - that would not be smart - even if it is just to get an idea what the universal thoughts behind some of the signs were. He was smart enough to tie ancient Babylon and Sumerian culture to many of the ideas in modern Babylon - which is agreed upon by the author of the bible, Jehovah,  because he himself calls the empire: Babylon the Great. Many of the spiritistic ideas in many modern religions on earth today came from that area.
    There are many scientists who agree with the new chronology in Egyptology.  But unfortunately they are not allowed into the country any more.  If you do not agree with the' prevailing consensus' then you are marked as a pseudo-scientist.  Champollion was not a good scientist either because he was an archeologist when the science was in it infancy and yet his ideas are accepted as laid in stone/ concrete.... and other scientists have built on it.  The problem lies right at the foundation of Egyptology....and when one builds on a wrong foundation then one gets the mess we are sitting with at present.
    Two people who come to mind who did not agree with the new ideas offered by younger scientists were Einstein (later in his life he rejected some excellent new ideas); and Hawkins -  but we still view them as icons for the work they did do. There are still some very good thoughts in Hyslop's book.... but of course there were religions that did not like it and set out to discredit him - so they wrote their own pseudo-science.
    I am glad you agree with me on one thing - that there were universal symbols for many things which was accepted by many countries.  A good example today is the wedding ring - originally pagan - but we still use it as a symbol to show that we are married.  Some countries they wear it on the left hand and in other on the right....This does not mean that we are pagans.  Since it does not involve pagan  rituals or participation in pagan rituals it has evolved as a universal symbol -  we accept it as a sign of marriage. Same with the days of the month.   We cannot throw absolutely everything out of the window - we are still in this world and we share it with people who do not believe in God. But we can remain clean by not participating in pagan rituals and stay away from inter-faith.
    I do appreciate chatting with you though but I do not like debates - it does not serve an edifying purpose. 
    I would just like to add: I do not need science to prove that the Bible is a message from the creator.  There are too many prophesies going into fulfillment at present which give proof that the writings of the bible has a higher source....
  8. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from SuzA in Nigerian Jehovah Witness Allegedly Dies Of Excess Bleeding During Child Birth Because Church Doesn’t Permit Blood Transfusion ! This is just so sad ;-(   
    Hypocritical how this world under the control of Stan works.  Nigeria is famous for having little respect for life when the elite is living off all the riches of oil and many of their  poor dying when they try to pilfer oil.  Extreme corruption in Nigeria - read up about it.
    When the Chibok girls were abducted by Boko Haram the government did nothing to fetch them back .... because they did not care!
    Boko Haram is threatening to take over the country and is responsible for so many terrorist deaths. Attacks which are not reported on in the West.  Under extreme Islam some women are not even allowed to get medical treatment without the permission of a male.... but this is never disclosed or written about......
    However,  it is advertised  far and wide when it is 'alleged' that someone died because they themselves refused blood against the advice of a doctor and in obedience to a law they believe to be coming from the true god. All loss of life is sad yet there are still many reasons one can lose your life in childbirth today.  In the end it is always the refusing of blood that is given as the reason.
    Africa has so much aids and other virusses (Nigeria has the 2nd largest number of newly infected people with aids) that I would not trust any pint of blood in this most notorious country in Africa - notorious for its financial and all other kinds of corruption.
    What were her chances for living if she had taken the blood?  Life expectancy is not very high for babies  in Nigeria and very few people get very old...  Better to trust in Jehovah and not in these corrupt systems of the world  - which do not care about their own people!  She has become a propaganda pawn in someone's agenda!
    At least Jehovah will reward all those who remain faithful.  He will compensate us for what we have lost in this corrupt world for the sake of obedience to his standards!
  9. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Enrique Camacho in ALLAH – the Moon God   
    I have read so many books by the earliest and some of the modern archeologists (I had a massive collection of books and had to leave a few behind when I moved to Sweden) about the connection of moon worship to ancient Sumer and the entire middle east - even in Canaan.  I later read the Qur'an, Hadith and Siri  and studied Islam because all the original evidence pointed to this moon worship when I read about Ur and Harran and Tema in Arabia. This is how I started studying the Arabic language and I now preach in the Arabic field - mostly to muslim refugees.
    I speak the truth when I say that I absolutely love Arabic speaking people but I also promote TRUTH and I therefore have a desire to free as many people as possible from one of the most oppressive and unjust ideologies/religions around today - which had its origins in pagan and moon worship.
    I am sorry to say that in the academic world it has become fashion to bend the research to deny that Allah is in fact the moon god. In fact, most of the middle east departments of most universities in Europe and USA has been taken over by Islamo-philiacs who turn out  fake studies that deny the core beliefs of islam as set out in the Qur'an and Hadith.
    In fact, one is not allowed to say anything about Allah and Islam any more because Resolution 18-20 of the UN forbids it! Hence the popularity of the word: Islamophobia.  I watch all the news about developments in this field because Islam is part of Babylon the Great and will soon be destroyed.  30,000 terror attacks that has taken place all over the world since 9/11 and many have not been reported as Islam-inspired attacks in the media because left-politicians want their vote!.  It is the world's largest religion and is riding the beast (just as other religions are controlling the political systems).  Soon the political system will tire of religion and turn against all of them..... because the "security" of the world is being threatened by the radicalized version of most religions - which  is spreading. Far right Christians, who love their guns, voted for Trump!
    UNESCO (UN heritage council) has gone so far that they have officially said that Jews and Christians have NO historical connection to Jerusalem! at all!  The historical records that exist to prove this -  are no longer valid!  Look it up on internet and this is definitely not false news!
    This is how nutty and crazy the world has become.  But I do not need archeology to prove the connection of the Arabs with Moon worship, here is the biblical proof:  The Bible talks of Ishmael. The mother of Ishmael was Egyptian and Ishmael married an Egyptian woman according to the bible.  Midian and Ishmael were both offspring of Abraham and they sold Joseph to Potiphar in Egypt. They were merchants that moved in caravans. 
    Midianites and the Ishmaelite's are mentioned in the Bible as being very close (read Ishmaelite in the insight book)  The 6 sons that Keturah had also intermarried with these tribes and eventually became the Arab peoples.  Keturah was the concubine of Abraham after Sarah died.  She had 6 sons. (Gen 25)  Abraham sent them away with gifts and his son Isaac (by his legitimate wife Sarah) inherited the right to bring forth the messiah from his line of decent.... which would be the true prophet/ messenger of Allah  -  because Jesus  has a genealogy of 4025 years.
    Mohammad, who claimed to come from Ishmael, has NO historical genealogy to speak of except the short one given in the bible. So he is THE messenger of god only by his own word.  Mohammad claimed to come from Ishmael to try to legitimize his decent from Abraham and link himself as the last prophet from God - especially when he lived with 3 Jewish tribes in Jathrib (Medina) and wanted them to accept his as a prophet.  He killed between 600-900 of them (as spies) after they rejected his prophet hood.  Muslims today try to claim the Bible has been altered and that Jehovah is ALLAH. (This I can easily refute by the history of islam, the history of the city of Mecca as well as the Bible itself.)
    What is interesting is the jewelry worn by the Ishmaelites and Midianites.... and many scriptures in the bible indicate that these peoples were viewed as one tribe because these two names are interchanged often. Judges 8: 22 & 26 speaks of the gold nose rings and the "crescent-shaped" ornaments which seemed to be numerous.  These crescent -shaped ornaments are mentioned in 3 different places in the bible and are two of them specifically associated with Midian and Ishmael. The other scriptures proves how prevalent this worship was in the middle east as Jehovah shows how he hates it.
    Moses also wrote in Job 31: 26-28 that it was an act of idolatry to kiss the hand to the moon because this practice was prevalent already in the time of Moses/Job  amongst moon worshipers. Job lived in the land of Uz (Arabia).
    Another proof about moon worship is the Qur'an itself: I forgot to add information about the fatwah (order to kill) against indian writer: Salman Rushdie.  He wrote in his book about he Satanic verses which refer to Allat, Uzza and Manat:
    (Excerpt from Wikipedia for your information:) "[V]ehement protest against Rushdie's book" began with the title itself. The title refers to a legend of the Prophet Mohammad, when a few verses were supposedly spoken by him as part of the Qur'an, and then withdrawn on the grounds that the devil had sent them to deceive Mohammad into thinking they came from God. These "Satanic Verses" are found in verses eighteen to twenty-two in suraht An-Najim of the Qur'an,[14] and by accounts from Tabari, but is seldom mentioned in the first biography of Mohammad by Ibn Ishaq. The verses also appear in other accounts of the prophet's life. They permitted prayer to three pre-Islamic Meccan goddesses: Al-lāt, Uzza, and Manāt—a violation of monotheism.[
  10. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Ann O'Maly in Biblical King Hezekiah Official Seal Found in Ancient Trash Dump - 2,700-year-old... (video)   
    I am not an expert on this but I would like to stipulate that it most probably sealed a message that was never sent out as it was found in the rubbish dump.  It could have been a diplomatic letter to Egypt and we are not sure if it was the particular seal for a diplomatic mission to this specific country - letters would have had different seals to identify letters going out to different parts of the world. So it would not be the ONLY seal of the king - it would designate it to be official diplomatic business.
    Just as the international diplomatic language originally was Akkadian, then Aramaic, then Greek and then Latin - there were also certain international symbols that had universal meaning.  The horn came to symbolize suzerainty (power) and wings symbolized the extent of the power.  As I said I am not an expert on this but it gives one something to investigate and follow up on.
    Consequently - one must not be quick to jump to conclusions about the unfaithfulness of Hezekiah.  Remember that he was not a perfect servant of Jehovah and he was definitely not living in a vacuum. Most probably he regularly had diplomats from countries around him (even from afar for trade agreements and security for the transport of goods to his country etc) and sent diplomats to countries around him to maintain good relations.  
    The world was a complicated place and international relations just as difficult to maintain as today.  Wars could suddenly come from unforeseen places, especially those empires with imperialistic tendencies and Sennacherib was terrifying (he was exceptionally cruel to the subjected peoples (cutting off body parts and flaying) and also cut off all the fruit trees and stopped up wells wherever he prevailed.  He ruled with terror - leaving the conquered areas with no food resources.
    One could even speculate that this was a letter asking Egypt to assist Hezekiah - because the surrounding countries and cities had already been invaded long before Sennacherib came to Jerusalem.......   Hezekiah could have planned to sent out a secret message but decided to trash it and to trust only in Jehovah instead.  He had already paid tribute to Sennacherib but this king wanted total humiliation and most probably would have expected him to bow to his gods.  His name indicates moon worship.
     A few years back I read a translation of a tablet wherein it was written that the Assyrian army suddenly died out from 'pestilence'.  That was their explanation for what happened to their soldiers.  It also was faith strengthening to realize that this really happened.
    The Insight book under 'Sennacherib' gives a fascinating insight into the history of this battle.  It must have been a nightmare for king Hezekiah and one can understand his fear and humility when he went before Jehovah to pray for help.  I love this prayer he made.
    The seal would be indicating that the message came from a peaceful king.
  11. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in UK prepares ‘WikiLeaks Act’ to ban national security journalism. criminalizing even...   
    This is why there is so much false information and speculation around because journalists may no longer investigate and publish the truth any more. They are controlled by newspapers who have an agenda. Now the UN and many governments are becoming protectionist to "perceived treats".   Journalists are supposed to uncover the truth an keep governments honest.... (not that I agree with what Wiki leaks has done in the past.)
    We are entering a type of fascistic era where information is controlled tightly - setting the scene for governments to do what they like.  It is an ideal climate for governments to turn against religion and spread whatever information they like about a religion. Russia at moment doing this - demonizing Jehovah's people as extremist
  12. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in UK prepares ‘WikiLeaks Act’ to ban national security journalism. criminalizing even...   
    This is why there is so much false information and speculation around because journalists may no longer investigate and publish the truth any more. They are controlled by newspapers who have an agenda. Now the UN and many governments are becoming protectionist to "perceived treats".   Journalists are supposed to uncover the truth an keep governments honest.... (not that I agree with what Wiki leaks has done in the past.)
    We are entering a type of fascistic era where information is controlled tightly - setting the scene for governments to do what they like.  It is an ideal climate for governments to turn against religion and spread whatever information they like about a religion. Russia at moment doing this - demonizing Jehovah's people as extremist
  13. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Queen Esther in Biblical King Hezekiah Official Seal Found in Ancient Trash Dump - 2,700-year-old... (video)   
    Biblical King Hezekiah Official Seal Found in Ancient Trash Dump...
    A 2,700-year-old royal seal bearing the mark of the biblical King Hezekiah has been unearthed in Jerusalem. The tiny oval piece of clay bears the impression of a sun with two wings turned downward, flanked by two ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs that symbolize 'life'.
  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Details of President Trump’s executive order on “extreme vetting”...   
    I sometimes watch translations of the Friday services in Iran and they shout death to America every week.  They only preach politics and hate for the "immoral'  west in their Mosques.  They are hoping to bring about the next caliphate which they believe will come in the "time of the end".  They follow the Shiite brand of Islam and hate the Sunnis.
    Erdogan in Turkey is removing the separation of state and religion which was brought in by Atatürk after the fall of the Turkish empire WW1. Erdogan sees himself as the next Sunni caliph and is trying to expand his territory (hence him going into Syria).  He is now  forcing all children to have Islamic classes in school and his country has become a place where all opposition is persecuted and tortured.  They are reverting back to tight control of women and Erdogan was caught giving support to the Islamic State. 
    It seems to me that the more modern Muslims were involved in the failed coo-de-tat effort last year and since then most magistrates have been dismissed and about 70,000 people were immediately incarcerated.  Many civil servants that seemed too modern, or had any  affiliation to the cleric in America, Gulen, lost their jobs.
    I recently read that Erdogan also has spies in Germany (Germany has many Turks) who follow up on any person saying anything bad about him!   Dissidents are not safe when they leave Turkey and go to a different sovereign state like Germany. 
    So Europe is building up for something BIG.... whatever it is... it is coming.  The propaganda (inspired expressions like frogs mentioned in Rev 16 14- 16) comes to mind.... and it leads to Armageddon.  It seems as though false information and propaganda is everywhere and it is making people angry at each other - polarizing people so vehemently that they may be prepared to take up weapons against each other.
  15. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from admin in U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops denounces Trump’s plan to favor refugees from persecuted religious minorities   
    Catholic Church has a large stake of money to loose.  They received 85 million dollars (total Revenue $85,506,950)  in 2014 from the government to resettle mostly Muslim refugees.  
    I worked with many refugees that were supposed to receive help from the catholic organization who brought them here.  I then discovered that the Lutherans are also receiving lucrative sums of money to handle the refugees.  They were bringing them in and dumping them on the social security system without much help to intigrate.  They were not giving them all the services they were supposed according to the agreement with government.
    These impoverished refugees have to repay their plane tickets from the monthly Social Security they receive.  One refugee received a bill from them which charged them more than a thousand dollars for 4 second hand mattresses which were filled with bed lice.  I wrote a letter to the organization (the refugees could not speak a word of English) to complain about this as the refugees had to pay high prices for something they could not use.  
    These Church organizations are complaining because they are going to loose a major source of income.....  not because they really care about refugees.
  16. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in Details of President Trump’s executive order on “extreme vetting”...   
    So true. Of the nineteen 9/11 terrorists. 15 were from Saudi Arabia, and 2 from United Arab Emirates. Plus one from Lebanon and one from Egypt. Each of these countries were omitted from Trump's list.
    Trump's list is basically just a copy of the list that Obama already had in place for travel restrictions. Of course, Trump included Iran just to please some of the Neo-cons in his party, and hoping for a reaction that will please his base. Turkey, Pakistan, and at least 3 of the 4 countries behind 9/11, are probably all slightly more practical choices than the ones he chose, but not politically or financially expedient.  
    Of course, an even better solution has been there all along and would have been a much more humanitarian solution than the way the Administration messed up on the implementation of this one. (I think that messing up the implementation was partially done on purpose so that the "noise" surrounding the mess-up would provide a louder signal to Trump supporters that he followed through on a campaign promise.)
    The better solution is to put the same amount of energy into getting disparate intelligence agencies to cooperate and share. This was discovered to be the primary problem of 9/11 itself, and the former prime minister of Belgium (through 2008) is now saying that it has been the same problem for Belgium, France, Germany, Turkey, UK, etc., regarding recent attacks there.
    In fact this was the reason that the FBI was created in the first place in the USA in 1901, because of the "terrorist" attack on President McKinley by Czolgozc. It was immediately realized that sharing intelligence was paramount. Of course, this works well until intelligence agencies themselves begin feeling like self-important, all-important silos. Live and learn; learn and live.
  17. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Details of President Trump’s executive order on “extreme vetting”...   
    This world has gone crazy with unpredictability and volatility the order of the day (as predicted in Bible prophecy).  Common sense has left the board room!
    While there is a definite threat from political Islam (part of the harlot in Revelation 17) we also see an overreaction on the part of politicized Christendom (who voted Trump in) and also a component of the harlot (world empire of false religion).  Religion is bedfellows with politics and are forwarding their own agendas into legislation (riding the beast) and causing more division in the world.
    What is NOT strange about this ban is the role once again that money and big business is playing in the list of countries chosen for the ban.  Saudi Arabia is the biggest exporter of Salafist ideas (extreme political islam to rule the world) and has funded most of the mosques in America and Europe through front organizations. They have also sent their trained imams to mosques throughout the world in the last 30 years with their billions of dollars gained from oil.
    Most of the terrorists involved in the twin towers collapse came from Egypt and Saudi Arabia.   They are NOT on the list -  so this extreme, fear inspiring safety and security measures is not going to fulfill the purpose of the ban. The originators of Salafist islam is not on the list.....because big business with them is flourishing!
    Satan is truly blinding the eyes of the world - keep separate and keep neutral as things are getting crazier every day! 
  18. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Bible Speaks in U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops denounces Trump’s plan to favor refugees from persecuted religious minorities   
    Catholic Church has a large stake of money to loose.  They received 85 million dollars (total Revenue $85,506,950)  in 2014 from the government to resettle mostly Muslim refugees.  
    I worked with many refugees that were supposed to receive help from the catholic organization who brought them here.  I then discovered that the Lutherans are also receiving lucrative sums of money to handle the refugees.  They were bringing them in and dumping them on the social security system without much help to intigrate.  They were not giving them all the services they were supposed according to the agreement with government.
    These impoverished refugees have to repay their plane tickets from the monthly Social Security they receive.  One refugee received a bill from them which charged them more than a thousand dollars for 4 second hand mattresses which were filled with bed lice.  I wrote a letter to the organization (the refugees could not speak a word of English) to complain about this as the refugees had to pay high prices for something they could not use.  
    These Church organizations are complaining because they are going to loose a major source of income.....  not because they really care about refugees.
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from admin in Pope says it wrong to identify Islam with violence   
    The Pope is head of a major false religion.  Teaches immortality of the soul and a nasty hellfire similar to Islam. Would one really listen to what he has to say?  Additionally, Islam puts their Imams in a very high position - they can declare a fatwa to kill someone.... so they literally have life and death in their hands.  The  Pope has more power than God - if you read what rights he has.
    Read the Sunna which comprises the Qur'an,Hadith and Siri. The ideology  expressed above by Ross is accurate.
  20. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Edgardo Franco: Use Your Talent For Jehovah   
    My story is similar.  I trained with the best opera singers and had a world-class voice singing Rossini, Mozart, Donizetti, Verdi, Puccini  Could sing the highest opera arias with ease and elegance (bel canto).
    I left singing but  later had to work to support my children after the sudden death of my husband.  Worked as a reporter and then later became the head publicist for a national orchestra.  I saw the egotism and competition between artists and realized that I have the best future ever!   Nothing can compare with the promises of Jehovah!
    Sometimes I still feel the draw of the lights but pioneering keeps me humble and now I am working in the Muslim refugee field in Sweden - improving my Arabic language skills.   I sometimes think that singing would bring me much needed 'easy money' but I dare not get tempted into the entertainment world because it would only be downhill from there!   It is really immoral and egotistical out there and easy money is not worth the spiritual price!
    Jehovah always compensates spiritually for the worldly things we sacrifice - remember that!
    I sang at a family wedding in Sicily four years ago at age of 60. It was captured on mobile (not a good mobile recording but I attached it for you).   I sang much higher when I was younger and had more power but I am proof that old people can still do interesting things!  Put your sound on high

    Your browser does not support the HTML5 video tag.
  21. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in A nice video from the International Convention in SIMBABWE, AFRICA, video !   
    My heart soared when I saw this article.  I lived in a neighbor country for 48 years and kept abreast of the suffering of the Zimbabwe people - one of the poorest countries in the world and exploited by the ruling class.
    Jehovah the god of justice and love has given these people a wonderful hope. How wonderful to see the warm love and appreciation for Jehovah and his promises!
  22. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in A nice video from the International Convention in SIMBABWE, AFRICA, video !   
    My heart soared when I saw this article.  I lived in a neighbor country for 48 years and kept abreast of the suffering of the Zimbabwe people - one of the poorest countries in the world and exploited by the ruling class.
    Jehovah the god of justice and love has given these people a wonderful hope. How wonderful to see the warm love and appreciation for Jehovah and his promises!
  23. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in ‘Copyright used as pretext for censorship ’ – fmr MI5 agent on new Facebook’s policy:...   
    People are naive if they think the news we get is not controlled ... and the noose  is tightening.  While keeping the masses happy with their day to day posts on social media about mundane things our speech freedoms have been eroded. What we post on social media is becoming more and more  controlled.
    Soon our preaching work will also become an issue because there is no tolerance for the ugly truth about this system and its institutions any more. While government (USA) pretends to be a sheep it is a dragon. 
    There is a trend all over the globe to control certains aspects of the news we receive... the unpleasant truths are suppressed ... to keep us all in la-la land.  But the nasty realities will soon surface ... and then they will be suddenly upon us...
  24. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in ‘Copyright used as pretext for censorship ’ – fmr MI5 agent on new Facebook’s policy:...   
    People are naive if they think the news we get is not controlled ... and the noose  is tightening.  While keeping the masses happy with their day to day posts on social media about mundane things our speech freedoms have been eroded. What we post on social media is becoming more and more  controlled.
    Soon our preaching work will also become an issue because there is no tolerance for the ugly truth about this system and its institutions any more. While government (USA) pretends to be a sheep it is a dragon. 
    There is a trend all over the globe to control certains aspects of the news we receive... the unpleasant truths are suppressed ... to keep us all in la-la land.  But the nasty realities will soon surface ... and then they will be suddenly upon us...
  25. Upvote
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