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  1. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Gerry70 in Isn’t all philosophy supposed to be studied critically? | Decolonizing philosophy?...   
    Interesting word  "decolonizing" which  I have heard in my field service and when I read articles regarding Islam and Africa. 
    Victimization of Africa by 'colonist' nations is part of well-documented old history...of the past 400 years. So to counteract this we now have the major fashion trend to de-colonize everything - even ideas.... at all our universities. So I presume they want modern philosphy (because I cannot think that previously colonized nations go back as far as Aristotle and Socrates). 
    But- these nations have been in political and financial turmoil since the colonizers left.... so what major contribution regarding philosophy could they bring to the table? They definitely cannot bring any good ideas to promote equality, justice or peace in the world because we have seen the most atrocious genocides and poverty and class inequality coming from Africa in the last 60 years.  
    So I conclude that these students are demanding change to the curriculum out of ignorance and are bowing to the new propaganda trend that is present on all university campuses in Europe and USA.
    Islam also has a major issue with "crusaders and colonists" since the Turkish empire was destroyed by colinist nations during the First World War and parts of the middle east came under Brtish and French control. 
     There is only one major philosophy they can offer the world and to which everyone must bow- Islam. So the derogatory term "colonists" is used in a lot of their literature. Since most of the Middle East departments and universities have been hi-jacked by proponents of Islam, and the political activists for Islam are on all campuses, I am not surprised to see this new wave of politisized curricula being democratically demanded by the ignorant masses. 
    My take on this: the world is really going crazy as all kinds of extremist political. propaganda is being spread throughout the world (like never in history before because of social media) and all kinds of evil organizations are infiltrating and spreading their polarizing agendas especially amongst the youth.
    It is therefore wise to follow the directive of Jesus to be no part of this world and not participate in its political battles... be careful as serpents. Be discreet and wise like the slave.
    I see a political trend in the world which was predicted in Rev 16: 14..." it is expressions of demons (propaganda) that is going out into the world to gather the nations together for Armageddon. "  
    This is only the beginning of a world-wide trend which is already in progress and escalating fast.  One is not allowed to publicly and logically expose or refute bad or immoral ideas as 'morally wrong' because then you are promoting "hate". It will eventually affect our preaching work as well.
    How bad this will get in future- no one knows. We are aware that it will lead to Aramageddon, so we can only watch and wait on Jehovah in silence as the bible advises us to do.
  2. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in Isn’t all philosophy supposed to be studied critically? | Decolonizing philosophy?...   
    Interesting word  "decolonizing" which  I have heard in my field service and when I read articles regarding Islam and Africa. 
    Victimization of Africa by 'colonist' nations is part of well-documented old history...of the past 400 years. So to counteract this we now have the major fashion trend to de-colonize everything - even ideas.... at all our universities. So I presume they want modern philosphy (because I cannot think that previously colonized nations go back as far as Aristotle and Socrates). 
    But- these nations have been in political and financial turmoil since the colonizers left.... so what major contribution regarding philosophy could they bring to the table? They definitely cannot bring any good ideas to promote equality, justice or peace in the world because we have seen the most atrocious genocides and poverty and class inequality coming from Africa in the last 60 years.  
    So I conclude that these students are demanding change to the curriculum out of ignorance and are bowing to the new propaganda trend that is present on all university campuses in Europe and USA.
    Islam also has a major issue with "crusaders and colonists" since the Turkish empire was destroyed by colinist nations during the First World War and parts of the middle east came under Brtish and French control. 
     There is only one major philosophy they can offer the world and to which everyone must bow- Islam. So the derogatory term "colonists" is used in a lot of their literature. Since most of the Middle East departments and universities have been hi-jacked by proponents of Islam, and the political activists for Islam are on all campuses, I am not surprised to see this new wave of politisized curricula being democratically demanded by the ignorant masses. 
    My take on this: the world is really going crazy as all kinds of extremist political. propaganda is being spread throughout the world (like never in history before because of social media) and all kinds of evil organizations are infiltrating and spreading their polarizing agendas especially amongst the youth.
    It is therefore wise to follow the directive of Jesus to be no part of this world and not participate in its political battles... be careful as serpents. Be discreet and wise like the slave.
    I see a political trend in the world which was predicted in Rev 16: 14..." it is expressions of demons (propaganda) that is going out into the world to gather the nations together for Armageddon. "  
    This is only the beginning of a world-wide trend which is already in progress and escalating fast.  One is not allowed to publicly and logically expose or refute bad or immoral ideas as 'morally wrong' because then you are promoting "hate". It will eventually affect our preaching work as well.
    How bad this will get in future- no one knows. We are aware that it will lead to Aramageddon, so we can only watch and wait on Jehovah in silence as the bible advises us to do.
  3. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from SuzA in I Do Not Associate With Deceitful Or Those That Hide Who They Are   
    Arrogance, self-righteousness also has adverse effects on others and sometimes more devastating. IT leaves othes with feeling worthlessness and pain for being rejected. 
      YEsterday we learnt that we should rather let ourselves be wronged- this is not just regarding money - it is about the way we live.   WE need to cultivate a self-sacrificing spirit like Jesus - who gave everything he had for us.  
    When we comfort others we are comforted by the Holy Spirit... when we give we receive so much more back from others together with Jehovah's blessing.  I speak of experience.  I have given attention to those whom others avoid and have found that these people need kind attention to be healed - not avoidance.
    Self-righteousness is at war not with the person within themselves but is at war with Jehovah's Spirit.  Job fell into the sin of self-righteousness. SAtan displayed  pride - that was his sin.  
    YEs we can fight the war in ourselves- to keep ourselves pure from this world and resist eveything it offers- even resist negative attitudes displYed by others  in a kind way- not by being superior but by being humble and comforting to all... not judgmental but give  acceptance And love.
    how can we say we love God if we cannot overcome the evil by means of the love for our neighbour?
  4. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in I Do Not Associate With Deceitful Or Those That Hide Who They Are   
    Arrogance, self-righteousness also has adverse effects on others and sometimes more devastating. IT leaves othes with feeling worthlessness and pain for being rejected. 
      YEsterday we learnt that we should rather let ourselves be wronged- this is not just regarding money - it is about the way we live.   WE need to cultivate a self-sacrificing spirit like Jesus - who gave everything he had for us.  
    When we comfort others we are comforted by the Holy Spirit... when we give we receive so much more back from others together with Jehovah's blessing.  I speak of experience.  I have given attention to those whom others avoid and have found that these people need kind attention to be healed - not avoidance.
    Self-righteousness is at war not with the person within themselves but is at war with Jehovah's Spirit.  Job fell into the sin of self-righteousness. SAtan displayed  pride - that was his sin.  
    YEs we can fight the war in ourselves- to keep ourselves pure from this world and resist eveything it offers- even resist negative attitudes displYed by others  in a kind way- not by being superior but by being humble and comforting to all... not judgmental but give  acceptance And love.
    how can we say we love God if we cannot overcome the evil by means of the love for our neighbour?
  5. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in I Do Not Associate With Deceitful Or Those That Hide Who They Are   
    Arrogance, self-righteousness also has adverse effects on others and sometimes more devastating. IT leaves othes with feeling worthlessness and pain for being rejected. 
      YEsterday we learnt that we should rather let ourselves be wronged- this is not just regarding money - it is about the way we live.   WE need to cultivate a self-sacrificing spirit like Jesus - who gave everything he had for us.  
    When we comfort others we are comforted by the Holy Spirit... when we give we receive so much more back from others together with Jehovah's blessing.  I speak of experience.  I have given attention to those whom others avoid and have found that these people need kind attention to be healed - not avoidance.
    Self-righteousness is at war not with the person within themselves but is at war with Jehovah's Spirit.  Job fell into the sin of self-righteousness. SAtan displayed  pride - that was his sin.  
    YEs we can fight the war in ourselves- to keep ourselves pure from this world and resist eveything it offers- even resist negative attitudes displYed by others  in a kind way- not by being superior but by being humble and comforting to all... not judgmental but give  acceptance And love.
    how can we say we love God if we cannot overcome the evil by means of the love for our neighbour?
  6. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in I Do Not Associate With Deceitful Or Those That Hide Who They Are   
    I do not agree with this statement offered above - it is words of a man.  I have not seen a statement in the bible which sAys that we should avoid those at war with themselves.  HOw does one define the outward symptoms of being at war with yourself? WE are all at war with the fleshly part of our existence as apposed to being perfectly in line with JehovAh and his spirit - as duly noted by one of the replies.  WE must be cAreful not to judge those who have emotional issues because the bible says we must deal tenderly with those who are experiencing distress.  I can imagine the stress a person must feel when they are at war with themselves - whatever the personAl baggage that has brought this about.  
    Being deceitful,  indecisive about serving Jehovah whole-souled, being stupid (according to the bible this means that one acts outside the "knowledge of Jehovah"  and NOT the definition of being at war with yourself) now this is a different matter.  I do however  agree that we must be cAreful that  associations  do not influence us negatively. 
    Be careful of self-righteousness - this  can cause even greater dAmage in a congregation. I knew a sister who was always avoiding people becAuse they were doing things that she deemed unworthy of association.  It caused tremendous uneasiness when people were Around her and she hurt many feelings- tHis is the otherr side of the coin.  
    I did not write this to start a debate but merely do make my fellow worshipers think about their words And actions - imperfection and injustice can make us condemn where condemnation is not needed.  AN anointed sister once gave me the best advice EVER!  SHe said: when in doubt About what to do - show love.  WE can assist the weak and help strenghen those around us who are suffering and having issues.  WIth patience And love we can win And support them And help them adjust their attitude. LOve nevr fails! IT hopes all things. 
    USually the elders will guide us to mark those who need adjustment. WE should not be going around indiscriminately marking people inside the congregation.   THose outside the congregation is of course are not our associates.
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in I Do Not Associate With Deceitful Or Those That Hide Who They Are   
    I do not agree with this statement offered above - it is words of a man.  I have not seen a statement in the bible which sAys that we should avoid those at war with themselves.  HOw does one define the outward symptoms of being at war with yourself? WE are all at war with the fleshly part of our existence as apposed to being perfectly in line with JehovAh and his spirit - as duly noted by one of the replies.  WE must be cAreful not to judge those who have emotional issues because the bible says we must deal tenderly with those who are experiencing distress.  I can imagine the stress a person must feel when they are at war with themselves - whatever the personAl baggage that has brought this about.  
    Being deceitful,  indecisive about serving Jehovah whole-souled, being stupid (according to the bible this means that one acts outside the "knowledge of Jehovah"  and NOT the definition of being at war with yourself) now this is a different matter.  I do however  agree that we must be cAreful that  associations  do not influence us negatively. 
    Be careful of self-righteousness - this  can cause even greater dAmage in a congregation. I knew a sister who was always avoiding people becAuse they were doing things that she deemed unworthy of association.  It caused tremendous uneasiness when people were Around her and she hurt many feelings- tHis is the otherr side of the coin.  
    I did not write this to start a debate but merely do make my fellow worshipers think about their words And actions - imperfection and injustice can make us condemn where condemnation is not needed.  AN anointed sister once gave me the best advice EVER!  SHe said: when in doubt About what to do - show love.  WE can assist the weak and help strenghen those around us who are suffering and having issues.  WIth patience And love we can win And support them And help them adjust their attitude. LOve nevr fails! IT hopes all things. 
    USually the elders will guide us to mark those who need adjustment. WE should not be going around indiscriminately marking people inside the congregation.   THose outside the congregation is of course are not our associates.
  8. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in I Do Not Associate With Deceitful Or Those That Hide Who They Are   
    I do not agree with this statement offered above - it is words of a man.  I have not seen a statement in the bible which sAys that we should avoid those at war with themselves.  HOw does one define the outward symptoms of being at war with yourself? WE are all at war with the fleshly part of our existence as apposed to being perfectly in line with JehovAh and his spirit - as duly noted by one of the replies.  WE must be cAreful not to judge those who have emotional issues because the bible says we must deal tenderly with those who are experiencing distress.  I can imagine the stress a person must feel when they are at war with themselves - whatever the personAl baggage that has brought this about.  
    Being deceitful,  indecisive about serving Jehovah whole-souled, being stupid (according to the bible this means that one acts outside the "knowledge of Jehovah"  and NOT the definition of being at war with yourself) now this is a different matter.  I do however  agree that we must be cAreful that  associations  do not influence us negatively. 
    Be careful of self-righteousness - this  can cause even greater dAmage in a congregation. I knew a sister who was always avoiding people becAuse they were doing things that she deemed unworthy of association.  It caused tremendous uneasiness when people were Around her and she hurt many feelings- tHis is the otherr side of the coin.  
    I did not write this to start a debate but merely do make my fellow worshipers think about their words And actions - imperfection and injustice can make us condemn where condemnation is not needed.  AN anointed sister once gave me the best advice EVER!  SHe said: when in doubt About what to do - show love.  WE can assist the weak and help strenghen those around us who are suffering and having issues.  WIth patience And love we can win And support them And help them adjust their attitude. LOve nevr fails! IT hopes all things. 
    USually the elders will guide us to mark those who need adjustment. WE should not be going around indiscriminately marking people inside the congregation.   THose outside the congregation is of course are not our associates.
  9. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from SuzA in I Do Not Associate With Deceitful Or Those That Hide Who They Are   
    I do not agree with this statement offered above - it is words of a man.  I have not seen a statement in the bible which sAys that we should avoid those at war with themselves.  HOw does one define the outward symptoms of being at war with yourself? WE are all at war with the fleshly part of our existence as apposed to being perfectly in line with JehovAh and his spirit - as duly noted by one of the replies.  WE must be cAreful not to judge those who have emotional issues because the bible says we must deal tenderly with those who are experiencing distress.  I can imagine the stress a person must feel when they are at war with themselves - whatever the personAl baggage that has brought this about.  
    Being deceitful,  indecisive about serving Jehovah whole-souled, being stupid (according to the bible this means that one acts outside the "knowledge of Jehovah"  and NOT the definition of being at war with yourself) now this is a different matter.  I do however  agree that we must be cAreful that  associations  do not influence us negatively. 
    Be careful of self-righteousness - this  can cause even greater dAmage in a congregation. I knew a sister who was always avoiding people becAuse they were doing things that she deemed unworthy of association.  It caused tremendous uneasiness when people were Around her and she hurt many feelings- tHis is the otherr side of the coin.  
    I did not write this to start a debate but merely do make my fellow worshipers think about their words And actions - imperfection and injustice can make us condemn where condemnation is not needed.  AN anointed sister once gave me the best advice EVER!  SHe said: when in doubt About what to do - show love.  WE can assist the weak and help strenghen those around us who are suffering and having issues.  WIth patience And love we can win And support them And help them adjust their attitude. LOve nevr fails! IT hopes all things. 
    USually the elders will guide us to mark those who need adjustment. WE should not be going around indiscriminately marking people inside the congregation.   THose outside the congregation is of course are not our associates.
  10. Upvote
    Russia has a terrifying arsanal. Many renegade counries have nuclear power...  This is not the only problem which is reaching a point of no return... climate change, deforestation, extinction of many animals, poisoning of our top soil and polluting of all fresh water resources... and much more. Mankind is facing extinction if Jehovah does not step in at the right time to save his planet and prove that he can fix everything mankind has destroyed by ruling independent of him. He has allowed time for mankind  to rule the earth to prove that we cannot rule the earth... 
  11. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from djsqueeze in PRINCE ROGERS NELSON   
    If I may,  I would like to add a comment about the mental attitude regarding fame and fortune.  I think it is one of the hardest things to drop from your life - especially if you become a "nothing" after being someone. Did Jesus not say that it is harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for such a man? These artists have a hard time to adjust to normal life, especially if they are still doing work in the industry.  The music industry (light music and classical) is one of the most immoral industries and additionally, the public and fans still expect artists to "project' an image. Even if he is a border-line witness - it is his personal business.  It may take him decades to mentally adjust to be just a humble servant of Jesus, equal to everyone out there, especially if he is still followed by everyone - JWs included. Give the man a break - whatever his choices... and stop making a God of the man! Help him to get the mental attitude that Jesus said all of us should have - one of humility.
  12. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in One World Religion - UN One World Religious Unity Organization forming under the UN, Ted Turner. (video)   
    The UN will turn against Christendom first... what happens if they refuse to obey the objectives of UN? 
  13. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Is the brochure "Return to Jehovah" missing something?   
    I am not going to quote scriptures - just reason with you: There is a difference between willful sin and unpardonable sin.  When one commits adultery one 'knows' that it is wrong - so one can equate it with willful sin which is committed out of weakness.   However, can one equate this sin with someone who has tasted the love of Jehovah's spirit and then turned against Jehovah and his organization in full hate and try to stumble as many people as possible? .... this is equal to the sin of Satan - an unpardonable sin.
    Although many apostates have returned it does not mean that all apostates have committed the unpardonable sin. Jehovah is the one who knows if someone has sinned against his Spirit so that they will not return to his organization.   The sin they have been 'practicing' has hardened their heart to the extent that they become like pharaoh - self-willed / self-righteous to the extent where they will never subject themselves to Jehovah or his organization ever again.
    I am not hateful and neither do I try to make you feel bad.  Maybe you call our thoughts drivel because you feel that your understanding of the scriptures is correct..  Although Jehovah is 'exacting' he is not as harsh as some people assume he is - he has forgiven huge sins.... but it depends on the person; and if they are truly repentant and willing to work with his people.  If they have a problem with this - then it  demonstrates a personality that needs adjustment.  And here I am talking personality again... do you know why?  Because the Christian personality is our identifying mark for survival when Armageddon arrives. This personality is what we all should be working on at present - to comply willingly and fully to Jehovah's standards and cooperate with his people.  If we sow discord, show willfulness, egotism, self-righteousness or any other qualities that can bring divisions (or separates us from his congregation) - we are out of sync with what Jehovah expects from us. We may be corrected by the congregation (Jehovah) because these are qualities that need to be worked on.. Those who separate themselves are searching for their own interest.
    The wicked willfully separate themselves from Jehovah and his organization. If one reads the scriptures daily one will find that most of the Greek scriptures (writings of  Paul, James etc.) is admonishment to develop the qualities Jehovah expects from us.
  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Is the brochure "Return to Jehovah" missing something?   
    MY dear brother - we are all imperfect humans.  I have stepped on so many peoples toes in my time as a Witness and many have hurt me.   Example: if your neighbor does something terrible to you - do you blame God?  Similarly in someone in the congregation - be it an elder or elders- treat you badly one does not blame Jehovah and leave the brotherhood.
    I am so outspoken and I do not hide my feelings (I am also a smarty-pants for a woman it is a no-no) - this is why I recognize the symptoms so fast in other people who have the same flaws!!) - So,  I do get into trouble too from those who do not understand me.
    But you know what I discovered - a good attitude regarding authority and a humble spirit opens up doors for you.   If one has a problem with any form of authority and you are slightly prideful - you are going to feel tremendous resentment and it will show while you are talking to them... and this is a dangerous place to be in.  Some witnesses come into the truth and they already have a problem with authority - even in the work place - and then they just expect unconditional love and acceptance from brothers - without having to change themselves.  We must always look to ourselves first because the rafter is in our own eyes.  We seem to think the problems are always with others.  Yes - some brothers can be arbitrary - and you can point this out to them - but the attitude with which you do this is very important.  I have found that one can say what you think to others - even unpleasant things - but the spirit in which you approach the matter and the attitude with which it is done is most important!  This change of attitude does not just help in the congregation it even helps one in the secular world! Also - try to comply - this shows a cooperative spirit.
    I would say that you need to look at your own attitudes: I am willing to be hurt by others to save the peace and still be part of Jehovah's organization because there is really nowhere else to go.... If brothers anger you - I have learnt to laugh and forgive quickly - without keeping resentment.  If one holds onto anger you are actually hurting yourself and your relationship with Jehovah.... Keep this in mind.   I have grown tremendously as a human being since I have adopted this way of thinking.   It is not easy to quickly forget the hurts others have inflicted but I try to make a practice of this.
    Jehovah too - He sees everything and he sees your sincerity.  If you show a kind spirit to all and forgive quickly - do you not think that others will notice?   If you have no problems with authority - it will show... but if you show any form of resentment and think you know better ..... this will show in your handling of the situation.... So think of the requirements as discipline from Jehovah - for us to work on our personalities and get it in line with his qualities.   
    Anyone can fall out anytime - so elders sometimes forget this - they may become self-confident and not trusting Jehovah enough to help them ... this may even be contributing to your stress..... but hang in there and go through the fire  to come out a better individual.  Suffering ALWAYS makes us better human beings because we can now put ourselves in someone else's shoes who may be facing the same problems.  If you later become an elder you will understand this kind of pain and not inflict it on others in the way you handle them.   Some elders have always had everything go very well with them.  But each person has to fight the fight until the end and keep their sincerity with Jehovah.... So fight the fight and improve you personality so Jehovah can use you later in a large capacity....
    Do not look to the short-term pain... look to the long-term goal of serving Jehovah with an improved personality and one who is happy to quickly conform and contribute positively to other's wellbeing... even if one has to make sacrifices of the self.  After all Jesus showed us the example of self-sacrificing love  - and this is the love that all of us are supposed to be following... to be quick to obey and slow to be hurt because of hurt feelings and our own importance.
    I have found that ego - and independent spirit  - is at the root of all problems - even Satan's - go think about that
    All my love to you and may your future be one with restored confidence in the love of Jehovah!
  15. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Auschwitz   
    Proud to be a Witness of Jehovah - to stand united in our neutrality regarding this worlds divisive affairs and politics.  I know we are the custodians of the Truth because no other nation has the insight to understand this: we are in this world but no part of the world.  We all are loyal only to Jehovah and his enthroned king and a peaceful, self-sacrificing lifestyle of which Jesus provided an excellent example. Let Jehovah find us all in peace and without spot from this world!
  16. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from g@gmail.com in Auschwitz   
    Proud to be a Witness of Jehovah - to stand united in our neutrality regarding this worlds divisive affairs and politics.  I know we are the custodians of the Truth because no other nation has the insight to understand this: we are in this world but no part of the world.  We all are loyal only to Jehovah and his enthroned king and a peaceful, self-sacrificing lifestyle of which Jesus provided an excellent example. Let Jehovah find us all in peace and without spot from this world!
  17. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Auschwitz   
    Goodness!  One has to have a magnifying glass to add a positive comment to a picture put in good faith on this forum?
    My comment still stands -  I am happy to be associated with those who preferred to be incarcerated than fight in war - whatever the smaller details of the triangle in the picture!
  18. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to io.porog in Is the brochure "Return to Jehovah" missing something?   
    No. I think you may have missed the point. The unrepentant generally don't return. 40 years is particularly long, and gives hope for others who may yet return. Repentance is the key factor here.
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in How wonderful... 3 Nations in PEACE together, by JEHOVAH'S witnesses ❤ ALL TOGETHER IN ONE KD HALL... thats really love ;o)   
    Haifa is a city in Israel....   I love song 134 as well as 111.   I have learnt  song number 111 in Arabic.
    I should try to record it at home for you all and put it on this website. I am on my way to Sweden to spread the seeds of the Truth in the Arabic community there.
  20. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from g@gmail.com in financial failures, the linkage with the fall of Babylon?   
    The bible quote above has got to do with Babylon the great whose fall will bring financial woes to all sectors associated with her wealth.  There are socio-economic sectors associated with Babylon the great (world empire of false religion).  Saw this article earlier this week:
    The global growth in exports by sea is slowing down... I wonder what South Korea did differently to China's export companies because the Chinese companies have weathered this slump in a better way....  Maybe the government of China is supporting their export industry- communistic system.  Also - China export to many different goods to many different countries - making their business less vulnerable (diversity).  I know too little of their companies to make proper evaluation. ... but this is an indication of more woes to come in the industry....  the bubble in the supply chain industry has had a burst. 
  21. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in How wonderful... 3 Nations in PEACE together, by JEHOVAH'S witnesses ❤ ALL TOGETHER IN ONE KD HALL... thats really love ;o)   
    Jew and Arab together!  Nowhere in the world will you find this - except with Jehovah's people!
  22. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from AllenSmith in The timing of Jesus' 2nd Coming   
    Thanks Allen - sometimes I do use my words carelessly.... must do better... Of course I agree that Daniel still had to ask Jehovah for the meaning...  as it was a cryptic message (can one compare it to a riddle?) .  I found some of the points very informing.  I have also been thinking about the King of the north lately as this must now take place in this time ...  I have re-read some of the scriptures and I am an avid watcher of world events to try and spot where things are going ... and all of us have our own private speculations, I'm sure.
    Today's Watchtower was very good in explaining the "lulling of the nations to sleep regarding the end to be suddenly upon them.   At the same, I do see the 3 frogs of revelation 16 (propaganda) very busy at present and it seems that people are being put against each other and talk of violence is becoming second nature to people.  All false religion is gearing up for violence in some way or another... and it is only Jehovah's people who will be determined not to be part of the world and not be tricked into getting involved with its issues which are becoming so polarized.
    As you rightly said - Jehovah can read the heart and if we think independently of him we must be careful ..... because our lives depend on being in synchronization with Him....and this is the fallacy of man ..... that we trust ourselves to much and do not wait on Jehovah.  Our patience and waiting attitude is a sign of maturity!
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    Arauna got a reaction from Ann O'Maly in The timing of Jesus' 2nd Coming   
    Allen - thanks - I have not seen that kind of calculation before.  I studied the moon cycles quite some time ago....and frankly I am lazy to look up calculations for people who do not really take the time to consider what one is saying.
    But to add to what you said about the lunar month.   Jehovah gave the moon and stars for us to: "  let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years."  The pagans also watched the seasons for planting but were steeped in fertility worship and the occult.  They used the moon and stars for spiritism in  worship - just about everything was recorded as an omen and according to the liver of a sacrificed animal and the star positions, they predicted events. They were extremely superstitious and daily looked for omens before the made any decisions.  They were avid star watchers and their math calculations very advanced (.001) . They created the zodiac - the cult of which spread thru-out the earth (zodiac comes from the first Babylonian empire - Nebuchadnezzar was a king of  the Neo-Babylonian empire). This Babylonian empire was founded on the Sumerian culture and the latest secular  information is that they were Hamites (from Ham).   Well, Nimrod was a descendant of Ham and so was Mizriam.
    Mizriam - one of the great grand children of Noah-  went to Egypt and today Egyptians still call themselves Mizru (in Arabic - and arabic is the closest language to ancient Akkadian - which was the diplomatic language until 7th century BCE).. Egypt was founded not long after the first Babylonian Empire because there are similarities in the building of the towers and the practice of magic and spells.
    Israel watched the moon for planting purposes (it is an easy sign for the season) and also to remind them of the special days of worship when they had to go down to Jerusalem.  Jehovah warned them against idolatry and to blow a kiss to the moon - this would be constituted idol worship - Job 31: 26 - 28.  Moses recorded this so they were not to fall into the trap of the other nations.  I use this scripture often to show Muslims that worship can be such a small thing as a kiss to the moon. I became interested in Islam when I realized that Ur (the city of Abraham, Haran) and several cities in Arabia were all moon-god cities. ... and most Islamic countries have the crescent moon and the stars as part of their flags etc. from moon worship (also the satanic verses in Qur'an - refer to Allah and his three daughters (stars) which do not appear in translated Qur'an because of the controversy.   
    There is also as scripture which shows that we are not to worship stone (symbol of Baal - male fertility god)...... Muslims kiss the black stone during the Hajj.    Muslims say that Westerners are idolaters - so they are quite surprised when I show them what idolatry is....and the ancient Israelites and Jehovah's people today do not give anything else our worship...  Just thought I will mention these interesting facts....the moon calendar is very old.  
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    Arauna reacted to Ann O'Maly in The timing of Jesus' 2nd Coming   
    And https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/360-day_calendar adds:
    "It is a simplification to a 360-day year, consisting of 12 months of 30 days each."
    Yet, a year of 360 days is neither a lunar year nor a solar year. Yes, simple and fascinating.  
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    Arauna got a reaction from Evacuated in The timing of Jesus' 2nd Coming   
    I have found it easy to refute the trinity by using good scriptures and refute the immortality of the soul by using potent scriptures...and they are not all in the same chapter...they are all over the place.
    I, of course just sow the seeds - in all cases it is Jehovah who gives the growth....   I also believe that in the congregation people may have problems to grow - an it is usually personal baggage or pride/ego which stands in the way.     
    Each person has to make sure of the truth for themselves (and while I also do criticize some things I do not like)  I always remember where I learnt the things I understand so well today.   If it was not for the work of the slave... I would still be in the darkness of the religious maze in the world.   Each person must do due diligence. Fortunately, I do like history and I do like learning.
    Therefore let us all show a thankful attitude to Jehovah for caring so much for each individual to send people to our doors, public places, etc to carry a life-giving message.  It is the slave who is providing the materials and easy information for us to share in many languages (even tribal languages).  They are the ones who constantly try to inspire us to do this work and devise methods to try to get all of us to be more active in the field......
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