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  1. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from HollyW in The timing of Jesus' 2nd Coming   
    Ann -- cut paste, cut paste - quoting things out of context.  It seems you get your adrenalin rush by this kind of troll behavior... Russell did not understand everything we understand today....and even if he changed it? So what?  We have proof today of the date of 1914 and guess what - the times of the nations -  it checks out!  
    What Russell said was more than 130 years ago - see his work in its time context - in its historical context...  What is your interest in the 'toddler period' of this religion? .....when you do not believe in the Bible or an existing god? Why waste people's time and troll them if it is not for some ungodly purpose?....
    Do not throw your pearls to pigs.. why? because they will not appreciate them...   You have no intention of evaluating any of the  "pearls' scattered in your direction....  so I think we leave this subject now..... you do as you please.  At least you will one day "know" that you had more than enough opportunities.  As Joshua said:  "as for me and my household - we will serve Jehovah..".. and he also said (an I quote from memory) "Not one of Jehovah's promises did not come true......."  I leave you with this final thought.... 
  2. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in The timing of Jesus' 2nd Coming   
    Aruana, I agree that we have no need to go back to Russell and we can and should evaluate our current beliefs about chronology based on their own merit. I'd love to do that here and perhaps a new thread on Matthew 24 or Daniel 4 would be a place to start as long as the relevant supporting prophecies from elsewhere are also shown, too. 
    However, as it happens I am just reading through this thread more carefully and saw a few things I wanted to respond to. I'm not planning on focusing only on things you have said, and I'm not trying to get you or anyone to respond or argue for or against Russell in the process. It's just that his ideas were made part of the topic. (As I got to your second post, I realized just now that you had already said a lot of the things I also wanted to say about Russell and the pyramids. Sorry for the overlap.)
    Your comment, requoted above, about the reliance on the secular date for when the Jews were allowed to go back to Jerusalem is correct within a year or so. But one of the problems with Barbour's and then Russell's use of that date was that he admits that it was a cut-off point before which he assumed that we need not pay attention carefully to the other secular dates within this same period. What he hadn't noticed, therefore, was that the only reason this secular date was "well-established" was because the entire Neo-Babylonian period was well-established, and this included the secular date for Nebuchadnezzar's 18th and 19th year which therefore established the date for the destruction of Jerusalem. Both dates, 587 for the destruction of Jerusalem and 539 for the conquest of Babylon, are not only well-established, both dates area established through the exact same methods. But what should be even more interesting to our own reliance on them, is that in addition to the same methods for establishing both dates, there are some additional evidences for the dates within the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, which makes 587-586 even BETTER attested than 539 for the Babylonian conquest by Cyrus and BETTER attested than 537 for the return of the Jews to Jerusalem.  This, in itself, doesn't mean that the other dates might be wrong, only that 587 is even better attested. Also, of course, whenever the Bible makes mention of the destruction of Jerusalem's temple, it marks it as Nebuchadnezzar's 18th-19th year (which is 587-6 if 539 is correct). The Bible also gives us another indication in Zechariah's time (agreed to be about 519 BCE in the Watchtower) that about 70 years have passed since the destruction of Jerusalem about 68+ years earlier. We also know that Daniel started considering the 70 years prophecy of Jeremiah at the time that he personally was in Babylon for 70 years. We also have the comments in Ezra that quite a large and vocal portion of the 60,000 or so in attendance for the second Temple had seen the first Temple. This was not so likely if those people were over 95 years old (current WT reckoning). But it seems a little more likely if those persons were 75 years old.
  3. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in The timing of Jesus' 2nd Coming   
    Useless debates:  Cut and paste, cut and paste - reminds me of some of the school and adult debates I've seen here in America.  People are "trained" in this form of debate in the school system and do not know any better... and I do not say this with distain - I have noticed this in all of American society - even in the work place - it is a form of social conformity. They "expect you to conform to this way of talking about a subject...  One does not think about the positive points in the opponents discussion - one just hones in on the points that you don't like - no matter how logical they may be - because if you can score a point only for a moment - then you are a winner!!!  America is full of these winners who cannot think for themselves... The justice system is a good example.... it is not about what is justice or injustice  - it is about winning a case - even if the person really perpetrated the crime.... many examples of this.  
    People each get time to give their opinions and not really consider what the opponent is really saying..  and then people get to choose.  This is why American politics is in such a mess - same system - where the louder more aggressive person (and the one who appears to win the points for the present moment) walks away with the prize.  People do not really "think" about things....it is about scoring points ... It is not about what is really right or wrong.... it is about the supremacy....   
  4. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in Analysis highlights strong Zika-GBS association   
    I recently read another study which showed that the effects of Zika are worse in socio-economically deprived locations...... it seems it could be a combination of bad nutrition and mosquito infections which makes the outcome worse... ... 
  5. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to The Librarian in Miniature Literature Carts (Trolleys)   
    Do you have any photos of "miniature literature carts" that you want to share? Please post as a reply below:
  6. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in Are JW's "Creationists"?   
    Creationists believe the 6 days were 24 hour days.  As I showed earlier - we believe these days were periods of time...because all 6 creative days are referred to as "a day" in the Bible.  This is a major difference.  For people who are so nit-picky on small details of the ancient history of Russell -  you are pretty neglectful when it comes to attention to these kind of details.
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in Science and Atheism - Are they "Religions"   
    These days science and atheism can be regarded as religions.  I define religion as the personal search for truth and reality, and the influence a person’s conclusion will have on their perspective regarding their own life, and in consequence, influencing personal values regarding one’s own and all other life.
    The physical universe: I have read enough to know that previously accepted scientific facts have been proven inaccurate because of new ‘light or progress’ on a matter. New ideas are only accepted as accurate science when there is general consensus amongst peers that the calculations and scientific methods used were without flaw or can be reproduced.  
    So, let’s face up to this fundamental truth: there is an unfathomable complexity of things at the minute level as well as the infinite (add to that - the dimensions of time and space as well as our own mortality), and this creates a situation where many theories are impossible to test or reproduce to a measurable level where one finds a 'true reality' without any serious unexplained mysteries still lurking in the dark shadows.
    Even where there is consensus amongst the learned, there are ample precedents which indicate that there may be gremlin-like flaws in reasoning, mathematics or chemistry which, at this point in time, are still undetected.
    And the same for Darwinism.... blind faith in exponential numbers of correct choices "miracles" that happened by 'random chance'.
    On the other hand the Bible gives us a way of life (ideology/philosophy) which has the possibility to unite all of mankind and restore the earth. If it is followed by all on earth - this outcome could be a reality...  It tells us that there is a creator and he cares for us and then gives us prophecies and a time-line to prove that he exists - and we can calculate that his plan is moving forward - as discussed above....  it is a better reality than a bunch of theories which have become like a blind religion which does not offer any future - especially, when one looks at the world and understands that most of the problems have been created by science!! ... Atom bombs, all kinds of weapons,  poisons ..... the list goes on ... regarding  the number of destructive man-made innovations wrought on the earth.....by very imperfect scientists... and some people really believe blindly that they will be the heroes and will find the solution for our problems....
  8. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in Science and Atheism - Are they "Religions"   
    Like an idiot I have been quoting scriptures from the bible to Ann and hoping that she would think about them.... to understand the invisible coming of Christ.... but from her responses I noticed that she has not put thought in them at all.  Now I understand why - it seems she does not really believe in the Bible as she is questioning the flood.  So to her the Bible is hocus-pocus.
    I have recently been watching a lot of videos of ancient periods/cultures (because I have studied many books about the cultures which existed after the flood) and looking into archeology before the flood and the dating.
    I recently watched a  few interesting videos on civilization.  There are many theories now about a culture that existed more than 10, 000 years ago (before the flood) which influenced the culture of the Sumerians (after the flood).  And many scientists are postulating that this culture had great influence on the post-flood ideas. For example the Nephilim influence as seen in the pantheon of half gods that were also human after the flood.
    I also happened to stumble on a few good programs wherein different scientists depict an ice age and a world-wide flood after the ice age - when it melted suddenly.  This was very interesting to me because there is one video (for the life of me I cannot find it now to paste the link) has footage of animals that were swept together in large piles and the bones are visible - in different parts of the world. (There is also other evidences of a flood in many rock formations high up on mountains etc. etc.)  There no doubt was a flood as the stone formations prove -  and these animal bones are prehistoric animals - together with animals that we know today....  Now I do not believe everything I see on video - but it is very interesting that there are several scientists now postulating these theories of a flood - but they put the dates much father back than the Bible.
    Now I happen to have a brother who is a brilliant scientist (analytical chemist) who researched new poison structures for many years (toxicologist).  He became one of JWs and eventually went to prison for his faith because he refused to kill people secretly for the government (All governments do bad things behind the scenes).
    I have had some discussions with him on the dating of the planet and I wish you could be there because he refutes all the current tests as to the dates given by science. Similar - as in the science of archeology and the dating of civilizations - there is  a set timeline given by scientists (which were haphazardly put together in the 19th century) but are now followed by scientists and has become like a religion. Scientists who now dare to challenge these dates are ostracized from the scientific community - and if you are a scientist that believes in god - you are the worst of the worst.
    Unfortunately, science is not the accurate science that they want us to believe - a lot of it is conjecture and cannot be proved - but it is accepted because there is a "consensus" amongst the learned.
    So - I believe that this evidence of a flood goes back to the time of Noah and not to the dates the scientists are allocating to it.
    There are also many good videos on youtube which show how they have refuted the dating of certain civilizations..... and rocks..... by the methods used today.  Scientists sent out the same rock samples to different university labs and most of the results came back putting the stones in widely different epochs!
    JWs do not believe that the earth was created in literal 6 days because the Bible shows "all 6 days of creation is also called "a day" which indicates that it refers to a period of time. Read genesis.
    I do not believe in evolution ..... they are regularly transplanting 'pig heart valves' into humans because the flesh of pigs  resemble our flesh closely - not that of apes.  So the scientific community has got that one wrong by a far shot.  I worked for my brother for a short while and can assure you I understand why Jehovah told the Jews not to eat pigs - they get infections very quickly - like humans. Sheep and other animals are a different kind of flesh and they do not get the same pernicious kind of infections.
    Apart from this - the math does not equate.  The complexity of life makes each small little change in the human genome  - exponential. In fact one has to accept more miracles (exponentially) in evolution than the few mentioned in the Bible.  So,  many these exponential changes took place in what scientists call the "goldilocks age" .  This means that the environment had to be stable for a very long periods of time for these small incremental changes to happen for the better - and for the species to survive and adapt - it is  (like the name indicates) a fairy goldilocks story.
    The bone record is scanty - and evolutionist know this and therefore there are more and more hoaxes being exposed - but they do not get much publicity these days.  There are very few fossil evidences of the various changes which took place in the evolution of all life into all the various branches of the tree of life.... and most of them consist of only a few bones and the rest is "beautiful drawings of how the scientists think they looked like". ....If these changes took place randomly - there are so many different  species - one should be able to see many fossils of ALL the various animals that did NOT survive the various stages - with the problems evident in the fossil.    It seems that wonderful organs appeared suddenly and functioned perfectly together with other organs in a remarkable way - more evidence of a creator I would say.
    But while these complex organs were developing slowly over long periods of time.... it seems that the male and female organs suddenly developed in "one generation" for the species to "survive".   And to crown it all - if one studies the various forms of sexual organs (and there are many - believe me - the variations boggles the mind) then one finds that the various ones fit each other perfectly for the different species..... and these had to develop quickly and accurately for the species to survive.  The male and female developed separately but yet perfectly fitted - so the species could survive. .....
    So the more I study and read about these things I am convinced of the " bias and superiority of many scientists" who put themselves above other humans and protect their cushy research jobs - and they like to look intellectual - like the Pharisees.  They have never learnt to think through all the aspects of evolution properly..... they are all like sheep following the mainstream. 
    Each person must make up their mind about this but I urge people to make sure for themselves.  Think a little more about a few of the items I mentioned above. 
  9. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in The timing of Jesus' 2nd Coming   
    There are too many scriptures which talk of Jesus's return " in the clouds". Jesus went back to heaven in a cloud and he told his followers his return would be the same.  The whole world did not see him go back to heaven - only his followers were present.  Today his true disciples understand that he is already ruling. 
    And I again quote Revelation 12: 6- 12.  Go and read it.. It is absolutely clear that Jesus would start ruling in heaven and there would still be a period of time on the earth after this.
  10. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from g@gmail.com in How a 'science' company blocked the Truth from becoming public.   
    If you watch the video - you will see how they discredited him, threatened, hounded him and spied on him.  I have seen this so many times before - in other cases.  These are the tactics these companies use.  Where money is at stake - people are bought and they lose their integrity very quickly.  These corporations usually pay other scientists to bring out studies that prove the opposite.  Come on Ann, I did not think you were so naïve  ......this is going on all the time!  
    It is an established fact that environmental poisons disrupt the hormone systems of people ...... and Americans are getting sicker and sicker.... because the FDA and EPA are not the watch dog they purport to be. A lot of  the members are compromised... but that is another subject. Many of the poisons allowed in America are not allowed in Europe at all!
    To give you a another good example: climate change.  There are scientists who were paid to "scientifically" disprove climate change...and for a long time they had many Americans fooled.  The evidence is now overwhelming...
    When we are dealing with human lives - we need to show respect for lives - not money.  If there is the slightest inkling that a substance can hurt people or the environment then companies must not react in this way - but voluntarily withdraw a substance and not adhere to the subterfuge they put this professor through.
    I put this video for viewing so people can see what is going on.  People know that these corporations are corrupt... but some do not realize how much they hound their victims.  This scientist acted in good faith and  was sure his data was correct - and look how he was treated.  You really think this does not happen more often?  This system is corrupt  - only Jehovah will fix this when he removes all people without a conscience.. America's motto:  In the dollar we trust.   Definitely not God.
  11. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from LNN in How a 'science' company blocked the Truth from becoming public.   
    Watch this video: A dangerous poison and a professor threatened / entrapment because he published his findings and did not take bribes.
  12. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from g@gmail.com in How a 'science' company blocked the Truth from becoming public.   
    Watch this video: A dangerous poison and a professor threatened / entrapment because he published his findings and did not take bribes.
  13. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in How a 'science' company blocked the Truth from becoming public.   
    If you watch the video - you will see how they discredited him, threatened, hounded him and spied on him.  I have seen this so many times before - in other cases.  These are the tactics these companies use.  Where money is at stake - people are bought and they lose their integrity very quickly.  These corporations usually pay other scientists to bring out studies that prove the opposite.  Come on Ann, I did not think you were so naïve  ......this is going on all the time!  
    It is an established fact that environmental poisons disrupt the hormone systems of people ...... and Americans are getting sicker and sicker.... because the FDA and EPA are not the watch dog they purport to be. A lot of  the members are compromised... but that is another subject. Many of the poisons allowed in America are not allowed in Europe at all!
    To give you a another good example: climate change.  There are scientists who were paid to "scientifically" disprove climate change...and for a long time they had many Americans fooled.  The evidence is now overwhelming...
    When we are dealing with human lives - we need to show respect for lives - not money.  If there is the slightest inkling that a substance can hurt people or the environment then companies must not react in this way - but voluntarily withdraw a substance and not adhere to the subterfuge they put this professor through.
    I put this video for viewing so people can see what is going on.  People know that these corporations are corrupt... but some do not realize how much they hound their victims.  This scientist acted in good faith and  was sure his data was correct - and look how he was treated.  You really think this does not happen more often?  This system is corrupt  - only Jehovah will fix this when he removes all people without a conscience.. America's motto:  In the dollar we trust.   Definitely not God.
  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in Father Attempts To Kill His 2 Year Old Son In Car Crash!   
    One of the signs of the last days: People have  " No natural love" 2 Tim 3: 1-5 
     But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of stress. 2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, fierce, haters of good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 holding the form of religion but denying the power of it. Avoid such people. (revised standard version)
  15. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Queen Esther in Our GB. anointed Brother Gerrit Lösch with his wife ❤ 1. the weddng day & 2. in present time ! YES, Love means forever ❤   
    Our  GB.  Brother  Gerrit  Lösch  with  his  wife ❤   1. the  weddng  day  &  2. in  present  time...  
    YES...   *LOVE  means  FOREVER*  ;o)   But, only  Brother  Lösch  is  anointed...  so,  maybe  NOT  forever ?   We're  imperfect  -  and  I'm  always  sad  when  I  read  that  ;-(
    ( But  Jehovah  will  make  us  happy,  yes ! )
  16. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in South Carolina needlessly kills millions of bees by conducting Zika spraying at wrong time...   
    And people really think that we humans can cooperate to manage the earth well?  This incident proves that humans cannot even do it on a local scale. We are mismanaging the earth by poisoning absolutely everything.  The funguses in the ground and microbes (on which our lives depend) are dying off, we are destroying forests, desertification, our fresh water is poisoned and full of chemicals, we are decimating the animal populations....climate change - too much to mention... soon we will be at the point of no return. 
    And then I still get people who tell me the world was "always" like this....and that scientists will come up with an answer....  Yea?  They are ones manufacturing all this stuff that is destroying the earth ....and making money out of it ?  They will only stop when they are forced to.... Humans do not have the will to do this -  Jehovah will have to stop them at his appointed time.
  17. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from AllenSmith in Science and Atheism - Are they "Religions"   
    Like an idiot I have been quoting scriptures from the bible to Ann and hoping that she would think about them.... to understand the invisible coming of Christ.... but from her responses I noticed that she has not put thought in them at all.  Now I understand why - it seems she does not really believe in the Bible as she is questioning the flood.  So to her the Bible is hocus-pocus.
    I have recently been watching a lot of videos of ancient periods/cultures (because I have studied many books about the cultures which existed after the flood) and looking into archeology before the flood and the dating.
    I recently watched a  few interesting videos on civilization.  There are many theories now about a culture that existed more than 10, 000 years ago (before the flood) which influenced the culture of the Sumerians (after the flood).  And many scientists are postulating that this culture had great influence on the post-flood ideas. For example the Nephilim influence as seen in the pantheon of half gods that were also human after the flood.
    I also happened to stumble on a few good programs wherein different scientists depict an ice age and a world-wide flood after the ice age - when it melted suddenly.  This was very interesting to me because there is one video (for the life of me I cannot find it now to paste the link) has footage of animals that were swept together in large piles and the bones are visible - in different parts of the world. (There is also other evidences of a flood in many rock formations high up on mountains etc. etc.)  There no doubt was a flood as the stone formations prove -  and these animal bones are prehistoric animals - together with animals that we know today....  Now I do not believe everything I see on video - but it is very interesting that there are several scientists now postulating these theories of a flood - but they put the dates much father back than the Bible.
    Now I happen to have a brother who is a brilliant scientist (analytical chemist) who researched new poison structures for many years (toxicologist).  He became one of JWs and eventually went to prison for his faith because he refused to kill people secretly for the government (All governments do bad things behind the scenes).
    I have had some discussions with him on the dating of the planet and I wish you could be there because he refutes all the current tests as to the dates given by science. Similar - as in the science of archeology and the dating of civilizations - there is  a set timeline given by scientists (which were haphazardly put together in the 19th century) but are now followed by scientists and has become like a religion. Scientists who now dare to challenge these dates are ostracized from the scientific community - and if you are a scientist that believes in god - you are the worst of the worst.
    Unfortunately, science is not the accurate science that they want us to believe - a lot of it is conjecture and cannot be proved - but it is accepted because there is a "consensus" amongst the learned.
    So - I believe that this evidence of a flood goes back to the time of Noah and not to the dates the scientists are allocating to it.
    There are also many good videos on youtube which show how they have refuted the dating of certain civilizations..... and rocks..... by the methods used today.  Scientists sent out the same rock samples to different university labs and most of the results came back putting the stones in widely different epochs!
    JWs do not believe that the earth was created in literal 6 days because the Bible shows "all 6 days of creation is also called "a day" which indicates that it refers to a period of time. Read genesis.
    I do not believe in evolution ..... they are regularly transplanting 'pig heart valves' into humans because the flesh of pigs  resemble our flesh closely - not that of apes.  So the scientific community has got that one wrong by a far shot.  I worked for my brother for a short while and can assure you I understand why Jehovah told the Jews not to eat pigs - they get infections very quickly - like humans. Sheep and other animals are a different kind of flesh and they do not get the same pernicious kind of infections.
    Apart from this - the math does not equate.  The complexity of life makes each small little change in the human genome  - exponential. In fact one has to accept more miracles (exponentially) in evolution than the few mentioned in the Bible.  So,  many these exponential changes took place in what scientists call the "goldilocks age" .  This means that the environment had to be stable for a very long periods of time for these small incremental changes to happen for the better - and for the species to survive and adapt - it is  (like the name indicates) a fairy goldilocks story.
    The bone record is scanty - and evolutionist know this and therefore there are more and more hoaxes being exposed - but they do not get much publicity these days.  There are very few fossil evidences of the various changes which took place in the evolution of all life into all the various branches of the tree of life.... and most of them consist of only a few bones and the rest is "beautiful drawings of how the scientists think they looked like". ....If these changes took place randomly - there are so many different  species - one should be able to see many fossils of ALL the various animals that did NOT survive the various stages - with the problems evident in the fossil.    It seems that wonderful organs appeared suddenly and functioned perfectly together with other organs in a remarkable way - more evidence of a creator I would say.
    But while these complex organs were developing slowly over long periods of time.... it seems that the male and female organs suddenly developed in "one generation" for the species to "survive".   And to crown it all - if one studies the various forms of sexual organs (and there are many - believe me - the variations boggles the mind) then one finds that the various ones fit each other perfectly for the different species..... and these had to develop quickly and accurately for the species to survive.  The male and female developed separately but yet perfectly fitted - so the species could survive. .....
    So the more I study and read about these things I am convinced of the " bias and superiority of many scientists" who put themselves above other humans and protect their cushy research jobs - and they like to look intellectual - like the Pharisees.  They have never learnt to think through all the aspects of evolution properly..... they are all like sheep following the mainstream. 
    Each person must make up their mind about this but I urge people to make sure for themselves.  Think a little more about a few of the items I mentioned above. 
  18. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from HollyW in Science and Atheism - Are they "Religions"   
    Like an idiot I have been quoting scriptures from the bible to Ann and hoping that she would think about them.... to understand the invisible coming of Christ.... but from her responses I noticed that she has not put thought in them at all.  Now I understand why - it seems she does not really believe in the Bible as she is questioning the flood.  So to her the Bible is hocus-pocus.
    I have recently been watching a lot of videos of ancient periods/cultures (because I have studied many books about the cultures which existed after the flood) and looking into archeology before the flood and the dating.
    I recently watched a  few interesting videos on civilization.  There are many theories now about a culture that existed more than 10, 000 years ago (before the flood) which influenced the culture of the Sumerians (after the flood).  And many scientists are postulating that this culture had great influence on the post-flood ideas. For example the Nephilim influence as seen in the pantheon of half gods that were also human after the flood.
    I also happened to stumble on a few good programs wherein different scientists depict an ice age and a world-wide flood after the ice age - when it melted suddenly.  This was very interesting to me because there is one video (for the life of me I cannot find it now to paste the link) has footage of animals that were swept together in large piles and the bones are visible - in different parts of the world. (There is also other evidences of a flood in many rock formations high up on mountains etc. etc.)  There no doubt was a flood as the stone formations prove -  and these animal bones are prehistoric animals - together with animals that we know today....  Now I do not believe everything I see on video - but it is very interesting that there are several scientists now postulating these theories of a flood - but they put the dates much father back than the Bible.
    Now I happen to have a brother who is a brilliant scientist (analytical chemist) who researched new poison structures for many years (toxicologist).  He became one of JWs and eventually went to prison for his faith because he refused to kill people secretly for the government (All governments do bad things behind the scenes).
    I have had some discussions with him on the dating of the planet and I wish you could be there because he refutes all the current tests as to the dates given by science. Similar - as in the science of archeology and the dating of civilizations - there is  a set timeline given by scientists (which were haphazardly put together in the 19th century) but are now followed by scientists and has become like a religion. Scientists who now dare to challenge these dates are ostracized from the scientific community - and if you are a scientist that believes in god - you are the worst of the worst.
    Unfortunately, science is not the accurate science that they want us to believe - a lot of it is conjecture and cannot be proved - but it is accepted because there is a "consensus" amongst the learned.
    So - I believe that this evidence of a flood goes back to the time of Noah and not to the dates the scientists are allocating to it.
    There are also many good videos on youtube which show how they have refuted the dating of certain civilizations..... and rocks..... by the methods used today.  Scientists sent out the same rock samples to different university labs and most of the results came back putting the stones in widely different epochs!
    JWs do not believe that the earth was created in literal 6 days because the Bible shows "all 6 days of creation is also called "a day" which indicates that it refers to a period of time. Read genesis.
    I do not believe in evolution ..... they are regularly transplanting 'pig heart valves' into humans because the flesh of pigs  resemble our flesh closely - not that of apes.  So the scientific community has got that one wrong by a far shot.  I worked for my brother for a short while and can assure you I understand why Jehovah told the Jews not to eat pigs - they get infections very quickly - like humans. Sheep and other animals are a different kind of flesh and they do not get the same pernicious kind of infections.
    Apart from this - the math does not equate.  The complexity of life makes each small little change in the human genome  - exponential. In fact one has to accept more miracles (exponentially) in evolution than the few mentioned in the Bible.  So,  many these exponential changes took place in what scientists call the "goldilocks age" .  This means that the environment had to be stable for a very long periods of time for these small incremental changes to happen for the better - and for the species to survive and adapt - it is  (like the name indicates) a fairy goldilocks story.
    The bone record is scanty - and evolutionist know this and therefore there are more and more hoaxes being exposed - but they do not get much publicity these days.  There are very few fossil evidences of the various changes which took place in the evolution of all life into all the various branches of the tree of life.... and most of them consist of only a few bones and the rest is "beautiful drawings of how the scientists think they looked like". ....If these changes took place randomly - there are so many different  species - one should be able to see many fossils of ALL the various animals that did NOT survive the various stages - with the problems evident in the fossil.    It seems that wonderful organs appeared suddenly and functioned perfectly together with other organs in a remarkable way - more evidence of a creator I would say.
    But while these complex organs were developing slowly over long periods of time.... it seems that the male and female organs suddenly developed in "one generation" for the species to "survive".   And to crown it all - if one studies the various forms of sexual organs (and there are many - believe me - the variations boggles the mind) then one finds that the various ones fit each other perfectly for the different species..... and these had to develop quickly and accurately for the species to survive.  The male and female developed separately but yet perfectly fitted - so the species could survive. .....
    So the more I study and read about these things I am convinced of the " bias and superiority of many scientists" who put themselves above other humans and protect their cushy research jobs - and they like to look intellectual - like the Pharisees.  They have never learnt to think through all the aspects of evolution properly..... they are all like sheep following the mainstream. 
    Each person must make up their mind about this but I urge people to make sure for themselves.  Think a little more about a few of the items I mentioned above. 
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Ann O'Maly in SPACEX explodes, incinerates $200mn Facebook satellite   
    Pity, it would have brought cheaper services to very poor communities in Africa...
  20. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Ann O'Maly in Wal*Mart and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    LOL. All I'm saying, Arauna, is that you are prejudging and condemning the booklet without having read it.
    For everyone's information, Walmart also sells exposés of the LDS church, Scientology, Catholicism and yes, Islam.
  21. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Fmadriaga in Wal*Mart and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    We don't respond to Rabshakeh...  Worshippers of Jah don't need to fight.. Isa 36:21; 2 Tim 2:24
  22. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in BREAKING: Pena Nieto says he told Trump that Mexico won’t pay for border wall, contradicting...   
    All these politicians lie through their teeth to keep up appearances!   If people ask me in field service what I think?  I say that whomever comes to the Whitehouse is going to make large mistakes because we are in the time of the end - they are going to meet unprecedented international complications.  I quote the scripture in Luke 21: 25  "and on the earth anguish of nations not knowing the way out."  We are already seeing some of this in Europe with the refugee crisis. .... and more to come. 
  23. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in The timing of Jesus' 2nd Coming   
    I always remind people that when Russell was studying the Bible and learning about truths such as 1914 (they did not have the 'whole' truth about 1914 but only some of it) the rest of the world was still in the time of the industrial revolution.  People in America were still moving West in wagons and they were shooting each other because there was not much law and order.... they were still fighting Indians and this time was quite some time before WW1 (No cars or the modern conveniences - only trains and the telegraph were on the horizon).   Similarly, when we look at the seventies and some people thought the 6000 years were almost done - they naturally made assumptions.  This is normal human behavior (to speculate) if one is very interested in the Bible. So when we evaluate the past - we must always evaluate what was said within the time frame (environment) that these things were said.  What was the rest of society like in this time? What was their level of knowledge compared to the light that Jehovah was slowly revealing?
    As the light is getting brighter - we now understand so much about the future Kingdom and how it is going to function. We also understand the qualities that we need to develop if we want to be part of that future government.  It seems the governing body is now mainly focusing on strengthening us for the nasty world events which lie ahead.  We need to always be ready.
    If one looks at the escalation of violence in the world, the aggressive posturing of nations, and one looks at the preaching work done in the entire world - reaching even the remotest places - then one remembers where one learnt these Truths regarding the mortality of the soul, the earth being a paradise, and many more truths.  Jehovah is using the governing body, which was only appointed in 1919 with the commission to preach to the world. 
    Thank Jehovah for knowing the truth and giving it to us in little bites so we can absorb it - because without it - we are lost.  Always remember that people are people and they are imperfect individuals.... (prone to speculate).... but they are drawn to Jehovah because he sees something good in them. Without Jehovah's spirit no-one can come to him.  This is why we as witnesses should never think we are better than others because we know the truth. We must always remember who gave us the truth and who gives us Spirit to understand it.
  24. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from AllenSmith in The timing of Jesus' 2nd Coming   
    I fail to see why people go back to Russell to evaluate the Truth we have today.  I left a Christian religion because their credo was set in stone many hundreds of years ago and when a professor publically wrote that the Witnesses were right about the earth being a paradise again - he had to withdraw what he wrote or lose his job.  If we all stuck to things said hundreds of years ago there would be no growth - like many Christian religions and Islam.  I became a Witness because there are changes and they admit at being wrong about something and move forward.
    I evaluate Russell within the period he lived in - as I indicated above.  Do you see this connection? Many people evaluate everything retroactively by today's standards.  They usually fail to understand much of the Bible as Abraham and many people mentioned in the Bible lived in times much different to ours and one has to evaluate their laws and actions within the time period in which they lived. 
    I study ancient archeology and I love history.  The science of archeology only began in 1815 when Napoleon went into Egypt.  It was during the following years, especially after 1830 that there was a rush to discover the ancient cultures mentioned in the Bible.  Many people got onto the bandwagon of trying to see something more in the pyramids as related to the Bible, especially when more and more discoveries of artifacts of the ancient cities came about - the frenzy escalated. This was the time of Darwin and the challenges to the Bible too! The power of the old Christian religions were getting less.  They had ruled the world for more than a millennium.  New thoughts were coming out right on time before 1914.  (Daniel 12 shows that the knowledge would grow more only in the final days)
    As I said in my previous comment - Russell and his friends had some of the facts - but not all.  He was just a human being that was searching, and as I said before - it was only in 1919 (after Jesus made an inspection of the Christian religions on earth ) that he chose a group of sincere people to do the preaching work earth-wide. This was their commission. This does not indicate that they were perfect in any way. They still had to be cleansed of many false practices (pyramids, neutrality, Xmas celebrations, and many more - and this has been an ongoing improvement).
    Russell's calculations were arrived at through the Bible prophecy and a secular date.  The secular date when the Jews were allowed to go back to Jerusalem is a well-established date.  Russell counted 70 years back from this (and the time it would take for them to get back) and came to 607BCE.  From 607BCE they followed bible prophecy to calculate the number of years that the world powers would rule before Jesus took the throne in heaven...  but Russell unfortunately tried to superimpose these calculations onto Pyramids....which was actually built for worship of the zodiac - to guide the pharaoh through the heavenly bodies and the stars!
    Just a  thought.... have you studied the relevant prophesies and seen where the JWs today get the dates from? It is a fascinating subject.
    Russell believed that Jesus would start ruling in heaven in 1914 - which was calculated correctly.  Russell thought it was at this time that Armageddon would take place - which was wrong. They did not  yet understand the scriptures referring to a "great crowd" - a great group of people that Jehovah would bring out of mankind and who would survive Armageddon.  Revelation 7: 9+ 14
    Revelation 12: 6-12 Clearly shows:- (and Russell obviously did not yet understand this either - they were some of the first groups who broke away from the powerful religions teachings inherited from the reformation) - When Jesus takes authority in the heavens he would throw Satan and his demons out of heaven. (Jesus sat at the right hand of his father until 1914 when he received the Kingdom power from his father and threw Satan out.) The scriptures goes on to show that Satan would then create havoc on earth because he has a "short period of time left"   This scripture clearly shows that there would be a period on earth when Jesus would be ruling invisible from heaven amidst his enemies Ps 110:1+2.
    For the calculations of the prophecies read the appendix of "What does the bible really teach" and for more on where the witnesses get the dates 607BCE and 1914CE read the insight on the scriptures. The insight on the scriptures also quotes from secular sources and you can go and check out the 'secular sources' by going to any good library or a reliable internet archive/ library. Most secular dates are not set in stone either but they give a good indication of the time period. 
  25. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from AllenSmith in The timing of Jesus' 2nd Coming   
    I always remind people that when Russell was studying the Bible and learning about truths such as 1914 (they did not have the 'whole' truth about 1914 but only some of it) the rest of the world was still in the time of the industrial revolution.  People in America were still moving West in wagons and they were shooting each other because there was not much law and order.... they were still fighting Indians and this time was quite some time before WW1 (No cars or the modern conveniences - only trains and the telegraph were on the horizon).   Similarly, when we look at the seventies and some people thought the 6000 years were almost done - they naturally made assumptions.  This is normal human behavior (to speculate) if one is very interested in the Bible. So when we evaluate the past - we must always evaluate what was said within the time frame (environment) that these things were said.  What was the rest of society like in this time? What was their level of knowledge compared to the light that Jehovah was slowly revealing?
    As the light is getting brighter - we now understand so much about the future Kingdom and how it is going to function. We also understand the qualities that we need to develop if we want to be part of that future government.  It seems the governing body is now mainly focusing on strengthening us for the nasty world events which lie ahead.  We need to always be ready.
    If one looks at the escalation of violence in the world, the aggressive posturing of nations, and one looks at the preaching work done in the entire world - reaching even the remotest places - then one remembers where one learnt these Truths regarding the mortality of the soul, the earth being a paradise, and many more truths.  Jehovah is using the governing body, which was only appointed in 1919 with the commission to preach to the world. 
    Thank Jehovah for knowing the truth and giving it to us in little bites so we can absorb it - because without it - we are lost.  Always remember that people are people and they are imperfect individuals.... (prone to speculate).... but they are drawn to Jehovah because he sees something good in them. Without Jehovah's spirit no-one can come to him.  This is why we as witnesses should never think we are better than others because we know the truth. We must always remember who gave us the truth and who gives us Spirit to understand it.
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